Leo Skepi | Ex’s, Breakups, Sugar Daddies

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[Music] foreign [Music] and welcome to the studio Leo skeppy did I say that correct yes hi it's a good name thank you do you want to wear you don't need to wear headphones you could do I mean you're becoming a podcaster now so what is your your preference I don't like I've never like done the headphone thing you just you don't need to hear yourself do you like hearing yourself yeah okay you should put headphones on then because it really it doesn't go with the vibe oh wait what is okay the vibe is T are you genuinely bald or do you shave it I shave it every week do you shave it because it when it grows in it's just not the way you want it to grow in yeah how does it grow in bad like my hairline is just awful so let me just go ahead and cut it when's the last time you had hair um it's like coming up on a year it's like my one year anniversary being bald my Britney Spears Arrow it's lasting so do you remember the moment where you realized that I have to shave my [ __ ] head if I want to look good or look the way I see myself looking yes I'm so glad you just said [ __ ] because now I know I can swear yeah oh yeah okay yeah I had a full moment where I was like I moved to Houston and I was like I just look a little like see I don't look very put together and I was looking at myself in the mirror and I was like shave your [ __ ] head so I did what like I just grabbed my clippers I was like if you hate it regrow it who cares and I just shaved it okay but then okay but when you regrow it do you then realize that you don't like it anymore what is it that you don't like about it after you shave your head and it regrows that you didn't see before it looks [ __ ] up I think it doesn't look right can I see a photo of you with long hair yes I just found one uh don't how is he that fast [Music] it was like cute at least damn yeah I mean you're wearing a shirt that says You must be this tall to ride me or to ride not me I added me to ride this ride yeah I need you look good it's totally different your hair would grow up you were like uh yeah yeah you look great it would grow forward but I would put it like back yeah this looks good thank you I prefer this not everybody looks good with like no air yeah so people look like [ __ ] up that's it I'm very afraid I would never shave my head in fear that I would see things that I never knew existed and that I'd never look at myself the same way no you look fine you have a good hairline so you're set don't [ __ ] with your hair if it starts looking like mine we'll buzz it like so you knew that this was coming in what like your hairline was receding and you wanted to get rid of it or like I was I was in a period of my life where I was going through a lot of stress and it like started to like recede like I started losing my hair so so stressed out what was driving the stress everything like what can I start my gum out sure I'm not I'm not gonna choke on it I'm about to talk [ __ ] thank you so much thank you Sam we'll save that gun for later so [ __ ] [Laughter] that was good I like the way his brain thinks businessman auction it yeah sell that [ __ ] yeah is that a thing is that like a king people have me evading the conversation gum gum okay but so what was causing your hair to fall out so I was going through a lot of stuff with an X and basically losing my nursing career and why were you losing your nursing career falsified claims against me from a bitter ass ex really yeah so they launched like a full investigation on me and there was just a lot of different things that this person was doing to destroy my life and it worked and I was like trying to deal with it wait okay so you get into this relationship with this person that lasts how long in 10 months it's only he's only in their life for 10 months dignitized what can I think but do you leave him or does he leave you I left him no one's ever left me no one ever will yeah you leave him and he clearly has an ax to grind right and is looking to ruin your life so I'm falsifying claims against you is just one of the things he did yeah what else you do um I don't know how deep I want to get into all of it but that's gnarly there was a lot like anything you can imagine right now he did that's genuinely [ __ ] up how'd you meet this person online damn [ __ ] it great like severe mental illness there yeah if anyone if anyone reacts to a breakup like that like if if I can't be with you then I'm gonna ruin you then you really don't actually love that person right because I do believe that genuine love you want the best for them and even if the best is breaking up with them agree on that front but if I met someone who was like me you're not getting away from me till death do us part what is it about you that this guy was just so obsessed with that like if I if he couldn't have you he was gonna watch you crash and burn so I kind of like [ __ ] myself with that relationship because I didn't have a solid sense of self yet and I became everything he ever wanted like I'm able to spot what people want and need so I met a lot of needs for him emotionally filled a lot of voids he didn't even realize he had and I'm like like how do you not like a personality I made it for you like I made this for you how are you not gonna like it like it's catered just to you so you adapt to whoever you want to form a relationship with I did that time because I didn't know that was my first relationship ever so I didn't know what I was doing what was the biggest void that you spotted in him that you filled unconditional acceptance how did you express that to him by handling absolutely anything that I found out or he did and approved of it like what even if it was bad yeah give me an example so give you an example that hits the point I don't want to say it online like if you bleep it out I'll tell you just so you could know just say it we'll believe it I don't believe it out we have ice okay please your hand says trust no one if there's any okay if there's any podcast that has integrity that's been on the internet since the dawn of time it's us we'll leave it out okay so I found out that he had [ __ ] his dad like not like a rape thing like actually wanted to and he also [ __ ] his brother what the [ __ ] wow right so okay I've actually heard of this happening some kid that was obsessed with me at one point like tried to convince me that he was having sex with his dad and I didn't think it was true and then like he was starting to send me proof and I'm like this is [ __ ] gnarly this is a this is it's not common obviously at least I I hope not and he's proud of that these people are proud of this what they've done I don't know I don't get it what the [ __ ] yeah this kid was proud of it like he was he flaunted it it was very weird can we leave this on weird that like I never thought I'd ever meet somebody else who had known anybody who had gone like anything I found out about him I would just say not act shocked not act like repulsed I would just like fully like hold space for anything he was feeling or doing or anything he confessed to and just didn't make him feel judged at all would you tell him would you would you match your lack of judgment