LEGACY FAIFE - Heroes Of The Faith - DVD Completo

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our nation mores the losses many blameless lives prophecies fulfilled before our very eyes this is not the time to be afraid trust God to win this fight he's holding us undeserving of his bed in his favor my mice in action yet freedom Jesus kills I was blinded by the swirls delights but now I plainly seen like you straight to hole to hell my we are so glad to be back in el cajon are you glad you're here tonight we're gonna have a great time in Jesus we are free in his spirit amen the world handle freedom freedom I need to know the cross leg away for freedom required to stop breathe my soul was shackled I was in despair with the world had kept me there the chains grew stronger every day I bought a debt that I could not pay but then I heard about a man from one of my friends of man and forget my sins merci and pardon to the prospect of a breeder we have to stop breathe a long time ago on a hill far away they thought they had Jesus out of the way now repurchased I'm free they hung him on a cross and they put a minute ooh just I've read say to last if the moment two big stoner let go or freedom three pound times it's not free here's one of my favorite here's one of my favorite new songs it's got some great theology it says don't let the clouds of tomorrow steal the sunshine that you've got here today listen worded said that a day of worry is rougher than a week of work and hard I've looked too long at what concerns me instead of just looking at who you are gonna start trusting in your time being and trusting in your love those as long as my life is in your hands I'm gonna be taken care of go barking barks Appa - on a base what comes with pain all still the size you tell me to catch my cares about you and everything I do I always see even before I ask you Jesus you know what I need cuz you care for me for so much that you've shown me lately reminding me it's old old truth that worry ends where No the sunshine of Thule go morning Veronica Iowa door for departure to borrow connotates what comes with bait all still the sunshine steal the sunshine of today never fear and sorrow ah comes with tomorrow still the sunshine of Tuesday Lord Bao travel to borrow gonna face what comes with Fame still the thank you so much hey while we're doing the new songs let me do one day their tenor Tony Jarmon wrote it's a great message to insist while I'm waiting God is working I've had some sorrow some trouble and strife on my own I can't find the way to the Father's will that's why to stay over time yes on the firing line my backs against the wall these are never present help in time of trouble in my life here's my shelter my song in the night one really to carry everything God in Trier right that news firing backs against the wall years says he is on the fire merci Wow god thanks so much thanks so much these folks were waiting until we sang the songs they didn't like to come in you go you go right ahead don't be embarrassed we were always told in the quartet school when you go to learn to be in a quartet that the rich people come in last so we've been having a little bus trouble would you don't mind it we are so glad you're here we love to come here not only because it's a beautiful place not only because San Diego is one of our all-time favorite cities but we love to come here because when we come to this place and you folks are here there is something special in this room and we feel the Spirit of the Lord and we laugh and we clap and we just have a good time and we like to come here and I tell you it's not always that way everywhere we work I want you to know the truth sometimes people are a little harder to reach I don't know what it is we you know what I'm not even going to tell you where we were the other night we were in a church for Bluff Missouri Scott we were we were at the First Church of the refrigerator I mean they didn't like anything we did all night long I mean they didn't laugh they didn't they didn't like the serious they didn't like the funny they didn't like the old songs intellect it just didn't like anything and especially one guy now before they took the lifestyle I saw gentlemen said no here do you see and he's smiling all night long there was a guy sitting about where you are sir he never cracked a smile all night long I wondered who'd put a gun to his head and forced him to come to the concert and as an emcee and as singers there's not a harder crowd in the world to sing to than one that you know they're not really digging what you're doing you know I mean you know you hear crickets at the end of every song you know laughter was over the pastor came up and big six-foot icicle came up and stood there on the stage with us and he decided he was going to pray and he was going on and on you know and I had my head about I told the guys I said boys they ain't gonna buy nothin you just go into the bus and change clothes and we'll get this stuff torn down and head on down the road and sure enough when he said Amen it was like somebody hollered fire they evacuated the building I mean except I was standing out the table and old smiley over here who had given me trouble all night long sit there staring at me like bless me if you can better men than you have tried he came up to me in the lobby and I thought here we go I'm gonna get told how loud it was or how it was not you know it didn't good taste or whatever he says to me with a straight face son I can't remember when I've had a better time he said it was all I could do there one time tonight to keep from laughing might notify his face you know I mean I I'm glad that