Learning to Roadtrain

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good morning and welcome to Western Australia now we're up early because we're going to go out with jonno today but I stopped in the cafe to wait for him and this was up on the wall in the bathroom thought it was quite interesting and quite helpful and a good idea soon as we spend so much time on our own doing this job so if you watched my last um video where I was at the macm truck show um you would have um seen me talking to jonno jonno's got his own YouTube channel Road train Adventures well worth a look at um some of the differences are amazing so we're in jonno's Lori it's a chenworth looks kind of a bit oldfashioned to us it's got the round clocks and all that sort of thing and and it's got the eaten Fuller twin split gearbox every driver's nightmare until they get used to it I'll actually put a link um to one of jonno's videos because he showed he did a uh a video all about changing Gear with that gearbox so that gives you an idea of how it works but if say if you go into his videos it it'll show you actually it working and you can change gear you get it right you can change gear without using the clutch but it is a case of getting it right I have driven one many many years ago and I must admit I'm sure I would need the practice if I got back into it again um it's it's the smoothest thing ever when you get it right so we took the first trailer in and we loaded that couldn't get out and video it because of their health and safety policy and everything so um we've just come back to the parking area to drop this one off and pick the other one up simple is that so yours are different to ours are yours on yours still on Taps on what you have caps for your air well I have caps here but that's I need to Supply Air to the back of the truck if I want to tow a dolly around or something so I turn these Taps off otherwise there a capture in the TR in the front which I'll show you now right okay okay so over here if you can see can you see so right here we have two two two knobs this is the parking brake so that's what applies the parking brake and this one here supplies air to the trailer so if I pull that out now and then release the handbrake is no air is being well sent to the trailer so that's how we turn them on and off and it's a lot easier that way oh right okay so you do all that before you get out you you've oh no I don't even need to do that until I until I go to go right [Music] okay so we're going to leave that trailer there for now and we'll go and load another one this area is very busy it's um on the side of the Industrial Area it's where the road trains and the B doubles come to drop one of their trailers and then they can go out to Industrial State and [Applause] load [Music] [Music] so we'll leave this one here and go and get the next one here in Australia we use these plugs what are they called not sure but basically what they have is a little locking mechanism you can see it goes down that way if you turn it a little it's locked it can't go far so as long as it's anyway you'll see there's a little there's a little Dr there there so anyway we push on and then just turn a little on this one here the same thing and turn a little and then we can't unlock that but it doesn't come out this one here I'm not sure whether you got that in Australia um in the UK we have do there you go very similar so we just push that in now on a more modern truck and trailer we might have EBS we don't on ours we don't worry about that just get the job done yeah all right but see now so that that has got um that is uh the air is controlled by inside the cab yeah so see with ours this is under pressure we don't have the controls in the cab these we have a similar sort of things slightly bigger but a similar sort of thing but they're actually under pressure so when you've put that in that means that there's break there's air going to the trailer and there's um your hand it's just your handbrake in the cab so um all that would be under pressure and you can tell when you push it in if you don't turn it if you don't secure it you know like you did it would just shoot straight back off again well in the old system says we did have tabs so then you would turn you plug it in and then turn the tap off so it tap on now just in case you don't know the difference between the blue and the the uh the red so the red is the supply so this Supply is air at all times to take the brakes off this is called the control this is when you put your foot on the brake than the foot brake this will send air down this line in order to take or put The Brak on so we used to have Taps but they took the Taps off off so that if you didn't um twist the collar as you did if you didn't do that and you your P lines would come off and then you would know that there's no that the brakes aren't working so that it we we don't have Taps anymore we used to but we don't have Taps anymore but for a security thing to show that you've you've secured the airline properly all right and yes there was more than one comment made about the car parked right opposite the [Music] [Music] entrance [Music] so as you see I'm not really splitting every year it's not need to Road there people who go through every split I'm gone down the road and there go it's just [Music] ridiculous and as you can see this when you get the Reps right it just goes in there's no need to so there's no touch and I just go down [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Laughter] that nice [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] so what we' got to do is go in back up to the dolly connect that up and then back the back the leading Dolly onto that other trailer we put into that parking B and that's it we're connected ready to go [Music] [Music] [Music] oh under your Fe there you see so that little device there that's Mone Peter so so that to get further so our phone but if if you're are youone so your phone won't connect if you then the phone will connect to this internal antenna which is by the seat here and then boost it out of the antenna on the roof okay so I can get a lot further without Lo signal in UK do they use the CV not to much now because networ are so cheap yeah you have to have CV otherwise how can you just start