while still telling him why it is inappropriate or wrong I never approved of it but I didn't judge it like I was accepting of it like I would accept it and not judge him even if I didn't approve of it I don't know how to explain it I understand that like I didn't tell him you're [ __ ] up for doing that yeah I just wouldn't say anything how that was like condemning you know like I wouldn't have a reaction it's like if you told me right now you slaughtered five people I'm like okay work not really work but like I'd be like okay like tell me more like what happened like I would be so genuinely curious to understand that's the gift I gave him was I was understanding so anything he admitted to me or confessed about I knew there was more to it and I would do my best to understand as much as I could about it because most people would just hear things and push you away for it okay so why do you want to have sex with his dad and why did he have sex with his dad I don't know that's the [ __ ] one thing you don't cry that was a different one the hell out of here I don't want to go in like he told me certain things but I don't believe it do you believe he actually had sex with his dad yeah damn damn I still don't know if this kid that told me he had sex with his dad had sex with his dad I still like but like when I pushed him he like tried to give me the proof and then I was like so weird I only told one other person about that near the second well now everybody in the [ __ ] room and you too um so wild so you held you created a space where he felt accepted loved for every mistake he's made never judged and that going away in the fear of never getting that again Drive somebody who's clearly already mentally ill because anyone who's having sex with their dad is mentally ill that pushes them over the edge and then forces them to go after you yeah but also it was a big thing about safety like anyone around me you will never feel more safe with anyone why is that something I take pride on like I'll do anything to defend who I care about and I made him feel so safe and he said that like he felt so like cared for and just like protected and when I left there was like some gunshots going off around where we used to live and because I moved out I was like [ __ ] you die and there were like gunshots going off and he was like calling me and was like freaking out was hiding behind like some dresser or some [ __ ] weak [ __ ] but like was like hiding it was all scared and was like I just hate that you're not here because I would feel like safe and I know you'd protect me like I'd take a bullet for anyone I care about I'd do anything but the people I care for and like just having someone in your corner like that I get it like you can't and I've experienced that because I had my stepdad was like that with me and my family is like that with me all my family is that level of like protective so I know what it's like so I like to have someone who's never had it give it to them and then take it I see why your reaction is that because you feel so vulnerable in a world that you once fought protected in well yeah and it was only 10 months of protection right in the span of his whole life and he [ __ ] with me for a year and a half after and how do you go like why do you go away [Laughter] I have a lot of speculation around why um but I really think it's because of my presence online like he's deathly scared for me to out something that you're gonna reveal him and his truth I've never once said his name yeah you should I mean I'm not going to people have wanted me to but I'm like his his karma is having to sit here and watch me achieve everything without him when did this relationship end 2021 in May and he [ __ ] with you for a year and a half no 2020 in May sorry and then it didn't end till like the end of 2022 I think damn and at one point do you shave your head and what point does it start to affect your hair it started affecting my hair like when I met him it did because like during the relationship it was bad too yeah because you're carrying all this [ __ ] and he has to be crazy yeah again like nobody having sex with their dad isn't mentally ill like I get it I don't want people to feel if we do leave this in I don't want people to feel like that's something to be ashamed of no because some people do get raped but I'm talking about if you seek out [ __ ] your dad you got some [ __ ] loose up here 100 percent if you have any sort of inclination of that nature yeah like talk to somebody and the stigma should be released and I hope that there's something in the conversation like this yes I'm expressing that this man is mentally ill that doesn't I'm not judging him for his mental illness I'm hoping he seeks help but I hope a conversation like this at least releases a stigma that may be existing and somebody else who maybe has inclinations of the same nature that may be afraid to seek help or conversation about it because they're ashamed of it but it's lack of conversation that like allows these things to fester and then get moldy and grow into something that is so much worse so I as is so deeply [ __ ] you're at a loss for words as much as everybody else but also dude it's like it's just so weird that I literally knew this guy who did like like literally tried to convince me of the same thing and I remember telling my friend Josh about it and he was like there's no [ __ ] way this is true and I'm showing him the messages and I'm like I'm like I think this guy like had sex with his dad and uh same thing though he sought it out [ __ ] weird random Wild makes me sad very sad so when you realize it needs to go away realize what needs to go away the relationship uh or is it just implode one day and you just go your Separate Ways or I'm sure it like imploded a couple times you probably came back there was a lot of times where it imploded and I it was a weird thing so how do I word this I found out he had been lying to me about having HIV that's dark okay this guy's messed so that was a big thing and then there was just a lot of things going on he was very rich so there was a lot of like control Dynamics and trying to like do [ __ ] and control me which you will never be able to do was he rich on his own yeah is he known huh he doesn't want to be now damn so there was a lot of like control Dynamics and a lot of things going on but the real kicker was like the HIV thing and then after I left them this is something I haven't talked about after I left them he had like I we lived in Atlanta I lived in Florida like I moved there to live with him and then I left him and oh [ __ ] the night I left absolute [ __ ] show but I drove back to Florida and then he started like freaking out and was saying like he was gonna sue me and said that I stole things that I left with and I was like girl I didn't take [ __ ] but what I came with like I left everything he bought me just out of spite you know what I mean and he said like he went the whole vengeful route I'm gonna sue you and all this and that which he did later but he was like I'm gonna go to the ventral router like I'm gonna sue you and then when I was like eat [ __ ] and die I don't care he was like okay left like a couple days went by and he was like I'm having a surgery