we feel the joy of the Lord in this place now you folks love quartet singing we've sung a few new songs for you tonight from a new record that we're doing a video for but there are some old songs that we're gonna do for you right now I know that you folks out in California love quartet singing singing years ago they used the stamps Baxter quartet books that's the four-part harmony where the lead singer sings the top line and usually the lady that sings the alto lines things that line and we don't have a lady in our group tonight but sister toni has agreed to sing the alto part for us tonight so I'm hoping you're going to like that appreciate you doing that let's do the prettiest flowers will be blooming that's a real old time where everybody got a Alto lead sister and you sing it pretty and at the end I want you to do that little slide thing where you go you know where you make all the dogs how to start howling in the neighborhoods do that and then let's do the second verse and a couple of courses to riding on the wings of love that's a barn burner right there and we'll just do a spasm in each of them we won't do all it will just do a spasm of them and then we'll that's that southern talk for just a little bit of it I know there is a land of beautiful flowers where we will meet again strangers yeah there's a rainbow mama signing over my kid like the children from Egypt by slide a little the hearts of sin no longer riding on the wings of it's a there's mr. Griffith of mine for since he came in to stay good food it's such a big prize my boss since he came in despair but funny it's wonderful my soul wonderful the return to Spain I thought the spirit at Glen pain came over you there for a minute so many of you have asked and I first of all I'm not gonna embarrass her at all but my daughter is here with me tonight and stand up sorry this is my daughter that's my baby that's Chelsie she is out here this weekend with me and I'm so glad she's here she's played a huge part in my life God used her when she first came along into my life I was like every other man my age time I was about 24 or 25 I just thought about things and thought about the next thing I could buy and how to save this and build that pretty selfish guy and this little red wrinkled girl came into my life on July the 18th and boy my life changed immediately I tell you thank God the the minute I became a daddy I found out what my true calling in life is you know I I just soon fail at everything else I do including play in the piano for this group then fail being her dad most of you know that my family and I have been in your prayers for a long time I've had cancer for the last six years of my life I was diagnosed with leukemia in August of 95 and I'm not gonna go into a big long detail tonight because we're on a limited time schedule but I will tell you this it's been the very best time of my life in the last six years not because I was weak or enjoyed the chemotherapy or the bone marrow harvesting and testing I didn't enjoy any of that but what I have enjoyed is finding out what the Bible truly meant when it said when in our weakness his strength is made perfect see I really know what weakness is all about now and that's okay it's really kind of a neat place to be being weak because then it's all out of your hands then it's in God's hands for sure and I'm in total complete remission right now don't I look good I want Tony to sing a song Chelsea's mom and I wrote this song Debbie after I had gone through a real particularly tough time with cancer not so much physically but financially the insurance company decided they weren't going to pay thousands of dollars worth of bills and I didn't know where I was going to get the money and and God long story short supplied every single need that I had and I found out that every one of you have been through the same type of problems and tough times and Debbie and I wrote a song that we want you to realize that you're never alone in the times when you feel like that you're at the very pit of Hell itself and you think that there's nothing left for you we want you to know you're never alone when your heart doesn't even have the words to pray that's okay the Bible says he understands the groaning of our hearts this song was written but it really didn't find the voice until Tony Jardin Jarmon sang it if you enjoy him tonight you're glad to see him back in El Cajon you let him know after he sings a brand new song called he has been there I've been helpful I've been used to a dog where know the things you face battles ahead for victories too well I don't have much education in this world's philosophies I can't tell you why and their plane flies I don't know what strana me but I know my God is real his word is true but it's plain see and there's just no doubt about it if you ask me ask me I'll tell you jesus is coming to hold and it's Lord of everything didn't ask me after death don't be a sight to see is the only way the editor if you ask you'll get that same straight answer from your science books today they can't turn your heart toward a heaven and they can't show you the way tell you how the Lord can't beat your knee and it's the overlord of everything don't be a sight to see anyway there yes he's the coming king of he Red Guard to hold and he's the Lord of everything I'll tell ya Jesus it's a comic King of Kings he and is Lord of everything Rafie Lord of everything just my opinion it has yes - POW - poverty by safety lives of my like now sweet and my joys complete farms I love to proclaim delivers his child like now is sweet and my choice committee what now is sweet and my choice come please like our sweet joy is