Learn Together: How to pass Exam DP-600: Implementing Analytics Solutions Using Microsoft Fabric

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[Music] um hi everyone uh welcome to the uh exam crem uh for the dp600 Fabrics analytics Engineers uh we have um myself and Angie um Angie can you please introduce yourself hi sorry Wesley and everybody else good old mic mute issues um okay so we are here to do an exam cram for the dp600 Microsoft fabric analytics engineer certification um let's say a little bit about ourselves I am Angie Ric obviously already said that I am a senior content developer here at Microsoft I work in our certifications organization uh which means that I helped develop all the course content for dp600 so who better to talk about it I also have my very dear colleague Wesley here who saved me and helps teach dp600 so here we go my name is Wesley the Boler I'm a Microsoft technical trainer I live in Belgium and uh I teach all kinds of courses including dp600 uh so I'm excited to be here today this morning together with Angie awesome all right and I think we'll just say a quick hi to our dear moderator Christa Santos who is also a Microsoft technical trainer uh of course we are live and interactive as you saw by my Suite mic mute issue um go ahead and drop say hi in the chat tell us your expectations this is an exam cram we're gonna walk through lots of lots of information today and we want you to feel comfortable that you are getting your goals met too so go ahead and share what are you looking for today from our session while you're doing that let's talk a little bit about those goals we're going to talk about the path to certification now this applies to all certifications but we're going to focus on dp600 today we're going to give you exam Readiness information we're going to talk through the skills measured specifically on the exam dp600 and then finally we're going to give you resources about how to study and skill up to be successfully prepared to take the exam all right I think we're ready to go into our path to certification Wesley off to you yeah thank you ngie um so yeah maybe the first question that you should ask yourself is like why why should I why should I certify why should I invest in uh getting certified and doing this this exam well it's actually quite beneficial for you and um um I can tell you um it opens up doors um there's a lot of potential here um if you want to be recognized as a person that is knowledgeable about Microsoft fabric is definitely going to help you um in your current job potentially also in your future job if you are applying for certain jobs and as you can see on the slide we have like a couple of numbers here I'm going to just read a few of them not all of them but just a few of them 35% of the technical professionals say that they get uh getting certified let actually to a salary increase now that's not going to be your main driver of course you want to be skilled you want to you want to show off your your skills that's that's the main goal but it certainly helps if you if you want to to get into New Opportunities and I can tell you there is already lots of uh companies out there who have job openings uh job openings available uh where they actually already specified that they want people to be certified on on Microsoft fabric so it's a it's a great opportunity I would say um now looking at a bit of the what who who is going to kind of be the the target target audience like who is who who is who is basically going to take this exam of course uh everybody who is going to be involved into fabric into Microsoft fabric and fabric analytics Engineers they're going to be of course we're really interested in uh in in taking that exam but um there's also other kind of personas other kind of job titles let's say that are also potentially interested in in taking the exam for example solution Architects uh you want to get a big over good overview of the technology there's different components in Microsoft Fabric and you potentially also want to integrate with uh your on premises uh data sources you want to integrate with Azure or Azure depending on how you want to pronounce it and you want to get um make sure that all of that is done in a secure way and uh um and take all of these considerations into account then we we also have of course these different personas data Engineers data scientists AI Engineers or even database admin administrators who are going to benefit from uh using Microsoft Fabric and who are also going to benefit from uh taking the exam and getting certified and then finally but not least all of those parbi data analyst that we have uh and and that already use um uh Microsoft fabric today even though they might not know it yet because they are still they are used to work with powerbi um so that's that's basically the audience profile and um now we expect you to be experienced of course if you're going to uh get certified you need to have a bit of experience in a couple of domains and so um if you take it let's say very simple it's well you you need to be knowledgeable about how do I get data into the platform uh so ingesting data uh with all kinds of features and and technologies that we have available but it also comes down to okay how I how do I apply transformations to to to my data because uh your data is likely need need needs to have some some validation needs to to to be cleaned up a bit uh you need to do some modeling probably as well uh so we have different components and different features in Microsoft fabric that allows you to do that and you need to know those things U but it goes further than that it's it goes also about um um being able to apply uh Source control strategies um apply cicd pipelines for example or apply git-based Source control to uh to all of the assets that you're going to create in in Microsoft fabric um we also require you to uh know a few programming languages and this might be a little bit harder for some of you um I think that a lot of people already are familiar with the SQL query language structured query language that we have been uh using for over let's say 20 30 years already yeah Microsoft SQL server and all of these uh technologies that already have SQL uh Cory language supported but there's also a few other programming languages which are used in Microsoft Fabric and in powerbi for example the Dax programming language uh which stands for data analysis Expressions um this requires you a bit to do some programming and it might might feel a bit uncomfortable for some of you and so it makes sense to to scale up on on those programming languages they are very very powerful to uh to do all kinds of uh calculations on your data and then finally we have also py spark so python on on spark um and that might be even more challenging for a few of you um but I would say don't worry it's not that hard to to learn the language especially if you're using uh these modern tools like co-pilots and chot GPT it's actually not that hard to learn so I would say take a take your chance um try to to get Scaled up on those Technologies going of definitely pay off uh if you want to get the maximum out of Microsoft fabric all right next slide please NG so um dp600 it has been announced that the exam became available like in what was it January I believe somewhere um mid January if I'm not mistaken um and it's it's right now in beta we expected the exam to be launched in general availability summer in March uh I don't recall the exact date but it will launch soon of course so right now it's still in beta but I would say if you're interested in doing the certification um you need to prepare for that of course you need to uh you need to to think about okay I'm going to plan it but I need to also work a bit backwards and try to uh to prepare your yourself for that now if you're like uh totally new to this it's actually uh recommended to take a few steps back and uh we have uh uh created this uh kind of certification path let's say that would make logically sense to you uh it starts of by doing the dp900 Azure data fundamentals exam now this is not required right so we we say it's optional but it's actually highly recommended why because it gives you like that overview again of of all the different Azure technologies that exist which you potentially are going to interact with and integrate with uh within Microsoft fabric it makes sense to uh to be skilled upon and and that to SK to be skilled upon that and also to to get certified now again it's optional it's not not required next up we have the pl300 that's powerbi data analyst and also there I would say um highly highly recommended to be certified um again it's not it's not required it's not like prerequisites for the dp600 so make no mistake there but it certainly helps because in the end you will see that dp600 is a little bit more challenging and it it it actually um um um starts off where pl300 uh uh was kind of let's say the the intermediate step now dp600 is going a bit beyond that and and really um uh builds upon that and like making it like more Enterprise ready so um let's go to the the next part of the slide where we then finally go into dp600 so um you need to be getting ready for for dp600 uh that's why we have this specific session now um you have already also maybe uh uh attended a number of other sessions in the past uh there were some uh sessions specifically on all of the study areas in uh in dp600 uh prior to this uh to this event uh which you can uh find I believe on the exam Readiness uh Zone and also if you browse the fabric carer Hub and we will um share the links later on uh you will find some more information on on how to uh to get ready for for the exam and then finally when you're ready you're going to then uh obviously schedule the exam you're going to do the exam you're going to take the exam and then hopefully you're going to get certified uh um in uh in in fabric itself now at this moment in time it's still in beta we will probably launch it somewhere in uh in March Time frame uh so uh but that doesn't mean that you can't already schedule it you can already uh you can already do do this so maybe uh um we should ask you a question here in uh in the chat and um you can vote for for this you can basically take your phone uh take a snap of the QR code and um tell us like where are you on your on this path like are you're probably here because you want to get certified but where are you right now what is this your first step or is or are you already like have you already scheduled it or is it something that that's requires you to to start studying where are you on this let's uh let's open up the poll and and um um and where are you on this Wesley where are you on this path well that's a good question because I've actually taken the dp600 beta exam a few weeks ago uh so obviously I'm a bit biased because working for Microsoft and teaching these kind of courses but I actually took the uh the the beta exam I'm still waiting for the results to come in uh they should appear 10 uh business days after the uh the exam has gone live as as um so I'm still waiting for it and hopefully I uh I I I passed the exam I don't know yet yeah um I would have to say other for myself because I helped create the content so it's kind of not right to say that I have I don't really have real world experience because I have just use of the fabric tool and well platform rather um but I can't say that I have real world experience I just do all the the training side of things all right let's see a bunch of people have started studying cool we have some real world experience we have some folks who are ready to schedule and I guess we did not ask if anybody has already taken it um um or if it's already scheduled so I see some exciting stuff people are scheduled for March 1 um also there was a question on when the exam goes live midm March the exam