Lesson 27 - Matthew 7 & 8

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[Music] we're going to conclude Yeshua's Sermon on the Mount today we you know we've spent 17 lessons studying it because of its incomparable value and also because work today we're gonna open the door into Matthew chapter 8 but first of all let's take a look back on the all-important and not just a little bit scary topic from last week about what Yeshua meant by what he said in chapter 7 verses 22 and 23 let me remind you of that there he said on that day many will say to me Lord Lord didn't we prophesy in your name didn't we expel demons in your name didn't we perform many miracles in your name and then I will tell them to their faces I never knew you get away from me you workers of lawlessness now the phrase of our fokker focus is workers of lawlessness now the bottom line is that after a thorough study of this term last week the conclusion was that the term lawlessness can only indicate one thing Torah less Ness or perhaps law of Moses less Ness it is the Greek word anomia being translated that most literally means without law we even find Paul using this same term many years after Yesha was time on earth to describe this anti-christ message working backwards from Paul we have to ask ourselves a very basic question is the Anti Christ called the man of lawlessness because he thumbs his nose at societal civil and criminal laws and if so - which set of human laws is he rebelling international law American law European Union law Sharia law my question is somewhat rhetorical and that the answers obvious it can be none of these man-made law codes the Antichrist is called such because he is by nature against his anti God and the only laws that God validates are the ones he has laid down for mankind the biblical laws of Moses and the Antichrist wants none of that so it is that in Jesus's statement in verse 23 that workers of lawlessness is a term describing all those who deny and/or disobey God's commandments the Torah the law I remember there was no such thing as a New Testament in the Esha was day such a thing would not even exist for another two centuries or more after the death and resurrection of Christ so neither Christ nor Paul could in any way be referring to the supposed New Testament laws that replace the Old Testament laws the reference to lawlessness can only be to the Old Testament laws since that was the only holy scripture in existence at that time an especially since Yeshua's entire sermon is based on his teaching and authoritative interpretation of the Torah in light of the recent arrival of the kingdom of God on earth therefore when taken in proper context workers of lawlessness include non-believers fake believers and self deceived believers that's my opinion that a goodly portion of the church is and has been for centuries self-deceived because of the adoption of doctrines that specifically denies the relevance of the law of Moses for Christ's followers and in fact legislates against following it yet there is a gray area in between a worker of lawlessness and a person who is in Matthew chapter 5 verse 19 relegated to being the least in the kingdom of heaven for not obeying the law and even for teaching against it let me remind you of that verse Matthew 5:19 so whoever disobeys the least of these meats vote these least of these Commandments and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven but whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the kingdom of heaven that is to say that in 723 the workers of lawlessness are those who are denied entry into the kingdom of heaven but in 519 whoever disobeys the law and teaches others to do so will be those who are given entry into the kingdom based upon their trust and Messiah Yeshua but they will be placed forever on the absolute lowest rung of whatever societal structure exists within the kingdom of heaven now where that fine but hazy line exists between those two designations I don't know however in both cases the issue is a chosen and determined disobedience to God's Torah so the wise thing for a believer to do in order to avoid either of these eternal consequences is to quit listening to a blinded church that says the law is dead in God and that Christ has replaced the law of Moses with a law of Jesus something that doesn't biblically exist and therefore once we get our salvation oh we can sign of retire because subservience to God or our unquestioned to be the instant any divinely given rule well that's legalism so we have to avoid it as a bad thing see this doctrine is an agenda driven lie and it will lead us to a very harsh outcome the Christ Himself warns us against I plead with you if you value your eternity then out of self-preservation I suggest you consider fleeing such a congregation even if it means being ostracized from your social circle I mean the one thing I can assure you is that you will lose some of the relationships you've had with friends and acquaintances in that congregation so you have to count the cost yet which means more to you as a believer obeying God and His Word and reaping those eternal rewards or disobeying God and His Word and suffering consequences let's read Matthew chapter 7 starting at verse 