Lesson 38 - Revelation 17 Cont.

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[Music] [Music] chapter 17 of Revelation has had our attention now for the third straight week and for very good reason it is a riddle wrapped up inside a puzzle but it's very important riddle it's important to try and unpack it especially for followers of Christ now I have no doubt that many of the earliest prophecies about the coming of a messiah must have seemed nearly incomprehensible to the ancient Israelites because the prophets words sometimes appeared is contradictory if not nonsensical at times the circumstances seemed impossible to imagine how could a man also be God how could a lion also be a lamb how could death produce life how could a virgin give birth no doubt just like for us those who knew those prophetic traditions and later on when they were written down and they read some of them they must have felt what that those prophetic words were more akin to being teased and and frustrated like Samson did with his wedding party guests rather than imparting intelligible information that one could act upon and yet centuries later when those prophecies turned into realities every detail was proved to be true and accurate so keep your expectations in check with what we're about to read about the Beast the woman on the Beast the meaning of the seven heads the meaning of the ten horns the meaning of the kings and kingdoms there present and I promise you that while we may be able to get a pretty good handle on some of it all will not become clear some of it likely won't make any sense until it actually occurs so why does God tell us these mysterious things since recent advance because as we've been reading we learned that in the end all the trials and tribulations will have been worth it for those who trust in him and despite a lost world being led by scientists in the academic elite you keep searching the skies trying to figure out where life came from and how the universe began and what meaning there is for it all as God worshippers we already know the answers at least the answers to the questions that matter we even know the outcome and the final chapter of human history and what happens after that we know where the final days epicenter of the activities and the events on earth are going to be we know the general characteristics of the most important players that are going to lead the world off the cosmic cliff but we don't know the year we don't know the players names we don't know all about the geopolitical circumstances and reshuffling that will happen to bring it all about and we're not going to get all those answers in John's apocalypse or in the Book of Daniel or anywhere else in God's Word in our desire to know the future we need to be careful not to become enchanted by some charismatic religious personality who says he or she does know all these things after all if the father has not revealed many of these details to his son he's not going to first reveal them to us so let's learn what can be known for at least perhaps cut down the list of possibilities to a little more manageable size now to briefly encapsulate what we discovered last time the first 11 verses of Revelation chapter 17 introduces to this symbolic image of a woman a harlot a prostitute seated upon a scarlet beast this beast has seven heads and ten horns now both the woman and the Beast represent the antithesis of godliness and of the kingdom of heaven and this is communicated to us by giving us examples of their mockery of God and heaven and all that God's ordained for instance the woman wears blasphemies on her forehead that is a mockery of the high priest who wears the name of God on his forehead the Beast will ascend upward from the abyss the abode of evil rebellious spirits to the surface of the earth but our Messiah will descend downward from heaven the abode of righteous spirits to the surface of the earth the woman holds a golden vessel it's full of Filth and obscenity she holds it in her hand his God sends forth his righteous wrath and fury from holy golden vessels taken directly from God's heavenly sanctuary carried by the hands of angels now John was astounded by all of this he was astounded by what he saw not in a sense of fear and trepidation but rather he was astounded sense of being greatly impressed and awed so much so that an interpreting angel question John as to why he so bedazzled at this incredible sight and the angel goes on to tell John the truth behind this grand deception that he sees I will tell you the hidden meaning of the woman and of the Beast with the seven heads and ten horns that is carrying her says the angel john thought one thing but it's actually something else but as we were just beginning to realize last week this hidden meaning stays rather hidden even in the Angels cryptic explanation of it all now what John is told would take much too long for us to review today but briefly the angel says the Beast was now is not and will come again later notice once again the mockery of God here I mean still in our time we can correctly say the Messiah was now is not and will come again later so John is saying that what or who the beast represents has existed historically on earth in the past but now it's no longer on the earth in John's day it was no longer on the earth although it will return at an undetermined later time now next that the angel gives the meaning of the seven heads saying they are seven mountains or Hills on which this woman this harlot is sitting however they are also seven kings and of these five of fallen meaning they existed in the historical past one exists right now in John's day one will come in the future but the seven kings and or kingdoms explanation is then amended in verse 11 when the angel tells John that there will be an eighth king or Kingdom that is related to the seventh now this statement plus what comes next at about the meaning of the