Leo and Tig 🦁 Episode 22 - New animated movie - Kedoo ToonsTV

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[Music] i'm already fed up with this snow tig it suits you spring is over and it's still freezing uh-huh i really miss all that sunshine too and i miss the flowers come out sunshine where did you go i'm sure it will come out just for you there once was someone in the tiger who the son listened to really how exciting tell us more mapa come along with me kids [Music] the sun folks [Music] who are they this is the sun folk what kind of folk sun folk these animals lived in the tiger a long time ago it is said that they descended from the sun itself in cold times when the sun used to stop giving warmth to the earth they used to send the chosen one the strongest and fastest one in their tribe to talk to the forefather and ask him to turn up the heat and the sun listen to him but mama pandiga how did they talk to the sun it's so high up there is a valley of geysers behind the quake river and the big swamp and in the valley lies the magical sunstone they used it to communicate where are these sun folks right now nobody knows some say they left these parts a long time ago but others believe that the sun folk is still among us they just forgot about where they came from there look to me this chosen one looks like leo don't you think you're right he does okay kids let's get going it's getting chilly i still can't get the sun folk story out of my head try to think on the run it will warm you up a lot just listen for a sec what if i i mean leopards are the sun and i'm the chosen one you the chosen one why not you said yourself that the one from the picture looks a lot like me well he does it means i have to go to the valley of the geysers and look for the sunstone leo it's very dangerous to go to the valley come on try to understand if i am the chosen one i have to talk to the sun otherwise summer will never come whether you're the chosen one or not this much i know we're not going to let you go alone yeah team is right we'll go with you no way i'm not gonna go in that water let me think i'll come up with something a raft wow cuba you're a genius leo what are you doing hop on the raft you forget tig i'm the chosen one ah i have to find the sunstone by myself don't worry i got this guys we finally made it to the big swamp i'm sure that this whole swamp is already frozen or something whoa maybe not leo where are you going i'm jumping over it leo that's crazy come with us safer together don't be afraid guys i'm the chosen one i totally got this huh if this so-called sunstone does not exist you're giving me a piggy ride back [Music] homie leo you might want to be careful it's okay i can do this i am the chosen one it's okay when you use teamwork and avoid taking unnecessary risks [Music] oh leo are you coming yeah you guys taking a nap let's go okay now leo will crawl up to his hunk of rock say hello to the sun and then we can go home hey guys what about the geysers what about the geyser shmeisers they won't stop us [Music] the sunstone found it [Music] i'm the chosen one i'll come up with [Music] something leo you tried hard but you see there's no way to get through let's forget about the stone let's go home okay guys you go i'll catch up later [Music] i'm the chosen one i got this i can do this i'm sorry leo but it seems even the chosen one can't do it by himself but together we got this come on push [Music] oh [Music] okay leo this is your stone go do it leo do it quickly ask the sun for some warmth no we should do it together one two three hello excuse me son more eat pretty please [Music] hurray [Music] together we just asked it nicely and the sunshine came out by the time we came back everything already bloomed nicely done it has indeed become much warmer it was leo's idea he suggested we go to the sunstone thank you friends without your help i just couldn't have done it myself ah kids as they say the one without friends is like a tree without roots and always remember this two heads are better than one [Music] goodbye theodore [Music] so have you come up with an interesting question i spent all night thinking but i still have nothing i've got a question but i forgot it hi theodore do you also want to listen to mapa no no my friends i just wanted to say goodbye to say goodbye ah it's september already today at sunset our flock is flying off to the warmer lands over there at the blue hills is where we meet wow so far you called this far the warmer lands that's really far away several days of a strenuous flight through heat and cold through winds and storms you're right children what questions have you prepared for me today as promised i will answer the most interesting one who's up so what no questions i've got one mappa pindiga why do storks fly to the warmer lands for the winter good one leo wonderful that is an interesting question indeed a long time ago back at the dawn of time the weather was always hot on earth but then the climate began to change and animals started to dress in furs and feathers those who chose feathers learned how to fly and became birds later it turned out that the feathers are not good for keeping you warm in winter but the birds didn't want to give up their plumage they wouldn't trade this new and magical feeling of flying for any fur