Basic intro to drawing in photoshop

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hey everyone so welcome to today's video and in this video I want to talk about using culture so for my work I use Photoshop and I work on a Wacom Cintiq and then about concentric is in a big screen and you draw with this digital pen so let me show it this is the this oil can show now this is the bottom of this screen you can draw on this it's quite an expensive machine and if you're just starting out you can also buy another product of welcome or any difference tablet just a regular one that isn't the screen and I think that's great to start working digitally and there's a lot of benefits on now you can draw this little bit in Mouse and now I want to work to show how I draw a full shot so I will start sharing my screen now so now we're sharing my screen and is it yes it is so how this work this is Photoshop and if you never use Photoshop you can download a trial I think of 30 days so what you do when you want to create a new file go to file new and then you can create the file you want and let's say we want to print making getting a print and your solution is millimeters and how big is it in pixels mm 3300 pixels per inch that is for when you're want prints you want to have this resolution and if you're going for additionally you can use safety so start with this and okay so we have now this campus but my screen is wide screen so I'd like to rotate it so what you can do is you can rotate your canvas if you call the image image rotation then you can 90 degree clockwise let's see how big is so this 50% so that seems big big enough so first I want to have a sketching brush so here I go to my brush I think so I select this brush level and you can do that i B is for brush and then I want to so normally shape dynamics on and if I turn it off you see this then if I make a line it's all take everywhere if I use this it's pressure sensitive you see so it's deleted but what I want to do is spoon turn the transfer on and smoothing us on 10 so and if it is smoothing on 0 yeah now you don't see anything but it's a view I want to draw a circle or sometimes you get a bit of jitters lines and now I don't but if I put it on hundreds and I draw a circle you get this they help you with making these perfect lines so that can be great if you want to ink ink your drawing so put the smoothing I put it normally around 10 when I'm just sketching so more info chop here this is the layer panel so here we see this is backgrounds and it's you walks you can unlock it by double tap it and click ok so now it is not anymore and we have this layer and if we draw something on this layer you can turn this layer on or off and you can create new layer draw something in color this are the colors I will talk about it a bit later so here throw this and then put it and there it is so now you can drag the layers on top or behind first thing so now we have this yeah just let's start sketching so to draw a head and also color it's a bit so let's start with drawing a ball the head and then here raise this a bit and then it appears something like this so two ears there's this in line for the middle of the head to rotate it a bit and then we can draw in the neck something like this so it's a it's a boy let's draw in the nose most real that's not in the mouth and let's make him smiling and can just be fairly generic character because it's just for demo purposes eyebrows and then the mouths here give him some some air so the airs on top of the school here and then behind it here yes this here like this and this then here so some hair and then look at this so what I also sometimes do is I flip the image to check if it's if it's looking okay sometimes you see some mistakes when you flip it and how I do that you can do that by edit transform flip horizontal and you see that it does that but what I did is going to window and then actions you can make your own action so if I would make a new action you can call it flip first call for example we call it how you want to code and then you so I made a folder now so I'm gonna call the action flip vertical so and that's because I press this so now if I go into pressure course it's going to record all my actions and then I can assign it to an into key transform flip vertical so and that's all I want to do you can add more actions and then stop and now I can if I now play play you see it's got this but I also can do is double click and I'm finishing key and then I can give it a function key for example f5 okay so when if I now press f5 it flips so and so yeah there are a lot of actions you can come up with are very handy sometimes also use it for my brushes and stuff like that and so on so when I've made a rough sketch and put it on lower opacity and I make a new layer and then what you can do is if you have two layers and you want to combine them you can select this layer to combine this one in press ctrl e so these two layers merge them and I do that because then I can draw over on top of this yeah I can draw on top of this and then I can erase some stuff I like to so still sketching a bit in the nose bridge and don't want to make video too long or too much about drawing so if you want to see more drawing videos you can look my other YouTube videos or you can look at my patreon or gum roads for tips on how to to draw iris here and then we can draw the eyebrows here so I'm making all the lines thicker so it's so I can color it after this step may be fun if you give him this two things here drawing mouths just keep adding some details here the neck trade here's take our line and what you can also do this with the bracket keys on your keyboard you can make these on it so I mean with this buttons on your keyboard this and this one this for making your brush bigger and this for smaller I'm using those bushes over those buttons so any normally I will take a bit more time for this and make the lines we meet because they're now kind of rough because I want to do it bit fast so every everyone can see some interesting stuff instead of me inking the whole time that's this here so now we have this this character so now we want to add some some color so it layer under it what I often do is with a lasso tool you can press L or you can select this item here this one and now we're going to pick a color so for the skin maybe smoothie something like this for now it's okay we're going to fix it later later so with the lasso tool I [Music] follow those outer lines like this also take the hair so we're going over the whole silhouette of the characters of the rule so we everything we're going to color you're going to loose elect and when I press alt I can do this as well so and I mean with this is that you when you're having your