will go live out of beta which is when Wesley will get his results on whether he passed or failed as for everyone else who's already taken the beta you have to wait another month about so sorry about that and maybe it's also Worth to call out for anybody who on the watching live uh this this this session um the poll um it opened up in um in a browser probably um open it up in a secondary top and keep that top open because later this this session we're going to have additional questions kind of a bit of challenging questions to test your knowledge on on fabric so keep that top open and then we uh can come back to that to that later all right so um interesting to see that there's so many people already studying for the uh the exam it's it's really awesome and even if you have already uh uh uh booked the appointment that's even uh even better I would say for those people who have not yet booked the exam just do it just put it just book it and uh and then work a bit backwards and start to to prepare and to to plan for for the exam it's it's worth to to do it right um I think it's very very valuable all right uh let's let's go to the next slide Angie and uh let's talk a bit about the exam Readiness um there we offer you plenty of resources to uh to get you um prepared for or to help you to to get prepared for the exam uh one of the first things that we have is this uh study guide that you can find online um we will share also the link in the in the chat window it's a study guide that is specifically for dp600 and contains uh the main study areas and a bit bit broken down into a little bit more uh bullet points on on what individual items you need to to know um as part of this session as part of this live session we're actually going to focus a bit upon these uh study guides and and focus upon the the different study areas let's say uh that uh that the exam is going to um test you upon um what you also will able to be to be able to find is these exam prep videos um there is a few video videos available um for specifically for um uh for getting um let's let's say that tell you like how to how to go for for for for an exam what to expect on this exam now I will we will actually go through some of this content uh this uh this session so don't worry we're gonna we're gonna guide you in this process and um I'm happy to share also that uh since yesterday we have also some practice tests available for dp6 Angie can you uh tell tell a bit more about that maybe yeah absolutely super excited to announce that in addition to doing this exam cram with us today you can go to the aka.ms dp600 practice and go hit all the practice assessment questions related to dp600 um I think there are 50 choices for you to go through and it will give you kind of a scale to understand the the different um sections that we're going to walk through in this presentation the different skill groups of which section you want to do a little bit more a little bit less of it's uh it is important however to uh to set some expectations about these practice assessments they are not like the real exam questions so it's good to study it's good to prepare but just keep in mind that those are not the real questions that you get on the exam I would say Wesley to that nothing is uh an excuse for real world example Real World Experience right exactly exactly yeah um but they definitely help uh you to to learn um maybe on on things that that are kind of like these black uh um uh spots in in your brain that you don't know about it could be an interesting way to to learn more about uh the areas which you don't know yet about uh so it's great to uh to go uh to go through this all right next slide please Ng um so what do expect on the exam um the exam itself is about 40 to 60 Questions we count promise like up front like how many exact questions you're going to get but usually it's somewhere between 40 to 60 Questions not all of these questions are um um are the same they're not like in the same format we'll go through a quick demo in the uh in the upcoming uh the upcoming minutes uh you can expect different kind of questions uh uh there um and I would say if you're scheduling the exam make sure that you plan at least for three hours more or less um the actual uh uh time for the exam is about 120 Minutes um but we say um take like three hours because there is a bit of prep work uh um that is necessary uh before you are enter you can enter the exam there is a bit of um uh documents that need to be verified and a few things that needs to be um verified by a proctor uh so take like um three hours at Max and I can tell you it's more than than enough time uh it's more than enough time to to complete the exam so don't worry too much about uh time itself you're you're GNA you're going to be good on on that one quick thing on that Wesley yeah is it's not three hours to sit for the exam time right you're saying that that 3 hours is before and if you need anything after you've hit submit your exam right exactly yeah yeah um so um in the upcoming uh um um time in the upcoming minutes we will go through some some demo but the question types are actually um more than just multiple choice and so um there is there are all kinds of questions that you kind of question formats or question type let's say that we that we uh that we um um uh use to uh to test your knowledge um however there is one specific one that I want to call out and that is the case studies uh you will likely get also some case studies on the uh the dp600 exam for me personally I got two if I'm not mistaken might change in your case might be three might be one can it can be anything um these case studies are a bit more complex and they um uh try to um to test you upon okay can you see the the connections between uh between certain requirements between certain um um questions um between certain domains and it's interesting to to go through this um again we will we will go through a quick a quick sample uh later on um all right um next slide please yeah yeah Exam scoring the uh cut score is or the passing score is always 700 uh so that's 700 the maximum that you can get is a thousand points but it's actually not uh 700 it's kind of not like 70% um don't worry about it too much but for every Microsoft exam that we have the passing score is always 700 that's that's how it is and uh what is important to mention about this is that if you don't know the correct answer you can guess and if you um if you fail to to to answer it correctly we're not subtracting points so you're only getting like points for for the things that you answer correctly uh so again don't worry too much about the 700 during the exam but at the end of the exam you will immediately see whether you pass or whether you fail uh if if you're not doing a beta beta exam um the cut score is determined during the exam development uh is based a bit on the skills of the target audience and the difficulty of the uh the item pool maybe updated also in the in the future um and if you're do an exam if you do the beta exam you likely get the score about 10 business days after the exam uh so that's when uh you should get the results and I'm also waiting for that myself um again no points are deducted for wrong answers so I would say don't overthink things try to go with your gut and if you guess there is no penalty for that uh so better better guess then if you really don't know the answer just guess and then maybe you get still some points for that um some of the questions are even more even even worth more than one point yeah so uh there are questions for example where you need to select multiple answers um we will we will tell you like how many answers you need to select potentially you get more points for that as well all right um let's actually go through a demo um we have uh set up a short uh demo it's not specific to dp600 by the way um could we uh switch over to my screen um I'm going to show you um the exam demo environment so here is how that exam demo environment looks like um before you get into this screen there's a few more uh steps required and we'll talk about that a bit later uh where you need to of course uh uh sign in into the exam you need to uh come up with your credentials you need to probably also um take some pictures of your government issued IDs and so on before you actually get uh access to the exam but this is how the exam itself potentially looks like uh again this is a sample has this exam questions that I'm going to share with you has nothing to do with dp600 to just to make sure that we are all on the same page um so first off you have this uh certification exam agreement that you basically need to read and uh it's kind of um um a message here uh that says like everything what's included here is Microsoft confidential it's proprietary information is protected by intellectual property law law and so you're not supposed to take any any questions out of the exam and um put it on a on a brain dump somewhere on the public internet that's not supposed to happen Okay that's what you actually uh agree upon um so in this specific example we only have like um 10 questions basically to show you what kind of uh what a format would be of these questions and you can immediately also see that we have this uh exam uh minimum score uh to pass and that's 700 um so here we have done uh a bit more information about the uh the the way that the exam is going to take take place for people who have already done the exam this is something that you're likely not going to be reading but for the first time you really want to make sure that you read all of the text here carefully because because it contains information about timing contains also information about unscheduled breaks and we'll talk a bit about that uh later ready to go for the exam here it is so as you can see we have at the top um this timer which is a a clock is is taking away uh you will get of course uh what is it 100 minutes to complete the the actual exam but you will see that the the time is going to click going to take off and you will have also your overall exam progress which shows you how many questions you still have to to to do um the ex the question here itself I'm not going to read it out allow um but basically you should always read the question carefully because there's always kind of like um information in there that clearly is going to determine what kind of answer you need to to select right so uh there is no uh no doubt about it um um there is always in this case exactly one uh potential answer that's correct so I'm going to just go ahead and um uh select an answer without even reading the question that's not so important for now in this question you will see that we have two items that we need to uh to select I'm going to take oranges and grapes if that's okay with everybody uh and click next now let's imagine that you need to go through the to the bathroom uh that can happen uh so we allow you to take an unscheduled break you don't have to to ask her to the Proctor or so you can just take a break what happens when you take a break is that um the time will still um uh take away so keep that in mind that uh even if you go to the bathroom the the time is still going to uh take away and secondly um what also is very important to note here is that when you return you will not be able to go back to the earlier questions before the break and that's of course to make sure that you're not cheating okay so if you take a break you can do that you don't have to ask it you can just apply for the break here uh but then also keep in mind that when you come back you will not be able to go back to the earlier questions you can continue with the next questions of course that's how it goes um here's a question where you need to drag and drop some items onto the uh um onto the um the answer area as you can see I'm I can move my screen a bit around and um make these panels