Leg of Lamb | Cookin' Somethin with Matty Matheson

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- Hey, I'm Matty Matheson. And on this episode of Cookin' Somethin, we're gonna grill a leg of lamb, not a whole leg of lamb, I'm gonna butcher a leg of lamb. My good friends, YETI are on board and we're having a great time. The greatest coolers. If you were to take a spaceship to another planet, guess what? YETI's already there with all the coolers ready to have a party. Thank you very much, YETI. I love you guys. See you guys soon. If you want more information on YETI, hit the link. Okay? Cookin' Somethin. The first thing that I'm gonna do is I want to toast up a bunch of seeds and spices to go into my marinade for my leg of lamb. I have just like a little charcoal grill. What we got here is just a little pan. We're gonna let that get warm. Now I'm gonna add a bunch of spices. I have some Szechuan peppercorns. Beautiful pop, pop, pop. We have some actual, just black peppercorns. We have some beautiful anise seed, We've got some fennel seed, we got some coriander seed, got some cumin seed. And now we're just gonna kinda, wake these up. And we're gonna get these nice and hot and toasty. So I do wanna get a little smoke on here, okay? So we wanna roast these slowly. Bring out those natural oils, the flavors, the fragrances, and kinda caramelize them. Get a little bit of smoke in the pan. And you wanna be really careful because you want a little caramelization on them and you want them to be toasty but you don't want to burn them. It's a really fine line. So now we got all of our beautiful seeds. Look at that. Alright, so now we're just gonna grind these up. And this is where the fragrance really starts setting in. So now we've awakened them, and roasted, and toasted all these beautiful seeds and peppercorns. If you don't have like a mortar and pestle, you can easily use just like coffee grinder. Most of the time at home, I'm not gonna lie. I probably, would just toast these and then do them on a spice blender. If you have a spice blender, don't do this. Okay? That's it. Shut it down. Watch the video, enjoy the video, keep it to yourself. But this looks beautiful in the sunlight, doesn't it? We got our spices. Now, what we're gonna do, is really quickly, we're gonna make the rest of the marinade. We have our toasted spices and we have this beautiful hot pepper relish from one of my favorite restaurants that I'm gonna add as well. You know, to make a relish like this, it's gonna take so much time. You know, once again, you don't have to do the heavy lifting, focus on the lamb, focus on making the marinade, but you don't have to make every single step. Know your city, know the shops, know your vendors. Now we're gonna add a garlic, lemon zest, lime zest, a little bit of olive oil, and I'm gonna just macerate this. And I'm gonna add that to our seeds and our beautiful hot pepper relish. Okay, so now let's cut all this stuff up. We got some shallots. So I'm just gonna like a small dice and just kinda mince them up a bit. So we got some parsley. I'm now gonna take the stems off. I think stems are good. Cilantro, lots of stem in there. Lot of flavor in the cilantro stems, a lot of texture. We got some mint. Just gonna pick off all this mint and just kind of roll it up quickly and just run my knife over it. So this sauce, this amazing salsa verde here. Gonna mix this up. We're gonna add just enough neutral kinda like grape seed oil. And I just wanna have enough just so it kind of comes together. Okay. We need to season some salt. So let's taste. It's absolutely incredible. It is missing citrus. It's missing acid, right? You always wanna hit your salt, your fat and your acid. We got our oil, we got our salt. Last thing we got to do, later, is finish it with our acid. So I have the flavor of the zest of the lemon and the lime but I'm not gonna add the juice 'cause I don't wanna oxidize which means it's gonna turn to brown. So when it gets oxidized, the green, the chlorophyll will get all gnarly and it gets you know, brown. So I don't wanna turn my beautiful lamb into this brown. I want it to be green and vibrant red, beautiful lamb. I want some for finishing, right? Okay. That is gonna be our finishing sauce. Now I have a beautiful Ontario leg of lamb. Lots of fat, lots of beautiful, beautiful meat. We're gonna de-bone it. And kinda lay it out real nice and flat, and then just soak it all up in that marinade. We're just gonna make an incision. You wanna kind of follow the muscle that we got here. And you got a little knuckle here, just cut around that and just use your fingers and follow around the knuckle, so we can take this off. That's one little bone, little knuckle piece there that we had. We're just gonna butterfly this nice and flat. We just want to cut out this little shinbone and then just cut down the sides of it. There we go. Then I'm gonna trim off some of the fatter pieces. A lot of fat is gonna really flame up when we grill this and we don't really want to eat that much fat, to be honest. Also some of the silver skin, you can take off, clean up some of the silver skin if you want. Now I'm gonna just make some incisions all the way down. I want all of that beautiful marinade to penetrate this leg of lamb. And growing a long piece of thin meat like this, it's gonna cook fast, and you wanna have more control. So I am gonna cut this just right in half. And now I got two pieces. Now we're gonna slide it into our beautiful marinade here. We got all the herbs, all those beautiful spices. Really getting our hands in there, and you just massage. You go to the spa and you're like leg of lamb. Check out the spa music. (mumbles random music) Spa massage? Does that sound nice to you? That sounds nice to me. We just wanna clear the lid. So just take your willow wipey. Wipe it up nice. Nice and secure. Woof. Whoo. Now, perfect fit. Oh! (chuckles in excitement) Yes. We got our leg of lamb's marinating. Beautiful. I wanna make a nice little salad to go along with our grilled lamb and crispy rice. We're just gonna kind of cube everything. So this salad is one that I make all the time. I'm grilling meats in the summertime, in the spring time, whatever you want. Once again, I'm just gonna cut this kinda in half. Cut across 'cause you want everything kind of