in a couple of days and this was the beginning of covet he's like no one's here to take care of me and I'm a nurse and he was like will you come back and take me to my surgery he's like we don't have to get back together it's nothing like that I'm just scared for like my safety and I was like all right so I drove five hours to Atlanta took him to do a surgery he made it seem like it was his big thing he was getting something cut in his [ __ ] wrist if I knew it was that I would have broken it he made it seem like it was this big life or death so I went back and I took care of him and it was just like weird like he kept he couldn't accept that it was over and he saw me going back to take care of him as like there's still hope there wasn't any you know what I mean of course but uh you know yeah but like when I I don't like shame on me for having a good heart because I should have never went back and if I could go back I never would have but I did and I learned from the future how do you love like how do you trust anybody after that I don't that's terrible I never have and I never will again I mean you trusted somebody at one point you did trust him right a little bit he did to tell like to not lie to me yeah like I fact check everyone and everything now that's why I'm so about going through people's phones everybody hates that I always talk about go through people's phones if you're dating somebody go through their goddamn [ __ ] phone it's like it's just a little like fact checker are your actions matching your words I look at everything as a fact check now I don't [ __ ] anymore I haven't had sex since last August holy [ __ ] I don't trust [ __ ] I don't trust nobody I have no desire that's so is that heartbreaking kind of I I'm a 30 year old virgin and my heart hurts for you brother okay holy [ __ ] the only times I've said that not often I've been through enough heartbreak I'm surprised I still have one that's so I are you just content like are you content with being alone for the foreseeable future or do you feel like you're going to at least attempt and like see people out see suitors let's give somebody a shot I'm open to giving someone a shot who's at my standards what are your standards myself you want to date the mirror basically they can have hair though I want myself just shorter and with air maybe you could have hair if you don't want to you don't have to wow look at that what a nice but you have to be over five nine oh wow that's a that's a record that's a big requirement for people I don't give a [ __ ] what do I look like to hit someone five nine like I'm six seven you know what I mean yeah so yeah that's I'm very content with myself and I'm very hot like I have I feel no lack with not having a partner or not having anything like I don't give a [ __ ] so this digital success only come to you after this guy leaves your Zone yes right what do you mean digital success like success on the internet kind of it was like at the end of when things were going on because my whole reason for getting on social media was like he bought leoskeppy.com and trashed me and trashed me on anything you could wait this is publicly before I came online so I was like okay I can hide and be buried under the name he's made for me or I can get my ass online and get who I truly am in front of the camera people see the real me and understand these claims are invalid so then it started like blowing up really it worked against him everything he wanted to do to ruin you actually created you into something it brings me so much joy it's I mean the universe is very much on your side I don't give a [ __ ] about the Universe I don't go [ __ ] about God well there's no one helped me well they don't need them I'm gonna do it I'm gonna exact my revenge I don't believe in karma I'm not waiting on her you don't believe in karma you can't see the karma in this that like this guy came to trash you and that ended up being fueled to turn you into somebody that has now a big personality online and can turn into whatever they want I did it not Karma of course I'm an [ __ ] I can tell was you is your success was it luck or did yours did you like have a strategy did you kind of plan out how you wanted to go it's funny I haven't planned any of this I feel like I accidentally became an influencer I know that sounds so [ __ ] stupid because I was doing all of the steps to become an influencer like I was posting content started a podcast I was doing the physical like acts and the things you have to do to achieve that goal but that was not my goal what was the goal to make a better name for myself that's what I'm saying here and you can just see how it's all connected but like my podcast was to share the things that I've learned because going through everything I've been through I couldn't find answers no therapist knew how to help me know anyone knew how to help me no one knew what to do so I had to like sit in my suffering long enough to find out the [ __ ] answers and learn how to actually function but then I just started sharing that so it was a like my only thing is like that's the only thing I'm scared of is to die with what I'm what I've learned trapped inside of me so my podcast is my way of sharing it only reason I do it ah so you accidentally like took off and I'm happy it did have you learned everything are you still learning and sharing oh I'm always still learning even though you refuse to trust yeah I know that you can trust people to a certain extent I trust people with certain things like what I don't know what's your favorite color like you have to you have to give a level of trust to get it to people to an extent but when it comes to my safety my health my money [ __ ] no I don't trust the [ __ ] thing and I will never there's just certain aspects are non-negotiable for me to even give someone the benefit of the doubt if that makes sense yeah like with the sex thing show me your papers actually next I already told myself next person I date our first date is the clinic let's go get testy I mean are you you're really nervous about that I'm not nervous I'm just like rigid I mean if your first date's the clinic you have to have some level of nerves around that no it's not really nervous it's like I'm just not stupid enough I don't make the same mistake twice as my thing even the last guy to even have AIDS he had HIV oh he did but he thought he said he lied to you about it you lied to me about it he said he didn't oh [ __ ] I just did have it oh my God that's terrible I thought it was the opposite oh [ __ ] I thought he was telling you he had it and he didn't wow yeah he had it and told me he didn't oh my God I luckily think [ __ ] God don't have it yeah I got to I was so scared you need to yeah you should have found out I got tested like once a month for like a year yeah first aid should be the clinic I get it how'd you find out looked at medications and like he slipped up with [ __ ] a guy pay attention to everything and I hear every story so like I noticed certain things flipped out of here and there because first he told me he was married to a woman because actually married to a man before and then it was like there was just little parts of stories that Time Will Reveal like little things like filled