Leo and Tig - All episodes compilation (9-1) Kedoo ToonsTV

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a new adventure we have friends to help you out digging Lea will be the the home of these brave heroes beautiful right to be [Music] the Eagle Rock alright alright sig you beat me come on get up you're really pushing my tail yeah whoa TIG is the wearer TIG is the strong gasps good morning children Leo and I are just playing Lane what king of the tiger jinx the king yes the armored Tiger once earned the right to be called the king of the tiger just like the white shoulder Eagle is the king of the sky the king of the sky I've never really heard of him tell us the story man Dida it was a long time ago there was no order among the bird folk the strong wood wrong the weak and no one was there to stand up for them then the birds got together and decided to choose themselves a king who would be kind strong and fair the choice fell on the eagle but the jealous vulture cried out he needs to prove that he's the strongest let's have a competition he who's the first to get to the top of a high mountain at sunrise will become the king and so it was set but at night the vulture stole the eagle's wings put them on and flew to the summit but when the Sun came up its course the sneaky vulture and made him turn and the Eagle received a pair of new wings from the Sun thus he became white shouldered and that's how they've been ever since the white shouldered eagle the king of the sky and the black vulture who was left to feed on nothing but Karen goings go I don't know probably still somewhere on the Eagle Mountain alright kids that's enough for today I've got things to do dig do you want to go for a walk walk where well nowhere special really just wander around a bit I'm pretty good right here Leo what are you up to [Music] yeah so what it's nothing special all the places to wander you want to come here what's the big deal but there are no wings lying around in other places what are you say come on tick we're climbing the Eagle Mountain are you insane that's the highest most dangerous mountain period let's call everyone for help of course you're gonna fly you're an eagle it's just it you know you're not ready yet I feel like I'm ready elder eagle we've just seen a leopard and a tiger on the mountain climbing to the top what they're doing here we'll find out soon enough why do we even need wings they're not that great think about it once you get yourself some wings you can become not just but of the sky - why should I care about the sky I'm perfectly fine with the tiger well you're kicking up too many rocks [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well thank you for saving us yeah otherwise we'd be crushed by the stones tell me this what business has brought wingless to our Mountain we we just wanted to find ourselves some wings so the tig could become a real king of the sky king of the sky having wings is not enough for that i've got ways right here oh and do I become the king it's the vultures how dare they show up at our beautiful mountains don't worry sir we'll take care of them you better leave this place now and hurry well old man long time no see it's you I've thrown you out of these mountains more than once before yes but this time your Guardians are far away and you become a feeble lame and blind old geezer what the young one go no I will not say goodbye to your little hatchling I knows this little no sense [Music] goodbye oh man I wings are still very strong and powerful but I'm blind I know I can be your eyes and I'll guide you you who were born without wings are not scared of flying who I'm really scared but we can't abandon them that's good to the right he flipped into a ravine the passage is too narrow I spent my entire life among these incredible mountains I know every blessed Rock here initiate the countdown three two one [Music] [Applause] that was awesome we've caught up with the wretched old man I underestimated you [Music] [Music] that's enough flying for me can we land so you are saying that they were climbing on the Eagle Mountain oh I really shouldn't have told Leo and TIG that Eagle legend [Music] [Music] yeah thank you oh no I should thank you brave hearted tiger you are a king indeed come visit us when you can we'll always be glad to see you let's go home flying well uh thanks but that's okay I think I'll spin Ching you wanna play tag you're forget about Amelia I'm no king it's not those who are strong and cunning who inspire tales but those who are brave and kind [Music] yeah [Music] Hey watch where you throw things there people down here sorry proceeding with collecting a new ship comes flying high almost ready we just need to reinforce them from inside Leo let's leave it it's fine like that yeah hi everyone glam EULA we're off to get more branches you stay here and keep watch we've been gathering these branches all day long if we keep going the trees will be bare guarding the fortress guarding the fortress why guarding it from this body in this stripy went away hey get over here now shorty this is our meadow now with all its raspberries it's yours the meadow is public and the fortress is ours it used to be but not anymore Martin's attack [Music] [Music] down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] get