24 Matthew chapter 7 starting at verse 24 if you have a complete Jewish Bible then we are on page one two three to 12:30 to 12:30 to Matthew chapter seven starting at verse 24 so everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on bedrock the rain fell the rivers flooded the winds blew and beat against that house but it didn't collapse because its foundation was on rock but everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a stupid man who built his house on sand the rain fell the rivers flooded the wind blew and beat against that house and it collapsed and its collapse was horrendous and when Yeshua had finished saying these things the crowds they were amazed at the way he taught for he was not instructing them like their Torah teachers but as one who had Authority himself Yeshua says that every man who hears his words and then does them does them is like a wise person who builds the foundation of his house on rock in a different setting Luke the Gospel writer Luke has Yeshua saying the same thing only slightly differently Luke and 11:28 says but he said far more blessed are those who hear the word of God and obey it see what's being expressed is the Hebrew concept of Sh'ma Sh'ma Shema means to hear and obey or to hear and do the concept is rather simple in all ages it is fallen man's tendency to want to be emotionally lifted up by hearing fine words of truth but then when it comes time to put those words into action passivity or ambivalence sets in Jesus is telling his audience that while it is true their merit that they indeed came to hear him and many listened intently in and being there and hearing and agreeing with him was well that was a good thing but it's insufficient do we not see the same thing happening in both synagogue and church in modern times perhaps we ourselves are guilty of it we feel so very good about ourselves that we set aside an entire hour or so each week to go to a worship service and sit quietly and listen to a sermon but once we leave our seats and get back to the real world do we remember what was said or more importantly does that convert to actions and deeds you know not too long before he passed away and a TV interview Billy Graham confessed that after decades of follow up his organization had done on millions that had left their seats and come forward and his amazing Crusades only a little over 1% continued on in any recognizable way with the commitment to Christ that they had so enthusiastically made there the 99% were heard and they were moved by it but they did not do and because they didn't do their rush of conviction to make a positive change in their lives well that quickly faded away yeshua will at a later time actually address this issue and a famous parable about sowing seeds and various kinds of soil God gave the basis for this ordinance and principle of Shema and then the outcome for ignoring it in Deuteronomy 28 and Deuteronomy 28 15 we read but if you refuse to pay attention to what I deny your God says and you do not observe and obey all of his Commandments and regulations which I am giving you today then all of the following curses will be yours in abundance for the next few verses Jesus gives us an illustration how valuable it is to pay attention to what he's just taught and to live it out so he draws a simple analogy that is self-evident to everyone present the the man who builds his house on rock versus the man who builds his house on the sand not clearly not one in his audience would ever build his house on sand any more than we would so the point he's making is easily understood now for us the thing to understand is he is speaking mostly about the foundation of the house which is an analogy for our spiritual foundation that is every house necessarily start with a foundation and any experienced builder will tell you that the foundation and the soil under it that's the key to it all begin with a faulty foundation or unstable soil and everything above it's gonna be shaky and short-lived begin with firm soil and a solid correctly constructed foundation and everything above it well it's gonna be safe secure and long-lived the foundation he is speaking about is the Torah the law of Moses or more modern thinking the Bible all of it not just the New Testament if the foundation is built on rock then it means our spiritual foundation is built upon proper doctrine if the foundation is built on sand then it's built on poor and incorrect doctrine now notice what happens next it has to do with when calamity strikes see Christ's point is about the inevitable tough times that are gonna come into every person's life believer or non-believer if we live long enough see sand or rock weather when the weather is good indicating good times then everything seems safe and secure the foundation stays in place so the house seems to be properly built but when the weather turns foul indicating bad times that's when the foundation is put to the test if it is a good foundation then the house will survive the storm but if it has a bad foundation the house will not to do the will of the Father in heaven is a prudent thing for us to do and it's evidence of the good fruit that Yeshua spoke about earlier in his sermon friends modern Christianity has put