coat no matter how warm or beautiful [Music] that's why ever since that time every year many birds have to fly far far away to the warmer lands where they can stay till the harsh winter is over i'm so glad i've got my fur coat there's no way i'd be flying to the warmer lands oh so pretty where did it come from that is theodore's feather but without it how can we fly to the warmer lands we need to return it give us feather back can we make it we don't have any other choice in that case let's go guys [Music] so [Music] ah which way now oh we'll think of something no leo just know why not jump now tig don't be scared i'm gonna jump first okay as a gentleman i'll let you go first [Music] why did i never jump like that before but this is so high leo i can't do this i'll just wait here all right tig stay there if you want but could you catch the vine first [Applause] [Music] get me out of here [Music] grab my paws what was that tig he just got caught on a thorn so he couldn't jump off that's right caught on a thorn [Music] oh the fog is so thick i can't see anything that's it they're leaving soon and apparently we're lost what about theodore the feather the feather grab it quickly oh what good is it now we're late anyway there's no way out of this fog the magic feather [Music] it's trying to show us the way [Music] we're running fast to help a friend we always stick together and when we cannot find our way please guide us magic feather and if you are in trouble friend don't worry don't be sad we'll always come to help you out and things won't be so then let them bad that birds and peas can never get along the friendship has no boundaries we love you we adore [Music] them [Music] we'll walk right through the darkest woods through frogs and rains and more we'll cross the fastest rivers too to get to theodore we're running fast to help a friend we always stick together and when we cannot find our way please guide us magic forever and let them say that birds and beasts can never get along the friendship has no boundaries we love you they adore [Music] hey where's tig i have no idea that's really funny theodore you're friends with a tiger or leopard and a lynx i don't believe you where could he go yora i have really bad luck today first i got caught on a thorn and now i fell into this deep hit i'm so sick of vines [Music] where are the storks are they already gone oh we didn't make it quick here you don't have to believe it but i do have wonderful friends found your feather you lost it right yeah this is my feather well why i think you can't fly without it oh no tig one feather wouldn't affect the way i fly in the slightest so we came for nothing no not at all i'm so happy my friends you came to say goodbye before i leave and this feather is for you to remember me [Applause] [Music] goodbye doesn't continue on our fly hey [Music] a gift from the spirit of the tiger uh so sweet so fresh what a nice chubby boar came for lunch himself stop right there okay this way and okay now this way i found it very very good job did you see it cuba spent like half an hour sniffing around and i'm like bam bam and found it i've got an awesome nose well done tig so mama pandita where did the sense of smell even come from oh that's an ancient story children once upon a time animals didn't have any sense of smell at all oh that's incredible listen to the story in those ancient times animals were relying only on their eyes and ears but one day a harsh winter came to the tiger the weather was freezing cold like never before and a thick blanket of snow covered the earth it became very hard for animals to find food and they began starving and it seemed like the winter would last forever the spirit of the tiger felt sorry for its children and so it gave them the sense of smell to find food even under the thickest layer of snow every single one sure and the keenest sense of smell was given to fierce predators the wolves that's why you need to be more careful there are rumors that a red wolf came to our woods oh dear me that means no more woods for me papa let's go look for flowers it's my turn now sure mila jig where's cuba cuba probably still looking around for his flower the spirit of tyga didn't do a good job on his nose no tig he's not in the bushes what if he went to the woods the red wolf is there nah he must be around here tig we have to find him [Music] hello cuba where are you tig stop screaming like that we don't want the red wolf to hear us leo how do we find him by his tracks can you see them no tig we'll find cuba by the smell like you found flowers oh that's right i'm gonna pick up his trail at once leah listen what does cuba smell like seriously like acorns of course here smell this one well wait don't distract me i think i think uh ah got it do you smell it that's definitely cuba's aroma let's find him apparently he went off the trail but why would he go into the woods it's all because of you tig if it weren't for you cuba wouldn't go anywhere what did i do now weren't you making fun of him tig cuba you've been searching for half an hour maybe you forgot your nose at home oh i know you exchanged your nose for [Music] acorns [Music] [Laughter] leo i didn't know that he'd take it so personally tig it's not okay to laugh at friends do you like it when martins make fun of you for being afraid