that truck there talk to him or te him you don't know their phone numbers no they don't so how you going to talk to they don't well that's not good no it's not but I mean that's that's what I was saying to you about um the people that there are truck drive there are drivers and drivers is what we say they're drivers and screwdrivers no truck driver culture in them they just it's just a job well with with us every truck is the same way yeah [Music] but um so there's my CVS but this is the one I use this one here picks up the cops as well so as I drive around Queen stand I can listen to the police this is really interesting I haven't found much interesting stuff on the occasion so yeah so we always we're always on channel 40 so if you want to call any truck in the country that is around town people might to um you can nearly always just call the truck and he'll answer yeah now let Hope going to get in our way yeah oh good that trail is gone so I should be a to straight on to it easily so I jumped out just to video jonno reversing onto the dolly so he's got one trailer on he'll pick the dolly up and then we'll go and pick up the other trailer so when you're coming backwards what are you lining it up with this with so this is always lined up but unfortunately that trer is in the way so I can't go straight onto it um one important thing to do is always get out and have a look always get out and have a look because you're going to smash something as we can see the ring feeder this is what's we connect up to so we've got to unlock this by pulling this lever lifting that up and you can see that the pin is now up okay this must be lined up with here so we always got always got to check the height bit low so make lower okay and have you made it loader just lifted the leg up yeah just just just kick the leg out a bit the leg out a bit more then I'll line up with this just so that's think I'm going to be over a bit so okay okay so that's come down put the leg up before it to get same wires and poses that the lead piler has all right now as soon as I turn this t on it'll it'll roll a bit but I'll get this down and that's it so we got the first trailer got the lead trailer as Johnny calls it and we've got the dolly so now we're putting the dolly underneath this the dog trailer which is the reason it's called a dog trailer is cuz another driver told me because it's the one that Wags it's like a tail at the back of the dog so we'll pick that one up and I just find it interesting the way that everything has to be lined up and um we think that it pivers in two places but like jonno said and like um uh Janine said is that if you try and keep it as straight as possible and then line the dolly up the same way as if you were just picking one trailer up you just line the dolly up with the front of the trailer cuz you can see right down the side of the unit and the trailers so you just line everything up and it goes in to wind the bed legs down and so these lines are now connected to the back of the other trailer through the dolly yeah so every line is exactly the same it starts from the truck push its way all the way through to the second trailer and some people might say but don't you need lots and lots of air tanks to to build all that air or what about the lighting no whether it be one trailer or multiple trailers we can have three or four trailers just the same air system same same lighting and it keeps pressure all the way to the back brakes yeah so come to the back I actually I just get the light so next next step is to flip the big road train TI all right let's uh let's go the front there we go all hooked up and ready to roll so now we're going to be going up the [Music] hill so now we're going up the hill and uh it's going to be a slow slow run up the hill probably I'm going to get as fast as I can sometimes I can get up to 70 and then people then the cars slow me down because they won't you know they W just going to do the speed limit so inconsiderate no so I'm only doing 45 at the moment and that's probably best pass doing it again so now we going to slow down already so now we're back to well that's 25 km hour and and that maybe as fast as I'll get up this hill now 25 all the way and you never have a problem with over or anything like that oh that's what the switch is for so I turn the fan on so you see this green light that shows in fan so it just stays on now um so I can change the computer to show me all of the heating so call temperatur um 91 oil temperat 103 okay so that's just R the screen like you see just at any time dance but I don't usually leave that up because you got the analog Dash Handlock gauges anyway so I have a little bit more power I'm actually about half CLE if I put my left to the Flor right now I can accelerate just a little see we're accelerating so I'm going it back off a bit because I still can't do much no so I still have a little bit of power but yeah all should get into a steeper part so now St to the floor again preferably we don't leave it that's to the floor going up a hill we want to find a gear where we can back it off it actually I'm going to die no I'm not going to make this no I'm going to have to go back again so this year I'm definitely going to have to back off so I get it up to 1500 RS and I want to keep it around 1500 isn't going up the hill so now if I put my foot down you can hear it accelerate a little till back off just keep it around the 1600 isn't going [Music] up cruise control don't work under 20 M hour so you can't just head the cruise control and just it [Music] holded and now what we got to do is just keep it in our Lane [Music] so behind this we're getting higher in my mirror you can see the city um you probably can't see from there but you can see the uh the buildings in the city no I can't see it now I've turned if you just got it before you can see the city the Big Smoke [Music] so in England I mean sorry in um in Australia every truck has a a radio tur radio going so so at all times we've got a 2way radio channel 40 oh here we go here so you'll see channel 40 on there yeah and um so if anybody or ever wants to call me they can call me at any time and just about every truck uh driving around especially the countryside um you you call some with your CH and they're going to answer except