a permanent happy face on our faith walk or more appropriately faith stroll although in reality too often ours is a very lazy faith we believe that we should trust in Christ and then our reward will be nothing but fair weather and smooth sailing ahead but then the inevitable and the unexpected happens and because of the poor and shaky doctrine we've been taught we blame God for our troubles because we feel that he has failed and his promise to protect us from bad things happening in our lives many will walk away from God disillusion feeling jilted these are those who built their house on sand most did so unknowingly or perhaps a better word to say as they did it ignorant ly so to ignore Jesus's words and to believe that God's laws and commands which Christ has been urging us to uphold are no longer relevant to a Christian well that's to build one's house on sand I can say it no more plainly than that for that is precisely what Christ has been teaching yes she was Sermon on the Mount snout come to a close he is spoken for a long time he's addressed many subjects and he summed it all up and the last few verses now the gospel writer Matthew makes a comment he says that the crowd Jesus had talked to was amazed by what they had heard it was not only the godly principles that he taught some long-forgotten but rather it was the authority by which he spoke there was no equivocating there was no quoting or borrowing from one of the renowned there are no teachers or speakers of his day to validate what he taught man who says he spoke far above the Torah teachers now it's important to understand who Christ was being compared to where a complete Jewish Bible says Torah teachers the Greek is gromet a us it more literally translates to scribes in Yeshua's day scribes were the primary teachers in the synagogue's thus most scribes perhaps all were Pharisees and while they no doubt taught God's Word it was taught within the context of Jewish tradition Yeshua taught within the context of the biblical Torah not within tradition and while not all tradition is to be held suspect tradition cannot be compared to God's immutable word when we hear God's Word told in truth it is transformative well let's move on to Matthew chapter 8 open your Bibles back up to Matthew chapter 8 and it will will still be on page 1 2 3 2 12 32 if you have a complete Jewish Bible so let's go there now after Yeshua had come down from the hill large crowds followed him and then a man flicked it with Serrat came kneel down in front of him and said sir if you are willing you can make me clean and Yeshua reached out his hand and touched him and he said I am willing be cleansed at once he was cleansed from his Sarat then Yeshua said in now see that you tell no one but as a testimony to the people go let the colon the priest examine you and then offer the sacrifice that Moses commanded and as Yeshua entered for in a home that's copper name or we say more in English eternium a Roman army officer came up and pleaded for help sir my orderly is lying at home paralyzed he's suffering terribly Yeshua said I will go and heal him but the officer answered sir I'm unfit dad you come into my home rather if you will only give the command my orderly will recover for I too am a man under Authority I have soldiers under me and if I say to this one go he goes to another come he comes to my slave do this he does it on hearing this Yeshua was amazed and he said the people that were following him yes I tell you I've not found anyone in Israel with such trust moreover I tell you that many will come from the east and from the West to take their places at the feast and the Kingdom of Heaven with Avraham Itzhak and Yaakov Abraham Isaac and Jacob but those born for the kingdom will be thrown outside into the dark where people will wail and grind their teeth and then Yeshua said to the officer go let it be for you as you have trusted and his orderly was healed at that very moment Yeshua went to cave his home that's Peter and there he saw keifa's mother-in-law sick in bed with the fever and he touched your hand the fever left her and she got up and began helping him and when evening came many people held in the power of demons were brought to him and he expelled the spirits with a word he healed all who were ill this was done to fulfill what had been spoken through the Prophet Yeshe Al that's Isaiah he himself took our weaknesses and bore our diseases and when Yeshua saw the crowd around him he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake a torrent teacher approached him and said to him rabbi I'll follow you wherever you go and he was said to him the foxes have holes and the birds flying above have nests but the Son of man has no home of his own another of the talmud named the disciples said to him sir first let me go and bury my father but Yeshua replied follow me let the dead bury the dead he boarded the boat and his Talmud eeeem disciples followed and then without warning a furious storm arose on the lake so the ways were sweeping over the boat but Yeshua was sleeping so they came and they roused him and said sir help we're about to die and he said to them why are you afraid so little trust you have then he got up and he rebuked the winds in the