of heights so much okay okay i get it now stop where's the smell it disappeared oh i don't like this at all leo so who is he hiding from leo i sense another smell calm down he's not even real cuba come on go away go away let's go we have to save cuba right if he hasn't gotten eaten already what a surprise a kitten dessert leo do you think this one's real [Music] he said we're dessert must have eaten cuba already and now he's gonna eat us quickly [Music] let's go [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] [Music] can't run any further let's hide there behind the mound maybe you won't notice [Music] [Applause] well now kittens there's nowhere to run anymore i think he spotted us i smear you i smell you my wonderful delicious sweet little kittens a tiger cub and a leopard cub he found our trail leo you need to think of something fast stig this is this is the bog land monster this time we're finished all right kittens i'm coming for you [Music] i'm already here what's going on where did you two go i don't understand i was following the trail all right you've outsmarted me but next time you won't manage to run away from me it worked he left he couldn't smell us thanks to the monster the mud covered our smell [Applause] [Music] listen cuba you know i'm sorry i was making fun of you you might not have a sharp sense of smell but i would never ever think of hiding like that and this is lily of the valley my favorite here smell it amazing right it smells like frogs no you're right that smells very weird very weird it's because of us i'm a muddy monster i'm gonna save everyone pig you're nothing like a monster you're just a dirty little tiger cub little blizzy whoa a pinecone what i thought first mama pantika put me in charge of collecting clowns no my tens target detected the spotted one and the striped one get your best cones ready and shoot thank you spike now we have enough food supplies for the whole winter let's go to mapa oh he'll be so happy what now he says enough food supplies for the whole winter whatever spike just to be clear when are we gonna start stocking up on food we are not martin's never stuck up on food martins used their brains instead [Music] good job well done it's great to see how many cedar nuts you brought us in the tiger food stock is the most crucial thing without it you can't survive winter when the blizzard comes you will all be grateful to me [Music] where will it come from yeah where does the blizzard come from where is her home mama pandiga tell us please where does the blizzard live there's not much to tell really the blizzard lives in her icy castle on the top of the highest mountain where snow doesn't melt all year long and when the winter comes she goes down into the tiger and then be careful not to make her angry if the blizzard gets angry bad things are coming she will freeze everyone and turn everyone into ice no one will be spared neither animals nor birds nor trees they say once the entire tiger almost died because of its icy breath oh dear me i think it's getting chilly what if that's the blizzard getting angry the the blizzard angry that's just a fairy tale right mapapantiga maybe it's a fairy tale or maybe it's not leo where are we going we have to find the blizzard and find out what made her so angry look there is no blizzard you heard mama it's just a fairy tale [Music] did you hear that that's her the blizzard hide now baby girl quickly quickly hide the food stock before the blizzard manages to find it go ahead hide them they're gonna be ours anyway we just need to come up with a plan come on spike think papa bendiga papa pandiga we know why the blizzard is upset and angry it's because she lost her only daughter lizzy we need to find her then the blizzard will stop being angry and the tiger won't freeze ah good idea okay so the blizzard lost her only daughter very interesting i think i've come up with a plan they're gonna give us all their stock themselves follow me [Music] mommy [Music] hello blizzy someone wants to find you so badly they will give up everything even their food stock for the winter i want my mommy spike what are we supposed to do you're supposed to watch the blizzy don't let her out of your sight [Music] what is she doing i don't know probably just wants to play a bit look here now stop here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we give you the blizzy and in exchange you give us all the food you've stocked for the winter and everyone's happy so how do you like my plan how do you like my plan have a taste of this wait now tig we need to get blizzy back whatever it takes or else the tiger might come to an end what about our stock we'll have to find more then spike we take the deal that's good this is my kind of conversation i've always been saying you just need to use your brain spike the blizzy fell into a cave what a little more and the whole tiger will be frozen we need to get lizzy back right now here this is where she fell through we'll have to follow her down there down there into the icy labyrinth no the icy labyrinth leo we're not going in there right i will go oh no way leo okay i'll go too i'm just gonna get some cones first because there are you know all kinds of bats and also spiders boy do i hate all these labyrinths hello i think we should go right let's go right if you