Lesson 37 - Revelation 17

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[Music] [Music] well we began revelation 17 and the primary feature that I wanted to show you was how this woman writing on the Beast the Beast that had the seven heads and ten horns was essentially the antithesis in other words the opposite of the woman of Revelation chapter 12 who was clothed in the Sun and had twelve stars as a crown and was pregnant with our Messiah in chapter 17 the woman is essentially sponsored by Satan and the Beast and in Chapter 12 the woman is sponsored by God so it is a battle of evil against good the character and nature of the righteous woman versus the character and nature of the evil woman and indeed in Chapter 12 there was a battle of evil against good that took place in heaven and good won out and the result was that Satan was expelled from heaven so now he turned all of his attention to planet earth earth was Satan's last chance at having a kingdom for himself so here in chapter 17 then Satan mocks and he mimics God by bringing forth this evil woman writing on the beast with seven heads one of those heads is the Antichrist and her job is to turn the nations of the world against God and against God's people as a prelude to an all-out war for planet Earth this will be Satan's last stand it'll be the war to end all wars which in the Western world we call it Armageddon now revelation 1617 rather is not a particularly long chapter but it is utterly packed with tantalizing information about which countless books and articles have been written and dozens of opinions have been given now since when we only got through the first few verses last time let's read it all from the beginning so open your Bibles please to Revelation chapter 17 and follow along with me if you have a complete Jewish Bible it is on page 15 48 15 48 then came one of the angels with the seven bowls and he said to me come I'll show you the judgment of the great who is sitting by many waters the kings of the earth went whoring with her and the people living on earth have become drunk from the wine of her whoring he carried me off in the spirit to a desert I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast filled with blasphemous names having seven heads and ten horns and the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet and glittered with gold precious stones pearls and in her hand was a gold cup filled with the obscene and filthy things produced by her whoring on her forehead was written a name with a hidden meaning Babel the great mother of and of the Earth's obscenities and I saw the woman drunk from the blood of God's people that is from the blood of the people who testify about Yeshua and on seeing her I was altogether astounded and the angel said to me why are you astounded I will tell you the hidden meaning of the woman and of the Beast with the seven heads and ten horns that was carrying her the Beast you saw once was now is not and will come up from the abyss but it is on its way to destruction in the people living on earth whose names have not been written in the book of life since the founding of the world will be astounded to see the beast that once was now is not but is to appear now this calls for a mind with wisdom the seven heads are seven hills on which the woman is sitting but also they are seven kings five have fallen one is living now the other is yet to come and when he does come he must remain only a little while the Beast which once was and now is not is an eighth king it will come from the seven and it's on its way to destruction now the ten horns you saw are ten Kings who have not yet begun to rule but they receive power as kings for one hour along with the Beast they have one mind and they hand over their power and authority to the Beast they will go to war against the lamb but the lamb will defeat them because he is Lord of lords and King of Kings and those who are called chosen and faithful will overcome along with him then he said to me the waters that you saw or the horrors sitting are people's crowds nations and languages now as for the ten horns that you saw and the beasts they will hate the they'll bring her to ruin leave her naked eater flesh and consumer with fire for God put it in their hearts to do what will fulfill his purpose that is to be of one mind to give their Kingdom to the Beast until God's words have accomplished their intent and the woman you saw is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth now as with a number of prophets before him was sent into an ecstatic state by the spirit and he was carried away into a spiritual wilderness for a vision about this woman in the Beast now John was not physically moved rather it was his spirit that was transported why into a visionary wilderness because as a living person John could not enter Heaven to receive God's instructions and the temple was destroyed at this time so meeting there was not possible John wasn't a priest anyway and so the wilderness was a traditional place where God would meet with his prophets and since this is the spiritual sphere that John is operating in for the moment then for us to understand what's happening we must take it in figurative terms and the figurative term this the mental picture that we are given to best understand this spiritual meeting place is the wilderness a place we're learning and preparation and protection by God occurs well there John sees this spectacular woman sitting on a beast and the Beast being filled with blasphemous names well what does it mean that the beast was filled with blasphemous names was that mean no doubt we were to take the term names within the Hebrew context which which means that the idea is about a person's character and his or her attributes so as concerns God