Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask by TrevPerson in 2:39:51 - SGDQ2017 - Part 135

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I have $1,000 from cheezy Bob cheesy Bob says I love Super Mario 64 and I want to see portal to make it happen cheesy Bob has a great point because we do have a portal to incentive this incentive is to see one person solo do a co-op run and to hit that incentive we need $200,000 by the end of breath of the wild right now we're sitting at about 53,000 so we're out a quarter of the way there I believe we didn't hit this incentive I really want to see this run so let's make it happen all right we have $30 from Shinhwa super mario 64 was the game of my childhood donation as I watch you crush what it took me years to achieve great run great event greater cause we're gonna take a quick commercial break and we will be right back and we're back welcome back to summer games done quick coming up next we have Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask that runs being done by Trevor sent and I am super excited to see that being done so make sure that you stick around we're gonna have another quick word from our sponsors here super meatboy forever it's a follow up to the inky indie mega hit Super Meat Boy by team meat it's coming in 2008 for steam consoles and mobile devices for updates make sure to follow them on twitter at at meat boy also their website is www.seannal.com in 2018 all right we've got $200 from zeromus says been watching gdq's for a while now always donate as much as I can well we appreciate that thank you we've got $100 from zero key we brought my first son brought my son to his first ever gdq a hundred bucks to get the portal to run so he can stay off even later past his bedtime keep up the great work that sounds wonderful okay we're gonna send it over to the interview desk so I'm gonna throw it over to send and darkman what's up everyone spike vegeta welcome back to STD 2017 woo all right we just hit 1.4 million all right awesome I want that number to get there welcome back to summer games done quick dose 17 guys I am spike vegeta want to thank you guys all for your generosity 1.4 million dollars absolutely insane pin salutely crazy and now I've got sent here we're gonna try to entice you guys to push us to even greater numbers with all these we're at positively drowning in prizes over here cent what do you got for me today but oh man spike I got some I got some awesome stuff for you guys so coming up next we have Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask falls by that breadth of the wilderun you guys donated for yeah but for that Zelda block we have a couple of really cool prizes we have this nice little beanie here little fox nerdy knits made it for us you know should fit heads of both sides has a nice Triforce on it probably probably can't get it on spike I was about to say unfortunately I think beanies are cute they just don't work on me for some reason I wonder why is it the hair they're all just like bursting like don't put up through that pay indeed mais gaya citizen this majora's mask guide as well as copy of Majora's Mask I mean yeah you know original printing at the game it's got the holographic front to it kinda has that old studio 3d effect going on got that gold card to it liking it liking it ya know I actually forgot the car looked like this way I freaked out every time I look at ya they're super happy yeah they're good then gamer sent us this awesome Majora's Mask theme shirt and oh oh oh where we're working on okay that was worth the wait right there it's it's a pretty cool shirt and yeah if you if you love nightmare fuel and your t-shirts I mean there you go right there I I certainly do I you know I still sometimes look up at the moon and go no no no wait a minute not today sky pirate Prince also sent us this really cool well without the map that I gotta unfold at a very rustic look and feel to it the point Roma I'm scared sometimes to open it but I mean that is awesome definitely Hyrule right there yeah that is a Hyrule I believe a great enough time era I'm going off of like a sideways angle here but I think that looks mostly like an ocarina of time set up alright looking pretty good if it was breath of the wild it'd be like you cover like a wall yeah yeah she sounds like a stick back trap let's do that it's even signed and numbered by the artist so oh wow nice nice little bonus you have there well you know well to talk about the elephant the room we also of course have this crazy awesome bandai namco what am i actually drowning it yeah oh dude we have so many things we have a collector's edition of Tekken 7 you know like I've been saying you really can't find collector's editions of Tekken 7 anymore it comes with a really cool statue of Kazuya doing a jump kick in Hachi like grabbing him out of midair alright super sick oh I've seen that back over here yo y'all should donate for this this is really good we got a collector's edition of little nightmares comes with a little little figurine of six pretty cool game released recently we have this Tekken 7 hoary stick get this ticket seven Horry stick right here really good stick high quality parts I mean we got ten more than she buttons excellent joystick I mean just listen to that like that sound of a Christmas I love that you're not dropping any implicit some think I just realized is it has this little cover right here for your Start button so yeah you know you just cover that up no accent no pause love it great feature and then hey in addition to that we have a little something I got to take out of the case here take it we gotta be careful with it's a little expensive not just be a little expensive okay this is a Nile black swan watch retail value of about $4,000 MSRP except you know we had a custom handmade engraving done on the back here or sgdq 2017 it's pretty awesome this is gonna be $200 today so I mean that's pretty darn good value $200 that shot at a four thousand dollar prize just a beautiful watch and I mean you know in addition to that not only do you get entered for the watch you get entered for everything on the table yes reaper statue all of this awesome bandai namco stuff all of the great Zelda stuff we've seen including this here yeah I mean he's befallen a terrible fate as it turns out and I don't envy him but you also get entered into this I did the drawing for this awesome Corsair PC and again the specs on this thing are great it's got custom glass doors with engravings for summer games done quick lights up really nice um 1060 graphics card 770 KC PU 32 gigs of ram from Corsair like this thing is a beast as someone who's like really done with computers those sound like huge numbers right now it's a pretty good computer it will be good it'll play anything you would ever want to play on it so 150 cumulative throughout the marathon for this PC 125 right now for the Bandai Namco PAC 200 for the Nile custom watch and that is cumulative that went back to last night Mario maker from Mario maker onwards from Mario Mario maker the market really really liked Mario maker got slipped into the room I might have been watching a little Mario maker in the casual room left oh yeah there's been a lot of that stopped you up there Hausa feels so bad looks like fusion of like one of our two of our last games we got up here definitely unlikely combo but it works um you know real quick guys before we throw it back to the host to get ready for legends Elva majora's mask yes I thought I'd do a little something to put you guys in the mood you know yeah again we showed this music box off earlier in the marathon came to us from Bracken Hawk super awesome got the GDQ logo on top but like I said before I just I really love this thing and she happened to include a little song from Majora's Mask and I'd like to play it for y'all real quick can we hear it [Music] [Applause] all right if there was ever in majora's mask movie and they were casting for the happy mask salesman my friend i'm inviting you to the audition I'm I'm glad to hear it you know just as a general reminder we do have one big incentive left in the marathon yeah we've actually I'm gonna throw out my two big incentives that we want to build towards right now for remember during this run if we get to five million bits we're coming up on that 2 million bit mark if everybody here don't watch one add and drop 5 cents apiece we will be at 5 million bits I promise you guys I don't do math but I'm sure it's something like that so go watch one out and throw down at the end of this run Tripp Pearson will not only fight majora he will have to fight him blindfolded so please do that and in addition to that we have thrown in one more additional bonus game that is portal 2 by Ezra it's actually going to be this is actually name of the name of it a solo co-op run where he's gonna have to control both of them with yeah with just burst I don't even know how that works fine no I want to see how it works I mean the portal series some of the great best speed games in the world absolutely insane to watch that we need $200,000 that I think we're somewhere a little over 50k right now we're gonna need that by the end of this run and the breath of the wild run right after I know you guys have that generosity let's push towards 2 million get into the drawings for all these awesome prizes and let's send it back up sent thank you so much for all of this always glad to be here spike thank you heck yeah dude and let's send it back up for a little bit of Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask alright just want to give a quick thank you to our previous host miss white yellow killer bee so guys I'm kung-fu fruit cup and super excited to see this run all righty throw in some more donations for that portal to support we have 125 dollars from looks like trees trees Epps let's see some portal 2 we've got $50 donation from survive darn you all for making me have to donate again but portal 2 must happen we've got a 200 dollar donation from Jay s88 I discovered GDQ during med school and I am now a surgeon in New York thanks to everyone for benefiting the medical community donation goes towards portal to run we've got a $100 donation from mock love the gdq events looking forward to the final runs in the marathon thanks to all the runners and organizers for all of their efforts so one hundred and fifty dollars from pareidolia always love watching gdq keep being great a hundred dollars from B dragon 28 this is good luck Trev donation goes to Trev person's choice we've got $200 from an Mart in memory of my grandfather who passed away a month ago he probably would not understand what I find entertaining in speedruns but he would definitely support anything which raises money for MSF I've got a $10 donation from Xin Doris come on portal 2 there's more people watching this stream right now then dollars needed to make it happen I agree guys let's make this happen we got $200 from fate dragon who says thank you for everything you all do we've got a hundred and fifty dollars from anonymous been loving this sgdq and I am so hyped to see breath of the wild and some flying rocks love what everyone does to make these events happen alright let's get started with a Majora's Mask run good luck Trev it's gonna be great just a double check there the filename is long is the following mark the last time I checked it was long I just want to double check make sure yeah picking the wrong phone all right my name is monk alright here we go then umm Merida start alright three two one go nobody got this I got this you got this all right so this is Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask originally for the n64 I'm gonna be playing on Wii Virtual Console for this run saves a good deal of time on loads and is a lot less lag the n64 original actually has a lot of lag in almost every area of the game really uh but um so we have a short intro here uh the story of this game the way it starts out is um link is on a journey he's actually still in Hyrule at the beginning of the game he's looking for his his friend it's implied to be Navi the partner character from Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time who left at the end of the game so it's implied we're looking for Navi in the lost woods and during that time we are going to encounter a certain someone who forces our quest to termina so really quick this is the all masks category of the game so it's gonna be a little bit different if you're used to in any percent run of this game we need to get all 24 masks on the mask sub screen and a like what's really going to set this run apart from maybe other games and even just the any percent category of this game is that there's gonna the three day system again this game is going to come into play quite often there are a lot of events a lot of masks that can only be obtained at certain times of day certain like either day/night or even specific hours during the day or night so the way this is routed I need to play very well in order to make those events dicen out of a in-game time management for sure so we have just been ambushed by a mysterious figure and his two fairies gonna learn that this is school kid and the two fairies are actually tattle and tail a little pun their tattletale alright very very cutscene heavy for the first yeah 25 minutes of the run for sure yep we're gonna be stuck in cutscenes for like the first 20 minutes there's definitely still quite a bit to talk about and there's a couple of big cutscene skips towards the beginning of the run so those are gonna be important but as we're gonna find out we're actually gonna be locked out of the majority of the items in the game pretty early on due to another upcoming cutscene but we'll get to that when we get to that so I'm actually about another 30 seconds I'm gonna gain control and what you're gonna see me do is uh dreaded logs dreaded logs the hardest bit of movement in the game so what you're gonna see is I'm actually if you're familiar with oot runs you're probably aware that back-walking in the n64 Zelda's is significantly faster then pretty much most other standard forms of movement this game does have a mass that will will get fairly early on which will speed up movement significantly but as far as in my human form without any items we're gonna be doing a little bit of back walking here rolling is also fast yes rolling is cyclical it actually has a similar top speed to back walking but it uh has to be a seller rate and decelerate so I set up an angle back walk and then do a couple jumps and then we're gonna have control taken away from us right away again for some more cutscenes so you get to play for 10 seconds and then another like 3 minutes of cutscenes yep so while we're falling in here we actually have a little bit time for one donation real quick alrighty we've got a 200 dollar donation from Zanna tan first time donate our first donation long time watcher really do love this event majora's mask we also have another $200 donation from T Leo's awesome event love everything you are doing for an amazing cause all right so now we've landed in what is essentially the gateway to terminal I don't actually know if this is considered part of terminal but we're now in between Hyrule we've basically left thankfully we fell on that deck and flower that was just conveniently right below us actually in this game if you fall on decking flowers from any height you do not take any damage and even though that was a cutscene that's a neat little thing little tidbit I did not know that I don't know yeah but right now we're going through a cutscene uh the school kid who is actually the character who has stolen our ocarina and our horse is possessed by what is essentially the main antagonist of the game but we don't know that yet so that's that's how uh spoilers but school kid is using Majora's Mask in order to basically harass everyone in termina and he's actually about to turn us into a Deku and so for the intro of this game we're gonna be stuck in this forum where unfortunately Decker is very limited which kind of restricts what we can do this is why the intro of the game is known as the dreaded first cycle it was very little we can do and at the moment there is no way to escape being a Deku by any means other than the intended means there are a couple theories though but none of them have ever come to fruition really so unfortunately we do have to go through the intro but there is a major cutscene skip coming up actually a tech skip animate the cutscene skip hopefully we get both of those I'm definitely concerned about the cutscene skip because we're they do a little bit of movement a little bit of tutorials real quick yeah so you're gonna end up seeing him pausing a lot going up these stairs and essentially the way cutscenes work in this game is it takes two frames for them to activate so he's gonna be advancing the frame by frame going up these stairs to try to skip this cutscene coming up it's not that hard to do but the door is kind of funky sometimes trying to open in it control you so we'll see yeah definitely be playing it safe except this cutscene skip it's about a 40 second cutscene not too bad definitely we'd prefer to get it it's like the major times if you can get in the intro of this game all right so we're gonna be coming up to that shortly but right before that actually there's a tech skip coming up here when I soon as I do this first bit of Deku flying right before I make it to the load zone it's gonna go on for that just a short little tattle text prompt pops up as I on this platform so I'm gonna do line up here turn up left and hopefully dodge the text trigger sweetly so right before that Deku flower there is a text trigger managed to dodge that one and now here's the really important part I'm gonna need silence for this one hopefully we can nail this one so like we described I'm gonna be doing a bunch of pausing and pausing cutscenes in this game do take two frames to activate generally very few exceptions and by pausing and advancing the game one frame at a time will never give the game those two consecutive frames that needs to start the cutscene [Music] [Music] oh okay 46 46 is good all right that was pretty good didn't even get a door troll the little thing that can happen there is is you hit the door it actually pushes you back and forces you to buffer even more that was pretty fast okay someone found a consistent way to not get that to happen yes it's very specific you have to hit the door in a specific it's all about your timing they want up the stairs you can open the left or right side that door either way it works but you have to do a whole