LEGO Star Wars - 501st Battle (Full Movie)

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i have a bad feeling about this sir you need to see this what is it invasion order sir prepare for attack alert the general yes sir are you ready for a fight of course sir there's a droid army closing in on our position [Music] sir our troops are ready about time we join them move out open fire [Music] [Music] [Music] two [Music] 2000 man on my load [Music] [Music] kicks prepare the interior defense yes sir order sir fall back get the men inside fall back captain go i'm right behind you how is the general he's stable but unconscious we moved him out of the line of fire have you sent for reinforcements yes but the droids are jamming our comms we're not sure if the signal is going through keep trying yes sir what are we going to do about that mtt without reinforcements we don't stand a chance i'm open to suggestions send hard case and i to flank it the engine is exposed if we destroy it the mt team may overheat and lose power very well everyone else prepare for attack [Music] god [Music] [Music] uh two [Music] [Music] two two [Music] captain rex we're delta squad where the reinforcements you requested i guess the signal got through after all i don't have any doubt in your squad's abilities but what can four extra men do against that battalion of droids out there well why don't we even the odds fixer call in an airstrike yes sir general we need air support one click north of our position airstrike is on its way very well now we wait to take out the leftovers men with me [Applause] [Music] so anakin what are you doing here you are supposed to report back to coruscant i know you said not to wander off but think of it more as a reconnaissance i'm back on coruscant in spirit why do i even try delta squad we need you for a rescue mission high-class target yes sir you heard him delta move out [Music]
Channel: KO Productions
Views: 258,423
Rating: 4.8769231 out of 5
Id: Na6NWcXbA_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 48sec (528 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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