Lesson 10: The New Covenant. Hope Sabbath School

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to hope sabbath school an in-depth interactive study of the word of god we are being blessed in a series on the promise god's everlasting covenant today the new covenant and i'm excited because we not only have our gideon's band team here of five but one of our team members travis is going to be teaching our study today and it's really exciting because god is raising up leaders around the world men and women who are anointed by the spirit of god to teach the word of god in an in-depth interactive study of the word of god you can download the same outline that we use here at the class start your own bible study group and it's really exciting isn't it to hear what god's doing so welcome to hope sabbath school and welcome to the team what a great series i'm learning a lot about the covenants and most of all about god's unfailing immeasurable and unfailing love we're always happy to hear from you our hope sabbath school members around the world craig writes to us from italy now he says i'm from english and scottish descent but i live in italy so we have an international hope sabbath school team but he begins and he says don't ever stop producing hope sabbath school amen hope sabble school has become a fundamental part of my life many a friday night i spend in tears of joy watching you share the wonderful things that our lord and savior is doing in your lives praise god god called me to be a sabbath school teacher and i watch your programs every week and i use your outline as a guide when i lead the sabbath school class there in italy amen amen i mean god is just amazing isn't he amen may god continue to bless your ministry and do his great and marvelous work through you all your brother in christ craig well craig thanks for writing to us from italy and who knows we could be vaguely related i'm of english descent too all right our next note is from joseph in the united arab emirates he writes and says i am greatly blessed and encouraged every week when i watch your bible study and testimonies i join you from abu dhabi in the united arab emirates may god continue to bless you and the ministry of hope sabbath school amen amen all around the world god is touching lives here is a note from a donor this is an old-fashioned written sideways note if i can get a hold of it here it is dear hope sabbath school team this is from pennsylvania in the united states a donor writes and says i get a lot from each of your studies i watch them two more times i'm glad i can go back to the beginning and refresh on each study you say we've got a bible student here the the donor continues we're never too old to learn i'm 81 years young may god keep helping all of us in need for bible study amen amen amen and a donation of thirty-five dollars amen to be part of the miracle god bless you thank you for being part of the great miracle called hope sabbath school and thanks to all of our donors you know you can just go to our hope sabbath school page there's a little yellow button click donate or go to hopetv.org donate and be part of the miracle just like this donor from pennsylvania here is a note from thomas in north carolina here in the united states i am encouraged each week with the hope sabbath school broadcast team and i am learning from the bible amen amen praise god that's the plan right yes i pray for the team every day i praise god for the wonderful work you're doing thank you thomas writes from north carolina thomas thank you for writing you know we praise god too because we know that without him we can't do anything right but with him miracles happen one last note this is from simon spelt with a y simon with a y from malawi malawi that's where your friend is in malawi right travis hope sabbath school team hello all right simon got a wave from malawi i'm happy to tell you that through hope sabbath school and of course through the study of the bible i am now a teacher at my church [Music] well simon we're happy travis is teaching today because we know it's not just one person god is raising up tens of thousands of people to teach his word and simon's one of them there in malawi may god bless hope sabbah school team i am waiting to sing the scripture song with you well simon you're right on time right now we're not allowed to sing here in the studio because of the restrictions with the pandemic but you can sing with us a 3 000 year old scripture song from psalm 105 it says oh give thanks to the lord call upon his name make known his deeds among the peoples let's sing it together [Music] [Music] words [Music] seek the lord in his strength seek his face ever more remember his marvelous works which he has done oh give thanks to the lord call upon his name all give thanks [Music] and as we begin our study today we want to call upon the lord just like it says in the song so travis lead us in prayer as we begin our study let's pray father in heaven we're grateful to be here and study about the new covenant promise that you've made not with just the children of israel but with all of mankind and we know lord that this new covenant promise is not possible without the holy spirit and lord we ask for the same holy spirit that you will empower us with with the new covenant to be here in our presence as we discuss the promise that you've made in scripture it's been a blessed study as we've studied the covenant promises and lord one thing i've learned is that you're always faithful amen lord we claim the promise that when we ask for the holy spirit that you will be here in our midst we claim that right now in jesus name amen amen amen amen amen amen have you been blessed by the studies amen amen as i mentioned in my prayer the one thing that keeps coming to my mind is that god is always faithful and if i could take one thing from this study and remember that god is faithful it will be everlasting to me it's something that will always come to my mind um when satan is trying to cast doubt in my mind the title of today's study