LEG CAST! Elsa & Anna Bicycle Tumble!

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hey parents how to download the Delta app on roku Apple and Amazon fire TV so your kids can watch the sweet videos without interruption [Music] okay and what's happened is she okay doesn't look very good [Music] chuckle can I join you sure of course get your break okay I can't wait to cycle on the bike because I get to use the bigger bike now mom told me I could because I've been taking special lessons with her and come in awesome oh he's so cute get off it now let's ride wait look I get to use the big bike because I've been taking special lessons with money and she said I could use it today isn't it awesome yeah it's cool so much fun [Music] [Applause] Elfi it's my turn now my turn your turn for what do think bike I'm a big girl now no I you're not able to go on the big bike you're way too young for it you go on the big body because my mom gave me special lessons and I'm older than you do it I'll show you I'm old enough I'm a big girl no you're not Ani well I'm gonna prove it to you Ali it's very dangerous it's funny I'll show you I can't but you got hurt it's not my fault I won't get hurt I'll be able to do it for a couple of seconds or minutes I told you I had Wow you're actually really couldn't it now just turn all right just be careful because it is your first ride okay I should go get your mom what happened aunty was writing the big bicycle why on you're not old enough to do that you go and get your mommy and ask her to call an ambulance ani I'm gonna try and lift you up okay Holly hurts okay um so you definitely cannot walk no mommy no on their way [Music] where's the emergency oh my daughter thinks she's broken her leg and we're gonna get her on a stretcher don't worry honey you're gonna be absolutely fine right we're gonna do an x-ray x-ray the neck she's basically where we take a picture of your arm see the bones inside it you know any of them are hurt so we're gonna go over Oh okay so nothing seems to be hurt in your bone it's just a bit blurry in your arm so it's just a bit grey so your honor's all right I'm gonna get a plaster for you okay okay don't worry you're gonna be just fine you're gonna poster girl it's perfect no I need you to sit up I check your reflexes mmm that doesn't look very good don't worry honey it's fine what we're gonna do is we're just gonna take an x-ray of your leg and then that's gonna determine if you have a broken leg oh I hope she's okay don't worry she will be your leg is broken what don't worry it's all right why I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put your leg in a plaster I'm gonna clean it all up I you're gonna have to rest it for at least six weeks but it'll get better I promise okay oh what's happened is she okay all right well I have good news and bad news what you want to hear first the good news yeah all right so her arms all right I just put a plaster on it on her she'll be okay but then the bad news is her leg is broken it's only gonna take six weeks to heal and it but if she rests it well then it will heal extremely fast don't speak so um oh I hope she's okay don't worry she will be this is a plaster all right it'll be a bit cold at first that's good all right there we go what's all done super big and heavy but I'm okay I think you look pretty cool so while you're getting your foster on on LC and I went to the push eat stores and got you a little dragon machine you like it I love my work here is done thank you so much nurse you're welcome now you girl you girls can take her inside just be careful Ani okay okay let's go thank you so much nurse it's so boring just staying here for a week yeah well we probably thought it would be we brought you a balloon everything all right so we're gonna go play outside come on let's go my neck is broken only have to roast I can't you sure you can we're gonna play tag and throw the ball come on you have to see my leg is broken I can't you there has to be a way wait give us one second Oh see we can still run after you because you have your wheels to move around and you can catch the ball it's great but my resting it will because there's a special little fun pilot for you to put your leg right on thank you so much all right let's bring it over to you and you can sit down in it here we go it's gonna be so much fun at you we're gonna pull your wheelchair so fast I don't even mention you girls are in so much trouble it's come on honey it's 8 o'clock let's go ask your mommies if we can go to this so excited no wait why hello girls what are you doing mommy we were wondering if you'd let us go to girls app solutely not have you seen the state of your room like look at it your bed is completely massive probably have them in May for the past 2 days you're squeezing everywhere there's a towel on your plants look at all your books like look how dirty that is I don't even mention your wardrobes do you see the state of these girls this is absolutely awful this is appalling not good at all it's nice it's nice and cozy when it's messy no it's not auntie it's dirty and unsanitary all right you can go to the sleepover on one condition you have to have this whole room clean and your wardrobes clean in an hour then it'll be 9 o'clock if you do that then I will let you go to the sleepover I want to clean Elsie no sleepover if the room isn't clean come on Elsie fine all right one hour that's all you have Oh what are you doing you clean the beds and what I think you why don't we just put everything into the Wardrobe they're super bigoted she won't even notice everything in the wardrobe yeah you do the pants out of the Wardrobe and we both clean up the books and never done that you'll see over yeah ok but take all these pills under this big big big Oh blankets more blankets pillows oh that's my favorite pillow oh oh no more job oh yeah makes it yeah let's split it I'll put this much this feedback is a bit too big just put that over here and I'll describe this towel off here all right nice beanbag this yeah so I'll take this much and put it in my wardrobe you take the rest and put it in your wardrobe uh I've survived a lot know how harmony was right our wardrobes are really messy but you know she won't even notice if we just fit everything in I'm sure it'll be fine so I mean if I just squish everything into the compartments then it should be okay stay please stay it was definitely gonna burst oh my mommy won't even suspect a thing up with the rug here as well