Learning to WHEELIE with No Experience

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oh my god [Music] so [Music] on this bike i know what you're thinking it's a little windy i think we're going to be fine so for today's goal with this beauty i want to know if i can wheelie 30 meters in one hour this puts some zeros on the clock let's see on my auntie's extra small bike made for extra small people the first step was to see where i was starting how far could i wheelie out of the gate [Music] with the notorious wellington winds flying through it's weather sucks i decided to call it a day with the storm now passed i spent the first bit of time seeing what i could naturally do with the knowledge and experience i already had [Music] so with the wheelie what i already know is that you should get the pedal for the foot that's going to propel you up a 90 degree angle and then use the force of your foot to push in the pedal lifting the handlebars up at the same time and therefore you have a wheelie and i think from reading online that you're actually meant to use the back brake the control as you're going along i'm not quite sure how i'm going to do that so 30 meters is pretty far for me right now so i'm just going to go from this line to this line spike is awful oh that was halfway oh yes okay we're on to 15 meters i thought this is going to be easy i can't pull the bloody back brake so i think i figured out a problem i can't regulate the back brake my injured finger gets in the way the brakes on this bike are terrible and super spongy so typically a brake would kick in a quarter of the range but the back brake is not kicking in until like the very end of the squeeze so i can't regulate the back wheel to keep myself up so i just keep falling backwards i'm not quite sure what to do maybe get my finger out the way or just get a new bike [Music] i have myself a new bike one that actually has a back brake that i can use with my finger i got to use the back brake let's see here we go terrible feels a lot more comfortable now that i had my hands on a working bike i could start to focus on the other moving parts that make up a wheelie i'm just not quite sure what gear to have it in i can't seem to wheelie in a straight line [Music] nope going the wrong way [Music] i think the key is to have a harder gear maybe i don't even know [Music] i did it after hitting 11 meters i was ready to give 30 meters a try let's do this there's a pole in my way and grass oh man i think i'm going to have to move to another place so i set up another 30 meters this time on the grass so there's no pole to contend with where i'm standing right now is the end and up here somewhere right there is the beginning and that is 30 meters let's do it it's very different on grass it's like learning again on the soggy damp grass i was barely able to make any progress [Music] i must admit i'm struggling i just watched a youtube video and apparently you're not to bend your arms at all you're meant to have straight arms when doing a wheelie my arms are definitely bent and i can get away with it for a couple of meters but beyond that i need a change of approach and according to this tutorial i need to have straight arms and actually use my legs to get the front wheel up and maintain the balance through the bike as opposed to fighting it with my arms when you use your arms you tend to lean forwards into the bike a lot more so you have a very small balance point now apparently if you have straight arms that balance point is increased so that you have more possibility of staying up for a longer period of time and i need that in order to get 30 meters the second thing that i took away from the tutorial you don't want to have your seat too low and i'm not entirely sure why but more importantly you don't want it too high because then you're reaching for the pedals and then that throws your balance out of whack before you know it you're falling either to the right which is mostly what i'm doing or to the left so let's do it 30 meters use my legs and go nope using my arms too much with the one hour mark coming and going it was obvious that achieving the wheelie on grass just wasn't going to happen wow this is tyrone i need to find a new spot wow by far the hardest part about this challenge is finding a place that is flat for 30 meters wow one two three four eight nine thirty literally searching high and low for over 30 minutes the only spot i could find was once again on grass oh man why is there no flat place anywhere impossible [Music] wellington left me no choice but to come to a parking lot it was the only place that i could find that was flat that was on concrete that had a distance longer than 30 meters so i'm feeling it i feel like i'm gonna get it done let's do it [Music] with all the newfound flat space to myself it was all about repetition figuring out what was working and what was not and making the necessary changes needed to achieve the 30 meter wheelie and one element that was becoming more and more apparent is my inability to turn left keep going to the right i can't turn left i'm sure there are a lot of people out there who can't turn inspired by zoolander's condition and feeling less alone i knew that if i was going to progress i'd have to find the courage and turn left that is the best i've got so far after a few attempts focusing on my left turn i was able to see the payoff [Music] each round getting further and further [Music] focused and determined to achieve the 30 meters i went for it incorporating the techniques i had learned power through the bike with my legs regulate the back brake and of course i turned left turn left here it was three hours and 33 minutes longer than i anticipated had finally achieved the 30 minutes of wheeling i just did it oh my god this has been so hard and tiring i didn't realize how tiring doing a wheel he was my goodness oh i'm so happy thank you for being here 90 odd percent of you are not subscribed to this channel so go ahead please subscribe makes a huge difference that's it bye [Music] [Applause] that was sketchy
Channel: Tony Gammer
Views: 114,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to wheelie, learn to wheelie, how to wheelie a mountain bike, how to wheelie a bike, the easiest way to wheelie, average guy learns to wheelie, tony gammer, learn to wheelie mountain bike, easiest way to wheelie, guy learns, guy learns to wheelie
Id: _y6OBsJhNKg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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