crumbling oh Beautiful for spacious skies for amber waves of grain Juicy's Oh my good brother from sea to shining to the prairies to the shaft god Bless America my home there's pride from every mountainside very calm Oh didn't they do good yeah god bless you thank you amen Steve talked about Randy Travis gonna be here before three long we worked together video up in April we were doing a Gaither video and Randy came up there and he sang this song and I'm sitting over there by all that rest the piano players Anthony was over there a bunch of us and when Randy's singing the first thing that came to my mind is we got to steal that song well yeah steal it and he's a Christian now it'll be easier to get you know forgiveness than permission you gotta use your strengths no no we didn't steal it we asked Randy if we could sing it he said yes but the problem is we didn't have a real country singer now you're glad to see our baritone again this year I'm sure a Scott Howard give Scott a good hand Scott Scott's got to try to sing this song and I don't mean to do this on the video while we're cutting the video do it in front of people but just to kind of give you a little coaching the last few nights you've not sung this real country you it's a country song and you've got to get it up in your nose man you're not singing it you're singing it too proper you're saying you got to get it up in the nose where the hillbillies sing it that's what he gets it up there he ought to be able to tear it up well I don't know I don't know what it is but just a little more a little more country I saw you and Randy we did a concert with him Thursday about three weeks ago in Columbus and you and the greenroom back before we started you and Randy were talking kind of huddled up in the corner what was going on with that well I'm I'm not a country singer right I mean that's not what I'd naturally do right so I wanted to get some pointers or some tips from a real country singer he is that man he is the real thing yeah so I was just kind of having him help me out on this thing tell me some tips or some pointers right one of the things he did tell me that I wasn't aware of singing a country song unlike singing a lot of other songs it's not all in the voice it's not in a voice no it's kind of an attitude kind of got to kind of develop a little fuzzy language kind of body language I mean we're doing a video tonight are you gonna try that tonight I'm on pho down on it Randall told me what to do so down on it for those of you who don't know what that means that's Louisiana talk for I'm gonna give it my best shot you're gonna throw down well you'll be seeing this one for the first time with us - I really don't know what this get over and don't getting away we all stumble on last journey we all need help in pain from time to time we all wonder how we fit into your plan pick me up each time I fall when I'm in my darkest hour like giving up take this away from off my shoulder bill my arm of it with your love well each time I fall walk with me walk with me walk with me hopalong Howard that's a great man I learned something on that song I learned that what you meant to say when you said body language what you really meant was whiplash set to music they they throw down on it I need to throw down on the chiropractor now keep that in act like you do that new every night how many of you were lucky enough in your life into to see Glenn Payne sing live any of you singing this is the song that I wrote and sang at Glenn's funeral and I thought it would be the only time I sing it he passed away six weeks after being diagnosed with liver cancer and people started hearing this song they broadcast it on the internet at the service and people asked if we would do it I didn't understand why until I realized that each of you have a hero in your life somebody's fingerprint is on your life and they have moved you to the path that you're in right now for the good could be a youth director or a sunday-school teacher a pastor so this song is for you too but it's a real personal story of how I met Glenn Payne as a young man of 16 years old at a gospel singing in Arkansas and then how said farewell to him almost 25 years later it's called heroes of the faith hope you enjoy the video the Lord has called us to sing there's no doubt about it and through the cathedral quartet and how he's blessed us I give him all praise the Lord for allow me to say and I just can't be grateful of me I first met you at a scene when I was just sixteen you took the time and shared with me the reason why is you said the roads not always easy but God is ever true you said to share the good things that he has done for you you became by the story Jesus tours but your I still want to sing as long as I can before I lose my health are going to glory and whichever the Lord has stored I'll just be better that I just got the news this mold that you had slipped away it's seen my heart was broken it couldn't end this way but then I saw the spirit eyes what an entrance you must have made running to the arms finally home to stay with with other soldiers singing the same oh Jesus says your armor down passengers fortune you are our heroes so many so many souls industry oh Jesus the tour you of our hero soldiers of now it's time to but you're a hero of mine a strong soldier if there's any one thing I want people to say about me that I've tried to be faithful not long until my wife and my family but to the Lord Jesus Christ and the cause of gospel music aren't you thankful for Heroes right now this young man you haven't met you met everybody in our group you know everybody in our group but you have not met this young man