a bit larger and smaller depending on how I want to work um and I'm going to just complete some of these again without really um reading the answers over here all right so let's go to the next question um um so yeah the the screen size here you can see that the um the the screen is is uh of course um adaptable um um you will need to sometimes uh um make these panels a bit larger or smaller depending on the uh size of your monitor and know also that you can uh apply for high contrast uh if that makes uh you feel more comfortable if that helps you to uh concentrate better or to uh to view the uh the exam uh the text and and so on a bit better you can actually do that and we will talk a little bit later also about requesting for accommodations so we actually uh uh allow you to uh uh to also request certain accommodations um depending on so here we have a question where we need to uh just um put in this case what is it uh five area five items um five tasks so not all of them um and we need to also arrange them in the correct order right I'm not going to read the the the answer here correctly it's probably completely wrong if I start with pickles and add the mayad at at the end of it's it's obviously not going to be a good sandwich anyway um here's a question where um you potentially need to select some items um it looks like a screen I I'm I don't know whether you're going to have this in in the Microsoft fabric exam in DP in dp600 but uh this could be potentially a kind of a question that we get as well here we have a question where you need to select multiple U items out of a drop down uh that contains some options uh again look at the answers uh and carefully decide which one is correct um and then click next now it can happen that um you're not sure about a certain um answer or a certain question what you can do is you can uh review this for later by just clicking on this uh this checkbox here um and at the end of the exam you will have done an opportunity to come back and review those questions and uh um change your mind if if that makes sense to you if if you want now again I would say go for your gut feeling uh as as much as you can um your first guess is probably the the one that's correct you can of course change your mind no problem and that's why we have this review later option over here um and by the way it could also be that you're um that you want to leave some feedback um that could be feedback about the the question itself that is not accurate technically accurate could be that there is a typo could be that the answers are not 100% uh correct and that you want to leave some feedback and you're welcome to do so I do this all the time especially when I'm doing dealing with beta exams uh I leave feedback so that the exam can uh can be improved for the next person that comes after me uh so that's something I can do and I can of course check that that option all right let's go for a few of these these items uh click next again and here we have this case study um now case studies are a bit more challenging so a case study is like uh you have quite a lot of um information that you need to uh to absorb um usually you have some overview have some existing environment with some existing information about uh about uh about the data center about data landscape whatever we have um you have some problem statements of a particular company and then we all usually also have some uh requirements both technical uh business goals planned changes etc etc so and out of that qu out of that case study you might have done multiple questions that are going to be asked to you um it could be that you have like two three four questions on the same um case study my recommendation here is to First go and read the question and then start to look for the answer in the in the text that's my recommendation I'm not sure about you Ang how do you do this kind of these these things um I do exactly what you do asley thank you for yes I so my very first Microsoft official course aligned with a certification was 03 years ago and when I did that the instructor um told me the same thing there is so much information in these case studies yeah and it's you know our exams are not intentionally tricky but if you're not super familiar with the specific thing being test it can feel tricky right if you don't know what it is it feels tricky so a lot of people you know comment oh it's trying to trick me but we don't do that in our exams it may feel tricky if you don't know it but if you read through every single one of these pieces of information in the case study you're going to forget some of it right so I always like to personally I read the answers first and then I read the question and see if it just makes sense to me with case studies it doesn't work that way so then I go through and I look for for instance I'm seeing here that this is about what component should I recommend so now I need to figure out what kind of components may be needed right so where can I find components and that's where I'm going to start thinking through what information do I need to answer the question not what all information is in front of me it's the same kind of thing as if you are implementing for instance a fabric um environment you don't need to know what austo kql database is not for dp600 but you do need to know about a lake house so let's focus on the lake house in the case study not the AQL database if it was there exactly thanks sir for for that that addition Angie um so let me proceed um um again from my experience with the dp600 I got two separate question two separate case studies uh it might vary in your exam it might be that you get only one or three or whatever it can can change a bit um and every case study usually have like three three questions a as a minimum um if you don't answer then you get of course a warning about that and then I can cancel and then select my correct answer could also happen that we are sharing some screenshots um exhibits we call them um nothing very spe special about this just look at it and uh and then uh read the question and answer answer it correctly of course all right so here we have the last uh the last question um again depending on your screen resolution in your screen size um always validate whether you have selected all of the answers if not you will get that warning message of course um but you have to um to to pay a bit of attention to that at the end of the uh the questions uh you have done uh an overview screen that shows you how many questions you have answered how many you also um checked for review and then you can click on those um those questions and go back to it right so here you can then go back to that question now obviously when you have a uh taken a break those questions you will not be able to go back right so that's not going to be possible and if you're done with the review you click on or you select this item here this icon uh which goes back to the overview screen and where you can uh then um yeah finish finish the exam and yes we are sure to go uh end the exam we're going to thank you for that and then if you click next uh you can have the uh opportunity here to uh provide some feedback again uh you don't have to do that for every individual question but especially those that make sense to you uh if you want to provide feed feedback we are um listening to your feedback and we are going to um um look at it uh and potentially uh correct the question if it was not correct or make some modifications to make it more clear to everybody uh so we are listening to uh to the feedback in this case I'm actually going to exit the exam and then finally I get my passing score oh my God Angie I got only like 100 points so I failed the exam and you should have started with the bread clearly although I would be very interested in a pickle first sandwich let's just say um I want to call out one thing that this exam or two things really that this exam demo does not include but the first one is there is a chunk of questions in an exam and I don't remember how many and it may change per exam I haven't sat in exam in a couple years um but there's a chunk of questions that when you are answering it you get a flash on the screen that says once you start entering answering questions in this section you cannot go back even to the last question and you cannot mark them for review this is because the questions and the answers build on each other for lack of a better word so if the first question is do you want uh you're implementing a fabric environment do you pick a P1 versus an f64 I don't remember what the skew numbers are um but you pick between one of those two and in the next one it says in your fabric f64 capacity you do blah blah blah blah blah so the answer is in the answer to the first question is in the second question or sometimes the other way around so it's really interesting to think about how that can be um how you really need to make sure you're answering those questions and taking your time um and that you won't be able to go back so you can't mark them for review um and that's the last bit on that there were two questions that came out of the chat that also caught my eye about marking questions for review I think that when I approach an exam I try to answer all the questions that I confidently feel I can answer first and then I will Mark for review and come back to the other ones later if I feel like I can't um answer all of the review questions at the end I might take some wild gases to Wesley's point you don't get you know points deducted for non anwered questions but you don't get points at all so it's better to get even one point take the risk right take the risk of a question and an answer rather than skipping the question Al together um and then I feel like the best question is answered on our next slide so if we can go back to my slid screen please one of the questions was talking about Microsoft learn Wesley can you tell us a little bit more about using Microsoft learn during the exam yeah happy to uh to to talk about that um so uh since I believe September I believe it was announced that um uh we allowed you to open up the learn documentation the official Microsoft learn documentation um you see a screenshot on the the slide here um and there is basically a button uh somewhere in the center of the screen at the bottom that allows you to open up the um learn uh documentation and it opens up side by side um I really encourage you to to try it out uh it's really valuable now there's a few um important remarks about this so anything that's under the learn. microsoft.com domain can be accessed during the exam you can't access anything else so if you try to uh let's say go to a GitHub repository or you want to go to a uh to I don't know what um um a forum to to ask questions that's obviously not going to work only uh the domain learn. microsoft.com is going to be accessible so my suggestion here is to uh uh to to play around a bit with the the the the learn of microsoft.com uh try to make it your own try to uh to be good at searching for information there is plenty of information in there uh that you have available at your fingertips now at the same time um I also need to warn you a bit like if you're going to open up the learn documentation for every question you're not going to have enough time so that's not going to work um it could help uh if you open up the document ation let's say for um uh looking at um maybe there's a command a power shell command or something that that has some parameters well may it may be handy to open up some documentation to look at what are these parameters and what are they supposed to do um because that's things that you can't remember uh that's also something that we're probably not going to um uh test you upon um but again um try to master uh everything what's in learn of microsoft.com so you can clearly I you can navigate through