so things we have to push everything in here I'll help you honey if the suit is so cute oh nice buddy Framm whoever perfect all right our wardrobe this is super thingy they don't even suspect a thing yeah you just put all these small stuff you're just getting this big suitcase Wow all the bags in here oh oh yeah my school go I'm looking for that gotta stuff everything you put these little books in here start get up maybe I can fit I will use all the space we do I think this'll fit see what have you is books in Oh see you take out some one get away bigger tickets um alright me will you still have that one I feel it might be a waste um we can just put these books under our beds under if it's perfect okay you start putting some in that bag okay perfect stuff yeah just don't make it look suspicious and put the Shelf back where it was you have to put this you gets big big big big suitcase over here does it turn the cup like this ILC I was just coming to check honey more wow you look so clean you girls did so well well done and it's not even half past I was gonna ask you girls to do the laundry but you know what I can do it I'm just gonna do the laundry and then I can drop you girls off to Jasmine's Azamara I've been talking to her mom I'm just gonna go get some clothes in the wardrobe oh my goodness girls do you literally just stop all your clothes into the Wardrobe they're squishy this is your wardrobe oh my goodness Elsie I hope yours a little bit you girls are in so much trouble maybe you girls would have taken less time if you did it properly you're still gonna be allowed to go to the sleepover with your children but you have to do all the laundry you've just sort of all this clothes all the shoes all the squeeze you put everything back and we want is green stuff under your boot Oh your books oh your bed you'll see is that urban as well you girls are in so much trouble why do you have my suitcase over there I'm suitcase that's nothing this what is the meaning of this girl's [Music] case oh my goodness I am so disappointed in you girls why would you even do this well if he didn't find stuff in the lunch box don't box what is this you girls have got to be kidding me you have an hour to clean this ala an hour I knew girls have to do the laundry you have to tidy up everything I'm really disappointed in you girls I really am okay if we clean this up lesson now and do the laundry then we will be able to go so I'm gonna work in all the books and everything and you couldn't work on the first process I'll finish the books and then I'll come help you it doesn't take that long first of all I didn't move mommy suitcase that is definitely not going under the bed really really have to approve everything all the books filling the school is so hard you so much books and everything Bonnie come on just put them back in the shelves I'm almost done the first wardrobe oh right my dress this is gonna take a long time all right let's just make a pile of squishies cuz we have so much of them smells so good but you dear put you there so this is my squashy squishies all right let's put these onesies over here we just put drop it down no tiny this onesie over here that's dress daddy this is my mommy's dress what does that mean been doing it here this is a mermaid tail what this is Ami's this is Ariel I don't know I have this finally a shirt that's mine let's just fold it these are folded clothes all right this up you wanna get creased right there beautiful and all of our pencils and markers going here from inside of this chest feed may be tidied up is not so bad push this stuff in this stuff first closet maybe you should put away these squishies into a nice pile I am what's good like oh I can really step in charge like play for the tiniest thing she's only doing that what are you doing hmm just playing anything now okay okay I'm gonna go with a laundry situation is I haven't been Oh although I'm just gonna go over there oh hey just close the door just do this one on the side nothing there you go wait a minute this skirt she's been looking at for ages oh good on ear here I've done a lot of work on laundry so far okay so you've said I separated the whites from the dark clothes you can put all these white I have some powder here you can put all the whites into the washing machine and I can start hanging out these clothes okay wait I should probably get a basket for these first that's not helping me they just have to you okay I think that's good now just close oh right honey can you put I just need to get that basket over there and forwards for clothes ages but no you lost it but that I found it so it's mine it's not yours at all it's mine I'm telling my mom eonni it's not but thank you for finding a great want that skirt alright let's put our clothes in the washing machine I think I have an ani problem come on I'm gonna get these clothes and wash I need to get the washing powder where is it there it is like it's too high up no it's too high we can do this super quick because mom is making the dinner so I'll just go see I'll just grab this purple sushi thing mmm let's try how we're gonna do this [Music] [Music] let me try this what's that finally finally I'm already done enough no I'm teasing Wow okay I think that's enough now I need to just put it around the mirror to clean it because it was super messy nice clean mirror now just got it back perfect I was just wrong tired um I don't see the sleepover party maybe just sit down the coffee bean bag girls like Ramos are they sleeping really on the other hand let's make sure they didn't do this properly okay no books under the beds they're all folded over very properly but Isaac to fish okay well let's check the wardrobe situation Wow it's okay you just put this back here it did really well see oh wow all these wardrobe is amazing I think else you did this all right you're sweating this one is finished clothes are home now and let's just check the bathroom then Wow nice and clean now so I checked here was a stain my girls at do you want to go for your sleepover you did amazing [Music] hmm maybe next time
Channel: Doll Time HD
Views: 15,524,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elsia, elsa and anna toddlers, leg cast, Anna, come play, frozen, dolls, toys, play, children, kids, leg, cast, toddlers, anya, annia, barbie, doctor, elsee, annee, bicycle fall, short leg cast, elsya, anna
Id: 7nzY8Hh1fWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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