is the new covenant we've discussed the abrahamic covenant and the covenant with noah and the old covenant and today we're going to be discussing the new covenant promise there's a description given in jeremiah chapter 31 31-34 pedro if you would read that for us it's a very clear but short description of the new covenant promise given in the by the prophet jeremiah would you read that for us pedro yes i'll be reading from the new king james version jeremiah 31 verses 31-34 and it says behold the days are coming says the lord when i will make a new covenant with the house of israel and with the house of judah not according to the covenant that i made with their fathers in the days the day that i took them by their by the hand to lead them out to the land of egypt my covenant which they broke thought i was a husband to them says the lord but this is the covenant that i will make with the house of israel after those days says the lord i will put my law in their heart in their minds and read and on their hearts and i will be their god and they shall be my people so who is the initiator of this new covenant promise god himself god himself right written through the prophet jeremiah it's interesting travis he uses his special name the lord the lord that's the same lord who's brought the out of egypt who gave the ten commandments the i am same one the same i am so whose law is written on their hearts in the promise god's law what law is the lord referring to here eight commandments the ten commandment law of god so where do you see a strong emphasis on relationship rather than simply a contractual agreement in in this new covenant promise written by jeremiah [Music] it says very clearly there that you know i mentioned minds it mentioned hearts i will be theirs and they will be mine so whenever you talk about possession you know ownership so it's like something very intricate together pedro when i hear when i read this i see a marriage relationship you know we're making that connection i'll be you i'll be you know i'm giving myself to you and you're giving myself to me and the the thought process through that to that commitment and also the feeling process is there on the covenant jason you had a comment yeah there's a lot of personal language here and a lot of uh personal nouns if you will god says i a bunch of times in here if you look through the other covenants he may reference that you know once or twice but it's i i clearly hear and it's not a selfish eye but it's what he will do for his people and he reiterates that multiple times i think there's like five or more times where he literally says i i will do this i will do this he's very personal in what he's going to do and this is i would say in some ways the most personal we've seen of all the covenants even though it's the same god do we also see go ahead sabina i was also going to emphasize the fact that he reaffirms in verse 34 that they shall know me so for me this speaks also to this relationship because how can you know someone if you don't have a close relationship to them and i feel like as god is leading to the closure of this promise when he reaffirms that they shall know him he's speaking to like a true meaningful relationship amen and we can kind of get that picture that marriage as pedro and sabine have referred to but when he says they would be my people like his possession so so tell me why is a new covenant necessary there was an old covenant right we talked about the old covenant why is a new covenant necessary pedro oh we see that they broke the first government god's saying because you broke the first one i need to make a new one it's like a contract to agreement if you got evicted out of your house you know you need to write a new contract in order to to you establish that mutual agreement that was done before except if you got kicked out of your house the landlord probably wouldn't let you back in right but god is faithful yeah and i can think of a true life situation where a spouse walked off divorced the spouse and later realized that that was a very foolish decision you can't just move back in no you need to make a new covenant because that old covenant it wasn't a bad covenant it was just the first covenant was broken yes and praise god yesterday i also can think of the fact that you know after this breakage it could sound like to someone that some people would not really understand or know what covenant god was talking about in the future so then the need to bring it again back into a new light so it's not that there is a different covenant but that god is reaffirming that to people who for them may be new or not new in their experience you know i can think of that as well just kind of shading new light on truth that was already given making it new to those who had not understood it yet well you've you've kind of brought me to my next question so so we're talking the old covenant versus the new covenant so what is different and what is the same with the old covenant versus the new kim so the old covenant okay so with the new covenant we can rely on god to help us keep it because in and of ourselves we can't keep the old covenant with our own will to obey the ten commandments but with the new covenant god can help us by putting his law in our hearts and minds he's the one working in us to do that okay so jason so it's the same covenant the same god making the covenant the only difference is how we respond how we understand the covenant so in the older covenant old covenant there was a misunderstanding about how we were to relate to god and so god is what he's just doing is here he's just saying this is the same covenant but i'm making it clear this is how you respond it's not through your works it's not through keeping the commandments through this heart love relationship so i'm thinking back to what kim was saying ideally even at sinai the folks would have said god we're not strong enough to do that you're going to have to do you know you're going to have to put it in our hearts and change us and but let's let's