the the whole documentation and through all the the materials that we have and that includes even the learn modules um that we have and the learning paths so all of them are publicly available and can be accessed during the exam but again don't use that for every uh for every question because you're going to run out of time that's that's basically it um so really uh really interesting all right so um what to expecting on the uh on the exam day itself um there's going to be um a few things uh to to call out here um if you book the exam um you're going to allocate are you're going to schedule it at a certain date and time now when when you're about to start the exam you have to check in and that check-in uh uh process opens up 30 minutes in advance and so really take the time to go through that check in uh there is a few things which you need to which you need to do including for example if you take the exam um at your home or uh office location you need to make sure that your uh your desk is completely empty um and you also need to make sure that uh you will um um uh prove with an identity uh um um identification that you are who you claim you are right so you have to actually take some pictures of your surroundings and a picture of your passport or identity identity government issued ID uh to show you really that you are who you claim you are so that takes a bit of time that's why we say we need to uh to check in um um minimum or let's say a minimum of 30 minutes before the the actual exam takes place also make sure that you read the instructions carefully um there are plenty of instructions that we're going to send out to you uh via email but also during the check-in process on what's allowed and what is not allowed there are some technical requirements there are some other requirements that you need to uh to make sure that that they are satisfied so please take take the time to to to go through this in in depth and make sure that you're well prepared it goes about having access to a good network connection but also having access to a a web camera making sure that you always on camera because we going to uh you're going to be taped you're going to be recorded during the exam uh to make sure that you're not cheating right um You need to have some some audio or some microphone uh to be able to do the exam so there's a few technical prerequisites to this now when you're doing the exam all good um again try to um to go through the exam um with all the tips that we already shared with you uh and at the end of the exam you will actually uh receive your results as well immediately as I showed you I failed with this the this exam um and again notice also that um during this period dp600 is still in beta so you will not get your results immediately until uh 10 days after the exam has gone live um and then in the future um when it's already gone live you will get immedately also your your results and then it's time to celebrate of course you will get a a batch from Microsoft uh you will get also a recognition um and that batch is something that you can of course uh put on your LinkedIn profile and show it off to your all of your colleagues that you uh passed the exam so it's clearly something that you want to to keep and we will of course uh record that also in a transcript which you can share with your future uh employer if that makes sense to you all right um any other thing that we need to to talk about NG U before going a bit more into the skills absolutely we got to give some tips for Success like for instance you were just talking about having your ID ready um I have only I haven't taken an iners exam since 2018 so I can't speak to how it goes anymore in person but I do know that at home for instance my pictures would not be allowed um and I don't even think a headset would be allowed because when I've had to do it I've had to use my laptop only um the webcam has to be my laptop webcam um I can't have any peripherals connected also I got in trouble a couple times by one of my Proctors because when I'm thinking I go go like this H and I cover my face and I could be muttering or murmuring or doing something so they came off mute and told me like don't cover your face uh which was very jolting so just be aware of that uh I did see some comments in the chat about how many screens you can have as far as I'm aware you can only use your laptop now of course if you're using the desktop you will have an external monitor um but I've never tried that so I can't speak to that um I I actually have a multiple monitor set up here and I need to unplug them so that they're not powered and even put up some clothes or some other things over on it so that it's um that's not possible to uh to to use them at all I saw some earlier questions in the chat just running through this there were some earlier questions about accommodations we actually have really great accommodation opportunities there's a link dropped in chat and you can see the AKA link on the screen screen check them out first there may be something really simple like I saw something about um I can't remember what the question was but it felt like something that might be covered so check them out I don't remember all of them but take a look uh I also see some comments about turning off your virus software definitely do the tech check well in advance get on early at least 30 minutes like Wesley said you can check in as early as 30 minutes it's okay to do that test check system requirements before then right if you can do it as early as you can be ready have your space prepared um I have covered my desk before because I have an external monitor plus my laptop I've covered my desk with a blanket before so that there was nothing around so when I have to take the pictures of my space it was all covered as necessary um also make sure you're in a comfortable spot right you're going to be sitting there for a while like be comfortable don't sit yourself up in a tiny corner just so that it meets the needs of the room and then be uncomfortable the whole time I don't know Wesley you have any other tips yeah um so again make sure that you're not wearing any of these smart watches make sure that you uh uh take away your your phone that you don't don't have it in any um arms link um um uh that you don't have it available um make sure that your uh your room is empty in my case actually I I even had to remove my dock from the the room and and I can tell you she was not happy about that but uh these things happen all sometimes and so make just make sure that you follow the instructions from the Proctors and there is of course also documentation about us so on eka online exams you will find more information about all of these different requirements uh when it comes to taking the exam at home or in the office so so please make sure that you uh that you follow these steps and um everything is going to be good so don't stress too much about it it's all going to be fine yeah absolutely I would say one of the other things other than covering my face the other thing that really caught me was having a cup right because of course I'm gonna get thirsty in two hours I don't know about you all and maybe I drink too much water but or maybe coffee what are your what's your drink of choice in the morning it's coffee in the afternoon it's tea yeah right so what's what's your beverage addiction folks in chat whatever it is it has to be in a clear container so if I want to drink my water because I need a lot of water I can't bring that cup so make sure that you have the right container for a cup um there were some questions about the brakes uh Wesley did a great job showing the brakes in the exam demo experience also check out the online exam link because it does does give you the advice there's five minutes built into that 2hour exam time for the so they've removed a couple questions to take that break um but you have to make sure that you recognize you're really only accounted for five minutes um and always doing that pause um because as somebody mentioned if you don't pause uh it could be seen that you're just abandoning the exam right so you want to pause to make sure that the Proctor knows that you intend to step away not just you disappeared um I think that's pretty much it for exam day tips and I see lots of tea in the chat but I see that a lot of you guys are some skilled certified people out here so what tips do you have share in the chat let everybody else know what they can be doing better all right we've covered a lot about exam Readiness I think Here Comes possibly the dreaded part where we talk about all the things you need to know to pass this exam you ready Wes yeah yeah course so our skills are broken down into different groups we have four groups for the dp600 exam these are broken out into plan Implement and manage a solution for data analytics prepare and serve data Implement and manage semantic models formerly known as data set for all my old powerbi folks and then explore and analyze data so let's walk through each of these and what percentage they're going to have on your exam so how impactful they are and where you need to really study our first one plan Implement and manage a solution for data analytics not only is it a mouthful it's actually only 10 to 15% of your exam which means if you had 50 questions you're going to have five maybe six or seven uh questions if I can do my math correctly um so just know it's not going to be a huge part of the exam right but talking through this planning a data analytics environment when you're doing this what you're really doing is you're considering which capacity what features you need are you doing fabric capacity powerbi capacity you can talk gole them on and off right so there will be an opportunity to have just um just powerbi still which not everybody is ready for fabric um you also want to know tenant level settings dp600 candidate is not expected to be a tenant level admin might be but you're not required so you may not have the opportunity to do the tenant settings but you need to at least be able to recommend them to be turned on or off which means you need to be comfortable with them there's out on learn there in the docs you'll definitely be able to get this information you also need to know about data gateways what's available whether or not you're using them and which one to choose and this one for me feels a little out of place but if you think about it big picture when you're planning a data analytics environment you're probably in an Enterprise organization and you want consistency right so you also need to be able to create custom powerbi report themes and then share them with everybody so that all your powerbi data analysts are using a consistent flow and understand what the theme for your organization is all right let's talk a little bit more about this second one Implement and manage a data analytics environment you have to be able to actually create it right deploy this determining workspace permissions this is going to be a big part of this section understanding the difference between workpace roles item level sharing also understanding for item level sharing for instance sharing experience for lak houses and warehouses looks very familiar to one drive if you haven't seen this um you just click on the specific item in your workspace and you share and you can choose whether you're giving them the SQL analytics endpoint whether you're giving them um ability to build on the semantic model all sorts of different things you need to know sharing um let's see also with that there's the rule of least privilege right don't give everybody the keys to the Kingdom Wesley do you have any advice for anybody about whether or not they should give workspace or item level permissions yeah so make sure that you know all these uh these different roles that we have uh in uh in the works spaces so we have uh