Episode 22 LEGO NINJAGO Season 2 Full Episode in English Legacy of the Green Ninja

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previously on Ninjago I count down to the final battle it's as we feared another Stone samurai warrior is loose on the street citizens of Ninjago who have yet to evacuate the city head to the ngtv building rooftop hang on Garmadon is back [Music] please [Music] episode 22 the last voyage most peculiar yesterday there was just ocean but now there is an island the Dark Island and what I find more peculiar is after Ninjago city was attacked by the Stone Army today they have vanished do you think they are on this Dark Island Garmadon may be responsible I fear that too but what's most important is we have to find out what is on that island perhaps my Falcon can have a look [Music] useless pilot junk oh it's worse than I feared the rotors on the starboard booster are completely destroyed the boosters are shot from The Strain oh sorry guys she's not getting Airborne anytime soon so if the Stone Army attacks again we're sitting ducks uh ducks can fly Cole weren't you listening we just got our Tails handed to us and we couldn't even stop one of them ah I hate feeling helpless we mustn't give up hope Kai but the Stone Army is indestructible you saw it at best all my Powers could do was slow them down that's not entirely true there is a way to defeat them and it is told within the Scrolls foreign the prophecy reveals that the power to defeat the Stone Army lies within the green ninja I tried I gave them everything I had yes but you are stronger than you think the power of the green ninja can only be unlocked when his four protectors find their own pure elemental powers are we the protectors silly question of course we are right if we are the protectors then we're doomed our Elemental golden weapons no longer exist we cannot tap into our elemental powers without them but the powers do exist within each of you and there is a way to unlock your powers on your own we must go to the Temple of Light Temple of Light that the gold and the golden weapons was from the golden Peaks but they were forged in the Temple of Light a powerful place I thought only existed in Legend on the Dark Island I think our only choice is to find out so we get our powers back all right but there's still one big problem the Bounty can't fly it's the ship right can't it fail silly question of course it can right [Applause] [Music] now promise me you'll eat your vegetables Mom oh I mean it you get sluggish when you don't get enough vitamins and tell him if he's gonna save the world he has to eat his vegetables yeah do what your mother says don't know what to say you don't have to say anything you're right I don't have to say anything do you have to sing who's gonna say Ninjago's High Who's Gonna Make Her Dance [Music] that's the sweetest thing I've ever heard pop now dareth as the honorary brown ninja we're entrusting you with protecting Ninjago and tending to the ultra Dragon are you up to the tasks I won't let you guys down did you hear that I'm officially the brown ninja what's my elemental power uh hot air so I command the wind cool you need to stay here big guy these people need your protection ah [Music] is there anyone you would like to say goodbye to my only family is my Falcon and my only memory of my father was nearly erased I will miss Ninjago for it's all I know but I am excited to see what the future has in store well my Nindroid friend there are a few people who would like to say goodbye to you [Applause] I love you you stupid ninja pupils it's time we set sail goodbye you see that it's working [Applause] underwear yes Mom [Laughter] [Music] we still have a long journey ahead of us still no word from your Falcon not yet [Music] what's on the island and entirely new ecosystem never before seen creatures oh vegetables that taste like dessert I hope the Stone Army is there they may have gotten the best of us once but never again you said it here here I wonder if this is the end of our destiny if it is there isn't anyone else I'd want by my side here here you said it my Falcon has arrived at the Dark Island there now we can all see peace he's gone we don't know that our friend too so we're not going to let him go in vain if the Stone Army wants a fight they got one well that's going to have to wait because right now we're sailing straight for a storm all hands on deck [Music] [Music] this is foolish I have an unbeatable Army to conquer Ninjago and yet we waste time playing in the mud and what do you mind is concentrated [Music] [Music] your time we must build a super weapon the likes of witches never before been seen a super weapon I like the sound of that [Laughter] tell Jay but I don't want to get wet I I only have one pair of underwear Jay this is no time to be making jokes the bouncy can only take so much you think I'm trying to be funny hey laugh all you want but we'll see who lasts when I have to go commando Who's laughing that's not laughter what is that star teeth guys why is the sea laughing at us and why do I have a feeling we're not gonna get the joke hey what's that I'm coming I got it oh perfect it looks like some sort of uh fish we must not let the star teeth on board they devour ships and they won't stop until we sink it hit me laughs get these things off the ship yeah good riddance of water vampires over there who's your Spinjitzu okay that idea sink your teeth into this they eat through metal too oh guys I think we have a bigger problem an extra pair of underwear [Music] ah this is hopeless now that we have no Rudder we've been drifting aimlessly and we'll never get to the Dark Island we only know what is foretold will happen not when it will happen what is it Salem I sense something is it Falcon is he all right no it's something else brace yourselves [Music] who would build a lighthouse way out here it's not a lighthouse it's a prison an extra pair of underwear serious we better keep going ah should we smile Jane is it really you you found me uh do you know him of course I know him I'd build him For Heaven's Sake but my memory tells me that you have passed ah you found your memory switch hurry it can't know that you're here or else they'll be Jews to pay do it I'll explain everything inside including why it is that you thought I was dead [Music] well Bounty sailing Days Are Over come near knocking barricading Cannon checking I think we're safe this way please have a seat you must be thirsty seat where of course oh that's pretty smart a technical wizard foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Laughter] I don't understand I saw you pass yes you did and believe me when I tell you I thought I was kaput but as you know in Ninjago the past is the past and the future is the future yes but after I turned off your memory switch which you didn't see bonehead samakai Reviving me with a special elixir he wanted me to create state-of-the-art war machines for their army [Music] he said if I did then I would be able to see my son again [Music] and to make sure I didn't Escape Leviathan to keep guard a leviathan that's what we heard in the ocean yes yes when samakai didn't return I thought I would never see you again but there's so much time has passed I started to question it if you would ever want to see me again I was afraid if you found out what horrible things I'd created you would think I was a monster we will get you out of here father now that we are together perhaps we can invent a way off this rock could you repair the rocket boosters on our ship that sailing ship has rocket boosters well the rotors and gears are shot they're piss Posh no matter I'll have your ship air with you by Dawn [Music] it's an earthquake everyone hide [Music] [Music] [Applause] nobody make a sound [Music] if it isn't my old gem [Music] he just marching to beating my own drum with that statute you know it doing whatever I can to pass the time sometimes so you know hey hello foreign if we're gonna make something to get out of here we're gonna have to hurry before it comes back [Music] what it's catchy excuse me but I must say I have never had such a meal in all my life where did you learn to cook I never programmed That Into You I guess I just picked it up father if I wanted you to make a change in me would you a change an alteration but Jane you're perfect I could never make you any better than you already are but I see no reason for me to have a memory switch I happen to like my life and don't want to ever forget you again [Music] don't worry my son we will both never forget [Music] I'm glad you found me I'm glad you made me [Music] everyone aboard it's coming it's here foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign what happened Zane released the Leviathan and now it's letting us go but where is my son I'm here father Jane Zane how did you know if you freed it from captivity it would let us go because no one deserves to be held captive not even a monster thank you farewell Creature from the sea enjoy your freedom [Music] ninjas [Music] [Music]
Channel: LEGO
Views: 2,519,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO Ninjago LEGO Ninjago season 2 LEGO Full episodes LEGO Animation LEGO Ninjago full episodes, lego Ninjago master of spinjutzu Legacy of the green ninja
Id: FBgmW6U3_0o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 55sec (1315 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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