Noah Beck | Iphis, Soccer, Sexuality, Relationships

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[Music] foreign [Music] welcome to the studio for the first time ever Noah Beth finally thank you thank you you say finally but I do like I feel like I almost scared you at Harry Styles you've gone to Harry Styles so many times I have we ran into each other uh one of the times we did and I was like I feel like you're avoiding our show we really want you on the show and I feel like I was like I was a little crazed no no no I think I don't I've been a fan of the show for for a while now and Eli I swear and I don't know I felt like I mean you can ask even ask my manager I'm very I'm very like I feel like I don't deserve a lot of things and I know it's like early to get on into this like talking like this but I feel like I was like I haven't done anything to like go on his show like you have some pretty pretty cool names on the show and I was like I haven't done anything yet so like what do I even talk about so here we are here's the deal you have the most to discuss and I when I first met you at Coachella like not this last one but the one before it yeah I really was so fascinated in who you were because what makes you you is different than any other influencer I've ever seen like you really could right now you could have been a professional athlete you have this real intense like focus on routine that do you apply that routine to anything you do online you have to uh I definitely think it's translated over in a I don't know I feel like growing up I was just always very that's all I ever knew was routine and like structure and I feel it's definitely translated over into this because at first it wasn't and at first I didn't have that kind of like structure in my life and I enjoyed the freedom for a bit but then it got to a point where I don't know I just I like told everyone on my team I was like can we get this schedule can we get like a calendar of like I want to wake up and look at my day because there'd be days where I wake up and I didn't know what I was doing and I don't I don't like that and that's frightening I think it's frightening because you gave up so much to do this yeah and that's something that I I I start to understand the magnitude of when I first met you and you go to things sober so like whenever I've seen you out you're of the most clear mind yeah and you you tend to be dealing with I don't know dramatic friends from time to time or but you sort of do everything because you're incredibly sober and you you're you're a joy to talk to thank you really a treat so you gave up what could have been a [ __ ] massive athletic career because you dedicated your life to soccer yeah so when you feel like your days aren't filled enough there has to be a part of you that goes like [ __ ] like I could have been living a whole different life in this very moment yeah no there's definitely that that question of like what if um constantly and I feel when this all kind of start first started to kind of play out for me I uh I don't know there was just always that question I'm like what if I never posted that first video or what if I you know what if coven never happened you know all these questions um because my life would be very different than it is now and I think uh I don't know I feel like but that's life and I feel like things happen for a reason and I feel like now it's just kind of like my job and I feel like I owe it to myself to just do what I can with what I what I'm working with right now so I'm just trying to have fun with it that video was a delayed virality like you posted it and it didn't pop initially which one are you talking about your first video ever on Tick Tock that changes your life yeah because then it's like weeks or months later right then it pops off well the video itself did well overnight but not to the to the point where I think people go back to it now of like oh like they look up Noah Beck's first ever Tick Tock because I don't know I just feel like it's an easy video to find but overnight the video did pretty well for me from from zero followers because the whole story is kind of crazy about like my long story short um you can be long story long it's fine yeah well I had like I'm the baby of Two Sisters so of three kids and your sister gets into it my sister gets in you're competitive as [ __ ] yeah and just the annoying younger brother and I was like I could you know I could definitely get more followers than you because at the time she had like 8 000 followers and when I got sent home from college to go home it was like everyone was home from everyone was home from wherever we were they were in college I was in college and like it was Heaven for my mom because all the all the birds were back in the nest and so she loved it and to be fair I loved it I had a great time uh like at home um but I would always see my sister like making videos and like she would somehow sometimes have like friends over and I'll be like what are you guys doing like it's tick tock and I was like yeah I know what Tick Tock is but like do any of you guys have accounts and Tatum showed me hers and she had like 8 000 followers at the time and I was like I don't know 8 000 people that's a lot and I was like good for you and she just like made like videos with like her College friends and then I was like I bet in two weeks I could have more followers than you just like one night I think your friends were over and I was like trying to impress him or whatever and then uh I made a video that night I made two and then I post them and the next day I woke up to like 20 000 followers wow so that was nuts but not quite the virality of like some of the videos later on but still enough to go from zero to twenty thousand because people were just like you know who's this like that kind of thing do you know why those videos popped instantly I just think it was timing I I really think that I joined the app at such a perfect time unintentionally because I don't know I just joined at a time when no one had anything else to do like people were taking on Hobbies because of Kobe like people were just bored on their phone and just scrolling and scrolling and then I don't know like I wish I had an explanation for you because I wonder it to this day like why do you think being pretty has something to do with it okay so I think I'm I'm a very self-aware guy I like to think like I like to and I I definitely think that I'm better looking guys than me out there that post videos similar to me and I'm like this guy deserves more followers than he does or so yeah there's that that question of like why but maybe that has something to do with it thank you in a platform when you try to make the most with it yeah 100 so it doesn't start and end just based on appearance and aesthetic it can't there's there's no longevity in that and so that's why I've tried to expand from just showing that side that side being pretty or whatever but I I just I try to show my personality and well that's really all that's really what it was like I don't know why those first videos did well but I I feel like I have an understanding of why people kind of like stuck and like came with me along the ride because I was posting everything like I was just posting like I didn't trap myself in a box I didn't have a niche and I I still don't to this day I try to just do everything and so I feel like that's part of what intrigues people is that you really don't I don't know what I'm doing next week you know that's like the the question of like oh what's Noah what's he doing next you travel like crazy travel like crazy you're everywhere and anywhere but you're also taking on new challenges like I didn't know you had a movie coming I do yeah yeah definitely a new challenge I only imagine yeah and you're producing it I am the QB bad boy and me and me how does how does that even cross your plate um I don't know I think I expressed my interest when I first moved out to LA uh when I kinda it was after the the freedom of the schedule kinda and when I first like made the move over and like really like settled in here after the freedom of the you know loose schedule kind of wore off on me I was like all right what is the longevity in this like how do I make this last because Tick Tock can crash tomorrow and I'm employ like I'm jobless so I don't know I think I just expressed to my team I was like well while we're out here and while we're doing this you know if I'm Really Gonna dive into this I've always had a thing for like I've always loved movies but growing up in Phoenix Arizona I didn't even know like what were the first steps to like it was it was just never in my head I'm gonna be a movie star you know like that just never crossed my mind um but then when I first came out here like you know like you wake up you look outside you see the Hollywood sign it's like oh all these all these ideas start to come to you and it's like the classic movie thing and then I don't know I just told my team I was like would it be possible it seems like I'm pretty good on this little screen can I get on like a big screen like that'd be cool I think that's something that I would love to try and they were like yeah let's get you let's get you an acting agent let's get