ten horns which we're gonna cover today is the heart of end times Bible prophecy and from it has come a number of doctrines and beliefs about those in times kings and kingdoms now before I remind you what I have concluded from this information I want you to look with me at chapter 17 verses 9 and 10 take a look at it it depends on your Bible version what we're gonna see and it's either entirely contained in verse 9 or it spills over into verse 10 and what we're gonna do we're gonna compare just a few different Bible translations that might just help us to understand the meaning of this passage in a way that better fits with what surrounds it okay so our complete Jewish Bible says this about revelation 17 9 and 10 says this calls for a mind with wisdom the seven heads are seven hills on which the woman is sitting they are also seven kings five has fallen one is living now the others yet to come and when he does come he must remain only a little while however if we look at the reliable King James Version we read something slightly different and here is the mind which hath wisdom the seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth and there are seven kings fibre fall and one is not the other is yet to come and when he cometh he must continue a short time then there's the Youngs literal translation by the way which is good to consult to get the most literal word-for-word translation without regard for whether it makes good sense in English here it is here is the mind that is having wisdom the seven heads are seven mountains upon which the woman doth sit and there are seven kings the five did fall the one is the other did not yet come and when he may come it behoove with him to remain a little time now the few words that might hold the key to help us understand a little bit better it's where the complete Jewish Bible as well as several other good translations says about those seven heads it says they seven heads they are seven kings but in the complete rather the King James Version and in the Youngs literal translation and other equally good translation it says there are seven kings they verses there so the issue is that in the complete Jewish Bible translation it makes the seven mountains symbolic seven mountains both seven kingdoms and seven kings and then the five of Fallen One living now another yet to come seems to refer only to Kings so we have some Bible scholars thinking that these Kings II seven kings are either seven Roman emperors or seven Catholic popes but by during it there are seven kings it is like merely saying that in addition to seven kingdoms there are also seven Kings existing and this opens the door to the possibility that the five fallen one living now another yet to come are not referring to Kings but rather to kingdoms or could be that we're being told that for each Kingdom there's a specific king where to connect do it I mean just remember among that's among the many Kings that any of these kingdoms would have had over time thus in one setting we should be looking for seven kingdoms and then an eighth kingdom that comes from the seventh one and another setting we should be looking for seven Kings and then an eighth King which comes from the seventh king in other words while the kings and kingdoms are interrelated in some way nonetheless they are and can be examined as separate issues the Kings versus the kingdoms now last week I told you that I have come to the conclusion that the seventh kingdom is the Ottoman Empire an Islamic empire that took over the final remnants of the Roman Empire and when I say Roman Empire please catch this I mean the eastern Roman Empire because in the third century the Roman Empire had been intentionally divided into two empires with two emperors and two governments with two capitals because it had gotten so big that it became impossible for one Emperor and one government to oversee at all now the Western Roman Empire remained governed from Rome until it dissolved late in the 5th century but the eastern roman empire will that continued on from its capital in what was then called Byzantium today that's called Istanbul Turkey so historians have called the eastern Roman Empire the Byzantine Empire now that's kind of confusing to the average non historian that's just something academics love to do but in practice and reality it was nothing more than a continuation of the Roman Empire by another name and the Byzantine the Roman the Eastern Roman Empire ended only in the mid 1400s and it was taken over by an Islamic empire that has been labeled by historians as the Ottoman Empire so if that seventh Kingdom was as I think it is Islamic and the eighth is going to be like it we're told then my conclusion is that the eighth kingdom will also in some way be oriented towards Islam now I say oriented towards because even with the Ottoman Empire there were many Christian enclaves it worked the same way in the Roman Empire the sixth Kingdom they came and went that rather early on became oriented towards Christianity yet many enclaves of various pagan religions also remained in it and to connect the dots the Antichrist would likely have some connection to Islam even if he is not a Muslim it may be for instance that he'll promote the Islamic religion and governments and use them to achieve his purposes and we're gonna talk more about that in later lessons but I caution once again my conclusion is from our current vantage point in history it is possible that by the time the Antichrist actually arrives the geopolitical and the religious realities of the world may have radically shifted again now I'm gonna proceed now to verse 12 chapter 17 about the ten horns and their meaning and I want to show you one way in which the number and the purpose of those horns of the Beast connects with the number and purpose of the kingdoms that are represented by the seven heads so please open your Bibles to Revelation chapter 17 Revelation