attributes and characteristics characteristics of the beasts are blasphemous for what reason what makes it blasphemous in English language and culture to blaspheme means to hurl and an insult for the purpose of causing and offence so in English in the English sense of the word to blaspheme God or to blaspheme Christ is to essentially and sold him now that is the sense it is meant in Islam when the prophet or allies said to have been blaspheme that is it is a matter of doing or saying something that the religious authorities believe is offensive and shameful that's blaspheming in Islam but that's not the biblical sense of it in the Bible the idea of blasphemy as indicating some sort of offence or insult against God's or man's religious sensibilities is not there rather especially as it concerns God blasphemy is closer in meaning to cursing God or to condemning God even denouncing God or renouncing him that's what it means biblically it is not cursing in the sense of saying bad words to him but rather in the Hebrew sense it means to wish something evil to befall someone in ancient times to issue a curse and God's name was thought to have power would you blaspheme God you're questioning or making light of his immense and unapproachable authority and holiness one very familiar example a blaspheming God is committing idolatry why because on its face idolatry idolatry says that we place a higher value upon or a higher honor to give a higher honor to a God or a person or an object then we give to the God of Israel we assign to that God or that person or that object the characteristics and attributes that rightly belong only to the Lord atheism is idolatry and therefore blasphemy because it takes away the worship that is rightly due to God and it gives it to humans well so the seven-headed beast with the blasphemous names the Antichrist plus those leaders that prop up his position of authority they seek to be worshipped and to be honored in place of God's Son Messiah Yeshua he demands that the high place that God alone holds belongs instead to him and indeed during the time that the Antichrist reigns when a human being takes on the mark of the beast 666 that person is tattooing him or herself to provide visible proof of their allegiance and honor to Satan instead of to God this is blasphemy well the vision of the woman being seated upon the Beast denotes and an alliance a common purpose a common mindset including a certain interdependence among them the seven heads and the woman act as a team but as we're gonna see later it doesn't all remain that way the woman was dressed in purple and scarlet now purple is traditionally the color of royalty but scarlet is emblematic of what is worn by harlots we could spend an awful lot of time on the significance of color in ancient times but suffice it to say that while we moderns might find purple and scarlet worn together as being a rather bold and brassy display maybe even fun any Jew and John's time would instantly have zeroed in on the unmistakable symbolic meaning of it those two colors being adorned by the same woman would be at best ironic but more likely since we are dealing with a Jewish cultural backdrop Jewish believers would have seen this is an example of an important biblical principle called shun it's Sean Nets no Sean Ned's means illicit mixture in the Old Testament there was a law for instance it says that wool and linen must not be warm woven together to form a cloth other than for some very specific exceptions the same law principle also speaks of not towing and sewing two seeds of two different kinds next to one another in a field these both fall within the principle of Sean's Sean Nez so this woman seated on the Beast wearing purple and scarlet is wearing a blatantly rebellious illicit mixture that says while she may consider herself to be royalty the purple she is equally an unclean prostitute the scarlet yet the symbolism of what she's wearing goes on further she is said to have adorned herself with gold and with precious stones I think because the entire theme of the woman and the Beast is to mimic and to mock God than the gold and the precious stones is a kind of perverse display of the breastplate that the high priest wore see the high priest wore precious stones symbolizing God's chosen people the 12 tribes of Israel the harlot riding the Beast wears her breastplate a precious stones symbolizing the vulgarity and the decadence of Satan's chosen people the Gentile nations of the world now notice next that she holds a golden cup this is mocking God's use of golden bowls given to his angels to pour out his wrath in judgment so what is her gold vessel filled with obscene and filthy things that have been produced by her whoring young's literal translation really good one to have handy sometimes by the way uses the terms abominations and uncleanness to describe what is in her cup and that's a far better interpretation as the greek words are bad lucuma that indeed means abomination and a catharsis which means ritual impurity and when we look to the Holy Scriptures we find that God labels the worst of the worst sins as abominations and ritual impurity is the natural result of sin point being the two go together and in keeping with the concept of sacred activity and Satan than mocking it we next read in verse 5 that like the high priest the harlot wore a band on her forehead with a name written on it Babel the great mother of Horrors and the Earth's obscenities the high priest wore a band on his head with a secret name on it the name of God Jehovah now some commentators want to equate the woman wearing the headband to the requirement of the Beast for all humans to wear the number 666 on their foreheads or their on their hands now while that is certainly some low-hanging