the same size. Boom. Poppin' these little olives in my fingertips. Just cracking them really nice. Give this a little mix. Chop up some peppers. Just cut these into rounds, no problem. These are spicy little pepperoncinis. A little Sherry vinegar. Once again, got some nice olive oil. We don't need a lot of oil. Just enough to kind of bring it all together. A little salt, some fresh cracked pepper. Even though I put the vinegar, the Sherry, I'm gonna add some lemon juice. Let's mix this up. This is the salad right here. Beautiful vegetables, pickled peppers, the briny beautiful olives, the cucumber, the red onion. (starts munching the salad) Mm. Mm. Mm. We got two full salads ready to go. I'm gonna put that in the cooler to keep it nice and safe, and nice and cool. We're gonna grill our leg of lamb right now. So let's get it out. We have a beautiful marinated leg of lamb but now I'm gonna season this with just a little bit of salt and we're gonna grill this up the same as like a skirt steak. It's gonna be nice and fast. We're gonna get a lot of char. Ohh. See the one thing, it's all the same size all the way across, okay? so it's gonna be cooking evenly. So look at this what's happening, the oils, the fats rendering out, it's dripping down into the coals. We're getting those little flames, little flames is okay. A little re-seasoning some salt, some more salt maybe some fresh cracked pep now too? A little re-seasoning while grilling is such a great thing. You can see I'm tossing it, I'm playing with it. It's okay. It's like, you gotta turn things. One thing is, I don't like that. You gotta move it around. So when you're cooking like a leg of lamb like this, right? There's like ligaments and there's fat pieces. You don't wanna serve this like rare, right? This is definitely like medium. We're trying to get as much flavor out of this leg of lamb as possible. That's the biggest thing about all of this. It's capturing flavor so you want that meat to come through. Okay. So this one's done. So right away what I wanna do is give it another nice little pepper in. And I'm just gonna give it a little oil, and a little more salt. And we're just gonna let that sit there. Round two. And now we're gonna do the exact same thing with this piece. We're gonna cook it. We're gonna flip it around a lot because the flame is flaming. It's fatty it's oily. We got to take care of it. We're doing a little beautiful smoke steam facial. That is like, you got that grilled lamb. Facial is once again, this is it. That smoke, that's the nice stuff. Okay? Okay. Look at that. Look at that. There's our second piece of leg of lamb. So what I'm gonna do is just take a little bit of our sauce and just spread it around as it rests. Those herbs, those flavors the spices, are all just gonna melt as this cools down. We're gonna rest this literally for about 20 to 30 minutes in the Tundra. Okay? The air is gonna actually start moving around in here and just gently rest this perfectly. So we're gonna close this up and now we get to make our crispy rice. So I got a hot pan over here, just gonna put a little bit of olive oil in the bottom of the pan. So when you're trying to make like fried rice or crispy rice it's always best to have a day old rice, for sure. So once again, I just had some old rice, packed it up, put it in my cooler. Now we're good to go. And I'm just gonna literally put this all in the bottom. What we're gonna achieve is we're just gonna leave this here until it gets nice and crispy on the bottom. And then it's gonna steam through, it's gonna be fluffy and light and just perfect rice. And it's gonna smell like popcorn. If it smells burnt, you're cooked. It's fully burned, but you want that aromatic popcorn smell. Those natural roasting, beautiful rice kernels. And you can feel the edges. So the edges of the pan, you can feel them drying out. They're getting crispy and it almost turns into a giant rice cake. And then what we're gonna do is flip that out. Look at that. We've got those little burnt edges, that golden crunch. (chuckles) (claps in excitement) Okay. I'm just gonna throw some pitas on here. We're gonna grill them up, throw a couple on there and just, you know, let them steam through. We'll grow 'em up. We'll switch 'em out. Play little Tetris. Now here's the time. Finishing stages. Lime of half a juice. Lime of half a juice? No. Juice of half a lime. Juice of half a lemon. Yeah. Ugh. This is like the final form. This is the end boss, right here. Now look at this. We got our beautiful salad. Look at that. Now we've been resting our beautiful grilled leg of lamb. Look at those juices. Check this out. Perfectly rested. I think we've done it again. With cooking, you have to be patient. You know that I'm patient. That's a fact. Now, look at this. Chimichurri sauce with bearnaise sauce on top. A pita action. And then we just hit it with that lemon. We made a marinade, we grilled some lamb, we made some crispy rice, made a beautiful little salad. We can all do this together. You can watch the videos, you can make the food. We can do it together. Here we go. (starts munching food) (lively music) It's crazy. (munches) Do you hear that? Do you hear? the rice. This is world-class, okay? Okay. I'm trying to savor, I can't stop eating! We rested this perfectly. Where's the juices? They're in the meat! Because we used the insulation, the Tundra 45 baby. You guys know me, we know each other by now. The thing that we know, I only bring the ruckus and that's why we had to do this. We had to show you what time it was. Love you guys, world peace. Let's go! (chicken noises) That's fire. It was crazy. (burps) Hot or cold, YETI's got you baby. (kisses cooler)
Views: 622,455
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Keywords: retired bolt ears, matty matheson, matty, matheson, cooking, cooking something, leg of lamb, lamb, lamb chops, how to cook lamb, lamb leg, lamb recipes, easy lamb recipes, rack of lamb, lamb meat, matty matheson lamb, leg of lamb recipe, how to make leg of lamb, how to cook, how to cook leg of lamb, grilled lamb, how to cut lamb, yeti, yeti coolers, grilling, grilling recipes, easy salad recipe, crispy rice, marinated lamb
Id: wFvBY4CtF0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 03 2021
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