chapter 17 and if you have a complete Jewish Bible you'll find it on page 15 48th revelation 17 starting at verse 12 the ten horns that you saw are ten Kings who have not yet begun to rule but they receive power as kings for one hour along with the Beast they have one mind and they hand over their power and authority to the Beast they will go to war against the lamb but the lamb will defeat them because he is Lord of lords and King of Kings and those who are called chosen and faithful will overcome along with him then he said to me now the waters that you saw where the horror is sitting they are people's crowds nations and languages now as for the ten horns that you saw and the Beast they will hate the war they will bring her to ruin leave her naked eater flesh and consumer with fire for God put it in their hearts to do what will fulfill his purpose that is to be of one mind and to give their Kingdom to the Beast until God's words have accomplished their intent and the woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth okay notice how the ten horns are unequivocally ten Kings says so there's no ambiguity there's no dual nature of the horns like there is with those seven heads that symbolizes seven mountains that can indicate kings or kingdoms or perhaps both so these 10 Kings the ten horns these ten Kings are said to receive their power their authority as heads of state for one hour and as we've discussed in other settings to say for one hour that's meant as an expression it simply means for a relatively short time it is like me saying to someone wait a minute as my wife can well a test rarely does that mean 60 seconds for one hour means that whatever is the normal and usual period of time that we might think something ought to exist it's cut short and by saying that this includes the Beast means the Kings will receive their power at about the same time as the Beast and in the same way that the Kings will not last as long as one might expect neither will the Beast the fate of the Kings these 10 Kings the 10 horns is therefore intertwined with that of the Beast so now verse 13 is key because it speaks of this relationship between these Kings and the Beast and we learned that the Kings will hand over their authority to the Beast and this is because they are single-minded in purpose now don't no doubt they will not know these ten Kings will not know all that the Beast intends and will learn that shortly now while I don't believe that the European Union is or is even representative of those ten Kings and their coalition I do think it offers us a real good illustration of what's gonna happen in the future and why it will happen when these ten Kings of Revelation rule along with the Beast so I think it's kind of worth examining it for a minute see the European has expanded its member nations well beyond the original six and now they today at numbers almost 30 they would like that number to grow even larger under the right circumstances and yet some of the early member nations are growing dissatisfied with the Union and so are considering leaving it England has already voted to leave and they are going through a massive political upheaval in this divorce process now the original purpose of the EU is clear and it is Noble it was an attempt to end the string of catastrophic entry European Wars that happened every few decades that just included massive suffering and loss of life the way to achieve this was to set up a sort of federal government above that of each member nation this is called the European Union and it has its own Capitol in Brussels now their first goal was to make the European nation members just a large trading bloc which also allowed for easy movement of people and goods across borders without all the expense of tariffs and paperwork and different standards by each nation or a huge bureaucracy to control it all even a new currency called the euro was introduced to end issues of having to deal with exchange rate haggles over each member nations currency value the system has generally worked well enough that other nations see the advantage of being part of the Union and have happily joined it however the EU government that sits above the governments of each member nation has slowly and steadily given itself more power and so has intervened more aggressively into each nation's affairs an EU court system was established that can increasingly override each member nations justice system the motto of the EU government is an even greater union that's their motto was that me in other words it's clear that in the end they want to extinguish most if not all national sovereignty and become a United States of Europe and just to put an exclamation point on that motto recently this massive influx of illegal aliens from the Middle East and Africa that is overwhelmed Europe became the sole province of the EU according to their reading of the EU treaty therefore each member nation has nearly no say and who is admitted to their country they have lost control of the one thing that makes a nation sovereign their borders and who wins the right to live there this was a wake-up call to some of the EU nations while others just accepted it as a new reality like the Frog and the kettle proverb nobody really saw this outcome coming even though the EU politicians had always intended this transfer of power and more to themselves as a result a couple of years ago the British people voted to leave the EU as many now understand the downside of the EU and the real goal of the EU leadership to end the concept of nations in Europe as we know them today bottom line but I tell you all this something like this is likely what's going to happen to install the Antichrist as king of the world a gradual shifting of power to a world governing body and an accompanying lack of national national sovereignty is the hope of a growing number of people in their leaders these 10 national