LEGO Ninjago - Season 1 Episode 4 - Never trust a Snake

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previously on Ninjago will we see them again it was hard to say it's always like you know what you want your nephew must I teach you who's five who should be special defense system something every ninja headquarters needs [Music] [Music] episode four never trust a snake [Music] wake up saying I know where you the hunt starts early today a watchful eye never sleeps as long as Lloyd in the serpentine roam freely no one in Ninjago is safe where are the others training on the upper deck you were in my dream little friend last time I saw you you led me to good fortune what reason have you returned Lord Garmadon but you were banished only to return for the weapons of Spinjitzu on for soon I will have the power to recreate Ninjago give me your Sura conserv I you'll have to take them from me ninja so the green ninja the legend is true [Applause] [Music] [Music] who are you God is that you Oh sleeping in you're gonna be late for training how come no one awakened me we didn't think you wanted us to you look like you were having some dream how do I know this isn't a dream yeah does that feel like a dream No thank you for your help [Laughter] little slow today huh what exactly did you dream about I saw the Falcon again whoa Zayn every time you see that bird something big happens first it led you to the secret treehouses then it led you to the bounce all right stretches first the swooping crane this time it showed me the green ninja the green ninja that looks like the shocked monkey bad far more focus you can't just drop a bomb like that spill the beans yeah what else did you see he was fighting Lord Garmadon that's what the prophecy said that the green ninja would defeat the Dark Lord but did you have a chance to see which one of us was here yeah you see I could not tell you shared attributes each one of us possess yeah thinking crap well tell us everything and don't spare any details there has to be a clue that tells us which one of us is gonna be the green hey what was so important to ignore my teachings uh nothing it was nothing sensei yeah we don't talk well you tea everyone was paying attention since you all appeared to be lacking in focus then you can all share in the punishment what punishment it was all Zane I was merely answering their questions no free time and no video games the rest of the day can be used for training and tomorrow for that matter training for how long until you can answer this simple riddle what is the best way to defeat an enemy easy with creation pace yourselves you have a lot of training ahead of you make sure you sharpen your mind as well as your Spinjitzu what's the best way to defeat an enemy it could be anything come on guys we're smart we can figure this out yeah well let's hear more about this dream let me just say the green ninja is awesome [Music] [Music] and for betrayed reason scales my old job I didn't think I'd be fighting you moved up in the world all the cold blooded to creep up on us I'm glad that it is a friend wait I thought you were enemies we were at war but seeing that scale he's now leading them well I don't see why we can't be coma had you release the constrictai the venomari well heaven forbid the anacondrai then we would have had it what should we do him I could turn him into one of us pretty useless what if you even authorize him and make him think he's a big funny [Laughter] [Music] [Music] with his fists on fire so I'm the green ninja what are you talking about he had incredible strength to lift the cargo and save his life it's me no no did you miss the part of the story where the guy pulled out nunchucks I have none jock I think you're all missing the point of this dream the point is the Falcon flew on his arm and it was my dream so naturally it's me I think we can cross Cole off the list I could have lifted ten fine cross me off the list anyone could old nunchucks you are not training you must have already found the answer to my riddle what is the best way to defeat your enemy uh the best way to defeat your enemy is to train sensei feeble and incorrect maybe more training will help you focus remember what happened to your vehicles when you lost focus a razor-sharp weapon is an extension of a razor-sharp line how am I supposed to focus when we don't know who the green ninja is I want to be training all day let's work together on this riddle we can figure it out did you release the constrictai the venomari for heaven forbid he anaconda right and then we would have had a tussle I found it [Music] Kandra the most feared and powerful serpentine of the wall that they're afraid of the anacondrai then the anacondrai is what they're gonna get my sincerest apologies young man do to my unfortunate appearance I tend to have an unsettling effect on people I believe you dropped this thank you Oh what happened to the others poor unfortunate cells all those years locked away with nothing to eat must have slowly stopped away until they were just scales and bones and who may you be my little appetizers I mean Fred boy Garmadon son of Lord Garmadon and future dark ruler deliciously evil if I had feet who