you some auditions let's get you all this and so we kind of just started doing that and I've been in acting classes now for like two years holy [ __ ] yeah so I'm excited for this thank you see this is what I'm talking about like that's like a very like that's an athlete's mindset yeah because a lot of people start that [ __ ] and they don't keep it yeah and it's not like you're not busy you have a bunch of other things going on yeah it's really cool what was your experience like on set were you comfortable or is it kind of like I haven't filmed it yet oh you haven't no no so I started filming I'm supposed to start filming in like a month less than a month and it's been that's exciting very exciting but I know I know the script like the back of my hand now because it's been pushed we were supposed to start filming like Mark this time last year yeah yeah yeah so it's been pushed due to you know all things Hollywood you know it's just but now there's the the writer strike going on so it could be pushed again but that being said I'm I'm ready for it whatever that and that's what really matters yeah as long as you do the preparation it's just like you just wait for your call so you really had to have been the hardest decision you've ever made not moving forward with being a D1 athlete easily yeah for sure when Zach said earlier he mentioned you could be a professional athlete like as soon as he said that you had this look on your face like no but that's the thing like I don't want to seem like that like Uncle at the barbecue when he's older and be like Oh I'm back in my Prime like back in my Heyday you know I could have sling it it's like I don't want to sit here and say that and have people just be like all right like okay like but so that's why it's there's even more of like a it almost I don't know like being as competitive as I am and just being like how I am with life just kind of wanting to just try new things and just like what can I don't know it's it's more for me more than anything and like it was my dream and it's to this day still kind of is is to be a professional soccer player so why not I mean that door is not closed and but that's the thing I'm not getting any younger so yeah yeah strike by the iron yeah exactly exactly so that's kind of I mean that's why this movie has been so like I don't know it's been such a it's just been there you know and I kind of want to every time like I think about it in my head I'm like I really want to go back into soccer this that but then I'm like well I gotta try this movie because you've been preparing for it I've been preparing for it and I don't want to like not do something that I've like committed to and so I feel like I have to do this and then after I'll kind of know in my head all right I tried acting you know I did a lead role I produce like I know what it's like to be on set for a month in a different country in a different country or city whatever and so it's like once I have that experience under my belt I feel like I'll be able to determine whether or not like it's worth getting back into it I feel like I've done everything else in this like industry in this space that I felt like I've kind of wanted to and you know that's literally it's props to my team like everyone and I feel like it's just me just throwing [ __ ] at the wall and seeing what sticks and a lot has stuck which is great but then it's kind of got to a point where I'm like I'm kind of spread very thin but I don't like to be held in a box so that being said um the soccer door is definitely not closed sick because you can also do it on your terms right and you can keep projects like ifis no did I say that right you say however you want yeah no what's the right way to say it's tomato tomato like I say if he's but yeah I like that yeah it kind of sounds better yeah he feeds that like I think this kind of sounds like intense you know um yeah I don't I don't know but that's also the thing is that if I ever got an opportunity or because yeah if I ever got the opportunity to kind of go back and play soccer and I was offered you know like a professional contract I don't like I obviously I know people and I know soccer fans as well like they are some of the hardest people to get like on on your side yeah and that being said like I just know that there would be a lot of people that had something to say and so I know like personally that I would have to like do everything I can to like give them no ammunition to say that stuff so I would have to work my ass off and like commit to a team because at the end of the day this isn't for like if I were to get back into it it wouldn't be no it's a real deal it's a real deal and I know what it's like to be committed to a team and like that's the last thing I want is for you know like a team wherever in the world like I know how these uh these coaches work like some of the old heads are like you know we just want to win we don't care like if you're not committed to the team you're out like we don't I don't care about numbers this that and it's like when I'm playing soccer I don't either you know I want to win just as much as you and so that's the last thing I want people to think is like oh he only got this opportunity because his numbers and like yeah because I know if I were to get back into it I have such a big Target on my back but that also is going to make you work even harder pasture makes diamonds yeah that's yeah so why do you feel like you're not deserving I don't know I feel like it's a bit of like this imposter syndrome isn't it it's like I think it's because working so hard growing up for my trainings for soccer or you know being a good student whatever it was like my parents football teacher so like kind of had to be a good student as well Dad was a coach I was a coach as well so I don't know this this feeling of like I'm not deserving I think comes from the fact that I work so hard growing up for one thing and then one day it's not taken away from me but it kind of is because everything was kind of put on pause like I didn't know when it was going to come back so I was like well I'm gonna have fun with this other thing and then this other thing turned out being a huge opportunity and it's open so many more doors than what I worked really hard for and now it's like I'm getting put in the rooms I'm getting opportunities that I just never thought in a million years that would happen especially in this way you know like I was like okay one day you know I'm gonna be in that room because they're gonna Know Who I Am from soccer whereas now it's like I come into this room and I'm kind of like Ugh it's not for soccer like what is it and uh I don't know I think yeah I think that's where it comes from it's just kind of walking into a room and not really feeling like I've done enough yet done the work to get there yeah but the reality is and and your approach to it is the right approach because you can make the case that there's somebody who lived a parallel life to you yeah that was like the same way you were committed to soccer somebody was committed to getting in you know mastering a craft yeah that would get them into the room that you're in whatever it may be you know that could be anything yeah it's a great way to look at it because I also sometimes get in the mindset of like like I've had people tell me and I've had I've had a therapist tell me one time she was like well don't you think it's the world or you can flip your perspective and be like it's the world working in your favor in terms of like all of those years that you worked hard they're just now rewarding you in just a different way totally yeah you've shown your own version of commitment yeah but I would still like for it to reward me in the other way I understand yeah because you were thrust into something that you never really didn't plan on yeah but I'm loving it it's fun and do you feel like you learn every day I try to yeah what's been the hardest thing to adapt to um I think the hardest thing it's a great question I don't know what's been the hardest thing for you to adapt to with all this I'm gonna flip it just to get some inspo you know I really don't like going out and being watched by people I think that's very interesting okay and I don't like going on Tick Tock and seeing videos of me that were filmed by people that I didn't know were being filmed and I know that happens to you all the time because they'll show up on my feed from time to time yeah that's a hairy concert yeah I think yeah well yeah I think that's like something that I um that's been really hard to get used to and it's like a new way to live life you know and I think and then sometimes like you know just being honestly when I'm out and about and you don't drink yeah like I'll you know you're not gonna be in the best state of mind when you're out and about but you know that like having fun yeah you know the next day like it's somewhere somehow yeah it just exists somewhere whether it's if somebody's posted it or not somebody's documented it yeah um that's you know that's that's kind of hard yeah that is hard I've watched a lot of friends get you know figured out over the years so I've I've you know blessing them I learned from you yeah yeah I think uh I'm gonna piggyback off that yeah