I Learned 92 Skills in 2 Years, Can I Still Do Them?

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in the past two years i learned 92 skills and it wrong clip sorry and i give everything for every skill i got obsessed with learning and it kind of became my reason for living but then i saw this these comments really hurt me because what if these guys are actually right i guess there is only one way to find out february 26 2020. i tried to draw a perfect freehand circle i didn't even know it was actually doable but somehow i got it last time i tried so hard that i'm pretty confident i'm gonna get it immediately well i told you everything was under control and you draw in a perfect circle it's kind of like riding a bike that doesn't make any sense the key to get it is rotating the wrist in a way that the arm doesn't move you basically need to become a compass and it took a while to get there but right when i was getting pretty concerned that i was about to fail the first skill of the video i actually got something good this one is great i mean i don't want to say it's perfect but it's kind of perfect next one wait a second maybe i'm not going to try 92 skills in this video but i think the 24 most meaningful ones and one of them is for sure the back flip i'm gonna get this i don't know why i decided to try the backflip next for sure one of the most painful and scariest skills i learned but i was prepared i was confident this was gonna be easy work for me yep you know have a specific ritual to beat the fear of jumping backwards literally throwing myself in it i mean it doesn't look great but it works or at least it worked until now the problem is the last time i tried the backflip i almost broke my shoulder and i kept casually jumping on it for a while as a result i basically couldn't move my arm for a month now my shoulder is fine but my brain maybe doesn't know that yet i'm not kidding i tried for one hour and then finally absolutely nothing happened giving up was not an option but i wasn't gonna get the back flip like that i'm gonna try a few other skills then i'm gonna find there the motivation to come back here get the freaking backflip there is no way i'm gonna give up let's do this let's go let's do this jump is also known as superhuman legs the only problem is that they don't make you jump higher they just make you really tall which makes standing up extremely scary especially because last time didn't go really well but this time it actually didn't go that bad all right i'm gonna show you with my phone what it's like to be seven feet tall let's try it the stairs not these ones though kind of tricky honestly not sure oh my god this was so scary all right i got it once it was clear that i could see walk i tried to run to that you basically need to bounce one bounce after the other and it's weird i mean i could run but not really well and for sure i wasn't fast after a while i tried to ignore the feeling of imminent damage and by practicing i got a bit more confident with it i also tried to jump and i could still do it pretty well not jumping at all but after all it's fun to be seven feet tall i was getting pumped to try the backflip again but first i wanted to spin a few stuff including pants this trick is called thumb around it basically consists in spinning a pen around your thumb and it's really satisfying once you get it it's good because it works with basically every single pen while if you like longer sticks then you should try stuff spinning i believe this is one of the coolest things i learned completely useless and highly dangerous for everything around you but i mean it looks great the first trick is easy you basically need to repeat the same movement over and over the hardest part is spinning the stuff fast whatever in to break windows it took me 15 minutes to reach maximum speed but then it became a helicopter a dangerous one so i decided to try the hardest trick which is similar but way harder than the previous one indeed i had a few problems with this one exactly the same way it happened in the past ah have the technique but not the speed oh my god the sun is already going down i want to get it i need to get it the hardest part is getting a fluid movement while doing everything as fast as you can and it took a while about 30 minutes but then i got it let's go now let's try the backflip once again i knew i had to find a way to beat my fear and through that i tried to build a huge mattress my granny's safety check embarrassed my work she was scared she was really scared and came by to make sure everything was perfect literally everything kind of like if she knew that it was a bad decision and the problem is that maybe knew it too anyways i did my usual ritual and i started pretty bad first attempt was absolutely terrifying i need to throw myself a few times or i'm stuck i'm completely stuck i seriously don't know what to do i probably need uh [Music] i know i'm not sure maybe i need a bigger mesh or say i don't know it's just i know it's here and i hate that i couldn't do anything man fear sucks especially when we let it take control i spent one hour looking at the mattress trying to unlock something in my brain but nothing worked it just got worse i'm gonna hurt myself if i try i just i know i'm gonna hurt myself i'm gonna that is not me that is fear talking [Music] but there is no freaking way i'm gonna give up probably doesn't make any sense but my brain is telling me that i need a big fat huge gym mattress i'm gonna call a gym and tomorrow i'm gonna get there the next day i woke up with my confidence back and i started to speed the run skills this is a ball this is billy my goal is to hit the apple on top of billy without killing bill juggling three bars but i lost one ball in the process so i'm gonna use a shoe i used to wear a few years ago growing cars michael ladies and gentlemen [Music] hahahahaha [Music] yeah let's go [Music] after all that stuff i also tried the no hand wheelie with one hand to remove both hands you need to modify the saddle and last time i did it i broke my father's bike saturn there doing it again next parkour i need to touch the top of the wall and if you get this i will actually become a lord you think i'm joking i'm not joking i will also help nature in the process let me explain basically by owning just a square foot of land in scotland you could officially change your name to lord or lady oh my god i feel like i'm close but this is way harder than i thought and get it on your credit card your plane ticket and even on your dating profile this is a game changer and you can easily buy that land thanks to my friends at established tattoos which have been kind enough to sponsor this video after you order they will not only send you a certificate with the title and the exact location of your land but it will also plant a tree for every order they get come on this is the perfect last minute gift and they're also running a huge sale right now you want to get an additional 10 dollar you can use code mike chic and go to establishtados.com right now everything was going great kind of because i kept getting really close i mean seriously really close and then i started to get even closer i think it was at the same level i didn't touch but i think it was the same level i tried something like 50 times and i'm always half breakaway literally half breakaway that's probably my damage but i still consider this a victory call me lord shake from now on there was one skill after the backflip and it wasn't an easy one there would be a scooter boys i completely forgot knit pads and elbow pads which are really important but i have sunglasses instead let's see jumping is a no-brainer i immediately got it the tail whip is a different story i was actually closing the trick right away but i was also touching the ground with my feet and that makes the trick not count after doing the same mistakes for 20 times i was getting frustrated oh my god i wasn't really committed maybe i was a little bit scared to fall again because i didn't have my precious elbow pads but there was no way i was gonna let the fear beat me again after the backflip and so i fully committed and i freaking got the tailwind yes i'm sorry that was good let's move to the next one let's go we're getting there speaking of the devil the backflip i had no excuses now had a huge mattress and i just needed to try and indeed after my usual warm-up method i actually started trying the theory was clear jumping as high as you can talking and landing hopefully not on your face i was so excited that i forgot something that happens every single time it try to flip my head spins like a top i need to get used to it my head spins i tried to ignore it for a while but after 10 flips i just wanted to throw up i'm gonna throw up so bad i was pissed my technique was actually getting better i mean i did a nice job there but then i just wanted to throw up even more you know i've always been harsh with myself whenever i couldn't do something and i felt not good enough every single time i failed but for the first time i realized that i have falls a fault called flips i'm not invincible i'm human but still i will not allow these comments to be right it wasn't all in vain and no matter what i'm gonna do everything i can to not fail a single skill left on the list i really meant that i just didn't know how hard that was gonna be
Channel: Mike Shake
Views: 17,489,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mike shake, Ryan Trahan, Surviving, Overnight
Id: -d5kk6SkyY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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