Legendary Rusty Moss & The Biscuit Take Us On A Ride In Their 379 Peterbilts | MAG Enterprises LLC

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you know it's hard to wake up everyone that's the biscuit [Music] what's going on mother truckers we're chilling today rusty moss we got braxton hall how you doing sir all right how are you doing bud hanging out hanging out man so we doing some trucking oh yeah what the hell are we doing man uh we're moving these uh farm tractors from uh port of brunswick down here to okeechobee to auction uh d-mod auction company you know so i'm looking i'm looking at this right here braxton yes sir how the hell these get out here these don't even look like they got keys to them man my man rusty i don't have a twit card or anything so i just drive the truck he does the loading and chaining for me man wait up rusty let's keep it real here man you're the owner of the company and you're the one actually loading yeah i kind of got screwed on that one i want to keep it real most owners man are kind of lazy man so how the hell did you get screwed a man didn't have a twit card that's 150 bucks to get him in there so maybe i'm a tight one i just went ahead and done it what he didn't tell you is he does have a trick card he just didn't want to do it right that's it man that's it that's what's up yo let's walk around with it show us what you guys have going on yeah we got three up on this one we had to swap up we brought a corn chopper down yesterday so i got stuck margie in i had to kind of make do what i had i had to get three on it so i had to kind of pop it open just a little bit make everything that fits it ships you know and kind of work what we had but uh man what kind of truck is this right here that's my man braxton what the hell you got man what are you driving got a 379 man 99 model you know older model truck still running paper logs and all that big 127 detroit under the hood there yes sir is that it's almost like that matte black color too yeah what's left of the color man i need to get a new paint job and all that you know so yeah that's the working frog hundred percent work in progress man you know i'm doing a little bit here a little bit there you know trying to get it to where i want it you know i think it looks beautiful man i appreciate it i really don't really do man you know but um hell yeah i'm i'm a contractor for rusty he keeps me busy and stuff like that man real good fellow to work for you know maybe one day i'll make it to the top like him okay okay so rusty's over here i mean we can tell the truth now i mean is he really a good you know boss to work for or yeah man absolutely man absolutely tell me something he's done for you that you think no other boss would do he said look at him turn around rusty turn around man he uh he don't do nothing he don't ask you to do nothing that he wouldn't do himself you know what i'm saying like for instance like i you know all jokes aside the man took my truck in loaded it up stuff like that showing me the ropes a lot of people don't show you the reps of the business because they don't want you to succeed you know but uh rusty rusty wants everybody just to see you know showing them how the things go and stuff like that you know different parts he's got his hands tied up and everything man man oh man you know what you gotta pay this man it's twenty dollars later no i appreciate that advice you know but you know i appreciate that you know i mean because there's a lot of owners out here that they don't want to do bro right that's damn true they make the driver do things they say they would do it but they ain't going to do it yeah and so that's awesome man i'm glad that you think great about them so that's awesome hell of a friend man we ain't playing around over here huh probably got a little tension on the suspension but we're gonna leave that up probably had a you could tell back there when we walked up had to pop pop it open just a little bit make everything fit kind of like u.s milk it fits it ships things like that like a trick to get you know that front wheel going up like this pop in the window you know what i'm saying uh i guess you got to be well i've been around farmer tractors my whole life so i know what they can and can't do you know like construction equipment but i had a bucket on it i picked itself up on there you know uh you just learn tricks of the trade as you go i mean i probably moved a few thousand of these so uh you know it's just second it starts to become second nature after you start picking up the first one and it gets easier one after the other after the other and then you know you get stuck down here with i needed a step deck for this load but i needed rgn for the one on the back so i had to make view with a head without having to make another 300 mile run for one tractor you know would you do you think you're at the point you feel like you're ready you'd rather have somebody even one year experience who just has the right attitude the right will to learn like you know what i mean you're not looking so much for the experience you're looking more for the right guy well my insurance requires me to have two years so you know as long as you have your out license clean record two years we can help you i mean yeah i mean i'm still a small small outfit you know they they're a matter of fact they're cracking down on any kind of you know scores and everything they're looking for a reason to you know not for me to hire some people so it makes it even harder even with unemployment people you know coming in and if you don't know who this guy is right here i've got miguel cruz man with the peace corps oh sure but you know all i gotta say is what's up mother truckers what's up mother trucker [Music] so how do you get this big ass stretched out truck anywhere man what type of truck is this is a peterbilt 379 uh 2000 model with a 99 cap motor in it damn brother 305 and that was a 53 foot trailer and we probably just made it about a 60 foot