Les Paul with ZZ Top

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hell have you got growing there come on up here hi just for uh for less I wore my famous hat and now it's almost and yet through all that stuff stick out Hank I know I'm afraid to shave it off I don't know what's under here someone said grow that out I said no for every bad note I get to put one more in so I had a good week you know I gotta ask my my son or someone back there hunt hunt in there in the hearing aid there the battery went dead on me can you believe that technology we have today and everything I got a hearing aid that goddamn battery went dead on me so I can't hear what you're saying okay let's shop this out so I'm sure guy sure can yeah okay I've had some of our audience asked me to say please it's too loud so this is a well start from the beginning now okay start from the beginning I introduce you and you come up here are the ZZ Top's yeah yeah would you play the guitar or what I do actually play the guitar I try to yeah I have to have a guitar waiting for you back there did you like the floor we have to place a closed [Applause] there's one all plucked in down down here there's a strap limit and everything now what is your first name well you can call me Willie Willie yeah is it Billy its Billy boots Billy Willie will do well it gets and it's not the way you wear their strap outside yeah gunslinger style you know Texas guys are you from Texas born and raised no good yeah and what happened to what is the reason for that large growth he got what is on base how many years is that to get down that far how many years is it take thick it's a good thing you ask because it can I can brag we've got a brand new CD out this week called 3x which stands for 30 we've been together 30 years and there's a hair for every year or their day I'll be doing well I'm so proud to have you up here what are you gonna do for us oh anything slash got up and did it yeah and if slash did it I got to do it he only knows two chords I know three so I think I can do he's see I I know where the Sam ash got this hearing aid don't ever boy you think you think I got a problem with the pacemaker I see a bottle of I know pardon I was gonna say a backward joke but no you got a joke hey not when you're wearing a hat like this you don't tell those kind of jokes oh Christ is up oh don't shout it's a dollar now you want to get one with the group they want to get the group come on come on you guys getting a picture hey hey what about an action shot can we give me honest ain't you you started out well father what kids [Applause] Hey [Music] come on you guys for good it's all yours okay Lily were with you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] those are my three chords oh you gotta sing something with that nothing you got something [Music] where we going with this Kansas City Kansas City who I guess is sitting in Kansas City huh they've got some crazy little women there they stand on the corner toaster vine every scanning on that corner 12 Street and Vine I wouldn't mind Kansas City baby and a bottle of Kansas City one while I might take a train I might take a plane if I have to walk along there Edison as a city huh they've got some reasonable women there and I'm gonna get me one where it out there baby [Music] Kansas City Kansas City how I could go to Kansas City as a city how I could they've got some crazed dude over there last night [Music] they've got some crazy little women there and I'm gonna get me one they've got some crazy little women there and I'm gonna get me one tell me what goes with you guys now how many are in your group 3 3 yeah 3x well you're no better than our damn trio that's all I wanna sleep and and what art whether they are two members your trio well there's dusty Hill the bass player uh-huh and he's the other go and with the big beard you know that's got a trademark thing that in the spiked hat sunglasses Les Paul guitar in fact we started our career based on the sound of the Les Paul to get to our founded farmer had it 200 bucks reading yeah and where did you guys start I have been in Texas now in text yeah we're pops right off the Sunset Boulevard well Sunset Boulevard that's in my work well yeah oh yeah what do you guys do you have a do you have a Sunset Boulevard down Texas anywhere no but I got a post-office box I send them 20 bucks a month and it makes me look like I'm in show business yeah now what what what are some of your hit songs that you did because I'm not not a rock guy you know yeah I wrote a thing called how high the moon you did yeah no I wrote that it was covered by a guy that invented a guitar oh really oh yeah yeah well that must be Holly right Buddy Holly not to that you know they're doing a thing tomorrow night for but Buddy Holly really yeah they're doing something I think it's what the hell's that guy's name Paul McCartney he's in Texas too right yeah we were there now let me ask you something that probably nobody asks but what's under that hat what's under the Hat yeah I wonder what's under that hat well red bandana really yeah can you show us a couple layers of dandruff under that dandruff I collect I collect old automobiles this a true story I had to squeeze this in this is by request this story and I had a 1936 Packard bought it for junk you know so running her sex owner it was six yeah yeah sure I know that I had one big coupe door little bit on the rusty side but a young lady okay another Texas girl was gonna get her debut she had been asked to come out to California take a screen test and I said and she didn't have a way out there I said look you take this car and if it gets you there that'll be a sign and she got out there she got the part I didn't hear from her for a long time she caught me up and said hey I got the part I'm doing good and she said I sold the car and she said I sent you the money and and sure enough that we hung up the phone the next day the mailman comes in I got a check for $200 and I use that money I won't see the farmer and about that Les Paul and that's how the cut we yeah before you vote you got to hear the rest of it the car was called pearly gates because we figured if this car got it from Texas to California had some kind of divine connection and she sold the car and so she sent me the money I said we're gonna call it call the guitar pearly gates and she said you got a plate divine music on it and that's what we've been doing and for instance what is one of your songs how do you sing with it yeah glasses yeah well we got we it's we the guys with the big beards and we're also the guys that sing the anatomy excuse me she's got legs - ish yeah going right up starting with the legs then - - ish ha we're getting up there okay you want to do one of those can you do one would you would you do just give me you want to get down in the dirt with this one tonight I just came back from Mississippi oh yeah I got that got that feeling [Music] [Applause] [Music] your peckers guitar right got that far Joe thank you thank you okay more feathers more feathers for the cab what are you doing around here now what came here to see what's your thing here why are you playing on TV doing anything you know I gotta tell lies how we belong yeah you're making a record are you oh yeah I ain't good Joe I actually just finished it up it's coming out on September 26 good good luck good luck to you thank you thank you all it's a great honor [Applause]
Channel: chris lentz
Views: 4,734,060
Rating: 4.7720571 out of 5
Keywords: Les Paul Foundation
Id: 3egBlDjMWtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2017
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