the admin role uh we have the uh the member role the contributor role and the viewer role make sure that you understand those well and what are the implications of assigning uh these permissions to uh to people uh and also um know uh that you will basically get access to everything in the in the workspace HD unless you do item level sharing then you're going to only indiv share individual items with some permissions so no those differences it's going to be very important on the quite important topic on the on the exam yep yeah absolutely and I would say for our powerbi folks you already understand workspace role and sharing through an app apps are still available in workspaces it's a little bit different using the app for the fabric items but for people who may not not have experienced powerbi sharing it's really really important that you understand the differences here so our last skill in this group is managing the analytics development life cycle this is more about continuous integration continuous deployment or development depending on where you say it but CI CD right in fabric workspaces now you can turn on G integration so you can use Azure devops for a full deployment um but GitHub is also supported there's deployment pipelines within the different workspaces um and also powerbi projects the pip p p b PBI P like power that file those are newer so make sure you're familiar with using those um also recognizing how the downstream impact for the items in the workspace work right so how are people um what's the performance of your lake housee or your Warehouse down to report so you need to be able to um for instance use the lineage View and capacity metrics app to make sure you understand what this um impact would be to Downstream and then wrapping with different reusable assets or items like powerbi template PB t for template and powerbi data source PBI DS for data source and shared semantic models we already know how to create semantic models by using powerbi or you're getting the default semantic model with your lake house and your Warehouse being able to share those and give people a single place to create reports off of the data that's really what this analytics engineer role is in the first place right you are curating an amazing opportunity of data for people to come report off of you may also do some really great data VI I'm sure many of you are really great data visz folks but you need to be able to do the underlying data prep um I guess the last thing that I want to mention here is the xmla endpoint understanding the xmla endpoint and enabling it there are two different places that it is covered in this overall exam here you just need to be able to understand how to manage and deploy semantic models using the XL xmla endpoint um but at another time you'll need to understand the difference of when you'll want read read write and how to connect using the endpoint itself anything you want to add about what I just said there was a whole lot of me talking Wesley yeah and there was a lot of abbreviations which are really difficult to to pronounce even for myself as well um so U uh you just keep in mind people that that you can um always consult this study guide that we have available online where you can also uh revisit all of these uh these different uh skills and and different study areas uh for for later retrieval and for for for studying for the exam of course uh one thing that I wanted to add to this is we have these semantic models or what was previously called uh data sets um we have also this ability to promote and certify them so to make them really reusable across our organization uh and even uh allow people to discover these items that's also one of the topics that could be potentially included in here in this uh study area shall we go to uh to to a question or what shall we do shall so it wouldn't be a proper exam cram if we're not giving folks an opportunity to try to answer these questions so here is a sample question of what you might get for that group of skills plan Implement and manage a data analytics environment so the question is your fabric enabled workspace has several items including a lake house data flows notebooks and powerbi reports if you add a user to the workspace role contributor what will the user be able to do can they a create and edit items but not manage the workspace B manage all items with full admin rights or C view all items but not create or edit items what do we think let's see I see some questions falling in Wesley do you have any advice on how to answer this question for for our our for me personally I wish I would be administrator everywhere but of course that's not going to happen um so yeah again um we have those four roles available uh at the level of the workspace and um which with those roles we have a number of permissions that you will get um so you have to basically uh uh um yeah remember what the contributor role can do and um so let's see here in the in the in the answers um what are people actually uh saying I think our viewers are spot on they're definitely gonna pass this section 34 35 people so 95% of the viewers voters have agree that a create and edit items but not manage the workspace is the correct role is the correct function of a attributor ro so great job folks good good good see how you can keep going all right let's take a quick pause see if anybody has really interesting things in the chat you're all very very interesting but uh let's keep seeing more skills right okay so the next one it's a big part of your exam 40 to 45% of your exam is going to focus on preparing and serving data this is the number one skill in this exam right how do you take data transform it and make it servable to Downstream users this is really different from pl300 because pl300 while we expect people to be able to make some transformations in powerbi desktop we never expect them to go Upstream right and we definitely expect them to then create the reports and publish out to workspaces and manage from there so let's talk through what people who may be certified in pl300 need to know to now become certified for dp600 this is really going to include code so Wesley I'm really going to lean on your advice here when you took the beta exam but let's walk through these different ones you need to know how to create objects in Lakehouse or warehouse this means creating tables bringing data in this means um using shortcuts different data ingestion methods file partitioning for Delta Lake tables adding new columns or tables creating views functions store procedures um there was a question in the chat earlier that I saw hey the beauty of fabric is you can do everything with the data flow it's powerbi plus right and that's true but we have fabric here where you can do everything three different ways it's a very Microsoft product there's at least three ways to do anything what this means is we really expect a dp600 candidate to be able to do it in some of these in any of these three ways which means we need to know where you know how to do it so you are going to get tested on how to do many of these things in a data flow a pipeline or a notebook so you need to know how to use py spark how to use power query or M which is using a data flow or how to configure a pipeline so Wesley do you remember how many questions or kind of anything about the creating objects in a Lakehouse or Warehouse um not really from a code perspective anymore I can't my my brain is actually really bad in Remembering all of these these things but um what I uh do remember is that um um indeed like you mentioned there is like lots of choice in fabric all these these different artifacts that can that can be created and it makes sense for you to to um try to make up like kind of a decision tree like when should I use what what are these the different skills which I which I will need it's obviously that when you're going to apply for when you create notebooks that requires you to to be knowledgeable about the Python programming language and knows a bit and and you know need to know everything about spark whether as if you work with let's say a data flow it's kind of more intuitive where you get like a visual interface and uh uh uh Implement your your uh your data Transformations over there so in the end um for me it makes sense to really um uh experiment with all of these Technologies try to to get a good understanding of it and in our do mentation just one of the things that I wanted to share we have actually a few documents that explain on these are this called decision guides and I will share them also in the in the chat later on uh decision guides that help you to choose a data store for example are you going to choose a data warehouse or are you going to use a lake house what are the differences between those and the same thing can be said also for the copy activity as part of a data pipeline versus a data flow versus working with spark there are some decision guides available on the documentation in our learn documentation that clearly explain what are the differences and the similarities so I'm going to share that also in the in the chat window a bit later awesome yes and I also saw a comment in the chat about will you have to memorize all of the pie spark um a I hope not um no I've seen sample questions and absolutely not uh what you do need to know though are some really common ones right and big tip here what did we tell you about how to leverage your exam Microsoft learn I know we dropped it in the chat but it's learn. microsoft.com Fabric or SLT trining fabric training fabric will take you over to the learn modules all of the things that some folks have mentioned that we have some videos walking through the different learn modules SL fabric will take you over to the docs right for my old school folks the books online is where your Doc's reference material lives and that's definitely where you're going to find the most information about code who can remember how to do a SQL backup database command by heart I'm sure one of you does but I can never remember it so I always go on docs and find the reference it's the same thing for Dax if I'm writing a Dax function I need to go remember what the different parameters are definitely use learn in the code questions if you don't feel really confident with it that'd be my best advice and maybe one other thing that I want to to add to this um is we are not going to ask you to write code in the exam that's not uh not what we uh not not what we'd asking uh so you might get a question where we already show you some uh some code um in the question and then there's a few uh items that are left out maybe a parameter or um um an argument or something and that's then what you need to uh to to to provide the right answer for but we're not going to ask you to to write code which is a bit different if we talk about applied skills we have that other mechanism as well applied skills where we actually ask you to do certain things but that's not here in the exam right yeah absolutely so let's round out this really big skill group there's copy data transform data and optimize performance copy and transform data feel really similar but what you really need to understand here is how are you getting data into your chosen Lakehouse or Warehouse are you using the copy data activity in a pipeline using a data flow using a notebook all of these things are definitely covered on our learn modules I know because I helped write them um but make sure that you walk through and you understand H actually accessing the platform and the tool is the most important thing you can read this but you can't if you can't do it and you can't click around and experience the tool you won't have complete success just reading about it um you also need to understand where you may be setting up pipelines data flows notebooks for automation right how do you keep your data fresh