leaders 10 kings in revelation 17 the ten horns of the beast will naively think that by installing their man the Antichrist at the top of a one-world government a man whom they intend to control that they'll have a stooge to do their well he will almost immediately turn the tables on so as a verse 14 in revelation 17 these 10 Kings and the Beast why they're a team they're working together to rule the world and it is said that they will determine to go to war against the lamb and we discuss this in an earlier lesson but it bears repeating don't don't get this mental picture of any have an Antichrist figure with two horns hidden under a beautiful head of hair and a forked tail neatly tucked inside his TaylorMade trousers nor think of the combined armies of several nations going to battle against a heavenly army of ghost-like souls and our Messiah riding a white horse across the skies this will be a war just like all previous wars humans against humans fought for a political reason it's only that they don't understand the spiritual power behind it and by saying that the armies of the world will be fighting the lamb can only mean that those living humans who follow and trust the lamb Messiah Yeshua will be fighting against those living humans who follow and trust the Beast the Antichrist and their identification oh it's so simple those was 666 written on their bodies belonged to Saint those who refuse the mark belong to God spray Kawai for a moment now in order to talk a little bit more about these 10 kings in order to do this we need to turn to the Book of Daniel so please open your Bibles to the Book of Daniel chapter 7 Book of Daniel chapter 7 if you have a complete Jewish Bible that is page 11:09 1109 we're gonna read the whole chapter very pertinent to what we're studying in the first year of Belshazzar king of babble babble then you'll had a dream and visions in his head as he was lying on his bed and he wrote the dream down and this is his account I had a vision at night and I saw there before me the four winds of the sky breaking out over the Great Sea and four huge animals came up out of the sea each different from the others now the first was like a lion but it had Evil's wings and as I watched its wings were plucked off and it was lifted off the earth made to stand on two feet like a man and a human heart was given to it then there was another animal a second one like a bear and it raised itself up on one side it had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth and it was told get up and gorged yourself with flesh and after this I looked and there was another one like a leopard with four bird's wings on its sides the animal also had four heads and was given the power to rule and after this I looked in the night visions there before me was a fourth animal dreadful horrible extremely strong with great iron teeth and it devoured and crushed and stamped his feet on what was left now it was different from all the animals that had gone before it and it had ten horns now while I was considering the horns another horn sprang up among them a little one before which three of the first horns were plucked up by the roots in this horn were eyes like human eyes and a mouth speaking arrogantly and as I watched Thrones were set in place and the ancient one took his seat his clothing was white as snow the hair on his head was like pure wool his throne was fiery flames with wheels of burning fire a stream of fire flowed from his presence thousands and thousands ministered to him millions and millions stood before him and then the court was convened and the books were opened and I kept watching and then because of the arrogant words which the horn was speaking I watched as the animal was killed the body was destroyed it was given over to be burned up completely now as for the other animals their rulership was taken away but their lives were prolonged for a time in the season and I kept watching the night visions and when I saw coming forth the clouds of heaven someone like a son of man he approached the ancient one and he was led into his presence and to him was given rulership glory and a kingdom so that all peoples and nations and languages should serve Him his rulership is an eternal rulership that will not pass away and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed now as for me Daniel my spirit deep within me was troubled the visions of my head frightened me I approached one of those standing by I asked him what all this really meant he said that he make me understand how to interpret these things now the four huge animals are four kingdoms that will arise on earth but the Holy Ones of the Most High will receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever yes forever and ever that I wanted to know what the fourth beast meant the one that was different from all the others so very terrifying for the iron teeth and bronze nails which devoured and crushed and stamped his feet on what was left and what those ten horns on its head meant and the other horn which sprang up and before which three fell the horn that had eyes a mouth speaking arrogantly it seemed greater than the others and I watched and that horn made war with the Holy Ones and was winning till the ancient one came judgment was given in favor of the Holy Ones of the Most High and the time came for the Holy Ones to take over the kingdom this is what he said the fourth animal will be a fourth Kingdom on earth it will be different from the other kingdoms it will devour the whole earth trample it down and crush it now as for the ten horns out of this kingdom ten kings will arise and yet another will arise after them he will speak words against the Most High he'll try to exhaust the Holy Ones of the Most High he will attempt to alter the seasons in the law the Holy Ones will be handed over to him for a time times and half a time but when the court goes into session he will be stripped of