Lesson 18 - Exodus 20 Cont.

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[Music] well today we're going to continue a deep a detailed look at what among Christians is labeled as the Ten Commandments now how could such a standard icon of the Christian churches the Ten Commandments be seen as controversial at times that's what we began with last week in our study of Exodus chapter 20 what we discovered is that even the title the Ten Commandments is itself not only made up and it never appears in the Bible but also the word commander Commandments never appears the Hebrew word that is usually translated as command or commandment is mitzvot and mitzvot more means ruling such as a judgment on a legal issue a mitzvah is not technically the original law not a commandment although it's often in common parlance used that way however here in Exodus 20 the word debar is used and debar means word so the Greek translation of this Hebrew phrase is correct Decalogue meaning ten words Ten Commandments this is not a minor issue because what the so-called Ten Commandments amount to are statements of fact from the Lord opposed to commands they are the foundational principles from which all the following laws of Torah shall come from now the second controversy that we discussed concerning the numbering of the commandments or better words is this we found that in the original scriptures the first commandment was not you shall not have a you shall have no other gods before me rather it was I am Yehovah your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt that's first so the first statement of principle by God is to identify himself as you Dave Ave this was acutely important is necessary because all gods had names one needs to know which God they are communicating with and so the God of the Hebrews gave the people of Israel his name you'd hey've of hey we're not to get into some long argument about pronouncing this name because there are varying reasonable opinions but since the Jews stopped pronouncing the Lord's name around 300 BC the vowel sounds used have been lost so it's difficult for anyone to claim with certainty they know exactly how it was verbalized be that as it may the you shall have no other gods before me was actually the original second commandment so to speak I'm gonna go back and forth between the words command in the words because Commandments what you're used to hearing alright but it actually is word not commandment sometime before the Babylonian exile the Jews stopped treating the I am Yahweh who brought you out of Egypt as one of the ten words or ten commandments after Babylon the Jewish sages began to once again include I am Yahweh your God brought you out of Egypt as the first commandment at the approach of the Second Temple period it was once again excluded and back and forth it's gone over the centuries later on Christians adopted the off-and-on Jewish tradition and format of making the second commandment first but for entirely different reasons the original first commandment explicitly directed these commands to Israel and since Constantine Emperor Constantine had officially deemed the church as a Gentile religion the mention of Israel had to be removed if this new anti-jewish Church was going to consider the Ten Commandments as pertaining to Gentile Christians controversies don't in there today we're going to take up the actual commandments or better words themselves and delve into the meaning they originally held within the Hebrew culture in which they were given now let me say right up front we're going to be dealing with some difficult and sensitive subjects over the next couple of weeks it's my goal to discuss them with you and the most inoffensive and loving but intellectually honest manner possible however we cannot simply avoid these challenges that these principles represent or can we simply go on saying on the one hand how much we believe in these scriptural god principles and on the other hand we ignore them and neither can we determine to honor our cherished and familiar traditions where their Jewish traditions or Gentile Christian traditions above the plain meaning and expression of the Holy Scriptures especially times when they seem to conflict in some cases there will be what I believe are quite definitive answers and solutions in other cases there's going to be a deep shades of grey' that remain but in all cases I want us to leave here today loving the Lord and one another as much or more as when we walked in so open your Bibles to exodus chapter 20 take a look at verse 2 we're gonna go with this verse by verse for a little bit first 2 is I am Adonai your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt out of the abode of slavery here God Jehovah you Dave of hey is making it clear to Moses in Israel just whom is speaking let me stop right here and mention something I pronounce you David hey yaho Vey my research says it's a three syllable word it's most common to pronounce that is among at least particularly among Christians because Jews don't generally pronounce it at all think about that for a minute among Gentile Christians love to say Yahweh that doesn't fit the grammar but I can't say that it's wrong I say Yahav a notice that the oldest known form of the word an anglo-saxon is Jehovah how many syllables is that kind of interesting in then so that's why I say yay whole thing rather than Yahweh Yahweh maybe right I can't say for sure this is why I say you homie now remember that at that time the people of Israel still did not fully grasp the concept of but one God in all existence and Yehovah is also stating very plainly he is the god of the Hebrews he is the same one it's meeting them on Mount Sinai he's the same one who struck Egypt you rescued Israel from Egypt he brought him here come on Sinai therefore its Israel with whom he is making his covenant not anybody else but we will find as we study