out of our fortress oh you're all alone now she's not alone ah the spotted one this is our fortress it used to be it's not anymore so I've been carrying these branches for nothing Marga's attack you hear that I hope you learned your lesson again I can't believe this we got beaten by this body and the stripey shame on our heads look here this is Bill sizzler well well I've got an idea [Music] mmm raspberry nice sweet raspberry lots of it and then Mila screams oh did you see me I grabbed one of them boom and that was it the fight was over and I'm like don't you come back scared but that'll teach you not to get in our way it's our meadow now with raspberries and everything calm down Mila we'll get it all back yeah sure we will wait Leo did you see it we're not strong enough we can't beat Beals I think I know someone who can help us [Music] dear mr. fields we had a deal that half of the raspberries would be ours okay okay we get it we totally get it we do we totally do we're leaving already oh no kids I'm a bit too old to fight the brown bear you are only chance to beat him Leo let's give up and go to the river wait a minute mop up Antigua so there's no animal in the forest stronger than the brown bear ah once upon a time brown bears had no reason to doubt that there was no animal stronger than them so the brown bear who vain and started to abuse his power doing bad things but for every power there's an even stronger power the spirit of the tiger always has his children's back what do we do now search for the spirit of taiga again so he chases bills away No we'll get him ourselves okay Milla I need you to distract bills and Cuba sneak up on his right side you dig look at who decided to visit us sure that glutton kicked us out he promised to share the raspberries with us let me guess he didn't sure enough okay right now we need to join forces and chase them away well are you with us for sure we're with you but we go 50/50 on the raspberries [Laughter] [Music] [Music] go away feels this is our meadow yeah that's right we found it first Oh get it you want to show me something you're home why don't you go back inside oh I see there's something blocking it [Music] see that is that the spirit of taiga yes he came here to help us but how did he know that's right run away gone run faster the spirit of tigers gonna get you for his valor and outstanding flying Martius rewarded not fair who's you you took a shortcut I made a song you know une here even me instead winter tell ok kids today I will tell you a very old story I know about a bear and a magical song here that Mila about a song right up your alley it happened a long time ago there lived a bear who was very strong and kind taking care of the entire tiger and making sure everything was in order but then winter came bringing the blizzard with it it how old and raged and covered the forest in a snowy blanket all the animals hid in their burrows and the bear who sad and lonely he wandered around the forest all by himself and bellowed in a terrible voice disturbing everyone sleep and scaring baby animals suddenly a small bird flew over it sat on a tree branch next to the bear and sang a song its sang about winter ending and spring coming back about the Sun warming up the earth again about plants bursting into bloom and animals leaving their burrows to play [Music] [Laughter] the bear listened to the song until he fell asleep and ever since that time as soon as winter comes the bear climbs into his lair and sleeps there until spring true that the bear sleeps with his ball in his mouth how am I supposed to know there is no creature fearless enough to sniff around the Bears hole [Music] Jake what do you think is it a front paw that the Bears have in their mouth or hind one nah a front one hind paws are too far but you know for sure we gotta wait till Pangaea falls asleep [Music] why wait we can take a peek at bill Z and see everything [Applause] [Music] meow are you sure about that there's nothing to be afraid of I'll just take a peek and get out well should wake up for spring well what should we do now wait I know what to do here goes bills II will fall asleep again if he listens to a lullaby can I beat a Linda sing be my guest go ahead and sing why don't you dance while you're at it this is serious business here when I was small my mom used to tell me stories before bedtime bingo a boring story that's exactly what we need it'll put them right to sleep oh yeah but how are we going to lure him in piece of cake snow ball tree berries [Music] he's coming in position everyone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and started singing a song about the spring and the one son the blizzard got scared of the spring and faded away oh please no well what should we do I don't think she likes jars II can see that but my singing is even worse yeah let me try wait Vila what are you doing who's gonna play the baby bear but devious Blizzard will howl and wail and dress all the trees in a delicate veil the earth will put on a fluffy white hat sleep tight baby bear is your head have no fear I wonder if I don't think he's falling asleep like a mole in his burrow like a fox in his hole and afterwards winter [Music] green trees and bright flowers and murmuring create the errors [Music] well done Mila that was so great thank you so much magic birdie how should I grab him gently you're about to wake him up in his mouth Mila why didn't you tell us you were such a great singer my turn ho sleep tight baby bear rest your head have no fear like mole in his boss in his hold and afterwards winter will bid you goodbye and spring will arrive in the blink oh they're so warm but for now you should sleep and that's how a good song can make to make a miracle the most precious thing are you still sleeping come out here boom both sleeping I've been up for a while are you ready for the competition for the competition well yeah I'm ready I think in that case all right there hey that's not fair you have to say it on your mark and ready [Music] [Music] oh that's not fair cuz uh you got longer leg oh come on TIG legs have nothing to do with it you just have to train more often I have been training Oh like last week I'm tired you two enough kids you shouldn't argue unless you want the same thing to happen to you as what happened to the Kingfisher and the owl what happened to them once upon a time when the great cedar was just a teeny tiny little seed there were two birds living in the forest two good friends the white throated Kingfisher and the owl the two were inseparable doing everything together and always helping each other out but then one day the Kingfisher saw his reflection and became arrogant he started to boast just look at my wonderful feathers I'm so handsome and colorful and you are nothing but gray that hurt the house feelings so he flew away into the wild wood what into the wild what is in as in the wild woods are not for play it's better if you stay away exactly that's the one left without his friend the Kingfisher blues sad and so he decided to find the owl and apologize for the things he said the Kingfisher flew to the bristled waterfowl and asked him earnestly please help me show me how to find my friend the waterfowl agreed to help the Kingfisher but only in exchange for his bright and colorful plumage the Kingfisher broke into tears this is the most valuable thing I have nevertheless he gave away his brightly coloured feathers God his friend back and suddenly he realized that he got it wrong that the most valuable thing was actually are you the competition that's right we completely forgot let's go let the competition begin the competitors will run along the forest trail around the giant hill and come back to this spot our racers our King Cuba Mila and our three time favorite winner on your mark [Music] [Music] [Music] this is not settled yet we'll see who comes in first [Music] okay it's not fair ah don't be upset leo if it weren't for your shortcut I would have won or you wouldn't have won calm down it's just a race not fair you don't get it you won many times and I never win so what if I win this time Leo what was that I think it's coming from there from the wild woods Oh [Applause] I need to take a break cake there's no time for a break come on champion let's go but I'm not a champion you're the winner now is not the time we need to save the poor bunny I can't Leo fine I'll run after him and you go [Music] we are don't worry we will find him no matter what why am I wearing this thing it's wrong leah was the real winner I lied to you [Music] oh wow look it's just like in the story come on guys this way follow me my friend kick he's going to come and bring help out of here I found you I told everyone the truth that you're the real winner I'm sorry I take forget about that it's all good you're all ready climb up now but be careful leo high five [Music] so who's revisit no no this is pigs breathe what I'll take first one to the old cedar is the winner just a second I'm gonna train harder [Music] [Music] far away in the infinitely vast expanses of the sky high above the tallest mountains and the prettiest clouds way up high is where the Red Deer lives sometimes he ventures down to the ground the patter Ana's hooves mix the sound of thunder while the Bohemian of his silver antlers makes the lightning being always hungry he tramples down everything in his path devouring entire trees as if they were grasped nobody is safe from him so if you see the so there that is how the story goes kids the Red Deer over yes we can go out no I don't know it seemed pretty scary to me where's leo guy come over here where all the trees you think someone ate them oh it was scary Evo Yara wasn't fun oh my god very very funny another log words Wow that's all the trees went to mr. beaver what are you doing here Missy we're building a house damn obviously stay out of our way it's a bridge I've never been on the other side of the river before more reason then to check it out do you mind if we cross here mr. beaver go ahead just be careful no we can't do that my mom says she doesn't you're just afraid stop making excuses hey come on afraid me I'm not afraid of anything hey don't just stand there get back to work [Applause] [Music] oh wow look at that giant tree I've never seen anything so huge ah the great cedar the father of the forest looks like a regular old tree let's go boy if it doesn't want us to go any further Yeah right you make it sound as if the tree is magical or something you don't know what if it is magical bunch