JUNGLE BOOK: MOWGLI'S ADVENTURE full movie | for children in English | TOONS FOR KIDS | EN

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👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

Dude, childhood. 👍🏻👌🏻

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/theepicelmo 📅︎︎ Sep 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] wake up a new day is dawning there's beauty and happiness everywhere jump up destiny's calling you and your friends have so much to share swinging through love on this great adventure the spirit of nature will see you through there are lessons to learn about life and its mysteries lessons of love that are waiting for you [Music] look up there's joy all around you nature is wondrous but beware the law of the jungle has a lesson for life but you can still soar right up to the sky hold your head up high keep your courage inside then sure as the sun and the stars up above [Music] you will discover love hurry up you're falling behind mowgli fair sarah you're going too fast for me i'm holding back as much as i can come on we're almost there you can't beat me at tree climbing mowgli if you can't run fast you'll never be a real hunter and if you can't learn to be a real hunter you'll never be a real wolf mowgli mother what are you doing here you promised to meet bagheera oh yeah that's right i forgot as usual is mowgli running any faster than before he's not as fast as we are he needs a little more practice but he's gonna be a good wolf right all he needs is work come on he was such a tiny man cub [Music] why that's a man cub what's it doing here poor thing he must have lost his way [Music] look he's feeding just like our own cubs are he's a hungry little fella isn't he oh that sounds like shere khan get the cubs inside the lair lurie yesterday come on i smell a man cub i've come to claim my prize this is not your hunting ground sheer khan get away ah i tracked him here i want him you're not getting him how dare you disobey how dare you give me that man cup now give him to me no he's a part of my family your family you'll pay for this alexander [Applause] um [Music] mowgli i've told you before you must hang on tight when you're up in a tree but bagheera it's not that easy i don't have strong claws like you do that's enough my time is precious and i'm not going to waste it listening to your complaints all right then forget it i'll go practice on my own hey mowgli hey wait hello looks like you're having a tough time trying to train him tough isn't the word for it if you only knew why are you doing it because mowgli insists on learning to hunt like us oh [Music] look out you're going to fall [Music] oh that's very good oh no you're anxious to learn but don't you think you're overdoing it i'm sure glad you were there car next time you're going to get hurt mowgli why do you keep trying so hard because i've made a promise to my father do you mean alexander yes that i'd become a worthy wolf that's fine but you have to learn to listen i'm sorry berghira there's no point in shouting you must understand mowgli bagheera only shouts because he's worried about you worried me why should i worry i know i won't do it again bye hey mowgli where are you going to keep my promise a father mowgli made a promise to alexander mowgli promise me you'll become a brave and worthy and always take care of your mother [Music] [Music] mother i can't find him anywhere no not again i told him at least three or four times that there was a meeting of the pack tonight he's just gonna get into more trouble shall i go looking for him again mother yes if you can find him before a kayla starts talking listen everyone it's too late now i've called you all here because sheer khan who has been peaceful until now has begun to cause trouble with a band of wild monkeys he's gathered around him i'm warning every member of the pack of the danger on the other side of the kohinoor river in shirkhan's territory oh mowgli you again moogly i've looked all over for you i'm sorry late again how many times have i told you not to be late for meetings of the pack you see it kayla the moon was so beautiful tonight that i thought i'd go down to the lake and of course you always have to be different don't you and coming late to meetings is more proof that he doesn't know what it means to be a wolf i think we've all heard enough from you lala stop it i'm only telling the truth how can anyone call him a wolf when he can't even hunt i'm against the wolf pack taking in a human i've heard enough lala we must never forget the promise made to alexander alexander might have been a hero but the wolf pack mustn't live in the past what stop it [Music] lala's right mowgli did come late to the meeting mowgli you must apologize to everyone i apologize do you accept his apology no grandfather never and i'll never accept you as a member of this wolf pack [Music] i'll never be able to do it [Music] take fat [Music] gotcha this thing really works i have important news a young wolf has crossed the river into your territory in my territory yes she was seen by a scout crossing the river just a few moments ago how dare she tell me was she alone or was the man cub with her the