it in how old was he 41. wow and you're 27. I was 21 I'm 25 now he was 20 years older than you and you met online what happened a website put the clues together oh my God you're looking to be a sugar baby hell yeah damn I had like a pass with that for a minute how many sugar daddies would you manage at once I never had like a thing like that what do you have I had like a I don't want to call it like escorting but like I would like [ __ ] people and get paid but like I went and scored it I wouldn't ever right but like I would never [ __ ] people that I wouldn't [ __ ] for free oh so it wasn't like I was doing nothing nasty or dirty I was just like oh this is fun so how did you know what they looked like how did you know like had you like kind of vibe them out before you got there like how do you know you would [ __ ] them without the money before you looking at them one did you get like a picture before you go oh yeah like full on like face times you have to have a conversation see how it goes oh okay got it I don't just walk in like blind I don't know I don't know if it's like some like person at an office somewhere just sends you a file and there's a photo there's like a brief description on them no you have a day rate no I don't I don't do that anymore I never had like a set like rate it was kind of like a I don't know how to explain it he's got a fun thing yeah it was just fun it was like okay get some money it was like sometimes it would be like 500 bucks sometimes a thousand sometimes we go shopping and they'd spend like 3 000 it just doesn't it just was kind of like Vibe it out damn so did all these people were they all over five nine and met your criteria no that's why I have a new criteria five nine because my X was five eight and what do I look like beating somebody five eight I did it I tried to go the right route and I didn't hit my X that's my one regret and this life is not beating the [ __ ] [ __ ] out of him so learn from my mistakes the next one you get mouthy I'm hitting you but I expect the same thing in return hit me too I like that unfair yeah that's why you gotta be above 510 like five nine five ten I get it so you can knock my [ __ ] hit me you know [Laughter] I get it I get it I'm Albanian I can't not be I I mean if it works for you yeah I mean that's really your regret what situation do you wish you hit your ex in oh so many what's one that sticks out in your brain um the HIV thing for sure when I found out um let me think about that let me have a water what the hell is a situation that I wish I would have hit I'm trying to think of a really good one so I don't seem too dramatic I can't believe you got a 20-year age difference like I wish I'd have hit him this time we were on a flight when I went to pee we were going to Paris and I went to pee and brush my teeth because it was an overnight flight so I'm literally in the bathroom I piss I brush my teeth like five six minutes and I come back out and he was like mad as [ __ ] and I was like why are you all fussy like what's what's the problem and he's like did you [ __ ] that flight attendant I was like where in the bathroom what in what time you think I only got six like I was like so baffled and he genuinely got pissed off and threw an attitude and I had a little bit of toothpaste on my shirt the bottom of my shirt he goes what the [ __ ] is that I wish I would have just slapped the [ __ ] out of him I'd be like don't be a [ __ ] idiot you know what I mean but you're gonna tweak out about that six minutes I brushed my teeth and I pissed you know that's control fueled by like the deepest of insecurity I call it what it is call it what you want well you wish you would have them that was just one situation I'm just like don't come at me don't cause me chaos just because you are realistic well also like clearly you guys were not meant to be together um this was like did it start as a transactional relationship that turned into more that's the thing is it started out with like we'll hang out like we'll meet up we'll see how it goes and then we'll see what we're gonna do and then very quickly I realize this is not like a sugar daddy type Dynamic this is like feelings came I was like what the [ __ ] you were into him he's like that's annoying yeah wow why'd you know you were into him I don't know how to feel it just like an overwhelming sense of like feeling like like a forward moving energy of like I just want to be close to you and just like come toward you and I don't feel that with people usually what what was it I don't know I just really don't know you know what brought him to you what brought you to him the Manny was one thing like that was like the initial attraction was like okay rich and then the other part of it was like so much of the emotional side of it I haven't really thought that much into it I'm glad you asked I'm gonna think about that pinpoint that so I can shoot that down next time I see it I'm Food For Thought yeah just take that with you right when you leave here Journal prompt what do you like about that [ __ ] there's things in that that you can carry with you or get rid of well you you should be getting rid of the bad sister that should you should be [ __ ] sorting through that and leaving that in a dumpster far far far away but there could be some good that you can take and apply to whoever is new right just you know was he the last person you had sex with no who's the last person random no it was a little friends with benefits I met at the gym I don't meet people online anymore you're in person only in person only oh yeah I was like oh my God I wish I met people in person I don't I also don't think like you know me lie only when I'm drunk and at a bar do you go out do I go out yeah hell yeah yeah you don't meet people out though that's my issue when I go out I like to go have fun I like to hang out with my friends get ugly drink dance I don't have any interest in flirting really a good night is not who you can pull no a lot of people are so put off by me why I don't know like I've never been like openly hit on I think it's because you're intimidating thank you I mean that's the fact that you want to speak with violence yeah [Laughter] like I just feel like I think I want someone to like flirt with me and so I feel like someone is being a little like looking at me I'm like what the [ __ ] are they looking at I'm like please look them over here like that's my standards thing it's like if you're not if you don't catch my attention I'm not interested so but you really need to be the one making the first move though yeah I like to make the first move and I have no qualms about it I 100 will I think you're someone who needs the power to shift in their on their side of the court and like when you're in a sugar daddy baby relationship or whatever that ends becoming the power dynamics always going to end up with the person who has the money and started the relationship to begin with you know that's the thing I wouldn't let it yeah I controlled it even though I was the one like well because that's not a genuine partnership there right like that's something that is genuinely one-sided that is deeply connected to financial reason and what ends up turning into deep emotional reason but still at the