that's definitely been one that's like you never quite get used to it when you're just going out for coffee and you all the next like an hour later you can see in your tags or you see a video blow up because I don't know like I could trip on the side of the street and it would probably blow up because it's like I don't know it's just one of those things where people yeah they're just always watching and I think that's been something that's been tricky to adapt to but I don't know I can't lie and say that there's part of me that doesn't like the attention and that's like like being fully transparent I'm just like yeah like there's part of me it's like yeah if I didn't have this then I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing and also relevant like it keeps you exactly and the Zeitgeist and that being said like I'm not gonna go out and like trip tomorrow and make sure someone gets it like whatever I I think it's more of like a because I know people are watching it almost I don't know you can do two things with it and I think I think there are some people that take advantage of that in the wrong ways and will do things that will make people talk about them but not in the right ways or it could seem right in there I don't know I I use it in a way where I don't know like I just feel like it fuels me to be a better person at times I understand that because yeah accountable yeah I know that's yeah and that's it yeah I think I think it you could I don't know you could probably argue like oh you should just be a good person nevertheless like it doesn't matter if people are watching or not and it's like well yeah it's just a little like extra push to be like people are watching be careful and it's like okay and then you eventually kind of adapt and mold into this person that is just a better person because you have that constant pressure but yeah I don't know I think that was I think yeah what you said was is pretty tricky to adapt to do you feel the need to share everything you do yeah and I think uh I don't know I'm kind of just trying to think about everything like sharing wise I'm like I've always I don't know I've always been kind of like a giver like I love giving and I love that's probably like one of my love languages I can't lie and uh but I think just sharing in general in terms of giving stuff to people but then also like bigger picture sharing on social media every little thing that you do definitely I think I'm such like no I do that 100 what's the last thing you gave to somebody like micro down into like could be to one person could be on a larger scale well I I guess you could I don't know like that's a it like every time like I post is that like sharing no I mean you could be to a friend it could be to one person but you did but by the way you did post something rather recently yeah I post all the time every day like on multiple platforms and I'm like it drives me insane sometimes but it's also like again holds you accountable to like what else would you be doing like where else would you be without this since like yeah so you constantly feel that you share things very uniquely too in what way you posted a video like a week or two ago of you on stage with a performer and you made it clear that everyone should listen to it with the sound on look I think when so some background on that if you haven't seen the video um oh we'll link to it yeah it was it was in the Bahamas and I was uh my friend Carter and Drew they did like a joint birthday trip and it was just fun with my like with some friends and uh we went to a burlesque show one night and it was it was just all fun and games and like everyone in the crowd like to be fair the lady that was performing or hosting whatever she was great like her stage work was amazing like it was like we had a great time and like she came for every single one of us was saying stuff and then she like there was like a gut feeling as soon as we sat down in those seats I was like I feel like I just got like sat down in like the seat where like she pulls from and I was like oh God I just had like a gut feeling I was gonna like somehow get on that stage in like one way or the other and then next thing you know um like like 30 minutes later shows going on and she like is singing a song she like grabs my hand pulls me up and then next you know I'm on stage and you know it's funny that you say that with like she could have grabbed anything like any other person in my friend group because I mean once again like I was I was probably I think I was the only one that was like I didn't have a sip of alcohol that night like the only sober one you know probably like already I mean I'm outgoing but when it comes to that stuff like you know when you have like Ricky Thompson there you have like Olivia O'Brien you have Carter like you have all these like fun outgoing people big personality big personalities that like would have gave the host a run for her money on that stage and like would have gave the people what they wanted she read you she like fully pulled me up and I was just like oh God like I'm gonna go with it I'm gonna play along but I'm not gonna give anything extra I'm not gonna go up there and like I don't I don't know it could have just been anyone else you know um you know I like almost stiff up there I'm like I'm you know so and then she saw that I was like a little uncomfortable not for nothing like because I'm on stage and and the video doesn't show the crowd there was like 250 people like in that room just and I was just like oh God and um so I'm just up there and yeah I don't remember exactly what she said she said I know you're gay Just Go With It yeah yeah she said that and uh that's what it was and yeah so I think we were dancing for like a minute up there a minute right and so it comes to a point where I'm like trying to like slip away I'm like get me off this and she knew that and she just she said that and I didn't think anything of it but you posted it yeah because I thought it was funny and literally the next day we had like a group chat and the next day like they sent that in because I didn't see the video um because one of my friends Sophia took it and she sent it to me she was like I just woke up because all of them like all of them were drunk and they're like weren't looking at their videos after and so the next morning is like they woke up and they and she sent me that and I was like oh that's funny so I'm like I'm just gonna post it I didn't think anything of it really I was just like you know the conversation that's funny yeah I was like this is just funny because it's like I know that's been kind of a topic um that people seem to kind of bring up with me and I don't know I think I thought it was just funny just kind of throw it out there and it was just yeah you poke it yeah stoked the flames in a sense I really like I was also kind of half asleep when I like put it on my story and I've said sound on just because if you watched it with mouse because if you watched it with no sound then it would make no sense at all so I was just like sound on and then obviously yeah what she said I just I just thought it was funny I don't know like I just didn't think anything of it really so and we still see nothing of it well after seeing the response like there was like some some like actual like big accounts that posted it that got like really big attention I was like I didn't expect this like I expected a few people to be like is that scary very yeah even if you know what you are doing like you you don't fully understand the full no you never really know how people are gonna like take it and that goes for like anything you never really know sarcasm doesn't come across very well online and I've learned that so I don't really do that often unless it's like blatant sarcasm and it's like you can like tell but like some people just take it and run with it and will not believe anything else where does this video fall um this video Falls and just like half asleep like I don't know it was just fun like everyone in the group chat was like that is the funniest video ever like that is hilarious because like they tease me as well for it and it's like all right if it's really that funny like the group chat's loving it maybe the world will and so I was just like I just threw it out there sarcasm or no sarcasm uh on Whose end I don't know I don't even know how one would perceive that exactly like I didn't think there was any like one like people were like is is this uh is this a coming out video and I was like no it was just a funny video like I don't know it's just some yeah it's funny so you're not coming out I'm not no people kind of have a hard time I grew up with two sisters I grew up playing soccer and I'm I grew up in a very like female dominated household and I'm just not afraid to like be in touch with like my feminine side and I think by the way you should yeah and I think people I don't know there's been people that like I kind of are aggressively when they like are aggressive when they ask they're like oh no there's no way he's not like I'm gonna believe it and so it's like what's the point of even saying anything so I'm just like take it like believe what you want to believe I don't know I'm not gonna like I'm not gonna be like