LEGO Ninjago - Season 1 Episode 5 - Can of Worms

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previously on Ninjago I'll be your friend the green ninja legends true all you wanted was to make this 1703 Montgomery Garmadon what you do is I know exactly what we must do [Music] [Music] Episode five can of worms [Music] hey guy Sokol beat your high score you should have seen it it was pretty spectacular you must be talking about sitar legend this is fist to face too no one beats me on my game no could be wrong see ya Oh violet very super my culinary achievement the recipe is not followed exactly by the way I saw Jay spiced things up I told him not to but he said your cooking could use it Michael yeah let's ease our way into this how about level two shall we hey Jay hi son Zane tried to repair the sparring but earlier isn't that your expertise later bro wait what [Applause] hello Lloyd what brings you up here this fine morning Kai wanted me to pick up his ninja suit he said he threw it in with your whites here it is Thanks you couldn't just be happy with the top score you had to rub it in my face you know how long it took me to make that three days three days it's an on-set law okay you don't touch a man's robot how am I supposed to strike fear in this you voice I get first dibs on no dibs I put him up to this for today's lesson I wanted to show you the destructive power of rumors and that jumping to conclusions can only lead to trouble did you ever think to find out if the accusations were true no offense sensei but let me jump to this conclusion today's lesson is laying yeah why can't you teach us to paralyze your enemy with one finger who or find out if a man is lying by the twitch of his nose because not all lessons are about fighting and I misplaced my lesson book [Music] you mean this lesson book it was the perfect plan until you had to show up and everything on the bridge we do still have a snake problem to attend to it's one thing to let the Sun of your nemesis live with you but having my sister here I mean come on I thought this was a ninja headquarters last we heard of pythor he stoled a map of dance from lloyd and is now on his way to open the last two serpentine tombs don't remind me pythor is our most dangerous threat if he finds those tombs before we do with his intellect and all four tribes unleashed there's no telling what he'll do but those tombs could be anywhere without the map of dens we might as well just throw darts at a map good idea why don't we these are the two locations of the hypnobrai and fangpyre tombs show off and this is pythor's tomb after many hours of ruminating on why the tombs were placed in these three precise locations I discovered a secret pattern if you notice all three are in line with the Ninjago symbol for serpent so the last two tombs must be here and here you are so smart is there ever any doubt there's little time kai and J you head to the venomari tomb : Shan you take the constrictai tomb and take this you might need it if you run into pythor good luck ninja what am I gonna do yeah what are we gonna do Nia I need you here to make sure Lloyd doesn't get into any more trouble yes sensei let's go boys we got some snakes to Club where are you pythor what are you up to oh well our vehicles won't traverse the steps we go the rest of the way on foot but this is the mountain of a million steps aren't we pressed for time then we'll take a shortcut am i holding on too tight light as a feather pinky looks like pytho was already here perhaps we should investigate give me a second whoo go on a store without me huh didn't mama snake ever tell him not to draw on the wall these images describe a legend about one tribe uniting them all those snakes had been at war with each other for centuries well it says here once they unite they can find the four silver fangblades that will unleash the great devourer an evil that will consume all of the land turning day and tonight you get all that from those little pictures this gives me deep concern if pythor's not here and unites all the tribes together before kai and j find him relaxing they're a bunch of dumb snakes who believe in fairy tales if anything we've got all that did you feel that what there's something in the ground don't move I've been waiting for you pythor sends his regards did you stay behind just to tell us that pathetic look who's calling who pathetic pinky only I call him pinky seit go for the rope [Music] ah ninja [Music] grab your head around this good one Thanks but if he was expecting us I think I and J are walking into a trap come on let's get outta here yeah hey it's not me we're in the toxic bogs the stuff will eat through you worse and Cole's chili [Music] pee-yew huh let's just make this quick before pythor gets here [Music] this place looks empty we must have just missed him check this out they say you're the green ninja but I say I am you shouldn't sneak up on people like that if I wasn't such a well-trained J no I'm the real J no I'm the real Jake eles and gingerbread people everywhere okay I don't know what you're seeing but this is no time to lose yourself I need your partner we're toast anyone order a little kick butt but no let's not let music ruin things [Music] I've got a sinking feeling this may be the last I see you you fall [Music] that's it I used to hate dragons but now I officially hate snakes wait do you see that one magic floating rope we can climb to safety boy that's been amore venomous some powerful stuff whatever it is worth it was an honor to fight beside you are for me too yeah ditto hey wait the magic Errol quick everyone climb over booty I thought target confirmed and eBay and dead [Music] who are you how about the coolest thing I've ever seen Santa Thank You mysterious warrior I owe you my life for saving hella was a nice so then just when we were gonna bite it this huge mechanical robot who samurai it was samurai a saml what samurai highest level of warrior class they would protect nobility and serve with honor on the battlefield he was a hundred feet high with weapons coming on every part of him look at sensei's beard he's moving like spanks when has this been Amar'e spit supposed to wear off it's starting to get annoying okay don't let this mysterious samurai cloud what's really important all the serpentine are out and if pythor can unite them the legend states some great devourer is gonna consume the land and great devourer whatever it is it's a can of worms I don't want to see open ah it's all my fault if I hadn't open the first hatch none of this would have happened we cannot change the past but we can affect the future at least we have the sacred flute in our possession so yeah pythor sort of stole it the last sacred flute gone you four are ninjagos last hope Oh No Ninjago city how many are there looks like all of them right there must be trying to unite them go we mustn't let the five tribes unite I must get this taken care of don't worry it'll wear off soon for now you're coming with me [Music] I love the smell of bland Erling towards you in the middle of the night [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh Jaakko city amazing always heard stories of this place biggest city in all of Ninjago I always wanted to come here now I always dreamed one day being on a billboard here you - yeah I did - but may I remind you where are the snakes we should be standing in the middle of a massive serpentine gathering yeah I hate snakes you'll have to use more than words to bring the serpentine together all I have to do is show them where they're ready for you I love Showtime [Music] friends enemies and enemies who pretend to be friends I welcome you that's a lot of snakes what do we get at you I have an idea follow my lead what is it with the constrictai and a vice-like grip already it's funny because it's so true but in all seriousness the reason why I call this gathering is because the good people of Ninjago imprisoned us in those insidious tombs and I want to return them their favor that sounds like a great plan but you know the hypnobrai will screw it up Oh sad that those buck teeth can fight my rear end I bet they're drinking their own better all that diggy must have given them dirt for brains [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] did you take care of them all but one such every nook and cranny if he's a ninja you'll never find him in plain sight [Music] now let's get out let us blow this popsicle stand popsicles dead I like it you have to do better than that to unite the tribes you know whether it was in a lesson book or not we used the destructive power of rumors to our advantage and now the serpentine are further away than ever from getting their act together you know I don't think we would have gotten out of there if it hadn't have been for Zane don't thank me thank Lloyd if it hadn't been for his laundry skills we all would have been found well it took me 20 loads but your suits no longer pink and to show that I'm sorry call I got you can anut uh yeah don't think I don't see what this is when I open there it's a bunch of snakes are gonna pop out right yeah no thank you [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: LEGO
Views: 4,020,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, LEGOS, LEGO sets, LEGO build, LEGO make, LEGO animation, LEGO series
Id: _7TFA8jsTNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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