Sunday Night Video Concert with Tribute Quartet

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good evening everyone and welcome back to the online ministry a typical Free Will Baptist Church where the Sun is always shining we have had an absolutely wonderful weekend and we're going to finish it off with another great 70 night video concert tonight with the tribute quartet I'm sure they're going to be a tremendous blessing to one and all wow that your tune being however let me encourage you to take part in our virtual prayer room just click the link immediately below this video I also wanted to mention once again about part giveaway this month we're giving away a Facebook portal all you have to do to enter the drawing is go to the comments section again of this video suppose something that you love about temple Free Will Baptist or some way that we have been a blessing unto you post it there in the comment section and that's it you'll be entered for a drawing that will be held on Whitney you like the first at 7 p.m. as for now I'm going to pray and we'll all enjoy a video concert by the trickiest quartet pray with me father we are so very thankful for this another privilege to call on your name and we thank you to God for the great weekend that we've had here at Temple and we thank you through God that for another opportunity to gather again that's had a round of I'm sorry prayed that you'd blessed we prayed that you'd moved we prayed that you'd touch hearts and lives I'm radio nothing you'd pour out a special blessing of tribute quartet for allowing us to share this I pray to God that you bless each and every one that's tuned in I don't know all of the circumstances that you do so we pray that you'd supply is something that you can infer how that's accomplished will praise you in Jesus name and all of God's children send a man in amen we hope you enjoy the tricky quartet how about it one more time for Miss Harle didn't she do a wonderful job yeah [Music] one of these days I'm gonna need one of these days I'm gonna take my training I'm gonna meet them Bluto will see Jesus rise to be the man me stepping on the crowd people free that's behind me [Music] the gone past the food the stars and the planets I'm gonna walk my dog a bear is a signal I'm gonna be by heaven to stay we'll see Jesus rise immediately and stepping on the house he will greet us hold the job together with sherry this world behind being over the devil cannot find [Music] we'll see Jesus Christ to be the man the million he'll agree that's both the join together with share I'm gonna leave this world behind me Gorman and ever cannot find me higher higher [Music] hi [Applause] I want you to look at your neighbor today and say I'm sure that you got to see me [Music] all the beauties overlap right so far never entered into the hearts of men what the Bonner has in store I can see you're not aiming for a bit of ears [Music] I told the Chancellor walls in the case of [Music] I [Music] but Rome is frankly papering Street of waters pure and sweet hunted phones by the tree of time between through the crystal sea and the precious stone that the walls rest order of well different pie and the light will see all the pencil [Music] the dance bare walls in the gates up [Music] you should never forget the story though I'm the Chancellor walls and the gates of pearl and the streets made up we never really say by the song [Music] I'm Jasper [Music] [Music] here's say like [Music] [Music] Jesus the rich man poor man the weak and the strong [Music] everybody's him just the same [Music] he and he can't give you till you're 30 everybody [Music] everybody eats my vanity fun in this weary world both got a need that the North Korean Colin help me won't you help somebody why am i crying and I feel I can I tell them hey I know Schama buddy he is not just anybody no no he is a savior provider a comforter and a queen and he is everything [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] everybody everybody smile [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm all about Syria beautyberry holders will never come back to the car has a lady over on the walking on the streets made-up do the rest oh my oh my peace and joy happy wherever I it makes true I say to have gone before me toilet seat it makes me want to hear and say well done welcome home you're racist [Music] it makes me as we gather around every gonna be the bad [Music] - the gone dancing [Music] it makes me wanna hear and say well done welcome on your races run man singing sprays on engines roll it makes me wanna go it makes me [Music] makes me wanna hear and save time welcome home your beat is mine we'll see [Music] only makes me wanna do it makes me wanna hear it say well done welcome home your face is right we'll see it's paid by the edges rolling makes me wanna go we'll see it's raised by the end [Music] hello Michigan oh well we are tribute quartet we're from Nashville Tennessee we had the privilege this morning being in service pastor thank you so much what a great message we had a great time if you were here this morning but I'm ready to have a good time this afternoon amen we love singing in Michigan for a couple reasons first of all we like to sing to people