LEO and TIG 🦁 NEW 🐯 Episode 25 - Cuba in Love ❤️ Moolt Kids Toons Happy Bear

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[Music] [Music] what you get stuck over there oh look at that a piggy I haven't seen her before I know her I do this is lada her family just recently moved into our forest it looks like our Cuba has you know fallen in love I can see my friend that your heart was touched by a wonderful feeling why don't I tell you a love story once upon a time in the taiga there lived a swamp princess a real beauty she had three suitors the first one dove to the bottom of the sea and got purple look how well I can dive I am the very best well the second one flew to the top of the highest mountain and brought from the peak a precious gem I can fly princess it's me who's the best now the third Swan started to think what present should he give to the princess well he flew far and wide in search of a worthy present he almost gave up but one day while flying over a Glade he spotted a snowdrop he gave the snowdrop to the princess and told her that only the first flower of spring was worthy of her beauty and the princess made her choice she gave her love to the third Swan because unlike the other two he was thinking about her and not himself so what I don't get it cuba's got to give the girl a snowdrop then it's not snowdrops season it's not about snowdrops yeah don't be shy all you have to do is go to your beloved and do something from the heart legends are great of course but your new no no Swan you can't go meet her like that I bet she won't even talk to you Cuba you're covered in mud from hopes to tale don't despair Cuba weight can help you I can't turn you into a swan but a very handsome boar you could be okay that I can promise you now you're the most handsome boy in the woods wait we still aren't finished yet Cuba you're clean all right but you're still a little bit plain you know don't you worry buddy cuz we're gonna dress you one [Music] they're much better now that's good as a swan right remember you sir are the fanciest bore and all of the tiger now go don't get upset Juba girls don't know anything about being beautiful what if she's just not attracted to flashy looks right how should we I mean Cuba try to win her over then he should try to do something impressive heroic even a feat that's it Cuba how do you feel about fighting that wolf how about crossing the rapids win or would you yeah jump across a huge Gorge it won't work Leo Cuba is afraid of everything that's fine I've got an idea for you [Music] [Applause] stay where you are don't worry our Cuba he's so brave he'll beat any wolf pack of wolves I told you this wasn't going to work I smell I smell rich tasty stay right there come on now Cuba who cares she's just some girl she is bound to like you you know you are so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright next time you won't get away from me you looks like we're too late I don't get it so what did Cuba chase the wolf away you would have chickened out I bet what no way [Music] a wise man once said be yourself and you'll find someone's heart will open to you taiga Patrol [Music] know what I was thinking leo ha our dear taiga is so vast and beautiful right you are tick I've been wondering there must be other countries of course there are kids can you tell us something about other countries oh that's very interesting just for an example there's a place where it never ever snows Yeah right next thing you know you'll be telling us that striped deer live there too do they ever but there are deer the horses listen here now that land is called Africa it's full of wondrous animals and shy entwistle egg instead of a nose a toothy lizard the size of a huge log a beast with a neck so long that it can eat the leaves off the top of a tree and although they look different they are similar to us just like us they are friends with each other they to love their land sometimes they get into trouble and so I've heard that four times like that they have a special team of heroes in Africa they're called the guardians should any animal need help they come to the rescue they are always ready to help them these guardians are known around the world wow you must be great to be a guardian I wish I were in that why do you call it Africa I would love to be a guardian TIG we don't need Africa let's make a team of our own right here in the taiga Wow Leo that's a really cool idea Leo antique guardians of the taiga no tag the guardians is taken we have to call ourselves something else something for the tiger well how about the tiger Patrol huh awesome the tiger patrol comes to the rescue I just can't spots it's just just go away no no no no you'll fail anyways you'll make fools of yourselves so who are we gonna help first hi there boys so much what up boys Mila where the taiga Patrol you can let everyone know come on - let's go see if someone else needs our help [Music] mr. snake except that we're not children we are the tiger Patrol look at them huh soon everyone will be talking about these do-gooders well it's just let's just throw cones with them huh no way I've got an even better idea hello beaver bro do you need any help on your Beaver River yeah no need thank you we can manage just fine goodbye alright Tiger Patrol if we're not needed here let's just go get a tiger Patrol well now that changes everything give up that log over there for me [Music] you or the tiger oh I am so glad that you're here some wasps built a nest on our tree now we're afraid to go back to our home hopeless please huh piece of cake we'll move it for you no problem [Music] my mistake