trailer so make everything fit but it used to be a new visor on another truck just out here working it man just built it about three years ago [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] right [Music] i'm having too much fun we're good shot like a man so you make it out a little bit longer than bed bug right i'll tell you brother we got to get off county so if you mother truckers don't remember man me rusty and the kids we did a part one at the semi-crazy truck show uh today we are blessed enough to hang out with them today we're doing some stunt dead candy hauling right yeah man get a little ways down south where we was at though down in the flatlands not sunday summer from uh hots that's like okeechobee we almost know joking right off of highway 70 now just left the lows you know tell us a little bit you know like myself i'm a bed bugger you know tell us a little bit about the plot bed world tell us a little bit uh about where you see the industry going with what you're doing you know yeah as far as it's you know as far as like this equipment stuff heavy haul any kind of equipment it's apparently nobody's getting into it but everybody wants to get into it but nobody's got anybody to show them out or willing to learn i guess you could say um it's it's definitely something that needs to be i i think some of it you know should be almost called as a uh almost an endorsement on your license you know so to speak you know you got to have an endorsement for a tanker you had an endorsement and all that but you can load a 2 100 000 pound bulldozer and take off dave right after class you know um yeah i don't uh i don't know you know where the industries went leaving that behind but they you know there's very little places showing these guys how to do this stuff and do it right without hurting yourself or damaging the machinery because i mean a lot of it you got to be card operator you got to be part mechanic you got to be you know you got to know how to operate your equipment what is capable of doing what the what the axles can hold how to get your weight where you need it and all that i mean it's it's a whole conundrum of everything you've got to kind of you know learn how to do you know not only just get get it on the trailer and drive it down the road i mean that's the very small part of it you know it's it's one of those things brother where everyone that wants to get into the the flatbed world what's the best advice you have for them man well probably you know if you start out you know like uh i hate set some of the bigger companies you know they they've got programs guys a lot more trainers they put you with a driver trainer to ride around with you for a while you know you can hire you real probably right out of school and show you how to you know maybe start out hauling a little lumber all in this holding that uh i mean i pretty much had to learn by sitting in my pants you know just working around farm equipment whatever and it was just like a lot of well that worked well you know and then you start feeling like you know uh i think i still get a rush and going getting things i think he can get me god you know i just was like man how am i gonna get this to work how i'm gonna get that on you know that's where i went at it and i still you know i've been doing it a long time and now i still get a rush of getting there so if i got i'm not leaving this on this thing further you know yeah i got i was so impressed when i saw the way you pop a willy on that actually i drove it up down there i had to wiggle my ramps out of there and uh had to get the guide to board and come over there and ease it up with the forklift get my rounds back out but it worked out what was the craziest thing you ever loaded brother uh i think probably a probably a bulldozer out in a cut over with a blown motor had to rent a guy's horse to get that thing out of there catching any guy's horse yeah it was so far back in the woods i had to rent a guy's horse and uh to get my tools to get it where i could get it running enough to get into the truck so how do you even know how much to pay the guy what did you start out hey man would you take 100 bucks well i was out in louisiana right in fact told us louisiana and i was riding on this dirt road trying to look for this piece they sent me out and god knows where they're out in the middle of the woods and guys on horseback rides up to me i was like hey man you don't have any idea where this is at oh yeah i i'll let you know so he took me out there he's like yeah i'll just go ahead and show you where the other trucks turned around you can go ahead and leave i said nah i said they told me a lot of guys that have been down here to get it uh i said uh how far back is it hop on the horse we went down through there and i just walked behind this good little piece back in there and uh he said i looked at it figured i could get it running enough to get it on the truck and uh i said uh hey bud how about you rent your horse today he's like man you just uh buy a couple sacks of feed we'll call it a day i said you haven't having where he saddled up before he hauled i got in the hog kind of packed my tools in and out dragged batteries whatever i needed oil things like that in and out ended up i think it was i had to tie the horse to the back of the dozer bring him out of there when i finally got it out loaded up that's probably one of the most craziest situations i've been in you know what part you know what mom uh i'm thinking about right now rusty yes yeah you uh in back of that horse hugging that man now that horse has been swayed back but i got like too bad my big foot oh man so uh in in the heavy haul in the step deck industry it seems like you got to be a problem solver yeah basically i mean not always i mean there's a lot of guys out here hauling brand new stuff all the time naturally i don't have brand new things but you know like like i said you got to have a niche market you got to have a product you got to be able to