fruit I see this is out of context for the scene that's being depicted here rather what is written on the forehead of the harlot is a mocking parody of the Divine Name that is written on the forehead of the Israelite High Priest in each case what is written describes whom whom the person wearing the name on his or her forehead identifies with who do they identify with the woman identifies with Babylon the Great and Satan the high priest identifies with the God of Israel now the final feature of John's description of the harlot is says she's drunk from the blood of God's people and then it further identifies these people as who followers of Yeshua so let's make no mistake this since this woman is symbolic of the wicked world system that opposes God then we can reasonably surmise that this same system will not tolerate those who refuse to join them the world's system of the end times will like the government system of Orwell's novel 1984 demand absolute conformity no exceptions the world system wants to eradicate not so much a belief in a god but rather only those who follow the true God after all belief in a God would not serve the Antichrist or the false prophet very well as they want themselves to be seen as divine now pause and think about this for a moment is there a system alive in the world today that believes in a God that also seeks world domination that is violent and uncompromising and hates Jews and Christians and wants them exterminated at all cost of course there is it's called Islam could the world system of the Antichrist use the Muslims homicidal hatred of Jews and Christians to his advantage certainly seems feasible and I think the biblical biblical description of the nation's the particular nations that try to annihilate Israel along with the circumstances of the end times that involves never ending Wars centered on the existence of Israel that today are entirely under the influence and cause of Islam makes that false religion a prime suspect as the leader in the persecution of Christians and Jews as history comes to a close now John is said to have greatly wondered about this woman now the Greek word translated as wondered or astound it is Dalma Dalma and it does not mean puzzling doesn't mean confusing or even worried it's it's actually a term that is normally used in a positive sense even indicating a kind of admiration I think the best word to describe would be to say something wonderful I think it's safe to say that John was impressed with what he saw as opposed to disgusted he was as bedazzled by the amazing splendor of this woman riding upon the Beast is Josephus said that Gentiles were when coming to Jerusalem just to visit the city they were bedazzled when from a distance they first saw Herod's breathtaking temple rise up into the clouds looking like a snow-capped mountain so when most of our Bibles read that the angel asks John why he's so astounded or amazed and then goes on to explain who this woman is - John it's not because John is confused or frightened and so the angel wants to unconfuse him rather the real substance of the angels question is more like hey John what is it about this woman that impresses you so much that you're just absolutely enchanted maybe you're even delighted in a kind of childlike aww of her beauty and magnificence we'll don't be John because she's not what you think rather says the angel I'm gonna tell you the hidden meaning of this woman it's a magnificent woman that sits upon the Beast that has seven heads and ten horns John has told the Beast she's consorting with has come up out of the abyss but it's on its way to being destroyed in other words that beast and its writer are of satanic origin and power and are soon enough gonna get snuffed out by God what the angel actually tells John has brought on all sorts of speculations from the theological world and indeed it is one mind-bending mystery that I'm sure we'd all like to know the answer to the angel says the Beast you saw once was now is not and it will come up out of the abyss now don't let this simple description fly by you what is Messiah and God called in the Bible a descriptions that sometimes used in Christian songs the one who is who was and who is to come and now what is the Beast that arises from the abyss described as the one who was now is not and will come so while the true Messiah will descend from heaven onto earth to assume his throne the Antichrist will ascend from the abyss the place of imprisoned demons on to earth to confront Yeshua in the war to claim the planet once and for all now notice how in verse eight that just as John was awestruck and overwhelmed by the splendor of this harlot so now all the people living on earth whose names are not written in the book of life non-believers those who are lost forever they are awestruck and overwhelmed by the splendor of this beast I want to pause to remind you the beast was seven heads and ten horns are just the beasts for short is not just one person or one thing those seven heads are seven different people and in Revelation 13 one of the seven was said to have overcome a fatal head wound this is the one that will go on to be the Antichrist now if the Apostle John sees the most incredible beautiful incomparable sight he is ever witnessed in this harlot and he had to be brought back to reality by that angel how much more will non-believers be pleasantly flabbergasted and impressed and welcoming at the sight of the Beast and when while John had an angel tell him just who this woman was in reality the earth dwellers in those days are not going to have any such advantage they will be thoroughly taken with every level of human leadership and authority agreeing that this beast is the most wonderful needed thing ever to appear before humankind