Learn Together: How to pass Exam DP-600: Implementing Analytics Solutions Using Microsoft Fabric

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to the dp600 exam CR session a very very warm welcome um I'll just start with my introduction and then I'll pass to my colleague Juliet um so my name is Adam Lee I'm a technical trainer here at Microsoft um I'm actually um the global CW lead for the dp600 course um so I had the privilege of um getting involved um in terms of how the um the course and the certification uh gets straighten up so it's wonderful to see uh the certification is released and now it's in the beta stage but very soon you'll be generally available so look forward to spending the next two hours with you so I'll pass to my colleague Juliet hey thanks Adam so I'm Juliet I'm a Microsoft technical trainer uh here at Microsoft and I live in India and I teach all kind of courses ranging from infra to ABS to Ai and so on I'm really excited to be part of this and especially excited to be delivering this along with Adam who the global Co well lead wonderful thank you thanks juliia um and let's also introduce our um moderator so um our Kristen CH who is also a technical trainer she will be looking at the um all the chats um that you folks uh putting in um and if you have any questions Kristen will be over there in the chat window to answer your questions yep so pass to you Julia hey since we are in a live session don't hesitate to greet us with a Hello over the chat and we really want to hear the expectation from you let us know what you're hoping to get from this entire session and our goal is to tailor the session to fulfill your objectives so really eager to see your expectation from the chat window definely definitely already see lots of um comments coming in yes so we see different expectations yeah that's really nice okay so while you post your expectations let me just quickly brief you about the goal for today see there's lot of information about Microsoft certification right sometimes you feel that these informations are scattered or maybe difficult to sift through over the next two hours myself and Adam are going to tell you everything that you need to pass your DP 600 exam and become a Microsoft fabric analytic engineer so we will walk We will be walking you through the getting certified and we are also going to give you a little bit about or I mean a good amount of information about the exam Readiness which covers helpful details about the exam itself and of course the biggest piece which is going to be the skills probably I'll give that to Adam to talk about awesome awesome thanks Juliet so most of you are here because you want to um you know basically take the exam and pass right so in a skills measure section I will walk you through um what are the skills that's actually getting tested in the exam and what are some of the sample questions what are some of the areas that um uh that you should study a bit more practice a bit more um to get yourself ready right and then after we've done all that then we will finish the session uh talking about any additional res resource that you should look into okay so let's get started with a path to the certification the initial question to ponder is why seek certification what makes it worth dedicating my time to achieve the certification see your certification serves as a solid Testament to your Technical proness and Microsoft fabric enhancing your prospects not only in your current role but also when you're seeking new job opportunities outside right and as we are aware earning a Microsoft certification is a globally recognized evidence of Real World skills so there are some interesting facts out there on the screen which you are looking at then you see 35% of technical professionals say getting certified led to increased income whereas 26% reported promotions interesting numbers right see I would consider this as one of the drivers for you to take up your certification but your main driver is to get skilled and then show off your skills right so there are numerous job opportunities out there in the market which specifically require Microsoft fabric expertise and many of them explicitly a preference for individuals who are certified in this all right so let's gear up and see how we can get started with this journey awesome you might always have this question okay am I the right person to take the certification who is the target audience right or who might be a ideal candidate for the certification who is this exam really for so this certification is especially valuable for individuals such as it professionals everyone and anyone who is working in data domain and even solution Architects and when I said data domain it can include data Engineers data scientists data analysts you know who utilize Microsoft Fabric in their role but let's say you are someone who's brand new to the data world you can still get started with this so our recommendation would be to start with assure data fundamentals in that case so no worries so we will be walking you through the different paths all right so I'll hand it over to uh Adam to talk about some of the prerequisites yeah thanks Julia so this certification is definitely for data professionals I know many organizations many individuals are waiting for this certification right this is the first ever uh Microsoft fabric certification so um in terms of the the things that you should have experience on um so we mentioned what data professionals right so data modeling data transformation things like SQL right these are the the bread and butter that the data professionals um leave with every day so on top of that um we also uh you know love to see your experience when it comes to the source control for the cicd process um doing the exploratory analytics um again using C or any kind of uh visualization right using powerbi as an example and then when it comes to PBI Dax is definitely getting involved and then lastly ppar right so ppar is becoming um more and more popular and important for organization these days right so it's a it's a very important skill to have now I saw someone um asked the question earlier in terms of what's the level of P Spar that that that is expected to do the exam right so we're not expecting you to know everything about ppar right so um definitely uh don't don't need to worry about that I I definitely don't know um everything when it comes to the pispot functions so we work through through the the details the level of um kind of familiarity that that might be expecting from you when it comes to taking an exam okay so hold TI we we'll we'll we'll work you through those details sure thanks Adam and again you know when it comes to what level of pp park or what level of SQL and all but I think today uh learning has become easier with our co-pilots right please do Leverage The co-pilots you will uh ramp up on all these with no time so with that let's see some of the you know paths that you can uh take to earn your certification as you all know the dp600 exam it is slated for release in JN 2024 with General availability that is set for March 2024 okay so as of now the exam it is still in the beta State and if you're genuinely interested in pursuing the certification it is crucial that you prepare accordingly because uh sometimes working backwards is always good to get you up to the speed all right and we have designed a logical certification path to Aid you with your preparation so starting with dp900 is actually a great option see when I said starting with dp900 is a great option that does not mean you must must take a dp900 first in order to take up your uh other certifications so it's not like that but then we would highly recommend because dp900 gives you a chance to Showcase your understanding of the data fundamentals so that is the whole idea of it but it is entirely optional it could provide a solid foundation that's all and then next on the list is your pl300 most of you might be aware of it it is your powerbi all right and again this pl300 is not a prerequisite but then it is strongly recommended as uh the dp600 certification that we are talking about today can somewhat be challenging I wouldn't say challenging but a little bit more tricky so following this path will definitely help you build the necessary skills and your chances of passing the certification all right then come comes our main event so which is your dp600 you all are gathered here today for this purpose and myself and Adam are here to provide the necessary guidance and support to help you achieve the certification all right so once you're ready schedule your exam take up your exam and then best of luck on your journey to your certification perfect that's right um and some some folks are asking oh is it is it better to take the exam once the the certification goes generally available or do it now right so the only thing about doing the beta exam right now is um you won't be able to get a test result straight away right so you just need to wait um a little longer to get your test result but it also means as soon as it goes generally available then you are you know if you pass then you get certified pretty much straight away right um so if if you can hold that hold your eagerness and wait until March to do the exam