the Mosaic Covenant that foreigners Gentiles may join Israel and they are to be considered as first-class citizens in other words this covenant on Mount Sinai is with Israel and all who will join themselves to Israel this is nothing new frankly this provision of non-israelites being joined to graft it in adopt it into whatever words you want to use was also part of the Covenant you hope they made with Abraham the Lord is also making something else very clear and we all need to take note these people whom the Lord has redeemed have obligations to him among those obligations are loyalty and obedience to his principles and ordinances this brings up a principle we often forget the Torah commands and all the Bible instructions including those from our Savior are only for the redeemed only for the redeemed to follow the Lord's principles and commands without first being redeemed is what legalism is that's what legalism is following commandments of the Lord without first being saved that's legalism because you have no other you have no way to follow if you properly in the right spirit if you don't have the Holy Spirit but I want to see right now that for a saved person to follow the Lord's commandments that's the normal and expected response so we're supposed to do now there's another underlying principle of play here as a result of our acceptance of the Lord's Redemption we take on obligations that the rest of the world doesn't have God says I brought you out of bondage Israel now here is what I expect of you and I cannot tell you how it depresses me that so many believers honestly think that their Redemption is the last work or obligation they will ever have to God they said yes that's it I'm done now I can retire our redemption is not a work of ourselves it's not a work of any man our redemption is a one hundred percent work of the Lord you didn't do anything you just said yes that's it but now the work starts Exodus chapter 20 verses 3 through 6 you are to have no other gods before me you are not to make for yourselves a carved image of any kind of representation of anything in heaven above on earth beneath or on the water below the shoreline you are not to bow down to them or serve them for I I deny your God am a jealous God punishing the children for the sins of their parents to the third and fourth generation third and fourth generation of those who hate me but displaying grace to the thousandth generation of those who love me and obey my meats vote by rulings my regulations this one we just read must go down is the most important of all the commandments of all the words and is the one that might be the principle most consistently violated by God's people throughout the entirety the Bible this is because the insidious nature of idolatry shows up in ways that neither the people of the Bible era nor that we modern folks expect notice that there are four identifiable principles set down in this second word a no other God's be don't make any symbols or images of deity see don't worship any symbols or images and D there is punishment for violating any of the previous three principles and this punishment may well go beyond you in time and will affect your children and their children your whole be telling Israel there to have no other gods is not some quaint little saying the Hebrew people believed absolutely there were other gods in existence gods that were the gods for other nations for other people at this time Israel's take on what God meant by this was that he Yoho way was to be the only God that Israel was permitted to have what's key to understanding the second word is that while the prohibition against making carved images and representation certainly applies to any deity real or imagined this statement includes in fact it may refer primarily to the making of physical images of the God of Israel the reason for this prohibition against God images is twofold first of all no representation of your hova can possibly be adequate or sufficiently holy and second the Lord's not of this world and therefore nothing we could make from our hands or imaginations nothing that could exist and a mere physical realm could ever capture God's image the Lord is not a part of the substance of his creation he is not physical he is above all things is the maker of all things he is not in all things he is entirely different than any other being or entity or thing therefore any attempt at representation of his image is pure folly it will automatically be inaccurate and here in Exodus 20 he labels this as against his will now the second word confronts me personally hits me head-on I hope it does you as well honestly some ways I wish it didn't we were told in these verses rather plainly with no wiggle room at all do not make any representation of deity and most certainly not of the holy Godhead that incorporates a depiction of what anything in the heavens anything that lives on the dry earth and anything that lives beneath the sea this was a revolutionary concept for the world at that time and the Hebrews really didn't know how to take this command every known god from the time man time mankind turned corrupt right up unto the time of the Exodus had some familiar visible type of representation and in fact demanded such a representation based on some creature or object that occurred in nature typically it was a star there's a Sun a crescent moon an animal of some kind in many cases it was a human form or it was a hybrid animal human form the mind of that IRRI thought that if one did not have a visible God figure to worship how could you worship at all now although many times the animal or the object chosen to represent a particular God was what the people actually envisioned that God as looking like as often as not it was that the form simply represented some attribute or some ability that that God supposedly had a bull that represented strength a frog that represented