guys I swear like this is like I swear and so I don't care like at the end of the day it's literally not your job to justify anything no also I believe in any way like specifying one sexuality or preference is like not even it's an Antiquated thing yeah it's a dumb [ __ ] thing and I also think Society puts really harsh stereotypes around what it means to be a man yeah right and yeah I think being in touch with one feminine side is way more of a blessing than a curse it allows for empathy and kindness and compassion and yeah and understanding to communicate as opposed to being emotionally closed off yeah more [ __ ] men should be feminine the world would be a much better place yeah I think I think slowly but surely I think uh social media is kind of it's kind of encouraged it in terms of like breaking those stereotypes because I don't know you just see a lot of guys or you just see a lot of guys doing well that are okay with being feminine you know like for example one of the guys that I love the most like Harry Styles like I love the guy and he like is okay doing whatever and I think I don't know like I know he has a sister as well and I know he has a really good relationship with his mom and it's just like nice to see it's like refreshing when like you don't always have to be so like or man like it's just like you know so confidence has something to do with it and I think being able to break society's stereotypes is really hard like it takes strength but I also think it takes Society to grow and evolve and I don't know progress a little bit always and by the way even if one is queer like I I don't come out I've never come out like I don't feel the need to come out I feel the need to live right right and like when's the last time you've asked any straight person to like to come out like yeah the whole thing is just a very so Antiquated yeah and backwards Love Is Love yeah yeah that's right so if he's are you wearing them uh at the moment the [ __ ] no way just say yes you're not wearing them live yeah oh yeah no I'm wearing them right now products right now and then that's a good thing yeah that's amazing great thing yeah it's doing well that's huge yeah it's doing well I'm really really proud and excited for the Brandy fees yeah what's the name mean so all right okay I could bore you with all the details of the story and I will and uh so it's a the the story is has Origins from like Greek mythology and the story of ethies is basically a ruler wanted a son he ended up having a daughter raised the daughter as a son and then the daughter fell in love with the girl and it's just like this whole story of just like fluidity kind of like what we were just talking about where it's like Love Is Love and who's to determine that and I think I don't know at the end of the day just like love conquers all and I think that's kind of like the the message that we're trying to Foster with uh the community over at ify's well and it's unisex it's gender fluid it flows for everybody which I do believe that gender is nothing but a construct constructed by Society yeah but uh you know I won't bore you with that um feel free but I think I mean is that do you go in with the expectation and the goal to create a brand that works for everybody well yeah that was like that was kind of like one of the main pillars that we kind of wanted to establish in this brand was we wanted it to be genderless we want to be gender neutral whatever and we just wanted it to be for everybody like no matter size shape color I was just like I'm very and one of the like though that idea stems from the idea that I know my demographic and I would be so naive to think that they were all one one shape or one size and so it's like I want everyone that follows me or everyone that you don't have to follow me just if you're if you support the brand and you buy products like you can be whatever you want to be and I don't know I just wanted to kind of stress that in the in kind of the uh The Branding with that it's really important I've never heard of an underwear company doing that or being that way yeah the technology was interesting with uh with like the the shaping of that area because yeah it took some like fittings with the models and being like how does that feel is that like too tight to like not and then we found like a happy medium and yeah I think it works great like um talking about I don't know like I have like friends and stuff that I've already kind of given samples to and I'm like what do we think and you know and if it's a girl I'll be like tell me like do you like it do you like it how does it fit and if it's a guy I'll ask the same questions they're like oh it's great and so it's like it's really cool to hear positive feedback from both sides and I love the product as well so have you tried the thong on yeah I have how's it fit it fits yeah I personally am not a thong guy right but for this for the sake of trying my product I uh I I did throw it on what an interesting business though to learn the ins and outs of yeah that seems pretty cool yeah it's intriguing like I really wanted to kind of I don't know when you asked me one of the first questions on this podcast was like do you learn stuff every day and so like I think when creating this brand like in that process learning stuff every day and like I told everyone that I brought on board to help me build this thing out I was like I want to be so Hands-On with this and I want to be like a sponge you know it's such an interesting it really is like such an interesting business to learn about but when you like open it up and kind of zoom out it's really just like running a business and it's like yeah I don't know it's just so it's just again one of those things where three years ago if you would have told me I was doing this I'd be like what I was like I was living in a dorm room and now I'm like I own yeah I'm the founder of it's it's pretty cool and it's it's very exciting because it's like curating a whole brand and like aesthetic and with the intent that in a couple years it'll be able to stand on its own yes and like that is the that is the goal here and it is rooted in this understanding that you have of the next generation of human beings that you know exist today and will exist for uh literally decades and decades and decades to come yeah you're amazing yeah you're in tune with people yeah I try to be I feel like that's one of the that's one of the like best parts about it I feel like they're I don't know there's just so many people like I don't know when the exact moments are but when I'm kind of able to like really take myself out of my shoes and like look at for like look at what I'm doing for what it is it's pretty amazing the amount of people that I can reach and the amount of people that I can like have a positive impact on and that's why I try to be so meticulous and but also transparent with like what I put out on the internet because I mean I if if you follow my stuff if you've like watched my YouTube videos like I'm not very I don't know I feel like I don't like I share I'm very authentic and I like to keep it that way and I'm very willing to share like the bad days because there are bad days and there are great days and I want to share those as well but I I don't know I just think that letting people know and like communicating in a way that's like hey even with what I'm doing right now even the even though you're watching my Vlog and I'm out in Paris and like living this amazing life like I still come back to my hotel and I'm like damn I still have you know problems that any human would so I think just reminding people that is like powerful to me this having Fame heighten those problems that you face or help you manage them and get better understanding of them some of them I think I think Fame I hate that word but I think uh the relevancy that I've gained over these past couple years I think I don't know it's it's very there are basic human problems that Fame literally has nothing to do with it or you know it's like sometimes it may heighten the problem sometimes it may like oh this helps a little because you know have millions of people that if I did post like hey I'm struggling and you know you'd get all this positive affirmations like Financial Security yeah some of that stuff yeah that's a big one that's a huge one that's a that's like the biggest blessing like coming from a family of two teachers yeah that's a huge deal yeah yeah it was and that also comes from I think that also stems or my feeling of not deserving ah stems from that because you know I have my parents who are teachers and that work their whole life and like I have I had an amazing childhood they worked really [ __ ] hard they worked hard yeah and my dad was driving me like my practice for like club soccer growing up was 35 40 minutes away like every night and like I don't know in Arizona it's like that's like 20 20 miles 25 miles away and that's not like after a full day of teaching like high schoolers and coaching and he's like probably the last thing he wants to do is sit in a car and like drive all the way so the hours that he put in doing that the hours that my mom did just taking care of us putting like food on the table like that's where the feeling of like not deserving this