be different from the next guy if you don't you don't have a leg so you can you know i'd say well we'll need you we get so so hot all right you know we get we get the next guy to haul it and you know i got one because uh one customer you know i know all of their machinery we know exactly we've made a um i think we're you know you pretty much know exactly what we need to haul it we back it on we pop this tire off we put it on his blocks you know i built little jigs and things to speed things up uh you know where we used to have to use a grain on some things we don't have to anymore and uh oh yeah take whatever clothes you got today i will catch you up here a little bit i get about 70 save me calls a day it seems like anymore i tell you man you know uh you are a very rare man these days you know you're you're a business owner you know you got a fleet of uh 15 semi-trucks and your dispatcher from your truck your your training guys and you're you're teaching them how to load stuff decks and you know was that always in you did you always like helping people out that way oh yeah i mean that's you know god give you a gift to do anything you try to give back they didn't have to give you a talent to do anything you could have been you know you the best sweeper you know if you don't i guess my parents pushed me to be if he was going to be a ditch digger you better be the best one in town where everybody needs to you better call you because you know if not you're gonna be out of work uh that's you know i just kind of try to i want to be the best i can at what i do and i can say you know like i told you before just you know give you know people give me a chance to prove myself and try my things it's not never let them down you know and that's been one of my biggest you know deals you know you don't want to let your customer down you also do you want to find me now you know and especially the boys you know you i think that stresses me out more than anything making sure i got work for them every week you know you know just thinking about yourself all the time [Applause] you know it's it's a lot different you know i got to think like braxton's father's right here you know he most time pulls a reefer for us hauling potatoes and uh he wanted i needed him to come over here because i was kind of short-handed i smoked i said he can pull that step back you can i'll handle the rest and i'll start showing him how he's going to you know help me a little bit more in the winter when the potatoes a little bit slower and things and i'll bring them down here basically i'll work them around to that point we've got uh like say we got this side of the business got the potatoes we got uh you know we got the live floors i like to keep everybody where they you know not they only not get one thing you know i can make them be able to do other things you know that way they always got something to do what'd you say what's up damn hope i can't carry all three conversations [Music] spot you know it's hard to wake up every morning is that jesus who's that talking man that's the biscuit you got to shake it for your bacon all this wind there and i must have had the chip trucks out pretty good since we live up there fuel uh you heard from big easy ever since that break [Applause] [Music] uh 14 years ago probably i heard that man probably probably about the first few loads i pulled on this truck you know tell me this you know with 20 plus years experience man would you do it all over again man uh yeah yeah i want to change i changed a few things uh i had to try to you know some of the harder times i don't think i was gonna you live and learn with everything you say you do it over but in life you don't have a do-over yeah do the best what you can first time you do it you better do it right or best you can so i mean i probably wouldn't do it over i mean i'd do it over but i wouldn't i wouldn't change much i don't think because you know uh i guess scars is what make you you know it's uh really you you really get tough for you you'll lay down and quit you know it's i think you don't have a little change every once in a while keep you live it up you'll get lazy hey you gotta keep getting with it have you found out just being honest is uh extremely important oh yeah yeah i mean i'm gonna tell you it takes a it takes a very smart man to lie a lot and keep up with your lies so i'm not that smart so i just go ahead and tell you what it is or you like it or not you may not like it it's like okay but timing like you know if sometimes i've worked with people working for people in the past you mess up something go ahead and tell them hey man i messed up back over this post back to this mailbox hit this you're gonna do it you stay out here long enough man if i told you i was out here driving i ain't hit anything i'd be lying to you i mean you're gonna mess up you're gonna hit stuff you're gonna you're gonna damage a piece of equipment you're gonna do that but when you do hey man i messed up what we need to do to make it right how you want me to go about this and 90 times it's not near as bad i might fire you i ain't promise you anything on that but uh it's always gonna come out better with you know the truth i had one of my good customers that uh kind of one of my guys that helped me a big building block in my company and be honest with you give me a start and doing a lot of this eugene nichols he told me he said he told me one time there's a thing he said you need to take the low road in business or you take the high road whichever one you want to do he said high roads a little rough but that's you know the uh awards is a lot you know a lot better at the end low roads you ain't gonna last long but it's easy yeah that's a greater game quick you don't fall off and you're not going to have it long and you know which one you need to take there's no no advanced buzz about it and uh yeah i mean him he was the guy i told you in the first interview um i give a post-it note too i wrote it on piece of