Leopard Sink With Stone Coat Countertop Epoxy and foils!

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[Music] okay guys today I have a really fun project I I do a lot of building countertops in our studio and installing them but I also get a lot of questions about maybe countertops that are existing in a home especially integrated sinks where it's all one piece so that's what we're gonna do today and I actually went and got this sink from a hotel resale I came out of a hotel so we're gonna make it look gorgeous and I think I paid $20 heart but it's functional it's there's nothing wrong with it it's just ugly so we're gonna make it ready make sure when you go over an existing substrate laminate stone anything shiny that you really scuff it up you prime it with a bonding primer that's the key it has to be a bonding primer the kilts that you buy at Home Depot that are just for drywall or a multi-surface that's not gonna cut it you really need a bonding primer so I used xim on this project that is one of my very very favorite primers so we did that and two coats of the bonding primer let that dry overnight and kind of how I make sure that it's ready for the next step which is the bare paint primer is I take my fingernail and if I can scratch that easily it's it's not ready either we need another coat or we didn't need to let it dry just a little more so I can't really really iterate reiterate the the fact that you really need to make sure that first level of protection and adhesion is good so after that I'm gonna come back in here and I'm gonna lightly sand my bare paint and primer and only reason I'm doing this is for mechanical adhesion I really want that next layer to have a bite something to grab on to I'm not standing it hard just getting it a little bit roughed up we'll come in here what we're going to do as far as the finish is going to be one of my favorite things to do it's bring in my background of faux finishing and stuff to my epoxy and we're going to foil this and give it a really cool finish where you're not really having to worry about your epoxy finish running into the the bowl and you're losing your pattern we're going to lay down the pattern first before we ever put any epoxy over it so that's gonna be the fun part if you've never worked with foils they are so much fun we're gonna be starting off with a leopard foils and I'm gonna look crazy and what we're gonna first lay down just a solid black foil and then we're gonna go over the top with with the leopard foil so when we use our foils we need to use an oil adhesive which takes the pattern from the foil onto your surface so there is no better foil adhesive in my opinion then arts evil I love the fact that I can put this at a heesu on the surface takes about 45 minutes to come to a very strong tact and then it never goes beyond that so let's say I lay my adhesive down and something happens and I have to go for four hours I come back I still can work on it so once I put my adhesive down and I lay down my foil then the stickiness goes away so we'll start off with that now you can find all of these products on my website linked to artistic painting studio Jennifer Ferguson she is a personal friend but even more than that she's a mentor of mine and if you know me I believe in Mentors and she has helped me so many times over the years and her products are fabulous I don't want it super thick but I do definitely want to make sure I've got a hundred percent coverage on here anywhere that I want oil to stick I have to have the adhesive after I rub it in or apply it I really like to go back and lightly bring my pattern all one way so I don't have it every other way I really kind of like to lay it down all one direction you I'm using a foam roller I really like those foam rollers because the end is rounded so it really gets these corners good now you can put two coats of adhesive if you don't feel like your first coat is thick enough I'm putting that pretty pretty thick so I know I'm not gonna have to go back so I'm gonna clean it up a little bit with my paintbrush just trying to get adhesive in that curve where I know my my roller wasn't able to to get I'll let this dry for about 45 minutes and then we'll come back and we'll start applying the foil see in a minute hey guys we would love to see you in one of our hands-on classes we have several classes to choose from check out our website for scheduling prices and if you have any questions let me know okay so the next step is to actually take our foils and put it on to the surface because we've already got our adhesive and it's now dried to attacked so I can actually tell this is ready by when I touch it it pops and I don't get anything on my hands if it weren't ready when I lifted it up my hand would be sticky so it's ready to go the foils that I get come in rolls you can also order by the foot and like I said you can check out artistic painting studios affiliate link on my website and she has hundreds of different kind of foils so what I've done is I've taken my foil and I've cut it in two sheets that's the easiest way to work with it is to take them and put them in sheets and that