that like to smile amen you get tired pastor going to places where they look like they've been dipped down to vinegar and wing don't dill pickles some of you know what I'm talking about because you go to church with them every Sunday mornin amen another reason we love coming to Michigan I don't know if you have them here but I'm sure you do the Culver does anybody have Culver's up here oh yes the butter burgers let me tell you ladies and gentlemen they will be at the marriage supper of the Lamb amen we love Culver but real quickly let me tell you the guys are starting to my immediate left this young gentleman comes from a town in Florida by the name of Rayford does anybody know what Raiford Florida is famous for the state prison and that's where we got him block 975 I'm happy to tell you today ladies and gentlemen that he's been nominated in the top 10 musicians along with the top five baritone singers for 2015 make welcome mr. Josh Singletary [Applause] ah this one right here we are so blessed to have this one here he's been here a little over five years and we are really blessed I tell people every night wherever we go we are blessed to have this one but we are blessed to have this one do you know why we're blessed do you know how hard it is to find a man who can sing like a woman for a quartet and we found us a good one Danny I'm thrilled thrilled about this but he comes from Fairland Oklahoma has been nominated in the top ten tenor singers along with the top five young artists for 2015 would you make welcome mr. Ravi Harrison Clarke ah this one right here before I hired him to come sing bass with tribute he was a police officer for ten years and what an honor and don't turn around smile does he remind you of anybody Barney Fife turn around smile the difference between him and Barney is though they gave and they gave Marni a bullet they wouldn't even give him bullet they gave him a dog true story turn around smiling but ladies and gentlemen he has been nominated in the top ten bass singers all across the country for 2015 from Dyersburg Tennessee would you make welcome mr. Anthony Davis my name is Gary castanet wakes up volunteering at see the guys at missing [Music] I'm down boy no happiness was found with it I never do the meeting of joy down in my soul whoo whoo women last time they tend you tend to build my soul like I never felt and he came down that was Tori all around when he said bye [Music] in the lord save me all of her [Music] Gloria [Music] maybe beforehand the day when the Lord see [Music] how many remembers a day that the Lord saved [Music] now live these folders deep within my heart abides and today that Jesus took my sins away to heaven I shall code to spend me in the fire praising is payable the glorious day that I say my [Music] and the lord save me all of heaven pain you're evil Lord my son ever forget the day when I say me Salem artists Amy [Music] [Music] Oh somebody ready sir Lord I'm ready for he's saving my soul [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] day [Music] that day me I'm Devin enough to get excited about somebody praise the Lord let's do some more that we're not done here [Music] Oh [Music] when the baby day [Music] [Music] it's hard to hear heaven's whispers [Music] we're winners gently blue and sometimes God's more scarce a lost on the mountain back [Music] is when the GUI was easy I'll say that I've seen still walks through I can hear words on [Music] they can pray not always [Music] [Music] [Music] as [Music] weary servant your work hand [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thankfully even lowest valleys we can still hear the voice of God no matter what your trial is I want you to know it won't last forever listen to this [Music] so hard and it seems no piece can be found trust me [Music] I swear [Music] [Music] forever [Music] if let's say you could endure the pain for when he died for me [Music] forey suffered so much Oh mind Mike in the world Oh [Music] [Music] gathers [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes we will in Jesus name yes we will [Music] Jesus was a man who's not like many other he preached about judgment and a kingdom soon to come the people had never heard words my pleas he stirred up the scribes and the Bears so living in the plot against God one and they let him before the courts and the halls of Pilate in a trial a marked and condemned this righteous man finally listened to the crown and he moves they lied but when he heard the people crying crucify he tried but he couldn't wash the blood from his guilty [Music] Jesus died only he'll they called Mount Calvary and laid him in a tomb and a stole to seal him in China all but three days later when the women came shocked and excited when they reached his grave where I'm come back to town and everybody heard them I'm through so then across something you were the dead but an empty too [Music] before you see happily still believe that our savior is alive two thousand years have passed it since he ascended before the wars range on in a world so lost in said troubles and trials on every head the pieces comin to the wrong where the key comes back [Music] sign in the sky every I can see from he's a goodness me every is [Music] good