Blender, ZBrush & Substance Painter tutorial - Creating a Cozy Room

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That's awesome, thank you for sharing!

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Firebrat 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Kudos for your exposure on !

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/DerpyderPyDer 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/The-Last-American 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh, awesome! Thanks for posting this

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BigRookGames 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

Great tutorial. Very nice of you to share this.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AcingStudios 📅︎︎ Jan 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is so beautiful. Thank you for the knowledge.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
if you want to learn how to make ghibli style textures in substance painter the latest course from the 3d coloring book was made for you i'll leave a link in the description if you want to consider getting the course now let's get into this week's video hello everyone my name is anastasia i'm a 3d artist recently i made the stylus room and in this video i'm going to show you the process i went through to make it i'll try to teach you some tips and tricks that you can use in your own stylized projects my first idea was to make a modern witch inside and i wanted to create a kind of artistic mess with a lot of which stuff like crystals dry plants spell jars pentagrams and of course a lot more i wanted to give this cozy and chill sensation so i found this artist elena gnacinsky whose work is very inspiring to me you can go check her out station for potential inspirations she does a very good work i usually like to make a quick sketch of my idea before modeling then i started at first blocking on blender but i wasn't satisfied because it was my first time making a stylist interior and something bothered me so i decided to start from a single reference when i'm looking for references i like to go both on pinterest and our station i pick all artworks that make me dream by thinking about them in my creation so i decided to take anna kazanseva's flower room concept which corresponded exactly to the vibe i wanted to recreate i used perf from my references display i picked some wedded structures concept arts candles representations books both opened and closed and finally interior plants i started my modeling with a blocking of the room's base then i added some shelves a chair a table and other details such as chamfers wall breaks and trunks top i like to add a camera very soon in my projects it allows me to stick to a format i put on myself from the beginning and to recenter my vision when i'm moving objects i took a habit to convert my objects into dragons due to my game design studies because when importing a 3d model to unity unreal or whatever you want the game engine will automatically convert the mesh into dragons and in some cases if the mesh doesn't have dragons you can just mess it up so here is my favorite part once my room's base is done i could start sculpting i used zbrush and the old brushes pack you can find for free on gumroad i mostly use this brush pack plus two or three default ones here is basically the same process i use for every stylus skill that i make i'm starting by increasing the polygons number with a dynamesh then i use the op flatten brush to flatten every edges of my object these imperfections give a first stylized impression by kinda revisiting the object's chamfers after modifying the chamfers i can now begin to add small details here i wanted to make some planks so i use straight lines by holding on the shift key and drawing a line from a point to another i'll now show you how i made the wood veins if i can say it so i basically took the old crack brush activated the lazy mouse and i drew along the place i used my pens pressure on my tablet which is a simple little wacom intuos tablet these patterns couldn't be possible with mouse i guess because it doesn't read different pressures so the object here is supposed to be the floor and it's the biggest and most visible object of my scene so it must be particularly well designed i like to add some little details while keeping it stylized of course so i added scratches thin and thick ones then i used the overworked details to make the whole thing more deformed and give some relief for the end wrap i won't explain you all the details because it's something more technical artistic i just wanted to show that i went through this tedious process because it was necessary so basically i marked the sims rip them made a material with blender's default checker using texture coordinates and mapping nodes just to check if my orange wrap was okay before baking i make sure my lovely object get different materials if they are aware stitching each other i then bake on substance painter i first import my lovely mesh and the software detects automatically the two different materials and creates two texture sets i know can make each part independently without having any problems like an area baking on another i don't want to and now the texturing i like using the bone stylist smart material for a stylized look so here i will use it to make the wood texture i first add to the dirt layer a multiply filter to increase its contrast and i change its color for a more wooded look for the base i just need the color and the worthless proper haze i put the worthless to its maximum and i change again the color so here is basically the main wood texture which i duplicate and put on the other part of the shelf now i'll do the wood inside with a lighter color i like this beige color and i don't change the worstness because it's good as it is and now i add a mask on the main color you can work with a black mask if you prefer adding texture but here i will stick with a white one because i'm going to remove some parts of my layer to show the lower one i can now paint the areas i want to affect the clear color to suggest the inside of the wood and now i have my final shelf texture i basically proceeded the same way for each wooded object of my rim base and here is the final result after finishing my room i modeled the plants so for succulent plants i started with a single leaf i made in locally i put an empty plain axis for the origin and i applied an array modifier