different direction if you're hoping the other door so we've now entered clock down you're gonna notice that a little clock has appeared at the bottom of the screen says first and the shows the hour actually of the once you enter clock town begins the 72-hour countdown which each hour in this game is about 45 seconds so it's a pretty short timer overall but within that time you need to do what you can to stop the moon from crashing and determiner but actually I want to accelerate that process because like I said we're in the intro right now and kind of restricted still stuck as a Deku I actually want to get out of that segment of the run as fast as possible so we're actually talking to Grandma here and picking this story which advances a full day so it's now the second day we're gonna do it one more time to get to the third day shout outs to Nana until we get to the end of this 3-day cycle we actually cannot get back our ocarina until we get back our ocarina that school kid stole from us you can't become human again alright so now on the final day and that's not quite good enough yet I want to get a little bit further and there's one more way I can advance the in-game time we're gonna make it the night of the final day by going over here and actually in a shop called the Trading Post there is a scarecrow we can speak with and he will advance it to night for us so we're gonna dance with him dance the day away actually on the English version not on the japanese version but on the english version he would also offer to teach us the inverted song of time in the song of double-time which are just two more songs that will be using actually both in this run fair amount to manipulate time in game time management is going to be crucial to this run mm-hmm okay so that's as far as I can advance the in-game time so now the clock tower door which we need to go to doesn't open until midnight and unfortunately there's no way for me to get into it early but there is a way to make effective use of this time there's a few things I can do I still need magic I don't have magic yet on without magic I will be unable to shoot Skull Kid to recover my ocarina but also I need to get a little bit of money so we're gonna head up here the store is open on the third night actually this is on Jews room and we're gonna be back here later in the run but we can quickly steal a bit of her money it's okay we go back in time she'll get it back we're gonna make much effect more effective use of it and then while we're here we're also gonna stop by and get this straight fairy which will come into play shortly and then actually something you can do is you're intending to be stuck in Clock Town like this is the tutorial segment of the game but if you set up a back walk angle like this you can just uh walk right past that guard who's trying to stop you and enter term in a field early and the only reason I'm doing this is so that I can enter north clock town from termina field because there's an intro cutscene that introduces the area each segment of clock town and by entering from termina field it does not play save a few seconds there about seven yeah there's no enemies out there there's nothing you can grab these and yeah any percent category goes and determine a field just to grab money but this category needs a lot more money so we're not gonna risk heading and determine a field you could end up going into that the determiner to get rupees but if you don't have 99 then it's not good for this category yeah we need every rupee we can get yeah the rupee count is very exact this run you need all 99 and you have to manage it later as well need to grab as many as you can we need to eventually get 200 rupees into the bank for a trick very late into the run but that's what gets us the adults wallet we are actually gonna need the fully upgraded wallet in this run for a mask we get towards the end but as for what's happening right now the stray ferry I collected earlier was actually a piece of the great fairy and this fairy fountain not not just us but Skull Kid has actually been harassing all of the denizens of termina and clock town and so a lot of people have something wrong something we need to do to help them in order to write what Skull Kid did for all the great fairies just so that they cannot aid us skill could actually shatter them so that one only takes one and we will actually not be helping the other great fairies throughout terminal but they all actually have 15 stray fairies that you need to collect so we're gonna deposit all the money we have here 1 the aspect of the bank here is that when leave you end up going back in time which we believe shortly be gaining the ability to do the bank somehow manages to keep our money across time traveler across time alright so now we're gonna this is a very important trick I'm gonna push this door open right here if I set up my angle just right the door might not be open enough or maybe it's too far let's see here can try with the other door oh there it is correct out of bounds fortunately I can just head over here to the water and you might be asking what was the point of that and there was absolutely no point [Laughter] unfortunately we'll trickster we've done everything you can do in first cycle so until the clock tower door opens at midnight there's nothing we can do so I thought we just have a little bit of fun with that clip there that's a neat little clip actually used to be part of an old all masks route but it's your way for you to void there yeah if you just fall all the way all down but I use the water to get back up all right so we have like another hour before midnight so could definitely fill that with a few donations sounds good we've got $200 from anonymous donating for an amazing event majora's mask was my first 3d zelda game and i'm excited to watch it get beaten quickly donating to the portal run and because the watch totally has my name on it we got a $500 donation for me nam who says i really want to see that solo portal 2 co-op speedrun just how though su DQ crowd don't let us down let's hit that 200k all right so you've hit midnight clock tower is opening for some reason I guess it's automated because pretty much everyone has abandoned clock town at this point they've all fled the moon is very close to falling at this point it's basically right overhead so clock town is basically empty at this point in the run but we're still here we're gonna go confront Skull Kid get back our ocarina I don't know where our horse is yet but we're gonna be getting to that later but from here now the short cutscene and then thanks to the magic we obtained from the great fairy we'll be able to hit him real quick get our ocarina back and hopefully return to our human form at some point ocarina is a very important item in this game it can't really do much without it so once we get this it'll be nice to to every set yep until we get our ocarina back the game is what's basically a first cycle state determine a field we entered earlier actually is very different from the normal termina field a lot of the grottoes that are normally in termina field were actually missing they actually show up there once we get our ocarina back but the games kind of flagged for being in first cycle or not in first cycle is us having our ocarina when we enter certain areas we're gonna recover it here and then we got short little flashback the only appearance of zelda in this Legend of Zelda game where she will teach us the song of time and this is just a flashback to before link left hyrule so we got like maybe 10 more minutes a little less than 10 minutes of cutscenes and boring stuff before videos but then once we get out of first cycle and we've regained our human form then the game really breaks open there's a lot we can do in our human form there's gonna be a lot of immediate sequence breaking mm-hmm not gonna spoil too much so then I won't have anything to talk about there but so we're getting the song a time back in ocarina of time this song only has a few uses it opens the door of time which you generally need to do in a casual playthrough to beat the game but it also oh and it moves a couple of song of time blocks too throughout the game in this game song of time will allow us to return to the beginning of the first day so it is our way to stop the moon from falling we don't have the means to stop it right now we actually need to we'll be learning how to stop it later on actually we do not know yet but at the moment we're very close to the moon crashing when the moon crash it's essentially a game over it loads your last save and we're not ready to stop it yet so in order to prevent that we're gonna be playing song of time right here and actually there's a cutscene skip coming up when you first play song of time in this game there is a short cutscene about a minute long that recounts like everything that's happened to you thus far if I could play the song but by resetting the we of the the game saves as soon as I confirm this text box we're just gonna play it safe double check that I say save that cutscene and load up our save and that skips the cutscene alright so that's the end of first cycle we have one more cutscene we're still a decade so we need to figure out how to fix that so we're actually gonna head back in to clock tower now meet the the happy mask salesman that we so rudely skipped earlier talk have a chat with him if you actually watch the cutscene with him earlier on he promises that if you can recover your ocarina he'll help you escape this form so he's going to teach us yet another song this one's the song of healing this one can be used to heal the spirits of lost souls in our case it will return us to a human form and thus we'll be able to gain access to all the areas outside Clock Town normally and most of the items in the game as well so while this cutscene plays we do have time for another donation or two okay we got a $50 donation from Baldwin who happens to be my bunny she goes hi I'm Baldwin and I'm 7 years old first time watching gdq mom said I could help donate to a worthy cause as she did she would definitely be it even if it has to come out of my allowance shout outs to all the staff involved for making this happen Thank You Baldwin we got another fifty dollars from anonymous absolutely love gdq been watching for years first time donating great runners great games great cause alright so this is the first of the 24 masks where need to get throughout this run we're not stopping at beating the game we will be getting all of them this is actually one of the more important ones in the game there are actually three masks in this game that have a lot more uses than most of the others they in addition to you just wearing and they actually transform you into the a certain form so the Decker mask we just obtained will allow us to take on that deck and form we were stuck in any point we want in the game and that's gonna be very useful throughout and then there's gonna be two more just like that that will allow us to take on two other forms we'll get to those when we get to them but they're both gonna be very important as well they are the most important masks in this run so we do want to get all of them pretty early um one of them certainly more important than the other and we'll be getting that one soon all right so happy mask salesman is essentially telling us more about Skull Kid now giving us a little bit more information about what we're up against essentially telling us that skull kid has stolen Majora's Mask from him actually we will not see the cutscene that recounts that but school kid did encounter happy mask salesman in Lost Woods stole majora's mask and the mask is supposedly cursed contains an evil spirit with great magical power and has taken control of Skull Kid and forcing him to do all these terrible deeds so that will be our true adversary throughout the run we eventually want to work up to stopping this cutscene is just about over now so all the boring stuff out of the way survived the intro and so now they do a few things and we're gonna head over to the bomb shop and bombs have many uses and speed runs of this game you'll find out pretty much as soon as I get them so as soon as I get in control here first thing I'm gonna do actually is I'm gonna play song of double time song of double time is a song that manipulates time it's going to advance to the beginning of the next 12 hours segment like so each day is divided into a day and a night for this segment I'm actually gonna make it light immediately and that's because we're working sucked towards something called the alien segment the ghost segment whatever you want to call it there is a side quest in this game at Romani ranch where there are a bunch of I mean I call them aliens attacking the barn and stealing the cows and we want to work up towards that pretty much immediately so we're gonna make it night so that it starts advancing towards that event and from this point on I am on a timer I need to be playing fairly well because if I go slowly then the in-game time is gonna go a little bit too far and I won't make it to the ranch on time because there's plenty of things I need to do beforehand it's actually a way to save that if you end up going too slow you can invert time it sort of goes slower but it's a huge time also do that so yeah we definitely want to make it there without inverting time which is the other song that manipulates time inverted time of inverted song of time is just the song of time backwards and it lets you it actually slows time down to 1/3 it's normal speed which funnily enough and mm3d they change to 1/2 not quite as powerful but this game it's 1/3 so it will triple my time but I'll be losing time if I have to use it I really don't want to have to use it because the way it's routed it works out perfectly if you play well it's gonna be really important for traffic here to have good movement and city black walking and rolling try not to lose any in-game time unnecessary in game time yep so what I just did there is uh we quickly talked to angie with cafes masks on Cafe is a Andrews boyfriend I guess they're actually set to be Wed and mysteriously cafe has disappeared so for some reason cafes mom has a mask of his sons or her son's face and he's tasked me with going around and looking for him we're gonna talk to her and that sets a meeting at midnight that we actually need need to be present for so that's gonna be another in the gametime event we want to be there but it's actually pretty lenient since it's actually from midnight until the day so we'll be getting there around two-ish pretty interesting trick coming up here he's going to be basically hovering over into this area we're in south clock town there's an owl but this owl is not the exact same owl as the one in South walk down so essentially what he's doing here is he's gonna bomb hover his way up and then hit this owl and what that does is it allows you to warp to different areas in the game without actually being there yeah this all was just placed here to look like you're looking in the south o'clock tunnel but it's actually an entirely separate owl has pretty unique properties which will be exploiting as as soon as I get the song of soaring now we're gonna withdraw sixty rupees so I can get more bomb shoes and then we're gonna be heading to one of the harder tricks in the run it's harder in other categories but this category actually has the luxury of having extra bomb shoes making it a little bit easier but actually what I'm gonna do here is and these bomb shoes cost 40 rupees each but if I mash fast enough actually the game only checks your current rupee count when you buy something so by mashing the fast enough I managed to just buy 80 rupees worth of bomb juice with only 69 rupees just by like my rupee counter depletes one per frame and so just by mashing fast enough it hadn't yet depleted underneath 40 so I was able to buy an extra set of chews for less money and that's important because I need the rest of the money in the bank guys so this trick right here it's the only one you're gonna see in the run actually this is a hyper-extended super slide by rolling into the bomb and then at a certain time so that I get a recoil I can then preserve the speed right here I'm gonna need to concentrate on this one that's fine nice good gonna do one and I get to make up for the chew [Music] that's really bad that's not good all right so that's gonna cost us quite a bit of time unfortunately that's the one thing I was hoping wouldn't go poorly we're gonna have to invert later but there is a backup for this um it's gonna be a little bit slow that's really unfortunate that is one of the harder tricks in the run but I actually don't have enough money it's night I'm not thinking this is definitely the one thing I hoped wouldn't go wrong I'm gonna have to do quite a bit to make up for that we do have one more try I'm gonna be able to buy more chews and we're gonna have to go out here get some more money this is a a rather major time loss but we can definitely make it work so there's a couple more rupees that we can get over here to make up for the chews that is one of the harder tricks in the run it'll invisible rupee right there and then we have enough for more chews I am gonna wait a little bit to invert there's no way I'll make aliens now without slowing down time but I'm gonna wait a little bit and we have one more try at this trick with the chews that I'm gonna have and if not there is yet another backup but hopefully we get it this time I really do want to show this off yeah this trick can be extremely unforgiving I'm sure very recent heavy as you uh played 25 minutes into your run and then that goes wrong then I get a nice little reset yeah give it another go you got this shadows to pocus I get to do another house I guess got to really concentrate hopefully I get it this time I think we got a sec for a quick announcement in like 30 seconds I will wait nice [Applause] so here if you have the right height you can click right on top of that platform jump up here that previous segments are scary because if you don't get enough distance you just fall out and void so yeah all right that was good you can definitely go ahead with that announcement now we're gonna have a brief cutscene where we learn a song so no problem good guys not only are we over halfway toward getting portal 2 in for the bonus bonus game guys remember this is an awesome portal to one solo co-op run so one person doing co-op it's gonna be awesome so we're all over over halfway there but we've also hit our two million bit mark okay so guys remember if you've got those bits feel free to cheer