Lego City 1 HOUR vs 100 HOURS

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is a Lego city that I built in one minute and today I'm gonna build one in 100 hours AKA 6 000 times this it's gonna have vehicles buildings a grandma getting mugged and everything else to the Lego City needs but before that I'm gonna build a city in one hour I started by building a river with flat pieces and then for the street I'm stacking a bunch of these pieces to form this super tall shaft and now I can twist it to form this futuristic looking building next to making the skyscraper adding a flag to the top of it then I made a round building with white and light blue but I was confused on what to do for the roof but since I identify as a genius I repurposed the Spider-Man web and put it on top okay with all of that 45 minutes has already passed so we got to do a lot more I smashed together a fourth building for the road using these weird pieces as texturing and then moved on to the other side where I made two more buildings and as you can see despite the size constraint I was actually able to make some cool looking stuff so next is this grassy area where I'm making a park in the center I added a giant statue of a minifigure and then a bunch of trees and rocks around it okay then I quickly shoved up some finishing touches like three cars a bus and finally a boat in the river to call the Lego City complete if only I was the size of like a Lego minifigure hand and I could live here okay now that we have this stun I'm mentally prepared to go a hundred times more okay the city already has some houses that I built previously then a total took 40 hours meaning we have 60 hours left alright so first I kidnapped a bunch of Minifigures to inhabit the city but since throwing them in just makes him homeless like myself let's build a hotel for them to live in I first laid out this foundation with the sidewalk and then built up some walls through the first floor and then got cooking on the inside where I laid out a bunch of rooms the first area I'm building is a lobby area where I threw in a lobby desk as well as the guy who always has to act happy all day long I'm not joking he legit can't get out and then I added some seats and people chewing in the lobby okay and then I whipped up three hotel rooms with hotel furniture like desks TVs and those beds that compress you into a skeleton after that I spent three hours working on the next floor where I whipped up a pretty detailed looking wall design and instead of making another basic floor with normal rooms I'm gonna make this floor the party floor so I included one room which has double beds so that the homies can squat up in bed and then outside of that in the hallway I included a mini golf course and an entire wall filled with screens to game on some couches to sit on in an indoor basketball hoop oh my God okay and after throwing in my Army of Minifigures on the second floor the hotel is pretty much done and in total it took 10 hours to build and a Flamin Hot punch on my parts collection next there's a bunch of empty roads they're like the head of a bald person so for the next few hours I'm gonna build eight vehicles to add in so I went over to Target and he stood on the sets but while spending my mom's money I got distracted by some other sets mom can I get a Lego Friends set could you already have too many shush mother nobody heard that I ended up buying the Lego Friends set along with another set for later and kiss Target goodbye now we're gonna build all of these cars first the city needs a police car to prevent any Ops from causing problems so I made this tiny one yeah oh shoot next I built an electric car for Elon Musk it has a solar panel autopilot and everything you'd want next I made this giant truck which is a gaming truck yes if your mom doesn't let you take your 3DS on a road trip just pull up in this it's got two absolutely breathtaking gaming setups that everyone is jealous of with a giant screen on top of the trailer to Flap out and gather all the sweaty kids of the city and send them away okay next this city needs some public transportation because otherwise all the figures will just be strand this I made a bus that has two doors that open up and a bunch of smelly seats inside for everyone to travel in next let's build this set that literally has two cars that cost more to my house the first one was the Super futuristic McLaren that the billionaire of the city owns it's got only one seat because rich people don't need friends when they have money and to be honest it looks like the most uncomfortable thing ever to sit in but the next McLaren we're making is this orange one that the billionaire also owns and his only purpose is to be on display in front of his house and this one also only has one seat but at least it looks like he won't feel as claustrophobic as one of those cave exploration videos okay we need something to clean up all the trash from the city so I'm building this Technic dump truck it has this thick dumpy in the back that is amazing form at dumping out trash and yeah it might have taken me a ton of time to build because it was Technic but this is so worth it the next car I made was this giant off-roader truck with four big wheels that give it a bunch of suspension so that it could dance really well look at that boy it also has two bikers abducted in the back help me okay now we have a bunch of cars