the beasts ability charisma intelligence likability leadership have never been matched and people will gladly do the will of the Beast absolutely believing that if he thinks something it's best then it cannot be challenged but now more information is given with the caveat in verse 9 that wisdom is going to be needed to understand what comes next now we must always remember that wisdom by definition is from God knowledge can be acquired by anyone a reasonable intelligence but only they who have the Lord can have wisdom so now here is the riddle of the ages the Beast and it's description are of course symbolic not gonna be some monster looking thing like Godzilla appear ok the angel says that the seven heads are symbolic of seven mountains upon which the woman the harlot of Babylon is said to be established further that the seven heads are also seven kings five of them have fallen one is in existence in John's era apparently and the seventh is yet to come the reason he's yet to appear but when that seventh King does appear he'll only be in power a short time now to add to this mystery there's going to be an eight and it says he belongs to the seventh and he will go on to perdition now let's clear up one thing right away the greek word that in some English Bibles including by the way the influential King James Version that is translated to perdition is Appa Leia Apple Leia and it means utter destruction if we take the word perdition to merely indicate complete discrepant destruction that's correct but often is not perdition is seen as kind of a Midway stopover between heaven and earth for departed souls or it is but another word for hell the word a playa is a description it's not a place so this verse confirms that this eighth King or Kingdom will finally and utterly be destroyed then the passage turns its attention to the symbolism of the ten horns but we have enough to chew on for the moment with the seven heads in the Kings the appearance of the phrase seven mountains or seven hills especially in John's day makes it awfully tempting to say that these seven heads of the Beast represent role or perhaps the Roman Empire with Rome as its capital Rome has for time immemorial been known as the city built on seven hills thus to say that the woman is established upon the seven mountains or Hills means that the institution of Babylon the Great is based in Rome and it is believed within many Christian circles that this can only mean one thing that the Catholic Church located in Rome with its Pope as a king is the harlot Babylon the Great now since the word mountains or Hills is regularly used in the Old Testament prophecies to symbolize governments then another line of thought is that the seven mountains represent seven Roman kings seven Roman emperors and there is always a debate about which seven these just might be some theologians who think this is the solution begin with Julius Caesar is the first one others as Augustus some even with Galba one of the more accepted listings of the seven kings of Rome that must begin with the first five being fallen before John's time our Augustus Tiberius Caligula Claudius and Nero therefore the sixth king the one verse 10 says who is in other words in John's day must be Vespasian who ruled from 69 to 79 ad now pausing for a moment that means that Vespasian was in power when the to Jerusalem Temple was destroyed in a seventy but it also means that the latest date the John could have read written revelation is early 79 ad or four John this pagan couldn't have been the one who is now since few any longer believed that John wrote revelation that early I personally think it was around ninety eighty then of course fest patien is the six can roam doesn't work but if best patient were the sixth king then Titus would be the seventh one that's the one who was yet to come and Titus ruled Rome from 79 to 81 barely two years so that satisfies verse ten that says he must remain only a little while complicated in there now other scholars calculate the first of seven Roman kings as Nero and the seventh has Domitian mostly because of the assertion that John wrote in the early 90s ad and Domitian was the emperor in the early 90s ad in any case if indeed any of these systems of counting Roman kings or Emperor's is correct then the name of the kingdom over which any of these Emperor's reigned was the Roman Kingdom so with the words that the eighth kingdom has to come out of the seventh in some undefined way then we have the theory that as perhaps the most accepted identity of the eighth kingdom in modern Christianity that the eighth kingdom will be a revived Roman Empire and so the 8th King will be the Antichrist and as we've discussed in previous lessons it is also equally accepted in modern times that the European Union represents at least the beginnings of a revived Roman Empire now let's look at yet another possibility because in Old Testament in the Old Testament mountains regularly symbolize human kings or kingdoms governments and a ton of the times mountains symbolize strength then it is probably a better approach to stick with the historical and typical use of those terms rather than regard these seven mountains is indicating an actual named location now I've heard some commentators say that we need to take into account what the New Testament says about the use of the term mountains such as referring to the Mount of Olives and to that I respond I just don't agree because for all Jews of John's day believers are otherwise they would have looked to the Holy Scriptures for reference to understand and the only holy scriptures in existence at that time or what we call the Old Testament there would be no authorized in canonized New Testament until very early and the 3rd century AD so whatever documents