you know that that is completely fine as well right either way U we we just want to encourage you to take the take the exam and get yourself the very first Microsoft fabric certification exactly so there is a poll for you now we would like to understand where you are in your Learning Journey so where are you so are you in the first step you have just started to prepare or you have you started studying already or do you already have some experience working on uh Microsoft Fabric or are you ready to take up your SC exam so let us know we would like to understand so that we could cater our you know section accordingly and help you with that so do take the poll scan the QR code that you're seeing on the screen or you can just hit https is ak. ms/s yep I definitely see the result coming in yes looks like lot of them have started studying Adam yeah that's that's wonderful that's what we love to see yes so I think there's more wordss for started study okay so just looking at the result right now so half of you have already started the your your your kind of study Journey on the certification um and then the uh about 15 of you are ready to schedule exam right that is yes that is fantastic so you are literally one step away from from that certification and S similar number of people have got some real world experience so that will definitely help you with your preparations and then about 20% of you are saying this is your very first step um so you are already getting yourself um ahead of the curve um because you basically in this session and you already know what are all the different skills that would be expecting from you so when you're actually doing your studying um you you can be a bit more targeted in terms of what area you need to learn and and C these a people more exactly so I think uh the next uh 60 to 90 minutes will definitely be useful uh for those who have especially started their journey and on that track so please make a note of what you know we are going to cover and of course this is a recorded session you can view it at any any time but we would recommend you to keep certain links handy and then pin it as favorites so that you can learn okay so there's another exciting piece here exam Readiness right where should I get started where do I have my study materials these are some of the questions that you might have so study guides so we have three components one is your study guides and then you have your exam prep videos and the other one is your practice assessment so the study guides that we provide serves as an invaluable tool for preparing for the certification exam this is really really cool and nice not sure if you had a chance to look at it but we will be sharing you the links so these study guides they outline the skills that will be assessed and the topics that that the exam will cover all right so essentially your study guides provide a comprehensive road map for what you should focus on coupled with numerous links uh to pertinent uh learning paths and documents so utilizing these study guides will definitely ensure that you are well prepared and you remain on track throughout your study period they designed to provide the necessary structure and the directions so you will not get lost okay so you know where to start what to do next okay and where to focus on so you have entire thing in your study guide in addition to that there are also some videos exam Readiness videos so in this videos uh we show you how you can get started with your exam how you can get started with your preparation what to prepare how to prepare all these are covered in these videos you can go through the videos all right and finally happy news and an exciting news is that you have a practice test and this practice test got released just couple of of days back so I think you're really lucky to have this and these tests have 50 choices for you to go through and practice tests give you a very engaging experience all right that emulates some real world exam questions and the question types and it also provides you answers along with some rationals to identify further areas to study so do take the practice assessment they deliver a robust experience with some interactive features so each test contains approximately I think it is 100 questions all right and these are not exam questions these are practice questions and this is this is really you know interesting uh so Adam have you ever taken up this you know practice questions or got a chance to go through it anything you want to share with our participants here yeah yeah great question juliia so um I have already taken exam so I took the exam a while ago so the practice test was only released uh earlier this week right so all of you who are currently in this session you are very lucky right because you you actually now have the DP 600 practice test available on Microsoft learn um where you can you can literally practice them and there's no better way to set yourself up for success for the real exam than doing the practice test right so you literally have got all the res that you need to pass the exam um there there's really no need to um you know to to to concern that you know um you you're you're not ready right because there's so much resource for you exactly thanks Adam for adding that now okay I have all these study guides practice test and everything handy now what should I expect for my exam how is my exam going to be how many questions how much time so let me just give you a brief on that the number of questions in the exam typically varies between 40 to 60 but again you know you might have something around like 50 it can vary uh so while the actual exam duration for you to take up the exams or the question that is related to Microsoft fabric is going to be 120 minutes but it is highly advisable to allocate 3 hours for the entire process which is 180 minutes so this extra time which is a 60 Minutes that we are G telling you is to accommodate the necessary Preparatory work probably you might want to set up your machine uh you might want to set up your camera your audio which is your mic and also there are some setups that you will have to run on your machine and also during the exam you will have to do some identity verifications all right all these consumes around like 40 to 60 minutes so it's always better that you allocate 60 Minutes additional uh to to your allocated 120 Minutes all right uh there should be ample of time 120 Minutes is more than sufficient to take up your exam but then it is still important to manage your time effectively so that you ensure every question is answered to the best of your ability right sometimes we start reading the question multiple times and you know think too much about it there's a tendency you might uh forget to keep track of the time time management is very essential here because there are different question formats we have it's not just multiple choice questions we also have match kind of a question drag and drop kind of questions which involves a little bit of thinking right so keep it keep track of your time okay you have a timer that runs on top of your screen so just have a tab on that see that time management is taken care and when it comes to your case studies case studies can span up to Pages it can go up to you know from three to seven pages and it takes a little bit time to read the questions and different participants handle the case studies in different ways all right if you ask me uh for any tips to handle the case study what I would say is now put yourself into the scenario of that is given in the case study and then try to find a solution all right uh so this is one way in which you can approach your case study different folks Adam how do you usually take care of the case study yeah well great question so um so when I took the the dp600 beta exam I had two case studies um the way I usually tackle the case study question is is I I take a quick glance on the case study information but I don't go through all the details I just get a very high level understanding of what information is available and then I go into the questions right because um by looking at the question I know what are the information I need to get from the case study because the case study give you a lot of information but not everything in there is is needed right to answer the questions so that that's just my approach to um to save myself some time and I also want to share that um the exam time is sufficient right so 120 Minutes um I got 59 questions when I took the exam right so about you know about two minutes per question right but I usually tell myself I I I will spend one no more than one and a half minutes minutes on a question that so that leave me with 20 to 30 minutes um so I can just review my answers right making sure um I have um select the the the option that I'm most confident with okay so time is sufficient um so if if if you have already done Microsoft exams before then the format the question types is pretty much all the same your already familiar with what the exam for would be like yeah okay thanks Adam yeah looks like uh questions ranging between 40 to 60 looks like you got the highest you got 59 questions yep yep so I think uh expect that um that range um so expect around 50 to 60 Questions uh is what I would