paper and handed it to him he called me didn't know about my sixth run to pittsburgh or darlington pennsylvania he said i really don't know where you come from but i figured out one thing you'll run and i was like yeah i got to i got bills to play i got these bills are still coming in i've got to get going man me and him has been like real close friends ever since and i've actually actually worked for him for a little while my trucking was slow let me pay attention to this curve here it's kind of tightly biscuit i got the gate right there uh oh [Music] so this last one off what's the most important tip brother when it comes to strapping things down uh pretty much want to make sure you got all four corners but uh if you look up a lot of things i guess a 5 16 chain actually at that point went frame the frame of the trailer and we literally made two chains out of that one change by using two binders four points of contact on this action machine [Music] i don't know i'll use machinery you got oil and everything else i had a machine few gold all in my trailer the other day so that's why i don't keep my floor exactly nice because you're dragging dead crap on all that this view for a new one this is going to get one here in a couple weeks since i have had time to shut it down long enough to do it every load every load is different you don't have the same anchor points and all that every time [Music] every machine every machine is different [Music] every make and model you know i mean somebody somebody tell you what you're calling and i picked up the same model machine it'll be totally different every time you know but pretty much the same principles about right you know you just make sure wherever your tie-down points are you're not going to damage anything and get you a good anchor whatever you're hauling through [Music] booty shot let's make magic happen rusty does this happen sometimes the farm equipment doesn't oh yeah oh yeah more than you know uh i believe this is just low on hydraulic oil steering won't hardly move either so i had problems with it when we loaded it so they won't now when there's problems do you have to make remarks on your paperwork or yeah i mean most the time my customer already knows that just a mechanical issue like this watch it back there you get it down here uh so so so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] put these in here they'll take pictures and log them put them in line here shortly they already probably on their way over here sales it's weak weak inactive [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] this guy got home [Music] [Music] everything here somebody's gonna own it say okay [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] that's all it is that's it that's it another successful delivery i know right another successful delivery absolutely yeah we just gotta pack up all these chains and ramps and all that and be on to the next yeah i gotta close the trailer up make it real easy keep lifting these things i'm gonna look like him is there anything that you want to leave the people with that want to get into this trucking industry yeah uh i mean you know come out here with a little bit of you know experience you know just don't we got a lot of people as mayors not coming in with the right insurance right equipment the right know-how everything in this drive they'll come in and drive the race down on us guys have been in business for years i mean you know they'll come in you know oh i got the trailer i can pack it on there that's where you see these guys knocking down bridges so you see these guys flipping trucks and they got them bloated wrong everything running down the rakes i mean it's it's ridiculous i mean at how it is right now years ago we had some guys come in at ritchie brothers and that's why they're you know they take your your license and make sure you're valid and validate your company now because there was guys coming down there getting paid cash run stuff toward miami and stuff and they was leaving stuff on the side of the road down in the glades down here because they was getting paid cash they'd go back drop your equipment you think your equipment's at the port now you know just validate anybody use you know check them out because uh and make sure you know when you come out here you got the right stuff to work with you know ask somebody if you don't know how to tie something down walk over and ask a guy if you had a place like this i've had to walk up and ask the man hey how'd you tie have you ever hold one of these how'd you tie it down i still have to do that to this day sometimes you know but yeah i have to figure stuff out on the fly but uh yeah i mean don't be afraid to ask if you ain't got it that's bad all i can add too much of it [Music] look at these dirty gloves yeah i lost my glue man who you want a shout out brother i want to shout out to my two kids uh caleb and charlie hall man love you guys hey i appreciate you man man they gotta be proud to see their dad man and what he does thank you buddy [Music] [Music] so might not know but you know to make these videos happen man we got miguel cruz from the pete store you know he's out here right now um he's driving the forerunner to get the second view while i jump in the truck so you know just the behind the scenes you know me what's up mother truckers hey man that's what we do to get you guys my show we gotta do it that's what we do to get quality content man let's go [Music] oh
Channel: The Asian Mai Show - Official Trucking Channel
Views: 33,803
Rating: 4.8983049 out of 5
Keywords: peterbilt, MAG Enterprises LLC, Big Rig Videos, the day in the life of a truck driver, mutha trucker, Chrome shop, 75 Chrome Shop, meca chrome shop, heavy hauler, cdl, how to finance a semi truck, owner operator, lease operator, ride along, trucker life
Id: V-h-XyOIMAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 40sec (2860 seconds)
Published: Thu May 20 2021
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