Learning from 3 Exciting Products

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hi I bought three exciting products this one creates big arcs when you press the button here I just had to get it when I saw styro pyro playing with it it might look familiar to you especially if you yeah keep it away from your face thankfully it only creates one pulse per button press and the pulse is super short so it may mostly just ow stings what I was trying to say is that it is just a Tesla coil look if I zap a prototype board the arcs only move vertically and horizontally ow ow ow why does it hurt out more when it goes through the Prototype ow yeah it's not as bad ow I I don't know anyway I connected the corner of the board to Earth and we should be fine now yeah look maybe don't hold the board with your fingers at all there you go see of course the reason is that the holes are diagonally further away from each other now what is it good for killing the bugs maybe let's see ha um did it actually die no it's alive just shocked a little bit oops I think I reset it now let's perform CPR on it h it seems It's coming back to life it was mostly annoyed see electricity is perfectly safe yep it's perfectly fine now sorry my little test subject I'm pretty sure they still f find it pretty painful so don't go around bugging the bugs with this thing even if they bug you a lot you have to kill something just kill it no torturing or maybe you can use it as a cool way to turn on your lighter or gas [Music] stove if you can aim the damn thing there you go and this is my other toil oh it even hurts less oo ow what the hell it was hurting less until it hurt much more for some reason what was that did I accidentally send the arc to the side screws to the Circuit that created some low frequency high voltage thing that shocked me yeah let's not do that well this one can connect to Bluetooth and play music and tones see you see it now nice H so say you can 3D print my torso what a beauty drill a hole through the bottom for the needle then drill some holes through the ears to connect to the same path this on top of that maybe some wires through the ears turn it on look at that start coming out my head let me run some C naked wires around it here we [Music] go and the third piece of technology I got is this this is the chipset that you eat that allows the government to track your every move I'll talk about this later what are these really good for nothing really except maybe this last chip I bought these to learn from their designs same as how you can learn from my sponsor brilliant.org brilliant and I collaborated on curating a few series of learning paths which consist of interactive courses and quizzes I personally find useful sign up to start learning them for free at brilliant.org electroboom I'm taking the solar energy course and man I'll tell you more about it at the end anyways I realized I don't need to reinvent the wheel because my fellow engineers in China already spent weeks to design a proper circuit I can learn from which I think they learned from Tesla Universe YouTube channel that made a much more massive Tesla coil gun like 10 years ago which was featured on one of smarter everyday's videos okay I'm good I'm good this scared me doesn't matter the important thing is that we learned the Knowledge from each other and do our own thing with it so well let's start from this seemingly boring tiny board I think it's actually pretty cool it's what's called a USBC decoy it pretends to be a device under charge and commands the USBC Chargers to release the precious juices for us to use see USBC Chargers can output different voltages depending on what the device demands from them and if you plug this decoy into USBC depending on which contacts you short you can get the output voltage you need to power something okay imagine this you make something that runs on a 12vt supply but you want to run it on a battery that could be a single cell 3.7 volt rechargeable lithium battery so you need to make a switching inverter circuit but lithium batteries need to be protected for charge and discharge otherwise they may blow up you know like those old Samsung phones so now you need a complex protection circuit and of course it would be nice to be able to charge it through USB so you give up because your mom never taught you to design this stuff but you don't have to because all these circuits already exist in a proper portable backup battery pack something like this with the battery and all those fancy circuits all you need is this decoy to set the voltage you need well of course course it also depends on what your charger or battery pack is designed to Output my stuff can typically output 5 9 and 12 volt this decoy is set to 9 volts and if I plug it in I get 9 volts and this one is a 12vt decoy and I can even connect a 10 Ohm resistor across it which draws 1.2 amps from it and the resistor is actually getting warm what happens if I accidentally short the output nothing apparently it has protection it's outputting 5 Vols now yeah back to 12 volts no problem suddenly you can run anything on USBC make it battery operated and rechargeable like my Firefly Lantern I connected the supply lines to the decoy and plug it to USBC and there it starts working cool man ooh nothing blew up what happened to the Boom in Electro boom to the next one this thing is battery operated and has a charging port and a knob here to turn it on and adjust the power everyone runs it at maximum I assume and this is the secondary of the Tesla coil and according to the text on it it has 600 turns with a Resonance of between 1.2 and 1.4 MHz and here's the button and yeah actually this is a ground connection that your hand has to touch otherwise it will throw off the resonance if I don't touch it see and if I touch it so now we open it and see what's going on inside wo this is fancy looking see there is a three cell battery for around the 12vt supply a big capacitor here to smooth the power supply two transistors to switch the voltage across the primary which is like a four turns of copper on the PCB and what is this do they have their own switching power supply let's measure the voltage across that capacitor W almost 56 volts they do have their own switching power supply in here and most importantly they generously provided the schematic of the driving circuit maybe we can analyze that H look they do have a dcdc converter that creates the 60 