say the more kind of realistic range H that's cool so that's a great you know input thanks Adam okay yeah so let's look at scoring of the exam how is the exam going to be scored and all so exam scores range between 0 to th000 if you have already taken your Microsoft certification you might be aware of this and it is the same for all the certifications so each exam has a cut or a passing score and this score is the one that determines if you have passed or failed your certification you must achieve at least 700 to pass the certification all right and 700 I say it's not that difficult okay try to answer all the questions do not leave out any questions points are not detected for any incorrect answers so make sure you answer every questions and before every questions you will have some instructions so make sure that you read all the instructions carefully because there might be some questions that you cannot return or review later you might think okay let me answer this uh let me go to the next question and then come back and answer it for certain set of questions you could do that but for certain other set of questions it is not possible to come back all right so hence we highly recommend you to read the instructions carefully make sure you don't skip anything some questions worth more than one point all right so keep in mind there's no penalty for giving a wrong answer so hence try to answer all the questions and uh let's say if you're not sure about certain questions we have an option there which says Mark for review you can mark for review and return to them before you go to the next sessions all right and uh case studies are not able to be reviewed or Revisited no worries I'll be walking you through the exam sandbox and show you where you can mark for review and all that all right so this is how the scoring is done and when can you expect your score as soon as you complete your exam you will see the score on your page it takes few minutes one or two minutes and then you will see the score on your page and in case you're taking an exam which has a lab involved all right so I don't think you have a lab for this Microsoft fabric but let's say there is an exam with a lab involved then it takes up to 30 minutes but here you don't have to worry you should be able to see the results in couple of minutes all right but if you're trying to take up your exam before March so because the exam is currently in the beta you will not see the score right away it will take some time it will take few weeks for the results so you should be able to see uh you will get a notification in your inbox once the result has come all right and another thing no worries be confident take up your exam that's okay even if you fail a certification exam don't worry it's okay to fail you can still retake it after 24 hours after the first attempt all right for the subsequent retakes the amount of time varies so there is a exam retake policy spend some time and do go through these exam retake policy all right uh Adam do you want add anything here no um I think it's um it should be pretty straightforward um don't feel like you have to know everything don't feel like you have to get every answer right the reason why we we set the passing score 700 out of 1,000 is because we do um we do give you the margin to make mistakes right so don't feel like you have to be 100% ready and then take the exam and that is a very useful resource that we will show you in in a few minutes uh that they they will make your kind of exam taking experience uh even better thanks thanks Adam so I think they'll feel more confident because they're getting all these information firsthand information from you who has already taken up the certification yeah okay so I'll do something so let's see how these you know practice assessment looks like so let me just quickly walk you through that if it's a first time you're taking up your Microsoft certification this is how it looks like so the first page once you launch your exam okay once you set up your machine once you run the exe file that is given to you and once the ident ative verification is done and when you hit on the launch button this is the screen that you get so wherein you have this Microsoft certification exam agreement and it's always a normal tendency we don't read all these and then we just click on S and then click on the next right don't do that I mean it's not going to take more than 2 minutes so just read this agreement okay so when you have some you know basic information and things that you should be aware of and then hit on the next button and once you hit on this next button you will see a welcome message on your screen which says welcome followed by your name welcome John or welcome Bob or whatever it is all right followed by that you will have the maximum time for your exam here you seeing a z hour because it is a demo one uh for your exam you will see 120 Minutes or you will see two hours and you will also see the number of questions expected number of qu exam questions I think for Adam it would have been 59 here and the number of case studies as Adam mentioned he got two he would have got two but just because Adam got two that doesn't mean that you all will get two some of you can get two some of you can get one some of you can get three we don't know right and the maximum time for the exam is again 120 minutes and the minimum score for passing is 700 all right so just read this and then go to the next so this is another set of information what is the exam format going to be what is the timing going to be and we also have some unscheduled break you can also take some breaks in between your exam so if you're taking breaks in between your exam then how is it going to be and how can you review or comment on certain questions how can you provide feedbacks on certain questions so there are some keyboard shortcuts how can you view the content so these are some basic information all right so just read that and then go to the next and then you have ready to start the exam okay and it shows 120 Minutes or 2 hours and then you hit on start exam that is when you will start seeing this welcome message followed by that you will start seeing your first questions all right now when you look at this question this is a simple question it is a multiple choice question wherein you have a question and the answer is just going to be one among the multiple options that are given to you I'm not going to read this question all right so you just choose the right answer and then give on next now let me explain a little bit about the screen on the top right you see here time remaining which says 7 or 59 minutes all right so this is the timer always keep a tab on this timer this keeps reducing all right so so that you are on track as I mentioned to you earlier time management is important and Adam had already mentioned you have ample time to take up this exam and don't be laric okay you have ample time and that is how the questions are framed and the exam is designed but keep a tab on the time as well all right and then you have the overall exam progress this shows the number of questions that you have already answered and the number of questions remaining so that you can plan accordingly and let's say you do not know the answer for this question or you have given some answer and you want to review this later you can just review later all right or let's say you want to provide a feedback for this particular question you feel okay this question is not uh right there's a technical issue in this question this could have been well phrased or this question is a little bit confusing it's not conveying what it is supposed to convey and all right just Mark as leave feedback and and you can provide a feedback for this question at a later time all right and once you have done this click on next that takes you to the next question so another type of question format that you could have is multiple choice okay not multiple choice multiple answers for a single question so this is also a McQ only but then you have multiple right answers all right sometimes every right answer can give you one point so you will see those instructions also given on top it depends on the question all right and uh go to the next question another type of question that we have is this drag and drop so you have this answers towards the left you just need to drag and drop this all right so if it is a first time you're going to take up your Microsoft certification so we recommend you to go through the sandbox and then try these things out so that it's not a a shocking thing for you when you see these type of questions first time on your screen all right so just take it up this is really useful and let's say I want to review this later I can mark it as review now let me go to the next question so this question we called it as a build list recorder see you can have some questions like uh how do you configure you know XYZ then in that case you need to place those steps the right order or in the right sequence so you will have the actions towards the left and you need to place this in the right sequence all right so this is again like a drag and a drop and then you can move these sliders to move a particular action on top or bottom so this is also possible you can