because they did that and I'm doing this and I'm getting more money from it's crazy but that's why I make sure they are very taken care of on that front do you remember the conversation you had with your your dad about not wanting to continue soccer I do I do where was it um so it was I first kind of voiced okay so when I first came out to LA for tick tock was when I had I had people reaching out that lived in La that were like oh like we see you because I went on like a family vacation after I finished up my freshman year online so from like March we got sent home mid-may is when like schooling was done and so I think like mid-june is when my family took like a we just got in our car we were like we got to get out of the house and so mid-june my family we took it we just went in the car and went to like Mission Beach and it was like a five hour drive and so we just got a house like on the beach and just kind of were like oh this is nice like something different but we're still like in a house and so we were just chilling and I don't know like you could see in my videos that there was like an ocean behind me and so like there were people commenting like people that I watched like on Tick Tock it was kind of cool because there were people reaching out being like yo you're in California like you're like what part are you in and I was just like Mission like this that and they're like well you should come down to LA and like collab with us and like hang out and like check it out and I was like oh weird I like I just like didn't it was such a new thing to me it was like so bizarre to even like say like collab and or anything like that because I was like dude I'm going back to school like I like I'm training right now like this and so it was just very new and then I don't know like I just kind of I don't know like I I really just like gave it a go and I told my parents I was like Hey so these guys want me to come hang out with them in La for a little like is that cool like I'm 19 like I'm a big boy I can take care of myself and they're like yeah surely we can drop you off on the way back and like they were cool about it they asked a ton of questions to be fair it didn't go that easily they were like like there were a lot of questions that were asked and um so after a bit they're like yeah sure and then like we can sort your plane ticket like on the way back and I was like okay it's like cool and then um had fun hung out and then literally I think I was there for like four days and that's when I when I was out there like the first few days were just fun and I was like this is amazing you know like hanging out with people that like I've seen on my for you page I was like it was kind of crazy like Starstruck a couple times I'm like what am I doing like and it was just like such a weird experience and then the last day when I was like leaving like I found um like I just had conversations with them and I was like okay so like is this what you guys do all like every day like is this like what it is or would you guys just like give me like a good time and I'm like no bro this is it and like we just kind of hang out make videos and I was like okay it's pretty crazy and I was like and the money is good as well right and then it's insane like it's kind of like a gold mine right now if anything like and I couldn't make any money at the time because of the NCAA rules at the time with like team one athletes and so that was tricky as well because I was doing it all just for the fun of it and then um I went home and that's when I had that conversation with my parents and I was like hey um so I had a great time and I chatted to some of the like the adults and the managers of the house and I was like like you know keep it real with me like is this worth giving up like a full ride division one scholarship and they were like look if you came out to LA just like on a whim and was like I'm just gonna collab with people and you didn't have a spot in this house that you were joining right now I would say maybe not but because you are joining this house you're guaranteed to grow and you're guaranteed to like and so hearing that I was intriguing and I was like okay and I don't know nothing else in my life like I had other opportunities like come about in my life but also not I don't know why I just said that like also not like growing up like playing soccer like that was the only thing on my mind yeah and I never really there was no plan B it was like I'm so committed to plan a like this is not not happening and so everyone around you is also committed to plan a like they've yeah they've given the whole support system yeah portions of their life to seeing you achieve it yeah and it was part of my like identity yeah and also I think I wanted to go pro just as much as my dad wanted me to go pro like I think my dad like it's my biggest fan and my biggest supporter and having that like when I first brought to him that like hey this right like right now I don't even know when the next soccer game is going to be like if I stayed like we don't even know if we're going back next season because we haven't heard a word because it's kovitz stuff and so when I kind of told him where my head was at he was like I don't know you could see it something in him like changed and because it's sad like all those years of like watching me play like he was like damn it's like like when's the next time he's gonna see me play a soccer game and he's like it could have been months ago and that's just like sad to think and uh but they were so supportive and I was like look I'll put you in contact with the managers that I kind of had the more serious talks with about like the logistics of like coming out to LA like management representation and all that um and we'll go from there and he was just like look like I know you more than anyone and this is the it's funny because it's the same thing that my my college coach said um when I had that conversation with him when I told him that like hey I'm gonna I'm gonna drop out and pursue this when my dad and my coach kind of reacted the same way they were like look as much as I want to be like mad and as much as I want to be like what are you doing like this is stupid like don't give this up like this is your dream they both kind of they knew how passionate I was about soccer and they knew that not just anything could like sway me from this dream totally a little pun this way [Music] but sway came in and did no but uh that's but they knew how determined I was for this one goal and for me to kind of get taken off path they were like this has to be a huge opportunity like you must know something that we don't or like we just might not fully understand it but if this is gonna like if this is making you second-guess things about soccer like who are we to send in the way so it was really nice to hear that it was also like damn like maybe I'm making a mistake but then fast forward three years later and here we are and it's it seems to be paying off but then I don't know I feel like it's another one of those things where it's just not closed and I don't want it to be closed that's it and I think at the end of the day it's just a different path to where you ultimately wanted to go right I mean but you are still playing soccer on like these huge these huge plot like you're playing with the side man you're in Europe like you're still playing soccer yeah so a huge audience yeah so I'm very very fortunate that the career that I'm doing now is kind of kept like and I've kind of curated that and I've told my team like hey no matter what we do Eddie soccer opportunities can we stay yeah exactly can we stay close to the game because I'm like if I start to pan away like I'm gonna hate this so like I need that sense of like it kind of grounds me like every time that there's like a soccer opportunity because I'm like I get to go back to what I love you know and as much as I love what I'm doing now like nothing is gonna be like that feeling when I'm like on the field and I don't know so every time like an opportunity like that has come about I'm like let's go and so this past one was very special as well because so I this is my second year doing like soccer aid for Unicef so this year was at Old Trafford which is like one of the most famous stadiums in the world and they are the home stadium so my favorite team that has been my favorite team since I was like five does your dad go my dad went sick so that was amazing so my my parents went and so like I think if that was the last time my dad ever saw me play pretty good I think he could yeah we could both you know die happy and it's crazy because that was like I mean that right there was my dream like playing at Old Trafford in front of a sold out stadium was pretty nuts is that Manchester United Manchester United so that was like what's it like running onto that field I mean running onto that field was nuts but also the people running onto the field with me was even more nuts like again one of those imposter syndrome feelings of like what the hell did I do to deserve being on this field with nobody you did everything like your life was aligned to be exactly there at that moment like yeah yeah you kind of have to look at it that way you must because every decision you