news mr. [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] with me inside [Music] face but this ring is fine [Music] outside [Music] we'll see my instrument [Music] well [Music] we'll see [Music] we've said later [Music] oh sure [Music] me [Music] I like this [Music] [Music] Hey see inside [Music] [Music] oh what a shower right across the balls it's guys when Jesus can go in the cloud Lily home painting care and in the storage shed when Jesus comes in the clouds when Jesus come the glory right with me only shake tonight Osamu me has eternal joy at last when Jesus with all the preppies of boat will trip the streets I'll go with Jesus in the will be no more goodbyes with Jesus Jesus Gouri by the lovely shades a night of sorrow will be passed eternal joy with Jesus Jesus [Music] we'll enjoy [Music] [Music] sorrow will be as eternal joy last with Jesus town and Saro will be an eternal joy in Jesus God [Music] [Music] it's been such a wonderful day and thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of it I love when I can come to a church and feel the presence of the Lord amen and let me just say this to you let me encourage you today don't ever take it for granted we travel all over this country and other countries and it's not every place that you can walk in and feel the presence of the Lord but can I encourage your friend prayer just doesn't start right here to church we gotta have a prayer in our home we gotta instill in our children [Music] then bring it to church business pray that the Lord will move in such a mighty way I'm thankful for the land we are recently I don't know about you but I still like the old songs of the church and I love the songbook that that you sing out of I say this day after day is that a good song is a lasting song and that's the reason why the hymns are still important in the church today because they convict the loss and they encourage this we just got done a few weeks ago recording a new lab DVD and I want to do a couple songs up for that today and I believe this song that Riley sings you will recognize [Music] once I was [Music] who [Music] please sure [Music] is [Music] [Music] the water Crossing bodies and [Music] Oh [Music] city [Music] is word yeah [Music] [Music] [Laughter] for even [Music] [Applause] [Music] Mima [Music] too many try [Music] many tea he'll meet [Music] I've crossed [Music] right but son [Music] Oh many times [Music] behind [Music] oh wait [Music] many treasures are this [Music] I know we weren't planning on singing this song but I think we should sing this song it's a brand new song in our project our new project it's one of my favorites and it simply reminds us of that I want you to remain standing because if you have a need and you haven't worked up that a little bit of faith that we need that a little bit of faith that'll get you to say you know what god I give it to you if you have I want you to listen to this because it's gonna remind you that once again no matter what we face no matter what we hear no matter what news you get no matter when you see on TV no matter what you feel like God is never gonna change he's gonna remain the same always the God of all of our days listen to this [Music] crews still it when the news came all this then your Jesus leave real feelings [Music] and slay [Music] they [Music] you are [Music] [Applause] by the way thieves [Applause] [Music] ya'll believe that tonight [Music] do [Music] Marit still is will mother prize so you start [Music] here [Music] you are [Music] going [Music] because the you are [Music] [Music] [Music] do you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] have you a choice where they man in amen I know that was a blessing unto you the tribute court ended another group that's with us on the singing at sea cruise if you'd like to know more about that it's scheduled to sail in February of 2021 so if you'd like to know more about the cruise message meter or post there we'll be glad to send you the information about it if you'd like to know more about the tricky quartet and you can find them on Facebook or the tribute court get calm now believe is their website you can find their products and you can even support them if you would like to also I wanted to mention once again how much I appreciate you tuning in to our online ministry it's a joy that would I get to to sit down and take part of this with the services with you it's a joy to see yellow line and to interact to God is what you know that you're a blessing to me amen you can watch throughout the week something new that I've started I'm posting short devotional videos all over about three or four minutes long just a little tidbit to help you get through the week I'm generally post them on Tuesday mornings and Friday mornings so watch out for those Wednesday night you can either join us here at the church or tune in for our midweek service Wednesday evening at 7:00 thanks again for all you do thanks for your time and God bless
Channel: Temple Free Will Baptist Church
Views: 5,960
Rating: 4.9148936 out of 5
Id: adlTyYXCsH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 29sec (3449 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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