Learn Traditional Irish Sean-nós Singing | Beginner 1 | Lesson 1 | Free Online Course

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[Music] hello everybody how are you doing um my name is nell nichronin and i am a channel singer from the of county cork i suppose a guelthurst area might be a term that you are not familiar with but it is an area where the irish language is our first language so i grew up speaking irish speaking gaelic and i converse with my family through irish and i did all my schooling through irish as well um and all of these songs that i'm going to teach you are going to come from the museum as i mentioned from county clerk so i suppose just in terms of my own singing and where i learned my songs and there is a very strong shamos singing tradition in musgury and when i was growing up i would have heard loads of different singers singing in this style and in the year around 1999 uh a committee of people came together because they felt that the local songs in the area were kind of dying out a little bit amongst the younger generations so they set up this singing scheme and the whole aim of the scheme was to teach the younger generation the local songs and that way that it was a way of preserving the songs and ensuring that the younger people you know had these songs as they were growing growing up and so i was very fortunate that these classes were made available to me and i was able to learn these songs from a very young age and so i suppose i went to classes and then after i'd learned a few songs i was very interested in the singing and researching the songs and i continued singing and i started entering into different competitions and was very successful thankfully i won um coroneria which is a prestigious shanos singing competition so i won that in the year 2014. i attend a lot of festivals and i teach at a lot of festivals the teacher workshops and i've you know performed at a lot of festivals not only here in ireland but i also perform all over the world i joined a traditional band by the name of danu and i tour with them quite regularly over in the states and um in europe as well so i really have been singing i suppose from a very young age and i'm so fortunate that it's something that i can you know do as as a job as well which is great um i suppose i mentioned the term guilt and like i said it's it's the mood regret is the greatest in kark would be a small guelph but there's other guests or little pockets around the country where um you know the irish language is spoken as well so in the north you would have the dhonigal goyalthurt and the irish they speak up there the dialect would be quite different and the same in terms of their channel style would be different to the style that i would sing and but they have a lovely lovely style of singing up there in donegal and then konamara which would be the biggest guelph um in the west coast of ireland um they again have would have a different dialect of irish and a different style of channel singing but there are great singers also from there the likes of jimmy o'connor and uh johini and plenty more that you can look up and they would have a lot of ornamentation in their style and then down in monster i suppose where where i'm from you'd have the kerrygold and also the guelph in on ryan in waterford again also lovely um singing traditions there and i suppose it's important to know too that the songs like i said that i sing they would come from my locality i wouldn't sing songs from dunigal or i wouldn't sing songs from kunamara because the style is different and also the dialect is different i'm a shadow singer and the term shanos literally means old style or old tradition and this style of singing is an ancient old form of singing that way that's unique to us here in ireland and i suppose as we progress through this course i'll be focusing on lyrics and pronunciations of words which is very important that you can you know express what you need to say in the song and get the emotion and the feeling of the song across we'll also be touching on some ornamentation which is a key feature also in this style of singing and stuff like breathing and getting yourself as comfortable as you can with the song so that you can put your own stamp on it so we'll work on all those things as we progress and i'll see you in lesson two
Channel: Alison - Free Online Courses With Certificates
Views: 3,134
Rating: 4.9619045 out of 5
Keywords: alison, free online course, learn to play music, irish traditional music lessons, how to play the sing Irish songs, irish singing
Id: oLx0qfqBEPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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