either do a drag and drop or you can just select this and hit on this also okay but I'm getting an error because as per the question you should only be selecting five but then I had already chosen five five all right so you are likely to get these popups also on your screen I mean don't do not get surprised or you know get shocked like saying oh I got something on the screen is my screen stuck not like that those are just pop-ups or error messages okay now I completed four questions I want to take a break okay probably I want to have some water because I'm having a bad throat or I want to take a break okay you can always hit on the St take a break and then take a break let me hit on take a break okay once you hit on this take a break now read this carefully are you sure you want to take a break you have seen four questions you have not answered zero of these questions you have marked two items for review okay two questions are marked for review but then I completed four questions now if you take a break you will not be able to see the questions that are already answered okay or already marked for review I completed four right now after coming from the break let's say I want to modify an answer for the third question it's not possible to do that once marked is marked you cannot change anything in fact you cannot go back and see the questions and even if you have marked for review you will not be able to review those questions and another important thing is while you're taking a break you see the timer timer still goes on timer is not paused in 120 minutes if you have taken a break for you know 4 minutes then it's not that you get an additional 4 minutes 4 minutes is gone from that 120 minutes so just be mindful of all that while you take a break but then we wanted to give you this flexibility and you know take the exam comfortably during that time all right and just hit on the start break and I don't want to do this now let me return to the exam and uh probably I want to review this later I can mark it go to the next see this is another type of question that you can have we call it as an active screen so this question will have some you know screenshots like this and you will have some questions asked from there all right based on the screenshot that is here and you will have your answer areas also accordingly look at the next so you had the question in there and now Mark the answer from here so this is like a uh this is like your you know uh drop down just Mark your answer based on whatever you saw on the previous screen okay fine so this is another you know interesting thing so this we call it as a hot area see you have a question on top okay some question on top where do I give my answer scroll down where do I give my answer the answer should be selected from this image only okay these questions we call it as hot area questions so you can just mark it here and then go to the next okay don't think okay I think this question is incorrect looks like uh you know looks like uh there are no options answer choices are not given it's not like that this is the answer choice so Mark accordingly all right don't ignore don't think it's an incorrect question and just leave a feedback there okay aware of all these things before you go up for your exam and the next type of question is your case study okay this is an interesting one right uh so this is a case study so wherein you have this overview existing environment how does the existing environment looks like and some information some information about a scenario okay system Center app what is the problem statement what is the requirement of this organization what are their business goals what are the planed changes what are the technical requirements what are the app requirements so entire thing and as I already mentioned to you you have your own learning style right some of you prefer to read the case studies and then take up the questions but most of you and including Adam you might see the questions and then come back all right and while you're answering immerse yourself in into the case study and then answer so though these case study you know goes to multiple Pages or tabs however you call it as uh it's not that difficult you just need to think practically and uh you know put yourself into that scenario you will definitely be able to crack it case study is not difficult as it seems from outside all right so it's an easy area to score marks and then cancel and then you see see the questions of the case study okay uh you can answer it so this is another type of question see you will have the questions here do not miss out this exhibit session see I have a question and there are some choices to answer and in the question it says the hard disk is configured as shown in the exhibit click the exhibit tab see there is an exhibit tab on top so just click on that all right and then see the exhibit tab see the image that is provided and accordingly answer the question from here because if it's a first time you're taking right there are probability that you might miss out this exhibit so you have your exhibit here do not get confused and think okay they have set some exhibit where do I see those exhibits okay so take care of that and just Mark the right answer go on and uh here you have multiple exhibits okay you might see the question simple question is just an yes or a no that's all okay but there are multiple exhibits there is a policy editor there is a hash policy hash Block in this case so you could have multiple exhibits also make sure that you click on every exhibit and then have a look at it all right so once that is done okay I'm on time overall progress 10 of 10 questions done all right so now I click on next it says that I have answered eight questions two are unanswered and then two are marked for review and let's say I want to go back and answer the questions that I have not answered fine go here and then answer it or it's I it's highly recommended that you answer it okay answer everything and uh now let's say you want to go and review the questions that you have marked as review just go here and you want to verify okay whatever whether whatever I have done is right so just review it and once you have reviewed it you do not have to click on this next next next you want to go to that other screen right if you want to go to the screen which actually showed the consolidation of answered unanswered reviewed click on this icon on top all right so that is it so once you are done I have reviewed everything now click on finished it says are you sure clicking is will end the section of the exam and you will not be able to change what you entered in the section yes if you're fine with that click yes now it says thank you this is the end of the sandbox that is it okay this is the end of the exam you will not be able to go back or do anything you can only click on next Once you click on next uh you can give feedbacks on the exam no I don't if you want to give feedbacks you can click on this comment all right but then I say exit this will end see I got my results also we are sorry you did not pass the exam minimum score required to pass is 700 my score is a zero okay so this is just a Sandbox so similarly in a similar manner you will have your results that are displayed in your uh for your exam now again when you click on next it also shows the areas that you have performed well so Adam will be walking you through the skills measured section in a couple of minutes so when you look at your DP 600 it has got four different sections so it'll show you how well you performed in section one how well you performed in section two so in this way you know which areas that you will have to focus on if at all you did not clear your exam or even if you have cleared you know the areas or you know the gaps and you can work towards that all right so this is a quick demonstration of how your uh exam looks like and uh so that is a little bit now this is another exciting piece yeah Adam you want to add anything uh just regarding the demonstration um yeah um the that was an awesome demonstration so for those of you who have never done a Microsoft exam before there's B basically no better exam simulation than what Julia has just just done right I understand many of you have already done in Microsoft exam before so you already know the type of questions inside out but for those of you that are new to this right that is probably the best demonstration that you can get to know exactly what to expect um when you are in a real exam right um so time management is super duper important cannot emphasize that enough um make sure you don't spend too much time on just one question and then not having enough time for uh the the the rest lat on absolutely right uh Adam so time management is always crucial yeah yes thanks for emphasizing on that cool um thanks Julia so let's talk about this particular page um so when you are doing the pp600 exam we actually give you access to the Microsoft Lear website now this is um uh something that that is a a very very um valuable kind of option right because it means you don't have to know everything right so for example if there is a SQL function or Dex function that you encounter in the exam you don't know what it is you never really learn about it you