Learn Together: Administer Microsoft Fabric

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[Music] hey hello there good morning good evening good afternoon wherever you connecting from my name is Armando Lera and I'm very happy to be here with you today and here's my friend Gaston hey Armando uh here we go Gaston Cruz here happy to be here with with all this audience um I'm director for the company slom and by Microsoft MVP and you know I I really happy to join Armando today and start talking about this fabric yes let's talk about Microsoft fabric um we have a full session very loaded session some demos for you to show you how things work in real world and here in this slide you'll find a very important link which is the link for the content of this particular session uh there is a Microsoft content in there for you to read and get to understand how things working more in depth than than what we're going to doing here uh and there will be also some tips about where to explore what we're going to demonstrate you have the slides right there we go Kos to our friend vahid who is doing the moderation on the YouTube channel thank you for taking care of the questions there for us Mah and um please uh myself and Gaston we are Microsoft MVPs and we are also certified trainers which means we love to do this kind of sessions and trainers we live in questions you have to send those questions keep vah busy there in the in the in the channel and V will send to us a couple questions for us to uh uh you know to interact with you and answer your questions from here as well so please send the questions over what is that g okay this you know Interactive Learning exercise we are here with arando to explain a little bit of this model called administer Microsoft fabric so we're going to be discussing but you know you can follow up as we uh know that this is part of the whole uh Challenge and skills and aaid your skills in terms of micros fabric this is the one that is all around the description of the administration for Microsoft fac asando mentioned before we love the audience we love the engagement so feel free to chime in uh start discussing questions if you are a Microsoft fabric admin already let's bring those questions if you are up to fabric and you are starting that Journey with fabric we love to hear from you in terms of questions around artifact workspace capacities we are going to be discussing a bunch of different contents from this model but we would love to hear from you in terms of your experience so far with Microsoft fac yeah oh that's a good one yep yep go ahead arando thank you that's a good one right uh there is this uh resource that Microsoft has made available to you guys which is the cloud skills challenge uh there is the certification program and there is the cloud skills Challenge and the the good thing about the cloud skills challenge is they you're going to learn from the material that they have available there for you and there will be Hands-On exercises uh and there will be uh not a a certification exam but there will be some challenges that's the name there'll be some challenges there for you and if you get them right uh you get 50% discounts on the actual certif the certification exam so good thing to consider please make note of that yourl remember that this is the new exam the b600 what is coming to all our communities around fabric this is a fabric exam cram coming to your region so feel free to chime in register on this one there's going to be a lot of discussions around what is the exm format what are the skills that we are trying to measure here some simple questions some kind of a time management tips how to address these exams if this is your first certification around Microsoft we are going to be trying to get all that experience from all of us and start discussing those kind of topics and you know some kind of you know we've been there with arando for a long time doing this kind of certification for kind of quite a while while uh some of them in person old school some of them online so we can start capturing our experience and let you know the community know what are the common mistakes that we address sometimes when we are trying to get our first certification online yep so this beta exam has some limited seating uh I believe it's they already taken um check check online see if you can if you if you want to venture that one it's important to emphasize right right bed on that this when an exam is in beta you go for the exam you don't know the results right you're gonna know about the results uh in about two months so if you want to get in a longer time to prepare and take the exam when it's live perhaps that's also a good strategy right gon yep that is correct this is a really interesting URL that we call the fabric career have feel free to chime in on this one because this is really important to understand you know if you've been on Microsoft fabric for some times right now you are going to be noticing that there's so many different aspects around this unified solution is all around if you come from the data architect side of things if you're coming from the data engineer if you've been on a SQL DBA team for a while if you're Shing from the powerbi developer side of things you would love to hear from uh you know all different professional and one of them was arando that records some cool videos in terms of the experience champing and creating this career Hub when you are going to be learning everything from scratch you are going to be having a lot of models about learnings about certifications about the process even one great advice from Armando in that video was be engaged with Community try to reach your community try to be onsite try to to be online trying to shum into that Community because it's not only about conference and sessions it's all around sharing experience sharing knowledge with other colleagues and professionals so that is pretty much what you're going to be finding in this fa career H yeah that's why we invite you uh to connect with us after this session uh on LinkedIn to keep the conversation going right Community like gone just said Community is how you survive and thrive by yourself you can get faster but in community we all get that together it's always more fun so yeah feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and gastone too and keep the conversation going after the session well said this is GNA be huge if you are not there yet go ahead and register