end of the day to control somebody's emotions you're going to lean on the finances which is tends to be somebody's lifeblood and I thought I was in control that's the thing as I was convinced I was in control the one with the money's in control don't forget that did he convince you that you were in control there were certain things that like made me think that like what everything was up to me and my decision but I was the one to blame for any consequences so I had to think forward what did he actually want and then choose that but make it seem like it was my decision like I was responsible for what he wanted and making sure he got it but you had to make the decision like he was your own yeah interesting so you can make your own decision they need to tack you for it if it went wrong or it wasn't what he wanted right huh but the whole thing about approaching people in public I have a little bit of a catch because I am fully into making the first move I will 100 will if a guy catches my attention I'm fully making the first move but I don't like if a guy makes a move on me like even if I like a guy and he comes up to me I don't like that so because you're comfortable going up to guys like that no no not everybody they're comfortable going up to you that's bad I'm the least like I'm the least what's it called safe personal looking like to go up to but if you've got the balls come up to me flirty [ __ ] ass friendly ass no so then how do you mean okay I wish I was kidding I know you're not and that's what actually scares the [ __ ] out of me I don't like that friendly [ __ ] I understand I get that but like maybe you need to make a little bit of uh like maybe you have two rigid set of criteria it's really intensely specific like they can't even if you like them they're not allowed to talk to you first that qualifies them that's crazy you ever try women yeah really I wish I was bi I wish I liked women's a little bit I love women though that's the thing like I love girls I'm so emotionally connected with all my girlfriends and like I make out with my girlfriends when I'm drunk and we have fun but I can't like get sexual with a woman anymore it's like the more that I've grown and gotten in touch with my sexuality I just you don't want to do it like come on they're pretty are you emotionally connected with men no yeah I don't know how to do it they're stupid I mean yeah most of them I mean not what's it called throw like a broad blanket statement well you need to find an emotional bottom or something you know like on a bottom with hard or stops your selfish stops are rigid tops are intense tops are mostly out for them maybe that's a very intense generalization but uh really one's I come in contact with in the wild and in private um in the wild yeah I think you need like a real emotional bottom who's just down to let you take lead I don't like that I don't like no [ __ ] geez I'm not saying feminine is [ __ ] don't twist my [ __ ] words everybody likes to do that like you can be a little feminine but I need someone who's powerful there's a lot of women who are powerful but I need someone that I can trust to like lean on them it's like I'll take control I like to be in control but like I like to lead but if I don't know something or I'm not like up to it I want to be able to trust someone else like 100 like I want the both of us to be able to lean on each other yeah but I have to respect you to allow you to lead me respect is not given it's earned so you have to give somebody the chance to earn okay like you know work for it right but you have to let people in to do that without scaring them away or not disqualifying them because they talk to you first it's a lot of judgment I that's my thing is I have such rigid criteria it's crazy but like I have it's not like I'm lacking something because most people are like oh my standards are too high I feel so bad being alone so I'm gonna drop my standards to be with someone I don't have that if I never get with someone again I don't give a [ __ ] that's amazing and maybe and and leading with that foot when it's right it will come and if it doesn't okay that's fine I'm great only person to spend money on is me that's yeah well jealous I'll take it yeah because I'm a big Gift Giver oh that's nice yeah I mean you can have your own Sugar Babies I am my own sugar baby now that's absolutely beautiful are you impressed by other people's money now that you have your own money no I think so I lost my whole my whole relationship to money and what it was was wiped out with the X like everything I experienced and touched it's like the money like someone with money is not about it's not about the money it's about the person who are you it's like people with a Rolex or a lot of jewelry and [ __ ] it's like okay cool but who are you who's the person wearing it I don't give a [ __ ] what people have it's cool to look at I'm like oh cool if I don't make any assumptions about the type of character they have or who they are at the core by what they have now a person is not what they wear or what they own ever um but like I do believe in character is fate so like who you are is what you will become who you are is what you draw into this world do you not believe in any of that I kind of like that perspective I've never heard that yeah like who you are is what you bring in what you lead with is what you get back the [ __ ] am I gonna get it back I mean what are you leading with brother Vinnie that's probably my thing I don't let it come back in I'm like oh you talk to me first no yeah people keep knocking and eventually if you don't [ __ ] answer honestly The Knocks you're gonna stop I think I'd like the knocks are not coming from anyone of quality so I'm just like in the house like what the [ __ ] but I really think like if a guy really caught my attention and he came up to me first I'd be open to exploring it guys I'm very rigid that's a big deal but I will make an exception wow remarkable growth as a person like it's okay you talk to me first but I am taking a note of it when is your birthday March 7th oh my Pisces why that was just just figuring out what are you I'm a Taurus okay it makes sense what are you Sagittarius oh hell no you don't like that okay they're [ __ ] no like friends great don't ever date one my ex was one what is your wow yeah I'm not [ __ ] my dad I'll tell you that much yeah that's gross to think about actually that's [ __ ] up I know his dad oh God it's not gross because of the Dynamics it's again having sex with himself in the future that's so [ __ ] it's kind of what Leo wants to do I'm I'm not opposed himself I've literally I don't know if we should talk about this like do you all get sexual or not yeah okay I've tried to suck my own dick for so long I would be unstoppable I wouldn't need nobody ever again in my life but I can't like I'm like I gotta get a few ribs removed from some [ __ ] little Marilyn Manson action something where do you start like how do you like where like how have you tried to suck your own dick like where are you like I tried like the whole thing where you like sit like I am and like pull yourself and then I've like done the thing where you go on your back and then flip your legs over your head yeah and it's like this