uh show a little compassion to them they've just been brought out of generations of slavery um but ideally that would be the confession god that's that's something we can't promise to do unless you know you're present in us and and and do these things through us so they they just had a task cement taskmaster over them and so now maybe in their minds is the idea of somebody ruling them is also a taskmaster even though it's the same god who's wanting to save them in both covenants he's the one who takes the initiative i think you're right from their perspective they were constantly told these are the things you have to do right and they had been in captivity for how long 400 400 years yes pedro when looking to the governor we see that the contract is the same the people is the same so we look at the differences i think the major difference on the covenant of the old covenant and the new one is that the old covenant was based on the sacrificial system on bringing the lamb of their reminding of how god will save them now the new covenant is based on christ which was the shadow of the things to come so basically when we look into the text here and and probably going to discover more as we continue is it's that god is making the same covenant but through christ as a living example of what was the shadow still the same thing really yeah i want to respectfully disagree because uh it was christ in the old covenant too he was the lamb you know that that was to come i i think the real difference and it's the same law god wrote on the tables of stone and now he writes in our hearts but i think the big the big difference is that call to understand it's this intimate relationship that i want with you in the covenant and that's why i'm going to write my law in your heart same same redeemer right same savior the plan is the same we're never going to earn god's love or favor but but i need something to happen on the inside and we're going to go ahead you have i think we agree at this point because it's this the fact that jesus is the savior on both uh covenants when we look into the the oak covenant they have broken i think that the respect that they're broken because they couldn't see christ and their relationship and god says now i'm going to come in and you're going to see who i am really again so we have and we're going to dig into this deeper as we get further along in this study based on the promises that the children of israel had made to god when he's when he asked them to to keep the commandments but how would you respond to tell to someone who would tell you that the ten commandments are no longer valid today how would you respond to that in the new covenant in the yeah in the new covenant promise yes sabine point to them to the fact that in which ways do i see that the covenants they are the same so pointing to the fact that both covenants they expect you to have sanctification for instance that's one of the things that are present in both in both of them reconciliation with god is provided in both of them you have a mission which is like all will know me so both for abraham and moses there was an expectation that they would share it with other people and for the new covenant is the same and then that he would justify people so all will be justified so i think i would just help people perceive before talking about the ten commandments if they would ask me that's why i'm bringing that up i would help them see that it's all the same covenant and then help them reason through the fact that what is the law that would allow for this process of sanctification like which law are we talking about is there a new law that god gave as well and i think that this would help them to better understand so yes thank you sabine jason the covenant is god's law of love and god's law of love existed even before sin so if you look at the this reference here it says i will put my law and their hearts in their minds and in their hearts so the law is still there and we know one part of the law is the ten commandments but the ten commandments also references creation so again this is god's law being consistently it's described in different ways but it's his same law of love there's nothing different about the essence of it it's just mankind's understanding of what it means and how it's applied [Music] so so so man has broken the children of his have broken the law of god right and they've broken the covenant so a new covenant has changed but or has come god has given a new covenant through the prophet uh jeremiah and but he does something strange we're going to move on here he does something with one of the minor prophets in the bible hosea and if we could turn to hosea chapter 2 18-20 i'm glad i'm going to have you read that but but could someone just give me a brief overview of the story of hosea and what this strange thing god has called him to do did someone give a just a brief overview of the story well god told hosea to to marry this woman that was basically a prostitute and then he goes and married her and have a child with her and god gives it the name according to what the people were doing so it is a weird story about an illustration of how god's relationship with israel with the old covenant how he was still chasing after his people so god wants hosea to experience what he has experienced with an unfaithful israel with an unfaithful wife right is that what we're seeing in the story maybe to experience it but but even more for everyone else to see it yeah and go what are you doing hosea and and he as prophet will say this is how god's people have have related to him yes now this story seems strange but it is beautiful in what we see happens from god yes pedro so i'll say that this story shows how is crazy in love for us and we do other stands to share his love for us okay well the experience of hosea is illustrated you know marriage is a covenant and it's broken and we want to read hosea chapter 2 18-20 if you'd read that gladys and we're going to ask the question what emphasis do you see in the new covenant