lasso tool the smooth one and then when you press all stick it is an angular Selective on when you track you troll with it and now you can do this now I'm drawing with it so it makes it really in into an intuitive to draw it so just keep now we have this favorites you know so take this part now we make this but we can do now is make a new folder ctrl G and and when you press ctrl when you click on the thumbnail you select then in the color space and now if you press this button it will create a mask of the selection on that folder like this we made this so now we can give the sponsor rock but I'm not really happy with the skin coverage of what we can do is control you then we can change the skin it's it's more red I think this is this okay like a new layer and then for the eyes sometimes I'd like to color with the little brush and take an art version turn the transfer off in the brush settings and color that one alright and seconds I hear the tweets make a new layer and use it free month know each color so I for the course I'm using it and that H s B so you can also use different ones it's make or RGB that I'm using HS pinyin because here you can control easily the you each iteration and brightness and in a different video I will explain a bit more about about it here it may be eyebrows in the hair here this here now you can see Ryan made this mask because I'm now drawing within this it's masks and because of that you can [Music] you don't draw outside of this drawing here you can use lots of tool or other - or or the worst tool to color it the only important thing is with bridge tool is that you don't forget to forget some small spots now we have the hair that's the irises let's make them green this here okay and now give him a colored t-shirt maybe you can give it again if you don't like it you can press ctrl you then you get into Yui saturation and you can change the color it's no the UV or registration or alignment it so now we have this and if you want to change this character bit make a new layer we could but it's not multiply and what I normally do is I'll take this purple color and a bit of saturation brightness and on top of it and now you see it's darker at this place it's it's can put it up here see it if I put it on normal you see this and if a bill is on multiply you could this is from leh a layer of fat you can use so we can also use foreigner that knows so here here what you can also do is if you have these eyes and you press this button and you take a soft brush so now we have a hard brush and I want the soft brush here over a transparent brush and I want to make it soft you can go to brush tip hardness all down and make the brush bigger and now you can draw with English dish Irish shape like this so the light coming from the top if anything is with Isis a little divided here because of that so and you can also give them eyeballs a bit of shadow want to give it a bit of parm shadow because if you just use gray or something so get ready you can also do that for adding beads we also make this a bit just a little bit darker not much we also want cheeks a bit redder touch like this bit too much and then if it's too much you can press ctrl C so you're going to do this and then press ctrl C it's goes back also a bit of color you're some life in the layer on the top of it control in a bit of highlight so I turned the softness off in the brush that can make this a bit of sharper corners and these highlights a bit on the on the character here this also making this mouth and bit darker like this and done is wet you can give it some highlights here so here this should have some shadow this can let's make some reflections our layer on top more on top just put it here on top of those and let's make them separately but you can also do is so drawing here this and you can play around with opacity here to make it even lighter something something like this is workshop so let me take the eraser press the hardness down and then we can make something like this so here's the shiny shiny eyes for the hair let's drawing the hair so let's do the proper shading of kids like this I think this okay so let's make different brush and then let's draw in some some hair [Music] some texture feeling again nobody I will take some more time for this tool to get a nicer effect or look up some brushes or something just some basic basic effect so now we made this dis character so and the more things you can do you can keep working on it and then you can turn off the these lines and you can also color these lines if you have this this line work but it's this bill turn on and then you can make that you take this brush and then you can color the lines bit so they have this this color over here t-shirts no I was here something like this now you do this character name you know more things you can do you can also give this some extra lightening effect so if you get this soft brush and we have this later you can put this layer on for example overlay give this some sunny effect on top of it or we want to give it some extra shadow often I use multiply maybe what happens if you put on some darkening it would be everywhere you can also take the selection control of this mask and then there it's not really that's great of an effect so then it will be strong or go down a bit at opacity and maybe it gives some a little bit of extra effects so we have death and yeah further I can't go into that now because that will and take too much time you can look at window and then brushes you can make all these purchase I don't use that many brushes at perspective British or here these brushes you know fill all these standard brushes or that are yeah in there in Photoshop standard you can use those to draw this video and if you want to have more more lessons you can check out my patreon patron sites to sign up and there I get weekly lessons with homework videos and those lessons are a bit more in-depth and a bit more yeah one hour long I also have tomorrow's patron sell I sell books so if you go to Goomer let's go mutually when you can get these these books and that's what I wanted to tell so leave me in the comments if you liked it yeah and hope you subscribe to see more videos of me and let me know if you have any question or request on what you would like to see next so thanks for watching everyone and I hope to see you next time so thanks
Channel: Mitch Leeuwe
Views: 43,252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: photoshop, drawing, artutorial, tutorial, art, draw, tekenen, digitalart, adobe, sketching, doodle, how to draw, howtodraw
Id: CWk545YsSmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 37sec (1717 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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