close damn I'm just I mean I'm [ __ ] pissed about it and I thought like oh maybe losing weight no so that was the driving force find you losing weight let's be able to suck your own dick no that wasn't the driving force but I was like oh maybe that's gonna be an added perk that's amazing yeah it wasn't your dick ends up looking bigger and you can suck it right I wish that'd be amazing and these companies like this one company sent me like a sex toy and it was like this like vibrating like futuristic like 300 [ __ ] little machine well I was like okay it's like the Tesla of like a pocket [ __ ] I like that and they send it to me and it didn't fit oh it's too small yeah like my dick didn't fit in it so I was like congratulations I'm pissed wow that's a great problem to have no if my dick could just be a little bit smaller in my shoes like my feet could be a little bit smaller perfect I'd have so many more shoes I mean like I'm interested in the size of your penis that you're complaining about are you an only fans are you on only fans no oh [ __ ] I'll say if you are like I'm straight and I'd pay for it see I have are you sure that I know I would do this you'd make a killing I know I just won't I still have eggs your dick I mean I've never talked about it online because I don't like this kind of attention okay so I guess it's fake there's been fights over it I always thought it was around like eight inches huh I mean and people like I would tell people that like okay then we'd hook up and like no it's not bigger yeah and I was like oh by a lot so I'm like humble brag anything and then they play with it or like damn I've you know I've seen my fair share very you know dealt with some big dicks okay virgin well I mean but it depends on how you define version and it's a conversation that's constantly happening oh so you're only like a butt version yeah yeah and yeah okay yeah suck my fair share of dicks you know yeah I love it you ever try to suck your own no have you not I don't maybe when I was like a teenager he did like you're making me look irrational a little bit oh my God if the shoe fits Leo that does fit I wish I could suck my own dick I mean that's a good sized dick it's not yeah I've been some around some big dicks nine inches not a half inchers I got a picture the other day of somebody saying me their dick 11.9 inches no way sort of [ __ ] God I'll show you the picture let me see you really want to see it yeah there's actual dudes out there like you want to see a foot long yeah I want to see it have you ever encountered something that big no why be scared I shoot it if it's bigger than mine I'm scared okay terrified that is so okay hold on you want to see a dick he really did do I have to get up or can you air drop it I'll bring it can you airdrop it you really want to see it yeah so we're here first you ready you're gonna freak out I mean that's just thick that looks like it's Photoshop it's really gone it is indeed bring it over here I can't zoom in on you even like Zoom a little it's like seven you can't though it's like seven inches flaccid and they sent you with a [ __ ] ruler next to it or tape measure there's no name and we're not showing any of buddy that right but I'm assuming that like that has to be one of the biggest ticks in the world yeah okay so my biggest thing is like there's been a couple guys that I've [ __ ] and I'm like how did you take all that like it baffles me yeah so like how does he feel I mean yeah I feel like he'd kill somebody [Laughter] these kids like the kid he's a man he's been like a man no they're little skinny boys small smaller men do pack but this person's very tall taller than you call them no I don't ever want to meet him I'd be humbled to hell I'd have to shoot him just off my ego it's taller than me bigger dick than me this is gotta go is he Rich no thank God okay I still have a chance yeah you're fine and as soon as he makes like a lot of money he gotta go he's out I mean on it like yeah I can't believe I showed him everybody's dick was fun I like this yeah you're like do we get sexual yeah this guy's 12-inch dick that he sent me I'm over here talking about sucking mine to be honest if you had a honestly what he what what you lack in size just be able to suck your own dick he has so if your dick was 11.89 inches that would actually be long enough to touch your mouth I'd be going into town oh my God I just feel like that like to try and get all that blood in there right [Laughter] if I can pump on it maybe about 30 minutes for the blood to get there give me a sec let me heat her up that's [ __ ] crazy wow took a turn well you know sometimes people think I'm not sexual at all because I tell you know I talk about being a virgin um but sometimes I do answer messages from strangers and I say hello and they respond back with their 11.8 inch penises and then try to video chat me a thousand times a day for the next like 17 weeks I was trying to hold a laugh man I'm so sorry but you I don't know why like the whole version thing is so adorable well like I'm so proud of you I'm not proud of me what well you know I'd like to get rid of it you know what I found is like wait what do you mean get rid of it you're looking at like there's something wrong with it no so here's the deal I for a long time was like oh I'm just gonna get uh I'm gonna lose my virginity somebody I care about because I waited this so long and I was like oh it's just somebody I care about will come to the zone and like it'll just happen with them whatever whatever and then like somebody I care about comes in my zone and like I'm like 99.9 sure that like they're incredibly nervous that I because I am a virgin does that make sense like it's fueled this like yes like there's deep care and love and all of it but there's still this thing that exists that like like hangs over the situation and like really almost drives the wall between it and that is that that that bums me out because I think people are afraid to have sex with a virgin well some people are incredibly fascinated by it it's all they want right like that's what they go after it's their focus and then there's other people that are like more like they run away from it because of the emotional Society puts emotional ties to losing your virginity right like the idea that like oh you're gonna lose your virginity to this person you're gonna be in love with them for the rest of their your life and whatever whatever and I I think that uh that definitely plays into my situation if someone hesitates because you're a virgin I'm trying to think of the reasons they would but it's like you're only gonna hesitate if you're not that serious about somebody because like if I truly amends you and I truly care for you like I'm gonna have no problem taking that part but it's like someone that doesn't want to carry that part of you with them forever is going to be unsure they're gonna be the ones that get uneasy about it but someone who truly cares about you is not going to have any qualms that's the right way to look at it that is that's a good way to like weed people out totally if they make it a big deal they're like oh I'd feel bad you ain't that serious about me the [ __ ] yeah bye this might just be me projecting my trust issues