say so lizzy another dead end there's no way we'll be able to find her and even if we do we won't make it out of here get uptight we have to move where on earth did those two go [Music] see shorty it's all because of you why is it always me she's started [Music] who is that oh leo look here it's a cedar nut so it means we've already been here before cedar or not wow pig you're a genius me well i mean thank you okay give me the cone it will help us not to get lost all right so we can use the little nuts to mark our trail i come up with the best ideas tig this way we found her mommy where's my mommy hey don't cry you want your mom let's go we know the right way [Music] lizzy mommy my baby group you're back [Music] thank you hey look the frost is sawing the blizzard isn't angry anymore yeah we did a good job [Music] there now we are definitely ready for winter [Music] get in here what's taking you so long to the left i said to the right oh i told you many times you just have to use your brain little feet and then the fox started chasing the little hair away leo check it out the fox just like a real one oh mila seriously tig don't interrupt milo go on come on show us what happened next but the little hair didn't get scared of the box look at that hair he didn't get scared what a big hero oh hey mila is this also part of your performance no hey careful thank you so what happened exactly elsa fields is coming [Music] he is so enormous he's a hero he saved our little boy what now a hero hero he's safe so what now i'm a hero you hear that leo i'm apparently a hero sure you are zig praise the hero praise the hero come to her what is this oh your wiseness it's the first heroic deed oh hero you saved our beloved little boy and that's why'd we like to invite you to a feast in your honor feast in my honor this is so awesome i'm a hero [Music] you can't be serious sure i'm serious just watch me come on guys come to my feast tonight raise the hero hey you need to be more careful carrying me don't let the hero fall right oh hero take the courageous are you quite happy staying with us uh-huh ah it's a pity leo can't see me right now he would never believe this [Music] is that my picture awesome now i have something to show leo at the feast hey made it that was a close one oh come on it's nothing seriously the second deed the second team oh your royal highness it's the second heroic deed [Music] that's right it's so much fun being a hero [Applause] oh great hero dig the legends telling the truth you came back to us again the legend huh what kind of legend an ancient legend it happened a long long time ago weak and small was the lemming tribe afraid of everything anyone could hurt us but most of all our tribe was afraid of the forest monster every year the monster would come to our pantry and plunder it the lemmings then started to pray oh great spirit of tiger we are small and need your protection the spirit of tiger heard them and promised to send down a hero but the lemmings didn't recognize him right away only after he performed three heroic deeds they realized he was the hero the lemmings lowered their heads before the hero and told him about their troubles the hero then went out and made the forest monster go away that's awesome what happened then and then the hero left but he said that if the forest monster would ever start bullying the tribe again he will come back and we will recognize him by three heroic deeds and now he's here yeah so is he it's you oh great hero crazy hero and now when you're here you will chase away the scary forest monster praise the hero not a problem so who's your monster then uh chipmunk or something he chipmunk no it's actually a little bigger actually i'm talking about bilsa fields you know what i'm i'm not ready to be a hero i'm not hero material really i think you should find someone else okay lemmings the hero has to perform a heroic deed [Music] hey what are you doing let me go raise the hero hey you let me out of here you hear me i need to go home now mean i'll be back in the evening in time for heroism come over here i saved your life it's your turn to help me go find my friends please okay cuba catch you missed hey wait a minute did you just say cage go back and start from the beginning [Music] [Music] the time of heroism has come leo my friend where are you hiro do you feel that you're ready to fight the forest monster no the heroes ready [Music] good luck hero we believe in you [Music] hello fields listen maybe we could reach some kind of agreement okay this is the end tig don't be scared i'm here little buddy oh you're here you here to save me yes dig i have a plan [Music] leo are you trying to blind him is that your plan patience dig the performance is only getting started [Music] leo a monster oh this is it goodbye my friend [Applause] [Music] the hero made the forest monster go away where did it go the scary monster here's your scary monster tight wow guys that was something what a great idea you came up with even bielsa got scared of you it's you who deserve to be called heroes greatest of heroes oh no we're not your heroes we were simply saving tig he's our friend and the thing we used to scare away bielsa is micah oh in that case in that case let's have a feast to honor micah and friends and friends the micah and friends day sounds