waves and there was a dead calm the men were astounded and they asked what kind of man is this that even the wind's and the sea obey Him when he Yeshua arrived at the other side of the lake in the gadarenes territory there came out of the burial caves two men controlled by demons so violent no one dared travel on that road and they screamed what do you want with us son of God have you come here to torture us before the appointed time now some distance from them was a large herd of pigs they were feeding and the demons begged him if you're gonna drive us out send us into that herd of pigs all right go he told them so they came out and went into the pigs whereupon the entire herd rushed down the hillside into the lake and drowned the swineherds fled went off to the town and told the whole story including what had happened to that demonized to the demonized men at this the whole town came out to meet yeshua and when they saw him they begged him to leave their district now as usual we need to just ignore the chart the chapter marking and understand that the first verse of what we call chapter 8 connects with the final verse of chapter 7 so immediately following the conclusion of his speech yeshua and his disciples go down from the hills above the galilee and they journey just a few miles to where he was living at that time capernaum and along the way as well as one might expect large number of people's who heard him speak followed him now what we read about him doing 2000 years ago they witnessed in person he miraculously healed three people now it could well have been more who were healed it probably was but Matthew liked to record things in threes now I want to remind you that no doubt the people who followed him down that mountain came expecting miracle healings see after all to this point Jesus was still seen by the Jews as a Sadiq a holy man because healing is what a holy man did Yeshua had not yet revealed that he was the Messiah nor had he plainly disclosed that he was divine during his walk back to his residence he encountered a person with a skin disease now nearly all Bible translations will say leper but the complete Jewish Bible has it right when it says Sarat I don't have to describe to you what a leper is it is a dreadful disfiguring disease that does terrible things to the person who receives no medical treatment for it Sarat is a special kind of skin disease that includes a number of skin maladies the unique feature about it is its source it is God imposed upon a person as a means of discipline and punishment now we need to notice how Matthew structured his narrative we have Yeshua going up a mountain then he comes back down a mountain and then we have him dealing with a person stricken with a skin disease we find this same pattern with Moses who Matthew is quite intent on comparing to Christ numbers chapter 12 tells the story of Moses his sister Miriam who spoke out against her brother complaining that if Moses could prophesy then so should she God struck her with Serrat for her rebellion and her apostasy Moses prayed to God to deliver her from her skin disease and God said he would but only after she was separated from her people for seven days so now we find Christ God incarnate heal a person with a skin disease but there's more to this story hours earlier Christ had told people that in order to enter the kingdom of heaven one needs to ask seek and knock so Christ didn't notice this sick person and then go to him rather the sick person sought out Christ knelt before him Meeny sort of blocked his path made himself noticeable and then he asked to be healed Yeshua said he would heal him now we are meant to notice the terminology the word healed is not actually used instead the afflicted man asked Yeshua to make him clean this is because ritual cleanness is the central issue for a person who has been divinely stricken with Serrat that is generally speaking the various skin ailments that one could receive as a punishment for for whatever the reason for offending God they were not fatal instead they made the person ritually unclean which meant they had to be isolated away from all others so that they wouldn't pass their uncleanness to somebody else by touching them now such a thing was not only devastating from a social status standpoint but it could be economically devastating as well especially if a family man was stricken because he could almost immediately throw the family the entire family into poverty I I find it ironic that even in the 21st century in the most advanced societies that getting a disease requires isolation or isolation to keep from getting of the disease reveals the tremendous economic impact that isolation and separation can have on people the Cova 19 pandemic of 2020 has caused millions upon millions of people to be thrown out of work or to lose their businesses mostly because of the government imposed isolation so when we read in the Bible about the plight of people isolated due to their ritual impurities perhaps now we have a better idea of just what that meant for them both in social and economic terms please pay attention to what Christ does he precisely follows the law of Moses when he deals with this disease man why would we expect anything else