life-giving qualities the life-giving qualities of that comes up out of water an eagle that represents lofty majesty often if a God had multiple attributes then several different symbols would be used for the same deity symbols for the same God could even vary from region to region and they might change over time tend to reflect a society's cultural traditions but here for the first time as a God you have a God of Israel that makes it an unbendable instruction that absolutely no representation no symbol of any kinds be made of his person probably nobody in this room would disagree with the interpretation I've given this commandment so far and if we look back into history we'll see that only rarely there's an entirely new symbol come along humans have proven to be much better copycats than creators most of the time one culture simply adopts a symbol from another or earlier culture perhaps making a minor change in a symbol so as to make it their own and then attaches a new meaning to it time passes pretty soon the new user of the old symbol loses any idea where D came from in the first place or that it by no means as their cultures unique invention such as how it is with symbols which for some reason mankind simply cannot seem to do without human beings are visually oriented creatures Ishtar was the goddess of fertility by the way she is also sadly the source of the name and several traditions for Easter she had many symbols but the most predominant one was the rabbit in general those who worshipped Ishtar did not believe that she was or did she look like a cute little bunny rabbit rather for obvious reasons the rabbit was simply an appropriate symbol for Ishtar's primary attribute fertility Ishtar is just the Western European name for a start a as start a is just the Greek name for the biblical Canaanite goddess ashteroth they're all one in the same the scriptures show us that this imaginary bunny God asteroth was a constant problem for Israel because from time to time the Hebrews would take up ashteroth worship and naturally you holy condemned this practice now I doubt anyone would argue against this as a prime example of what God's talking about in his prohibitive commandment against the manufacture and the use of symbols and images don't see any long faces yet ha so far so good but here's where it gets a little sticky as I was researching about the history of symbols particularly the ones that use animal representations it struck me one of the most commonly used faith symbols in Western Christianity is what a fish a sea animal it is used in messianic and in Hebrew root circles as well as as part of a symbol that includes a fish and a menorah you know I started wondering about how many of us have one form or another of a fish symbol on our cars around our necks and our book markers who knows where else and I thought well that certainly couldn't possibly have any connection with the meaning of the second commandment I mean we don't worship fish symbol but the more I read and reread the second commandment and looked it up and went over in the original Hebrew examined biblical scholarship documents about it and then went to websites that had various explanations as to the supposed original reviewed numerous articles in Christian publications explaining what the fish symbolized and counter articles refuting what the other ones claimed the more confusing the whole thing became and the more wisdom behind you Hovey's principle the second commandment started to become clear to me we all know what fish symbol I'm talking about so I don't need to explain it to you therefore I'd like to ask for you to consider this have you ever seen this same four symbol little eggs added and the word Darwin in the rim below middle of I've seen it all over the place it's become a popular anti Christian symbol to combat the Christian fish symbol the idea is sin to capturing the enemy's flag then you desecrate it and display it to humiliate the enemy well so as to not be outdone some clever Christian came right back with another new symbol had a big fish with a cross in it eating a smaller fish with the word Darwin in it when good desecration deserves another right although that's kind of funny what exactly does this demonstrate about the lofty position that this symbol must hold in our thoughts and our hearts when we become so passionate over it and we even have to get into a one-upsmanship game over it with non-believers at the very least within the church the fish symbol has come to represent Yeshua who is himself God very same God who sent down this principle of no images now I've heard some believers say it does not represent Jesus it represents the religion of Christianity in general I can accept that and some pretty smart Bible scholars agree with that I think a lot of people see it as simply a general religious icon that indicates the user of it the wearer of it as a Christian I can also tell you that many to some degree or another look upon that symbol as representing not that person and not the religion but Christ and in my opinion therein lies part of the problem we create or use symbols that please us symbols that we feel very comfortable and justifying and rationalizing and then we don't think too much about just what it is that that symbol represents to others or even deep down to ourselves we can get awfully careless and frivolous for these things in an effort to create an outward identity for ourselves now I'm sure you've noticed the many variations of those fish symbols that have now been created some are just the bare outline of a fish others have the word Jesus in English written in it still others have the Greek letters that transliterated into the English alphabet alphabet are I XQ us and that's written in the middle of the fish by the way and what do you here know what those letters mean it's an acrostic it takes the first letters the Greek