can look it up right so the the you know so uh when you are preparing for the real exam um also get yourself comfortable with searching for information on Microsoft learn right that way when you're actually doing the exam um you you kind of know what sort of keywords that you should put into the search box that will give you the relevant result um kind of you know you know quickly in the quickest way okay um so that that is um one resource that we really want to emphasize right and also be careful um when you are looking up things on Microsoft land website the clock is still ticking we're not giving you extra time to look up things right so that means you won't be able to look up every single question on the Microsoft learn website okay okay so you we are still expecting you uh to to know those skills um yeah so that that's that's that's the the main thing that I want to highlight you're absolutely uh right Adam uh so again time management is crucial here and earlier when you we used to take up the exams you know before we never had this open book kind of a thing sometimes we you know lose time just thinking about a lot of things but this is really great anyone can refer probably they're very close to the answer okay they can always go to the Microsoft learn and then do a very quick validation or uh check right so yes and I don't think it not only helps you uh only with a certification but uh you can also learn few things during your exam yes okay now what do you expect on the day of your exam as I told you check in 30 minutes though we say 30 minutes we would recommend 60 minutes okay so at least 30 minutes and then read all the instructions that are given okay because it's really really important you might miss out some exhibits or you might miss out some important instructions that your question has which is really required for you to choose the right answer okay so ensure that you read all the instructions take the exam Mark review okay if at all you want to do a review at a later point in time so that you know you you do not waste time thinking a lot for a particular question and then submit the exam receive the results and as we told you before some time you ideally see your results in a couple of minutes but when it comes to your beta exam it takes couple of weeks not within minutes okay so have that expectation set all right once that is done it's time to celebrate your accomplishment and achievement over the LinkedIn do not forget to do that all right now a little bit of tips for the success on the exam day check in 30 minutes early all right ensure that your desk is neat and clean with no you know materials uh like your phones or your tabs or your smart watches everything nearby you're not allowed to keep that no personal belongings nearby no eating no smoking no chewing gums no covering your face uh no external monitors no external sounds okay all these are not allowed so dedicate a space for yourself to take up your exams wherein you're not Disturbed wherein it is a little bit no sound around all right and a little bit of information about the breaks as we informed to you before some time you can take a break okay five minutes have been built into the exam time that can be used for the break so uh we have you know actually removed those questions to accommodate this while five minutes have been an added to the exam time you can take as much time as you want during the break and you can also take multiple breaks however the exam clock will continue while you're on break okay if the exam time ends while you are on a break your exam will be scored based on whatever you completed until that point in time okay and if you are unable to finish the exam because you were on a break or you took a break no adjustments will be made all right and you are responsible for managing your own time and as informed to you I'm emphasizing this again once a break is launched launched you will not be able to return to the questions that you have already completed if there are certain questions that are unanswered you cannot answer those questions again all right uh so these are few tips from my end uh Adam did I miss anything no I think you have covered all of them thank you Juliet um so that is a very stara kind of exam um related details right so hopefully um when you go to the real exam there shouldn't be any surprise okay so now let's uh get into the next section and let's start looking at what are the skills that is getting tested in the dp600 exam so there are four main areas right so this is Microsoft fabric analytics engineer right so um some some folks asked earlier uh does this uh exam you know uh includes things related to data activator or data science machine learning the answer is no okay so the focus of this particular certification and all the skills that's getting tested again that's that's that's that's that's let's think about the name for the role analytics engineer okay so um the focus here is on the fabric uh Lakehouse as well as Warehouse okay that is also component related to powerbi so I'm going to work you through these four areas and what are the kind of the the the the areas that you need to be more familiar with you need to study a bit more you need to practice a bit more okay so let's start with is the first area right so the first area is about 10 to 15% so this is where we are looking at things related to planning the environment right so when we say things related to the the environment we are basically talking about your favorite environment so this is where you need to know things such as the capacity right so we know that um we can assign capacity to the workspace but there are different type of capacity now right so previously when it's just powerbi then you have the powerbi capacity but now you also have the fabric capacity right so if if I ask you a scenario and then I give you the option uh you know f a P right all these different letters that represents different type of capacity do you know which one to choose okay so this is what we mean from the environment perspective okay and then secondly about um settings right we're not expecting you to know all the tenant level settings right but it's it's it's always beneficial that you go to the amine portal you go through those tenant settings to understand what is available layer what you can enable or disable as an administrator okay um and then other things are things related to the data Gateway right so if you have been using powerbi for a while then you already know the standard Gateway and the personal Gateway right when do you choose which okay um creating Power report theme so that's that's the you know PBI pbit file right that you can configure for the organization and then from the Implement and manage data analy environment perspective this is where we start kind of checking your skills on the security side of things right so when it comes to kind of security or access management in a in in a water fabric there is the workpace level access management right so many of you will probably have uh the four different rowes um come up in your head right so a mean member contributor and the viewer okay so with Microsoft fabric the um kind of these four rows the scope has increased a little bit right so previously we only need to worry about powerbi and then each one of these rows can do different things in a powerbi workspace but now we have the four rows for fabric workspace and fabric workspace has more items okay so it's important that you um go to microsof learn page and then look at what each one of these roles can do or cannot do right so if I do a quick demo here and just go to Microsoft lamp page right so I personally I like to use this uh search box in the top right corner and let's let's assume that I'm in the exam right so this is where I'll go here I type fabric workspace row right and then if so you if you are not quite sure about what each one of these row can do or cannot do uh in the exam then you can quickly look it up okay all right so that is uh from dep perspective right the other thing is the item level uh permissions right so if you're are sharing your Lake housee for example to uh people in your organization what are the different permission settings in there right so that's something that you can um uh practice and and have a look okay uh lastly in terms of managing the life cycle right so this is where the cicd process comes in so fabric workspace allows you to configure G uh G Integrations right and that is um that is using a develops okay there is also a new feature I don't know how many of you uh are aware of this new feature which is called PBI projects right so the extension for this file is pbip okay so if you don't know what it is um look it up on Microsoft learn um to learn more about this new feature right so this new feature basically allows you to have individual text files um for your report and your uh centic models that can be used for the uh cicd process okay um so as the name suggests right from uh development life cycle perspective it's all about the ability to reuse things right so things related to powerbi template files powerbi data source files sharing the semantic models right so these are the things that's getting involved okay so we have talked about the first area it's 