Yeshua has just come from teaching for hours about the need for following the Torah law and specifically and unmistakeably saying that in no way did he abolish it or even modify it now believe me those many Jews that were looking on as well as that man who was stricken they knew exactly what the procedure was during the period of impurity and then the procedure for emerging from it so had yeshua deviated from it at all it would have been immediately detected thus the terms clean and cleansed are correctly used several times now the same story is told and mark 1 beginning at verse 40 if you'd like to look at it and it's nearly word for word as in Matthew's narrative now some of the skin diseases these Jews contracted were long term some were life long because they required isolation for as long as the infirmity lasted there was a little more fear and dreaded than contracting Sarat I say this because one of the objections to the reliability of this story is that first we are told that great crowds followed Yeshua down the mountain and then this diseas'd man whose unclean approaches him and after healing the man Yeshua says not to tell anybody about it see it seems incredulous that a huge crowd witnesses this but now the man is supposed to keep what's already public secret in reality this man would have been isolated all the others that had his disease and they would not have been out wandering the streets Jesus had to have passed along an area where the isolated unclean lived now while admittedly I'm speculated it's not imaginable that when this man with Serrat suddenly appeared and approached Yeshua that the crowd did not quickly back away in fear now how far back I'm not certain but you can bet their social distancing was a lot more than six feet thus when we read that Christ cleansed him and then told him not to say anything the crowd probably would not only have not overheard that conversation but perhaps didn't even know the man was healed at least all of them typically the stricken wore sackcloth is a sign of mourning and as an outward warning so that the other townspeople should steer clear now some Bible scholars also questioned this story as na'toth entik because they say a proper Jew would never touch another person with Serrat as it was against the law of Moses well that's just not true there's no Torah law against touching an unclean person however there was a danger in doing so it would have brought with it the contracting of that person's ritual impurity so in reality people didn't do it now I don't know of other holy men other sadiq might have done such a thing as touching an unclean person but it's recorded that Jesus did and what is so interesting is that Christ did what only God can do he cleansed now what should have happened is that that unclean man past his uncleanness to Christ because a clean person cannot pass along their cleanness to an unclean person it's a one-way street and yet that is exactly what Yeshua did his touch past his own ritual purity along to the impure man making him clean I want to repeat this was not a healing per se from the Jewish and from the biblical viewpoint this was a cleansing healing and cleansing are two different things next Yeshua tells the man to go to the priest and the OO and and to offer the sacrifice that Moses commandment now this is precisely what the law of Moses says a person who is potentially cleansed of their Sarat is to do he is to go to a priest to be inspected and if the priest pronounces the person as cleansed he is released from his isolation and then usually an altar sacrifice is to follow if ever there was continuing proof that Yeshua had not abolished the law of Moses it's here because he specifically instructs the man to follow the law as found in Leviticus 13 and 14 but why is this man not supposed to say anything to anyone about being cleansed there's been a few theories put forth about this but none of them hold any water the one with the most consensus is that Jesus didn't want to divulge who he was just yet however a holy man healing a person afflicted with Serrat and then the cleansed person telling others about it would have in no way unmasked Jesus as the Messiah nonetheless in the hindsight of Christian history the many miraculous things that Yeshua did definitively add up to the conclusion he was the Messiah that Israel had hoped for but not the one they expected and verse five Yeshua finally arrives home in Capernaum there he is confronted with a worried Roman soldier a Centurion now on his face this is this is kind of a peculiar story because here we have a Roman army officer no doubted Gentile approaching a Jew hat in hand asking for his help now it's interesting that we find a few stories in the New Testament involving Centurions and it can be generally said that they are upright men of honour they have respect among the Jewish community it seems that this Roman soldier has noticed the authentically miraculous healings of Yeshua and so trusts him now he doesn't seem to confess any belief in the God of Israel nor does he mention anything resembling some kind of a religious faith in Christ however clearly the Centurion is both desperate and sold on Jesus power to heal regardless of how he manages to do