that god promises to make with his unfaithful people sure i'm reading from the new international version hosea chapter 2 verses 18 to 20. in that day i will make a covenant for them with the beast of the field and the birds in the sky and the creatures that move along the ground bow and sword in battle i will abolish from the land so that all may lie down in safety i will betroth you to me forever i will betroth you in righteousness and justice in love and compassion so i want are you finished i will betray you in faithfulness and you will acknowledge the lord that was verse 20. so stay right there gladys because i'm gonna have you read 16 in in just a minute so here is god pledging his faithfulness to an unfaithful israel it's a beautiful story now if you were in many of us are married that are here and and if you're in a relationship with your spouse and they are unfaithful and you let's say you decide to take them back what would your expectate would you have a certain expectation and limitations and would you definitely it would be great so so gladys i want you to read because because remember they had been uh they had task maskers over them so this is their way of thinking yeah look what god says in verse 16 to these people it's incredible to me it says verse 16 in that day declares the lord you will call me my husband you will no longer call me my master so god is not giving us or the children is our list of rules he just wants them back wow i i i don't know what translation had but in verse 20 she said you will acknowledge and and my bible says you will know that the lord i don't know what other translations are but to me this is [Music] back to the intimate relationship that the lord wants to have and and it's reinforced in verse 16. my my husband not my master and so god is calling the children of israel back not with a list of rules and regulations he loves them that's not the conditions on which they can come back they he just wants them to return and he will be a husband to them yes yes and i can see that there is an emphasis and i think that's one of the questions that you brought up when you were reading what makes it different than like what is it that this text shades light in this new covenant and for me it's god's expectation of faithfulness so it sounds like he's really speaking to a people who will be faithful to him so he doesn't think that people will break again the covenant he is speaking to those who will be called his people who know him and um yeah so so the response i believe what god is looking for the response is the change of heart of love right a response of love to his love for them right i think that god wants to acknowledge that he knows what they did you know it's like you know your condition you know what you you broke the covenant but i still love you you are mine i think that he wants them to know that but he is also not saying it's okay for you to have idols yeah and you can commit adultery it's saying there's such a change of heart because of the intimate relationship as we've been studying in this whole series yeah that that you just you just want to be loyal i imagine them weeping derek as they come back what you're not going to give me a list of rules you just want and it's a change of heart that starts to take place so let's read ezekiel chapter 11 verse 19 and sabina could i have you read that for us how does um our attitude change towards uh a covenant with god when we have a new heart uh ezekiel 11 11 19 yes okay so i'll be reading from the new kings james um and it says then i'll give them one heart and i will put a new spirit within them and take the stony heart out of their flesh and give them a heart of flesh that they may walk in my stages and keep my judgments and do them and they shall be my people and i'll be their god isn't that powerful would you read 18 chapter 18 verse 31 as long as you're there in ezekiel 18. [Music] so so god is doing something within the human heart that's powerful that's something that that we ourselves cannot do go ahead sabine so it says cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit for why should you die o house of israel and kim i'm going to have you read chapter 36 26-27 but what i see god doing here is drawing them as you had mentioned derek he he's telling them to cast their sins aside he's calling them actually to a life of obedience to a covenant relationship with him kim would you read um chapter 36 26-27 sure i'll be reading from the english standard version and i will give you a new heart and a new spirit i will put within you and i will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh and i will put my spirit within you and cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules you shall dwell in the land that i gave to your fathers and you shall be my people and i will be your god what is the condition of the heart it was a heart of stone stone and he's going to give them a heart of flesh doesn't jeremiah 17 19 say the heart is deceitfully wicked so we need to have a new heart pedro i see this when i when i see this beautiful saying of god it says i'm giving you the willpower to accomplish you know i'm i'm wanting to you need to work on your desire you have to take action of you know we have god given the freedom of choice but sin have taken away our freedom of choice and making bondage in sin and god is saying i'm going to give you a new heart so you can have the will to choose me just in that past verse in 18 chapter 18 31 it says get yourselves a new heart and i can imagine people going how do i do that but then chapter 36 i will give you a new heart and and for me travis it's just a choice to allow god to do that i need a new heart i come to him say god i need a new heart and he says i'll give you a new heart yeah that's that's why it's called amazing grace amen amen but that new heart will um then respond in loving obedience to god but not to earn his favor but because he's saved us in his mercy and grace so we can't get that new heart on our own i don't believe we can