of chickens me let's go [Music] [Music] told you nothing to be afraid of nothing hat sure [Music] it was just a bunch of birds hey what's wrong what the magical tree tried to warn us about he tramples down everything in his path devouring entire tree so his your seeds of Red Deer [Music] what's wrong what happened my son is missing your party my poor baby Neeson just wait I'll find him we're coming with you no take take everyone to the river that won't be long all right come on you heard Leo we're going to the river follow me you don't need to worry we're on it we'll find your baby [Music] that's where you are we need to leave [Music] that's why how did you get here is everyone else safe yeah they're back at the river we need to get out of here quiet I think he's gone [Music] [Music] Marty what's taking them so long dear is afraid of water you're scared wait if we don't stop the fire the entire tiger will pour down but how how could we possibly stop it I've got a plan take the damn apart one now wait as bitters doling it the water will start flowing and put out the fire I think the boys right where else the trees are gonna burn down get out come on come on and to every we're not gonna make it do we really have to go in the water really it's just that it's a little too wet tig I guess we pulled it off we did huh are you alright I was looking for you everywhere the red deer is not to be trifled with love and Eva we are fine you should have seen us to each other [Music] [Music] we have friends to help you out digging Lea will be these brave heroes words are just and beautiful right [Music] the silver River [Applause] [Music] Leo yeah Leo wake up leo we came by to wish you a happy birthday you are the best friend in the entire world what oh right my birthday thank you what is up with you are you sick oh no I was just having such a dream dream what was it about I was flying over a silver River it was so awesome a flying leopard I like to see that happen and then and then TIG woke me up oh hey Leo I think I know where you can find your silver River [Music] the silver River just like in my dream just come on Julie oh there's no reason to get so upset it was just a dream wasn't just any dream it was the best dream ever and I was flying in it oh dear we've upset our friends and on his birthday to Antigua can we ask you for some advice today is Leo's birthday really badly so I tried to take him to a river as a present but it failed the silver river few animals get a chance to see it does the silver river really exist let me tell you a story a long long time ago there was a salmon named Mizzou he was swimming around the seas and rivers maintaining peace and order and helping those in need Mizzou came to have many friends but one day he saw a bird soaring over the river and also wanted to fly ma zu jumped up but couldn't take off and fell back into the water he then became sad and ascended to the very bottom ma zoo's friends wanted to help him after all the good he's done so they asked the river to make his dream come true the river then turned silver and lifted him up and the salmon started flying above the water never since that time once in his life every salmon follows his dream upriver but only those who've earned true friendship by doing good deeds are fortunate enough to find the silver River you've already made leo the most important and most valuable gift in the world and Leo will soon realize that you just need to practice patience and give you a friend leo some more time guys you've heard the round one they've gone and given the spotted one the most valuable gift in the world we have to take that gift away if we don't know what it is we'll make sure the spotted one gives it to us by choice we'll lure him into the most dangerous place we can find and then you give him a scare I'll save him and then he will give me that valuable thing as a thank-you and what is that dangerous place it's the Black Rock what was the spotty dreaming of Casey the silver River so that's what he's going to see leopards don't fly but I did fly oh hi leo great weather today isn't it you know in this weather the silver River looks especially cool the river Martin did you just say the silver River have you seen it oh sure I can show it to you if you want of course I want you Lou Lou where could he go Lou hey watch it okay they are marching towards the Black Rock what towards the Black Rock hmm something's not right come on go go over there to the very edge I can't see anything [Music] nevermind we'll deal with you later real old [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a waterbed [Music] I have an idea well I'm coming to get you [Music] how's it going buddy [Music] [Applause] guess what look like you found your silver River after all no it's not the river that I found I found the most important and the most valuable person on earth [Music] [Music] [Music] my friends to help you out Leo will be the two in the home of these heroes [Music] it does [Music] over there hiding behind a bush the tiger kids is like nature's own pantry and what is the richest most filling time to be in the forest what no the most generous time is the autumn season it's raining let's get out of here autumn in tiger [Music] [Music] [Applause] we're right so huge and angry