them we can get that blindfolded majora fight in for this run that would be awesome alright so now we're learning the Sonata of awakening this song will be used to enter would fall generally the first temple that people will encounter in this game the whole story with this is that the monkeys actually been tied up because he is accused of kidnapping the Deku princess who has gone missing and is actually being held in woodfall temple so the monkey has the song that will let us get in in order to rescue her and clear his name and now I think I'm gonna probably play the song of inverted time failings that alternate exit oh we didn't even explain that cuz I was more focused on getting it when I was in that grotto doing all that hovering to get out of bounds and whatnot I was actually all the grottoes in this game are on the same map so if you manage to get out of bounds for one you can actually hover into others so what I did was I went into a grotto that was in term in a field but there's Grotto's and Deku Palace and by hovering to them I'm able to get to Deku Palace pretty quickly jump up here a little scary and I'll play inverted song of time right here we need to have enough time to do quite a few things still but with the inverted song of time we should be able to make it and now we're gonna get the song of soaring so recall that I hit that I will statue earlier that was in West clock town as opposed to south clock town by hovering around the load zone now we're really gonna make use of that to do some pretty significant sequence breaking so I have yet to any owl statues other than the hidden animal statue in clock town and I'm gonna be able to soar to pretty much any one I want there is a restriction on it however it's pretty like we can get where we need to go and like throughout the game I'm gonna be going to certain locations just so that I can get to like all the owl statues in the game so immediately now that we have song of soaring I'm going to pause and put my map cursor on Deku Palace and then play a song of soaring and where with hit and I will active where song of soaring will bring me corresponds to where I put my map point so Deku Palace actually corresponds to mountain village so without ever having been to mountain village without ever hitting the owl I can soar there that's gonna be used extensively throughout this run we're gonna grab a quick bomb drop there and then do a super slide hopefully so in game time is 12 that's a little bit iffy but with song of inverted time like song I've inverted is time is very powerful in this game so it is one-third speed so we're gonna have to leave it like that for a while but everything should be fine on making it to the ranch to stop the aliens and just to put it into perspective the aliens will win at 3:49 in game time so I need to be there a little bit beforehand so I have time to stop them and I'm gonna be there pretty late like ideally I'm gonna be arriving like 3:20 ish I'm only gonna have like 20 in-game minutes to stop them which is like roughly 18 seconds but most of the speed in this game comes from bombs it's just always bombs bombs have a lot of properties that make them very useful in speedruns they are both a damage source and something you can pick up which is actually a both things you need for a super slide so it's very convenient we're gonna grab ones of truth this is just necessary to get Goron mask otherwise oh and stone masks in this category actually and then there's a convenient 50 rupee chest here and now we're gonna put our map point on would fall or not in would fall that's mountain village excuse me and this will allow us to soar to would fall where we're gonna go in and get both [Music] another thing about the hit now all index work is if you hit any of the owls that haven't already been activated it cancels out the the trick so you want to definitely try to avoid that I was like really scared right there one other one other useful item in this game is bow so getting bow as early as possible is important yep and we're actually gonna be getting bow and then leaving the temple if you complete would fall first there are actually a bunch of extra cutscenes or just one really after beating would fall you're gonna be placed in the room where the Deku princess is being held and if you beat would fall first then tattle who has been following us ever since the intro is our ferry for the game will apologize for harassing us in lost woods earlier however if we beat a different dungeon first then that cutscene does not play so we will be entering would fall just for bow but then leaving to avoid that cutscene and coming back later so we have very few tools at this point and so it's but we still cannot get a little backflip up here skipping about half of the room it's just a lot of Deku flying and Deku flying isn't really that fast and notice here that I'm dropping Deku nuts these Deku nuts we want to get rid of all of them because I'm gonna be duping bottles over them actually the only reason we got deco notes they're not useful is so that we can dupe a bottle over of them which is useful because we gonna need a lot of bottles later in this run so that was a mega flip by rolling into the bomb at a certain two frame window I get a lot of reek like recoil from the bomb blast but I'm also rolling during invincibility frames and then I can backflip and use the recoil speed it might actually be the most difficult fight and the entire run there's a tough one it's touch-and-go there for a sec so how's our in-game time looking I think it was 1245 we can probably on an invert soon for marathons safe you will probably just leave it on an or inverted it for a little bit I don't want to speed up time don't want to take any risks missing aliens is a gonna be it's very hard to reroute around like I have planned for that possibility but it's really not something we want to try to do so definitely gonna play it safe make sure we get to aliens so now we're gonna soar out of a temple and then we're gonna do actually a brand new trick the the setup for this trick was found like a week before gdq so it's like two weeks old now so hopefully I get it definitely give credit to Seabourn for finding a consistent setup for this trick it was found and it was very difficult to do like no one was getting it a hundred percent of the time I was originally found by you meais and then giggler and imbued found the current method and seed born perfected it so between the four of them hopefully we'll get this fairly quickly here and concentrate my is G nice fits the top of there's a giant ladder that you have to climb to reach this area normally and we skipped all of that saves about twenty seconds all right so we are going to uninvite let time progress normally now it's only one it's actually a little bit earlier than I would normally like here but the interest of safety that's perfectly fine and we're gonna get our second major transformation mask of the game this time the Goron mask which is the fastest mask in the game the Goron actually with spikes so when you when you roll as goron and you have magic it eventually builds up to a spike roll it gets faster and when you have spikes as goron it actually rolls at the same speed as a hess so to put it in perspective I believe links walking speed is four point seven five if I'm not it's either four point two five or four point seven five and goron rolled with spikes is a speed of 18 so it's definitely a lot faster than a standard movement and even rolls pale in comparison like rolls and back walking this is gonna be for a large portion of the run our main form of movement we're gonna be going on quite often now we're gonna head back to clock town to finally meet Andrew who's been waiting on us to talk about her boyfriend now Goran makes a lot of the temples easier to just in general so really quick we're gonna equip Deckard gone set the Matt point here and then I'm actually gonna put on Deku before putting on goron when you put on a mask for the first time there's a short little cutscene that plays but that cutscene only plays if you're putting on that mask from human so by putting on Deku and then goron I can skip the cutscene and from now on that cutscene won't play it's only the first time you put on a mask that cutscene tries to play so from now on don't have to worry about that so back at Clock Town just to do a little bit of wrap-up before going into saving the ranch I'm gonna grab one mask we're gonna need at the ranch actually and this mask is useful for getting another mask this is the Bremen mask so we definitely want to get that before we head to the ranch this is just a convenient time to pick it up he's only here at night last time we were in Clock Town we could have sidetracked for it however with goron we can get there a little bit faster so and right now the inn is actually closed it closes at 8:30 so we need to enter through the top door which is always open if we have the broom key we could actually open up the in pass the hours that would eat you which it's open or closed I mean but uh you can only get the room key during a very specific set of hours during the day and we advance time directly tonight setting up for the alien segment of the run so we've met without you she we've agreed to mail this letter hoping then it gets to cafe since she is looking for him and like during this this Andrew and cafe side quests that we're going through right now is one of the longest side quests in the run there's gonna be quite a bit that goes into it and events for it take place on every in game day so throughout the run as I'm going around doing other things we're gonna be making numerous stops back at clock tone just to it keep advance that sidequest all in the all with the ultimate goal of eventually getting a mask from it so my in-game time is good it is early but as far as a marathon is concerned this is very safe we're gonna get one more mass before we head to the ranch [Music] you definitely read a donation or two here alrighty we have a two thousand two hundred and twenty two twenty two cents donation this is from two to one to five in the donation reads to we've also got a one hundred twenty five dollar donation from anonymous it says trim person ah so stoked to see you on the big stage here just needed to tell you that you are my favorite speedrunner and you do so much to keep the scene positive and friendly so there's a very large boulder blocking the entrance to the ranch we're just gonna hover straight in we normally need to have completed snow head and getting get a very large bomb called the powder tank in order to clear that Boulder but we can just hover straight over and slash it and will actually recoil straight into the load zone we arrived actually as the event is progressing alright so they do win at 3:49 we have about a half an hour this is pretty good I'm gonna shoot there's one alien on the other side of this barn if I line it up correctly can shoot it right through it that building has no collision four arrows and that is all eight so we have successfully defended the ranch we do need to clear another wave and also while we're here that's our horse the game has to stop and tell us so we're gonna wait until 4:00 and then I'm gonna start shooting the next wave of aliens past four I didn't miss any right we're good so past for any aliens I shoot the one that responds to take its place does not have enough time anymore to make it to the barn before the event ends so now that it's past four we can shoot this one last wave and once I've gotten all eight so that's four and so now none of them can make it to the barn so with the remaining time before the event ends there's really nothing to do actually 100% you do like you can store a song of double time because it'll allow you to advance the days faster I'm just gonna look for magic get it fill up on everything I need and then I guess I can head over here just a burn time do a little quick slide for swag okay little-known thing there are some rupees up here might as well get off they are not necessary but extra money's never a big or never a problem and we've successfully made it through probably one of the more stressful segments of the run [Applause] so I'm gonna focus on doing this if you guys want to explain it okay so Trev will be depositing this milk or drinking it meaning he's gonna pick up some bugs to do over some items that he's grabbed so essentially the empty item slots that he has for the stick and the the nuts and the chews right he's going to be dropping bugs up here and essentially what he's doing is overriding those empty item slots with another bottle and what this does is when we go to pirates fortress will have enough bottles to be able to or I guess there's this trick to do this trick first first we're gonna be voiding out that ladder is obviously very well constructed and what I did was I actually got ocarina while walking at the gossip stone so that I could you know play ocarina while walking fairly self-explanatory and what I did there is actually called a day reset which the song of double-time is should have brought me I was on first night so song of double-time should have brought me to second day however by using the song a double time right as I avoid it out it brought me today properly like song a double time from night should bring me today but it actually skipped the part of whatever happened was happening there in the code to bring me to the second day so it actually just made it day again but without actually incrementing the day by one so it's still first day and the good like advantage of this is that aliens have still been defeated even though technically aliens happen first night and haven't happened yet they're still flagged as defeated so I'm gonna be able to go straight like there's an event that follows the alien segment that allows me to get a mask and song of time there to get back to first day would not allow me to do that but this way aliens are still flagged as defeated and I can still do that when the big reason we wanted to be first day again is so that I can get a pono song which is only available on this day oh my god all right 94 pretty good I am notorious for failing this song I'm sorry really heart of this game very very hard and I'm playing on a gamecube controller and the only way for me to hit C up is with the C stick which is just oh I got it first try alright so now we got a bit of complicated stuff or like a lot of stuff is gonna be happening in a short period so you can go ahead and explain that so similar to what he did previous to that a little race it's gonna be dropping the bugs and picking them back up so he can dupe over the items that are empty it's it's kind of interesting looking so he's gonna be doing time stop and playing song a double time which advance is the time so while that's playing he can dupe and advance time he needs to do this three more times forgot to pull ocarina yeah so usable ocarina to reset that so right now we're trying to advance to night of the second day okay and one of my practice runs I actually softlocked at a gossip stone doing this we got to be very careful the only reason it happens is if I'm just too fast mm-hmm if you get time stopped as soon as you target a gossip stone then attacks don't want to be too fast you get locked in click like the ocarina cutscene and you can't escape it definitely don't want that to happen so I'm being very careful to go slower intentionally okay so we've duped over sticks choose and deco nuts they all have bottles on their item slots now we need four bottles and that's gonna be useful for getting a new wave bossa nova later there are gonna be four eggs in Pirates fortress and we need four bottles for them and don't blink here you're gonna miss this I'm gonna occur in a while walking again talk to Crimea which stores it I talked to her it comes up I'm a hit it and we've now skipped the cutscene reindeer so right now there are three cutscenes associated with the the creamiest sidequest that will get me real monies most we've skipped the first cutscene we can actually skip the second cutscene as well and that will be coming up but since we gained control in between we're gonna come over here hopefully look at all those lemons they cooperate with us these guys are a little bit of orangey there are 10 of them I need to go around and collect and these guys never cooperate with me sometimes they like to hide behind the fences yeah you can use a lot of time if like one gets behind on the fence and you can't see it look at this guy Roman over to the corner that's like the worst position you could be in the best word is if you let's go everyone disperses and we have to do it all over again there's the last floor yeah this is not very good luck no he's wandering away good throw in a few donations if you got some time yeah yeah all right we have an eight hundred dollar donation from jukey who says was out of town for the start of the event so I almost forgot to donate best of luck runners and let's get get that portal to incentive net just so you all know we are at a hundred and twenty K for the portal to run that means we need only 80k left I think we can do it guys what do you guys think alright so we just got the bunny hood which I know many people who've played this game casually always come into my streams like all the bunny hood you're gonna be using that a ton it makes you run faster right it actually nearly or it does double links move speed or nearly not quite but it's actually it's just outpaced by Goron mask at pretty much every term we're gonna be using it a little in areas where we need to stay human but for the most part we're just gonna be it's it's not even worth it to put it on a C button just the time it takes to put it on the C button doesn't save enough time to merit using it it's life speed there's a hmm that's the same speed as back well yes back walking and bunny hood are actually the same speed bunny hood is a little bit faster just because it accelerates up to top speed faster but beyond that it's just like it's never you worth using [Music] all right I said if I did not get a 46 I was gonna donate 50 dollars to charity a 46 in this minigame is very difficult to get I actually haven't got one in a while let's see here do you want to manage the carrots a certain way set maximize top speed specifically we're gonna actually use one here while they're recharging just because going over the fence preserves carrot speed for a little bit longer this might not be a 46 oh that's definitely not a 46 come on charity might be getting some extra money right here that's us yet another mask and now I remember that I