and you know uh when i was uh studying the lesson i had called derek uh over um one of the verses in here just seeing how it related to the lesson and i have to tell you that the teacher um was um convicted of something that i had never saw before and that is we've talked about the ten commandments that god leading us and and uh into a life of obedience that they're really not done away with the new covenant is actually he'll write them on our heart but then as and it was in matthew chapter 7 where he says if you've looked after a woman in lust you've already committed adultery and i recognize when derek was saying that he's not only calling us to a life of obedience he's calling us even to a radically higher experience than that and that is i don't want to just steal from someone i want to love that person and this was a radical experience for me i thought wow you know god is calling us to something um way higher than what we can accomplish ourselves yes and i can think also of that jewish principle that the tenth is the minimum you know so when you give the tithe like it's the minimum that you're giving when you're obeying the ten commandments like it's the tenth it's the it sounds to me i may be wrong i don't think but it's the tenth it's the minimum it's how you minimize it to to give it to god when he actually wants much more from you and he's giving you some you know information to where the heart of the law stands but it's much more encompassing than uh you know pen praise god and we're going to move on because it was impressed i was impressed to to spend some time dwelling on how to get a new heart because we have a heart of stone our heart is deceitfully wicked you know we see the children of israel um walking away from god and and god is yet calling us to uh calling us to a high calling you know something above the letter of the law and so i'm thinking lord how do we get a new heart and so we want to read revelation chapter 3 verses 20 to 21 and jason if i could have you read that because i know that we have viewers out there saying i want a new heart how do i get a new heart amen i have the new king james version here revelation chapter 3 verses 20 and 21 behold i stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door i will come into him and dine with him and he with me to him who overcomes i will grant to sit with me on my throne as i also overcame and sat down with my father on his throne so who's in charge of opening the door we are we are so so he's standing waiting at the door and he wants to come in and dine and have that experience by the way it says to him or overcomes it seems that the overcomer is the one who's let jesus into their heart right so how do we overcome as jesus did we invite jesus into our hearts and and we've talked about this a lot travis but he takes the initiative right he's knocking on the door right he's knocking waiting but we have a choice whether we're going to enter into that covenant relationship with him another powerful verse found in second corinthians 4 4 6 and 7 or verses if i could get pedro to read them for us came to because we were just talking in the previous lesson about the sabbath and about creation and and we're going to read about king david who had a problem with a stoney heart at one time as well but it seems that getting a new heart is something that god has to do and i believe we really see that well in second corinthians four six and seven if you'd read that for us yes for sure i'll be reading from the new king james version uh corinthians 4 verses 6 it says for it is the god who who commanded light to shine out darkness who has shown in our heart to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of god in the face of jesus christ but we have the treasure in earth earthen vessels that the excellence of the power may be of god and not of us the it's it's not of who it's not of us it's of god so someone might be saying well you don't know how dark my heart is well jesus is the creator and he can recreate our heart it's no wonder the psalmist said in psalm 51 create in me a clean heart he knew that he couldn't do it himself right yes he had to invite jesus in who of course so the reincarnate son of god the holy spirit in and he and have that experience of a changed heart could i have one more uh someone read psalm 37 verse 4 gladys would you read that for us because this is another verse that came to my mind as i was studying the lesson we need a new heart and and we want to know how this is possible i'm reading from the new international version psalms 37 verse 4 take the light in the lord and he will give you the desires of your heart is that another amazing promise what does it mean to take delight in the lord to enjoy him is to delight on the things that he do you know look into the the covenant agreement we see that the people of the old testament they fail because they want to do the work of the law god wants us to have the will you know i can do the right thing i can say well i know travis i wanted to shake his hand and say hello but i don't really like him no i love him i embrace him i hug him you know you know you're my friend we love each other and god wants us to have the will power not just the work i just want to do the what is necessary to get by god says i want you to enjoy that delight on that it's like wow this is a relationship in a previous lesson derek shared the verse from proverbs right there's there is a way that seems right to a man but but when we delight ourself in god's ways then we get new desires in our heart well i think about when when jesus was on earth you know that the jews had put so many laws the pharisees the priests they have put so many laws on the people that it was like a burden to them so when jesus came came you know it started preaching it was like a delight they were like wow that's a different a different thing you know that that he was teaching so it was nothing new that he was teaching but he was showing how loving god is through his word that is he's not meaning to to