10 to 15% okay so that means it's not a huge part of the exam right um so it's good that it'll be good that you have this knowledge but this is not necessarily the area that you will spend the majority of your time when it comes to studying okay um so Julia should we do a quiz on this one yes yeah yeah so this is an interesting question Adam uh so your fabric enabled workspace has several items including a Lakehouse data flows notebooks and powerbi reports if you add a user to the workspace role contributor what will the user be able to do create an edit item items but not manage the workspace manage all items with full admin rights or view all items but not create or edit items do take up this poll we are awaiting to see your response so that we know where you are all right either scan the QR code or you can just hit ak. ms/ Pooles on your browser yep right so in this exam question session we want to keep you taste uh of the some of the questions that you might get um in in in the exam right and this is a classic example that ask about a workspace level access control so try to answer this question without looking up on Microsoft learn but if you really struggle look it up it's okay right if you really struggle you don't not answer look it up on Microsoft learn that is one one type of preparation as well okay so I can see lots of votes coming in and 90% of you have chosen option A okay so um option A is inde the the correct answer okay um so that's what contributor do right whenever we think about contributor we basically think of it like a developer role right it's someone who can build things but they can't really manage the work space right awesome okay so that is the first quiz so now let's um let's have a look at the second um um second main area so the second main area is prepare and serve data right so this is where um the majority of your exam question comes from okay um so this is where you will get questions asked about spark this is where you get question as about pipelines this is where you get questions on datf Flow gen two right this is where you get questions on Lakehouse and Warehouse okay so the first area is around creating objects in Lake housee and Warehouse so what are some of the objects that we can create have you think about this um um in your head for a second right so we we can um create uh files folders in Lake housee we can create uh Delta tables in lake house now one thing that is very important is the shortcut right so uh we can create shortcuts in the lak house and think about what's the purpose of it right so we'll talk about the the purpose of shortcut when we get to copy data while I objects other objects are like um uh you know uh views functions and store procedures okay um so those are objects um when it comes to uh settings things up right now copy data and trans uh transform data uh will basically be the big chunk of the questions that you get in the exam so when I say copy data you can probably already think of multiple ways that you can do it in maxo fabric right so this is where all those different uh uh features are getting involved so let's start with the first one which is how do we copy data between a Lakehouse and Warehouse or within a Lakehouse or we seen a warehouse right there are so many different ways that you can do it okay so this is where the shortcut comes in so if I want to um basically copy a table from a lake housee in a different workspace this is where I can actually use shortcuts right so let's take a quick look over here okay so this is my l because over here when I click on files this is where I can create shortcuts so not only you can create a shortcut for the external sources this also where you can create a shortcut pointing to Lakehouse in another workspace okay so this is an example um of you know uh kind of getting the data over right other ways is using SQL scripts right so you can copy data um between Lakehouse or we SE Warehouse using scripts like create table as clone or create table as select right so if you're are not familiar with these two um kind of SQL statements have a look on Microsoft learn website and now let's get to the the the the main ones data pipeline right so are you familiar with the the different activities that you can use in the data pipeline right so if we take a quick look over here okay so um look through um a data Pipeline and then go to activities and make sure you are comfortable with the different options right what what what can a lookup activity do what can uh invoke pipeline activity do right so this is a pretty important one right so when we talk about um pipelines that has dependencies on each other this is where you need to use the invol pipelines right to to to trigger part of the process once the previous steps are completed right so this this is a very classic example for The Medallion architecture right we only want to put data into the silver layer right once the bronze layer is done okay so this is regarding data P plants right looking at activities another example is the copy data activity okay so um for the copy data activity um use specify the destinations right so you can configure many different options for example I want to override the exist uh the existing data okay so that is from the data pipeline uh perspective in terms of data flow right so this is a example of what data flow Gen 2 looks like so um if you have already used powerbi uh for a while then you are already familiar with all the different uh Transformations that you can do um using powerquery okay so um that is um from data flow perspective okay um and then some of you were asking about uh ppar right so the spark notebooks so in terms of the spot notebooks you will definitely get questions um asking you to to basically fill the the blanks right so we might give you uh a PPA script and then that is you know part of the script that you need to uh fil okay so this is where you need to be familiar with um some commonly used uh Spa functions okay so um a lot to talk about here uh because this is where you get the majority of the questions right so if we are um if we are looking at 60 questions for the exam for example right then this really gives you an idea how many questions that you will get in the exam that's related to these topics right so that means you'll probably get close to 30 questions asking about these different um features and different tools okay so from transforming data perspective we we kind of already covered that when we were talking about data pipelines gen two data flow gen two and Spark notebooks right so um just um practice those when you have a chance okay so the very last part optimize performance right so the main thing to learn more about is how can we optimize the performance for the Delta tables we know that Delta table has the underlying packet files right so every time you're making a change to the data table it creates a new pocket file and over time there are so many of them right so there's a bit of Maintenance that need to be done and I hope most of you have already seen the maintenance feature in The Lakehouse right so in a lake house when you look at a Delta table there is that maintenance section okay so have a look on this one um have yourself familiar with the vacuum command the optim uh the optimized command understand what they do okay so a lot to talk about here right that's why um I'm I'm I'm spending a lot of time on this so let's spend some time to do a quick question yes so let me read out the question you are managing a set of data flow gento queries that are currently ingesting tables into a fabric lake house you need to ensure that the tables are optimized for direct Lake connections that will be used by connected semantic models what should you do apply an incremental refresh policy to the semantic model refreshes or run the vacuum command that Adam showed you before sometime use optimize to apply V order or use shortcuts to the lakeh house tables from the semantic models come on take up the poll just sit mute my mouse okay so let's see how many folks are putting in the answers okay I see a lot of votes coming in okay so five more seconds and then we would look we basically talk about the results so in the real exam you want to you know answer the questions uh as as quickly as we can cool all right so a lot of your a lot of you actually did really well so uh 50% of you has voted option C okay um so that is that y okay so um and that is basically the correct answer right so um half of you have basically got it right right so the the other half of you have chosen um the other options so option D was also a pretty popular option um so um go to that maintenance section I just shown you um and that will give you an idea in terms of why this is the right option okay so look up D direct leg if you don't know what direct lay is uh have a look um and when you optimize and apply V order that means um uh the the re speed to the direct leg increase okay all right so keep moving so we have two other sections and these two section they are smaller okay so this particular one is basically all about PBI so if you have already been using powerbi for a while you have been using the external tools like teex studio and tabular editor then you are already quite familiar with this