um you also need to know which one of those three options are best wle kind of mentioned like decision trees when should you use a data flow a pipeline or a notebook which one's the best for scalable data if you're bringing in a terabyte of data like should you use a data flow I don't know I think that's a really good question now transforming data I think for our powerbi folks makes a lot more sense right star schema star schema star schema we all know how important that is but do you also know how to to implement type one and type two slowly changing Dimensions you need to understand how to use Bridge tables if you have many to many relationships in your data how do you resolve this you need to understand how to aggregate or deaggregate tables are you combining tables with merge join are you summarizing expanding you need to understand how to really cleanse and shape the data for Downstream analytics anything to add on copy or transform data there Wesley yeah maybe one thing that is here you see again that it's kind of let's say similar to what we have in pl300 but on the others on the other side it takes it also again to the next level um making it more like Enterprise ready um here you're going to work with for example like mentioned one of the items that you talked about was the slowly changing dimensions that's probably something that uh normal business data analysts are not going to be worried about but here that's really important that becomes really an important topic so it's really taking that uh to the next level let's say and that's where we differentiate also with pl300 basically yeah absolutely I think that's really important here is that this is still the next step up the reason that Wesley mentioned that pl300 is a highly recommended first step is because you get the understanding of how to do this and now you're taking it to the next level right you're directly influencing this for those of you who are familiar with our exams we also have the DP 203 which is an Azure data engineer role and that is kind of similar to this and some of you I saw were asking some questions about our favored dp500 let me see if I can remember this correctly Azure Enterprise data analyst associate um I don't remember the title perfectly dp500 also talks about a lot of these down um Upstream analytics uh creation just like we're talking about for this exam except for it's really focused on Azure here we're teaching you how to do it in the fabric environment completely right it's the endtoend analytics solution with Microsoft fabric so we're teaching you to go through all this so the last section here is our optimized performance in fabric optimizing performance is going to be bigger than doing it in powerbi you're still going to need to know how to do it with performance analyzer but you also need to understand things like capacity metrics um you need to understand what's happening with your reports you also need to know some things that I don't think come to mind initially are understanding the applications of Delta table file sizes there's some really great advice out there on how to make sure you keep your Delta file sizes in good shape otherwise it can become a little unwieldy um you'll need to know about optimize right vorder and partitioning specifically to Delta Lake tables uh anything else you can think about for optimized performance there Wesley yeah there is also a few tools which you're going to use the DC studio for example which can help you also to identify certain performance issues uh so you also want to know about those tools and it will also come back come back in the next section by the way but I suggest that we uh move on with uh the next question the next uh uh poll question I agree so let's say you're managing a set of data flow Gen 2 queries that are currently ingesting tables into a fabric lake house you need to ensure that the tables are optimized for direct Lake connections that will be used by connected semantic models what should you do should you a apply an incremental refresh policy to the semantic model refreshes B run the vacuum command C use optimize to apply V order or D use Shortcuts To The Lakehouse tables from the semantic models also just a quick note wle if you didn't catch this or if anybody else these are actually worded very similar to exam questions for those of you that have gone through our learn modules you've probably seen that our knowledge check questions are not as rigorous they may be something as easy like Hey how do you manage downt you know table optimization for your semantic models so these are these questions are supposed to help people feel a little bit more comfortable with the style of questions that you'll see on the exam I'm looking here at some of the answers which uh which come in and it looks like uh most of you indeed got it right again it's indeed answer C uh use the optimize uh statement to apply the V order so that looks uh looks good um I think that we have a a couple of good candidates for the exam Angie yeah yeah absolutely I'm excited to see you all be posting dp600 Club on your favorite social platform don't forget to keep Wesley and I in mind when you successfully pass because of our exam cram today okay we have two more sections to get through and we want to make sure that you get to sample some questions and we can't forget the study resources at the end so let's power through our Implement and manage semantic models which is 20 to 25% of your exam if you already have experience building scalable semantic models in powerbi this looks a lot a lot really familiar um now you're going to be building scalable and reusable semantic models you're going to be doing things like using direct Lake as well as including other reporting tools such as daak studio and tabular editor 2 these are external tools and we do know that you will be you are expected to use them these are two widely known tools that are essential to any Enterprise data analytics um person uh you also similar to what I kind of mentioned before you need to understand relationships using Bridge tables many to many relationships you do need to know some Dax here using Dax variables different functions like iterators windowing definitely you will need to know a little bit about these different uh windowing filtering information functions um calculation groups uh one of our other peers shared that they were um they got questions about calculation groups Dynamic streams and field strings and field parameters also knowing how to do large format semantic models and composite models and lastly everybody's favorite Dynamic row level security and object level security um let's talk through optimizing Enterprise scale semantic models as well back to we're doing this Upstream optimization you also need to know how to implement performance improvements in queries and Report visuals you need to improve dax's performance using Dax Studio or optimize the semantic model using tabular Editor to lastly make sure you can improve report performance by implementing incremental refresh y exactly one other thing that I wanted to to ask to to to respond to because there is a there is a question in the chat about is data Wrangler also on the exam and the answer is no to that um data Wrangler is a technology that helps you also to prepare data in the context of a data science solution but that's not um part of the uh the exam yeah great Point anything um and to that point there is a lot in fabric right we've got um real- time analytics we've got some data science which is where data rular comes in um we've got data activator there's a lot in fabric this is scoped specifically to creating analytics assets for end users right think about that prepare and serve data that's pretty much the big way to talk about the analytics engineer role Wesley before we move to the question do you have any extra advice for this skill group that you wanted to share um yeah maybe one uh one advice so DAC DAC programming language data analysis expression it's um it's potentially something that is going to pop up on the exam uh again you will not have to write code that's not what we're asking for but you might get questions uh that uh show you already a a complete statement um where you need to fill in some some additional functions for example um I urge you to look at uh some videos and some uh online learning materials that we have available on our learn um website and one specifically is about uh Dux videos there are a few Dax videos available I believe they're called Dax 101 and uh Advan Dux um where you can really scale up on on this programming language and really understand uh the the usage of that programming language and it will share also the link um um to the to the chat yes absolutely all right so let's move into our next question you're using Dax Studio to connect to and troubleshoot a Microsoft powerbi report that is performing poorly we all know what is poor put that aside we've agreed that it's a poorly performing report now you need to capture the queries generated by the report which fact which feature in Dax Studio should you enable a all queries Trace B query Builder C query plan tracing or D server timer Trace server timing Trace let's see I see a couple votes rolling right in and we are not going to use this to blame the database administrator that's not what we that's not what we are going to do here as a previous DBA it's always the network somebody in the chat back me up it is always the network all right I see handful of votes coming in I feel like a little less maybe people are not as confident with this one what do you think Wesley how would you have you used act Studio yourself yeah I've used it a few times uh in also to troubleshoot some performance problems and uh it's interesting to uh to to to have that tool available to to do the investigation because otherwise yeah where to start um um but here the correct answer is actually answer a uh there is a a feature in um doc Studio that allows you to look at all the C traces and um basically it takes all the the the Dax statements that are um uh executing on your system and it's even even outside of of the currently opened up Dax uh uh project um so that includes also powerbi of course and it can be used to uh to uh to to tr to get a tra of that and then you can replay those uh those statements individually and um and then from there uh start to uh look at uh things like the server times and execution times Etc yeah absolutely thanks for that firsthand advice because I have only kind of opened act Studio I am not a dp600 candidate I am a proud pl300 Club all right last group explore and analyze data also 20 to 25% of your exam so again yes be able to plan it but most importantly be able to ingest shape and serve data and then do some an extra query and analytics here right perform exploratory analytics query data by using SQL so performing exploratory analytics the skills here included are related to understanding the difference and being able to perform different types of analysis like descriptive and Diagnostic and being able to incorporate findings from prescriptive and Predictive Analytics I know those are really a whole lot of words but there are four words to define a lot of different ways to work with the analytics so really make sure you're looking into descriptive diagnostic prescriptive and Predictive Analytics understanding those fundamentals will help you in this section when we're talking about uh querying data by using SQL we're talking about being able to query your Lakehouse or your Warehouse either using directly SQL or for those of you that may not feel as comfortable with SQL using the visual query editor this is a real game changer just like with fabric you can use data flows where you may not feel comfortable using py spark in a notebook you can use the visual query Editor to do mostly what you want