his rulership which will be consumed and completely destroyed then the kingdom the rulership and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the holy people of the Most High their kingdoms an everlasting Kingdom and all rulers will serve and obey them this is the end of the account now as for me Daniel my thoughts frightened me so much I turned pale but I kept the matter to myself I want to say up front the fourth beast of Daniel with the ten horns is indeed relevant to the Beast of Revelation chapter 17 with the ten horns however they're not a precise one for one comparison see despite the rather standard Church doctrine that the fourth beast of Daniel is the same one upon which the harlot rides is Minh who's about me back up that the fourth beast of Daniel is the same one that we see in chapter 17 upon which the harlot rides it can't be so why not because Daniels fourth Beast while it does have ten horns it has only one head John's Beast has seven heads to go with its ten horns can't be the same looking a little closer however we see that if we add up all the heads all the horns of Daniels four beasts cuz we wind up with seven heads and ten horns so it's my contention then John's beast of revelation 17 is an amalgamation of all four of Daniels beasts so John's beast carries with it the characteristics of all of Daniels beasts some that are common among them some that might be unique to each of them and what is most common is that the general territories that each of these four beasts or it's over they're very similar it's an area all around the Mediterranean Sea North Africa the Middle East very same area much the same areas essentially each of these succeeding kingdoms took the former kingdoms territories away from them it was mostly just an exchange of governments over these territories it was just a transfer of power and territory their goals and aims were generally the same a Gentile government ruling over as much of the known world as they could conquer and hold now Daniel 7 tells us in verse 8 that in addition to the ten horns another one suddenly sprang up a little one but accompanying the rise of this new 11th horn ten plus one three of the original existing ten were plucked out and discard it so let's do some quick math ten horns plus the new little one equals eleven horns then three horns are removed eleven minus three equals 8 and since the symbolism that horns equal Kings in the Bible then we wind up with seven original Kings plus a special eight one this corresponds perfectly to revelation 17 to the revelation 17 passage that says that there were seven heads representing seven kings but another one arises later to give us eight and yet while horns in the Bible typically represent Kings mountains typically represent government's or kingdoms so going back to the statement in revelation 17 about the seven heads representing seven mountains that I think we can now better see the connection of the heads of the beast with the horns of the beast they work together in the end times but no earlier only in the end times that is the ten horns of Revelation plus the beasts are the same as the ten horns plus the little Horn of Daniel chapter 7 and they show a progression of how these governments and Kings are going to get established and work together now in relation to our time not John's time our modern time 2019 seven kingdoms have already come and gone their history the Egyptian Assyrian Babylonian media Persian Greek Roman and ottoman these are the seven heads of John's beast said to represent seven mountains mountains representing kingdoms and yet one of the seven heads representing that seventh kingdom well somehow sort of I don't know reincarnate or something at a later time and become an 8 so now after discussing the symbolism of the seven heads now the ten horns of John's beast comes into play and these ten horns are said by Daniel to be ten Kings who live in the day that the Beast comes again and when the Beast comes again it's going to be to rule over an eighth Empire so these Kings ten horns are going to help him accomplish it so while the kingdoms represented by the seven heads those are all in the past to us it's all in the past for us those ten Kings represented by those ten horns that's in the future for us because Daniel 7 tells us that the Antichrist will be an 11th horn an 11th king who in the process of coming to power gets rid of three of the original ten Kings so that leaves a grand total of eight eight Kings including the Antichrist as the eighth this again comports with the words of Revelation 17 that an eighth King and an eighth kingdom will arise after the seven kingdoms have come and gone which they have and the eighth kingdom is going to have some strong relation to the seventh kingdom of past history for us so now we see how Daniel 7 and a revelation 17 worked together and how the seven heads and ten horns of the revelation 17 beasts connect with the four beasts and ten horns of Daniel 7 and how the seven heads and his catch this this is so important the seven heads are mostly about the past for us but the ten horns that's mostly about the future for us the end that's they come in the end times I know this is complicated and I know that as the decades moved by something could change or bring us new information that we just don't have today and middlee could alter my conclusion but as of 2019 this is how I see it now I want to make another connection back in Revelation 1710 we read this five have fallen one is living now the other is yet to come and when he does he must remain only a little while now the phrase we want to look at is a little while I told you last time that the seventh kingdom is the Ottoman Empire but the major challenge to my contention is the Bible says it would only last a little while well the Ottoman Kingdom lasted for centuries even after it defeated the remainder of the Roman Empire now many scholars