skipped that cream for that cutscene earlier with cream ale on the milk ride we're now about to skip the second one so I'm gonna do a little thing here with some slashes to get a standstill through the load zone which sets up my position back walk or backflip and a roll there I'm now right next to the load zone I miss pretty much as close to the load zone back into the area I came from as I can be so I'm gonna advance it and if being Knight here is gonna try to initiate the second creaming a cutscene but I'm so close to the load zone but I can just walk in as it starts and skip it or straight to the third so we managed to skip both of the first two cutscenes preceding this one and unfortunately there's no way to skip this one this one is the primary one that we need to complete in order to get Romani's mask so essentially what has happened up to this point is she's trying to deliver the milk from the ranch to Clock Town and she has to take a detour and she were being attacked by these bandits who are actually the people we just raised trying to break the these jugs right here with the milk so that she can't deliver it after shooting each of them three times they no longer have enough time to break the milk jugs so we just get to well have a nice lovely look at the moon we watch this event and just for the rest time for donations for sure sounds good we have a two hundred dollar donation from anonymous who says hey listen long game yeah we also have a nine hundred dollar donation this is from eater of fromage who says what a week this has been an incredible gdq with some of my favorite runs ever especially near Auto tomato rural banana and be free unforgettable I am bread Majora's Mask was my first Legend of Zelda game and so I couldn't ask for a better Saturday Thanks to everyone who makes cdq happen including the organizers the crew the announcers the runners the donors and of course Doctors Without Borders good luck on the rest of the marathon yeah so as long as one of those milk jugs makes it to the end there but with the cutscene we do get Romani's masks and that's gonna be used later on exactly once its main use is allowing you to get into the milk bar so now that we're back at Clock Town we do have yet another step in the anju and cafe tests coming up we need to come here he got the letter so this is opened up and we can actually see up right through the wall and target Tim through it just saving a little bit of movement going around so he's gonna this is actually cafe so this is a man juice boyfriend they are they were to be Wed but Skull Kid actually turned him into a child or at least put him in the body of a child so he's been hiding out of shame and he's too embarrassed to face Anjou so and at the same time beyond that a mask that typically of course in Majora's Mask the denizens of Clock Town exchange masks on their wedding day and his was stolen so two reasons that he is not ready to go face anjou yet but we'll be working on that over the course of the run so now that we've gotten that we've got the pendant from him he asked us to deliver that to Anju so we're actually gonna go do that right away we're gonna make it actually just in time for the inn to close it closes at 8:30 and it's 8:15 now and the benefit of that is Andrews actually walking to the door to close it so we just meet her right here give that and then that's it for Clock Town for a little bit now we're gonna head and get the last transformation mask we're actually gonna be coming up to the first dungeon we're gonna complete two [Music] not after we get the song necessary to enter it so the cow here it's not feeling too good he's gravely injured we need to push him all the way to shore unfortunately we come here on second day Macau's position is actually different depending on the day we arrive here he's the closest to the shore on the first day but it's just not convenient for this route to come here during the first day so unfortunately need to come here during the second one and he's a little bit further out so we gotta push him quite a ways here on the third day he's actually a little bit closer to us at least pushing him as a similar distance he's just a little bit closer to the owl statue where we arrived once we get him to shore we need this entire section is just really slow because now that we got him to shore he's gonna slowly get up clip into link a little bit and now we actually have to walk watch him walk all the way to Lake Arthur cutscenes great in this game oh yeah now this cutscene is actually longer I believe than the cutscene of king zora moving out of the way you know - believe it or not and then right after this play song of healing we'll get our final transformation masks that we'll be using throughout the run which will allow us to take the form of a Zora which is gonna be quite nice for underwater movement and uh fortunately we're not able to get pope a piano dude shoutouts the Pope plays piano or these cutscenes play but we do have time for some cutscenes some cutscenes [Laughter] I have cutscenes on the brain I'm sorry just how's that I read some donations yes we've got a 150 dollar donation from David Nader been watching all week and I love lurking and Trev stream good luck in the run keep up the great work you all are doing with this event we've got a 250 dollar donation from run good CEO so many great memories this past week many thanks to all the runners and all their hard work front good run pure we have another two hundred and fifty dollar donation from soon raccoon I missed my opportunity to donate toward killing the animals so this donation goes to help MSF save the humans also portal 2 we've got a $5 donation from lawgiver 73 if everyone watching gave just 5 dollars we would have well a ton of money and portal 2 let's start the five dollar donation train so I don't think we've addressed differences between the English and the Japanese version of this game there are actually a significant number of version or version differences the Japanese version came out a few months before the English version and the English version had several things patched one thing that's gonna be different and it's actually coming up because I'm heading to pirate's fortress is a pirate's fortress is kind of like a stealth section like if the Pirates ever catch you you can't fight them they just throw you out immediately so I said bodied absolutely annihilated but um they do catch you they'll just throw you out and you'll have to repeat the section so an advantage of playing on the Japanese version is although on the English version the pirates outside or have their vision effected at night they can't see quite as far on the Japanese version for some reason even the pirates that are indoors have their vision affected by any beat by it being night and this is going to allow me to do a strat that lets me get the hook shot chest a little bit faster the strat doesn't work on the English version they did correct it so that regardless of day or night the pirates vision that are indoors is the same outdoors they still have effected vision as its was supposed to be but the Japanese version the ones that are indoors uh you'll see a little bit of a challenge seeing right in front of them and I have up here and if I had hook shot I could actually enter pirates fortress quite quickly but we don't have it it's actually in pirate's fortress it's just to help you get back in faster and the intended way of getting in is also pretty slow so we're gonna do a couple hovers and a mega flip hopefully here just to get right in skip the whole sewer section of getting in okay yeah that trick can be definitely tricky on Buffy and here I'm gonna go for a neat little movement strat I've done quite a bit of work on this one no one else really goes for this one quite proud of this one it can get a little angle right there bonk right off and then as you can see here this is where the vision comes into play I'm gonna be right in front of her she just will not see me that does not work on English whenever you're rolling or side hopping you're basically silent so the parts can't let's see you know yeah the Pirates will react to you walking or back walking but if your side hopping back flipping or rolling they don't react to the sound like they're supposed to react to like the sound that I guess and they can hear you walking but the loud screams that link does every time he backflips inside hops those just fall on deaf ears so we got our hook shot I'm gonna need this all throughout pirate's fortress and if we had to re-enter it would also allow us quicker entry but because we duped bottles and we have four right now we can actually get all four of these or eggs that are here and one trip so that saves quite a bit of time there actually sevens or eggs total four of them are here and three of them are in another location so we want to be able to avoid backtracking like multiple trips to these areas as much as possible so bottle duping saves quite a bit of time in that regard and actually uh besides that first egg right there there's supposed to be a pirate fight before every Zoar egg that you do that you get but we can skip it by actually entering through the intended exit of the room with a little jump slash recoil there and eggs enter enter right through the exit [Music] [Music] then yet again for the third egg there's another pirate fight but they actually tried to fix this one at mm3d and you can still do it they put like a fence here to try and stop it but you can still do just a little jump right around the roof get to the exit yet again we're only gonna be fighting one in pirate for the final leg that one there is a way to skip it but it's just it costs too many bombs to do unfortunately so we will be fighting a pirate there [Music] so right here this actually works on English and JP it has nothing to do with the pirates law I mean the Pirates vision is pretty poor but not due to the the version difference I can just do a little trick right here sign off right past her she doesn't even turn they only really catch you if you're like there looking straight at you oh I missed it it's trying to drop the bugs right as I enter this cutscene so both cutscenes would play at the same time we got to drop the bugs didn't quite manage to drop them during that cutscene we'll get our final egg before leaving pirate's fortress this tank can be a little weird there's a lot of enemies in this town stuff going on but chosen me doing the trick called ocarina items and without having the ocarina equipped he can hold a position called s and then the bottle and B and that essentially allows him to pull out the ocarina without ever equipping it and since the default location is the cove right here it's fast many people who may have only played in and Reedy might be used to just being able to pull ocarina underwater but actually in the original game you cannot pull ocarina underwater normally but with that glitch I can pull it out and soar out pretty quickly no necessary equips or anything and you do have time for a donation here actually I have to put all four eggs in the tank and we're gonna watch this cutscene for each one okay sounds good we've got a hundred and fifty dollar donation from backlash 52 he says had to donate during my all-time favorite Zelda I just wanted to tell my fiancee I love her and I can't wait for the wedding you were the light of my life Jean about C Oh we've also got a $500 donation from Giwa Torah who says love Zelda loved the event keep up the amazing run guys everyone there is doing a fantastic job all right so we're gonna head over to forget the final three eggs once we do that we'll be able to get the song that will allow us to enter the first temple would be completing which is Great Bay temple I do have enough magic for this and actually something I hadn't really been thinking of I need to be I when I felt swamp gossips earlier I withdrew all my extra money and the bank I do need to replenish that at some point I'm sure I can figure that out actually I have an idea for that so that'll be fine can't really see so there's like a specific path you need to take here I tried doing it I couldn't quite see there my visual cues misty V that's okay we'll do it like about halfway and then we'll head down and follow the signs almost too far right there even but yeah you're normally supposed to take a picture of a pirate and then you can exchange it to the fisherman that lives at Great Bay and from there he'll actually give you a seahorse that will guide you through this area but the path is always the same so if you know it already you can just do it these enemies are we've called deep Cobras just two hits with the the Zora magic barrier will kill them if they do get you they like swing you around and it's a really long cutscene of you getting hit and actually if you press try to press magic shield while you're being eaten like I'm Japanese this doesn't happen on English but on Japanese you like dive all the way to the bottom and you're like stuck definitely want to avoid that thankfully after this we'll have all the eggs we can finally get into some dungeons after what is it an hour an hour ten there's quite a lot of setup we do most of the setup for the dungeons beforehand and then after that it's gonna be not too much space in between the dungeons this cycle is pretty long it's going to be tight on in-game time later towards the stone tower looking good truth this has been pretty good so far only major mistake with small gossips earlier on but that is one of the harder tricks in the run to use ocarina items yet again to pull ocarina out underwater and sora this actually this one say it's quite a bit of time since otherwise I'd have to do all the movement to get out so do have time for actually a few more donations because we're just gonna deposit more eggs no problem we've got a $50 donation from Crashdown who says greetings from Hyrule here's 50 rupees I had hidden in a pot in my house that link didn't break thanks for a great marathon and put this towards the total portal to bonus game that's got a $100 donation from Jin Oh a few days ago I would have thought two million dollars Hylian unlikely oh my god but if we here we go but if we try I think we can force it there fumbled words myself there's more at the very least let's go on to a good breath of the wild run so right here we're gonna do a cutscene skip there only is a about a minute not even quite a minute but a substantial cutscene where we're gonna learn the new way of bossa nova which is the song needed to access Great Bay temple what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pull ocarina which will initiate the cutscene however there's a two frame window on which I can pause and interrupt it and then I'm gonna pull ocarina again and just soar away from the cutscene so here we go there's the pause and then we just gain control and can soar right away and like the game has already put New Wave bossanova in my inventory I have it without watching the cutscene a lot of cutscene skips in this game yeah we're actually coming up to one of the more important ones this cutscene is one of the longer ones in the game as far as skippable cutscenes go this cutscene is a minute long maybe slightly more and it's actually one of the more difficult ones too you may have if you're familiar with this run or really any runs of this game because pretty much any category has this it's called turtle cutscene skip or TCS when I play a new way of bossa nova there's gonna be a very large turtle that pops up and he brings us there but that cutscene of him popping up is fairly long he talks a little like just the animation of him coming up takes a good deal of time so what I need to do is I'm gonna play the song and hopefully get a frame perfect pause this game is only 20 FPS so it's not super bad but it's still pretty tight I'm gonna want that so here we go hopefully we get the pause and then I can buffer in [Music] [Music] there we go no pencil strats no no mashing times only 20 FPS I mean while we're on the topic of this game's framerate actually uh this game does run at 20 fps so it is substantially lower frame rate I guess than most n64 games I believe a lot of n64 games are 30 fps this game hour does change frame rate whenever you pause it actually becomes 30 fps and very briefly on the file select screen is the only time it is 60 fps I believe that it's the case for OT as well yeah it is all right so there is a cutscene skip for this one it's a little bit random not gonna do it for marathon versus my in-game time was getting iffy as well I'd need to complete it before we want to be in the dungeon so right now it's the end of a second night we want to be in the dungeon before it gets the third day because there is no cutscene for the the day change in dungeons and a couple other areas as well but this is where we want to be when that day transition happens so we just went straight in to make sure that I'm in here when it changes to day three we get a nice hefty temple coming up here oh yeah I don't feel ready dude great made temple it's the water dungeon the game quite a lot of neat like a lot of water movement definitely there's like a whole bunch of puzzles with the turn keys and whatnot we have to reverse the currents but before we get to that we're gonna do this this will save us a little bit of time in this dungeon just so what we're gonna do is we're gonna place a bomb here and that bomb will actually make sure that I stay under here when I do that clip aim over here and let's see if I can get a good recoil here that should be good it was so we just beat Great Bay temple hope you enjoyed it the wrong weird shot I actually thought the the day transition was gonna happen right there and I can't pause this time will buffer it so it doesn't stop here right now we're gonna do a weird shot if I aim at the right spot a little bit lower there we go so we can hit cured before we even jump down and there is a cutscene that's supposed to happen right there but if I've already hit him that cutscene doesn't play and as a side effect of that there's no boss music at all so we're gonna be fighting him with the lovely Great Bay temple music you can explain what I'm doing here I want to make sure I get this he's jumping in the water was aura and doer has a set path in which he swims up and down so you can manipulate the boss and hopefully make on the platform nice so he just skipped a little a little cutscene there so guy are gierek's art will instantly start charging and there's just one cycle left should be able to get it done arrows are much quicker than hook shot in this game so for this specific part