man cub uh the scout didn't mention a man cub never mind we can use that young wolf to attract the rest of the pack [Music] wow i got him bagheera i have always been impressed by the inventiveness of the human mind very clever but kira how long have you been here from the beginning huh mm-hmm i was worried about you oh bagheera a little worried since you didn't notice me means you've got a long way to go what's that the birds are warning of sheer khan cheer cons near [Music] hey [Music] isn't it great i got two of them in one shot mowgli you should have come to me for your lesson before going out hunting but i got two of them with one shot but you must learn to listen to the sounds in the wind it has many secrets to tell i didn't mean to hurt you it's all right never forget when the sound of leaves being walked on is light it means it's a rabbit then the sound of twigs cracking in the underbrush means it's a baby deer wait a minute baloo i don't need any lessons not now that i have this but it's very important to recognize your enemies well i'm not afraid of anything as long as i have this and not even sheer khan would dare mowgli that's telling him holy hey bagheera take a look at these i got the two of them in a single shot hmm that's very good mowgli bagheera please don't interfere i'm trying to teach mowgli to listen to the sounds in the wind okay has he told you always to approach from downwind that way you can even fool the old-timers and who are you calling an old-timer i'm not calling anyone an old-timer it's just that everyone in the jungle knows that it's not the sound but always the smell that comes first what the smell doesn't come first you have to learn about the different sounds you teach about smell cause when you get older you get hard of hearing what are you insinuating that i'm getting hard of hearing now you listen baguera i want you to get this straight once and for all i'm mowgli's teacher and not you do you hear that all i'm saying below is that your method is old-fashioned mowgli should be taught using modern teaching method you and your new fangled ideas [Music] mother sarah what's going on there's something wrong mother what have we done i told you to leave now go away oh mother what's wrong stop mother what's the matter mother wants us to leave the lair for no reason at all mother won't you tell us why i don't need to have a reason now you'll be on your way from now on you'll have to live in your own lair mother ugly you keep out of this i told you hurry up and go but mother do as i say or you'll regret it i don't understand but if you've made up your mind i guess we have no choice sir goodbye accrue goodbye sarah mother tell me what happened why did you chase them away i chased them away because they're grown up now so what if they're grown up why do they have to go we're a family aren't we because it's the law of the jungle [Music] the law of the jungle [Music] [Applause] it's not the law of the jungle there must be a reason there must out of the way i wasn't gonna harm your baby i'm in a hurry please let me go boy she's a loving mother she defended her baby the way parents are supposed to that's the signal to assemble wow [Music] mowgli did mother say anything after we left she said it was the law but i don't understand what she means it's strange that she'd be so angry with us without explaining hey sir and i went hunting today and acro and i caught our first deer on our own we ran straight home to tell her instead of praising us she told us to leave the lair you caught your first deer yes that's it mother knows we're grown up wolves now so she wasn't angry with us all it means is that mother knows that it's time for surah and me to live on our own well if you're grown up then i must be too after all i got two birds with one shot didn't i so i don't see i have good news for all of us according to our lookouts report over 50 buffalo have been sighted moving into our hunting grounds the sun is still up but we can't wait till dark it's been a long time since we've had such a large hunt all of you who are brave enough come forward surah akru what are you doing here this isn't a rabbit hunt today surah and i caught our very first deer that's very good you go with the chasers right up front as of today suran and akru are considered to be adult wolves then i am too [Music] mowgli why did you come forward this isn't just another bird hunt you know if you can hunt buffalo so can i because i'm grown up go and sit down oh it's mommy's little mowgli a naughty boy enough of that lala all right but i'm sure he can't even catch a rabbit please akala let me go in front with the chasers i know i can do it mowgli i'm grown up too i'm ready now no you're not ready mowgli i am too akala [Music] all right you can come bye man i respect your decision but i'll prove to everyone that i'm a better hunter than he is the matter is settled mowgli and lala will set the trap [Music] [Music] ah um there's a cath in the middle and to the right there's an injured bull sitting in the grass those are the ones we go for got it all right here we go [Music] it's all your fault that we have to set the trap be quiet the hurt is starting to move