to do in SQL without having to write the code this is also where I mentioned that you need to be able to connect to and query semantic models using that xmla endpoint and understanding that you might be doing this with an external tool like tabular editor too any extra things you want to add here Wesley um not specifically to the exam um but I actually was surprised with this visual core editor my experience also goes back like 20 years ago when I was implementing SQL CH as a developer um and that's that's where I feel home let's say but then I actually got surprised with this visual Cy editor and the amount of um uh features that it actually uh brings it's actually very uh very interesting if you compare that to other visual Ed Cy editors that we had in the past um this one is actually a really interesting one um but I I can't remember anymore from the exam uh whether I got questions on the visual C that or probably uh didn't um but there might be SQL ques on the uh on the exam that might uh that might happen again you will not be able need to write SQL queries yourself but you might get a question where there is already a quy and now you need to fill in the gaps you know what Wesley you just said something that gives me really good point that I want to share about the exam before we release the last question for this when you are taking the exam for everybody who goes out to the study guide you look at all of the different skills you'll see these four groups that we talked about and then the sub skills here when you look at every single line you are going to get 20 to 25% questions across that so you may see a skill listed under perform exploratory analytics that you don't end up with a question for so you may get questions for both querying using SQL and visual query editor or you may only get one so it's really important to kind of think about yes you need to know all of this but it's okay if you don't know every single piece back to our point it's okay to guess if you're at the end of time and you're not sure better to take that question all right let's roll the next poll question if I can advance the slide you have a fabric tenant that contains a workpace named workspace one workspace one contains a lak house named lake house one you plan to use Microsoft SQL Server management Studio to write SQL queries against Lakehouse one where can you find the SQL connection stream for Lakehouse one a in the tenant settings under Microsoft fabric B in the workspace settings under Azure connections C in The Lakehouse settings under copy SQL connection string and D in the workspace settings under data connections while everybody's taking a time to answer that in the chat absolutely good ey good job already running the practice assessment in less than 24 hours of release these questions are from the practice assessment that you can go access you get a little sneak preview of a handful of these questions but there are 50 questions and if you take it again you will get different questions there's a big Bank of questions available so it's okay if you're seeing a few of them today that you may see again this time I see a lot more um confident voting um let's see which question is winning here Wesley yeah this uh this this is a a question where almost everybody is answering it uh correctly at least 70 plus percent um correct answer here is indeed uh that you can find the SQL connection string to the Lakehouse uh in The Lakehouse itself under the copy SQL connection uh string so there's a setting there in the lake house itself that you can find uh where you'll be able to find the the SQL connection string and then you can um distribute that to anybody um of course they need to have the permission to toh to connect um but you can use that in SQL Server management Studio you can use that in the Azure data stud you can use that even in Excel any application that can talk to to SQL uh can actually use these endpoints to uh uh to send cories to to Microsoft fabric click house so um indeed the correct answer is C awesome I think you're right we're gonna have some fabric analytics Engineers real soon um well I guess not until March when they get when everybody gets your results right all right so we've done a lot we've covered a lot and we have about 30 minutes left so I want to make sure that we give you the study resources to actually learn this stuff before we open it for Q&A you with me Wesley yep all right so first thing first if you haven't seen go jumpstart your career with the fabric career Hub on this um fabric learn together so so aka.ms learn together there are woo several things that you can go study um and my slide just Advanced Real Time For Real Time right go out there there are learning rooms there are all sorts of things that you can learn about the different roles in fabric how to get help there these learning rooms are going to help you for mentors you can ask real questions from real experts there's some really great people um real real real there's some really great people over in the fabric learning rooms check them out and which the fabric learning rooms are in the fabric career Hub to be clear as for study tips since my slide is here make sure that you schedule time to study all well and good attend intentions but if you don't schedule the time you know life is going to get in the way um practice all tasks in the study guide really great advice here go out to the study guide and click the print button even if you just save it as a PDF you can go through it and then Mark it off as you feel comfortable with each one practice navigating Microsoft learn we've already told you a handful of times but make sure you know where those different pieces are I see a lot of questions on Where is this in learn absolutely make sure when you're going out there you're checking where your weak spot may be if it's the py spark or Dax code make sure you're taking a look and seeing what is there um our practice tests absolutely take them take them take them learning the Fab learning rooms and then Wesley I feel like this one's yours schedule the exam as a forcing function what do you mean by that how mean how do you mean schedule it as a forcing function do you really schedule the exam before you're ready yeah I do that um just to to challenge myself a bit uh um so even if I even if if if I I'm not ready yet I just schedule it and I put it like a few weeks or a few months ahead in my my in my schedule and I really booked the exam and what I then do is I I get a bit nervous about that of course because it's now in my agenda and then I start to come up with a plan and start to work backwards taking into account the the study guide of course that's my my mental model of uh of navigating and preparing towards the exam um but again I I like to be challenged and and I like to uh uh to to get a bit nervous about it get a bit stressed about it but it helps also to focus and uh and uh and yeah do the things which are right to do for yourself if you if you decide to do the exam so definitely a word to check out now one other thing that I wanted to to talk about is um The Learning rooms uh we have this um online these Nine episodes that I think they have already um um taken place if I'm not mistaken they were delivered uh they were kind of like expert Let Live walkthroughs that cover also the learn modules to prepare you for that upcoming dp600 exam uh and the these Nine episodes were delivered in both India and America time zones and I believe that all of these materials are still available online for you to uh to consume and to read and to to watch uh and they're really uh expert uh expert session so highly recommended also to uh to browse those things and to watch and to consume those things yeah I definitely saw a few people found their way to those I know we just finished those first nine um learn live learn together sessions um that are all hosted on the same YouTube Channel if I remember correctly and they're all on learn under shows as well um and I think that there will be some more coming out as well so if you missed this um absolutely and you want it live that's the way to do it all right so just in a quick summary we talked about certification path we talked about exam preparation we talked about the skills on the exam and we covered some learning resources again I just want to send the message home that while we are going to have a lot of content on learn both docs and training content and we're going to have all of these great sessions available there is no replacement for handson re live interactive use of the tool and doing the specific tasks right so back to practicing the tasks perform exploratory analytics in fabric if you don't know what that means you're going to need to look up what exploratory analytics is first and understand okay well how do I do descriptive analytics in fabric um I think that's all I have last things Wesley before we move to questions do you have any last tips and actually I'll just put the question slide up and let the questions start rolling in while you give any last advice yeah to to to add to that so um again practice practice PR practice if you if if you can um I know that not every company is going to allow Microsoft Fabric and it's going to enable that for everybody in the organization but if you have the opportunity to play around with it try it um and I believe that um we have also if you come into uh trainings we um we share also sometimes like um an um an environment where you can start to play around uh that's uh available in trainings I'm not sure if it's available also publicly online that's something I don't know um but try to practice and then try to find some data uh to to play around with there is lots of open data sources available online um and uh get it in uh and try to to play around so it's it's really interesting to uh uh to to uh to use these Technologies and to sometimes uh get into problems and from problems you can learn that's how I approach it basically absolutely um great Point Wesley about the not everybody will have fabric so I'm trying to get the link which is really fun while we're trying to do this but I'm going to find the link on our exercises for those of you who have already done our Microsoft learn modules you've probably walked through some of our exercises and if you already have fabric enabled then great but we also have instructions on how to create a free Microsoft 365 develop veler account so that you can have your own environment and then use the Microsoft fabric trial so that you can get your experience doing these real world tasks um and I think we're just waiting to see if there's some questions if for any reason you're all super shy we can walk through some of the extra practice test questions that we have but let's see what pulls in Wesley I'll let you look at some questions while I try to get this link yep there is a let's see yeah the no there is not not any question that I can uh that's not coming up okay um all right let's uh let's go ahead with uh with another Live question uh knowledge question I'll let you read that while I get this link okay so um the question is like you have a fabric tenant uh contains the Lakehouse and you plan to use a fabric notebook and P Park as well to read some sales data and then save the data as a Delta table named sales the table must be partitioned by the sales year and the quarter so what you do is you load the sales data to a data frame in in pisaric you name it DF it's just a variable name and then you and it contains already the year column and a quarter column what is the command that you should run next now I'm not going to read the the the answers here because that's a bit technical but what is your um what is your choice here what kind of command should you run next uh to make sure that the table is partitioned correctly and it is saved as a Delta table yeah I think