volt voltage so I guess the knob turns on the 12vt to this dcdc converter and at the same time it also controls this pwm signal well I mean you also have to press the trigger button to create this pwm output and the pwm signal connects to this point here and it's not really a pwm it's a like a single pulse with the pulse wids that's controllable with the knob what this signal does is that it controls how long you want the output high voltage to be on and the longer it's on the more powerful Arc I would also take this schematic with a grain of salt like for example here instead of this resistor I would put a diode you know when this signal is low it pulls this transistor down through the diode which turns it off and so the entire circuit won't resonate and when the signal goes up the diode turns off so the transistor is free to oscillate now of course we know the secondary of a Tesla coil resonates at a frequency which is controlled by the inductance and capacitance of the secondary the current through the secondary is sampled into this connection here through this tiny Transformer that provides signals to the gates of these Transformers since these signals are connected to the opposite sides of this Transformer it means the gate signals are 180° out of phase this results in only one transistor to be on at the same time so say if this transistor is on the current flows through the power supply through these components to ground and if this transistor is on the current flows in this direction to ground so we'll have a sign wave across the primary of the Tesla coil and this capacitor that is controlled by the feed back from the secondary resonance itself and of course the primary inductance combined with the values of all these components are tuned to have the exact same resonance frequency as the secondary of the Tesla coil and you know what happens if you provide an ac across an LC circuit with a frequency that matches its resonance its output keeps rising to Infinity well ideally in reality it is limited by the losses of the C in this case the rise across the primary results in an even larger rise across the secondary until it arcs after which it pretty much Remains the Same for the duration of this pwm signal after which it turns off nice I should put it back together now let's see what's inside this one although I expect it to be similar except that instead of a switching power supply on board to to boost the voltage the adapter already outputs 48v DC use my Linus driver to open it but one important thing is that all these devices that create long arcs require a big power supply in them like 56 volt on the other one 48 volt on this one so running it straight from battery is not going to cut it okay it's interesting this is the Tesla coil and it was connected through these holes and the standoffs of the board to the electronics you may be thinking how is this a Tesla coil you may not be able to see it but this is the winding of the secondary and I can only see like a single turn of primary here the coating of the wire is black I wonder if I can count it but anyway this is the output of the secondary and if you can see it the other side of the secondary connects to this hole and the primary connects to this hole and that hole here are the secondary windings under the microscope how did they even make this anyway there seems to be roughly 10 turns in every 2.64 mm so I say somewhere around 130 turns of secondary and one turn of primary here's the circuit I'll show which part on the screen and similar to the other Tesla coil gun this tiny Transformer is for the feedback from the secondary let's go analyze the circuit this seems to be the circuit first you have a dcdc converter to convert the 48 volt to a low voltage that can be used by low voltage circuit we have an actual pwm circuit that creates a real pwm signal that has a frequency and a pulse duration you can choose how to control the fre frequency by this switch either through the Bluetooth module by something you play on your phone or through this knob and the pulse duration is controlled by another Knob by adjusting the frequency you can play music and by adjusting the pulse duration you can adjust the output power the pwm using this transistor basically turns the circuit on and off at audible frequency when the circuit is on similar to that last circuit the current of the secondary is sampled by a tiny Transformer that turns these transistors on and off one at a time there doesn't seem to be any components to resonate with the primary so there is just a sine wave across the primary with a frequency matching the secondary resonance held by this feedback loop that should be all let's see if I reassembled it right yeah it works see we can learn a ton from cool existing designs so please let me know if you find a cool product and I'll tear it apart and we will learn stuff together I should make it a new series with a name like let's tear it y'all or Li TI sounds familiar anyway I'll work on the name and you start using my sponsor brilliant.org let me tell you about these curated series we collaborated on I started taking the solar energy series and I was expecting to learn stuff on photovoltaic solar panel but I'm halfway through the path and I learned so much more they cover a ton of things like sun rays power and energy calculations energy concentration and much more and they quiz you every step of the way too I'm learning way more than I expected this could be an entire University course and you can start learning it for free with the 30-day free trial signing up from my link brilliant.org electroboom and then click on the learning paths Link in the video description to get to those courses and so many more Hands-On interactive courses and quizzes brilliant is the best way to learn science math and Computing easily and interactively at your own pace and comfort on your computer or through Brilliance app on your phone and the first 200 of you to sign up using my link we'll also get 20% off Brilliance annual premium subscription so you can keep learning from thousands of courses which they also add to very often keep staying sharp and thank you for watching
Channel: ElectroBOOM
Views: 1,037,546
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Id: htBO8MBbBL4
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Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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