BEST ONE YET Asus ROG Ally - 9 Months Later Review

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YouTube this is the long-term review long time usage I didn't traveled I didn't been across the us a few places with the Asus Rog Ally now this right here can easily held as the king of handheld gaming PCs like it's just so simple to name this one as the most well-rounded handheld game in window PC console on the market it's had the most updates and refinements and it's at a sweet spot now as you can see it as shown I have this accessory on here which I added and this was to help close the gap for me for comfortability and extended gameplay use this gave it the nice soft Edge that I needed and it also added the ability for it to act as a stand as well so if I want to do some keyboard and mouse I don't have to have anything additional or I don't have to flip out anything it sits there now I don't get angle choice and so forth but hey keyboard and mouse booming right here this is going to work just fine so if you like this if this seems like something ideal to add to your gameplay experience I'll have it linked down in the description below as I told you guys in my initial Impressions on the Asus Rog Ally was the hard plastic that they used and maybe the design of the curve that they chose minus this obviously right here uh it it just wasn't like ideal for Comfort it was the more comfortable one out of the couple that I was testing at that time but this just made it the most comfortable I do personally think that this adds to my personal user experience with the Rog Ally so I took this thing traveling right let's get into it that's what this is all about being able to take it on the go and travel now the case that you guys saw me use I'm going to share that I'm going to share my accessories I'm going to share how I you know get the most out of this device right now this right here is from span right I picked it up off Amazon now this is not the one that they made specifically for the Rog Ally the reason why I did not go with that one is because for some odd reason they made that one super Compact and it doesn't have room for the power charger or anything else it's literally just this and maybe a cable or so but this one has a ton of room a ton of compartments this hidden compartment down here bottom which fits the power supply perfectly and then I'm able to have this space up here which has a nice Gap in it and oh would you would you look at that a gaming mouse the Logitech gpro wireless see that right there is why this is so ideal I have a uh a really cool uh small keyboard that I use with this let me grab it it's actually hooked up at my sim rig right now but I want to show you guys like my full experience so this is my keyboard of choice right now this is the Kyron uh I think it's the K3 Max what is it yep K3 Max and what I like about it you can use it wirelessly you can use it with Apple or Windows it does have the replacement keys with it and it has that you know gigahertz uh dongle so you get like super fast Wireless connectivity for gaming and so forth so like this right here this right here where's my mouse that right there boom so I'll have links to these down in the description below as well oh and I also forgot I have a screen protector on here but I also have more screen protectors give me a second man everything's not right here I should have had everything all pulled out for you so I have these screen protectors right here from Mad glass and we have a matte display guard a lot of people are complaining or some people do not like the uh glossy you know screen so you would put something like this on to you know help mute that now when you put on these anti-reflective mat you know screen covers they tend to kind of like mute things a little bit as far as colors and things like that which we'll have to test that and see if that's true we also have a blue light guard if you want to go that route or a UHD display which is no different than like the one I have on here which is not this one it's a different one but it'll be like the glass look and then we also have some for the legion go so you already know hit that subscribe button and turn on the Bell because we still have to do part two to this versus I also have to do a updated check in and review with you guys on the legion go and this is the massive Behemoth the big boy right here you know what I mean now performance wise these are kind of like lining up a little bit with each other with one edging out the other um but user experience um screen real estate there's a lot of different things to speak on we also have the MSI claw in the studio which right now I'm using or I'm setting up the uh the ultra 7 version that was the Ultra 5 that I just showed you yes we got them all and we're going to be talking about them on the channel so right now I got Call of Duty downloading on there I had to uninstall and reinstall it because I was having some audio issues but this not what you came for you came to hear about the rlg Ally and if you hear to hear about the other ones as well there will be a complete versus video coming soon that's why you turn on the Bell now my