the first thing I noticed reading this is two of the questions have format Delta and two or answers and two of them have format parket and so I think this is really where we were talking about eliminating the right or the wrong answers first so well wrong answers first um so like if you know that you want this to be saved as a Delta table you probably need to pick a or b um then the question comes looking at it which one you want to how like if you look this is really this is where people feel like they're getting tripped up so if you look at the differences between a and b the differences are as small as let me get the laser pointer here as small as an a beginning and end quote here right so let's see who got it right looks like pretty much everybody figured out that it was B so clearly you have written a couple lines of P spark so great job so that's what we mean like you um you have to know a bit about py spark but it's not like you have to write the code yourself but of course this can be also tricky as you can see the answers look pretty similar but which one is then correct um so um that's how we uh we validate uh the the skills uh um upon the exam awesome all right let's see if we have any good questions coming in otherwise I see a bunch of answers I see awesome job for our folks helping get the links out um our DAC studio and tabular Editor to the only external tools we need to study is a good question and yes as far as I can remember we don't have anything else um Wesley do you remember uh don't think so no no awesome all right now that I just got all the questions clear just silly looking around I think let's do another um another practice question so this one is also in the prepare and serve data functional group which the last one was as well so kind of remembering that you're going to need code in that prepare and serve data because it depends on which way you're doing it so you have a fabric workspace that contains a complex semantic model for a Microsoft powerbi report you need to optimize the semantic model for analytical queries and use denormalization to reduce the model complexity and the number of joints between tables which tables should you d normalize um I really like this question because when we were first working on the exam we had a lot of people asking what does denormalize mean what does deag aggregate mean and these are some fundamental data analytics processes that we aren't necessarily going to cover in dp600 specific content right we UND we expect that you're coming in to this with some basic understanding of data analytics so if you're not finding everything it's okay if you go look elsewhere all right so let's see who got our answer we did not get very many votes and the winner in the chat was fact tables on the same level of granularity so everybody's going to have to go look up denormalization and snowflakes Dimension tables because a snowflake Dimension is a set of normalized tables for a single business entity you need to implement a proper star schema usually requiring denormalizing the set of tables you have to create the single table that contains all of the necessary attributes right wide flatter table in this case that's what denormalizing is for our SQL folks you want all these little little tiny tables and that's true for our star schemas too but sometimes it gets too snowflakey too many little tables off of each other right shrink it back down yeah and uh that uh gives us potentially some problems if you have if you're dealing with large quantities of data and complexer models um because traversing all of these relationships uh takes of course a bit more time and uh and it gets B more complex uh so there are actually reasons uh to uh to get rid of snowflake Dimension tables and let's say um um make it more kind of um a um a star schema it's easier to navigate it's easier to to work with uh and um yeah it's generally speaking a bit a bit better to to organize and a bit a bit better also to to store because there is uh uh better uh opportunities for compression Etc yeah and you know um since A and B and D all kind of got pretty spread answers I think this idea of granularity is coming up is really confusing um so we kind of understand that there's the fact table in the middle and then we have our Dimension tables hanging off of our fact table right and then a snowflake would be more Dimension tables hanging off of our Direct related Dimension tables right so this level of granularity this is I think confusing in the chat or in the poll and I think I don't know Wesley do you feel like you can talk to data granularity it is really hard for me too yeah it is it is hard um like um you can talk about it from a fact perspective fact tables and that have a certain granularity um basically it's about like what is the lowest amount of detail that you're going to have in your in your tables um and um so for example if you work in a in let's say an iot system you have lots of iot sensors lots of data that comes in at different frequencies different uh um um intervals could be that you have data that comes in at the millisecond level but then the question is here like is that really the granularity that you need for your um analytics for your report that you want to create probably not so you might say okay I'm going to put up the granularity up to the second or up to the minute depending on what you're gonna going to do that's how I look at granularity in the context of fact tables I'm so glad you were here to answer that question data granularity is very hard for me to understand too it's okay if you have a weak spot folks um there was a question asked in chat and there was another question ear earlier asked about the differences between dp500 dp600 and also fabric versus synapse so I just want to take a quick moment to talk about this absolutely there's nothing going different about um Azure Azure synapse is going to still stay here right for those of you who've been around long enough to go from on Prem to Azure to software as a service you're going to know that we've always had different levels for meeting people at their different needs for everybody who is on Prem you're still on Prem you eventually moved to Azure and you probably had Azure infrastructure as a service where you had a virtual VM that you installed SQL server on directly and did all of the management of the VM that you had access to and everything on the VM Azure SQL database and Azure SQL managed instance gave you that next level of remove moved Administration right so took the load off of you put it on Microsoft and now you can just manage in the database and the data so fabric is a software as a service we have removed a lot of the elements that are required in Azure synapse for you to do all of this extra management and we're giving it to you in an easier way we're also giving you a lot of this um low code right so we're really expecting to see fabric be for the people who need Enterprise Solutions with lower code requirements as opposed to the more Hands-On granular necessity of azure synapse that you need to do which is also kind of answering the question about our dp500 versus dp600 the dp600 role is a little bit more focused on analy ICS engineering whereas dp500 was a little bit like powerbi plus fabric takes it a little bit further so that's kind of all I'm going to say about the differences may I also uh comment a bit on this uh first to make to make sure that everybody is on the same page signups analytics is not going to go away so we are going to continue to support it and there's going to be continued investment in in in in it so fabric is not going to go away we have now fabric which is the new kit on the Block which gives us a the software as a service like NG said um which gives you um um better flexibility etc etc but again signups itself is not going to go away but then if we look at it from a certification perspective it was announced think last week or the week before that um uh DP 500 is uh going to retire so the exam DP 500 is going to retire on ail April 3rd um and it's going to be 30th yeah indeed um so and and dp600 is then the next uh the next the next thing of course what we are uh what we're all about to to to to to go for thank you for adding that extra context um since we're still talking about exams I think the last question we've really had here is how difficult is dp600 versus DP 203 the data Engineering in Azure um my dear colleague works on that and I stay very far away from his content Wesley do you teach DP 203 do you have any insights there yeah I teach the the course uh I've um I've of course uh uh taken the exam long time ago already even when it was still dp2 200 and dp21 that were the predecessors of that one but I've taken dp23 um this I would say um the dp600 is going to is going to be a bit more challenging because the the let's say the um the domain and the the the focus area is just way larger compared to what we had in dp23 uh dp23 if I'm not if I'm not mistaken is about uh pipelines data Factory um and and these kind of things also synapses part of that I believe um but again fabric and uh and the Enterprise features that we have is that covers quite a big a big area a big big skills area so I would say that yeah dp600 is going to be let's say a bit more challenging compared to to dp23 um but not impossible it's not impossible to to do it so don't um don't be disappointed with with what I'm saying here it's just like it's a different thing right and just go for it just just book it just book it it that is I I realize it's easier for us to say as Microsoft employees but I will say being able to validate your skills being able to put that out and share that you have done this you have take on this huge undertaking this is no small fee right go ahead and do that and I think you're going to feel really rewarded when you pass um I am not an exam sales person so don't expect it from me but I do know if you need a little peace of mind um that there is something exam replay and I don't even know the specifics about it go check it out for yourself it's something about like um it's like Insurance not Insurance that's a bad word to choice of words but it gives you an extra chance I think I think we're gonna wrap with this final question that I saw um that of course I can't give any official word about but if there's any professional level certification planned for fabric in the future right now dp600 is our only Microsoft fabric analytics engineer certification as regards to our traditional exams that you've seen if you haven't already checked out our applied skills credentials which have ranged across all of the different um uh technology solution areas definitely um keep an eye out there fabric is very popular just keep watching and don't forget to go book your exam like Wesley said just put it on the calendar get ready I don't think I have anything else Wesley you just want to say goodbye to these kind folks today yeah um I would say um to everybody uh that participated in the chat and watched this this session hope you enjoyed it hope it was valuable uh spend of your time and I wish you really good good luck um with preparing for the the exam and of course taking the exam and uh let us know or put it online when you pass your exam because it's something that you can be very proud of if you pass the exam I can tell you um so that's that's going to be it folks for today uh thanks again for uh for spending the time with us it was uh was really nice thank you very much best bet bye everybody
Channel: Microsoft Power BI
Views: 8,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft learn live, microsoft fabric, fabric, dp-600, certification, exam cram
Id: Imx7E8e6i08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 24sec (6924 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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