I have consulted also find the phrase a little while pretty difficult because it's so indeterminate and ambiguous in fact the Greek word used is oligos and it can mean a few it can mean a little it can mean small it can be used as an adjective or an adverb see usually the Greek Bible passages use the word micron when their reference is to time has many interpreters take it to mean in our passage so in daniel 7:8 the description of the horn that springs up among the existing ten is as a little one a little horn in size compared to the other ten horns of daniel's beast but the same horn and revelation is said to last a little while at least that's the consensus of most Bible scholars so the term little has some role in all this but it's just not clear to me what it's trying to tell us is it speaking of a short time is it speaking of a small stature is it speaking of a little of little as like the opposite of great great and little is it speaking of humble beginnings is it speaking of the amount of time or territory or something that is in relation to similar things that precede it I don't know but since I don't know what it's getting at that I'm not going to assume that it means the seventh kingdom must only exist for a very short time but rather it means something else now the final part of verse 14 does make it clear that real alive human beings are going to be fighting on the side of good and righteousness against the forces of the Antichrist these are believers in Yeshua no other category of people other than believers can combine the epithet of called chosen and faithful these are not Jews in general or Gentiles in general these believers will come from both communities and these believers are saying that in Christ's strength and under his leadership they will overcome Satan and his forces now overcome is a purely redemptive term and it means to conquer evil and sin so since the souls of believers in heaven have already overcome then the army of believers that are going to battle the Anti Christ on planet Earth will also now have to overcome in a replay of the battle against Satan that already happened in heaven we read about it some chapters back now in verse 415 we learn that the waters were the woman on the Beast is sitting symbolically represents all humanity now recall that the Beast is the name for the sea beasts that emerge from the waters earlier revelation so then we hear of a very interesting turn of events and I think what this is going to mean is already becoming evident in our day we are told that the ten horns of the beast those ten Kings will turn against the woman against the harlot Babylon the Great the wicked world system in order to bring her to ruin to leave her naked means to shame her to eat her flesh means to take that which she owned and to consume her with fire means to just utterly destroy her now I want you to pause and reflect on this for a minute it's back away from it if these ten Kings were part and parcel of the wicked world system like the wealthiest and most powerful nations are today why would they destroy the very system that brings them their wealth and power why would they do that they wouldn't because they're not part of that system see in our day Islam sees the west and our entire system of money and religion and Commerce and lifestyle and law and so on and so on as the Great Satan it stands for everything they're against and it is this that they seek to bring to ruin fundamentalist Islam wants a complete return to the ways of the ancient times and while the various Islamic groups fight against one another they will often temporarily join together to fight representatives of the world system like the USA and much of the EU and since the woman on the Beast is representative of the wicked world system that's entirely Western in its character then it's is that something about her causes these ten Kings to just suddenly attack and destroy her but since clearly to begin with she uses the assets that the Beast provides to her / or to her benefit and they those Kings use hers the times gonna come when the beast and the kings don't want her don't need her any longer I believe from the vantage point of today that those ten Kings are going to be leaders of Islamic nations or perhaps Kings that support Islamic goals and ideals and by definition the woman Babylon the Great represents the secular Western world as well as the corrupt faithless religious world of that part of institutional Christianity that is just forsaking God's ways and has instead adopted the ways of the wicked world system and as says verse 17 the treachery of these ten Kings is because it's God who put it in their hearts to hate Babylon the Great in order that they would serve as a judgment upon her destroying the woman is only going to strengthen the grip of the Beast over the world but this is just gonna last for a short time chapter 18 which will start next week speaks of the moment of her collapse that we have now learned will be at the hands of the Beast and of those ten Kings you know it's always been amazing to me how God will use one group of wicked people to punish and judge another group of wicked people and then finally he'll judge the survivors supernaturally I mean it may be difficult to spot this as this principles in operation but there's no doubt that this principle didn't end with the close of the Old Testament next up revelation chapter [Music] you
Channel: Torah Class
Views: 2,304
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Keywords: New Jerusalem, Son, Holy Spirit, Father, New Testament, John, Armageddon, Coming quickly, Millennium Reign, Seven Churches, Second Death, Tom Bradford, Jerusalem, Bible Study, Streets of Gold, Torah Class, Revelation
Id: MGzn6cXUois
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 0sec (3360 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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