on the leaf you can use it to repeat an object as much as you want here i used it to repeat my leaf in a circle with the help of the axis when you measure is like this is because its rotation or scale has been changed so just press down ctrl a and select the property you want to make as default now i can invert at my axis and my leaf is duplicated into a circle i just need to increase the leaves number and rotate the axis again i then duplicated the first level several times and voila here is a low poly circle and plant for hanging plants i use curves but not the bezier ones i prefer to start with vertices for that i just create a random mesh i keep a single vertice i change its origin to make it easier to move and i recenter it in edit mode just extract the vertices again and again until you get the desired shape don't forget to convert it to a curve because it's still considered as mesh i finally put a curved modifier on the plant i select the curve and then i can drag the plant along the curve this is how i made my hanging plants finally for more chaotic plants i used blender's particle system and i chose the hair version with this i can control the number of leaves the seed the rotation and the scale i just need to switch the render as an object and select my reference leaf then i can adapt the parameters until i get what i want for the leaves textures i hand painted them on substance painter i used a fill layer for the color base and simple layers for painting patterns when i import the textures into blender i like adding some additional nodes such as rgb curves or hue saturation value node it allows me to have even more control on my texture display i can adapt it to the rest of the scene and then choose the best color match i also like to add sub-surface catering but just a little it allows the light to go through the leaves with those techniques i managed to basically create all planes i wanted you just need to be creative of course i didn't hesitate to look for even more plans references when i needed new ones the next assets follow the same steps as for the room i start with the locally version i don't blender i import it to zbrush and then finally scale the details i want for books i just used an additional technique besides the ones for the wood to make some specific details i'm starting by selecting an area then i go to deformation and i add inflate not too much this allows to make interesting relief on the corners of the book after a quicken wrap i switch to substance and use smart materials again for books i added some gold parts with metalness and wartness to make elimination like i made all my decoration assets according to this workflow that's to say locally sculpting and wrapping baking and then texturing i didn't make my assets all at once i prefer to model them little by little to see if they fit it well in the scene with the colors shapes and scales i try to respect the color palette of my main reference and i give a cozy feeling while sticking to my desire of giving this impression of an artistic mess like in which rooms i wanted to make for my very first idea i'll now show you how i rendered my scene i chose the eevee render engine until then i rendered on cycles and i wanted to try on ev this time i used four lights for my scene there is a sun two spotlights and an area one the sun provides the main lighting that's what gives to the whole scene its visibility the spotlights are here for the sunrise coming from the window i will show you next how i made them and finally the area light provides a warm look to the room i changed its color a bit for this warm value as well as for all the lights except the sun because the diorama would be too orange well for god rays i made them volumetric by using a volume cube here you can see if i move my cube the rays work only inside it so i made sure that i included all of my room into it to make it i start by creating a cube it can be another mesh but the cube is more convenient here i make sure all of my room and assets are inside it then i create a new material for the volume i don't need the principle ba safety so i just remove it instead i apply a volumetric volume which i connect to the motorial outputs volume and here it is as you can see the volumetric lights are already working i just need to decrease the density and look for the raised visibility i want for my scene here 0.02 is good enough and here is the light result don't forget to increase the light's power a lot or it won't work before ending this video i'll just show you the ev parameters i like to use first of all the ambient occlusion without it your scene will look just too strange because the objects wouldn't have their own shaders usually i like using bloom it gives a dreamy and fairy sensation but here i chose to not use it because i didn't want my scene to be too foggy and the volume cube provided already some fog as i have some metallic parts in some of my objects the screen space reflection parameter is essential without it the golden paws eye textures wouldn't be visible as metal so it was important to add it in my diorama for shadows i prefer to use soft shadows especially if i want a cozy and warm look hard shadows would have been too sharp in here i also increased the same plane to have the softest shadows possible when rendering another option i don't need to forget is the contact shadows which you can find in your light parameters if you don't activate it you will have these light leaks through your objects so here is basically how i proceeded to create this diorama i hope you guys enjoyed this breakdown video and i hope you learned something from my workflow i would like to thank stylize station for showcasing my work if you want to see more of my work you can go check my station good luck with your projects and take care see ya [Music] foreign
Channel: Stylized Station
Views: 51,940
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, tutorial, blender tutorial, blender (software), blender 3d, blender tutorials, blender grass tutorial, blender fluid tutorial, blender animation tutorial, blender 3d animation tutorial, blender fluid physics tutorial, tutorials, tutorial (media genre), blender3d, blender render, beginner tutorial, blender water material, blender guru, modeling tutorial, blender online, blender curves, vfx tutorial, 3d modeling tutorial
Id: MffuUQr_UNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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