letters of each word in the phrase Jesus Christ God's Son Savior in Greek and forms a new word and that new word is it feeis and in Greek it deus is fish so it's pretty hard to deny that that symbols of fish and be as it concerns an awful lot of believers that fish as far as they're concerned that is at least representative of Messiah Yeshua now my point is not to single out the fish symbol or to condemn it or anywhere of it or even say gods against it it's just an example of a known symbol that in common it's in common usage so just catch your breath for a moment while I pick on something else a little harder to reconcile I've heard many of my Catholic friends defend their use of statues of Christ and that they don't worship the statues nor do they think that somehow there's an essence of God in those pieces of wooden plastic perhaps I can't count the times I've personally observed people praying at that statue kissing it wiping their tears onto it or the number of times I've heard of an anti like desecrating one of those statues and touching off an incident and as we get ready to study the wilderness Tabernacle when we get to Leviticus and look at the design of it and look at all the various altars and implements that were used in it we're going to see that each one of those items were God ordained given in detail to be constructed precisely as instructed and not one of these items was ever designed to represent yo ho Vey not the father not the son not the Holy Spirit and none of these objects were symbolic of the Godhead but some were representative to a degree of his attributes of holiness and mercy among others but their main purpose was to instruct Israel about the Lord's holiness and to depict a future reality a foreshadowing of things that would be accomplished by the Messiah what we will notice when we get to studying the tabernacle is that none of these symbols used violated the principle of the second word nothing in the tabernacle used representations of animals sea creatures or humans or stars or moons or sons to symbolize God Jehovah himself designed the wilderness Tabernacle tools and implements and altars especially for a purpose and that purpose was to teach principles and the foreshadowing of future events not as representations of the Hebrew faith and not of him the problem folks is this we would prefer to believe that we can and all of our modern sophistication make or buy or use our own representations of God or symbols of our faith because we wouldn't ever let our selves look upon that symbol as an object of worship or is actually being God yet human nature is such that some element of that occurring is not very far away from any of us however worshiping a symbol is not necessarily the only issue that's the point of the second commandment God didn't say I give you permission to go ahead and make symbols of faith and a deity and of me provided you don't worship them he said don't make any symbols of deity and second don't worship any he gave us two instructions because above anyone anything God knows our human nature our Creator knows that step one is to make the symbols and that will invariably lead some folks not everybody to step two worshipping the symbols I want to give you a familiar analogy that's readily accepted within most Christian denominations it is usual for pastors to warn not to attach too much importance to our jobs to our wealth or cars our hobbies to anything why because the danger is we'll put the importance of those things importance of even of our families above God and we're told and most of us accept that anything that we put above or even on the same level as the importance of God in our lives is what idolatry that's what we're told it is that these overly important things that our lives become as gods for us and when most of us here are pastors speak this while we shake our heads up and down and because in our heart of hearts we know that while idolatry is not usually the intention or the actual end result we have elevated worldly things to a much to high importance and even when we do attach more importance to earning and spending money than to God we don't like to think of it as worshiping those things but it can come dangerously close can work the same way with the symbols this is why symbols are slippery slopes they just are the Protestant denominations constantly criticize and demean the Catholic Church's use of the cross because it usually depicts Jesus nailed upon it and Protestants also don't care for the Catholic proclivity to fill their houses of worship with statues of Jesus Mary and the various saints the Catholics respond by jumping all over the Protestants for use of the bear cross or sometimes the triple cross and interestingly for the use of the fish symbol various Protestant denominations constantly berate one another for using or not using as the case may be the triple Claus triple clock banners hanging in the sanctuary various other symbols and iconic expresses expressions I don't want to go into for now juicy the cross as terribly offensive because to them it's nothing but a cruel execution device and it was used to kill thousands of their people many Christians see the Star of David as a defunct symbol of a people who refuse to accept Christ and even participated in killing him some confused the Star of David with the pentagram they think it's a came from the occult often we even attach the term sacred to our symbols in other words the symbol itself takes on such importance that we actually attach some measure of holiness to it because of what we say it represents to us so is it any wonder that these various symbols elicit such emotion and discord between opposing groups and why it is that God warns us about the precarious nature of symbols you how they knew that the stronger in faith could make the symbols of something merely representative of their faith without making