condemn and attack and and and condemn you and kill you it's just that he wants to love you into a relationship with him we've heard the term right be all you can be but that has its limitations but the bible says i can do all things through christ who strengthens me amen so we need to invite jesus he's knocking at the door of our heart invite him in delight ourselves in his ways not our own thoughts right in his ways and ask him to create in us a clean heart and he will give us new desires we will we will love people we we never thought we could love and we will do things we never thought we could do because god is jesus is in us empowering us to be and live that kind of life right yeah yeah so we're going to move on so the new covenant was made with the house of israel and with judah what about the rest of the world are they eliminated from uh from this new covenant promise can we think of a bible text that can to help us uh with this idea that that god the new covenant promised was for everybody does anybody have a a bible text that would uh let us know savina i think that uh texts from a few texts from galatians but the one that i'm thinking here is galatians 3 7 to 9. would you read that for us sure um so i'll be reading from the new king james version and that's galatians chapter 3 from verses 7 to 9 and it says therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of abraham in their scripture foreseeing that god would justify the gentiles by faith preached the gospel to abraham beforehand saying in you all the nations shall be blessed so then those who are of faith are blessed with believing abraham how does that make you feel knowing that we are part of that covenant promise that we're included in that from the book of jeremiah how does that make you feel it's awesome awesome [Laughter] so so that promise is given to to the children of israel but it continues uh with us so how would you approach somebody who says that it's only israel what would you say to somebody who says it's only for that besides yeah go ahead i would begin by showing to them that even the covenants that had been established in the beginning which we already said it's the same content of the covenant but god is renewing it that they were also done with particular people but god intended them to use that to spread to others and to bless other people and lead them into having a covenant with god as well so i would start there yes i cannot get the the tax on my mind but i know in the bible god told abraham that through you i'll bless the nations that's the covenant we're all about blessings that's right yeah the world will be blessed by you and we know john 3 16 that's a very famous verse right that jesus died for the whole world right so this covenant blessing was passed on to everybody so what what good news is shared in the inspired testimony of the apostle paul in ephesians chapter 2 11 and 13 and jason i'm going to have you read read that for us because i guess for me especially i never i never get tired of hearing that god's plan of salvation even back then is intended for me right now amen all right i have the new king james version here ephesians chapter 2 verses 11 through 13. therefore remember that you once gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by what is called the circumcision made in the flesh by hands that at the time you were without christ being aliens from the commonwealth of israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without god in the world but now in christ jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of christ amen now he's knocking on the door of our heart right inviting us in that's such an amazing thing so when did you accept the gracious love of offering or the offer of this loving covenant-making god when did you accept that that he would forgive your sins and give you a new heart when did you do that testimony time you gladys i was born in in raise in a christian home but i remember i was around eight or nine years old and i i was reading studying the bible with my mom she used to make us memorize bible portions of the bible during the week and every friday we had to present to the family what we have learned and i don't know why i felt like this warmth in my heart and i told my dad i want to be baptized he said but you're just nine years old i want you to wait till you're a little bit older and i said but and i started telling him i think jesus died for me i believe that he cleansed me all the bad things that i'm doing and my father's like you're only what things and i said i was doing this and i felt so bad like the holy spirit was telling me and i was just telling him examples after examples and he said yeah i think you're ready to be baptized and i still remember that day when i walked into the baptismal pool it was like the most amazing experience to acknowledge to the world that i was his wow that's amazing thank you for sharing your testimony anybody else when did you come to understand um this concept that that god loves you and he wanted to give you a new heart sabina so i i previously shared him with you part of my testimony but i think that the moment that i understood that more consistently was after my father passed away and i had in the process of his disease i had started seeking for truth and i even remember one day i entered into my bedroom i kneeled down and i had a long conversation with god whoever he were i said lord if there is a god i don't know what's your name where you are but i really would like to get to know you if there is one and i would like to live for you and then i made a covenant with whoever god was yes i did i said that well if you come and show up to me i commit my life to you as to be you know like a priest or a if it was a nun or whatever would be the priest of this only true one god and so further down a few months later after my father passed away a few friends were inviting me consistently to visit a church and eventually went and in that particular day someone inquired me if i had understood already