this is the very first upcoming Microsoft power Community Conference that is going to happen in March 26 to 28 a lot of work shs precons and after the main event so go ahead that we are sharing that URL you can get a discount if you register now so go ahead and register because there's plenty of sessions coming from all the Microsoft fabric product team from the fabric card team lot of MVPs a lot of MCTS that's going to be sharing some sessions over there so it's going to be an amazing event where it's not only about fabric it's going to be all around UniFi Data Solutions that we can put in place with Microsoft tech stack so it's going to be great uh to see you there and if you come hit orando hit Gaston and let me there let's go take a selfie hey look there is a discount code there so you can save 100 bucks uh on on the on the on the registration I actually use that discount code I going to use my 100 bucks to bits this fear yeah uh we are hitting what we call the last session for the wave one this being a whole shney with many different sessions go ahead catch you up go to the YouTube channel check the latest session on this channel bunch of sessions coming from MVPs coming from the community engagements lot of sessions around different workloads coming into fabric you can check and to end Solutions Apache spark how to understand a little bit the Delta Lake tables coming micr fabric data Factory Pipeline injestion with data frion 2 all around data warehouses Lake housee spark notebooks and now we are going to be heading into administration of this platform there we go they save the best for the last exactly so uh let's go ahead try to start focusing on our learning objectives for today uh the floor is yours arando thank you all right so this is our uh agenda for the night here for me in California so the agenda for the night and uh we're gonna go into understanding the main elements of the fabric ecosystem and see how to go into the the administration portal going we have demos for all of those things and also see some elements about security so hit it yep oh yes um how can you have your hands on on the on on Microsoft fabric right uh your company more likely has a tenant and they may or may not have Fabric in there but if you want to try fabric without disturbing your company's environment your you know production environment from your company uh Microsoft does offer a way to get a tenant you're going to need a Microsoft 365 tenant so you can either buy one but Microsoft has this development program that can uh request to be enrolled and if they approved you you get a tenant and once you get that development tenant is for development not for production you can enable powerbi and there and after that you can enable Microsoft Fabric and try all of this we are doing here for free so this is a question I get all the time every every time I stop someplace to talk about fabric people like how can I try this out these three links are your recipe to um uh to start with a tenant so you will need a specific tenant just for your free trial right because you don't want to use your companies let's go all right okay yeah so just simple sliding here fabric uh ad ministering Fabric and well let's step back a little bit what is this think about fabric so Microsoft got a lot of a service they were already there in platform as a service in Azure and they put it together into one package called Fabric and in this package they also included parbi so they selected what's what was best from all the services that were out there and they mingled them all together make them better in fabric so fabric is this one umbrella think that has multiple Services inside it so uh to to to manage fabric means you're going to manage multiple moving Parts there are multiple elements to it uh we're going to see some of these elements here tonight but this this statement there kind of a summarize it right fabric managing fabric involves a range of tasks that are essential for ensuring the efficiency and uh and effective use of fabric platform great move on yes that's the topic name of architecture and here's the first thing um we had a slide just a minute ago that showed us multiple uh uh tiers into Fabric and the roles on on those tiers so you have data engineering you have data analyst you have data science these are multiple people or you know multiple roles of professionals that can they will find their Niche inside fabric because the idea of fabric is to stitch together all these Services into one piece for men for administrators for fabric administrators who are none of these guys like I'm I'm not a DAT engineer I'm not a DAT integrator I'm not a data scientist I'm the guy who keeps the lights on right I want to I want to keep the things going the engine is spinning so without being specialist on any of this what I need to know about fabric so this is what you need to know fabric has all these services for all the all of those roles and they are managed in at the tenant level so we have the tenants and the tenants if you're unsure about that right you have the uh Azure uh capacities and you have the tenant you have one tenant and you can have multiple multiple capacities they will show up in the next slide but for the moment what you going to uh grasp to manage is in in other to manage uh fabric is fabric is one piece I have one uh pan one element to work on which is the management portal for for fabric and from that management portal I manage the entire uh the entire collection of features that exist for fabric in every single aspect of them but that's not the only the only place that's uh where we manage it we also manage from the workspace and and you're going to see that as we move along there we go so uh oh there you go thank you g so this line here shows exactly what I just mentioned this is The Logical aspect I'm going to call it logical here The Logical aspect or architectural aspect of of fabric you see uh that for each one of these rules there will be a particular service like uh the The Lakehouse the data pipelines and the the spark pools with the notebooks and the spark pools so each one of these boxes in there they up top they are elements they are places where you Define behavior in order to run code to process the data that is in one Lake and this is another thing we you need to understand about Fabric and the architecture of fabric is uh unlike uh un like the previous approach where you could have multiple data leaks