them objects of worship the reality is that a substantial number of worshipers are not so strong God solution don't make it the first place see he doesn't see symbols as being especially honoring to him no where does the Lord define a symbol of his deity and then say now fight to the death to protect it I readily acknowledge that it wasn't like when it comes to obeying the letter of this god-breathed instruction what it what is prohibited indeed seems to be objects we see in the skies land creatures and sea creatures that does seem to leave the door open perhaps to a symbol that does not employ any of the forbidden three so if we can if we just have to have symbols then perhaps we ought to stick with the very few that we can unequivocally find in the Bible that are gara God ordained to be used as representations of God's attributes and foreshadows and principles and the only ones I'm aware of are those used in the construction and the server of the wilderness Tabernacle and it's furnishes your home a thought the issue of symbols was so important he included in his 10 words I told you this was a sticky issue and I want to make it crystal clear I'm not judging and condemning your choice to wear an icon I am saying that at the least there is a warning here that while you might be able to resist the temptation to see it as any more than a sincere expression of your faith and in no way a representation of God how things like this can be taken by other people even if your same faith can be misconstrued I learned a long time ago to leave my crosses and fish symbols and American flags at home when I went abroad because while we understand what we mean by these items and we don't usually worship these items others have a rather different understanding those symbols and it turns out that what we might make an understandable witness for the Lord here using them doesn't do that other places I'm moving on an exodus check chapter 20 verse 5 still dealing with the second word it says that God is a jealous God the interesting use of award I think jealous this has always kind of bothered me because frankly when we think of a man or a woman being jealous it's kind of a negative statement in it not something very attractive in some ways when we Harbor the emotion of jealousy it reveals serious faults in us yet looking at the word in Hebrew just a little bit and Hebrew the word is cannot and it's almost always translated in English is jealousy but it has a sister work kina kena which also means jealousy but here's the difference between the two kina golden cue I you wood is used 43 times in the Old Testament it Revere always refers to human activity kana with an A is reserved explicitly and exclusively for when referring to a characteristic of your home a kena is used to denote jealousy of rival lovers or envy if somebody's wealth and possessions it is if you would that human form of jealousy and all who it's unflattering qualities kana on the other hand is not so much about jealousy as it is about being passionate not the erotic form of passionate but rather in the sense of great intensity like being an impassioned towards an ideal it is the Lord and all of his unwavering righteousness used here it is an expression that means God accepts no rivals he is utterly absolutely intolerant Frank sins against him particularly about anybody accepting other gods frankly we ought never to see the word jealous used that way in our Bibles due to what it means to humans in our day it gives us a wrong impression of what's meant it ascribes a characteristic to the Lord that's off the mark now continuing in verse 5 on into verse 6 God speaks of punishing the children of those who violate the second word on into the third and fourth generations but showing mercy to all who love God love meaning and intention to be loyal and obedient to him into the thousandth generation now first the easy part of this saying into the third and fourth generations is a Hebrew idiom just like into the thousandth generation is a Hebrew idiom the first extension means that for some time but not forever your descendants will be adversely affected the second expression thousands in a reason means more or less forever that's the idea note that God's wrath as a result of man's sin lasts for a short time three or four generations but his mercy and his kindness is symbolized as being a much longer period of time thousand generation forever now another stark contrast is drawn here using absolute and powerful words and here this those who obey the second commandment indicate loving God those who disobey it indicate hating God love versus hate now we can appeal by saying but even if I have ignorant Lee violated this word I don't hate God I love God problem is that this command this word is there all of them presented from God's perspective not ours our views irrelevant God says that as far as he concerned as he's concerned he sees the one who violates this word as demonstrating hate towards him that seems pretty tough you know what that's how it is yet the Lord also also sees the one will Bay's this second word is what loving him does that mean that even a non-believer who consciously obeys his command God uses loving him yes that is exactly what this means see that's the thing loving God is not the requisite for salvation trusting God in the form of Yeshua of Nazareth that's the requisite for salvation on the coming day of judgment millions probably billions of people who profess to love God yet each in their own way typically are gonna be condemned for all eternity because even though in their minds they thought they loved God they didn't trust him enough to accept the saving provision of his son Yeshua conversely a believer can be found violating this principle a believer and also be regarded by Yehovah as hating him that is God can look upon a believer as hating him even though that believer is eternally