way you can work in small sections because I want this to be kind of a not really rustic but almost like a vintage look I don't want it to be super crisp lines I'm gonna take my paper gonna actually crunch it up a little bit so now I have a little bit of visual interest when I go to lay it down on my surface first of all let me say see how this is not the shiny side or the the actual piece that I'm looking at this the black is what I'm laying down right now so you would think that you want to lay the black side down that's the opposite I want to lay the other side down then on pretty side down because what's happening is the pattern is actually on to this very thin plastic so when I lay it down what's gonna stick is the the pattern now I don't want a hundred percent coverage on this and I'll show you why in just a minute if I really wanted just to be this to be total black I would take my brush and I would really scrub it all over but I'm only gonna hit it in a couple of spots because I I just want it randomly to stick now on a little bit more than that oh yeah just a little bit of luck yeah that's a tiny bit now can you see how this is coming off of the plastic that is actually staying behind on the surface now the way I do my edges is you'll see there's a hard line here I don't want to go all the way to that line if I were to scrub that line you would see that in my pattern when I lift it up so I keep a very soft edge I'm literally just randomly putting it down and you can see I'm lifting readjusting this piece is just about had it so I'm going to get another piece punch it up now well when I'm laying this down wherever this lays down its gonna make that portion of the adhesive no longer sticky so when I come back with my leopard my leopard is only gonna stick to those pieces that's my button didn't stick to so that's why I'm doing this first is because I want the leopard to only stick in certain spots if that makes sense so all right now for the fun part take my leopard also by crunching it up it helps me to have control of the paper it doesn't fly so much so when I crunch it up I can kind of control where I want it to lay a little better so we're going to come down here and as you can see I'm not worried about any wrinkles I want this to have that sort of finish now this I'm gonna actually go for a little more coverage so I'm gonna really kind of rub it with my brush and you'll notice I'm not doing circles because that will transpose into my finish I'm going back and forth taken very carefully that I don't go to my edge I don't want to go right next to my edge you can check it see how it's coming out if you want more coverage you just scrub it a little harder and it'll bring out that look Wow and as you can see I'm lifting and readjusting lifting and readjusting this little lip that is here I really want to make sure that I there we go that I lift it and readjust it so that that foil can get down into that that kerb you can even kind of take your finger and work it around that curve ha ha ha as I said before I'm not going to the edge if I were to go to the edge and I pulled this up you would have a very hard line so I'll when I come back with my other piece I'll overlap that and it'll be very soft and you'll never see where I changed sheets of my patterns foils are a fabulous way of hiding maybe damage tops of tables something where you're trying to hide you don't want to spend a lot of time doing different finishes super easy super fast now all I'm gonna have to do is go over the top with a flood coat and I'm basically done all right is that cool or what and you can see I still have pattern left so I can take this pattern and go in here where maybe I have some voids [Applause] [Music] right here I can tell it's really sticky is that not just the coolest and then once you do that you can rub your hand on this and you can see that there's nothing sticky because it's been the the adhesive now has the foil on top of it and of course when we put our epoxy on there they'll be obviously nothing sticky on there all right so I think I'm gonna save this sheet for some touch-ups and go ahead and get another clean sheet now I'll tell you to be really careful as this stuff floats around if it does happen to hit facedown on your adhesive when you go to pull that up it has a tendency to pull your adhesive off your surface because this adhesive is so so strong so be really careful when you're messing with this even if you have to have two people to help you lay it down I also like to change it up to where my edges stop my first sheet I started at this end and my edge stopped right here so this time I want to start a new edge here and have the edge maybe stop down there if I didn't cut my paper long enough now I'm overlapping my two soft edges still not going all the way to the edge but you have no idea where those two pieces met I love the fact that you can lift it up look at it see there's enough coverage put it back down and go back over it if you have bubbles that's okay you can either run your finger on those bubbles to get that pattern to release or you can just pull it up and go back down and that'll