particular section okay so if we're are talking about an exam that has 60 Questions then you can probably expect around 12 questions um ask asking about these powerbi related um skills okay um so play around with Dex studio and see how you can use Dex Studio to give you um metrics and kind of performance analysis on your Dax queries right and all the queries that's happening behind the scene play one with tabular editor right to see how t editor can help you to configure things like calculation group right and we know that tab editor can also help us to configure object level security okay um so uh do download those two um uh open source tools and then um play around with the different features okay so this is also where we be uh testing you on things like Road level security that you might be already quite familiar with right so when it comes to Road level security there is the static method there is the dynamic method um and then you can test your test the roles in your power desktop okay uh you will get some Tex questions from this area right so for example when you're configuring the calculation group there's some Dex queries involved right so now do you know how to configure those Dax queries to set up the the calculation group and calculation items okay so let's do a quiz question to give you a taste of what it feels like sure so let me read it out uh you using Dax Studio to connect to and troubleshoot a Microsoft powerbi report that's performing poorly you need to capture the queries generated by the report which feature in Dax Studio should you enable all query Trace query Builder query plan tracing or server timing Trace quickly take up the poll right so this is an example of how you get ask on things like de Studio okay which one of these will help you capture the queries generated by the reports right so we want to identify the keywords there um that that give us the hints okay so um let's have a look at answer right so the answer is all queries Trace right because this will help you to capture all the query events right whereas if we're looking at things like server timings and query plans these will only capture events that are s from the de Studio okay so looks like this is an area that uh um 50% of you are familiar with right so for the other half of you there is something that you can study a bit more so we are now looking at the last area right where you are getting tested on these skills so in terms of um exploratory analytics this is where we are talking about the different type of analytics right so do you know what is a descriptive Analytics what is a diagnostic analytics right and prescriptive and predictive okay so make sure you have a clear idea about the definition for these different type of analytics right so descriptive is when we look at look at okay what happened for example sales revenue has decreased and then diagnostic is where we start investigating why did the revenue decreased right so we start doing some comparison between different uh different regions for example different products um to to run their Diagnostics this is also where data profiling comes in okay so data profiling hopefully uh hopefully many of you are using that in powerbi desktop right so in powerbi desktop when when you go to the power qu editor that's where you have column quality column profile and column distributions okay so all these are helping you to investigate the data okay and then from query data by using SQL right so this is where um you are actually getting questions for CCO queries right so you will get uh a sqo query and then again you need to fill the blank right so there's a list of SQL functions such as list greatest colest case right all these different SQL functions for you to choose from to fill those gaps the good news is you have the Microsoft learn uh access right so if if one of the sqle functions you are not familiar with then feel free to look it up on Microsoft learn and then that will help you um to fill those gaps as well okay so let's do a quiz question on that yes very quick so you have a fabric tenant that contains a workspace named workspace one workspace one contains a lak house named lak house one and you plan to use Microsoft SQL Server management Studio to write SQL queries against lak House 1 where can you find the SQL connection string for lakeh house one in the tenant settings under Microsoft Fabric in the workspace settings under Azure Connections In The Lakehouse settings under copy SQL connection string and the workspace settings under data connections yes you can take up the poll yep okay so you do need to use mof fabric a little bit um to get the right answer for this one okay um cool all right so looks like pretty much all of you know the right answer which is option C okay so when you go to the lake housee settings in the SEO endpoint SEO analytics endpoint section that's where you find the C connection stream okay really good folks so hopefully the skills measure session um give you an idea about the um the four main areas and the weight right that is assigned to each area and what sort of um kind of knowledge that you should you should get okay all right so that's um let let's do um six more questions right to to uh give you um some additional flavor right in terms of what sort of questions that you could expect yes so you have a fabric tenant that contains a lak house you plan to use fabric notebook and P spark to read sales data and save the data as a Delta table named sales the table must be partitioned by sales year and quarter you load the sales data to a data frame named DF that contains a year column and a quarter column which command should you run next I don't want to read the command I think you can read it yeah that's very fun okay so for those of you that that that that wondering okay what what sort of questions could be asked about ppar this is one of them right so if you look at this and you can understand what it is quite comfortably right then your level of ppar is is already sufficient right to take the exam right um so let's have a look at the answer the answer is B again majority of you have actually got it right right so we done again right so the key here is what's the file format Delta right because we want to save the data as Delta table and then we are saving it as a tables right so that goes into the tables folder SL sales instead of files okay so it's not very tricky I don't feel like you need to be a p Spar experts yes next yeah you have a fabric workspace that contains a complex semantic model for a Microsoft powerbi report you need to optimize a semantic model for analytical queries and use denormalization to reduce the model complexity and the number of joints between tables which tables should you denormalize Dimension tables on the same level of granularity fact tables on the same level of granularity role playing Dimension tables snowfake Dimension tables awesome thank you Juliet Okay so we got those coming in right so um something that I haven't really mentioned is the name semantic model right so hopefully we are all uh getting used to the the the the change of the name right so that is basically Pia data set um but because it's not just Pia anymore right so now um calling this semantic model cool so let's have a look the answer is d right so half of you less than half of you so about 40% of you got this one right okay so these uh do confuse um quite many of you snowflake Dimension tables are the ones we want to denormalize right we want to um instead of having three Separate Tables one for product one for category one for subcategory we just want to consolidate them into one right we we want to be able to um reduce the complexity and the number of joints between the tables and the snowflake Dimension tables are those ones you know that that that that that that is probably two granular okay that need to be de denormalized cool moving forward to the next one you are developing yeah you are developing a complex semantic model that contains more than 20 date columns you need to confirm the date format for all the columns as quickly as possible what should you use Alm toolkit DAC Studio tabular editor verti pag analyzer yeah right so these uh the the you know the the tools that we have been talking about right so these are open source tools but these are also tools that Microsoft um assets right so they actually very very useful and helpful so which one of them can help us to format all the toems as quickly as possible again um so let review the answer the answer is tabular editor okay so about 40% of you have got it right okay um so play around with these tools when you have a chance right so tax studio and verac analyzer they only support re only operations so anything to do is writing you know making changes they can't do right and that is something that table editor can help you with right it support the your semantic model modifications and you can actually save those changes back to your centic model right so things like calculation group right things like object level security all those things you can do with table editor and that will save those um changes back to your semantic model okay okay you're developing a Microsoft powerbi semantic model two tables in the data model A not connected in a physical