it so the Roman explains that his orderly is paralyzed and he's suffering now more likely this is not an orderly but rather a house life Yeshua offers to go to the Romans home and to heal his servant we don't know whether this house slave was a Jew or Gentile most Bible versions say that the Centurion begins his address to Yeshua by calling him Lord the complete Jewish Bible says sir the Greek word being translated as correos and it's the equivalent of the Hebrew at dawn or Adonai it's a word of respect it can be translated as sir mr. master and yes Lord but little L Lord however over the centuries because the word can be translated to Lord then it's assumed that this Roman meant it in a religious way because is so common for Christians just simply referred to Jesus as the Lord now this is not what this Roman our army officer was implying saying Lord was neither an indication that he had converted to the Hebrew religion nor that he was declaring a religious allegiance to Yeshua he was simply being respectful and courteous especially because he understood the Yeshua was a miracle healer and his best hope for saving the life of the servant rested in Yeshua the soldier declines yes she was offered to go to the officers home in order to heal this young man the officer was of course aware that it was Jewish tradition the Gentiles were automatically considered unclean and therefore so were their homes the belief was that a Jew entering the house of a jindal a Gentile would be rendered ritually impure and thus have to go through the hassle of a period of time of isolation and purification than an immersion so out of abundance and abundance of politeness rather than ask Yeshua to go against his culture and religious tradition this soldier says it's not necessary for him to actually be present with the house slave to healing all that has to be done is for Yeshua to order it and it will occur and he thinks this is so because as a soldier he is a man under the authority of one over him and so wherever he's ordered to do is dutifully carried out and further since he has a hundred men under him he's confident that if he issues an order it'll be carried out whether he's present there or not for all the wrong reasons the Centuria Centurion was actually on the right track oh yes she was astonished he says he's not known any when in Israel with as much trust as this Gentile a soldier who actually represents oppression to most Jews Bible translations were will more often than not say faith instead of trust regardless let's not get carried away this was not a religious trust or faith that the cinterion holds in Jesus however Yeshua's response about the lesser trust present among the Israelites is meant in a religious context the Centurion you see the Centurion holds a kind of deep confident unequivocal conviction that this Jewish holy man can heal is very ill house slave and Yeshua sees it as an excellent model for the kind of deep confident unequivocal trust that his followers ought to have in the God of Israel and intended in his son what we have found so far is that even as concerns his twelve disciples whatever trust they have in their master amounts to seeing is believing so the kind of trust that is based on an invisible promise and the uttering of a word instead of a visible proof of a sign is what Yeshua wants to see from his followers the sad reality is that Israel those who were elected by God to be the natural inheritors of his kingdom have not lived up to their calling ironically this Gentile Roman soldier an enemy better expresses what a healthy faith looks like better than Israel does now verse 11 says something that on the surface kind of feels out of place some Bibles scholars use it as proof that all the Yeshua's been teaching has been concerning the end times and not the present now actually while this statement is indeed speaking of a future time likely it is also Christ expanding on the matter of Israel and their place in the kingdom of heaven he says that many will come from the east and from the west presumably traveling to the Land of Israel in order to take their place at a banquet a banquet in the Kingdom of Heaven and strangely that Abraham Isaac and Jacob will also be present how first well it's not across the board generally speaking in the Bible when the compound term East and West is used it applies to the exiles and the dispersed of Israel second when north and south are used together in general it applies to Gentiles again this is not Universal in the Bible but it does seem to be a pattern now considering the context of Yeshua statement then I think he is speaking about the return of the ten Israelite tribes to send the ten so-called Ten Lost Tribes that were dispersed to the east and to the west by Assyria in the eighth century BC see this is a prophesied event most famously recorded by Ezekiel chapters 36 37 and 38 now assuming that Abraham Isaac and Jacob are therein in the flesh so to speak then this must be occurring it can only be occurring after the general resurrection that is to come but it also moderates Yeshua's negative comment about this Roman soldier having more faith than anyone in Israel to indicate that despite a general unfaithfulness in Israel the