you don't have to tell me i can see for myself you know [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] we have the two we want open the path for the herd open the path for the herd open the path for the herd why do they only attack the weak ones mowgli didn't you hear they said to open a path hmm [Music] i'm not going to attack the weak ones i'll get that big strong one to prove to everyone that i'm full-grown mowgli we have to open a path get out of the way i'll show you you'll be all right now did we get the buffalo no not even one because you disobeyed orders is it still bad mowgli huh don't worry lala he'll be fine run along who's worrying i'm not worrying i'll never take you hunting again as long as i live so there mowgli why did you do such a foolish thing ignoring the rules of the hunt i wanted to show them that i was grown up too mother you're not my little man cub you're not grown up yet you are different from the rest of them if you were covered with thick fur like the others you wouldn't have been injured like this do you understand no i don't understand do you mean that just because i'm not covered in fur and i don't have any sharp fangs that i'll never be grown up is that it so i'll never be allowed to hunt it doesn't matter how hard i try [Music] i don't understand why does the wolf pack hunt the weakened injured atoms i'm going to catch some big game all on my own that'll show them [Music] ah bagheera did you hear that mowgli had been hurt or have you been following him around all day like an old worrywart huh i am not following him whatever gave you that idea speaking of worrywarts well i'm uh mowgli isn't fully trained in the ways of the jungle so as a responsibility of the teacher are you badly hurt mowgli sorry to say but it was your bad training that got mowgli into this dreadful mess in the first place how much of the law of the jungle have you taught him how much he's there to learn uh i should have known you haven't taught him the most important thing now listen mowgli the first rule in the law of the jungle is the survival of the fittest we must do nothing to endanger the survival of any species i don't understand what you mean give up aggiera you're talking way over his head the survival of the fittest is a simple way of saying that in the jungle only the strongest healthiest smartest members of any species can survive and hunters must take only weak or injured animals strong animals have strong healthy children and the species will survive but if hunters take the strongest buffaloes away the herd will get weaker and weaker eventually the herd will disappear and then there'll be nothing left for us to hunt so we can't take the strong ones that's it mowgli excellent you've learned an important lesson today all of us here in the jungle have to learn to live in harmony with each other you don't have to like everybody but you have to respect them respect when you respect every other creature's right to survive you'll be grown up mowgli mowgli where are you mowgli sarah andrew there you are you're safe why did you run away we were so worried we looked everywhere for you mowgli oh mother [Music] i'll go and tell a kayla he's safe and i'll go and tell the others doesn't look like we're needed around here anymore oh but you haven't been needed since the beginning i got here in time to save mowgli you old slowpoke are you calling me a slowpoke racia race you're too old to race anymore what do you mean i'm too old why don't you act your age look who's talking they say you can only catch small game now what i caught a wild boar yesterday one of these days you will have to leave and go away on your own but not for a while yet not yet no my little one here's how to catch the smell of the jungle first you turn your nose upward and you find the smell in the wind [Music] the smell of the jungle oh no that's the smell of honey [Music] hey mowgli he tricked me again i'll miss you [Music] my turn now come back and fight fair [Music] [Music] oh gee what's kichi doing here he hasn't found a home yet let's let him sleep [Music] he really is a pain [Music] come on fish swim a little closer [Music] that's great now you've done it go play your game somewhere else i'll have you know i was fishing the same as you okay fine then i'll go somewhere else and don't follow you'll just disturb the fish [Music] a little kitschy you'll never catch anything that way [Music] mowgli oh there you are there's a great big rhino on the plane and he looks as big as an elephant wanna come with me sure oh come i wouldn't bother if i were you mowgli that rhino may have looked big to accrue but then he's a fraidy cat i didn't say i was afraid lala i just said it was big we both saw it mowgli it was enormous let's all go look not me sounds like a wild goose chase talk about afraidy cat what's that i'm not afraid of your dwarf rhino then why don't you come see it okay i will i just hope it hasn't fallen down a rabbit hole [Music] wow what did we tell you mowgli it's big all right i guess but i've seen bigger rhinos than that one before you're fibbing lala come on that rhino's even bigger than an elephant sure a crew as long as it's a baby elephant i