Lego Dimensions Retrospective - Scott The Woz Segment

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you think Disney entering the toys to Life's fear was expected try Lego I think everybody had the idea of like imagine a standard Lego game but it's toys to life and you scan in the actual Lego figurines it just made perfect sense so when Lego Dimensions was announced in April of 2015 the world just went yeah no but the way they were doing it oh God this had potential Warner Brothers was going all over the place utilizing their own IPS getting the rights to ones that were just out there like The Simpsons Back to the Future Portal 2 and making them universes in this game it was all about being a giant crossover between series that were already popular Lego games series that had Lego sets series that had never had Lego sets before this was just a giant excuse to bring together countless franchises that you would have never expected in a million years to see crossover Batman Lord of the Rings The Lego Movie Harry Potter Ghostbusters Doctor Who The Wizard of Oz The A-Team Adventure Time Scooby-Doo Goonies Beetlejuice Gremlin Sonic the Hedgehog and the game was a typical Lego Adventure much like a Lego Star Wars or Lego Harry Potter or Lego Batman game but with each level and World from a different franchise it was like what I wanted Disney Infinity to be but even crazier considering the diversity of franchises they had under their belt how did they it up so Lego Dimensions is half Lego set half Lego video game the starter pack comes with Batman Gandalf and wild style the Batmobile and the portal base all needing to be put together this is one of the best parts of Lego Dimensions the real life aspect of having to put the Legos together I mean technically speaking you don't need to because all you need is the bases the characters objects and vehicles connect to that's what the portal reads without them these are just regular everyday Lego toys which is really cool makes traveling with them a though the other choice you could very easily just toss in your bag and bring them over to a friend's house Lego Dimensions after one stop it's toast some instructions are given with the starter pack but these packs sold separately and none of them came with them you always have to go in game to figure out how to build them which didn't make much sense to me these extra packs are just genuine Lego you have a chance chance to sell this to Lego Dimensions owners or just people who want the Minifigures but you're not going to include instructions so these you don't include instructions for and you have to access them in game but these included with the game have paper instructions as well as in-game instructions like what I include paper instructions with the ones that come with the game while the ones that don't come with the game don't get anything it would also be nice to have paper instructions just so you could build everything before you start the game up rather than turn the game on and spend 30 minutes building Legos but popping all these things on the portal we can play the game and at score Lego Dimensions is incredibly similar to previous Lego games but now you're forced to buy the extra characters though they all have unique abilities which sweetens the pot a little bit I don't know the three starter pack characters abilities all just kind of feel like an excuse to give each character worth it's like wild style is the only master builder so she can build more complex Lego objects in the game but I'm just like why can't I just do that as any character I'm controlling it's not cool to be like oh only wild style can build this object let me switch over to her this is looking awesome but that I can tolerate what I can't is the fact the game forces you to clumsily move the figures around on the portal to complete certain puzzles anybody that knows me will tell you never tell Scott to move Legos around on a glowing portal I absolutely hate this so portals appear in the game and you have to swap the characters around to the corresponding colors but one of your characters might be already on the color you need to swap to so you have to lift that one up but that might take them away from the game so you have to be quick but then there's this color matching game that I just couldn't get to work properly and the effect isn't even cool it doesn't feel like I'm traveling through different portals or Dimensions by moving this character to a different part of the base it forces you to be super close to the portal when you're playing and when it's wired there's only so many TV setups this works with the levels themselves weren't interesting at all to me I'm sorry I found them tedious and slow it was difficult to tell what to do a lot since you have a maximum of seven characters to switch between so it's always an act of okay uh this character can't do anything for me to progress past this point neither can this one for some reason this this one works so uh now I have to move these around everything from the game design to the real life design feels clunky and making something so simple so needlessly complex it's like they felt the need to differentiate this from regular Lego games so they tacked on gimmicks that just slowed the game down and frustrate rather than Inspire and shock and awe Skylanders felt like you're taking the character and transporting them into the video game Disney Infinity felt like you weren't locking content by placing the figure on the base LEGO Dimensions feels like a shell of a regular Lego game that's more expensive and has useless gimmicks attached that don't work now I'm playing the Wii U version too which many would say sky you can't play that version It's the buggiest edition of the game you should play the PS4 version honey I just don't think I like this game it's a shame because the concept here is easily the coolest most justified toys to life experience yet all the IPS they have covered here it's one of the craziest crossovers I've ever seen and the characters even have specific dialogue towards one another when you put them together and top of that most of the characters are fully voiced by their original actors barely any sound alikes are used on like Disney Infinity you have level packs containing a character object vehicle and a bonus level in that character's World Plus the vehicle can be reworked in three different ways which is pretty awesome fun packs don't have any levels just characters and objects story packs have handfuls of levels based on movies you can play kind of replacements for regular Lego games based on these IPS and instead of making sequels they opted to just continually update Lego Dimensions instead meaning this game got a few years worth of new figures and levels released that's nice but it does take away a lot of it for me personally when I put the Sonic figure on the base and then have to go into the download content manager to download the Sonic level that takes away so much of the joy and magic of the toys to life concept these figures are quite literally keys to unlock content in the game that's how it's always been but they're not even trying to hide it with this game it doesn't feel like you're bringing these characters to life which I think is the big selling point of a game like this for kids couple that with how the starter pack was 100 and something like a level pack was 30. that's up I know Lego itself is expensive but you do get a fun experience out of that putting it all together but when you translate this over to video games Lego Dimensions gives you three characters in a game that's just as long as any of the other Standalone Lego games which can give you hundreds of playable characters and level design not focused on shoehorn Portal gimmicks for 60 or less the Sonic level pack is worth half of a complete Lego game you do get Lego with it but still it's just not worth it
Channel: Scott's Snippets
Views: 172,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: d1PKHlSNsys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 32sec (392 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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