Leon Bridges: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert
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Channel: NPR Music
Views: 9,318,576
Rating: 4.9554849 out of 5
Keywords: NPR, NPR Music, National Public Radio, Live, Performance, Concert, Texas, Dallas, Fort Worth, Leon Bridges, Coming Home, Smooth Sailin', Twistin & Groovin', River, Houston
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
It is just simple blues. Blues has never really disappeared from the music scene entirely!
Leon is a good dude. Super talented. And repping my home town to boot.
I went to go see Nathaniel Rateliff about a year or two ago when he was opening for Leon Bridges. I'd never heard of Leon and considered skipping him. Figured I paid for the ticket, so I'll check out a couple songs to see if I'd like him. Stayed for the whole show!
Why do videos of music on this sub always have shitty sensationalist titles?
2015 actually;)
Anyone know what type of electric guitar that is?
He was incredible live! Such a natural musician.
All from his album "Coming Home". It's awesome. (Get the Deluxe Edition if you can).
You weren't joking. It's stuff like this that makes me fall in love with music over and over and over again. Thanks for sharing.