for you know some people might say as you guys call it the foreigners they may not answer they might have here earphones in their ears listen to loud music and all they're not listening so that's still a problem over [Music] here now up ahead as you see this truck coming down the hill there that a um that truck there is going to be probably um well he might be running back so he might be 8 H so he's going to be going down the hill slowly oh here comes D you see look at this road train passing through me past me now he's going to be empty surely there no chance he be be going up like that oh there's one so there's a Road train coming into town that's a really go so he's under escort and so that's what's happening um right now the road tra are being escorted in and out of town which is kind of silly I think um it's it's because of the train lines are out and so road trains don't normally go up and down this hill okay but there's no reason they can't no I mean as you can see I can go up and pine I don't need to be escorted up the hill but I need to be escorted down the hill yes I'm not as heavy as a um as a Road train tippers with a tri Dolly and a um and as an eight wheeler truck so he's going to be like 85 ton I'm only I like the 85 T too but when I came down the hill I was only probably about 70 T 60 now this level's out a bit here so I can go a bit faster maybe nice until we get to the but the idea is to keep that keep the RS at 1500 oh no I just keep it the 1500 other people keep it the higher I don't want to keep the Reps too high yeah I don't think that's necessary so this is the top of the hill it's only down from here but it's not a steep hill down okay now we can change ears and turn that fan [Music] off and did you see that no clutch I don't use the clutch there is no need to use the clutch such is just change the gears at the right revs and you will never grind it up and down gears and for the people who say oh yeah but don't you damage the gear box no I've been doing this for years I've had this truck for years and I haven't gone through any gear boxes I've gone through one clutch only but that's normal because clutches you know they only last so long anyway and um yeah one clutch after 1 million or something or 1.2 million I think yeah so and no gear boxes no never I've never gone through a gear box so yeah know treat it right and um it'll look after you are you getting too cold or anything there no I'm fine thank you silly thing to say when I'm from the UK are you too cold no it's it's not snowing it's not too [Music] cold let me tell you you guys you guys in England if you like the Europe you're probably following Cher's Channel because you like R his trucks and just seen the show um as I've said I don't like automatic in fact I hate automatic automatic is the worst to me I want to change gears when I go up and down Hills I want to control now people might say oh I don't have a problem with automatic my automatic runs fine I doubt it I mean I just I just I've never gone up a hill or down a hill and the automatic is just done exactly what you wanted it to these big Hills that we go down that listen say for an example so you going down the hill and then you're thinking oh it's it's it's slowing me down too much as soon as you touch that throttle it thinks oh you want to go bang it changes gears and you're you're away and especially in the road train you're you're losing it now now you're trying to get it back gears and You' you you're get way too fast now and that's the danger of automatics because they think oh you want to go okay I'll go let you go and it and you go and the same thing going up a hill you might be going up a hill and you You' selected the right gear oh look out granny oh it's not a gr H um so yeah you're going to be going up a hill and you you you're in the right gear and then it think no I'm going to save fuel I'm going to change I'm going to change down the gear or up the gear depending on how you how you want to say it and uh so now you've changed the gear and every time you change the gear going up a hill especially in the road Road train you lose 5 km an hour so every time you change a split or a gear you've lost 5 km an hour You've Lost That speed and so you've already lost 5 km then you've got to change your back of gear so now you're back 10 km an hour before you've you know you've even started the hill so there's another problem with automatics must I go on I must admit I am of the same mind I would rather have a manual gear box but in Europe um and the UK you kind of have the spec that you want a manual gearbox now um I mean they're very uh operator like employer friendly because nobody they they can keep a track of everything and nobody can kill the year box is what they dat you don't have to learn how to do it but um I mean it was 2 uh sorry 2017 before I drove an automatic truck and my friend had to come in with me I went to buy one on and I got in it and I said I said to Shamus my friend came Shamus said my friend Micky came to look at me I said um I have no idea what I'm doing and said what I said I've never driv an automatic before I said oh God he said no he said just turn he realize that he said just turn that put your fo down I said all right okay but I've never ever driven an automatic until 2017 but people are learning to drive in an automatic and to me that's not the way forward learn to drive in a manual and then at least you know what it's supposed to be doing and then you know when the automatic is doing the wrong thing or doing the right thing but starting with an automatic it's just it just doesn't make sense to me you're not you're not learning how to drive you're just sitting there letting it I mean maybe that's better for where it's vehicle I don't know but it's not it's not the way I was talk yeah but I I'm quite happy in in the manual yeah for sure so so people this is where we're about to take youby we're just about to pull up at the parking B cheryn is going to hop out and um well go back to her holiday and I'm going to continue along so this load is for a place called Olympic Dam which is north of um oh hang on north of port so if you know Australia you got Adel then keep going into Adel sorry north of Adel then you got pusta keep going north of pusta as though you're