ought to be quiet we don't want him to hear us there see you're all just scaredy cats okay lala why don't we move a little closer huh well not afraid are you lala of course not i just like it here wait mom look over there [Music] he is a big one that rhino better not see him get away from there quickly no mowgli [Music] mr rhino look over here [Music] hey fatso he's gone crazy look out mowgli knows your chance he's coming this way [Music] faster only faster [Music] uh [Music] [Music] what are you doing here this is a private meeting of the wolf pack only wolves are allowed well if it's only for wolves why did you get invited i'm a wolf remember [Music] attention everyone i have news news from our scouts i have had a report from the scouts that there is a herd of marsh deer on the edge of the eastern plain say mowgli what's up quiet now but mowgli what is a marsh deer it's a deer okay and you've gotta be quiet now then i'll choose the runners and the guards i'll be a runner this time for sure okay mowgli can i be a runner too quiet can't you do as you're told well jeepers i'm just trying to help mowgli yes sir what's that you're hiding why um nothing nothing at all oh he looks angry what is that creature well it's a red panda [Music] this is a serious meeting not a place for fun and games young mowgli you will stand guard at home oh no wait i can explain now who will volunteer to be a runner good let's go the scouts are waiting we'll leave you children to play in peace [Music] gigi it's all your fault the pack is leaving me behind you're a real little pest but i didn't mean to cause trouble yeah well trouble is on you ever bring me [Music] now listen kichi i've had it up to here with you so you just stay out of my way troublemaker troublemaker no i'm not [Music] uh [Music] for why do you think if you bonk me on the head i'm gonna get you back want your head i never went near your head i was asleep dreaming about supper is that a fact okay that does it [Music] come back i should have known let's get on oh [Music] this is this time i've got the jump on lala i've caught you you little poacher but i wasn't poaching ah good for you lala you nabbed him no let's teach him some manners what's going on help me mowgli all right lala let him go not a chance he tried to poach a rabbit right under my nose the rascal interrupted my afternoon nap and he tried to make me fight with backus what you did that i didn't mean to do any hormones i don't mean to huh well that's not good enough in the jungle i don't care let me go you're going to regret that kiki teaching that's no way to behave apologize to lala i won't i can't believe this this isn't a joke apologize forget it you're being very foolish you're making enemies instead of friends so who cares i'm an outsider anyway even you aren't really my friend mowgli hey come back here oh gg ugly let the panda go bagheera oh it's that bothersome cat but kichi was being a pain there's pain in his heart huh he's homesick lonely i hadn't thought of that he needs time alone time to discover his true feelings isn't that sweet and a perfect setup sheer khan should know about this kichi how can that little red panda be of use to me he has become the man cups friend lord khan if we lure him away mowgli is almost certain to follow almost did i say almost silly me mobley is absolutely certain to come looking for his little chum yes he is a man cub his soft heart will get the better of him tabaki are you called bring kitschy to me kichi mugly's rent yes that's the one i mean the panda i'm very anxious to talk to him come on snitch let's get out of here i hope peachy is doing that tree [Music] [Applause] [Music] why hello there new to the neighborhood [Music] we're now here ourselves how would you like to join us for a little exploring exploring yes we're far from home we'd love some company how about it well sure [Music] [Music] your friend is homesick and lonely mowgli he should have said something i didn't mean any harm i'm an outsider even you aren't really my friend mowgli i guess he did say something i just wasn't listening and now he's all alone man cub handcuff yeah ah i have a message for you from tabaki from tabaki he says come quickly your friend the panda has strayed into a very bad neighborhood lead me to him mowgli moogly where are you mowgli mowgli where are you mowgli answer me not a peep what is it why do you want mowgli bagheera am i glad to see you that rascal teaches with some monkeys who are leading him away something tells me this means trouble for mobley you may be right follow me sourcing bagheera hey wait up slow down will ya [Music] what's wrong little friend don't you want to play a new game it's late it's been fun but i have to get back to the wolves wolves you shouldn't live with them they'll never make you feel at home why don't you stay with us monkeys i don't know there you are oh mowgli it's you oh why did you come here to find you this is a bad place kichi let's go home i like it here i'm having fun and i'm going to stay and play with my friends kichi [Laughter] come on now kichi i'm taking you back to the pack no i'm never going back there i've had it with being an outsider i'm staying