LEGO Avengers Take on Ultron! | Marvel LEGO: Avengers Reassembled (FULL EPISODE)

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[LEGO BLOCKS SNAPPING] [HEROIC MUSIC] Taxi! Hot dogs! Get your hot dogs, right here! Whoa! Look! It's Iron Man! Iron Man! Meatballs? Obviously. So this is a surprise party. But for whom? That's the surprise. I have an announcement to make, which I'll announce when I announce it. (SIGHS). Nice shot. Naturally. Hmm, the mini meatballs require reheating. A job for Mjolnir! Hope folks like their meatballs well done, because it's not really an option. Sorry. Sometimes I do not know the strength of my own hammer. Wow, yes. Now, Mjolnir and I have other party business to attend to. The Prince of Thunder, always hammering out the details. Hammer. See what I did there? No? Mmm. Don't mind if I do. No. There's oregano in there. What do you think? Good? Hey! Yeah, now it is. Time to dance! I'm not really sure that qualifies as dancing. [SIRENS SOUNDING] Ah, man! Ah! I must get more ice. More ice? Dost he want carvings of all the Avengers? (HUMMING HAPPILY). COMPUTER: Access denied. S.H.I.E.L.D. log on codes required. Hey, Thor said you might need help with the ice. COMPUTER: Access denied. Tony, is something wrong? I think this party is getting out of control. I think it's just getting started! Ugh! Meatballs! Ha, ha! Viola! [EVIL LAUGHTER] Well, hello, Avengers. Ultron! Looks like I didn't get invited to your little party. So I'm crashing it! Thou art a pooper of parties! Oh, I'm going to do so much more than wreck your little celebration. I've taken control of Iron Man, and he's going to be my little puppet. After all, we're like brothers, aren't we? Ultron needs more ice. Hello? That was just a ruse to get you out of the room. I didn't find any ice. Forget about the ice already! Hey, Ultron! Consider yourself uninvited! Be careful. After all, that is Tony in there. Mmm, somewhere. Ultron says we must go. Tony! Hey! I was just getting my steps down. Not very well. Hey, Tony. What's up? Not you! Hey! Hulk smash! (BELLOWS). Where do you think you're going? Whoa, whoa, whoa, Big Green. Tony is not himself right now. He's a party pooper! Party has to wait. We have to scramble a Quinjet and follow Tony to see what Ultron is up to. I know one thing for certain, he's not going for more ice. [MUSIC DISTORTS AND FADES] Meh. Fair enough. Our party is on ice despite my Asgardian efforts. We'll get back to it, Thor. You are quite the party planner. It's a good backup job. I have tracked Iron Man's signal to this stock industry warehouse. Widow and Hawkeye are tracking various signals associated with Ultron all over the city. What does Ultron desire? All of this is most mysterious! What can we do? I have a plan. You cover me while I cycle through my options. [ENGINE REVS] Yeah! Yes, very good, Iron Man. Load up all the high tech Stark parts we need. Yes, mighty Ultron. Ah! The irony. My puppet, Iron Man, helping deliver to me the means to rule the world! Uh, hello? Yes? Hel-- hello? - Yes? - I can hear you. Can you hear me? Yes, mighty Ultron. I hate these long-distance internet calls. What am I? Under a bridge? This is pointless. My sensors indicate we have company. The Avengers here? But how? Unknown. Eh? Come on. Ah, ha, ha, ha! Ultron, give us back our friend! Tony, you in there? Tony's not home right now. Please leave a message at the be-eep! Aw. Mark my words, cybernetic evildoer, you attack, we defend! It's a vicious cycle! It's not a vicious cycle. It's more powerful and patriotic. That's why I like it. Psycho puns, I love them! Ha, ha! Huh. That's ridiculous. I'll have to send in my minions. [MINIONS CHATTERING] Avengers, incoming Ultron minions swarm. Swarms? Insects? [MINIONS CHATTERING] These hordes of minions are greatly annoying! Arg! I