made really took you to that very moment and the only reason you were able to have that moment was based on those decisions yeah even though the path the paths you've been taking weren't the initial one the traditional yeah yeah initial or traditional like it was not even a [ __ ] Plan B C D E or F no but you went with it and if did you feel it in your gut that it was the right decision every time when I have like an opportunity or what do you mean even to make the initial decision to move away from soccer and to focus on this whole new chapter and a whole new thing did you know in your gut that it was right I think I felt the exact same way that my dad and my coach reacted when they said this must be too good to be true or this must be like a like this must be something that you cannot pass up because I knew in myself like nothing is going to take me away from soccer like growing up I was like you could throw me a million dollars right now and I'm like I don't care like I want to play soccer because I'm when I make it pro I'm gonna make more than that and it's like that was always like my mindset but then with this it was like I don't know something did seem right obviously because it swayed me from plan a um but yeah obviously there are still days today where I'm like what if you know yeah but you're still gonna get to where you want to be yeah just a different direction but I think going back to like the that deserving feeling I think uh it was funny because I was on I was on another podcast recently and we kind of talked about I would much rather like I don't know I I like as much as it is not a good way to think like feeling like you don't you know as much as this kind of self-sabotaging to like never feel like you earn this or never feel like uh yeah like you've earned it I'd much rather have it that way than the latter where it's like you have that entitlement of being like Oh I deserve to be here like this that and it's like there's a confidence about it like yeah it's like sometimes it's like oh yeah I worked my ass off to be here but I I like I don't know I would I just don't want it to be the other way where I'm like everywhere I walk in I'm like yeah like yeah dude severe severe confidence could be toxic very and actually ruin you yeah because it's very I feel like as much as it's like not the best to think the way that I do sometimes it's like it is more humbling yeah than to be like you know I don't care if I I worked hard like I deserve to be here this that like I don't know that was just do you feel like you deserve it when you're like signing exclusive deals with Louis Vuitton and going to Pharrell's first show and they're flying you all around the world for these things well that no like no I don't because that's one of those things where you know you have like fashion Majors or you have people going to school for fashion that I feel like should be there instead of me where I'm like I don't know like that's kind of like what it is but it's one of those things where as soon as I started fashion like I wasn't gonna like I feel like it kind of goes back to me trying not like trying my hardest to not half-ass anything I do and that's why when I first started like getting involved in fashion and when I first got started to kind of like express my my admiration for it I was like well I admire it but I also want to learn more about it and so like I don't know the fashion thing wasn't like a it wasn't a fluke thing it wasn't just like out of the blue like I like I really enjoy it and I really like like I like watch videos like I kind of study about it and like this that and like I have fun with it and like I don't just go to these shows anymore at first I was I was going to these shows I was like like it's like amazing and then now I go to the shows and I'm like actually like I don't know I watch them in a different way I think I have a different perspective on it now and like I look more in like the little details of like the art in and of it in and of itself just fun is it hard to be pretty and beautiful and remarkable looking uh thank you um well you haven't heard those compliments before I don't know what to say to that it is I feel like it has it has its perks do you feel like you look in the mirror and see what everybody else sees no not always what do you see I don't know I see I don't know like a guy with flaws and uh I feel like to a lot of people or at least I mean as some people think or that some people kind of make clear unlike my videos they're like oh this guy's perfect or whatever and it's like oh far from like I'm not but it's it's obviously nice to hear that but then again it's kind of that feeling of like If Only They Knew You Know but that's just me being kind of hard on myself but like like I said in the beginning I'm very I'm very self-aware guy I try to be like I really like work towards that um and yeah like I don't know like I have flaws I have insecurities just like any any other human so I think that's the thing that but I also try to be transparent with those you know like with my longer form content like on YouTube or I don't really talk about it on like Tick Tock or like Instagram like every platform of mine has its different like aesthetic and different they're curated in different ways well it also means that people know you like at varying degrees yeah exactly like that's what sometimes like intrigues me is like I wonder how many people follow me on Instagram that don't even follow me on Tick Tock or YouTube or YouTube like by the way like I think every platform is going to be different every platform is different and I like and I know like I don't know I feel like I I do that on purpose in a sense like if you're willing to go to YouTube and like look up my name and click on a 15 minute video of mine like you should get a bit more of like an Insider access of like who I am as a person as opposed to if you're scrolling on Tick Tock and you just see my video and it's like yeah I think it keeps scrolling like there's no like effort to go out of your way to like see me whereas like I feel like on YouTube it's a bit more I definitely get more personal on YouTube and I like it that way can you understand why people think you're so beautiful I don't know I don't know I mean I don't know what to say to this no I I don't know I I feel like I guess I don't know I don't know I think Society is like weird beauty standards on things yeah I think everyone like everyone's got Beauty and like everyone's got their own sort of beauty I guess that's by the way that's what I'm pansexual that's what I believe but I love it yeah people think that's a load of horseshit they do how how could they out of people are very judgmental yeah but also I think people do believe that there's this thing that like aesthetic is everything when I believe energy in one's personality and being and Essence and existence is more than just the way you look and if I love you I love you whether you're ugly or you're [ __ ] gross or ugly you're beautiful you know yeah ugly or gross I love you yeah I mean I do oh but a lot of people put so much in in Aesthetics they really do they really yeah yeah they do they do they do why have you chosen to never drink um I think okay so ultimately it goes back to plan A of you know I didn't want any distractions I didn't want anything to get in the way of that and then I don't know as I grew up I kind of in high school you know some of my friends started drinking and then I was still just like it's just never my thing like and I mean like I've never tried a sip and I think like now it's I don't know I've I've had experiences with my friends that I've kind of turned me off to the idea if they're kind of embarrassing they make a fool of themselves yeah and I'm not judgmental it takes a lot it takes a lot for me to judge you and like I think some of my friends have done some questionable things in in a more like serious manner where I'm like I never even want to put one of my friends in that situation that they put me in if I got intoxicated you know interesting and I I don't know it's just like every every movie you ever see is it's just like written like I don't know every movie you ever see it's like oh and there's alcohol involved five minutes of fun maybe a little compilation of like oh them having fun out drinking and then it's like always ends bad and I'm like I know but but then I also know the flip side and I know people that have a very good relationship with alcohol and use it to celebrate you know unlock a different Express their creativity whatever it may be but I don't know I just not my thing is it hard to make friends interesting so I initially I was like no because I'm a I like to think I'm an outgoing guy and I don't know I love meeting people making friends you love to share yeah but that's changed over the over the years not everything I just said about myself I think the uh my like desire for it my desire to like make friends is like I don't know is it hard to know that you're keeping genuine people around you that's the hardest part it is by the way it's hard when you ask me like if I can go back and change the when you reverse the question on me yeah if I can go back and change my answer I say real friends is the hardest [ __ ] thing