secure in Christ why because the irrelevant issue for salvation is trusting Yeshua now don't God all get all hung up on this love-hate issue Christians for centuries have had this mistaken impression that biblical love and biblical hate are about feelings and emotions from the Hebrew language viewpoint love is expressed in action and so is eight so what loving God amounts to is doing what he commands or avoid doing what he prohibits while heating God's the opposite now Exodus let's move on to chapter chapter 20 verse 7 chapter 20 verse 7 you are to use lightly the name of Adonai your God because add and I will not leave unpunished someone who uses his name lightly the third word is we're not to use God's name in vain that's typically how it is in most Bibles do not use God's name in vain and by the way what's God's name you Dave Ave God is not God's name God is just a general reference to Yehovah let me repeat something I said time and time again the vast majority of the time in our Bibles that we see the word God or Lord or in our complete Jewish Bible we see the word Adonai which is Hebrew for Lord or master in the original Hebrew it is the Hebrew letters you David hey yo ho Vey God's personal aim this is not my conjecture it's not an opinion it's just simple fact it's the truth what do I mean by the vast majority of the time how about about 95 percent that's right for every 10 times you see the word God or Lord in your Bibles more than 9 of more than 9 of those times the actual word in the original is Jehovah God's formal personal name now while we often think of the primary principle of the third words in terms of a prohibition against using swear words that's not the entirety of what was meant by this in fact that's far too narrow of a sense of what's intended here the Hebrew word that's usually translated as in vain a shop shop and shop means vanity also means falseness worth caryl carelessness or just kind of emptiness of speech it means that using God's name is to be done with great care always with the highest reverence the sages of disagree on exactly when this prohibition against verbalizing the Lord's formal name actually occurred earliest probably was around the time of the Babylonian exile the latest around the time of Alexander the Great so we're talking somewhere between roughly 500 BC and roughly 300 BC somewhere in there however the sages and the rabbi's generally agree that before that time the holy name was spoken and written there is no known document there is no oral tradition prior to that font timeframe that I just mentioned that says you cannot speak God's name so for a period of at least seven centuries as much as perhaps a thousand years roughly hebrews openly spoke god's name and ancient hebrew artifacts have been found there on display and is Israel's National Museum that have the Hebrew letters you Dave Bobby scrawled on them so we know this for sure as much respect as I have for the intention of the Jewish people to reverence the Lord's name by not attempting to pronounce it I do not agree with the concept I have studied this thing backwards and forwards and I can't escape the fact that the purpose of the third commandment is prior we're primarily primarily not entirely to invoke the Lord's name frivolously or as part of a vow because when you vow something using you Dave Ave as the surety of that vow you don't have any choice but to accomplish that vow regardless of the consequence or you have indeed taken his name in vain the secondary purpose is that one not commit perjury using God's name as sir D for your statement now further I contend that because the Lord has his holy name written over six thousand times in his word and nobody can and nobody argues this till scholar argues this Jewish a Christian and several scriptures it plainly says to do what call on his name or to do thus and so in his name it's just not comprehensible to me that we cannot do the very thing we're told to do use his name now I mentioned at the outset we can't be sure exactly how to pronounce his holy name because we're not sure of the ancient Hebrew vowel sounds the Hebrew language has no vowels it's all consonants so the only way you know how to pronounce a Hebrew word is from tradition how it's always been done the Massa Rhett's around a thousand ad invented a system using little dots and dashes and things they put next to words that indicate as best they knew then vowel sounds the blonde and a certain Hebrew word but even if we did know for sure the vowel sounds not everybody would pronounce his name perfectly uniform light because of various language translations anybody ever been to Australia sound much like English to you going to England is that much easier try going to Scotland listen to the English they speak there good luck the principle of this third world is not about accidental miss pronunciation of his name it's about misuse of his name intentional misuse beyond the use that it should be all that said I asked Gentile Christians to be kind respectful sensitive to our Jewish brothers in tradition a sister's tradition of not saying God's name in front of them this is very important to them and I would ask our Jewish brothers and sisters not be personally offended by those of us who confess we see nothing wrong and an open honest attempt to honor the Lord by pronouncing his holy name even if admittedly we can't do it perfectly next time we're gonna take up the fourth commandment it doesn't get any easier honoring the Sabbath [Music] [Music]
Channel: Torah Class
Views: 6,235
Rating: 4.9708028 out of 5
Keywords: Israel, Exodus, Egypt, Moses, Old Testament, Commandments, Tom Bradford, Torah, Bible Study, Torah Class, Seed of Abraham
Id: CP1Rt-S2qEE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 6sec (3306 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 16 2018
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