but no I I I get that I also think that like the weird thing is I think the younger somebody is the more weight they put on virginity and what comes with that I think the older you get the more you're like oh like it is what it is but it's I don't know it's not at uh you want somebody to be able to like be down to do it and do it because they give a [ __ ] about you and care about you and whatever but also the same world like you know I understand how somebody could be like oh if I take your virginity you're gonna be obsessed with me forever but the reality is like in a mature world like that's not the case like you know you take it you carry it with you I don't need to be obsessed with you afterwards but I would love for someone to be obsessed with me would you like that social compliment was your ex obsessed with you he's obsessed with destroying me but just being like overly infatuated with me love that deal be insane I get real obsessed with people real easy me do um it's bad that's why I have to hold myself back with who I care about because like once I do all like once like Carol do anything for you yeah I understand that I I'm I would murder and be murdered for people like a group of people not everybody but the right person everybody else Dan are you learning here today I'm having a great time I get time I wanted to ask you since you're the same kind of about loyalty as me yeah I heard this question a long time ago and this person said if you were in a burning building and you could only save like you're do you have a sibling are you tight with them okay I mean yeah is it a brother or sister sister or they or them sorry I don't want to assume sister and she identifies this okay we're in the same boat my sister is like my only sibling and I care about her she's my tightest person I love her to death but this story was like if you're in a burning building you can only save one and it's your sister or a group of 20 people that you don't know who are you saving oh my sister 100 thank you yeah I don't know the 20 people but no offense to them I understand saving one and not going after the greater good I mean maybe that is [ __ ] up it is [ __ ] up because I don't know I'd probably yeah the sort of like having to kill my sister to save 20 people that I don't know is that's hard to to Grapple with as she's gonna die knowing you betrayed her I can't do that I would never do that I don't give a [ __ ] up with a thousand people burn like my loyalty doesn't die that's true I'll be fighting demons in hell for my sister I'm I don't care I get that I get that but but it's not everybody is worth that loyalty that doesn't die exactly why I'm protective of myself yeah and why I have such high standards my fear is that I'm gonna have to get real and I've been hurt a couple times but I have to get really really hurt to like re-establish that protective seal or maybe I don't have to and like life will be okay but I don't know TBD because I'm very loyal and I give a lot I share a lot it's bad and well you know you should it's bad it's bad but it's also great with the right person well you know sometimes you have to fall and [ __ ] up before you find it you know figure it out you need to give yourself the opportunity in space to figure it out I already have well maybe don't trust nobody boom that's the answer what are you thinking Dan I do want to talk about the uniform is this something you like have on it is a uniform I wear a uniform I wear all black too but is this like something that you just feel comfortable in you don't like thinking about getting dressed in the morning all of it okay I just don't feel like myself I feel weird so do I if I wear color anything else I just feel off I feel [ __ ] yeah it's like wearing shorts like I wear shorts sometimes but like I just feel very [ __ ] like when I wear color it's like what the [ __ ] what do you think of somebody who wears colors or I love colors on other people because they can pull them off it's just about how color makes me feel yeah like I don't feel strong and like confident and like myself I feel like dainty or like I'm so like hyper aware of God forbid I spill something or like I lean up against the wall and I have a white shirt and I'm [ __ ] uh I get it throw up on this you can't even though fight in it when's the last time you got to a fight oh man like what that I want to talk about holy [ __ ] so the last fight I got in I think it was when I got jumped in Berlin you got jumped when was that November of last year why who would jump you um some [ __ ] who [ __ ] around and found out were you alone no I was one of my friends but I basically was fighting alone what there's like a little clip of it on my Tick Tock of like there was like five guys that surrounded me my friend on a dance floor and no words no nothing like I'm very aware of my surroundings like people just came up and like surrounded so like these five dudes was like what the [ __ ] and so the one that was like in front of me like just looked at me in the face and pushed me like by my shoulders and I was like what the [ __ ] and before I could even like get re-centered like another one on the side through their drink in my face what and I have a bad pass with fighting bullying like danger doesn't scare me I've been through all of it like violence is nothing and a typical tactic of someone that's gonna jump somebody you take out their eyesight throw a drink put something over their head or like get their get their attention from another Direction and then sucker punch them like there's a lot of ways that like you get someone off like off guard to start jumping them so they're like way less easy to protect themselves because you distract someone crack them two three times they're [ __ ] because you're free to just Pummel the [ __ ] out of them so like as soon as that drink hit my face I just started swinging just throwing blows everywhere I could because I knew like I knew the situation there was five people around me I'm not getting out you just hit me in the face with a [ __ ] drink there's five yet let's do it well why why did they why did they I still don't know I don't know where did you just beat the show these people um I started like beating the [ __ ] out of a couple of them and then when I was on the ground like beating the [ __ ] out of one another one kicked me in my face and that's why my face was like I had like Kylie Jenner like I remember when this happened I feel like yeah did you post on the internet like you you [ __ ] up yeah yeah I've seen this my face like I had a big like boot Mark like here and here yeah and my lip was huge and then my nose like I almost broke it I dislocated this finger because this ring was on and I like cracked somebody in the snap sideways so I had to like put it back in what the [ __ ] Jesus Christ I'm a nurse and I was in Berlin I'm not going to the [ __ ] Hospital I'll just do it myself wait so did were the police called yeah but we were leaving like we got out of there did they get out of there yeah that's that was the biggest problem with the whole fight was security held me and my friend and told them to run what yeah that's [ __ ] right inside job right something but there was some there was some I forget now I was