Leo isn't it great that were the tiger Patrol now nothing's better than knowing the whole Tiger respects you I'll help you and we'll deliver it right to your burrow we are the tiger patrol just want to help you I'm confused did we even help those squirrels dig I think I know who's behind this spike what are you doing over there it's setting a trap spots and stripes will be passing here soon and I've got a surprise for them spike spike I really said the Buffy now the damn tiger Patrol makes everyone run scared I knew it you're just up to your old tricks again and you are going to pay for this you imposters ha I bet you can't catch us patrol are you there please help us pretty please no way stay there and think about what you've done hey you can't leave don't go oh mama nice to see you we are the tiger Patrol yeah heroes can you tell us where we can go to help somebody well I don't know kids ah maybe the spirit of the tiger will tell he knows this forest well how could he tell he doesn't even talk of course he talks to you with signs you just need to learn to see them someone out there needs us Thank You mop-up antigua tyga Patrol to the rescue [Music] who needs help here I can't see you Wyatt down will you we won't be able to hear if anyone needs help they are the ones who need saving who do the Martins but they're the ones who built this trap to capture us and now we're supposed to just save them yeah we want to do good deeds and they just hurt everybody leaving someone in trouble ah that's not a good deed no that's not what heroes do spike why did you get in the way of Leo and TIG because everyone's talking and talking about them yes but they're so kind yeah so nice we want praise yeah I get it leo TIG why don't you put spike and his brothers on your Patrol hmm well I don't know please take us on and we'll be sure to behave we promise all right fine you can join but only so we can keep an eye on them well done children all righty then Tiger Patrol let's do it good deeds can't just go and do themselves that's what the spirit of the tiger says [Music] [Applause] [Music] the burnt forest mystery oh don't give me that Ted stuff it's them they're playing it wrong don't writing allow hello are you playing can I join in I'm auntie Neela no way it's two against three now it won't be fair at all it's okay TIG let her play and we'll get my teeth on board that's him in the grass night have fallen but there's a noise now old cedar Marty come join us mom no can do I've got pine cones to collect here why do you need so many more teak it's unimportant follow me I'll show you that's where cedar pine grew this purse was here also breakdown yeah the Red Deer spared no one and this is my home tree was night has fallen but there's a noise now old cedar raise your voice why your branches don't be loud Marta kiri sleeping sleep [Music] that's the lullaby that our tracing to me this tree sang it that's true I heard a rustle of the leaves Marty what do you need the pinecones for what do you mean for the seats I'll collect a big pile of them then I'll plant them and our forest will grow big again then you should have said so and you really shouldn't be making up singing trees Jubal go on then get diggin we're planting a forest wait do you know how long it will take them to grow a century there must be some faster way to do it no children I don't know of a faster way but I do know one legend that was a long time ago the tiger was visited by an enormous red deer and set the whole forest of blaze the fire was so strong that even the spirit of the taiga himself got scared the spirit hid in the last cone on the very top of the tallest cedar tree the cedar started reaching for the sky to save the spirit of the tiger the red deer couldn't reach the cone and he retreated the cedar opened the cone its seeds were scattered and wherever they hit the ground a forest started to grow really fast because that cone had the magic power of the spirit of the taiga since then the cedar has been here they call it the great cedar because it saved the tiger that's the story kids well mapa pandita I thought it was called great because it was really big but as it turns out it saved all of the taiga hmm we must find a way to get to the highest goal what if it's a magic one let's just let regular seats here [Music] I'm not scared TIG come on we'll climb it somehow that's what we have clothes for what we should do is get the comb by throwing a stone hey guys [Applause] what do we do next Leo will scatter the seeds around from the top of the very tallest tree like in the legend that way the seeds will be spread far and wide the tallest tree here is my home tree Morty why did you warn us about such a such a wasn't there must have appeared because of the fire did you see how black it why did that's because he must be an ash monster and he's here because he doesn't want us to plant the magic cones magic seeds do make it leave nowhere again such a big strong monster we don't stand a chance but I've got a plan listen hey monster look what I've got it's the magic pineco if you want it coming [Music] [Music] what is no magic and the magic cone goes to our tink [Music] [Music] one's fine for right Skerritt nine magic dreamland here with we'll show you the pretty morning it is full of magic [Music] miracles are done by the power I'm already fed up with this snow TIG it suits you spring is over and it's still freezing uh-huh I really miss all that sunshine too and I missed the flowers I'm sure will come out just for you there once was someone in the taiga who the Sun listened to come along with me kids [Music] the Sun folk