here with the monkeys oh right good mr mowgli let your ex-friend livery once who's that and why have the monkeys disappeared kichi was a trap now run i'll hold him off you really needn't stay mr mowgli i have no business with you it's the panda i'm after kichi [Music] all right indeed it is well done tabaki now you can take the panda shir khan you haven't beaten me yet sheer khan [Music] now kichi run for it [Music] why are you stopping bagheera [Music] let's go blue wait he needs us if we go out there now shere khan will pounce before we reach moogly [Music] you were foolish to come here alone mowgli just for a panda it was wrong of me to let a friend come here in the first place a friend there's no place for friendship in the jungle it is friendship that has led you into my grasp man-cub and thanks to friendship you've lost your fangs [Music] not yet [Music] yes [Music] fine huh [Music] the game is over man cup no i win another one sheer khan thanks to friendship you really are amusing mowgli but your bluff is a little thin none of your friends can help you now well then come on come on [Applause] [Music] we did it boy that was a close one but we made it we sure did mowgli thanks to friendship youtube what were you doing here what are you looking for us why i know actually we were out for a walk in the moonlight care to continue yes thank you it's a lovely evening for a stroll hey you guys wait up how good of you to join us [Music] man cub beware of sheer khan ah crew don't try to go with the pack today since when do you give the orders why don't you think after you should go because he doesn't hunt responsibly right you'll understand when you grow up wait a second forget it mowgli we don't care what they say they're spoiled sports for someone who wants to be included with the grown-ups you sure are immature take that back i will not take it back a crew in fact i'll tell a kayla that you're an irresponsible puppy [Music] you stop mowgli ever since a kayla let him tag along with the grown-ups he's been bossing everybody else around i've got talent [Music] and assembly [Music] [Applause] [Music] you head up wind and when the buffalo smells you lead him to us right mowgli you climb that tree keep an eye on sewer and the others the buffalo's horns can be dangerous you must stop him from charging with your fang yes sir oh yeah you stay with me in reserve ah what's that any objection huh no [Music] no shooting mobley [Music] we'll chase him to the cliff he'll have no place to run from there not letting you have all the glory i could stop [Music] oh no [Applause] hmm got him wow you really did it yep that crew that was very foolish you could have hurt yourself acting alone like that don't be angry kayla it all worked out all right in the end mowgli come on down [Music] your selfish actions may have ruined our plans you are not ready to hunt with the pack what a kayla acro wait [Music] moogly come with me there's still a lot of work to do [Music] hello kitty hi you're early mowgli isn't back yet oh then what's that crew doing back already is he back there's the signal for a catch they'll all be back soon wonder what's up with that crew we came as soon as we could how's your leg feeling oh hey we sneaked away from mikayla with some really good food try it go away leave me alone what if you break a rule of the pack you're not entitled to your share that's the law isn't it yeah i guess so but we took this food out of our own shares so you don't have to worry about the law i don't need your food leave me alone a crew what's gotten into you this food is almost all from only share he's doing you a big favor i don't want his pity or voice but a crew oh forget it mowgli if he doesn't have a decency to accept a gift when it's offered i'm not about to beg him fine a crew i'm leaving here in case you get hungry [Music] later [Music] what are you doing here uh i'm sorry if i got in your way miss lala the rabbit i was chasing got away thanks to you tabaki oh please don't be annoyed at me miss lala i'll make it up to you forget it i'm a wolf i don't eat leftovers and especially not from a jackal not even a tasty morsel of buffalo a buffalo yes i snitched i mean i found it early this morning oh really yes right over that hill hi there teaching did anything happen to acro yesterday why do you ask well kichi akru wasn't very happy yesterday because akela scolded him for breaking the rules was that crew really unhappy that's not like him at all mowgli come quickly something's terribly wrong with our crew with andrew [Music] my brother [Music] oh dear mother what's the matter the wound in his leg is infected [Music] what can we do who can help us i know bagheera he might know how to treat this [Music] hi akilah i forbid you to help accrue he has broken the laws of the pack our crew's injured leg is his own doing what a kayla you knew about his injured leg but then our crew broke the law mowgli we can't simply ignore that anyone who helps a crew will be breaking the law as well but we can't just leave him our crew must pay for his mistake [Music] wait mowgli if you break the law you must leave the pack too [Music] he's my brother kayla i'm not going to leave