Learning How to Play the Saxophone in 30 Days

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hey y'all it's kaisey on this channel i try to learn a new skill as quickly as possible and for this month i am doing the saxophone once again this is another instrument where i have no starting experience and the goal is to play a cover of a song by day 30. i'm a little bit worried for this one just because i have never tried a woodwind it's a woodwind is it a woodwind instrument woodwind instrument before but let's see how much i can improve within 30 days lingo look at this beauty kind of intimidating but it i don't know it just looks really cool before you start playing the saxophone you have to put it together it was a little bit confusing in the beginning here we go i literally could not get a clear note on the saxophone it was all just air or screeching noises [Music] messing around with it it wasn't pretty but i was at least getting some sort of noises it all became screeches though day one was just me playing around on the saxophone kind of freely seeing how the saxophone worked and in general just getting a feel for the instrument so there's a little bit of a problem today i'm noticing that whenever i try to play a note that is one of these lower notes i'm not getting any noise i it's just it's literally just errors i'm gonna have to go take it in and see if it needs a repair not ideal because i don't have that much time but i decided to take it to the saxophone doctor three days later three days and a sad bank account later it doesn't feel any different but let's see okay yeah that's so much better now that the saxophone is all fixed i went ahead and worked on the musical notes obviously you can't play anything unless you know the notes first each note has a specific fingering on the saxophone and i practice this for the next few days so the actual fingerings on the socks the phone isn't that hard to remember but getting the right sound and the right toenails is kind of impossible so i guess i'll just keep practicing it after those few days of practice i had the notes of the going down and now i could look on the sheet music and practice the song by the first week i at least had the finger motions of the song down but the notes weren't clean at all so i sent over a clip of me playing to jay from better socks for some feedback hey kaisey i got your video sound is is really you know where you'd want it to be after that shorter period of time keep your left hand closer to the key pearls don't let them come off so far it's interesting to get advice from someone who's an actual expert at the sox fun okay so work on those things let me know if you have any questions and i look forward to hearing the improvement i'm gonna now work on some exercises that i saw online that help with the embouchure so the shape of the mouth there were two exercises that i saw come up over and over again so i'm gonna go ahead and practice those exercises the first is the long tones exercise try to keep a note as straight as possible for as long as you can hold it the next exercise was the hahaha and the ha tata exercise [Music] this is literally a full body workout it's harder than my tennis challenge i also did breathing exercises those are really important for the saxophone as well you can probably tell by now but i had ruined specific points that i wanted to hit and work on for the saxophone for this month these were compiled from initial research i had done on the saxophone and my general knowledge of music and details what i wanted to work through [Music] at first the plan was to go through every single one of these points one by one for the entire song for each point and once i got one point down i would go on to the next one but i decided to change up my strategy so my original plan was to go through all these factors one by one for the entire song but i got a good tip saying that i should try to just work on one line of the song at one time and go through all these factors for it and try to get that down because i would essentially be wasting time if i went through the entire song and did it one by one because then i would just be practicing every other factor wrong for that section so i'm gonna split up the song line by line and try to hit as many points as i can for each line before the 30 days it's okay to pivot during the challenge and with this new game plan instead i kept practicing my lips hurt and i don't want to practice i'm still having trouble with my embouchure for the saxophone which is very frustrating the saxophone is 10 times harder than the drums were for me for the drums honestly things came to me pretty naturally whereas the saxophone it's like when i try to fix something it just doesn't get fixed probably the hardest challenge i've done so far on this channel but hopefully we'll see some improvement and i'll be okay by day 30. until then r.i.p lips on day 18 i could kind of guess why the saxophone might be harder than other skills with the saxophone one little millimeter difference in where your lip is placed will make the sound totally different and there's no one hack fits all for any of the notes it's really no dependent i think with the saxophone you just have to keep doing it until the embouchure placement for every note becomes ingrained slowly into muscle memory but the thing i don't have on my side is time i do think i've improved a lot since day one so hopefully by the end this little guy will pull through during the last third of the challenge i try to add another important aspect of musical playing dynamics so the dynamics is what makes a normal song just notes sound very musical and emotional this part was interesting the saxon is such a beautiful sounding instrument anyways and me coming from a bit of a musical background i knew what i wanted to do with dynamics but i was having trouble with actually making that happen on the saxophone itself for some reason me swinging back and forth while i do this is helping me with dynamics that might not be the best technique but we're going to rely on the swaying a little bit on day 21 i recorded what i had done so far and i sent another video over to jay just watching your latest video what a huge improvement wow you got a really good fast compared to last time got your eyes closed you're just feeling the music like you're enjoying yourself the delivery of the music is great let's talk about a few details if you asked me about that one note that was out of tune that's your d d is sharp now that is typical on a lot of saxophones that note is going to come out a little bit sharp some notes are going to be more sharp or more out of tune than others on this axle that's just kind of part of the design of the instrument so what you can do is relax and kind of open up your throat a little bit to get that d pitch to come down first thing you could do to get more dynamics is to start playing loud then you get used to putting a lot of air through the saxophone and you can take that big sound and bring it down for the dynamics this is great i'm very impressed i can tell you you approach things very methodically and you know that works for music you know that's the way we want to do it you're also approaching it musically which is great so congratulations on work you've done so far i'm really looking forward to hearing and seeing the finished video lassie days were the final sprint i incorporated in final notes jay had told me i cleaned up my notes and added in more dynamics and overall just got ready for the final performance [Music] um [Music] uh [Music] um [Music] that concludes this month's challenge i hope you all enjoyed and it was definitely one of the more tougher challenges i've done but i think it ended up pulling through in general the saxophone is such an amazing instrument to listen to once again thank you to jay for all the advice this month and if you enjoyed that video make sure you leave a like let's bring out mr clipboard if you want to see any of my other skill learning videos then go check out this video here if you want to see all of them check out this playlist here and if you want to stay up to date to whatever i'm learning next then go ahead and subscribe below thanks for watching bye it's a saxophone a woodwind instrument it is a woodwind instrument okay we're chill we're good we're not going to get slammed in the comments for that i'll finish the intro
Channel: Kize Bae
Views: 156,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learning How to Play the Saxophone in 30 Days, saxophone, Kize, Kize Bae, how to play the saxophone, beginner saxophone, learn saxophone, learn sax, 30 day challenge, how to play the sax, learning saxophone, alto sax, skill learning, learning new things, saxophone how to play, how to play alto sax, bettersax, sax, learn to play instrument
Id: gJiGqnbac4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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