it almost bit off my tail are you sure you knew chickens you got scared of an empty snake skin come over here do not be afraid no kids no the snake sheds its old skin and crawls out of it wearing a new one that's a neat trick I wish I could do that whenever your coat gets dirty all you gotta do is take it off carry on mop up and jjigae how did the snake learn to shed its old skin hmm that's a very interesting story hmm have a seat Alice once upon a time there lived a great snake the king of all snakes what he grew very old and couldn't see well or even crawl anymore so the great snake ordered his subjects to find a cure for old age the snakes shut off in all directions they searched every deep crevice and every underground cave but found nothing the last one to come back was the whip snake carrying a secret root the great snake ate the root and crawled out of his bone skin once again he was young strong and healthy the great snake was very happy after that he made it so that a shiny trail as left wherever the whip snake crawled oh that route was chintz [Music] let's eat some grapes oh I'm a little under the weather oh my back hurts snap up Antigua what's wrong with you looks like he came down with something we have to help him totally butt out I know how we are going to find that magical world remember it can cure everything right Leon let's go find that just sing gee sure you listen to anything told us we've been looking for this root for an hour maybe the thing doesn't exist I think I found it follow me these marks are left by the whip snake we could track him down right and then ask him to help find the magical root [Music] oh wow this must be the whip snakes lair I don't think that whip snake is home right now so let's just get out here no we came here to get ginseng for our mapa and we need to find it well what if this ginseng you're either don't say that of course there is and we'll find it well then I'm just gonna wait for you guys here I don't like swamps I mean I'm allergic [Applause] [Music] we all hang in there [Music] bluh [Music] [Music] okay thank you can do this one rock at a time [Music] except for stupid leeches that was a joke I've heard everything don't look maybe you'll go away we're to see who's that Lidia which one of you is the most delicious [Music] yeah I'm sour silly kids why would you march into the swamp it's for a good cause to help someone diga right I remember him as he was still a bear cub well Papa I'll give you a ride [Music] now wait [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] it's most valuable Marie's in the crown it's the root that's the most magical take it and say hello from me to ma ba sure will mr. wit snake Thank You mr. wise whip snake sir good bye mr. snake see you later see you [Music] why do we even have to climb this mountain when we could be at home right now playing games and look look at the sky I think it's gonna rain boy I really hate autumn oK we've arrived look at how majestic Ohio is look at that you know what I always say right autumn is my favorite time of the year Tiger cannot only give you food but also medicine skin on this side [Music] [Music] there's a strike woolsack let him be mop up Antigua is waiting for us Wow TIG let's go let's see who's faster did you learn how to run [Music] [Music] oh hi come on what's the problem seriously back let's take a roundabout we'll have plenty of time we'll be there by night Wow well well where is it okay ah here it is I found it all right kids when my grandfather was a bear cub a tiger lived in the giant forest full of trees beautiful lakes and formidable Peaks the tiger he was weak and chicken-hearted so nobody was afraid of him once a severe drought came the tiger thought oh the Sun must be the strongest animal in the world I wish I'd become this strong so the tiger decided to lay paws on the skin of the Sun but the skin was guarded by a fierce Mandira was his fiercest you know no a saber-toothed bear he resides in his big black cave and protects the way of the stone claw the place where the Sun is nested so the tiger sneaked past the saber-tooth bear while he was asleep and put on the skin of the Sun the tiger became the most fearless animal in the forest all the animals and the tiger bowed their heads to him it was on equilibrium day when night is equal today I want to get this skin to take I know where the stone claws I saw the Sun sitting down there and today's equilibrium date the state of the Sun I have to get this stim well what do you think was it for real all the things that can do it told us about me sure you heard it man I wish I'd become the bravest tiger in the whole forest how long do you think we've been running for ooh what was that eat it we're gonna get the skin of the Sun for you and you'll become the bravest one on earth dig dig what is it now you just have to walk on this very huge very wide look come on come on that's right good job don't look down just look at me that's it [Music] guys follow me we gotta get there first before the Sun sets [Applause] whoa are you okay we've surfaced where are we well we're it seems that we're lost we are where should we go now back home up the river oh no we're never gonna make it at this rate okay it's not the way and here there's not the way either where