and he has sang sung I never get those right he he has thought down really good tonight and his name is Glen Dustin why is it people love the bass singers but they love this old boy right here make him welcome here and shout him out and Glen Dustin just want to tell you real briefly he is listen you think I'm country I am country he's bumpkin he had never traveled til he joined us seriously I mean he's he's 31 years old and he said to excuse me 32 what'd I get you close guys what do you see nothing all right everybody's an emcee when you turn the camera on in today well he had never traveled in our first weekend we were in Atlanta Georgia and the church down there treated us real nice just likes had a mountain does that church had bought us five hotel rooms at the downtown Marriott and we were they wanted us to be comfortable and it was so kind of when we went down to the Marriott we pulled into the driveway and I noticed Glenn's eyes were big as saucers he's looking this huge building he says boy I hope I know how to act I ain't never stayed in a hotel before he said I've saved in several motels what's the difference I said well about 40 stories and $300 that's all I mean to bed but anyway we were getting there at about three o'clock Fowler our manager Scott Fowler said listen guys we got to be back down in 3:30 we got to be at the church I do not want to be late for our first date please hurry and come right back down so we we all ran to our rooms we got a quick shower we came right back down to the lobby and no Glen 335 no Glen 340 no Glen by this time little Fowler has broke out into the hives I mean seriously he's got a map of Russia on his forehead in a hive I mean looks like Gorbachev down there waiting for us you know 3:45 No in well Scott by this time goes over to the set to the house phone their picks up the phone he's shaking like a leaf he says get me Glenn Dustin's room and get it to me right now well the phone rang about three times cuz answered the phone like nothing was wrong hallo Scott said Glenn where's where are you we were supposed to left 15 minutes ago we're gonna be late for our first date he said well I've tried to get out of there I can't get out of the room he said what do you mean he can't get out of the room come out the door he said I tried that he said cuz there's three doors in this room one of them goes in there to the bathroom I've tried that one the other one goes to a closet the other one has got - do not disturb sign on it he ain't no brain surgeon but he is a bass singer I hope you like his new song listen to somebody saying somebody'd sometimes I feel this modern world is passing me by so many things I cannot understand people talk about a new kind of religion is just the opinions of man I loved it here about the old camp meetings when people used to shout and sing there's all get back to the fire of the Spirit that'll fast I wanna hear it again the bottom I preached about the resurrect somebody when two or three are gathered the spirit is there with never-ending saving power and all we have to do is lift our hearts to the Lord revival can happen in here sorry again the god every day he sang the DFT was it's alive let's the bothersome I said about them all time somebody reads about the red I wanna welcome him in the world before we go this will be our final number for the night if you go to quartet school they tell you if you have a song like that and people respond to it like you did whooping and hollering and clapping and shouting that you should quit when I was absent in class that day because I've got to let you hear this song not for the standing ovation not for any kind of response that you might give it I hope it blesses you because it's blessed me and the some of the darkest times in my life my best friend Scott Fowler is going to sing it for you tonight it's the story of joseph of arimathea in the first verse of how he gave jesus his tomb and how devastated he was that his Lord was gone Joseph really knew that he trusted Jesus the Bible says but I don't think Joseph really had a an idea of the big picture Joseph didn't know that for instance three days later he'd have that tomb back because it would be vacated by a risen Lord hallelujah he didn't know that when the ladies went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus that they would find a man in white sitting up on the stone saying why are you seeking the living among the dead he He is risen he is not here my whole life your whole life has changed because of that moment that is the moment that we can look back to and see that it's carved in stone two words Jesus Saves for all eternity basically it says Jesus is right for whatever is wrong in your life if you're going through really tough times right now let this song encourage you as we say goodbye to you not listen to Scott Fowler sing carved in stone wanting to burn but he have learned how quickly the world could fall apart causes wealth couldn't mine one day of life for the teacher he followed from though jesus promised that he would rise again Joseph put his body down and bury and I guess he gave up but there it was it was as he served all that day seems like I have where grief and fear have threatened to make me lose my way when it's hard to believe I'm it down on my through some way when I think that I have each Just Dance fancy it was small we've made it a great night god bless you you
Channel: Werlon Rodrigues
Views: 19,558
Rating: 4.9065418 out of 5
Id: LmlGlTqD270
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 37sec (3937 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2015
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