a few things in the bible that were not clear to me especially what it meant to receive jesus in your heart and accept this covenant that we are reading about as being part of my life and i made a prayer and you know it was not something immediate but it really after that day and the opportunities that i had got to expose me to more truth in the bible it just changed my heart just as we were discussing here i made that commitment i made that prayer inviting him to live in my heart and things started changing so even previously they had started changing but it was kind of my step further even closer to him that's this was my experience so i have a question for sabine and gladys because you both shared yeah has god kept his side absolutely yes always and i'm hoping to keep mine because he is always faithful right yes yeah want any more testimonies um so i grew up christian um but when i was 19 years old i remember i had committed a sin i knew really hurt god and really hurt somebody else there were bible studies that were going on on campus the campus i was going to and i decided to go i felt the holy spirit impressed me to go friday night and i heard a pastor preach a sermon about sin and how jesus is able to forgive us of our sins praise god and i knew that growing up but i think when i realized how hurtful this sin was to god and also to the other person yeah i remember just like bawling um during that sermon um and then i could i recommitted my life to jesus at that moment and asked him to give me a heart of flesh well praise god since we've got 200 countries and a lot of languages bawling means she was crying intensely right she was crying and i think that's beautiful because actually when we enter into that covenant relationship with the god who loves us with an immeasurable and unfailing love i think the emotions the healthy emotions stir within our souls i think we actually come to life it's like it's like we're half dead but we come to life with the spirit of god in us and and here uh beautiful example with kim just literally crying out to god you're saying a heart of stone derek wouldn't come out no it's become a heart of flesh and vulnerable that was not that was not kim's doing mm-hmm but she chose to accept what the spirit of god was doing in him yeah beautiful pedro you see that this is the beautiful thing about the gospel god already had performed the surgery before we gave it to him that's the beauty of the gospel god is already working before we even recognize because you know our hearts yeah and i'm thinking also as you were sharing this story how indeed it's god given the new heart and that makes us sensitive to be unwilling to see you actually it's not because you decided immediately like it it takes a time and god is working in your heart but it does create disgust like he knew it it should create disgust against sin so i also can see how this process of changing from a heart of stone to a heart of flesh implicating you being sensitive to dislike what god disliked as well and it's not that you are doing that only to achieve god's favor he's already favored you and is helping you but then there is this response also that starts happening i'm glad that you mentioned that it is it takes time because i remember a bible verse in genesis where it says that enoch walked with god yes the christian right that our experience is a walk it may be not happen right away but as i'm hearing the testimonies i'm seeing a little girl god is changing her heart to you a little bit at a time and kim god is working and if we allow him to work he will he's promised to transform us and change us and there is a relationship right you can see there is beautiful praise god i love testimonies so a better covenant established on better promises we've just talked about uh that the there was a need for a new covenant well i'm gonna have kim read hebrews chapter eight verse six and we're gonna find out why and we're gonna ask the question but we're going to find out why the new covenant was necessary and why it was better go ahead kim i'll be reading from the english standard version but as it is christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant he mediates is better since it is enacted on better promises so so the so the reason for the new covenant is it he needs to have or it's based on better promises right so that means there was some promises that weren't so good in the old covenant right no i think that the promises were fulfilled in jesus the promises of that old covenant were fulfilled when jesus came so now we need better promises meaning that something even building up on what he already gave us into something more uh i would differ with that and say that the old covenant the people based it on their problems there we go right and their promises were they were they were weak there was nothing wrong with god's promise was absolutely not the amazing thing of the new covenant which is we've heard all along is still the same god same promise of salvation and love right same choice we have to respond or not but they're based on his promises not not our promises and his promise is that he's going to write his law in our hearts on our minds you know he's going to do that work we just have a choice to make like you read in revelation we read in revelation 3. whether we'll open the door or not our promises as one author wrote are like ropes of sand right there they're i mean we we don't keep our promises but god is always faithful so could i have uh pedro read from hebrews chapter 9 11 through 15. sure chapter 9 11 15 and we'll continue to talk about the the new covenant promise go ahead i'll be reading from the new king james version uh hebrews 9 starting from verse 11. but christ came as a high priest of the good things to come with the greater and more perfect tabernacle not made with hands that is not of this creation not with blood of goats or coughs but with the blood of his own blood he entered the most holy place once for all having obtained eternal redemption for it is the blood