written by the Gospel writers or by Paul or by John that were being passed around to the various believing congregations while certainly they were considered authoritative they were in no way considered as God inspired and certainly not on par with the Tanakh the Old Testament these were no way considered God inspired the letters were truth they were important and they direction from the apostles on how to run a believing congregation and on how to understand Yeshua's purpose in ministry but they were not considered holy nor were they considered Scripture and they would not be for more than 100 years after John's time so John would of course have a look to Holy Scripture the Old Testament for direction and in terminology not to some letters that were out there floating around now if we go to Daniel to understand we we see that his writings have such great influence on John's apocalypse so then we can understand when we go to Daniel that seven is the total number of heads of the four beasts the Daniel has in his visions and we must assume a connection to the Beast with the harlot on board and Daniel's four beasts correspond to the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar's dream that had a head of gold Childers of silver torso a bronze legs of iron thus those four beasts in the four parts of the statue represent four kingdoms with the legs of iron being the fourth these kingdoms are typically said to start with Babylon then our media Persia then the Greek and finally the Roman and the feet of the statue are said to be a mixture of iron and clay to some meaning a fifth kingdom will arise out of the fourth but since clay is weak in structure then the mixture of clay with iron says that the fifth Roman Kingdom will not be as strong as the former Roman Kingdom now the upshot of this is that some commentators such as Biel say that since the kingdoms of Daniels beasts and the nomads Nebuchadnezzar statue each span centuries centuries then so does the Beast of Revelation that is the sea-beast image of revelation which also appears in the Old Testament signifies different wicked kingdoms over the ages but none in particular and even the number seven is not literal it just means fullness now I disagree with this conclusion because then it makes a mockery of the rather intricately laid out vision of Revelation 17 10 that explains how many kingdoms precisely have come and gone that one is current another will arise later and then an eight will come that has something to do with the seventh now none of this sounds very general or indefinite do we know then the answer to this riddle of the kingdom and the Kings I don't believe we do otherwise there wouldn't be so darn many different opinions about all this each with their own fan club so at this point I'd like to throw out another possibility for the lists of Empires and Kings including the all-important 7th and 8th but first I want to set some parameters for you why I'm gonna even throw this out see we must always remember that the Bible is focused where a location the Middle East with Jerusalem at the center always the known world even in New Testament times did not extend beyond the European Asian and African continents thus the Lord did not reference other as yet unknown places in the world such as Australia or North America or Greenland so when we read about end times prophecies do not suppose that any reference to any person or place or event is outside of the Middle East Asia Europe or Africa when we begin superimposing America into these prophecies we are chasing ghosts next as we read about the beast with seven heads and ten horns we are told that the seven heads represent governments kingdoms empires but then in verse nine we're told that the seven heads also represent Kings humans but does this mean that we are - we have to match a particular Kingdom to a particular king after all most of the ancient kingdoms and empires lasted for centuries they had many kings so we have to be careful to differentiate between a geopolitical Kingdom versus any specific king over that Kingdom and verses seven through nine essentially tells us that those seven heads represent both now this greatly adds to the complexity of our task of untangling the meaning of this prophecy sorry to say and finally the beast is said to have seven heads and ten horns and in Revelation 13 were told one of the heads received a fatal head wound but he survived in other words had that one died the other six theoretically would have lived on this head that was wounded we conclude as the Antichrist but just as the seven heads are said to represent both kingdoms and kings so it is that clearly the heads of the beasts can be seven unique individuals that is only one of them is the coming Antichrist and the other six represent other people however the seven heads along with the ten horns together form one single beast and so at times the Beast is spoken about as a single unified entity other times the focus is on the various parts of the Beast like it's seven heads or it's ten horns and so each of those parts represents unique individuals or entities confusing yes but so you know what let's remember something we are able to do approximately the same thing when we discuss God we can discuss him we can speak of him in his various parts that are called the Trinity doctrine that declares we have the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit we can speak about each of those parts separately and to a point understand each of their various purposes and functions and yet we can also speak of God as a single unified entity so we need to sort of visualize this discussed discussion in revelation 17 about the beast the same way he is in the end a single unified entity that at the same time is made up