it's optimal and it's good pretty good fun lost control of a break okay as a very good recovery [Applause] and I'm gonna be getting exactly one heart container in this run just because it's a little bit better for managing health in stone tower since I'll be death warping my health is actually full right here so we're not gonna get this one I get this one if my health is low because I'm gonna need to take damage soon but this one is actually slower to get so I'll be getting a different one since I have the option if my health was lower than I just settled for that one to refill my health but that one will be getting out doll was Heart Container instead from a would fall temple all right so now you've beaten our first dungeon we're gonna be introduced to actually other Giants there is a giant that looks much like this one you can barely see him but he's he's there and one of these is trapped in every temple and once we've beaten all four temples what we can do is he's actually gonna teach us the oath to order we can play the oath to order on clock on the clock tower which is where we were in first cycle where we recovered our ocarina and then if we have all four giants they will arrive to stop the moon from falling and that will initiate the game's ending sequence in its final boss fight so we do need to save all four of these giants there's actually no way to circumvent this at the moment I'm saving all the four Giants to get to the moon there's plenty of theorised moon warps even in like a theorised credits for but none of them have ever worked out nope just a quick announcement if you haven't noticed we have hit 1.5 million dollars go team go just needed to throw that in there see if we get some good a cutscene orange ear so beating Great Bay temple first is actually beneficial for a couple reasons the cutscene that follows beating this temple is actually the shortest of all of them so right here the only thing that follows the Giants cutscene which we couldn't skip anyway because then we don't learn oath to order and then the game file actually becomes impossible to beat but all's we do after this dungeon is talk to this turtle for like two seconds and then we're done and something I actually forgot to do I apologize is I was supposed to song a double time before entering the blue warp just because there's no cutscene in the dungeons we're gonna get a brief cutscene but that's my bad because we need it to be night of the final day for everything coming up we head back to Clock Town so in Clock Town we're gonna pick up a couple necessary items from the shops I'm gonna be spending pretty much all of this money and then what we're gonna do is uh we're gonna initiate once we go to Akana we're gonna be initiating a pretty difficult segment where we're actually going to be doing quite a bit in the final hours of this game when the moon is very near crashing because there's just a couple events namely the Anju and cafe sidequest that take place during those times so we need to be pretty quick once we get there but for now we're gonna head back here and talk to Curiosity Shop guy who tells us that cafe has gone to recover the mask his wedding mask the sun's mass that uh the thief's a constantly to help him out we get the Express Mail and the Keaton mask from that and then we're gonna be heading over here picking up a red potion some bomb shoes and a fish that fish is going to be one of the most important things we get in this entire run many cutscene skips are not possible without him right here maybe we should even give him a name he's so important he's crucial to this run we're gonna have Jake on style [Laughter] alright so yet again I'm gonna buy 80 rupees worth of bomb shoes there's only 69 rupees just by mashing fast enough before my rupee count depletes that'll give us 20 which I need to be careful not to waste any of those we do have a few extra but we need to be careful with those and then lastly before we head to Akana we're gonna deliver this letter to the postman so he'll deliver it to cafes mom and then later on we'll be getting the post man's hat from him but that's gonna be there's gonna be some in-game time management related to that it's gonna be very tight and I have to be paying attention my in-game time at all points so that I get there early enough because whether or not you get post man's hat he actually will leave the area once the moon gets close to crashing it's like oh no I felt okay that was really [Applause] all right let's see if I can get this though score that so this isn't quite dk64 but if the setups just right you'll find that there are any walls in some places or at least it you can clip into them shouts dragon normally there's like an extensive cutscene that plays and order you for you to get in the set you have to get song of storms and then go play that in the the cave that's behind this building so that the Gib toes that are surrounding it leave and they open up but we can just clip right in and access this straightaway heal him grab the gibdo mask which would be necessary to complete the beneath the well area if you were doing like a casual playthrough or a glitchless run but we never visit that area since we do not need mere shields to complete this run and that's what you get there [Music] so I'm gonna hand it over to you guys for this upcoming segment if you want to start explaining it because there's gonna be a lot of cutscene skips and a lot of stuff happening pretty quick and sack ons hideout alright so we're going to the hideout we're gonna roll there's go on and there's actually two cutscene skips one of them which we'll probably done requires time stop and we'll see that in a second also the clip into this rock is really hard I think TREB needs a little concentration for this yep there we go [Applause] the first use of the bottled fish here go ahead explain what I'm doing with this he's he be entering this room pausing on the first possible frame and then shielding and pressing fish essentially time stop is now active he's gonna step on the switch wait for that to open recoil through guys G hover up this wall there's a very large invisible wall here that's very laggy there's a little much lag in this room it's ridiculous to jump pull a bomb do a cool super slide the ground jump okay we're just gonna super slide I'm running out that's really bad okay that's unfortunate all right so we're gonna save my remaining choose that's really unfortunate it happens it happens so there is something I can do here I'm gonna sort out of here unfortunately if I saw out of here I can just come in and do it again if I clip normally when you get here like you have to be here at a certain time but I can just clip straight back in I do this again and this time unfortunately I stopped we have to do it the normal way unfortunately so what I was trying to do there was I was gonna super slide down the conveyor belt just to get to the end there's like a bunch of rooms lined up on either side of that conveyor belt and you need to complete them all before this sons mask which is the mass that Cafe has been looking for reaches the end where it becomes a it falls in a little trapdoor and you can't get it and we can just skip all that by super sliding along the conveyor belt itself and skip all the rooms fortunately I fell there which is just unfortunate but all these rooms can be completed rather quickly so we'll be doing that I want to save these bomb shoes for later I could just tell her up to the conveyor belt again but that would use a lot of my bomb juice so we're gonna save those for later the way it works is cafe on the bottom you'll gain control of him and you'll be alternating back and forth between calf and lean cafe has to clear these block puzzles and link has to clear enemies in the rooms and I'm actually close to dying might see if uh I think those pots have a heart in them let me double check for that but I really don't want that okay don't want that Deku nut cuz we uh I have a bottle with a fish in it duped over my Deku nuts so if I had gotten that Deku nut I actually would have lost my fish and we do not want that so thankfully it seems like we avoided all the Deku nuts all right so we gotta clear the rooms normally it doesn't take too too long there's a little bit unfortunate but we saved it nonetheless so when this hideout is completed the in-game time will automatically be set to the final hours so you'll see on the bottom a little timer coming up so now that that's that Trevor needs to go fast and get the stone mask yeah we have quite a bit to do with these final hours I'm going to be completing two dungeons getting several masks so we need to go quite fast our to make all of the things we want to do before the moon crash isn't like I said moon the moon crashing it reverts to your previous save and our previous save was a an hour ago quite a long time ago so we definitely don't want to run out of time so as long as I go fast enough we'll be fine we're also gonna be inverting towards the end so hopefully this works out there is things that can be done if I make some mistakes but it's just the easiest if I can nail everything play perfectly let's get every trick okay we're actually close to dying here I might pick up a heart there's a bush with a heart just because there's something in this game it's it exists in OT but it's different it doesn't affect you nearly as much whenever you have a low health and like the beeping sound is playing the game also has a different camera and that camera and mm when you ever you have low health is like trying to spin on you like it makes it very hard to like move straight just affects all your movement so we want to get rid of that as fast as possible just a little too close to the sign that's fine what we're doing there's a weird shot just like I did in Great Bay temple so I can shoot the chest from down here get up then another weird shot nice a little late on the press that's okay I have plenty of extra bombs fortunately yet it is the difference is hearing oh nice there are two different weird shots there's first framers in the second framers so the first framers put you down below where the bomb was and then second framers like that be shot forward so for specific tricks you want to be able to get the correct one for the most of the time yeah I could do all the time either one will work but right there we specifically needed a second frame weird shot so that way our camera would be placed closer to the chest which allows us to hook shot it and then just open the chest before the fire knocks us away skipping a rather lengthy little mini boss fight with kita and theirs then after that there's like a cutscene that follows as well so it saves a pretty substantial amount of time alright so finally back to would fall we're gonna complete it thankfully with hook shot we can actually get through it pretty quickly we're watching our in-game time here four minutes or four hours left that's hours minutes and seconds yeah with hook shot you can hook you can grab on to any torch in the game so this temple is a lot easier with it almost any torch is actually like an exception in this room it's like really weird well actually you can hook shot it but only in a specific spot it's very odd alright so now we're gonna be doing would fall boss key skip and I need to focus for this one 11 shoes nice it's unfortunate screen shaking that's still early nice little shaky but that's a really hard for guys very hard the harder in the in the run could you feel that it's it's over good job Joe yeah so our in-game time is getting a little bit low I'm probably actually I shouldn't hurt here I think yeah we're gonna invert right here actually so we're gonna interrupt the dollar briefly this needs to happen I did waste a bit of in-game time on that trick and a couple bombs too which is gonna be a little bit scary but that's fine this is one of the funnier stun locks for a boss in the game [Music] [Applause] so we will grab this heart container just so that I have a little bit more health particularly for swamp spider house but that is our second dungeon complete and because we beat would fall a second we will not get the cutscene after where tattle apologizes to us and that one would waste uh close to a minute so that's useful and then I don't think we explained how that boss key skip works so what I did there was I hovered up on top of the pillar that was on either side of the staircase there and if you target and have the right angle right as you go over an edge you can actually target the wall as you're falling and it'll allow you to actually clip inside it's called a ledge clip so I use that to get out of bounds and then I hovered to a load zone the way the dungeons are loaded in this game the entire dungeons collision and all load zones are loaded from the get-go as soon as you get into a dungeon it just loads like the the graphics the visuals for the room we're in one at a time so everything in the dungeon is still there like actors aren't so like enemies and whatnot but like all the walls all the floors and the boss door load zone are still there so I can hover to it and do a mega flip and skip meeting the boss key so that skips saved about two minutes I'd say actually getting the boss key and then you'd probably have to you'd have to work your way through the room still yeah look at that man it's right there yeah so we've beaten would fall and I have let me see two and a half hours left and we still need to beat stone tower all of it we haven't beat we haven't even set foot in it yet so we're it's gonna be scary but we should be able to do it hopefully we don't need to move stone tower to another cycle if I'm too slow we're gonna have to do that but as long as I am going fast enough we can complete all of stone tower with the time we have remaining yeah this is one of the more difficult parts of the run there's not that much time to do all these things and movement is crucial sometimes a pretty interesting dungeon to lots of weird shots cool which is going on so we're gonna save the deku princess put her in the the luxury bottle transporting her back to Deku Palace and this will open up on one more mass to us that we want to get before we head to stone tower actually we're gonna get two more before we head back to stone three more I'm I'm completely off we're doing a lot so we're gonna drop her off they're gonna finally realize that the monkey couldn't possibly have kidnapped her and then we will gain access to an area and Deku Palace that will get us the very useful mask of sense honestly my favorite mask okay so this thing game time is fine I'm still low on money though so we're gonna have to fix that at some point well that should be easy enough [Music] a poor monkey dude we do have time for actually a donation here all right I was just gonna ask guys we've got another $1000 donation this is from the fifth Matt who says wowee and we have a 1024 dollar donation [Applause] that's from you Suki Yukari who says - all right so now we're gonna head over to the little side cavern but on my way I'm gonna stop pick up the rupees right here we're gonna need these later you're gonna read that sign very important totally not an accident and then if you've ever seen Dan pay and ot who you have to like race to get the hookshot this is like that except taken to the extreme it's a lot longer a lot more obstacles so I'm gonna gonna focus here see if we could get a really nice one shouts of super damp a upcoming is flame room skip if you want to briefly cover that one so in this upcoming room there are flame walls but if you approach with enough speed you can just roll right past all of them the speed that area is intended to be amazed that without the Butler leading you through it you can't make it through but you're not even supposed to have gore on at this part and using Gore on we can just speed right through it and actually I'm very ahead of the butler right now so this is this little side thing doesn't end until the butler reaches the end so I can be a little bit slow and be careful just because I'm gonna have to wait for the butler anyway it's actually a hilarious thing that can happen here or if you're too close when he's landing he goes right through the floor shout outs to Kyle multiple times yeah they fixed it on the English version but when he lands there he like half clips into the ground and if you stand above him when he's landing it actually just completely pushes that's not the right place it completely pushes him underground and then he just falls down into the void and after restart which for our purposes would be really bad cuz we are it's pretty hard in game time here it's getting close yep so what I was attempting to do here and I played it a little bit safe so I didn't quite get it perfectly but what we're attempting to do here is we were attempting to arrive here as close to an hour and a half left as possible because Caffe arrives in Clock Town and makes it to on you at an hour and a half remaining and we want to be here for that but at the same time postmen is also waiting for us in East Clock Town and we want to be able to pick up the postman's hat from him and he leaves with one hour remaining so optimally you arrive here with an hour and a half but in between an hour and a half and an hour remaining I'm a little bit early so we're gonna have to wait on cafe that's fine it means I'll just have maximum time for stone tower [Music] so I have 75 rupees in the bank so I need 30 more so he's uh still walking his way up the stairs we'll get here in a minute and a half I could just get this chest actually that would be slower than what I'm thinking though I don't know we're actually gonna do that now I think about it I have the time this is how we're gonna fix it all right so they're gonna exchange their masks exchange their wedding vows he's still a stuck as a child but he's gotten over that he's recovered his mask from sack on he's willing to meet on do so with all the work we've done over the three-day cycle we finally reunited them stuff on every day to get this to happen it's one of the more convoluted side quests as a casual player like a first-time player it takes a little bit of figuring out but it's definitely a very rewarding side quest and a good one so while they're doing this we do have time for another donation okie dokie we've got a two hundred dollar donation from Casey 209 who says tinkle tinkle early ah these are the magic words symbol created himself don't steal them we've also got a $25 donation that says frumpy degrees that says had to donate again during my favorite game franchise of all time good luck on the run truck person and