Lena Headey Gets A Lot Of "Game Of Thrones" Hate | CONAN on TBS

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[Music] thank you so much for being here and I'm like a lot of us an insane Game of Thrones fan to the point of madness but I wanted to start by trying to put you at ease because I've heard you really you really don't like doing talk shows it makes me very nervous is that right I'm terrified right now you're terrified well I'm terrified look at us were idiots he's sitting right there does that put you at ease at all I'm I'm a little shy you're little shy thank you I'm also a little nervous to be seated next to the House of Lannister he's a raw sensuality that's just emanating it's too much it's too much sensually I had trouble sitting next to him please let's just try and get this thing back on course if we can Lena as I said I'm a huge Game of Thrones fan and like a lot of people the episode last Sunday made my eyes melt out of my head it was so intense everyone's talking about it have you spoken to your cast mates because there's a lot of cast mates that will no longer be reporting to work a lot of them and I don't want to spoiler alert you know but a lot of intense stuff goes down in the last episode and have you talked to your friends did they see this coming I rang Richard who plays Rob straight after and he said he hasn't watched it because he's so upset to be leaving yeah and then I spoke to Michelle fatty who said weirdly she was in the doctors with a throat infection really as if the loss of her character has now made her sick kind of mimicking life and I'm looking life yeah I think a throat infection doesn't come close to what happened that's right I'm sorry I forgot I mean no no it's it was so intense and I'm curious does this make you worry I mean this is such a terrific show but one of the things that makes it so terrific is that anybody can go at any time does this make you live in mortal fear I mean have you read the books do you know what happens to your character have you read ahead I know I'm still living but I admitted while sitting next to George that I hadn't read the books and now I fear for my life oh really he may become angry now that you haven't read his books and you'll be hit by a car which is very that hasn't happened much in that realm a cab is gonna hit you fans are not shy about their really intense feelings about your character Queen Cersei they she is she is tough I find some redeeming qualities in her myself but but she the fans can some of them really hate her and they let you know that don't they yes yes they're not I mean I guess as a compliment you know it is when you're buying a table and someone's like you know about tonight's show I blame Offerman I really do he did this it's a compliment people really do but people get that mad at you yes all people say I love her and I kind of worry more for them she's everything I am in secret yeah I would think there is some protection cuz it is a compliment they love the character that you're playing when I go to a restaurant and someone's like I hate that Conan guy to me it's me oh I know what a character what is it must be difficult you have to wear I mean everyone has to be in full costume for this but I've heard that you wear an extremely restrictive corset for this show is that right yes they lock you in and then on top of that they put belts and you know that kind of 5in it's not fun because you just want to eat breakfast that's me before every show they put me into Spanx various girdles and trusses to hold me in and then what happens you're wearing that all day you can't get out of it you can't get out of it it's good it kind of makes you angry so I channel that associ and then when they take it off it's heaven oh that works it's like it's amazing because you felt this way all day and then they suddenly they release it it goes and then the relief yes so that was a wig by the way yes why are you wearing a helmet
Channel: Team Coco
Views: 13,202,075
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Keywords: Celebrity Interviews, Conan, Conan (TV Series), Conan O'Brien, Game of Thrones, Late night show, Lena Headey, TBS (TV Channel), Team Coco, andy richter, best moments of conan, coco, comedy, conan best, conan best moments, conan brien, conan classic, conan funniest, conan funniest moments, conan o'brian, conan obrien podcast, conan on tbs, conan remotes, funny, funny moments on conan, late night, sketch, stand-up comedy, talk show, talk show hosts, tbs, teamcoco, top 10 conan
Id: eeuBm2CJF24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 28sec (268 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2013
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