yeah and that's the hardest thing to adjust to is realizing that not everyone is programmed the way you are not everyone like not everyone has the same intent when they're talking to you it's like if I'm talking to you I don't know what my intent may be but not everyone's always aligned on that and I don't know I think it's just exhausting sometimes like going out and or like you know contractually obligated to like go to an event and it's like oh great I just get to have the same conversation for an hour it's the worst with a few different people and it's like I don't know I'm always but I'm never gonna like go into a conversation with my guard like fully up and being like I have enough friends like it's whatever like I'm never gonna be like that but like there are times where I go into conversations and I'm just like just tell right away you can just tell and I think my my radar for like ingenueness has has definitely improved over the years and I'm just like it's a shame but here we are but dude is also a trial and error thing right like you have to let some people in to figure it out of course before you can get like this like muscle that like yeah or like this like I don't know patterns and like yes it's a lot with like relationships as well like if you if you avoid the red flags like they're not gonna like never come up again and so they'll probably come back up later in the relationship or whatever and so it's like I don't know I think with like friendships as well it's just I have I'm very fortunate to have found a good hand-selected group of people in my life right now in La that keep me sane and that I'm able to kind of I don't know they're good people and and I really enjoy them and but then I also have my clothes like my closest friends that live that are from Arizona that I grew up playing soccer with that I'm still you know like the real people the people that I know why they're friends with me that is like the biggest thing like because they know you they know me and they knew me before all this and now every time I go into a conversation it's like you get right off the bat like what they want some people are just so like they have no shame when it comes to like just getting right to the point they're like I'm not gonna waste any time like let's work together and it's like okay like you know or there's some kind there's something there's something transactional that they want I'm just like honestly I respect you like not wasting my time and like because it's like I would rather have that than them try to like play me and yeah yeah build a friendship and you realize it was all for nothing exactly I've been there yeah that was it yeah it is hard dude it's hard it's weird like in at the same breath I'm very lucky because I've had a lot of friends around me for like 13 14 years yeah like very much at the beginning for all of us um but then it's like when you want to acquire new friends it's yeah it's a trial and error thing man very trial and error it's like also nobody hates Noah Beck like you never hear a bad thing about you especially in this town like everybody has something to say about that it's like nobody has anything bad to say about Noah back at all that's a famous log for manifestation yeah oh there you go that's a good lock yeah it's a great log it's a good couch it's a good energy yeah I love it yeah we found it in a dumpster yeah you probably heard that platform squeaking a couple times throughout this interview yeah don't look under there okay it's made of cinder blocks we've made it ourselves welcome to Amazon we're only getting like a seven trillion dollar facility I'm a lot farther than I thought like in the videos like I thought we were gonna be closer no it's a little distance yeah you like this though I like it it's kind of nice it's like yeah it's good eye contact very that's what I like and it's not like to like if we were that close and we had like just met then it's a little like it's intense you know you feel my breath yeah it's a bit yeah exactly I like it one of the first times you met you were starting your podcast that is now discontinued yes it's a good idea lead to you to you saying ridiculous stupid [ __ ] uh 100 and I think you don't need that no I think uh we had yeah we we had a great time doing the podcast and I think like I don't know it was just one of those things where eventually we just got so busy in our like personal careers where it was just like it's hard to kind of meet up and like and then larae was like it's hard to like talk about [ __ ] from life then you gotta live life to talk about it larae is a character oh he's a hoot and a half I love him I love him um yeah is it larae or Larry I still don't know it goes by either or and I can't lie like as his friend one day I'll call him Larry and the other day I'll call him yeah he just answers to them both yeah but you don't need that we want to be a professional athlete one day yeah I think now I don't know I'm a bit more now more than ever I'm a lot more selective with where I put my energy and I think I just have other endeavors that I just kind of want to pursue more if he's a movie exactly it's a lot pretty good stuff I respect they're still on YouTube a lot of people have abandoned YouTube and you're like nope we're still doing this thing it's hard YouTube is so like it's [ __ ] like it actually like I don't know it I don't know what the word I was looking for but it's like it's yeah it's a very last thing it's exhausting and it's very one of those things where when I was saying earlier like it's a bit more I don't know like 100k like 100k views on YouTube is is so much more meaningful than like a million dollars because it's like again one of those things where you kind of have to like if you're not getting the Subscribe post notifications like you have to go out of your way and look them up unless it like goes on their Explorer or whatever but I don't know I think the ability for people nowadays to watch like a 15 minute video it's like Assad as it sounds like a lot of people just can't do it won't do it so it's nice to know that like when I see any amount of views on my YouTube I'm like people are watching but yeah what are your friends from home know about you that you wish everybody else knew um um it's a great question I don't think I've ever been asked that do you not reverse this one on me like you didn't know I'm not I'm really trying to think about this um I don't know I'm really trying to get like I'm trying to think of like a really good answer here but I I think like I said earlier I'm very transparent online and I'm very like if you really follow and like watch my stuff like you'll know just about everything about me and so I think like there's not really one thing that I'm hiding or like keeping to myself like and that can be exhausting at times I think there's no boundaries There's No Boundaries and so yeah when you when you feel like obligated or I don't know when you just feel like you've kind of like programmed your audience that you're gonna share everything at all times like no matter what it's like it's hard to draw that line it's hard to kind of yeah like later on in your career it's kind of hard to be like I don't know because you'll have people being like well you used to say this like you used to tell us about your relationships or your you know other things and so yeah but it's hard to also live when you're sharing everything publicly no 100 and I think uh yeah it is what do you learn from being inside or what did you learn from being in such like a high profile public relationship I learned that I don't know nothing like ever I felt like I was dating everyone and like everyone was in the relationship and I feel one of the things that people don't seem to understand which is probably the easiest thing to understand but just people just don't want to believe it is that they don't know everything that happens in the relationship they don't know everything that and like the internet can skew things in one way and it's just like and by the way that's it for the truth for friends too and yeah family like at the end of the day Relationship between two people is between two people right everyone's and even between those two people it's like if you're being honest with each other like there's still probably there's still probably things you don't know and it's like I don't know I'm just I'm very big on everyone has like their own battles that they're dealing with every single day and you kind of just have to be empathetic towards that and I don't know just extend the hand rather than just like nag nag nag and so it's like I don't know I feel with social media that is like one of the biggest things that I noticed in the relationship is that everyone just had something to say and everyone like had their opinion and it's like I don't know I think people forget that we sometimes see it too and like people are just like I can say this and have no repercussions and they can because it's like those are the accounts that probably have no profile pic zero followers and it's like they can say whatever they want but they have just as much power as the guy with a million followers to get the most liked comment you know and so it's kind of the battle of who can