populating the roads to the city attack but for the next four hours I'm gonna try and fill up these base plates by adding in some of the sets I bought earlier but first I got this logo a bank set and built it in one settings there is nothing better to do on a Friday night the first floor was pretty basic with the desk and water cooler but the second floor head is safe with a bunch of money and there's even some bags of money on display right in front of Windows for people to see and after I added a security camera a roof and a place for people to chill in the front I added in the bank across the modern houses that the rich guy who lives there could come every single day next I'm building a train station add-in for the new people visiting the city inside I built this grocery store that has food on display and then outside there's this really modern glass ceiling for bird poop to land on then I added a few more details around the place in the ATM a bench and some tracks in the front and boom the people started Rolling In and Out of Nowhere a transport vehicle pulled up carrying a porta-potty also if you open it up there's actually a toilet oh shoot I'm sorry only issue is that there might be some turbulence since it's on a train okay next we have the absolute best set [Music] okay first we gotta kick out those lame friends Minifigures but the set itself is this awesome sandwich shop with a drive through a giant sandwich on display an arcade machine inside a bunch of food and seats for Minifigs and now that all three of the sets are done and added in the city is booming but to make sure everyone doesn't just go Hideaway alone in the hotel we're gonna make a park next I'm first building this cobblestone pathway for them to walk on and now I'm adding trees plants vegetables and all the green stuff on the side next I'm making a coffee stand for the homie bricked up Billy inside of it I included a coffee maker a lamp a baguette and a croissant then I whipped up some walls for the shop made a serving counter and added these two little wheels on the bottom to turn this into the portable coffee stand 6900 portable coffee stand 6900 attack next I built this Lego set that had two tiny cars and added them in for the men to ride and then added some more Park stuff like a sign a tent a tree and even a playground with a sick looking roof and two slides that can actually be used by the figures hey yo cotton 4K look at them go okay after that I'm adding one of those spinny Circle things that used to turn my head into an explode of arcade machine and then a special little area for the dogs to come and chill which has an obstacle course food and other juicy stuff makes me regret selling my dog on eBay okay now this park is looking pretty good so all we got to do is add some finishing touches added three benches to sit cobblestone pathway that runs around the whole park and some flowers throughout and now it's time for Midi figure Invasion I added hot dog man Skater Man a guy gang absolutely cooked on his run my mom getting a picture and a bunch of other people enjoying life from the park okay now since there's much more people in the city I'm gonna add some Lego cops to keep it safe all right we got Broski right here and catch that guy bro you tried okay they definitely need some training so next we're gonna transform this area into a police station first I built up two more police vehicles we got the sick helicopter which has a gun that shoots cloth and another truck that's perfect for kidnapping criminals of course and then this third truck that can also kidnap criminals because that is a dumpy I love cars with dumpies and to park the cars I whipped out the specialized base plate and slid the cars in the road oh my God okay next I started building equipment for the cops to train with I made this pull-up bar the super tall climbing pole with the flag on the top that they gotta try and get and then this target practice Zone with some circles to headshot and then I made this giant slanted plank that they gotta run on to touch the top or they fail slip off and shatter their teeth that's not it because I'm also building some reinforcements from this Lego set that has a bunch of training equipment so I got building on the set and added all the low builds into the city as well as the squad of cops that are about to be trained okay the first thing we got is this horse parkour station where the cops can practice doing trick shots with the donkey and then this climbing wall that once you get up leads you to some poles that you gotta hop over which leads you to this monkey bar section that you gotta complete and then you could go on on the sixth zip line across the entire course that drops you off at the swirling shaft thing in these adjustable platforms that I'd be torturing the figures with okay that's pretty much it for all the stuff outside but inside the actual station there's space for the cops to do other kind of work but ain't nobody going in there anyways because they gotta be outside grinding in the heat to protect the city but moving on It's the final 20 hours of the challenge so I'm gonna build a skyscraper as the centerpiece of the city but since I'm pretty much out of pieces I'm gonna use this Lego set as the base design but then customize all four of the floors to turn them into cooler stuff all right guys we have secured the set I used my crowbar my white van my black