I'd be trembling in my boots and who are you humbly I am pythor pea chums worth and since you've freed me I need turn lee in your service really you're not gonna trick me oh why would i trick you I hardly have any friends I already have any friends to you Jones said hey how would you like to be my loyal henchman I've been betrayed by the hypnobrai and the feign fires and I'm not gonna get a little revenge on some ninja too revenge oh you don't Floyd its Boyd whatever yeah I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful friendship [Music] [Applause] [Music] anyone got a solution to sensei's riddle it can't be that hard what's the best way to defeat an enemy Zane you're smart what is it do not know but I sense that sensei is going to keep us here if we don't work together and find an answer that bothers me because well we're here working that means the enemy is playing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're the best henchmen of Master Lloyd you're the best mastermind a henchman could ever have why is it that you have no friends I could have had friends back at my boarding school for bad boys but I decided to run away and never let them see me again really why would you run away from making friends everybody needs friends even in tyrants Oh maybe I didn't run away maybe I yeah I got kicked out I'm the boarding school for bad boys I can't believe it I hear they are the breeding ground for the truly despicable and if you ask me whoa Uehara and thank you for what they told me I wasn't bad enough they said I lacked the amoral ambition to be one of tomorrow's masterminds well you'll show that's right I will show them then why don't we oh why don't we what let's get revenge on the very school that rejected you when the ninja come to the rescue we'll have a trap laid out for them a double revenge a double revenge it's a missed hijacking an ice-cream truck is a lot for anyone and if you're going to rule the world well you'll need to get your sleep oh and one more thing yes I'll be your friend yeah Oh played or you're the best [Music] oh you must have found the answer to what is the best way to defeat an enemy we have sensei it's on three guys one two three work is this what you all think sadly you are all wrong I'm starting to think whoever figures out this riddle can be the green ninja for all I care what's that who cares it's something else besides training break it down for me sis white and a serpentine have overtaken boarding school for bad boys that place is a cesspool for the crooked and the misbehave huh doesn't mean they don't need our help step on it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey how are the booby traps every tall window and hold into this place are spring-loaded good I'm sick and tired of those ninja sneaking their way into body [Music] looks quiet down there should we infiltrate using stealth we've done that what about using our golden weapons and turn into vehicles I'm still working out the kinks on that I don't want to have any other good ideas hmm well I have one idea but you guys gotta trust me oh I don't think I like the sound of this relax we've made the perfect trap we're in broad daylight so there isn't any shadows but even if they could get me [Music] good yeah good reflexes I was just testing you you find all these ninjas there cleverly sneaking their way right past as a dis very moment Jay I don't know about this just hold on tight [Music] [Applause] okay let's agree to never do that again [Music] stay out of school kids well well well crunch and substitute teachers say if we cut you down we better not hit you hang around Ninjago again or else he's on the top four let's get him [Music] [Music] [Music] prepare to eat dust ah he's got a serpentine with them watch out for booby traps that's one big snake [Music] what are you doing I thought you were my friend all you wanted was to make this 17 your slave well sorry my dear boy I [Music] [Music] Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon you come here right now I got him what should we do with him wash his mouth out with soap for a year ground him indefinitely have him sit in the corner for a century I know exactly what we must do and that is why Jack the rabbit never trusts a snake Leah if my dad had read me that book I would never made that mistake I'm sorry uncle oh you do not need to apologize I am sure that if your father was still here it would be the first book he'd read Goodnight nephew sweet dreams good night uncle I don't get it sensei why isn't the little brat getting punished yeah we had to train all day and he can't read a bedtime story it's not fair you're right I nearly forgot why are you not still training did you find the answer to the riddle no sensei we still don't know what the best way to defeat your enemy is it is to make them your friend [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: LEGO
Views: 2,578,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LEGO, LEGOS, LEGO sets, LEGO build, LEGO make, LEGO animation, LEGO series
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 0sec (1320 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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