user experience on here has been really good if you guys watched my earlier videos if you have you can go back and check them out I was having a positive experience with this device yes the screen is not as big or as high resolution as the other one that's on the legion go but I still find the sizing of this the weight the ergonomics of it to be like the most ideal in my opinion now I'm not going to lie the MSI Claw is rivaling this one for ergonomics I'm just I'm just going to leave it there we'll get in more detail later I I've been able to run Call of Duty which is one of my favorite you know like game intensive games on this device without any issue at all or hiccup I'm able to do it wirelessly non plugged in on Wifi just fine I'm able to use this device so when I took a trip we went to uh CES I was at CES with my bro CID who's another content creator if y'all don't know check him out um but he brought his PlayStation portal I brought this now I was in the hotel I was playing Call of Duty I was in multiplayer I was doing my thing I was doing what this is supposed to do now my boy CID with his PlayStation portal even though we had our own travel uh router he was unable to play that PlayStation portal so for y'all who don't know my bro c kid you know he team poral you know PlayStation head uh you know what I mean but you know Hey listen listen we out here with no connection you feel me so you know these right here since everything is on here you got your full system with you you're not at the mercy of internet connection apparently the portal even though we doing like 40 20 or something like that like was it like 20 down 40 up like 20 down 40 up he still couldn't connect smoothly to his uh portal so that's just a note for those of y'all out there who are wondering like portal versus ease is like you're at the mercy of internet connection alone with the portal here it's like interet connection is not the all in all factor it's not the bottom neck yeah it won't be your bottom neck exactly just like C said so you can do PlayStation uh you know remote play on this device the caveat to it is that you know Sony is really serious about locking in their licensing so you can't use the controller on here you have to plug in a PlayStation controller with Playstation controls and Playstation Licensing in order to do it but you can do it um and you know as long as you have a solid connection that's the other you know hurdle to get through you should have an ideal or a close to Ideal gaming experience as far as playing it on the airplane there's a portion of it that is you know it's behind a a wall of having the internet because so many new games are internet based that if you don't have an internet connection you can't even play him and that's kind of like it's it's really annoying especially considering the fact that I just wanted to play the Call of Duty campaign again while I was on the airplane and I couldn't because I couldn't get an internet connection some of you probably like CJ just use the airplane Wi-Fi where c kid did it he had a Rog Ally with him he didn't have it by the end of the trip but I'll leave that up to him to tell you guys why but uh so he bought the internet on the flight that we were on and he tried to do Cod and it wouldn't work so I didn't even have to waste my money on it again the games that are like limited and controlled by the internet which this isn't the fault of the Rog Ally or any other handheld it's the fault of the brands and the gaming companies making it that way which is man anyways that's a whole another story a whole another rant but it really conflicts and avoids the games that you can play while on the airplane so anything that you can play native without an internet connection you are good so I was able to play uh I was playing Sonic on the airplane I didn't have the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles at that time I think that's what CK was playing was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles off of Game Pass and stuff so certain games that do not rely heavy on the internet you can play and that's just kind of where it goes when it comes to airport I mean airplane gameplay so this thing is solid this thing is a true travel gaming PC and a more you know Compact Carry there are laptops out there they're going to outperform this thing you know have a higher TDP output I just did a video about the Asus Rog strict scar 18 2024 that thing is like a 4 90 I9 Beast with mini LED you know a gamer's dream laptop and obviously that thing is a larger footprint and more to carry but it's going to outperform something like this but that's not what you get something like this for and if you're looking for performance and if you're looking for higher frame rates than set like you know steam decks and so forth this is where you're going to get it with that AMD chip in here the uh you know faster one not the regular one you know if you get the higher end AMD chip that you can get in the r Ally the performance is there you can play COD at competitive fpss you know you're not doing 240 and all that craziness but you're getting solid competitive um frame rates also with these if