of uh for if the blood of bulls and goats and ashes of their heaves he first sprinkle the unclean sanctify for the purify of the flesh and verse 14 how much more shall the blood of christ who through the eternal spirit offer himself without spot to god cleanse your conscience from the dead work to serve the living god and for this reason he is the mediator of the new covenant by means of death for the remain redemption of the transgression under the first covenant that those who are called may receive the promise of eternal inheritance god so i think as i was listening to gladys talk about um the the two the difference in promises i think maybe you were alluding to that god was fulfilling his promise at his death right exactly what he was reading i was thinking that's exactly what i was thinking that you know they were trusting or putting their face sore sort of saying on the blood of these animals but then jesus came so he is the better you know blood that it will bring us to the new covenant you know the the covenant promise in jeremiah starts it says after those days so i believe you're right it was pointing forward to when that covenant relationship would be fulfilled but it's still being fulfilled because he's still changing the hearts of kim and jason and pedro and derek and myself because he's fulfilling his promise in each of us when we open that door and invite him i'm just reading exodus 19 travis they say all the lord has spoken we will do that was their promise yeah instead of saying god i need a new heart you know i i i need more than to try harder mm-hmm i need total transformation amen i need to be born again and and the beautiful thing is that's what god has wanted all along well you jumped ahead of me derek that's where i was going with this but and i want somebody to read that in exodus chapter 19 3-8 because derek you're right our promises they are like ropes of sand and so the new covenant promise is based on god's promise jason would you read that for us i have the new king james version here exodus chapter 19 verses 3 through 8 and moses went up to god and the lord called to him from the mountain saying thus you shall say to the house of jacob and tell the children of israel you have seen what i did to the egyptians how i bore you on eagle's wings and brought you to myself now therefore if you will indeed obey my voice and keep my covenant then you shall be a special treasure to me above all people for all the earth is mine and you shall be to me a kingdom of priest and a holy nation these are the words which you shall speak to the children of israel so moses came and called for the elders of the people and laid before them all these words which the lord commanded him then all the people answered together and said all that the lord has spoken we will do so moses brought back the words of the people to the lord so derek as you mentioned right they didn't fulfill their part of the covenant and a new covenant was necessary because if god hadn't made a new covenant with better promises with him fulfilling his promise in our heart then you and i would not have salvation that they did not fulfill in terms of transformation in terms of surrender but in their words when they said we will do everything the lord has said i think that they were thinking like okay yes we are going to if we sing we bring the the lamb we cut the neck we do this because ceremonially they fulfill you know so what have we learned from this lesson that we can stand on the promises of god right a hymn writer wrote a gospel song standing on the promises of god that's actually one of my favorite hymns as we move forward in our studies the one thing that we can take from this lesson and the lessons to come is that we can always stand on the promises of god we can trust him right even when we fail we can get back up open the door invite him into our hearts say lord like the psalmist created me a clean heart and we can trust that he will work that work of transformation in our heart amen amen amen amen thanks so much travis you've probably been listening to the study today and thinking derek i've made so many promises to god and i've broken so many promises well i have good news for you your salvation is not based on your promises to god amen amen your salvation is based on god's promise to you you say well then what will happen the answer is god wants to give you a new heart to write his law on your heart in your mind that could it be that doing his will is like the natural impulse of your new heart you say derek that's a miracle well my friend god specializes in miracles he's a miracle-working god and that's exactly what he wants to do for each one of us let's pray together our father in heaven we stand in awe you're such an amazing god father son and holy spirit you work this beautiful plan of salvation and even now you knock on hearts and say please open to me he's you're not going to break the door down but surrender to a god who loves us with an immeasurable and unfailing love thank you lord that you don't just want us to try harder but you want to give us a new heart and a new mind we bless you we give you thanks in jesus name amen amen amen well thanks for joining us for hope sabbasco you say i'm excited to see what god wants to do in me and through me and friends when he does those miracles you give him all of the glory and go out be a blessing to those around you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Hope Sabbath School - Official
Views: 47,169
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Keywords: sabbath school, hope sabbath school, sabbath school lessons, bible, derek morris sermons, derek morris, christianity, hopesabbathschool, seventh-day adventist, sabbath school lesson, jesus christ, bible study, hope channel, hopechannel, jesus, bible teaching, bible prophecy, hope, the promise, god's everlasting covenant, god creator, the new covenant, isaiah, prophet isaiah
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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