who are they this is the Sun folk what kind of folk Sun folk these animals lived in the taiga a long time ago it is said that they descended from the Sun itself in cold times when the Sun used to stop giving warmth to the earth they used to send the chosen one the strongest and fastest one in their tribe to talk to the forefather and ask him to turn up the heat and the Sun listen to it's so high up there is a valley of geysers behind the quick River and the big swamp and in the valley lies the magical Sunstone they used it to communicate mapa where are these son folks right now nobody knows some say they left these parts a long time ago but others believe that the Sun folk is still among us they just forgot about where they came from there look to me this chosen one looks like leo don't you think ok kids school let's get going it's getting chilly can't get the Sun folk story out of my head yeah try to think on the rug it will warm you up blood just listen for a sec what if I am in leopards are the Sun 'fl and I'm the chosen one you the chosen one why not you said yourself that the one from the picture looks a lot like me well she does it means I have to go to the valley of The Geysers and look for the Sun stone Leo it's very dangerous to go to the valley right guys come on try to understand if I am the chosen one I have to talk to the Sun otherwise summer will never come whether you're the chosen one or not this much I know we're not going to let you go alone yeah with you [Music] no way I'm not gonna go in that water let me think I'll come up with something a raft Wow Cuba you're a genius Lew what are you doing hop on the raft you forget TIG I'm the chosen one I have to find the Sun stone by myself [Music] don't worry I got this guy's we finally made it to the big swamp I'm sure that this whole swamp is already frozen or something oh maybe not I'm jumping over it Leo that's crazy come with us together don't be afraid guys I'm the chosen one I totally got it huh if this so-called Sunstone does not exist you're giving me a piggy ride back [Music] well you want to be careful it's okay I can do this I am the chosen one it's okay when you use teamwork and avoid taking unnecessary risks are you coming yeah you guys taking a nap let's go no okay now the O will crawl up to his hunk of rock say hello to the Sun and then we could go home hey guys what about the geysers what about the geyser schmeiser's they won't stop us [Music] oh the Sunstone found it with [Music] I'm the chosen one I'll come up with something [Music] leo you tried hard but you see there's no way to get through let's forget about the stone let's go home okay guys you go I'll catch up later [Music] I'm the chosen one I got this I can do this I'm sorry Leo but it seems even the chosen one can't do it by himself but together we got this [Music] okay Leo this is your stone go to it leo do it quickly ask the son for some warmth no we should do it together one [Music] [Music] [Music] together we just asked it nicely and the sunshine came out by the time we came back everything already bloomed nicely done it has indeed become much longer it was Leo's idea he suggested we go to the Sunstone Thank You friends without your help I just couldn't have done it myself our kids as they say the one without friends is like a tree without roots and always remember this two heads are better than one [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not fair you found me again I'm not playing this game anymore look look Cuba found spike again unbelievable spike can't hide to save his life what what do you mean can't hi I'll show you how to hide that means you too little piggy [Music] don't you know running into a black frog [Music] [Music] big deal a black frog so what it's just a superstition we don't believe in such things okay we gotta go let's go isn't she a darling you guys know nothing about being fabulous Cuba are you all right Leo what if this thing is actually for real what are you talking about a black Frog hopped on Cuba and Spike said that this is bad luck for him a black frog huh actually there is a story I heard before it's of this spooky swamp monster [Music] in a dark and gloomy forest in a spooky noxious swung there once dwelled the evil wicked monster and it was bringing nothing but misery to every creature in the forest so the kind spirit of the taiga choose to punish the Swap monster and he turned it into an eerie black frog but even as a frog the inhabitants of the forest could not rest for the swamp monster continued his reign of terror bringing bad luck to all who crossed his path Wow so it means Cuba is going to be [Music] don't get yourselves worked out they say that the curse only works for just one day if nothing happens to Cuba overnight then you don't have to worry about a thing see relax nothing will happen to him together we'll protect him take keep your eyes peeled I will leo by the way I just remembered one more sign of bad luck Cuba spit it out what if their last year's everyone knows this fact the one who eats last year's acorn will have an oak tree grow out of a dead [Music] I heard this from a guy so Cuba you better play it safe Yuli tomorrow [Music] Cuba Cuba you can't roll in the monitor did you know that there are evil spirits there that's it they must be hiding in there for sure the grass [Music] don't be scared Cuba we got you we won't let anything bad happen to you look Cuba the Sun is setting tomorrow the bad luck will wear off for sure we just have to survive the night is all yeah and I know a safe place right around here bravo TIG you found us a pretty good cave nothing bad