him alone [Music] i heard the bad news i'm certain that khan knows how to help our crew get over his infection that's great but what about you mowgli if you help our crew you can be sure akala will carry out his threat i know in a wolf pack the law comes before everything else if aku broke the law perhaps he deserves to be alone yes but what but akro is my brother and if saving him means breaking the law then i'll do it even if that means leaving your beloved wolf pack forever please save me the buffalo is going to charge an app who stopped him now he's the one who needs help and i'm not gonna let him down that's brave talk i'm ready to back it up with action all right then let's go find car thanks [Music] sorry you coward you've run out on a crew back who's the one who broke the law why yell at me [Music] because you've put the law before your own brother mowgli hasn't done that but the law i know the law comes before everything else but everything else isn't supposed to include your own brother i see so the wound has become infected yes it has mothers tried to lick it clean but it doesn't seem to be helping once the poison starts spreading through axel's body cleaning the wound doesn't make much difference anymore then what can we do for him carl well yeah it's coming back to me i had this monkey friend a wound on his foot became infected and he got well by eating the purple flower a purple flower the only purple flowers i know about grow it yes that's it where where is this place [Applause] that's lonely mountain it's hard to miss thank you [Applause] mowgli would you wait a minute can you go find sarah and tell him i'll be back soon thanks bagheera this time the man cup may have bitten off more than he can chew yes i guess i better help him that's right it's where those nasty jackals do most of their roaming he went along but it's too late to help our crew anyway unlike some animals mowgli hasn't given up yet yeah well he's breaking the law mowgli seems to feel his brother is more precious than the law so long [Music] uh well you may be brave lala but we both know i can run faster than you this is no time for games sora what i mean is let me help mowgli lala what i know i've been a coward but i'm over all that now go no point in having all us young girls on the wrong side of the law [Music] uh [Music] hey [Music] i finally got them [Music] um [Music] hmm [Music] you okay [Music] well i'm glad i'm not too late for the party you hurry back i'll take care of these [Music] guys [Music] let's just say i paid you back [Music] what are you going to do now aquila i'd say these youngsters have learned their lesson i'm not going to punish them but what about the law oh well the law is strong but it's certainly no match for mowgli [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is it rubble in the barn don't let them get away [Music] chill do you have something to report terrible news bagheera that rogue wolf grizzle has raided a hen house and he's headed this way not grizzly who's grizzle i've never heard of him he's a wolf who was banished from the pack many years ago because he refused to obey the law of the jungle now he's attacked a farm and made the humans angry do you see the danger [Music] um [Music] [Music] what those rascals have invaded our hunting ground that's not the worst of it they took more game than they needed scoundrels how dare they breaking the law like that it's utterly disgraceful but i have a question that must be answered why didn't the lookouts raise the alarm akala i want a word with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it is you yeah it's me all right it's been a long time hasn't it [Music] it is a long time since you were banished from the pack you broke the law you have no right to be here give me a break aquila that was years ago i was just a cop i've led an interesting life roaming around the jungle but now i feel i'm ready for a change of pace i'm thinking of settling down here and joining the pack again that's out of the question you are an outcast now go ah what a welcome and from the leader of the pack too i seem to remember you always used to say that wolves in a pack had to stick together i did i still do but you no longer belong to this pack do you want to bet just cool down wolves in the same pack shouldn't fight among themselves and a fine pack you are too what's this a man cub in a wolf pack now that i didn't expect you better run away home as fast as you can baldi you don't belong here i do so i may be a manca but i'm a member of this pack i always have been and i always will be and don't call me baldy or you'll be sorry my aren't we fierce but not too bright never mind i'll overlook it just this once now get this straight okay we don't want to cause any trouble believe me we just want one little favor let the three of us join the pack join the pack no way you must think we're out of our minds you don't even obey the law what law is that huh tell me you know perfectly well and you also know that you're honor bound to obey the law of the jungle that's what you think pal so we've made our little request what's your answer going to be akilah will you let us join the pack or not [Music] you get away from her this is the last time i'll ask you a kill up you better make up your mind before i lose my temper what do you say will you take us into the pack or not let her go please you haven't answered my question yet if i like the answer he'll stop no i refuse let her go free first and then i'll talk it over with a pack i promise i don't think that's a very good idea after all you might say no i won't do that i'll let you into the pack but i have to talk to them first do you swear to that oh lala lala speak to me are you all right now listen to me you must eat and bunch of pups this is a deal you let us live here you give us permission to hunt where we like and you leave us strictly alone that's the deal okay and you'd better live up to it wait i promised i'd let the three of you join the pack and i will but i can't accept your other conditions they break all the laws of the jungle will you shut up going on and on about the law of the jungle you drive me crazy you know that i'm gonna give you some good advice and if you want peace in the jungle you'd better take it try to remember you aren't the boss wolf anymore see you around [Music] so where is grizzle heading [Music] hello so grizzle is the wolf back giving you trouble no sir not at behind them all and his cronies are bound to try something underhanded [Music] shere khan are you sure um i'm afraid so mowgli i should have guessed the tiger would be behind all this what do you think they're up to bagheera the way i see it grizzle must be working for sher khan but why would sher khan want to recruit more henchmen what does this mean a over huh sher khan has always wanted to control the jungle with grizzle's help he could upset the balance of hunting power well that's terrible we gotta stop him right away come on i was only guessing about the takeover mowgli we mustn't act until we're certain my guess is right after all sheer khan and grizzle may simply be planning a hunting raid my takeover theory could be wrong no i think your guess is right bagheera shere khan wants our hunting grounds that's what he called grizzle together they're going to try to force us all into submission then we've got to act quickly let's go to okay and have him call an assembly right away no mowgli i don't think it's a good idea to react to hastily in this situation time is still on our side let's wait and see what grizzle and his gang do next when we know their strategy then we'll decide how to react i agree with you lori if we tell the others about this now it will only cause confusion but if i go to him alone old and feeble as i am and explain our point of view to him then surely even grizzle will listen forget it okay you can't trust him that's right there's only one way to deal with grizzle with our fangs let's attack them i know we can beat them um let's chase them away once and for all i agree they're coming no time to lose prepare yourselves they're coming hurry what is it jill why are you so excited they're coming i tell you they're almost here who are three big ones big what what are you talking about jill i just spotted three plump buffalo they're about to cross the northern river headed in this direction [Music] permission is wrong [Music] [Music] so [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] stop all of you don't be crazy turn back stay back it's too dangerous [Music] [Applause] [Music] well i hope this experience has taught you all a very valuable lesson when you hunt without the leader someone always gets hurt i'm sorry akala we're all sorry well at least we now know what grizzle's true intentions are he wants to take over our hunting grounds this is very serious if he and his gang succeed in taking over our whole way of life will be threatened i would give everything i had if i thought it might prevent a violent outbreak but i see now we have no choice wolfpack hear me the time has come to fight for survival we'll fight yeah and win we can beat grizzle you bet we can what are we waiting for grizzle's gang isn't very big there are only three of them we'll have no trouble at all they'll give up in a hurry we're ready akayla lead the way we're all behind you [Music] it won't be as easy as they think sure khan and tobacco side thank you all for your support now it's time for me to plan tactics so let's end this assembly and agree to meet again tomorrow well it looks as if there may be a fight i think we were wise not to tell the pack about sheer khan we can't afford any foolish mistakes i agree mother we have to be careful now or someone could get hurt mowgli is right laurie we must proceed with care you can proceed with all the care you like i'd rather try the direct approach if the wolf pack doesn't mind by getting involved i'll make short work of grizzle and his gang and what about shere khan he's as big as you are baloo and exceptionally nasty saying we must proceed with care there may still be a way to avoid a fight though personally i can't imagine how there must be a way the trouble is we don't have much time mother don't you think we should go to ocala and discuss this with him you may be right is a kayla in his lair yes i think i will go and see a kayla i have