it'll donate $25 more if I can get a yeah from the crowd all right so normally right there I would head out and immediately sort of stone tower but because of the swamp gossips mishap earlier we are short on money so thankfully there is that 100 rupee Chester right there we're just gonna pick it up bring it over this is wasting a few of the minutes I have here for stone tower but I still have plenty yeah 125 that should still be fine I'd rather have the full 130 but we can do it whoops and so from completing that very long and Ewan cafe side quest we got the couples mask definitely babe reward that justifies everything we went through it gets us one heart piece all right so it's time for stone tower there is a safer route I could have done that does this in two trips so that I have to do less of it now but I think this is a lot more exciting and I'm I'm pretty confident we can do this I don't know if you guys believe in me but let's beat stone tower in a an hour and 23 so right here we don't have elegy which normally you'd need to enter the the dungeon so right here what I just failed to do is get time stop that's fine because we capture the fish and try again so I'm gonna time stop and that's gonna freeze everything in game so the block is just stuck there so I can just walk over to it cancel time stop and it carries me back into the dungeon [Applause] all right so here we go I'm gonna focus cuz we will try it on time here running low on time we got to complete the whole dungeon we want to at least get to uh yeah and eight bombs that is okay I'll see if I can get this so we're gonna be skipping a large portion of this part of the temple there we go just need this key and then we're gonna head over to the mirror room which normally you need the mirror shield to complete you need to reflect a light all the way to a sun block that if lit by either light from the mirror shield or by light arrows is removed but we don't have either of those yet we won't be getting near shield at all and as for light arrows of us later in the dungeon so I'm just gonna do a weird shot to get by this room there are boxes on the other side of this sun block that thankfully we can just hook shots here we got a bob drop very good [Applause] nice another weird shot this time a first frame that sends my camera underground so I can hook show off this chest and skip going around this room looks like we're gonna have 53 all right treasure this this is one of the only times you're gonna see bloody hood in this run like I mentioned not a very useful mess but we get some use out of it in stone tower for sure [Music] especially I just Oh Jane is beating me up I need him to hit me again wasted a little bit of in-game time there we got 40 left pretty low on health too but this will get us the light arrows I really need to watch out for some this trick we're gonna be using a bomb here be very careful okay what are you doing dude don't know you better run from this bomb and I'm gonna get this home I'm not very good at faking it that was a death horrible I tried my chat makes fun of me I am not good at faking but that is the fastest way to return back to the beginning of the temple which we want to do so we cannot do yet another weird shot so we can shoot the red gem from behind that inverts the temple and so now we have about half the temple left running low on time but we're still good I think I'm gonna be buffering the recoil flip to I go or bridge cuz if I fail that it's just over so it's nail everything here let's play this safe so funny how it's gonna help us out here obviously we can't use score on to make these jumps this is one of the few places where bunny hood seems a bit of time we want to be human for most of this segment as a whole and now we just need to get two twin mold who is the boss of this dungeon thirty in-game minutes to do it also a nice little side effect of entering this dungeon at night there is no music so just tension is in the air I have plenty of bombs no we're actually gonna do the sword recoil just in case though so we're gonna sort jump jump slash in this gust hit that recoil right to where we need to go and we're gonna do a recoil flip here which I am going to buffer we do not want to fail this [Music] [Applause] whenever you want to do a trick the screen to start shaking I don't really unlucky with the screen shaking when I'm trying to do tricks it's very distracting and hard to time things alright so gonna grab the mask in this dungeon it's the Giants mask and this category actually makes use of it there are many categories of this game that fight twin mole with arrows we will actually be making use of it because we do not have fire or ice arrows which you if you didn't know the twin molds there's a red and a blue twin mold and both twin molds are actually weak to the elemental arrow of the opposite color so red twin mole takes additional damage from ice arrows and blue twin mole takes additional damage from fire arrows but we don't have either of those we're gonna be using Giants mascot right here we're gonna do the first instance of song of tying storage in this runs we're gonna void out as I play song of time now that song is stored and I can bring it up later it'll be brought up the next time I bring up text and now we're gonna head to twin mold with ten and gay minutes left I don't know did you guys think I can beat twin mold I'm just that girl I got now I am just that good so you'll see 2000 is just gonna just get known want to do a quick shout out that's okay yep guys guys we are at 150,000 out of our 200,000 needed to get that portal to run in so let's get that last 50k everyone we can do this and get that border ongoing all right so it isn't actually possible to beat twin gold with seven minutes remaining so that song of time that I stored earlier what I did was a searcher storing a Deku stick jump slash also that was a crazy I was so yeah what I did was after I stored a Deku stick jump slash I'm gonna be using our power Crouch tab here to fight twin mold and as long as I have this text box up that I stored earlier time isn't advancing it's frozen and you may also notice as a side effect of this my magic isn't draining either so I have as much time as I need to fight twin mold this category just needs to get to twin mold [Applause] I never get a twin mold that good on PB attempts this have been gold my goal was crazy good dice so I'm gonna stand over here walk into the blue warp yes and reset so what that did is that that text box was a song of time text box and a part of a song of time text box is that it saves as soon as you confirm it so there's a Giants cutscene typically after I pick up those remains but with the song of time text box I picked it up then saved and then the remains is already saved to my inventory so I can just reset and skip the cutscene and as you see we have three of the boss remains we didn't end up watching that cutscene so that's it that's the most stressful part of the run I'm glad that's over yeah that went really well nope so now we're gonna stop getting masks for a little bit this cycle is just gonna be to complete the last temple we're gonna be heading to snow head and we don't actually have the Goron lullaby that would let you normally access the temple so we're gonna be needing to get that also the trick that you just did I don't think we explained it it's called a gainer so if you back flip and retarget one frame after doing that back flip you just jump straight up and with zoar you can grab that ledge all right so we're gonna buy 10 bombs 20 bombs she's yet again by just mashing getting the 22s and actually I'm gonna get the money I need for the the bank I am missing money and I had something weird occurring with practice if I like the way I was gonna back this up is in the next cycle I was gonna get the money and just deposit it but if I do that it seems in my practice sessions doing something like that was messing with the trick that I need to do there so we're gonna get the money now it's gonna cost like a minute or so but I just want to make sure there's nothing interfering with that trick which we'll get to it when it gets we get to it but that trick is it's fairly new and it's not fully understood so we're not gonna take any risks with it get the money now okay so thankfully these guys are right out here they drop 50 rupees each we'll just get the money from them go deposit it and then we'll be back on track as far as money is concerned and then we'll let it just snow head yeah failing smart gossips at the beginning was definitely very costly messes with the Rubies messes with the explosives but we finally corrected everything from that Levi's 170 I have 174 mm-hmm I'm when did I deposit extra money last cycle I am clearly very confused I apologize it's okay Jeffers that's right I got the chips yeah I am silly oh man I have backups on my backups alright so we're going to snow head but I actually sort to would fall and that is because similarly to how via the gyrados in this game are on the same map the fairy fountains are also on the same map there is a fairy fountain for each dungeon and we're actually gonna be able to go from this one to the one by snow head that's unlucky I just lost my fish that Deku nut is not what I want to see so I had my fish in the Deku nut bottle that was pretty bad luck so the Deku nut just over wrote my fish I'm gonna have to get another fish later so similar to the grotto exit he did earlier this is all the qualifier fountains are on the same map as well so he's gonna be doing a hover outside of this very fountain and it'll place him in a different fountain so now the game thinks he's in snow head should we make use of bunny hood once again since they're gonna be human for the majority of this segment but this goron because we do not have gone lullaby we do not have any way to stop the wind here so we're gonna have to get is G and maneuver around while the wind is blowing that bomb might not hit the snow ball just barely dude nice that's out of the way once you break a snowball it doesn't respawn so we won't have to worry about the fat later on and then we can use goron here to actually beat the wind the winds gonna blow but can stay against that wall maneuver our way around to the back here this trick is quite notorious in any percent for killing a lot of runs but thanks to Goron mask in all masks which is skipped in any percent makes a lot easier I don't know if we explained this earlier but one property of I is G is that you can't fall off ledges because normally when you swing your sword you can't fall off so that is useful for not getting blown off here mm-hmm we know that it's canceled is if he ends up crouching like shielding and if he gets damaged so he's trying to avoid these snowballs appear that's why he put the boulder again with ya the third snowball that I blew up would be like right here and it's the most difficult to want to avoid so we always get rid of it and that is a lullaby skip boom it's okay side operator I wish I understood how this trick works but it's really cool so I don't have arrows yet I believe so we do need arrows I did get them so we can do this that would crash if I didn't have arrows and what I did there is I got a glitch called action spot which do you know more about that one food can you explain it I don't know exactly how it works but you're basically combining two actions from two different weapons so you're pulling out the hookshot and using a stick and NMM when you do that you can get a flaming arrow it's not the same as a fire arrow but it can melt the ice really so that a hook shot existed is a pixel perfect group shot it's pixel perfect up down you have a few places you can aim on the like the left or right axis but like when you're correcting for up-down there's only one spot you can aim that will work so you have to doing a little bit of adjustment there to get it it's a very precise hook shot didn't take too long it's definitely taken me longer before some people the harder tricks in this temple right here Wiz robe is trying to start a cutscene but I punched at the right time there's one frame where I can interrupt it I'm stopping from ever starting it [Applause] so this will net us fire arrows we do need these to melt goat who's the boss of this dungeon so they are required they are useful in a couple other areas so very nice pickup and so now what I'm gonna do we're going to quit bomb choose ocarina we're gonna recoil down here just like in stone tower where I stored song of time and used it to skip a Giants cutscene we're gonna do the same here so I'm gonna clip out of bounds using a hook shot or a yeah hook shot clip and then I can play a song of time as I fall here which will store it now we're gonna I do not have only up ten arrows so we'll grab ten more from here while we're getting is G I do need 15 for the goat fight and we're just gonna use hook shot and our explosives to skip most of the rooms and Snowhead we can just to send this one big vertical room that kind of serves as the hub that connects them all with hook shot and explosives we could just skip most of the side rooms [Music] and then yet again we're at the top we're nearly at the boss store I do not have the boss key but there's a very easy skip for this one actually both sides of the door you can clip right into the little acute angle using a recoil with a bomb or a bomb shoe Oh or that I have not had that oh we're not a balance completely - girl oh my god there you go he's your boss nice kick I was actually faster than maybe Maya that's never happened before this GDQ elbow clip let's try this again Oh God alright the game is just not letting me have it right now that's [Applause] so during this fight he's gonna be standing in a specific spot to where goats not going to be able to see him completely which makes it so that he'll essentially just stand there and get destroyed by arrows yep the way goats AI works is he's gonna run around and if I fall too far behind he'll actually stop and turn around to shoot lightning at me but we can easily manipulate that attack so he's like waiting right now to shoot lightning at me but I'm not far enough around the corner I can shoot him from here well he can't shoot me jump out to make him shoot so that his timer is reset and then just kill him with arrows nice selected so in some instances it's complete RNG but there can be a select ight that falls directly in the path when you're shooting your arrows and that is a huge time loss it's like upwards of like 40 seconds 30 40 seconds there's our last boss remains so we're basically we can head to the final boss right now there is a few more masks we need so we're gonna be collecting those in this last cycle and then this is oh man I was practicing this trick before the run this is one of the scarier tricks in the run you got so in order to get a mask called the all Knights mask I do need to have the largest wallet and I don't even have the first law upgrade there are two wallet upgrades so I'm gonna be for performing a trick called wallet dupe the two places that you get wallet upgrades in this game are from the bank when you deposit 200 rupees and the other one is from Oceanside splatterhouse the Oceanside spider house one is fairly slow it takes about 4 or 5 minutes to get this wallet dupe trick skips ever needing to go to ocean side spider house I can get them both from the bank and it is a frame perfect' input so hopefully I nail it if I if I miss it then we gotta set it up again I spent a lot of time practicing it I'm pretty confident you do need a bomb drop so that's why he's maybe also need to grab another fish I just remember no bombs we do need one yet we need one bomb to complete this trick so looking for a bomb drop right now there now we can get in well head to the Trading Post to get a backup fish that's fine if I hadn't got the Deku nut drop which was you know fairly unlucky and I would still have a fish but we do need to do this now so on the old route of this of all mess essentially you would have to go to ocean side spider house and upgrade your wallet that way but with this trick he's doing coming up he's able to dupe over his wallet or do another wallet and also for some reason this trick this dupe only works if you place on a double time in this area we don't know why but yeah needs to be done right there not before God would have a focused time here well we have a short cutscene but then then focused time I gotta get a frame perfect input before they give me the heart piece we need to interrupt them giving me the heart piece oops with a frame perfect input so I have three buttons I can press to get it but there's like really no good visual cue there's like a visual cue but it's uh there's a small delay it's not perfect so hopefully I can get it first try here all right guys nice okay it's not over yet so normally you get a hard piece at the end of that cutscene but doing this we were able to keep that from happening everything I just did was to delay the cutscene from starting so they're still like waiting to give me that heart piece but I've delayed it and now we're gonna also delay him giving you the wallet by depositing over 200 rupees I'm gonna pull hookshot cancel it and there's one wallet and then here's our second nailed it okay I'm so glad that's out of the way that was like the scariest thing for me first try if you fail that you just have to reset your console and start the cycle over again yeah only about two minutes but we definitely don't want that to happen over and over again alright so at the same time we're also at night one and one mask I do not have as the blast mask which occurs the there's an event for that in north clock town that begins at 12:00 and like Foley begins like you need to be there by 12:20 so this entire segment similar to like aliens before it we're like trying to do this within a certain time window so that we're back in time for blast masks and hopefully this time we don't have to invert this one's a little bit more lenient I should get this one we just need to do swamp spider house and we need to get done and garel mask and then head back to Clock Town before we reach a four yuri-chan midnight so swamp spider house will met us mask of truth and then Dondero mask is Don Gera mask so right here we're gonna break the stick and I'm actually going to we need some bugs to complete this area and instead of catching two I'm actually going to only catch one we do need to for this upcoming segment but I'm gonna dupe over my stick at the same time as dropping these bugs at this hole which is where a Skulltula is and so I can accomplish two things at once both getting that