Lemon Garlic Spanish Potatoes | Easy & Delicious Potato Side Dish

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[Music] the almighty potato you gotta say it's one of the most important vegetables when it comes to side dishes and if they're cooked properly they easily become one of the main stars on your dinner table today i'm going to show you how to make one of the best tasting potato side dishes we're talking lemon garlic roasted potatoes these potatoes have so many great flavors they're very easy to make like seriously no hassles here and they come together in about 30 minutes this is the perfect potatoes for the holidays that are coming right now or for any time of the year let's begin by grabbing 12 baby new potatoes and scrubbing them clean under some cold running water as you can see i'm leaving the skins on the potato as it gives them a beautiful texture and flavor but if you prefer you can peel the potatoes once all the potatoes are well cleaned i'm going to transfer them into a dish cloth making sure they're all in a single layer and pat them completely dry like i always tell you this is such an important step you want to remove all that water from the potatoes otherwise when you roast them they're going to be mushy and they're not going to absorb all the flavors then i'm going to cut each potato into four evenly sized quarters and add the cut potatoes into a large bowl for the next ingredient i'm gonna grab six cloves of garlic and cut a slit on each one that way once they're roasted you can easily remove the garlic clove from the skin and we'll add the cloves of garlic into the bowl with the cut potatoes then i'm gonna grab one lemon cut it in half and squeeze the juice over the potatoes and the garlic we're gonna add in about a generous tablespoon we'll also add in two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and season everything with sea salt and freshly cracked black pepper and we'll give this a gentle mix that way that lemon juice olive oil and seasonings are evenly coating each piece of potato then we'll transfer our potatoes and garlic into a baking tray that's lined with parchment paper and make sure everything's in a single layer that way those garlics and potatoes all evenly roasted and also make sure to grab any of that remainder olive oil and lemon juice that's left in the bowl and drizzle it over the potatoes and we're going to add this into a preheated oven i've had it preheating for about 20 minutes bake and broil option that's the bottom heat and top heat 210 degrees celsius which is 425 degrees fahrenheit if your oven can't do both functions no big deal just bake them for an extra five minutes longer than i'm baking these and get in there at the halfway point and mix it all around that way everything's evenly roasted while the potatoes are roasting in the oven i'm gonna grab a generous handful of fresh parsley finely chop it and add in the finely chopped parsley into a bowl i would say this is about a quarter cup and using a grater i'm going to add in some lemon zest over the parsley making sure not to get any of the white pith as it gives it a bitter flavor and we'll set this mixture aside alright let's move back to the potatoes they've been in the oven between 25 to 30 minutes and they should be perfectly roasted i'm gonna take them out of the oven and you can always tell when your potatoes are perfectly roasted just pierce them with a toothpick and if it easily goes in they're ready to go for the next step i'm going to remove the roasted garlics from the baking pan remove the cloves of garlic from the skin and as you can see by cutting that slit you can easily remove them from the skin roughly chop the roasted garlics add them into the bowl with the chopped parsley and lemon zest pour in a generous tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and give it a quick mix that way everything's evenly mixed around alright let's move back to our potatoes i'm going to transfer our roasted potatoes into a large bowl pour in the mix with the parsley lemon and roasted garlic over the potatoes and gently mix this together that way each piece of potato is coated in that mixture once everything's well mixed i'm going to transfer the potatoes into a serving dish and garnish it with a couple lemon wedges check it out our lemon garlic roasted potatoes are done let me tell you the aromas coming out of this are absolutely beautiful let's give these a try and see how they taste look at these beauties here we go absolutely delicious but first things first is those potatoes are perfectly roasted the outside is slightly crispy inside the inside just melts in your mouth the beauty of using a low starch potato as for the flavors you have that sweetness from the roasted garlic married in with that citrus from the lemon the parsley the olive oil truly an explosion of goodness you saw this so easy to make done in a little over 30 minutes truly one of the best potato side dishes you will ever taste really quick before i go a shout out to a couple of my patreons Joan Novack and Jesper Hallund again guys thank you so much for being patreons of spain on a fork you know how much i appreciate you for the rest of you if you're not with me on patreon consider becoming one it helps me with ingredients and equipment to continue making videos like this you'll find my patreon link in description box below and iCard above if you enjoyed today's video hit that like button leave me a comment below and if you're not subscribed smash that subscribe button until the next time...Hasta Luego!!
Channel: Spain on a Fork
Views: 25,836
Rating: 4.9828744 out of 5
Keywords: lemon garlic potatoes, lemon potatoes, garlic potatoes, spanish potatoes, spanish lemon potatoes, spanish garlic potatoes, spanish lemon garlic potatoes, easy lemon garlic potatoes, delicious lemon garlic potatoes, easy potato side dish, delicious potato side dish, how to make lemon garlic potatoes, easy to make lemon garlic potatoes, garlic potatoes side dish, lemon potatoes side dish, easy lemon potatoes, easy garlic potatoes, video, spain on a fork, recipe, yt:cc=on
Id: h_UFKY4EAg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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