relationship you need to establish a virtual relationship between the tables which Dax function should you use cross filter path treat us use relationship yep awesome right so this is the Dex question so for this type of question if you really don't know uh few feel free to look it up on Microsoft learn okay so let's have a look at the answer the answer is C okay a lot of you have chosen use uh use relationship right over half of you now for use relationship you do need to have the relationship already exists between the two tables right but in this particular question it says the tables they are not connected in a physical relationship okay so we have to use uh Tre s right cross filter that is not really relevant that is just defining the cross filtering Direction and path is a child parent child hierarchy uh type of functions right so it's not relevant here either okay so you plan to analyze Lakehouse data by using a fabric notebook and ppar you load the data to a data frame by running the code DF spark. SQL select star from product you need to display the top 100 rows from the data frame which pispa command should you run is it described DF do describe DF do print schema or just display yeah okay so hopefully this one is an easier one and looks like it is easier indeed so the option is d right over 80% of 80% of you have got it right right so um so that shows U many of you have a good level of knowledge on pbar question 10 so I think this is the last question um you have a Microsoft powerb report that contains two metrics named starting balance and ending balance additional fields are used for the customer segment you need to recommend a visual to display the value breakdown between the starting and ending balance of the of each customer segment which visual should you recommend ribbon chart stacked bar chart tree map waterfall chart awesome right so this one is checking your knowledge on the different powerbi visuals right see the v's coming in so three more seconds let's have a look at the results okay so the correct answer is waterfall chart um over 50% of you have chosen waterfall chart right so well done now don't feel bad if you got it wrong right the whole purpose of all this exercise the whole purpose of doing the practice test is to make mistakes right so when you make the mistakes here you learn from it and then when you're doing the real exam you perform better right so don't hesitate to make mistakes so waterfall chart give us a very clear um kind of visual uh representation for the the plus or minus value changes between a starting value and end value okay so that is what water fora is really good at right so you you'll be able to see um the changes um uh between categories for example in a very obvious way also right so that is all the uh kind of quiz questions that we have prepared for you okay so hopefully that um that was useful right to give you some idea in terms of where you at right in terms of your level of knowledge and what are some of the additional things that you need to learn about so now let's get into the final section and then after this we will do some uh Q&A right so if you do have um uh some questions that haven't been able to answer feel free to put your questions in now and then after we talk about resource setion uh we are happy to answer some of those questions so the first important resource and I hope most of you are aware of this right the fact that you are here in this session means you are probably already know probably already um use this fabric Hub okay so this is where all your learning and and um kind of career needs about fabric is centralized okay so on the career Hub you have this certification Journey so hopefully many of you have already done the 30 days Cloud skills challenge um we'll talk about Lear together in a second and this is where you are right now okay so next step for those of you that are ready to take the exam is is to do the practice test this is also where you can um learn about different data professionals um their journey and then lastly what what what exactly is this analytics engineer role about right how does it differ compared to other roles okay so this is where you can look at it okay so for analytics engineer the these highlighted components are the ones um that they focus on okay so there is this um series of episodes uh recorded by you know um data professionals around the world that help you to understand about these um fabric Lakehouse and fabric Warehouse data pipelines data flow Gen 2 and Spark notebook okay so if you haven't um you know haven't been to this page There's the link right watch those episodes that will help you to learn more about these different skills by basically learning from the experts okay so that is the purpose of this uh fabric together resource okay all right um and lastly talking about the study tips right we hope hopefully we have given you a lot of tips in this session um and the main thing we we're just trying to kind of convey to you is you have all the resource that you need right um You just need need to put in the time to study and practice okay um and one of the practice is also practicing navigating Microsoft learn and you should be ready right so some additional things are like the fabric learning rooms the link is below where you can even get some mentorship and then schedule exam okay um so I'll pass to Juliet to give us a bit of summary and then we can open to Q&A sure Adam thank you so much that was indeed a you know very brief section on uh session on the skills measured and I hope all the participants really enjoyed and emed a lot of information from that thanks a lot Adam uh so let me just quickly summarize what we had seen so far so we spoke about the certification path starting from if you're someone who is new to this start with dp900 then you know your PL then DP 600 and all so sometimes as we mentioned it is necessary you work from the backwards right so that you can uh accelerate at a later point so take care of that those and then exam preparation so we have provided you the necessary study guides uh the exam Readiness videos uh and also the practice assessment please do leverage all these okay and keep all the links handy all right uh so that you don't miss out anything all these are you know really important for you to clear your examination and then we saw about the skills on exam wherein Adam actually briefed you on the different sections and also the percentage of questions that you would get for each of these sections followed by the learning resources and we really feel that you know this information is valuable to you and you will really be able to you know work towards your exams right over to you Adam thank you thank you um so um in terms of um Q&A so the the the one question I can see is um someone asked are there any coding syntax type of questions right so um answer is yes right so hopefully um I have answered that when I was going through the skills areas so you can expect questions asking about SEO crues right so you need you do need to know CCO you do need to know common use CCO functions there'll also be ppot questions right so you have already got some idea about what sort of ppot questions that you might expect that could also be Dax uh function related questions right so these are three main type of um coding syntax type of questions that you can expect right now they not they know difficult difficult per se right and and you you can look it up right one thing I do need to um kind of uh remind you is there there are a lot of documentation you can find on SQL functions or Dex functions on Microsoft learn right but when it comes to price SP um uh because ppar has the dedicated documentation on the Apache Spar website right so that is an area that you might need to um be comfortable with um yourself um and not hoping to rely on the Microsoft learn website as much okay awesome I think um that is pretty much um all the questions that's that has um came through the chat so I just want to say a big thank thank you to all of you who uh invested your time to join this session right we we can definitely see your eagerness your passion in getting certified in uh in Microsoft fabric right and that's what we love to see okay and I also want to say a big thank you to Matt and Kristen uh for answering a lot of questions in the chat okay um there there were a lot of comments a lot of questions um and that's what we love to see yeah so from my perspective I look forward to seeing uh many of you uh you know celebrating your certification success um and I wish all of you uh all the very best on your uh fabric Journey pass to you uh Juliet sure thank you so much thank you so much for being with us and then listening to us and we hope that you really find this useful wishing you all the very best best and uh looking forward to see your celebration over the LinkedIn thank you awesome thanks everyone all the best
Channel: Microsoft Power BI
Views: 8,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft learn live, microsoft fabric, fabric, exam cram, certification, microsoft, DP-600
Id: _R6XLa5pC8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 17sec (6197 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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