LEGO® NINJAGO | Season 4 Episode 7: NINJAGO City VS. Ninja

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[Music] my ninjago city versus [Music] ah ninja was the fastest trial i ever saw in my life how did they convict us so quickly i blame dereth why me because you're our lawyer dareth i told you guys i took three weeks of law classes three weeks and it was mostly how to get out of traffic tickets maybe the judge will go easy on them he's nicknamed toughbot i don't think that's a nickname i think that's his last name nobody's last name is tough but all rise the honorable judge william harris tough butt presiding [Music] please be seated see i told you in all my years as a judge i have never seen such a callous disregard for public safety as i have in this case the ninja put the entire city at risk by freeing the convicted criminal asphyra and then helping to arm her with the very weapons he used to attack this city do you have anything to say in your defense before i pass judgment uh well i'm not sure i would put it exactly like that i how would you put it exactly okay yeah that's what happened but what about all the times the ninja helped this city like when they fought garmadon or onigami or the quiet one we have to take that into account too don't we i have which is the only reason i'm not sentencing them to life in prison instead i'm sentencing them to five years in crypterium prison why can't we work something out like community service or or sweeping or some light trash pickup [Music] [Music] i can't believe it after all we've done for ninjago oh this is bad this is really bad do you know how many people in here probably hate us all of us [Applause] hey roomies it would appear there are only four beds but five of us that's the least of our problems yeah i don't think i'm gonna be sleeping much if you're certain i will take a bunk huh how can you be so calm about this you know full well he turned off his emotion meter jay well it would be nice to get a human reaction once in a while if it would make you feel better i can switch it on again and react appropriately it might actually [Music] not helping what do we do i vote we break out of here we can't do that we just be breaking more laws our best bet is to go along with this no fighting no powers just behave and let dereth figure out a way to get us out of here legally good one wait you're serious don't underestimate dereth if i know the brown ninja he's working on a solution right now i have no clue what to do they didn't cover any of this in class oh what have i done please dareth calm yourself the ninja have no one to blame but themselves how can you say that nia i understand why they did what they did and frankly part of me is glad but it does not change the facts they broke the law and freed us fira she is now loose this is all my fault and i'm powerless to do anything to help them or nia she must feel terrible nia has never been powerless even before she was an elemental master she was known as samurai x and helped many people without any powers she will find herself in time yard time 20 minutes does it feel like everyone is staring at us they are staring at us i'm starting to feel a little unwelcome guys you can relax i joined us up with the toughest thugs in prison they're called the needles nobody's gonna mess with us now oh thanks jay that fixes everything well well looks like festival day came early and the gifting goat brought me revenge you don't want to mess with us ronan trust me hmm don't i let me think after you busted up a perfectly good smuggling operation and threw me in jail yeah i'm pretty sure i do well guess what we just joined the needles and if you mess with us you mess with them those wimps of the knitting club knitting club oh no no [Laughter] you've got nobody to blame but yourself you made your own choices nobody forced you to become a criminal maybe all of us aren't cut out to be heroes how do you know ronan when have you ever even tried to do something for anyone other than yourself hey back up the lot of you lloyd montgomery garmadon you got a visitor let's go see it's probably master wu and dereth i told you they'd figure something out hey uh i just wanted to say me and a lot of the other guys really respect what you've done for ninjago thank you it's not personal we're just following the law you know i know officer we're not gonna make any trouble thanks [Music] booth then last one on the end master wu boy am i glad to see [Music] who are you a messenger of the crystal king he wants you to know he is assembling your enemies against you soon they will strike and all ninjago will fall before his wrath why are you telling me this because i want to see the look of despair on your face the look of helplessness is you see something you love destroyed before your very eyes no stop that person someone stop him he's getting away stop that ninja he's trying to escape no i'm not it's him he's getting away [Music] hey he got my keys one of the ninjas making a break for [Music] it we need backup [Music] sorry can't explain but i'm not trying to escape [Music] there's more guards and prisoners he's on the first floor first floor stairwell [Music] don't even think about it we got you surrounded what happened it wasn't master wu who was it i have no idea does the name crystal king mean anything to you negative i find no references to that name in any of my databases who or what is a crystal king i don't know but i have a bad feeling we're about to find out [Music] [Music] [Music] you have been invited to join the council of the crystal king and have your revenge upon those who wronged you do you accept oh yes with pleasure [Music] you
Channel: LEGO
Views: 1,070,504
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ninjago, lego ninjago, lego ninjago episode 7, lego ninjago city, ninjago jay, ninjago kai, ninjago nya, ninjago zane, ninjago cole, ninjago lloyd, ninjago aspheera, ninjago sensei wu, ninjago demeanor, ninjago crystalized, vengestone, ninjago skylor, ninjago sets, ninjago toys, ninjago kryptarium prison, ninjago pixal, ninjago dareth, ninjago ronin, lego ninjago season 4
Id: qpg1hjeddm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Fri May 20 2022
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