an idea to discuss with him what kind of idea mother won't you tell me not yet mowgli first i must talk to a kayla maybe just maybe we can chase away grizzle without a fight [Music] achaela this is lori may i come in and talk to you laura just a minute hello lala hi lori do you want to see grandfather yes is he home yes he seemed terribly sad last night but this morning he's better he needed sleep is it all right to see him why sure what lurie are you certain sheer cons behind this yes it was bagheera who saw shia khan and grizzle together so i don't think there's any mistake if shere khan is involved then he'll probably come to grizzle's aid and bring tobacco with him this isn't going to be as easy as i thought grizzle is a ruthless and cunning fighter with sheer khan on his side he may be hard to beat akala i have an idea how we can chase grizzle away without a fight without a fight impossible what if we seek out our friend happy and ask him to help us what happy the elephant yes there's only one animal in the jungle who can strike fear into sher khan's heart and that's happy if we explain our situation to him i think cathy will gladly help if he joins us against shia khan and grizzle they'll lose their nerve i see ask kathy for help hmm lurie i think it's a brilliant idea it offers us the chance to get rid of grizzle and his gang without a battle pitting wolf against wolf then if i have your approval i'll go myself to find hathy and ask for his help if he agrees i'll come right back with him lurie are you sure you want to go all alone i am well then if that's how you feel safe journey and good luck thank you akela i won't let you down can i come with you no lala i need you to find mowgli and tell him where i've gone i suspect he's worried about me [Music] so [Music] hmm [Music] yep they're here [Music] mother i'm back hello little friend give her a ride you bet happy [Music] if those scoundrels share khan and grizzle so much has left the poor at any of us they're going to regret it i simply can't abide bad manners [Music] are you sure we're happy and the other animals really heading this way why doesn't that a cursed elephant mind his own business do you think maybe they're coming here to surrender i doubt it maybe we should surrender oh shut up they're not even here yet but they're going to be here soon and that happy has an extremely unpleasant look on his face so he looks mean and he's a little bigger than we are you could say the same about most buffaloes and you're not scared of them i guess you're right well grizzle i think it's about time you became the boss around here oh and why is that [Music] because i just gave up the job so long [Music] i've heard a great deal about you gristle and i don't like any of what i've heard you're a ruthless marauder a criminal i'm not going to stand for your presence in this jungle one moment longer now leave before i throw you out but we're not really criminals we're just having high spirited keep your mouth shut are you leaving or aren't you because if you aren't i'll treat you just like i treat any other miserable insect who refuses to obey me all right you win don't hurt us we're leaving come on [Music] [Music] yahoo [Music] still practicing mowgli hi mother my goodness what skill that bang of yours flies like a bird it's true you really are impressive but now that the jungle is at peace you don't need so much practice mother i can't let up now i never know when my skills might come in handy i still have so much to learn i have years of practice ahead of me so i can't very well stop right now this is just the beginning all right mowgli you sharpen your skills as much as you want i wish i were even half as skilled as you are mowgli oh lala with your temper you'd be a menace what do you mean by that oh mowgli you must try to be more polite to lala her feelings are really very sensitive isn't that right yes it is thank you lurie she's as sensitive as a tornado what what did you say oops bye come back here not on your life [Music] a child is learning in nature's special way he's beginning to see all the beauty in this world today his eyes are gleaming at every sight and sound with ears in no scent hearts he feels that love is all around but this world can be confusing and learning can be hard when lessons that you often learn mean danger looks beneath the stars so take good care of nature's friends and they'll take good care of you then we can all live together as one [Music] a child [Music] you
Views: 5,530,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jungle Book, Jungle, Mowgli, wolves, Black Panther, bear, Bagheera, India, Orphan, for kids, for children, great story, adventure, in english, for free, online, good quality, mondo, full movie, mowgli, the jungle book, jungle book, shere khan, animals for kids, animals, youth, fairy tale, bedtime story, cartoon, free, cool, the whole story, great, fun, for teens, for teenagers, mondo World, travel, best cartoons, EN, for girls, friends, the whole film
Id: Rc0nLV1Y6Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 51sec (5151 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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