you plug them in while gaming you get more power these require external power to get more power and for external power I'm going to show you guys what I use because lot of people are asking me about it in the other video so I'm also link it down in the description below because this is a joy to use now this is a massive big boy but what I love about it is it has a 100 watt out it has a 60 watt out and this thing is I forgot off the top of my head 50,000 milliamp hours so 50,000 milliamp hours link down the description below this is what I use and if I don't want to use this heavy or this big of a uh setup I also have one for from zendor I'll link a more current one from zenor with more USBC ports than the one that I have also I have this dock from jsaw that uh I can use this to get more ports so like when I want to do keyboard and mouse gameplay or if I want to plug in Ethernet while still having you know power delivery uh there's a display port on here SD card reader more USB as that type of you know connectivity can be given to you with a hub like that but you have to have 100 watt power delivery so uh if you need a power adapter that's 100 watt power delivery I have one from Nomad that's a gan charger that I use that I like I'm going to explore some other ones but that's pretty much my setup for my mobility and my mobile gaming on here is A1 I love it matter of fact let me just go ahead and uh start up Call of Duty with no cables no wires matter of fact should I plug in do I want to get powered do we want to get some nice powered gameplay you know I need to do a benchmark actually because for the comparison your computer appears to have changed since the last time oh oh yeah cuz I just did a bunch of driver updates and so forth that's another thing that this device is well into maturity and it's offering and it's timing in the market it's very mature compared to a lot of the newer handhelds like this MSI claw this is a rookie and it's showing all of his rookin you know it's out there in the game doing rookie moves but I'mma allow it some time and some you know and some space to mature the joysticks that's something I got to talk about these joysticks cuz all of the other companies they're using a different technology you know those Hall effects joysticks which aren't on these but um they're hall effect uh I think triggers and Taps on the uh Rog Ally but not the joysticks right so like on the MSI has that hall effect and then on the uh Legion go it has that and those joysticks they're not terrible the benefit of them less likely to have stick drift but they're not my favorite I like these as far as like my connectivity to the game and the game play like I'm more connected I'll say this too after playing with the claw which I was just playing with these back buttons are far more like natural feeling as far as their placement and even their shape the way they feel in hand okay so we doing Shader uh loads so while that is preloading the shaders U I'm going to talk some more about it so my experience with the Rog Ally has been one of my favorite if not my favorite handheld PC gaming experience so far now I know a lot of the Legion go you know enthusiasts they're going to be like wait the screen is too small you know they got the FPS mode they got a little bit more on the Innovative side as it came a little later but you know having a built-in kickstand and having that larger screen real estate is good for the visuals I'm not going to lie because the smaller screen on this Rog and the smaller screen on the MSI claw it can you know show its small resolution especially if you running that 100% resolution or even at 125 K be tripping bro like I promise you Call of Duty be tripping man Cod it's not the handhelds bro it's Cod today Call of Duty is tripping man now another area you may be wondering about is battery well you know when you carry your own large siiz battery or maybe pocket size battery battery life tends to not be as much of an issue but sometimes you might just want to unplug and run on just pure battery and in those areas in those predicaments it depends on the kind of game and the power you know if you're doing 30 Watts I mean come on you're doing 30 Watts if you're doing like 15 12 I mean think about that that's like half to a little bit less than half percentage of like power pull and draw so it's really based on you know situations and user experience and user pull and you know at the end of the day these are high performance gaming Windows PC computers and a small form factor with only so large of a battery so keep that in mind me personally I just like to keep uh some type of power bank I like to plug in because I like to play at the higher or the highest you know power draw that I get because I'm chasing frame rates I'm going just keep it straight to the point I'm looking for the highest frame rates I could get in a handheld you know pocketable PC because at the end of the day I mean these aren't pocketable but you get what I'm saying I play on a custom PC and I'm maxing out 240 htz frame rates on my 240 HZ 1440p monitors and that's my Norm when I'm gaming on Call of Duty so on in traveling or just in in our