like cloudy but there was some point in like security grabbing me and they were like getting mad at me for fighting and they were like you can't be attacking people and I was like they [ __ ] jumped me I'm out banging I don't play this [ __ ] and I was like you hit me we're fighting and he the guy was like oh [ __ ] like when he heard I was Albanian and that's when they grabbed us and we're like go because opinions don't play that [ __ ] A lot of people I've never talked about this online but with albanians it's like the same way that I am where like I'll do anything to protect you that's the whole culture yeah it's like the fact that I'm gay is like the biggest disgrace but if I'm in trouble they'll come for you they all come and protect me then they're gonna go back to hating me but everybody's there for me and when my dad found out I didn't want him to find out but I had posted a tick tock like making fun of the guys this is nuts but yeah so like the whole fight happened and I posted the video making fun of it because I was like talking about I was like yeah you trying to jump us but like I know I cracked one of their [ __ ] Jaws I just know it like I know in a hit land yeah I was like oh it's done and that's why I got taken down it had like 20 million views on Tick Tock and then it got taken down for like violation shut the [ __ ] up and then my dad found out about the video and there's a time difference between here and Berlin and I posted the video before I went to sleep I woke up in the morning my phone was blowing up all my family was like freaking out trying to figure out what the hell happened my friends and my mom I called my mom back first and I was like oh [ __ ] like she's the one that's gonna like kind of tell me everything going on and like calm everything down so she was like your video like I had called my mom before I went to bed so she knew but I was calling her back to find out like what had happened like while I was asleep because everybody's blowing me up she was like so I told your dad you're fine but you she's like I everything everything I do with my mom she doesn't tell anyone but I sent her my flight itinerary because I was going to Berlin Bucharest Rome and Madrid that was my like plan for the trip and she's like she doesn't we don't share anything like everything we talk about is in Comfort like confidence and she was like I'm sorry to tell you but like everybody was asking what your itinerary was so they could know where you were because no one could get a hold you because they were sleeping so I sent it to them and I was like okay so they know where I'm at so what and she goes okay well I just want to let you know since you went to sleep and didn't answer anybody you've got people in every stop for the rest of your trip so I don't want you to like worry or be scared and if you need anyone they're now in going to be in the same city as you not a flight away so my family had other family and people stacked where I was everywhere I went but I'm still confused as to why they came after you were they looking to mug you or didn't even Jack my chain yeah I'm so confused why you nothing like if you're gonna jump me take my [ __ ] if it also you're worth my time if I'm gonna jump somebody it's not gonna be the six foot seven guy in the middle of a club I was like this in the club just like the same outfit it's bumping just having a blast why you pick me yeah that's now why me I'm not going after you and he thought that it could be connected to this crazy ex I've considered it but I really think it I'm considering a hate crime or someone recognize me from online because I posted a video right the day before of I'll be in Berlin like tell me recommendations to go and a lot of people come into the Matrix Club that's where it happened [ __ ] that club and [ __ ] everybody that works in it hold letting people go hold me back [ __ ] you um but the Matrix level we went that's what happened but I had taken the recommendations from online so I'm like could have been a setup but I don't know and I was I like racked my brain with like did I bump into somebody by accident walking through a crowd like I wasn't drunk enough where I was acting stupid like I was like did I have any mishap with anyone where it could have like led to an altercation because you know like you walk by somebody you bumped them yeah of course and they come back and get you with some [ __ ] I was like nothing happened y'all just [ __ ] up my night yeah just your night all right my lip you gotta follow Leah's cap you on every form of social media and check out his podcast we're gonna put a link in the description below it's gonna be down there for you you or something else sir thank you I'm glad I hit you up and uh asked you to come on I've been seeing your videos on my for you page for a while and I was like this guy's funny he should come on he has a unique outlook on life you really believe that you should be allowed to look through your partner's phone 100 but only if you're dating exclusively I don't know I'll be going through my friend's phones to see if they're talking [ __ ] really I go through everyone's phone is it fact check so that's like a like a you have to do that to be friends with you no I don't tell them oh you do it that's the thing you can't tell them you're gonna go through it because then they're gonna delete [ __ ] even then how do you know the password watch them type it in sorry you're just watch it enough times Spidey sends their asses watch if you have to watch them type it in four times and you only remember one number each time boom you got it and you want to give them a chance like to get to know you have the relationship build a little more you don't you don't want to meet them and then like a weekend check it you want to have like two months in then check it I get it you get everything from the start okay look at you look at you will you Skippy everybody final thoughts Daniel you got merch out now yes yep saw that challenge my best seller is not about violence it's good to know that you've had to get a little famous and make a little money for you to be able to figure that one out also I'm just very like with it now mentally like I get it that's what my whole podcast is about oh we're in aggravated I feel like I do believe that like I had to laugh at first because I was like I I was like are you totally aware you are and you're very much aggravated yeah I'm okay though healthy yeah you got to listen to Leo scampi we're gonna put a link in the description below thank you for being here thanks for giving us your time of course thank you for having me and your energy anytime man come and hang out more often yeah I'll be back for sure yeah he's not lying about this invite no I'm not I'm not at least Kevin everybody thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Zach Sang Show
Views: 198,156
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zachsang, zach, sang, interview, zach sang interview, celebrity, amazonmusic, music, ariana, grande, zach sang and the gang, dan zolot
Id: yT86nbmMCrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 55sec (3655 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2023
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