ski mask and we have got it for free now all we gotta do is build so I speed ran the first floor which was a lame lobby area with old people staring at a wall so I'm going to transform it into a grocery store wow that's so much cooler than before but there's an actual reason because the Lego Friend shop ran out of food and the people of the city are now protesting the chef is literally running away they don't want that smoke in the store I included a giant sushi roll to draw people in along with an all-you-can-eat sausage bucket a case with bananas and mangoes and another one with apples and then to torture my Minifigs I transformed the vending machine from the set into a vegetable machine imagine paying money in a vending machine for grass then I finished off the floor with some cases of soda on top and now the people can finally get food and we can move on to the second floor for this floor I'm gonna make a pet store because I'm sick of people and animals are better so I demolished the set's interior faster than when you give six-year-old one of your Lego sets to play with and got building on the first animal a fish tank I'm adding in some plants and blue glass pieces and then for the fish itself instead of using the basic Lego fish piece I built a tiny version of the most popular fish in the history of the world Dory from Finding Nemo and there's a finished fish tank as you can see she's got a lot of space in there next I'm gonna make a cage for a dog inside of it I threw in some food a ball to play with and the doggo of course and then outside of that I added some glass walls next up I made half water and half land habitat for the Lego turtles and frogs and then above that in an isolated Place away from everyone else I added a snake to live all alone next cats are also somehow super popular pets so I built up one of those pole things that they love scratching along with a mini house to hide away from society okay now this place looking packed but for the final animal I'm gonna make a bird cage I pretty much put this white bird on sale and then for the walls I used a bunch of hinge pieces to form a circle that I'm adding in as the base because after that I built up a bunch of glass to form a cage that shaped like a circle then I added a roof so the bird can't just dip out and with that the pet stores done and now it's time for the third floor [Music] this floor was the most basic thing ever bro even Granny's bored but since I love older women we're gonna build something fitting for her a trampoline park first I kicked everyone out bro we don't want you and built up a pit okay now I've summoned the stud case that we're gonna use to fill this place up with some balls to form a Lego ball pit for granny and the boys to crash in then I cooked up a trampoline with round blue and black pieces and now I'm gonna make a rock climbing wall I built a light brown wall and put a bunch of small round pieces onto it to be the rocks for them to climb bro granny putting in that work and with that the third floor trampoline park is done Granny's popping off and it's time for us to make the fourth floor for the final four we need to make a room for the mayor of our city try elected to be this guy since he has the fanciest name ever and I'm gonna make him an office by upgrading this room first thing we're gonna do take the screen and Boot It I'm gonna replace that lame sticker on the TV with the work of art let's go [Music] there we go then I added in an expensive painting a bookshelf and gave the man a new computer and some donuts now this place is perfect for him he's ready to rule the city and all four floors of the skyscraper are done okay but we're not done with just doing the floors because on the top there's currently a sign that says daily bulge now there's no sign that says daily bulge there's also this big weird looking thing that's right here now there's no big weird looking thing right there and to make our own custom roof while literally having one hour left I grabbed this Lego tiger and go to bed because I've got your head and I attached the tiger's head on top of the skyscraper to make the sick looking symbol but that wasn't it because I also tried transforming the daily bulge sign into one that says mayor okay don't laugh I had to design some of these entirely from scratch then I added that on and completed the roof along with the entire skyscraper look at this long boy then I transported each four of the skyscraper very smoothly bro I got the mental capacity for shoelace there we go it's on let's go we got the Lego City but I wasn't done there because I spent the final 15 minutes adding some finishing touches including a grandma getting mugged an ice cream stand and a man falling into a river and ultimately after 100 hours I was left with a messy room sleep deprivation empty drawers but a massive plastic City in my mom's basement to let my imagination run wild also since there's still some empty land in the city I'm gonna be doing a live stream in about a week from now where you guys suggest what I built to finish the city so be there father thoughts on me putting a Lego city in the basement yeah I'm gonna go get some milk oh wait uh you just got milk foreign
Channel: Sacred
Views: 851,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: JI33yTreKZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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