Skulltula and duping a bottle back over that stick which I'm gonna need later and we need a trick called Curiosity Shop do and when you do do you keep the items that you just use in the bottle so he still has his books yep I'm also gonna do back over the nuts just to be safe so that I have those available to me I want two bottles coming up it's very unfortunate we got the Deku nut drop earlier wasted quite a bit of time so the way the skillet old house works is unlike ot where their skill tool is scattered all across the game there are a hundred of them in that game here there are just thirty in a confined building we need to get all thirty in order to lift the curse on the guy and he will give us a mask of truth he's been turned into a larger school to lower himself the skull houses are very fast pace which I think makes them interesting I actually prefer Oceanside Spider House which is why it's unfortunate we do skip it in this category but one hundred percent still has it which is nice because you cannot perform wall at Dupin 100% because actually I'm unable this file is now unable to get the roses sister Hart piece and you just can't I to some degree I guess I turned it into the second wallet because we've buffered getting two items and then they both became wallets we're gonna get that one later it's actually RNG how fast these bugs enter the hole to get the skill tool out so we're always hoping that it's you know faster rather than slower there's actually a very odd thing that can happen there where the bugs takes so long to enter the hole it just the game just keeps like I don't know exactly what happened is it just gives you the error sound and no skeletal Skulltula comes out and you have to go get more bugs I've had it happen like two or three times ever it's it has killed a run before because getting more bugs is so slow the same kind of thing can happen in OT where the bugs actually don't dig into the center they dig on the outside and it just won't give you the sculptural that you got a drop more bugs so in this room you have to bonk this tree in order to get three skulltulas to fat fall down from it and I actually get a set up there - bonk to the tree because whoever programmed that tree I don't know they were they weren't really trying that day most of the time when you try to roll into that tree you just Blanc off like you roll past it you can't it's like you just can't bonk it that's really frustrating so you actually need a set up to roll into a tree someone was having an off day at Nintendo and one key thing to note is every time I pick up a skillet Allah actually and I the school toilet X comes up it's freezing the in-game time so that's a big part of why I'm able to make it back to clock town in time for blast mass because I'm constantly freezing in game time with skulltulas as I move throughout this area so I'll be able to make it back in plenty of time for blast masks okay so we've nearly completed it the last couple are back in the main room and then we'll go get Don Garrow that's about it so if you we have time for like a donation or two guys we've got a three thousand dollar donation thanks so much to make Angie who says let's make that fifty cape butch come on everyone lend your dollars don't die I forgot I spent extra time getting that one so he was further in his cycle that's okay that's gonna waste a little bit of in-game time but I should still be on time so we just he's right here get hit again so that I can you know die oh man that was interesting [Music] as soon as I jumped down there I'm like wait it took me longer to get a skull - like he's gonna be further and then right as I thought that he was further and he did hit me because that one moves along the ground on a set path and normally he's further back when I get there if I do it fast enough that's that's why he got me I deserve that thankfully didn't waste that much time so now the only thing we need to do before heading back to Clock Town is grab Donna garel it should fill most of the remaining time I will hopefully make it back to Clock Town even with the death 11 2011 30 ish that's what we're aiming for because I want to do if I get back there early enough that I can do some other things in Clock Town as well while I wait on blasts mass to occur and if you'd like you can go ahead and explain how the chandelier in here works sure thing the chandelier is set so it activated issue the fire but it's always in the same pot so this is our life yeah this early is so like I'm gonna shoot the fire arrow here and the sirloin is in that pot on the left they're actually on the left bottom left right now it's always starts there and as long as I do this at the same speed then I'll always know exactly where it is so I won't have to play a guessing game as to where it is so it should be this one right here there it is [Applause] so you just got to carry this back now it's pretty slow going so we do have time for some donations while I'm bringing this back we gotta bring it all the way back to the Goron at the right near the elbow statue actually where we came in so I'm gonna be back walking as much as possible sounds good we've got a 512 dollar donation from Jay broman who says for the portal to run and science you monster we've also got a 200 dollar donation from Gladys won 1-0 over 1.5 million raised unbelievable you subject name here must be the pride of subject hometown here here's to being able to see portal to keep in mind guys we are less than 40 K away from that portal to run we're getting so close guys and I definitely definitely think we can get it in time so let's try to meet that before the end of this run I think we can do it we've also got a couple of earthbound incentives left to meet were very very close to the shattered man glitch less than 2k away from that and that photo collection make sure to get those donations in for those as well all right so we brought the sirloin to this go-around he was up on that ledge shivering and starving and apparently couldn't get down himself until someone brought him food so he's gonna give us the Don Gera mask in thanks and then we're gonna head back to Clock Town our in-game time is 11:30 so we're Clinton there plenty of time before a blast mask hopefully I'm there early enough that I can go through term in a field to enter north clock tone because I've still I've been skipping them like the north clock town intro cutscene is still there recall that I skipped it back at the very beginning of the run so it's still there and if I enter at all from Clock Town it's still gonna play so we really want to keep entering north clock town from term in the field for we head to blast masque we still have some times they're gonna pick up the stray fairy we're gonna need that for a mask coming up in a bit we're gonna head in here finally using the Romani mask in here the 200 rupees we have are for chateau which is a drink that restores your health by full I believe and gives you infinite magic for the remainder of the 3-day cycle right here I believe his name is toto he is doing a little soundcheck because the his band is performing at the clock town festival which is what like it happened like a midnight on the third night there is a festival that's scheduled to occur of course everyone abandons Clock Town due to the impending moon that's going to crash however up until then like everyone's preparing for this festival and this is part of that so we just need to help him by doing this and the guys sitting at the bar would be so happy the song that we play that he'll give us a mask of his face that he happens to have be carrying around so while I finished this up we do have more time for donations this is just more cutscenes I got you all right we've got a $20 donation from I am 5 fares who says I tried to do wallet dude but my local bar but no we've got another $20 donation from Suzie if we keep donating for bonus runs than sgdq never ends right right exactly 200 dollars from anonymous who says all those awesome last-minute games are taking a serious toll on my sleep schedule but I really want to see portal to get annihilated we've got a 250 dollar donation from Altec zero Trev majora's mask run has been total hype best commentary all day and it doesn't hurt that this is one of my favourite Zelda games I'm glad you've enjoyed it mm-hmm we've got a $156 98 cent donation from P 988 sup p9 thank you to all the runners and volunteers that made this event a Majoris success donation goes towards a reader's choice I'm all about that portal - all right so you've got circus leaders masks there's actually only three more masks we do not have we're gonna pick them all up in short succession they are all in Clock Town this so I should have time to go through term in a fields here it takes a little bit more in-game time but what's a avoid that cutscene in north clock town one more time make it just in time the event occurs at 12:20 it looks like we're gonna enter around 12 10 ish so we're just in time and I apologize I hope my subs are ready for this because they really wanted to see this we're gonna get we're gonna save we're gonna recover the bomb bag that sack ons gonna steal here and then we have to wait until he leaves the area so we have time to do this how often do you see the face that Goran makes when he's curled up [Applause] [Music] all right so the two masters we do not have our great fairy mask and all Knights mask we picked up the stray fairy earlier because we've like we did save her earlier but because of you know the time travel mechanics we went back in time she's back in this state we need to save her again to get the great fairy must you actually need to have Deku mask in your inventory that's the flag that's the check for it so we couldn't get it in the first cycle but now that we've been restored to human you know a long time ago and we got Deku mask at that time we can finally pick up great fairy masks which while not useful in this run is actually a very useful mask in like a hundred percent because uh in dungeons it reveals rooms that stray fairies are in and the hair glows if a fairy is in that room and at the same time it also actually brings the fairies to you so it's a very useful mask for that purpose but for this purpose we just need it fulfill the definition [Music] all right so one last mass be all-night smash now the all-night smash you can only get on night three in the Curiosity Shop on a cycle where you get glass masks you need to have gotten like at least saved you need to have saved the bomb shop lady so we're good to go so all's I need to do is I need to get to the third night but just song of double-timing all the way there would be really slow so we're gonna call a poni not because I need her she's actually useless we're just gonna get a ferry to spot from this gossip stone and what we're gonna do is we're gonna do something called a day skip we're gonna skip from first night all the way to third day so what you're gonna do gonna get ocarina while walking metal play and then right as it finishes I walk into this grotto confirm that text and we have now skipped all the way to third day saving mini song of double x of course because that brings me today we do need it to be night so we'll do one more so now blast mast is or all nights mask I mean is now available in the Curiosity Shop but we have another problem the all the Curiosity Shop is not open till 10:00 it's not very speed friendly we want to get right in there so what we're gonna do gonna get is G here eventually we're gonna quit this [Music] we're gonna do is we're gonna do another hump toke shot clip do some blind hovers to get behind the door into the load zone into the Curiosity Shop early so what we do this actually costs 500 rupees this is why we need it the big wall I don't even have that money so what we're gonna do is are gonna do something called Curiosity Shop do I'm selling the Chateau which sells for 200 rupees however what's going on is I'm actually changing the active bottle in links hand before those transaction completes and so what it does is it's just writing it's trying to write an empty bottle over a chateau that's what it happens when you sell something but I'm switching the active bottle so it's just writing the empty bottle over one of my other empty bottles and then we can get up to 500 rupees that way pick up our final mass besides uh the one on the moon so we've now got all the masks we can head to the moon but before that we're gonna drink this real quick gives us infinite magic normally we do not need to drink this but why not show it off so my magic meter will be glowing blue for the rest of the run and actually it will never deplete I have infinite magic for the rest of the run and so get another in-game time thing before we couldn't bypass this door as decade but with bombs and a goron we can actually do a little damage boost to just get right over this door and access the clock tower earlier so the same cutscene is gonna play out as before we were here two hours ago as you may recall we were unable to stop the moon but we've beaten all for dungeons now so we have saved all four giants we're gonna call them and see if they can stop the moon from falling all righty so this is a rather long cutscene one of the longer in the game but it's definitely a neat one so I hope you enjoy we do have some time for donations I'm gonna hand that over to you for a little bit sure thing we've got a 200 dollar donation from post prompt really enjoying this marathon played through Majora's Mask we love the explanations as you're going through this trip person nice work yeah we've got another $200 donation this is from anonymous I think it's about time I chipped in after so many hours and sleepless nights of watching this great event thank you so much to all of the runners and everyone involved in making this event happen much love from Sweden we've got a $5 donation from vortex choo-choo Bob dolla train passing by we've got a $25 donation I'm gonna read the comment first it says first time donate are going for that portal to run donating 10 more if you say my name right and the donators name is I even give it a shot guys we're getting really close to the portal to run we're just just over 30 K away some guys get those donations in we've got the rest of this run we got breath of the wild which I'm super hyped for definitely want to see both of those definitely so excited for breath of the wild and I really want to see portal 2 so let's get those donations in the Giants are gonna try their best here to hold up the moon there's actually something a lot of people don't know because most people just don't try when they play this game if you come here and try to play over to order before you've saved all four Giants an altered version of this cutscene will play with however many Giants you've saved and it will just before they actually stop the moon it'll cut early and then there's an additional cutscene where they kind of just fall over under the weight of the moon it's it's implied I don't know if they die or they just disappear cuz they're like spirits or something but a lot of people have never seen that cutscene it's very neat I actually only ran into it a little while ago myself just cuz I'd had a run died and we went and did it definitely one of the lesser-known things coming up because I don't know if this is on English I've actually I cannot recall but I'm Japanese don't blink are you miss gonna miss it there is a small little error with the gorons face in this cutscene coming up so I'll leave it to you to catch it but it's a no on a blank it's pretty entertaining all right so we've stopped the moon and Skull Kid is defeated he seems to be defeated at least but as I've said before our ultimate enemy is majora so he stops using Skull Kid he's gonna act independently now and then here comes the Goron face thing [Music] haha I'm so glad we get to see that in runs all right so normally in an any percent run right after this cutscene ends that's when the final boss fight would start we'd head we're gonna be in the moon we're gonna use that little portal suction thing whatever you want to call it and from there we could just start the final boss fight right away however there are four dungeons like mini dungeons on the moon I guess just call them trials that we need to complete and completing the four of them will net us our 24th and final mass we need for this category and really quick actually is the blindfolded majora Matt just double-checking before we head in so it was a fair bit off last time I thought I'd just double check I don't think you'll need the blindfold we always that's okay they shot the support still have some good stuff we can do it majora do not worry all right so in order to access each mad unguent we do need to give away our masks don't worry when the the file completes like when we beat the game they actually get added back to your inventory right away and someone I believe it was I'm gonna say it was Seabourn but if it was someone else I apologize but someone actually has figured out that the masks actually do not disappear from your inventory they are just made invisible and unlike you can't select them so I still have them technically instead of just removing them from your inventory they make it so you cannot see them so each of these dungeons is very small others or ones actually the fastest it's supposed to be like a little maze but since I already know where to go becomes pretty trivial and we're gonna show our skills for the guy before talking to so by the end I will have no masks left except for my transformation masks being the Deku the Quran and the missoura those are the only ones they do not take it takes all other all of the other twenty masks the scariest one is actually this one twin mold trial there is an iron knuckle in this one and iron knuckles do four hearts of damage so I mean I'll leave the math to you guys but I'm going to die pretty quickly if I get hit so hopefully know that I actually like to call him the final boss on my stream because he's infinitely harder than majora it was actually a neat trick coming up to this little dungeon actually has a couple little puzzles that you need to complete with like fire arrows bomb - stuff like that but we're actually able to skip those I believe due to like just uh a couple of things sharing a flag so that'll be coming up and this trial is just a gauntlet of puzzles and mini-bosses we're gonna be seeing a lot of enemies we've seen from previously in the game are gonna see Goro master again who is weak to goron pounds for whatever reason he takes additional damage from these goron pounds savage eyes that is G