descendants of the Israelite exile will be welcomed into the kingdom of heaven and yet he says in verse 12 that those born for the kingdom will not be allowed in but rather they will be rejected rejected to live in the darkness that is the condition that all who were excluded will experience so who are these born for the kingdom but they're excluded I'll say first that in no way should we read in the word all that is all who were born for the kingdom rather it is that among those born for the kingdom some it could even be the majority I don't know will be excluded the Greek word being translated as born for the kingdom is who yose who use and it more literally means sons of the kingdom again the subjects context seems to be Israel so these sons are apparently apparently those of Israel or indeed borns God's people yet most will not be allowed into the kingdom why judging from Christ's statement in 723 it's because these are natural-born Israelites that refuse to sincerely trust Yeshua is God's Son Lord and Savior the idea is not all Israelites will automatically be granted citizenship in God's kingdom this would have been a startling pronouncement because the Jews of that day believe that being born as Jews guaranteed them a place in the eternal Kingdom it was and remains not so clearly Christ taught the Apostle Peter this reality about Israel as well so open your Bibles to 2nd Peter chapter 2 2nd Peter chapter 2 second Peter chapter 2 we're gonna read verses 1 through 17 if you have a complete Jewish Bible on page 1 5 2 to 1520 to turn there now 2nd Peter chapter 2 starting at verse 1 but among the people there were also false prophets just as there will be false teachers among you under false pretences they will introduce destructive heresies even denying the master who bought them and thus bring on themselves Swift destruction many will follow their debauchery and because of them the true way will be maligned in their greed they will exploit you with fabricated stories their punishment decreed long ago is not idle their destruction is not asleep for God did not spare the angels who sinned on the contrary he put them in gloomy dungeons lower than Sheol to be held for judgment he did not spare the ancient world on the contrary he preserved Noah a herald of righteousness with seven others and then he brought the flood upon the world of ungodly people and he condemned the cities of sodom and gomorrah reducing them to ashes in ruin there's a warning to those in the future who live ungodly lives but he rescued lote a righteous man who was distressed by the debauchery of those unprincipled people for the wicked deeds which that righteous man saw and heard as he lived among them tormented his righteous heart day after day so the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials how to hold the wicked until the day of judgment while continuing to punish them especially those who follow their old natures and lust for filth and who despise Authority presumptuous and self-willed these false teachers they don't tremble at insulting angelic beings whereas angels feel stronger and more powerful do not bring before the Lord and an insulting charge against them but these people acting without thinking like animals without reason born to be captured and destroyed insult things about which they have no knowledge when they are destroyed their destruction will be told they will be paid back harm as wages for the harm they are doing their idea pleasures carousing in broad daylight they are spots and defects revealing in their deceptions as they share meals with you for they have eyes always on the lookout for a woman who will commit adultery eyes that never stop sinning they have a heart that is exercised itself in greed so that they seduce unstable people oh what a curse had brewed these people have left the straight way wandered off to follow the way of balaam been Beor who loved the wages of doing harm but he was rebuked for his sim sin a dumb beast of burden spoke out with a human voice and restrained the prophets insanity waterless Springs they are mists driven by a gust of wind for they have been reserved for the blackest darkness all whom Peter said would be cast into darkness specifically about certain members of Israel thus I have little doubt that Matthew 8 verses 10 through 12 are is also speaking about certain purrs of Israel this episode concerning the Centurion concludes with yeshua confirming that because of this officers trust that yeshua can do what he says he can do yeshua has already done it the house servant was already healed before the centurion went home indeed the soldier was correct merely Yeshua's word could heal will continue with Matthew chapter 8 next time [Music] yes [Music] you
Channel: Torah Class
Views: 2,634
Rating: 4.9111109 out of 5
Keywords: Torah Class, Seed of Abraham, New Testament, Jesus, Tom Bradford, Matthew, Christ, Yeshua, Son of God, Bible, Bible Study, Hebrew Heritage, Christianity, Hebrew Roots, Christian, Jews, God, Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes
Id: IAEKeDGs04c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 8sec (3308 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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