take care of those crinkles and those bubbles I'm gonna do a little different colors inside of the Basin so I don't want to go down into the sink just at this point but I am trying to go right to that edge so at this point you want to kind of step back away from it so that your eye can kind of go to where your voids are and I can see I've got a little bit of void in the back so I'm gonna take there we go now remember you're gonna have voids because we laid down that black foil first and that's really the look I'm going for I'm so funny about this I want to get every square inch off my off my paper Jennifer laughs at me I'm like no there's a little tiny piece left we have to use it this is a good way to tell if you have any piece places that need to have foil very sticky right here now once you lay this down you do need to be careful because this will scratch until you you know put if you weren't gonna do epoxy you would put some sort of sealer over this one to seal your adhesive so it's not scratchy or sticky but also to protect your foil you when I was thinking about the design that I wanted on here I didn't want the whole thing to be leopard that's why I went and did the black first I wanted voids to where it looked like it was kind of worn but then the base that I wanted to be a little bit different so what I'm doing up is getting just the plain gold and I'm going to crunch it up and I'm crunching it up to the side that where when I touch the adhesive that's gonna come off and I'm actually going to do a pouncing and that pouncing is gonna pull off just a little bit of the foil and lay that down into the basing so that's gonna be a truly a cool look make sure you change it a bunch because as you stick it to the adhesive it's pulling off your pattern so you have to change it quite a bit or all you're doing is pulling your adhesive off so now I'm just gonna take it super crunched up and I'm just gonna kind of lay it down in a crunchy and then when I pull it up it'll leave a really cool cuz I'm getting down to where I don't have a whole lot left on my paper all right so now I did that with the gold I want to come in with the bronze because to me the gold is a little bright I don't want it quite so just golden so now I'm going to come in with my bronze and do the same thing now remember it's only going to stick to where your gold didn't stick before and that's pretty cool I'm loving it I could see this in a powder room where it's a WOW factor this would be the focal point of your little powder room loving it loving it okay so now here comes the icing on the cake I'm gonna do a flood coat with stone coat countertop epoxy I've added a very very tiny tiny bit of the gold dust now it's not the gold mica powder that is a very very small particle and that would actually tint the epoxy this is their gold dust a little bit bigger particle so it's more almost like a glitter but not as big a particle as a glitter so I'm gonna lay that down now I'm not gonna pour it into the basin itself because we know that because epoxy is self-leveling that it's going to run downhill so I'm gonna save that for the very end so I'm going to prime my brush and the reason I prime my brush if I put a dry brush straight into my product all I'm doing is pulling product off my project so if i prime it first and then I put my brush down in there I'm not pulling that product off so I'm just gonna take this brush it on like I said I'm not really too much worried with the backsplash or the basin at this point I just want to get the product laid out on to the surface and it is amazing how that epoxy wakes up this foil and brings it to a new level and then my next coat I'll let this dry I'll come back and do the same thing then I don't have my epoxy puddling here in the corner so my second coat will go on so much easier and it'll just be kind of a protective measure right now I'm sealing it all so when I mixed up this epoxy I mixed it up at one ounce per square foot as opposed to my flood coat which will be three ounces per square foot right now I'm just trying to seal everything get rid of all that stickiness from my adhesive and then my second coat will go on like glass I'm not gonna add any heat to this backsplash because I know if I do then I'll definitely get runoff I'll watch it if I see bubbles appear I may hit it just a tiny bit with heat but very very little while I've taken a very ugly twenty dollar sink and I've turned it into a really cool fun piece that would be great in a powder room maybe in a kids bathroom and like I said there are hundreds of foils with so many different patterns so many different things that you can do with this [Music] I hope you enjoyed this video if you like what you see give me a thumbs up hit the subscribe button and look forward to seeing you in future tutorials talk to you soon [Music]
Channel: RK3 Designs
Views: 13,554
Rating: 4.9354839 out of 5
Keywords: epoxy countertop, epoxy table, resin, epoxy resin, epoxy resin art, epoxy tutorial, stone coat countertops, stone coat epoxy
Id: tzNrkr78H9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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