of various parts that operate somewhat separately the seven heads and ten horns but yet they are so single-minded in purpose so single-minded in mission and they together form all that the Antichrist represents the difficult part I believe of figuring out who these eight kingdoms are the John speaks about is identifying the seventh and the eighth kingdoms that's the key the first five and then the sixth aren't too tough the first five the ones that are fallen that's assuming that we should be looking for kingdoms and not Kings are the Egyptian kingdom the Assyrian then the Babylonian than the median Persian and then the Greek the sixth Kingdom John says is the one that exists now in John's era well wedding what would Kingdom existed in John's time Rome the Roman Empire but what about that seventh one that's the seventh one that one's just to come would come later after John the seventh Empire is critical to identify because the eighth that Empire of the end times is gonna come from it or be very much like it in some way so then who's the seventh now one of the keys to understanding the nature of this succession of Empires hand Kings is that each Empire that conquered the current one absorbed the one that was conquered so essentially the bulk a specific territory that each of these empires had remained the same throughout history only after each change of hands the overall size of the Empire or Kingdom grew because some additional territories were added so we just have the same territory as each Kingdom comes along essentially just being taken away from the previous one so the question we need to ask is this since Rome was the sixth Empire the one that existed during John's lifetime then who conquered the Roman Empire who took it away from them who absorbed its territory because that would probably identify the seventh kingdom of two-step process took place in the third century the Roman Empire was divided into two because it had grown so large that became unwieldy to operate then later the western part of the Roman Empire fell but the eastern part of the Roman Empire continued on the eastern part was for a while called the Byzantine Empire because its capital was in Byzantium today Byzantium goes by the name of Istanbul Turkey finally in the mid 1400s the eastern Roman Empire lost its grip and it was taken over by the Turks and Islam this was the beginning of the Ottoman Empire so as usual the Ottoman Empire simply absorbed much of what the earlier Empire controlled and of course that was primarily the Middle East and then these areas that surround the Mediterranean Sea but what is the prime importance I think for us to understand is that this was a purely Islamic empire and it lasted until the early 1900s so today when we hear about Muslims claiming territory in Europe and all around the Mediterranean and in the Middle East see it stems from their belief that they have the right to reclaim land controlled during the Ottoman Empire and that includes present-day Israel and especially Jerusalem so from my standpoint from my view the seventh kingdom or empire is the Ottoman Empire I readily admit that the statement of verse 10 that this Empire king will remain only a little while is problematic but I can't decipher how long a little while is I just don't know and if the seventh kingdom is the Islamic Ottoman Empire then it says that we can expect the eighth Kingdom the kingdom of the Antichrist to have a certain commonality with that Ottoman Empire now when we look at the world around us today and now that Islam has reentered the consciousness of the Western world after a long time of us forgetting all about them we are better able to understand all this talk from Islamic leaders about establishing a worldwide Caliphate that is Islam wants to establish a one-world government ruled of course by an Islamic theocracy now I've spoken to you before that Islam is as much if not more a political organization than a religious one the many wars we see today among nations in the Middle East are Wars by in between various factions of Muslims in order to determine which sect of Islam and there are for which leaders of Islam will be the ones to create and rule over this hope for one world Islamic government that they envision and yet they all agree on one thing all Jews and Christians was either convert to Islam or die that they all believed how does that fit with what we are learning in revelation about the end times and about the coming Antichrist and about his kingdom I say it fits hand in glove I want to caution you that by no means am i stating that this is for certain how it is and absolutely how it's all going to go down in those final days I'm saying that from the vantage point of 2019 and all the history up to now this seems to me to be the more likely possibility now this is my opinion and it's my speculation and every day that passes makes the more popularly held belief among Christians that the seventh kingdom and so also the eighth will be a revivified Roman Empire less and less likely and this was a theory frankly that was always full of holes anyway I think this is enough to munch on for today next week will begin by dealing with the ten very interesting by the way the ten horns on the head of the beast [Music] yes [Music] you you
Channel: Torah Class
Views: 2,555
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: New Jerusalem, Son, Holy Spirit, Father, New Testament, John, Armageddon, Coming quickly, Millennium Reign, Seven Churches, Second Death, Tom Bradford, Jerusalem, Bible Study, Streets of Gold, Torah Class, Revelation
Id: CI4L41ZdxX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 5sec (3425 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2019
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