say the most bizarre thing that people would like get a kick out of or you know that's kind of where the toxicity of it comes from but you can rewrite those boundaries as you grow yeah you can but does that make you afraid of or scared of love no afraid of or excited for Jesus Christ sorry my brain and just both I literally use the same thing um yeah yeah it does I think uh freighter excited for bit of both probably more afraid to be honest I think yeah I don't know probably more afraid do you know what it feels like to be in love I think so yeah I do yeah I do I think um I think my last relationship was my first love and what we did and what we dealt with but also accomplished together was pretty amazing and kind of hard to I don't know it's kind of hard to top you know like I feel like we really good came into this business together and so now it's like it was very hard after being like oh like I no longer have my person anymore that is like that would help me after you know I had this problem or whatever because the truth of it is like not everyone understands like I can't there are some things that I would share with her and she would fully understand that if I were to tell like even my closest friends from back home I'll never get they'll never get because this industry just has like it's just not it's such a bubble and like we just happen to be in the bubble and so like the problems that I have sometimes are they just can't be like like dude what and so that's tricky at times have you gone over that relationship yeah it's fine gotten over the answer is no probably not I uh I don't know I think relationships are just hard and I think uh breakups are even harder and yeah when you know I don't know when you're just when that person was that person and then one day it's just they're just not there anymore it's it's very I don't know you kind of are like forced to be strangers it's tough because it's like yeah I could go into a rabbit hole and talk about this but that's for my therapist I feel like no dude it's one of my greatest fears is heartbreak yeah yeah especially especially when there is nothing but especially when there's nothing but love left in terms of not ending in a bad way and not ending with any animosity between one another it was strictly for personal growth for finding each other independently and like we kind of both needing to fill up our own cup and then eventually someone else falling in love with the Overflow and it's like I don't know one day I don't know I just feel like Yeah It's tricky at times because I wouldn't say I'm closed off to the idea of love anymore yeah but if they're on your mind it's hard it is it's tough dude I literally am in love with somebody and I'm trying to date at the same time and it's ridiculous I literally left to date in the middle of it because they needed me for something yeah and I literally ran physically ran out of a restaurant to go take care of them like you can't date in that mindset no do you know what I'm saying no I get what you're saying my priority is not on the person who's giving me their time and sitting across from me yeah because they they're they're there they're in my brain we're not in any relationship right but like they're there they're there so blinded by it yeah [ __ ] yeah yeah it blinds you but it distracts you it distracts you but I'm doing I think but that's also one of the things that people don't understand as well as after the relationship they still don't know everything yeah and that's the hardest part too is like I don't know you'll get the comments of like you know I don't know because I don't want to give people everything but like they just know that they don't know everything is like they have to respect that and I think that's the trickiest part because people are like oh it's been so long and it's like yeah and uh I don't know it's one of those things where I'm I don't know I'm just focusing I'm just focusing on myself and I'm very excited with the Endeavors that I have coming up and the career moves that I have um and I don't know I kind of it just takes you away from that you know I know but it will always love will always creep up on you of course you can like park it for as much as humanly possible and like even like hook up with random people that like whatever but it just it will always keep coming back but I will say it is better to have loved and lost than to have never have loved before yeah and either the universe is going to bring you your person back together or somebody else is going to come into your life that's gonna redefine what love is for you right and that's the issue I'm facing now is like I thought I was in love with people before and now this person now it's like [ __ ] jokes that I yeah whatever the [ __ ] that was wasn't really love because this this is love yeah you kind of I don't know like a thing that I've been getting told a lot lately um and that I've been like reflecting on is like you kind of hold on to the memories don't you and it's uh kind of like what I was talking about with uh everything that we accomplished you know like kind of entering this business together and then you know you don't really know what life's like without them um when they're not there and then you're still in this industry it's like oh well you know they were the person you went to for this that but I don't know I just think uh yeah it's it's just one of those things where yeah you'll never be able to duplicate what you've experienced with this person it's just never gonna happen no no and yeah that's why that's why the memories are kind of like so attached but then and then to write new memories that somebody else seems like a lot of work and like both emotional and physical work yeah and you almost feel like you don't have eaten yet you don't have that to give at the moment and it's like like I feel bad because it's like I'm not really like open to it at the moment and like I'm not giving this person like my full self but then at the same time it's like I'm still working on myself and I still have like things that I want to accomplish so yeah like if he's exactly why some ifis yeah we're gonna put a link in the description below so you can grab them whenever they're available lovely I want some I'll buy some no you guys are getting some but if I wasn't low on like we only have right now like in my my house I have like a mini like mini shop in my house wait years I only have like XX smalls so I'm like I don't think that I can maybe fit in that an XX is small maybe I'd squeeze in okay I'll get your guys's size start vomiting I'll get sizes after holy [ __ ] um [Laughter] but I think it's a really cool business to be in by the way it's giving me skim's energy yeah I don't know there's not like obviously when I first kind of yeah I I think uh there's there's inspose that we grab from and I just like really wanted to have like its own kind of identity and like the most exciting thing about it is that we started with like undergarments obviously and we have three out right now with three different waistbands and it's like who knows whether the ceiling is with this thing so like I I don't know it could eventually move into more apparel it can move into accessories here and there so we're still figuring it out but there's it's not categorized as one thing right now slow and steady wins this race yep Daniel what are you thinking I think we cover a lot here Zach did we yeah enough yeah buy some if he's if they're available we're gonna put a link in the description below I really appreciate you man thank you I appreciate you guys for having me I really you're one of the most genuine energies I've ever come in contact with and I think you're nothing but exactly who you are and uh you do deserve to be in this room in every room you're in thank you because that's why you're there and but not your own podcast that was terrible don't do that no I just you know you don't need that we don't need a bunch of incriminating [ __ ] on the internet forever as you try to you know make your name in soccer and as an underwear Mogul yeah it's the plan so like yeah there's no podcast in that trajectory no I think it was just two friends wanting to just like talk about stuff and like recording it and we can do that in private yeah exactly that's called the conversation yeah those are things that exactly those are things we'll keep uh sacred yeah yeah you can still have this the conversation you can do it behind a microphone exactly it's the whole thing yeah it's called friendship it's [ __ ] wild um no really ify's buy a pair I'm gonna try some uh you know and you can squeeze into the extra Smalls Noah back I really thank you for your time and energy man thank you for having me yeah you wanna one in a trillion man thank you oh thank you no back everybody thank you guys for having me oh [Music]
Channel: Zach Sang Show
Views: 189,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zachsang, zach, sang, interview, zach sang interview, celebrity, amazonmusic, music, ariana, grande, zach sang and the gang, dan zolot, cameronlouis
Id: FpHpxtYteD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 10sec (4690 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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