is it huh aha would it bum a panty to tell us come and put your paw on the Sun tree the way will be along we'll look I always do the stories were true stop talking [Music] [Music] the cave of the saber-tooth bear we can't go further hmm how can we climb this mountain [Music] all right Sun is gonna set soon faster faster [Music] [Laughter] grunting we gotta get there before the Sun Goes ko I think we'd better go back come on hey forget it stupid skin maybe it doesn't even exist in what are you talking about it must be there mama said to catch the Sun before goes down so run come on come on we're almost there the walk is so close oh wow look at this we're so high this is the place to play this is the cave of the saber-tooth bear whose cave you mean the saber-tooth oh no thanks of us and me neither look there the stone claw let's go [Music] leo careful you know what you better go on your own wait there I'll bring this in the sting with the Sun oh my taste in the whole harness come on go down now what are you doing what you're doing you need this state is mine buzz up all your turn away yeah I'm here to get it won't leave without it what I can't do it [Music] [Music] gotcha yes is it you where's the what's the name the saber-tooth bear no I was too busy running away oh I don't notice any saber-tooth bears melting you don't need no skin you're the bravest tiger in the world sounds like a secret affair then keep cool that's my mom that's your mom quite a mommy that one's my mom we better get home everybody has a skin but to make it glow like the Sun you need to find your path mm-hmm every grass played in Tiger is alive that's because hidden in sight it is the spirit of the tiger hidden how is that just like that the spirits of the tiger is everywhere in the grass and trees on mountaintops and even the deepest caves the mysterious cave and this was the one before that here no way they'll find here we'll look at this hmm dig follow me where's Milla take have you seen her ah Milla when will you learn to hide properly the same place for the third time Neela come on don't be upset I know let's play tag Milla this was the last time very last time I swear fifteen ready or not here I come ah dig I found you oh hey that's not fair you counted too fast [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] it only got bad lovely tail oh I need to go home and where's our Mila where do you think she would hide it's weird it's not here either we'll look I found some tracks Wow it's Milla's tracks follow me whoa uh-uh I wouldn't go inside Leo wait she's definitely not in there Jake wait a sec look it's MELAS flower she's in there let's go dig you sure no way Wow come on I'm here to you okay well I didn't lose my tail where are we we're in a cave it's amazing Wow we know the tracks disappeared [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] everything will be fine now get out of here just tell me you're joking you just didn't get us lost oh you can figure this out I think I got it it's the spirit of the tiger remember baby who told us about him he lives inside grass and trees on mountain summits and even in the deepest of caves and stuff I know how to get out of here we'll get help on the spirit of the taiga the spirit of the taiga is the soul of the nature he's everywhere every grass blade and every rock is full of life the spirit of the taiga cannot be seen but he can be felt he's always at your side and she will help you as long as you believe in him the spirit of the taiga seriously that's just a legend fairy tales made for children that's it there is no spirit you're so gullible guess we're just gonna have to stay here forever TIG wait Oh spirit of the taiga would you please help us to find a way home Thank You spirit of the tiger now guys follow me wait for us leo come on are you really gonna follow some boat like you can kind us outside leo Zig we'll end up staying here forever because of you why me what did I do can't you ask the spirit of yours to guide us out of here a little bit faster I'm getting hungry ask him yourself fine I will nothing tricky about that listen spirit would you mind hurrying it up a little bit see that see Wow dig great job couldn't you be more polite ah right pretty please what are those things those are hey wait hooray we made it well dick how about that exactly what you asked for really fat right in the end he's really nice that spirit of the taiga and you didn't believe in him he's not true I believed him I was joking let's go home the spirit of the taiga is everywhere but only those who genuinely believe in miracles are really able to see him
Channel: Kedoo Toons TV - Funny Animations for Kids
Views: 1,051,481
Rating: 3.9968829 out of 5
Keywords: Leo and Tig, all episodes, 9-1, Kedoo ToonsTV, New animated movie, cartoons 2018, tig and leo, Cartoons for kids, full episodes, full episodes collection, Leo and Tig - All Episodes, New family animated movie, animated movie 2018, animation 2018, animated movie, new cartoons, Lion, Tiger, winter song, kedoo, bear lullaby, cartoon for kids, kids cartoon, good for kids, ToonsTV
Id: WApUlm31bpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 56sec (5756 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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