good oh you're a wiseness leo i did perform three heroic deeds didn't i oh dig you're hopeless [Music] off with the feathered ones [Music] shorty go see what all the buzz is about you stop your chittering right away we can't get no sleep shoot shoot pipe down you hear me who's flapping their trap this early in the morning they did it quiet stop yapping hey you seems to me like it's yous yapping here and the birds are singing no one can sing this nice in the whole forest oh yeah we'll see about that feather drinks get moving your presents here were disapproving messing with my sleep who will i say shoe sing now birdie sing the song sing about the thing alone lovely you can foreign shoe feathered one shoe this is our forest not yours you deserve our sleep so once again shoe birdies don't you be afraid just get comfy in your nest we've been waiting for so long just to listen to your song this is our forest ours only brothers need to go songs of joy spring is here we love singing can't you sing sing and whistle [Music] this is our forest not yours you disturb our sleep so now this forest is not all yours so stop being so bossy leave our feathered neighbors alone well how about this huh [Music] stop it right now i'm the boss around here you all got that is that right well you're not the boss of me yeah we run this forest you all got that i don't think so [Music] come on you all got nothing on us take this you strike woolsack wait i have no time for you right now leo checkers six watch out [Music] can we have a timeout what's this you give up now you know who's the boss around here not you you just wait and see everyone get back to the base it's time to drop our battle plan hmm [Laughter] taken yara you wait over here mila you run over here and draw them into a [Music] [Music] trap my mom told where did they come from they sucked the blood out of everyone oh no how terrible what do we do let's rent them off uh [Music] i just don't know how i can wake him up oh no squeakers these are squeaky mosquitoes go away grab the pine branches get to the caves [Music] so now are we going to have to stay in here forever why forever in winter the squeaky mosquitoes go to sleep mama pandiga what sort of squeakers are these anyway and what are these mosquitoes oh boy my great-grandfather told this story to my grandfather one day the spirit of the tiger's own brother amber was visiting him but amber was so evil that the animals of the tiger didn't want anything to do with him it made amber very angry so he made up his mind to punish the animals he summoned swarms of mosquitos squeaky mosquitoes poor animals had nowhere to hide they went to complain to the kind spirit of the tiger the spirit of the tiger asked tiger to deal with the mosquitoes tiger couldn't do a thing the squeaky mosquitoes were too small and too fast then the spirit of the tiger sent leopard to fight them oh and then wolf but they returned empty-handed then a little birdie flew to him and said can i try the spirit of the tiger agreed you can my friend the birdie unleashed a mellifluous song summoning the birds answering the boisterous call the birds filled the sky their wings flapped with vigor and their beaks snapped with thunderous might not a day passed when the mosquitoes disappeared the squeaking mosquitoes were gone i know what we need to do we gotta get all those birds back to the forest i just don't know how we're gonna do it we hurt them really bad so that explains why there's so many mosquitoes in the tiger okay what did you guys do to the birds well we first tried to defend them from the martin we really stuck it to him and made things much worse the spirit of the tiger come to us [Music] oh come to us spirit of the tiger and help us help us let the tiger dry up and become a desert come on go on oh the great spirit of the tiger please help us to bring back the birds to our forests we'll always treat them well and never harm them and we will protect them with our lives and i beg you the great spirit of the tiger please please i miss hearing them sing so much we will cherish each one of them we'll never take them for granted [Music] [Applause] [Music] look everybody the birds they came back yay thank you great spirit [Music] i get it now it all makes sense now the mosquitoes are scared of the birds build your nest go on build them the best spots are right here next to our home our hollow here here and over here [Music] don't you be afraid just get comfy in your nest we've been waiting for so long just to listen to your song [Music] [Music] just how lovely you can sing [Music]
Channel: Kedoo Toons TV - Funny Animations for Kids
Views: 181,653
Rating: 4.0070128 out of 5
Keywords: Leo and Tig, The Sun Folk, Leo and tig 2020, leo and tig cartoon, Leo and tig episode 22, episode 22, Leo and tig all episodes, Leo and tig compilation, leo and tig movie, Leo and tig new episodes, Leo and tig new, animation, animated series, animation 2020, animated movie, New family animated movie, New animated movie, cartoon, kids cartoon, new cartoons, cartoon for kids, cartoon for children, funny cartoons, Kedoo ToonsTV, youtubekids, YouTube Kids, 2020, sun, Folk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 54sec (3774 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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