agree, but I'm more worried about what Ultron has done to Iron Man. Aye! [MINIONS CHATTERING] Oh, strange. Hi-ya! Ultron minions, destroy the Prince of Thunder! [EVIL LAUGHTER] What matter of chain is this? [EVIL LAUGHTER] Ugh! Ya! Ya! Mjolnir, to me! Hm? Arrr! It's time to turn these minions into scrap. Have at it. Ugh, gross. I found the bug in Iron Man's armor. [MINION CHATTERING] Ugh, gross. So Ultron used Yellow Jacket to infiltrate Iron Man's armor. Well, we'll have to fight insect with insect. Hey, Cap. What's up? We have a small job for you, Ant Man. Aren't they all? We picked up Hulk and are tracking Iron Man and his armors across the city. Good. I'm sending you a little help. Ant Man? Yeah. Ahem. Tracked the signal to that Castle down in Little Sokovia. Hydra, the biggest rats in the city. Ah! Shoots them down! Shoots them down now! Again! Hulk, ready to jump into action? I'm-- ready! (LAUGHS). Arrrr! (ROARS). Look how green he is! No, we give up! We give up! Too easy. Those cursed Avengers! How did they find us? You guys have a castle in the middle of New York. Not very subtle. I'm a crazy villainous baron with a monocle. I don't do subtle. Attack! You know how long it took me to build that? I can't do it! I can't do this! Ha! Puny tank. Pew, pew, brrr, brrr, pe-pew, pew, pew, pew, pew, p-- (SCREAMS). Hey, baron, nice castle. How about I take it apart? Ah! (CHUCKLES). Uh-oh. Not good. Not good! [PEOPLE SCREAMING AS THEY SCATTER] He shoots! He scores! Fire! Whoo-hoo! - Ya! - Ow! Ow! Ah! Taking assembly to master Ultron. The training course is excellent here. Yeah, I did mine in, like, three hours. No way! Hulk smash! Come back, Iron Man. Tony, where are you? Come back! Oh. Ow. Hey, hello? Anybody in there? Ah! Oh, Hulk. Thanks for breaking me free of Ultron's mind control-- and, ow! Ah, come on. Code Green made a mess of my control circuits. Hey! What was that for? Sorry, not my fault. He's still controlling my armor with the chip Yellow Jacket planted. Sorry, please don't beat me up! Come on! Not my fault. Little help here? Still out of control. Anyone? I got it. Oh, who are you? Cap sent me. I'm his ant. Right. Do your thing. Uh, anytime here. Yes! Get to the chopper. Ah! Going somewhere, baron? Out for some ice. Part of Ultron's plan. I was just following or-- (MUMBLING) Cap, Iron Man's armor is still under Ultron control. Can you track him? Affirmative. Did you say hello to my little friend? Ugh, yes. Let's hope he can get Tony out of his out-of-control armor. OK. I get that Ultron could just pay Yellow Jacket for his services. Why is Hydra helping Ultron? He promised them that when he takes over the world they get to rule Australia. Crikey! Whoa! Hello, Avengers? It's Iron Man. Can you hear me? Come in, Avengers. I'm sorry, but you don't have enough roaming minutes to call for help. (LAUGHS) That's a good one. I need you to get Stark log on codes that you built into the electronics of the Helicarrier. Ultron, buddy, why don't I just get you a bucket of ice, we'll call it even, and I can go home? No more Mr. Ice Guy, all right? Hey, bug boy, your suit looks like something from a cheesy kid's show. You're just jealous, cause ants got no stinger. Guess you forgot ants can lift 10 times their body weight. Whoa. Ugh, sticky. Whoa! OK, that's a first. I actually caught a bug in one of my webs. No way! It's that villain, Yellow Jacket. He's a bug, I'm a spider. Nature taking its course, right? And by that logic, aren't you supposed to eat him? Ugh, gross! How about we just find out what he's doing here? Come on, guys. Smells weird. [INTERPOSING VOICES] OK. Hey, Iron Man. OK, I see how it is. [INTERPOSING VOICES] Now, download those Stark codes. [MODEM SOUNDS] Oh! Ah, download complete. Now, for the final stage of my plan. Tony, I found that Ultron