LEGO Star Wars The Mandalorian Base Invasion full movie/Brickfilm

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[Applause] i wonder what this base stores probably some explosives [Music] sir pirates should clear all the blasts [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh eliminate the enemy at this sector uh [Music] oh in the ventilation control come in come in do you copy oh [Music] [Applause] oh what's going on sir the imposters have breached the cargo bay where are they heading it seems that they're heading to our sector and how much of the place have they took in everything but the command center and the hangar bay evacuate the base have a battalion protect the evacuation but sir that's a direct order i will deal with the rest [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music] hold off the enemy while the rest of the crew escapes they should be self-destructing in a few seconds yes sir [Music] oh so [Music] wow [Music] uh your best goal ah [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] wow [Music] [Music] six five four three two one [Music] [Music] give me the locations of the remaining imperial bases and i might spare your life you might let me live but the empire will not [Music] thanks for watching don't forget to like and subscribe because this is the way
Channel: Alexavier Studios
Views: 30,775
Rating: 4.8758168 out of 5
Keywords: Lego, Ninjago, Star Wars, Brickfilms, Stop Motions, Animations, Mandalorian, Lego Ninjago, Lego Stop Motions, Lego The Mandalorian, Lego Star Wars, Lego Star Wars Stop Motion, Lego Star Wars Animations, Lego Star Wars The Mandalorian, Lego Mandalorian, Lego The Mandalorian Brickfilm, LEGO Star Wars The Mandalorian base invasion full movie/Brickfilm, Alexavier Studios, Lego animation, Lego stop motion, Lego nite owls, Lego Mandalorian battle pack, Lego imperial base, Lego boba fett
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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