Learned Helplessness
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: zooeygirl
Views: 353,350
Rating: 4.9233871 out of 5
Keywords: learned, helplessness, ophelia, project, psychology, mark, steensland, Teacher, Lesson, School, Education
Id: gFmFOmprTt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2007
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
If you find this interesting you might want to check out John Taylor Gatto or The Ultimate History Lesson. It's one heck of a long journey but well worth time.
Teacher at the end adds in a bit about how girls are pressured not to raise their voices and be quiet and how they should try and change that.
Interesting stuff.
Upvoted respectfully, but i wonder why she chose to say that the moral of the story was for 'girls' and not everyone.
That was incredibly interesting. Thank you.
Sorry people are downvoting.
e: well that turned around quickly.
I am a BIG believer in the concept of "learned helplessness." I mention it on a weekly basis because I think it is everywhere.
Really interesting, 7 minutes worthy to spend.
I agree that the video was very interesting, but I honestly want to ask - so now what?
What do we do with the information? If I have a kid can I do this experiment with him and someone else and by recognizing learned helplessness he can overcome it when it occurs in real life?
Do we write textbooks different or teach differently?
One could argue that learned helplessness is actually an efficient survival strategy:
For example: embarking on a competitive endeavour which you fail at repeatedly is most likely to have a real world cause (unbeknownst to you) survival-wise it makes more sense to abandon the struggle and switch to new endeavours.
Although the initial "Proof" of learned helplessness, involved dogs and pain, and some dogs never became helpless
I'd flip it on its head and say if boys are victimized, they're pressured to keep quiet. Just look at male sexual assault and rape victims.
For some reason I can't stand these types of non-evidence based feel good talks, all the while short changing half of the population (boys).