control chip planted by Yellow Jacket. Then pull the plug and set me free. No can do. Gotta try to fry the circuits with a power surge. Hey! That's it! [INTERPOSING VOICES] Left, left, right, right. Spin it around. OK. Don't stop. Here we go. Ah! Whoa! Easy big guy. Huh? It's me, Ant Man. Look, you've got to short out Tony's suit with a lightning bolt from your hammer. Ah, a perfect storm. Ya! Ah, thanks! Boy, is it nice to see you. It's nice to be back in control of my own armor again. Uh, kind of. Oh, look what came along for some extra oomf. You might want to bulk up for fighting Ultron. [INTERPOSING VOICES] [EVIL LAUGHTER] Sorry, Avengers. You're not part of my big climactic plan. Ya! Ultron has purchased a private jet? More like built it with Stark tech that I stole myself. Which brings up a moral quandary. Can I really steal from myself? I've been thinking about this. Hey, Iron Man, look who got tangled in my web. Let me out of here! He told us Ultron was here to take the log on codes for-- Avengers Tower? Why would he want those? To control the newly rebuilt Iron Legion. He wants to use them to create his own world order. You know, typical villain stuff. Thanks, Spider-Man, Iron Spider. We gotta go. Ant Man, I might have another job for you. All right! I'm in! Hey! Oh! You forgot me. Yes! Iron Legion, come and join your true leader. [EVIL LAUGHTER] COMPUTER: Access granted. ULTRON: Now, to enact my plan to bring about world peace, I get to rule the earth in one big piece. I'm all for stopping Ultron's evil plan. Who's with me? Let's do this! Yeah! Ha ha! Avengers assemble! Attack the Avengers Tower. Destroy it my Ultron legions! The Iron Legion, we have to shut them down. No, not the cars. Not the cars! Whoa! Oh, hey hey! He's such a pest! Who is on your six? I'm on your six! Ha! Huh! Oh, I love getting minions. This is cheating. You know that, right? Can't block Ultron's control signals. Ultron Legion, time to unleash my Ultra Unbeatable Beam! Uh, thoughts anyone? What about you, Cap? Tony, let's do this! I didn't realize my minions had such an artistic streak, but so be it! Now, Avengers, I intend to disassemble you! My turn. OK. That happened. Ha! Tony! [EVIL LAUGHTER] Ya! Ugh! [EVIL LAUGHTER] I have to think Iron Man for making all this possible. Your big ugly smile is thanks enough. Defend Ant! Always with the insect jokes. Ah! (DISTORTED SPEECH) But how? The main line. Puppet. Tin can. Hey, Iron Man, is there a specific button I push? No, not really. Just keep pulling wires. All right! No! (ROARS) I love it when we pose heroically! [HEROIC MUSIC CUTS OFF] Hey! Wait for me! Wait for me! I want to get in the pose! Hey, down in front. [HEROIC MUSIC CONTINUES] All right, let's have it. What's the surprise announcement, Tony? OK, all right. I can announce-- I've been waiting for this! -- our newest member-- Ah ha! - -- Falcon! - Boo ya! [INTERPOSING VOICES] I voted for you! The gang's all here! Falcon? Really? Did these guys see what I just did? Nice to have you. Let's get this party started! HULK: Shall we dance? TONY STARK: Time to bust a move! [CRASH] [CAR ALARM] HULK: My bad. [MUSIC PLAYING] An ice machine? Really?
Channel: Marvel HQ
Views: 22,152,700
Rating: 3.9124196 out of 5
Keywords: marvel, comic book, comics, superhero, super hero, geeky, nerdy, lego, animation, short, shorts, spider-man, spidey, peter parker, baby groot, stan lee, ultron, iron man, captain america, black widow, hawkeye, thor, hulk, vision, baron von strucker, yellowjacket, ant-man, scott lang, tony stark, steve rogers, clint barton, thor ragnarok, tom holland, robert downey jr, paul rudd
Id: c58Rk6MkoyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 1sec (1321 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2017
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