going toward Darwin the springs and that's where this load's going so how far is that from where you picked it up um from here it's only half halfway across Australia I'm only doing half H you know it's like um maybe 2 and 12,000 km is nothing I'll be there tomorrow now look at this car and I'm going to have to block him in and um so there we are and we like to say thanks for jonno for letting us come and uh just get involved we've been we've been busy um some of it we couldn't video because of obviously um rules and regulations as you do not so many over here but there is and companies don't like us uh video in their own places which is fine we can accept that so we'd like to say thanks to J for letting us come along and uh we'll go back to our holiday while you keep keep the wheel turning well it's been great great to uh share my experiences and uh let you have a bit of a ride um it's just a pity you didn't get to drive I I know just one of those things so many so many things to do in so little time it gives an excuse to come back again well definitely yeah well you've got a sister who lives here so yeah thanks very much all right or go around the other side you can see the front yeah this is what we loaded classic motorbike on the front jonno's like me has short person syndrome you just have to [Applause] manage so how how big are these tanks that you've got on here so these tank is uh well it says 650 L but you can you can safely get 600 l in so 25,000 L to fill up so you're looking about $4,000 Australian that is to fill those tank so we have a a massive problem in Europe with uh diesel fairies they call them it's the fairies that come in the middle for the night and steal your Diesel and not do they just not do they only just take the tops off but if you put antiphon things in they'll just drill holes in the side and what they even do is they will slowly Jack the Lorry up and then put a a spike at the bottom and then just let it all run out and so if they can't get it when they let the Jack down they've it just goes everywhere so what they don't take well have a have a look at this come here if you wanted to steal some diesel look at this yeah that's it exactly no security needed here no um so now of course most trucks have uh a key lock in it these don't maybe it's maybe it's just the big I don't know but uh I know Volvos and scaners they all have the key but we see we don't bother locking them now because all they do is break them off yeah and it's like the antiphon thing all they if you put an antiphon in it then they'll drill hole in the side and when if you've got a frider r in you can't hit them and and then that's all your diesel got that might be the profit of your whole week's work gone because you've lost your diesel so this is only happened once that I know of that uh I saw a video on Facebook some said they were asleep and um they woke up to hearing something noise at the side so they actually got out of of his truck you saw someone with with a hose you know he cph a hose and and he was sing you know 50 L for his car but anyway chasing him away and stuff like that so that does not happen much over here no it's a massive problem in Europe huge problem um I mean which is most of the reason it's generally I mean they wouldn't be able to steal your load because what how would they steal it but it's not the loads that they're looking for it's either stuff that's in the cab they'll break into the cab or the diesel look there are times when somebody might steal a dollar so you know if you've got another truck there's we have we have two size King Pins and I don't know about Europe but two size keing pins we have 2 in and then the 3 and 1/2 in so if you've got the same keing pin you're going to have one or the other 2 in in Australia's the most popular you can just back up to my trailer and just drive off into the sunset there's nothing stopping it the same with the dolly if the doll is just parked up in the yard you can just back on it and go yes he's got a number plate and a bin plate and stuff like that but people steal cars people steal trailers I mean our uh our insurance um most insurances do not cover it if the load a loaded trailer if it's dropped if it's not got a a truck in front of it and so even in our yard we have to put a pin lock on uh we and it has to have a bit otherwise the goods whatever's on is not insured well look like like you say um pin locks and all these kind of they keep on the sleep out so somebody might come up and think oh I got a pin lock I can't do anything about it but if you want that trailer you're going to do whatever you have to to do to take it yeah that's true that's true okay well we let better let you get on all right was be great start chatting again y okay thanks for your time maybe I'll see you in Australia some days yes [Music] hopefully so had a great day I really really nice guy please check out his channel um you'll be amazed at some of the things he does and some of the shots he does absolutely [Music] brilliant following on from my last video lots of people asking me about um do they have tachographs which they don't um but they do have to run under the wa fatigue management regulations so I went with another driver and she let me um this driver handbook to read while I was with her um really interesting um it sort of sets out all the regulations towards their driving hours so they are on log books um which do get policed but um they obviously have a massive massive country so they have to do more distances than we do and in fact one of Janine's friends actually said on the phone um if we only did nine hours a day we would never get anywhere so I had a really great couple of days out with jonno and out with Janine site and I'd like to thank both of them for taking me along showing me what was what I hope you enjoyed it please subscribe ring the little bell thumbs up comment all that carry on I'm going to go back to my holiday now so um I shall catch you on the next one thanks again for coming along
Channel: Lorry Diaries
Views: 21,151
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Id: WkKcJztbCRE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 43sec (2503 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2024
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