serves no purpose but it looks pretty cool alright so right here we're approaching a gossip stone and what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna play a bonus song in front of it and that'll cause the ferry to spawn from it but I like besides causing the ferry to spawn from it it's going to auto complete the puzzle in the next room there so this ladder that's in here isn't supposed to be there you need to get it to spawn by completing the puzzle here's iron knuckle hopefully we get a nice fight so if you'd hit me there at all I would be instantly dead like I said for damage I only have four hearts I could have picked up a safety heart but we're fast here so once again I'm gonna play a pony song at this gossip stone this time and the door in the next room is supposed to be locked but it will not be because again may seem to share a flag the ferry spawning and the puzzles like status so I can just walk right through not have to solve the puzzle and each child takes actually a different number of mass there are a different number of masks we need to give them it actually increments up by one for each boss so like a doll while you need to give one mask away and then another mask away at the end of the dungeon and then go who would generally be the next in a casual playthrough would be two into a gorg is three and three and time oldest four and four all for a total of twenty total mass given away so we're nearly done these next two are pretty short I'm actually gonna show off my skills a lot of people when they first play this trial find it actually quite difficult because they try to steer but what you can do like all you need to do to complete this trial is hold the a button and it pretty much completes itself I mean I know I as a kid had a ton of duck trouble with this one it's actually a way to bonk on that first chest isn't there if you're like right in the middle if you're right in between the two chests they like send you backwards because you bonk off of both it's like very odd all we need to do is get to the end so we're taking the shortest path to the end in each one and once we've cleared all four and I get the final mask so the only one left is the Adama trial the all of these dungeons actually all have a heart piece in them so like in a hundred percent category these all of these mini dungeons would be a little bit longer one heart piece in each so you'd come to the moon with 19 and have to finish all four in addition to getting the heart pieces in all four but in almost they're a little bit shorter so we can just kind of breeze right through them they're not too too difficult this one's got a few cycles we need to make but they're not that tight this one has spinning platforms just use the deku mask clear it real quick and then we'll be moving on to the final boss which I mean I guess I want to thank everyone now for having me this was actually I was incredibly nervous before this run I'm not gonna lie I am good I got a bit of straighten stage fright but this has been a very fun run to do and I hope everyone else enjoyed it all right so this is the last trial this is actually our last mask so we've given away all twenty which means that we will be getting the most powerful masks in the game allows us to make quick work of majora and there's actually even though it defeats majora rather quickly there's still even still some cool strats you can do to end the fight even sooner particularly on wrath it's very difficult it's timing based I hope I get it so I can show you guys because I really enjoy it all right so this is it this is our final mask many people are familiar with it but it is the the fierce deity mask the only way to obtain that one is to get every other mask in the game and then give them all away on the moon all right so majora has three phases of masked incarnation in Wrath really this one's pretty trivial it's gonna start with those four boss remains on the walls halfway through they're gonna come out and they really cause all the problems for us as far as this run is concerned I can actually die here even with fierce deity mask because most hits and this fight do a full heart and I only have four hearts so if I get unlucky enough like maybe I'll start clearing the remains but uh as far as this part is concerned fierce deity does quite a bit of damage his sword does 4 damage which is only equalled by the great fairy sword Oh taking some powder at me all right so this is incarnation the hardest part with him he runs all over the place he actually only has one attack like most of it that his attack like his actions he can take are like him taunting you moonwalking all sorts of random stuff he kind of goes the same we just want to get a lock on him and knock him down as soon as possible which is almost there almost all right here I'm gonna focus cuz on Rath if I get a perfect wrath light he'll be dead three four seconds there's a one cycle strap on him but it's very timing based I hope I can get it it's really cool so 240 hype I'll take it well I didn't get it that's let me try anyway that's unfortunate nevertheless we did it nice time dude awesome [Applause] [Music] I do believe the the incentive for the glitch exhibition was met so I mean we could move on to that that's okay Oh okay I'll set up for it cuz I do I do believe it was meant remember checking before the run it was meant even beforehand so for the glitch exhibition we did meet that we did indeed meet that all right well then I can switch on over to the English version of the game actually because the English version has quite a few version exclusive glitches that I'm gonna show off and I also set up some save files to show all of these off so let's do this real quick some moves are pretty wild oh yeah I hope I get all of them there's one at the end that's a little bit tricky alright so I have some save set up in advance for this we're gonna open up this one so I mean I get to the things I set up in advance beforehand but we're gonna do a really quick one first this one I think this one that has been shown off before but people seem to really enjoy this one so we're gonna take frankerz e over here I'm gonna bring him back to about here just so that he's right in front of the water and we're gonna roll into him while shielding and what this is gonna do is gonna buffer the action of picking him up so now I can do that and he landed in the water so as you can see he's uh not doing anything but he's moving me around on his own but the real neat thing with this if I take him over here oh let's do that again he like got caught on my model real quick that's okay flemm walk right into the water good throw come on there we go [Applause] [Music] I'd never seen this TV show Vince yesterday so for the next one action I mean I need to make it a night so we're gonna make it a night of day one and that's just so that all the torches in West clock town get lit and we're gonna be doing something weird with that so I did action swap earlier in my run and uh Snowhead temple in order to melt an ice block without fire arrows we're gonna do action swap again but there's another use for it so this file hasn't yet hit the hidden novel and I don't have any explosives we're not gonna be able to hover over it to it like I did in my run but there's another way to hit it so we're gonna get action swap at this sign so right now my deku stick is firing fire or flaming arrows and another effect of this as I run it through a torch we get a very long negative length Deku stick here and what we can do with that if we swing it just right well hit but now I need to get over to it because actually for some glitches we're gonna do next I need to get over to it to save at it I'm still not gonna hover to it so you might ask how I'm why I get over there well in order to do that we're gonna abuse I will saves in this game I will saves are actually not in the Japanese version they were added to the English version so this only works on the English version I have another file set up here that has opponent on it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna take a poni we're just gonna ride her out of this area and we need to ride her back into this area in order for this glitch to work so just take her right off ride her back in and then save at the ammos statue while on top of her and that's gonna have some weird effects on our first file [Music] so when we open the back up the first file we now have opponent in Clock Town an area she's not supposed to be able to get to however we're still not done yet there's more we can do for this too with this so we're gonna save it the owl statue one more time actually no we're fine and when I reopen it back up we will have yet another glitch this time I now have something called the unrestricted items on Epona so normally you can't use your see items on Epona however with this I can potentially use ocarina well on Epona and when that happens it kind of detaches link from opponent a little bit so I'm just gonna we're gonna write oh right through the the load zone here and then when I press a I can just get on her across the load zone so we're gonna save it the hit and I will now so saving it the hidden owl also has some neat effects before we really get into those I need to do one more glitch but we're gonna open it up and because there's no position set for it we're gonna load in mayor's office that's called mayor's warp but really quick before we get into what saving at the hidden Tamil statue really does there's one more glitch I need to show off just because once I start showing off the that glitch it's gonna it's gonna become impossible for me to show you this one this one needs to be shown first basically so we're gonna head on over to Great Bay and we're actually gonna head to the spider house so on this file I've set it up so that I've already got 29 of the skulltulas in the spider house there are 30 and this means that I can complete it just with getting one more and that's gonna spawn the guy who normally gives you Giants wallet you may recall him I run I did wallet do this file also did wallet dupe so I already have Giants wallet so when I already have Giants wallet and I talk to him it's gonna produce some some interesting effects hopefully I don't lose it immediately it's hard to control sometimes but we shall sprout my favorite of all them I just found this by accident I don't know how I did it so we got 29 of the tokens the one I left is just right here we'll grab it real quick put it on this and this I'm actually silly I need to go around to get back up here that's fine so now this guy is here so we're gonna talk to him real quick and when I talk to him he's gonna thank me for you know clearing the place he's gonna ask if I can have it but he's not gonna give me anything you may notice my a button says grab when I face him so he's actually giving me a lot of speed right now this is why it's difficult to control yeah when we're done with him I just I will say goodbye goodbye alright so now we're gonna go over and we're gonna use a glitch known as a zero-day so I don't know who taught you this game but there are more than three days there is not only a fourth day but there is a 0th day and we are going to access it I'll be it very briefly for some pretty interesting effects first I'm gonna go over here and refer my magic just so I know how much I have that's good so what we're gonna do actually I almost forgot we need to make it day first or else this doesn't work let's do that so make it day once more to do this you can't play it in here seriously so make it day so that this glitch works and maybe showing you some strats that are used in low person actually which is a category that beats the game getting the absolute minimum that you can beat the game with this glitch is used extensively and low percent it's a very difficult category but we can see a little bit of it so first I need to store a song of time like I did in all the runs or in the run several times so an easy place to do that is right here because you get a little clip if your angles right to get it a little more to the right I'm not quite in the right position only I've never had this much trouble with this I apologize there there we go so we're gonna slash dive to get song of time storage again and that'll store it and now we're gonna head outside and I'm gonna gonna show you what exactly you can do with this we're gonna show you a couple uses of this so this is the 0th day glitch when i I got I will save storage by saving at the hidden owl and so what happens instead when I activate the song of time text box is it's gonna save and then two seconds later it's gonna instantly load that save in it's called the state restoring effect it's gonna restore the game to the state it was two seconds ago so I'm gonna save and put on Decca and then it's gonna load that save and when I saved I was human so it just it did like the state like restore at the state so I mean human has a sword [Music] and not only does human have a sword you can fire arrows when they come just right out of Dec whose nose this is actually how you fight twin mold and lo percent all right so that's one potential use of it but there's a probably a more well-known use of it but it's definitely more entertaining so here we go we're gonna get song of time storage once more hopefully I can do it faster this time there we go so we'll get it once more this time we're gonna be using the state restoring effect with Garron instead of Deku and goron being able to use bow in particular has some some neat effects oh no I talked to the fish fish first right first the fish were just giving me a chance at redemption let's not talk to the fish this time alright so we're gonna head on over to the beach for this use of its just so we have more space to work around with I mean a little bit more space for this one so this time we're gonna start is human and I'm going to activate the text and switch to goron and so it was like loads my save and so we're gonna put bow on this button and press it and you'll notice his left hand clenched up right as I press it so he's now holding an invisible bow and with blowing gorons hand this is a trick known as goron missile lets you achieve the highest speeds out of anything in the game the only reason it isn't used it's not only is it English only which wouldn't be a problem but um you have to set it up every time you go through a load zone so unfortunately you're not gonna see it in speedruns anytime soon unless we can find a way to get Bo on gorons b button or something so that we don't have to keep setting it up so I'm going to now show one potential application of goron missile this one's easier to set up you can go over here to a gossip stone and do this real quick I'm not sure if I'm gonna get this one but you'll at least see what I'm going for it's very difficult we're gonna pull out our bottle and we're actually gonna call the ferry again and get Ocarina while walking in order to get song storage so we'll see if I get this this is this is tricky [Music] [Music] all right here we go I'll put bow on another see button we're gonna head up here we're gonna press bow so he's holding it let's see if I can get this what a gun oh yeah you can do one more we can skip one okay so okay yeah so we're gonna go right to the last one actually because run out of time so there's one more I'm hoping I get it it's very difficult we're gonna play a song of time to return back to Clock Town just because if I play song of soaring I will actually lose my I will save storage so this is our quickest way back to saw Clock Town I'm really hoping I get this first try I practiced it and got it every time but it is frame perfect hopefully I nail it so I'm sure if anyone's seen an OT run before you're very familiar with the concept of wrong warping now there are no really useful wrong warps in mm just for speedruns but there are some really cool ones and so that's what we're gonna attempt to do so first I just need to go grab some explosives we're gonna head back to the intro area of the game so we need just withdraw this many [Music] so I just need a bunch of the explosive to hover like if you recall when I went into clock tower at the beginning of the game there's a door that closes behind you and I need to be able to bypass that door so we're gonna hover straight over it with these explosives and we'll see if I get this I've gotta give a huge I wasn't even gonna do this at the glitch exhibition actually I thought it was too difficult but a friend of mine gave me a set up so hopefully I managed to do him proud and let's do this this will be the final one so we need to get over this door there's a very large wall here oh wait I'm being very silly right now I apologize I'm getting ahead of myself I'm too anxious we do need to store a song of time thankfully there is a I can actually do it right here remember the door clip I did at the beginning of the run you can push this door open and get the clip in store a song of timer right here here we go [Music] all right now we're good I apologize there's a lot of steps to these things [Music] all right so we fall into the intro we can actually go backwards through the twisted corridor just pretty neat but we really just need to get back to this area and what I need to do here is first the setup is I need to die so we're gonna quickly use bomb choose on this guy to damage myself down and then after I've died we're all set to go so now just hopefully I get this it's frame-perfect but I I think we can do it so we're gonna set up right here and all's I need to do is hit up an a on the same frame and hopefully we have wrong work back into the intro cutscene of the game I mean I don't know about you guys but I'm ready to do another run can do 100% this time let me do a run alright so that's it for me I hope everyone enjoyed the run it's definitely I love you truck person okay thank you very much for the couch behind me thank you for GDQ I'm very glad to be a part of this event it's really quite an honor and it's really cool to see how much money we've raised so thank you guys again that's that's majora's mask I hope you all enjoyed it yeah [Applause]
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 372,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Summer Games Done Quick 2017, SGDQ2017, Video Games, eSports, Competitive Gaming, Speedrun, Speed, Fast Gaming, Legend of Zelda, Zelda, Super Mario 64, Mario, Mega Man, Hasty Play, Fast Run
Id: P2jMLQjpiTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 21sec (11661 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2017
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