alternative but the same game I would like to you know have somewhat of a similar experience obviously if I want like super close I got to go gaming laptop like the you know scar 18 which you know that price tag will scar you but it'll be well worth it you'll heal nicely while gaming you feel me so I say things like that for you to be reasonable you have to be reasonable when you first get this impatient in the setup process and the driver installs you know versus like you know a PlayStation but a PlayStation can't equal this type of performance you get what I mean I mean it anyways yeah I'm going to have issues cuz I don't have shaders loaded oh yeah but I got frame rates 100 109 woo something that I did not have when I was playing on the claw 129 139 yeah the new scaling on these AMD handhelds it's just unmatch like what's being offered right now from uh Intel it is not competing I just got to say that straight up so if you looking for high performance and being able to do the upscaling and get like 100 and what I'm running 149 frame rates bro I'm maxing out this panel I need to put a cap on that hold up let's this thing is outperforming the MSI claw and frame rates more than double oh yeah man this thing is just it's so much closer to the game play I have on like my custom PCS versus the yeah you can move boy this thing is just it this thing is it you guys yeah this one is it it's running so smooth I haven't played it in a while but they've really fine-tuned this handheld it is running so well I'm able to finesse even Dam we got cooked so quick in that game man I'm not going to lie I was bad in that one but uh the game play wasn't the Asus Rogue Ally wasn't this delivered the speakers on here are really good as well I'm not going to lie though I got to be honest there's a new competitor the rookie got some good speakers as well H but if we put that aside and we just look look at the overall package and how well-rounded this device truly is it's so good I can recommend it especially with all of the price cuts that we're seeing right now with all of the price cuts and the sales and the deals which you can find down in the links in the description below or in the pin comment all of these deals that we're getting on this thing you're walking out well under the expensive rookie that just came into the market the legion go is seeing some discounts as well you know what I mean I can link to this too if you want to check it out but um the Asus rlg Ally has the best pricing now it's been out the longest so it should have better pricing in discounts and markups I mean Mark Downs uh but yeah it's definitely outpricing the market and it's doing it well that right there this right here man this might be handheld of 2023 and it could still be handheld of 2024 I said could be we're going to do our verses with between this and the uh Legion go really soon um then I'll do it against the MSI claw I'll do all three together and we will have a conclusion I think the MSI claw needs a lot more time to mature before it can even be mentioned in the uh Arena with this bad boy and that's just me being honest and humble uh about it as you can see I'm in turbo mode 30 Watts TDP I got all my games at a click the rlg Ally is it man and I feel confident in it like when I grab this as like o this is going to be my one that I'mma to take and I'm going to go play I have confidence in this I'm not worried about my Wi-Fi connectivity I'm not worried about my performance uh I'm not worried about you know getting what I paid for and what I expected now that it is mature as it is and that's what you can expect if you choose to pick up one of these Rog allies and that's the end of the discussion months later whoit whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa where you going did you hit the like button did you subscribe are you coming back for more you know what I'm saying because we got to do this and we're gonna do this and we're gonna do this oh my goodness there a lot of handheld PCS going on around here let me start on this one now so uh yeah this video is about to drop too I'm going to be uh experiencing the ultra 7 version of the MSI claw I already did the Ultra 5 and then we're going to do it versus I got so much content for you guys I appreciate you guys like real talk the people who really pull up like my re current ones and the ones that really do appreciate what I do I appreciate you I appreciate what you do because I can't do what I do without you and I just wanted to tell you that I love y'all PE watch diamond watch good yeah watch no diamond new watch good time yeah no middle man I'm the man man send it in I like what I like me I know my right I lay having fun I do what I want it's what it is for my son and son for my daughters from my twin I work through the night
Channel: CJKnowsTECH
Views: 35,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asus rog ally, rog ally, rog ally review, rog ally long term review, rog ally 9 months later, asus rog ally review, rog ally gameplay, asus rog, rog ally battery life
Id: _J6RQehR3KI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2024
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