is going to happen to Cuba here you got that right did you hear this story about the cave monster [Music] and then the monsters suddenly [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] Jumma are you alright yeah the black frog curse must be real he's doomed to send this pit till the end of time huh tick we need to ask mop Antigua for help alright the black frog well yes it brings bad luck please tell me how a small tiny little frog could have driven Cuba into a pit well it wasn't the Frog he did it himself he got scared to death and well who scared him that much then yes the who indeed why are you looking at me like that TIG I think all our stories may have scared the living Hogs out of Cuba kids with your good intentions you trampled the path for your friend right to up I know what cuz of all these bad luck signs even I started get the boot we're sorry Cuba how about some hide-and-seek [Music] that's bad luck for sure I hope those aren't last year's a warranty singing come on I'm just kidding [Laughter] [Music] [Music] lazybones time to wake up what if we skip it today sleepy heads go line up suck in that gut now some water aerobics what it's time for target practice why target practice okay there's an old stuff in a clearing well who will be the target 1 3 2 this will surely be you doing quiet you now get to the hollow where to the hollow ready and aim what's with you can't you be a good sport we're playing again here well it's a horrible game huh it's not horrible it's like the best game ever M do you want me to show you a real game playing battleship [Music] captain I spy some reverb or hey sailor hoist the boat out when you need something done you see now that's what I call a real game ha big deal on the other hand if this was a pirate ship a pirate ship oh yeah awesome but where would we get a pirate ship why don't we just build one pirates don't build their ships they steal them oh we've gotta do is wait for the right moment right let's get going spike check it out what they're gone are the borders ready borders away we're sorry we're late the one who is late steals time from the one who waits and time is something you can't get back but today I wanted to talk about something else I wanted to talk to you all about friendship can anyone break these tweaks huh that is so easy I mean look how thin they all are [Laughter] you can't break a single one what sort of crazy weird magic in this weird magic why don't you give it another try well then have you figured out what the magic is of course go on that a girl Mila fell with the enemy flag a pirate ship has to have a pirate flag look how crooked it bent their swords are their sabers and it's captain spike y'all got that it's captain spike captain spike hey what are we gonna do when spatty and straights come back yeah we'll cut them to pieces do you see how many cannons we have do you see how many sabers we have yes but I also have an idea a brilliant pirate idea [Laughter] it'll be really thick jungle yes moola nothing but thick impassable jungle and wild animals and man eating fish and aggressive spiders perhaps we should avoid this desert island really how come the only way to become a true sailor is on a desert island what are we going to do while we're sailing to the island I guess we will gather supplies umeela collects him not Zig will collect mushrooms I'll take berries okay let's make it happen Hey striped getting ready for distant crews that's none of your business well I'm just worried about you because your crew is quite wonky you were the one key one you should have heard what Leo called you he said tinks no good as a helmsman give up the ship and it'll sink it just like that Mila said but from our point of view it's pretty obvious who the real captain of the ship is really and who is that oh dear of course it's you striped only you have stripes on your fur like a real sailor yep they said just like this how could he be a captain if he doesn't even have stripes on his fur and Mila win we must make Leo a cabin boy so he won't get a big fat head can you imagine they also said that there's no place for girls on board can you believe it what yeah they said that can you imagine come on so you have stripes on your fur believe it or not yes I do so what you'll never become a captain a captain of you two no thank you I will never step aboard your ship again you can go play by ourselves you and Mila no way you can have Mila I don't want to see you again or else or else what what's that it's Mila hey let me let go right now no way your crew member is now ours and the ship as well [Music] we did it yeah yeah Leo I still don't believe it how could I have been tricked by the Martins don't worry about it you and I are best friends forever voice what's that meows pause huh in my paws huh twigs yes the twigs which can only be broken together waiting for [Music]
Channel: Moolt Kids Toons Happy Bear
Views: 1,547,107
Rating: 3.7415731 out of 5
Keywords: moolt, cartoons moolt, cartoons, cartoon for children, kind cartoons, cartoons (tv genre), cool animation, animated series, cartoons for kids, animated movie, kids cartoon, new cartoons, for kids, cartoons online, video kids, family friendly, kids show, new episodes, most interesting, funny cartoons, funny cartoons for kids and teens, youtube kids, youtubekids, leo and tig, lion king, taiga, leopard, tiger, adventure, animals, friends, Episode 25, Cuba in Love, LEO, TIG, NEW, Cuba
Id: qvocO9xf7-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 0sec (3780 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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