everywhere in fabric you have one leak I like the name right gone the name is not bad it's one lake so you should avoid that approach to have two three four leges like they used to do uh when was just Azure um there was a valid approach in there but for fabric you want to have one leg for multiple reasons one of them is you want to not waste money in duplicate data so if the data is already in the lake you're going to manage who can see the data who who will be able to tap into that data who you want to share that data with right inside fabric so it's one data and that data can uh go across multiple regions we're going to say a little bit about that later and so there's there are these two things the compute that runs on top the elements that run run code uh on top and uh one leg at the bottom which it has our data great and this is it and in here we're going to take a look on this slide here with uh you know with pause we want to really grasp what is going on in there and then I'm going to run a demo on this one here so what do you see on this slide what what what is there showing there for us see the bullets are already pointing out that we we can see their tenant capacity um domain is not really in there we're going to talk about domain in a second and the workspaces and inside the workspace is the items that exist in the workspace so these are your management levels from top down right tenants is the whole thing you know when you manage at the tenants it propagates all the way down to the items if something is to be to be applied to items when you do capacity you're managing particular element of the tenant and here's an interesting point if you're taking notes capacity is the compute power the compute power Associated to your uh your your tenant so if you're coming from powerbi for instance when you when you're coming from powerbi you have your office tenants Microsoft 365 tenants and you have powerbi in there and you may sign up for powerbi premium right P1 P2 whatever so you can have multiple of those uh premium capacities in your tenants here in fabric is kind of the same thing you can have multiple capacities and you can manage or give that capacities to areas or departments or cost centers what whatever way you manage your company the company runs you can uh give the the capacity power to the people or the Departments that will be using fabric because fabric cost is on the capacity as you you buy capacity and I'm GNA demo that for you here as you buy capacity you uh you will uh pay more right it's how Microsoft will build you it's by the capacity you come to allocate so let me demo that for you here so we can take a look at this one let's wa to switch to demos let me see I'm see this light still on on the screen there we go my there you are so this is the uh when you browse to fabric right this is what the the homepage you're gonna hit so I'm right here on the homepage and right now I'm no I'm not in any particular role right I'm not choosing any particular role so let's jump into some of one of them in here let's say I'm doing the engineer it really doesn't matter right I just want to get to some place and uh if you are coming from parbi you know a little bit about workspace as you haven't seen workspace before uh Parton my joking here you see this workspace like called K me is some that I create that I want to delete later so I just Market there like culator so I'm in this workspace in here and uh if I want to actually let me show you from the beginning let me create a new workspace and some name here you me later that name is yeah there we go and down here into the advanced is where you're going to you're going to Define who is going to back up you know who's going to power what's going to be the the engine the the the power the compute power processing behind this uh this uh this workspace so in here uh I should be seeing here fabric something weird happened just now because my fabric is not showing here for some reason and oh I know why uh because the capacity is not up and running so there is no capacity in there so you see when you go into Fabric in here this is one of the things you're gonna you're gonna you're going to manage uh if it's going to fabric and which capacity will uh run will support that workspace and of course one capacity can support multiple workspaces so if I switch here to Azure you see I do have a Microsoft fabric uh capacity going on in here and that one is called fabric lab and it's paused that's why is disabled over there so I'm going to start this one here and just for fun for the sake of the demo I'm going to create a second capacity here so we can see that fabric demos capacity name kill me later this one because this is money right and if I don't kill this one later I will be paying for that uh I'm going to keep it must oh sorry give me later there go all low case this is this is actually Armando a really great insights for you know the audience that's coming today because something that I heard so far from many many members of the community is that kind of tricky space between okay where we at on the powerbi admin kind of role and where we at in the ashure admin side of things and arando did just did a really huge switch between going from one portal that is the fabric portal and this one is the actual portal so what is I would love you to take a moment Armando to uh share with the audience why you are doing things in the fabric of me portal and why you are doing now doing things in the actual portal because that is great insights that's a great question a great Point thanks for highlighting it because in in the RBI portal I mean in the fabric portal and that mean P going to show in a bit uh I can uh manage the elements of fabric but if I want to add compute capacity specifically for fabric we buy that capacity from for fabric in the Azure portal right we have to have an Azure subscription now I can do the same by buying a powerbi capacity and that I can do through the admin portal as well but here I have more flexibil more granular if I go to par if I go to the uh fabric uh Administration portal I will see P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 and this one here have way more uh flexibility right and just for reference there are web pages you got if you follow the documentation the links that we shared with you earlier you will see uh the comparisons of these capacities in here and powerbi premium f64 is compar is equivalent to P1 from powerbi but to Gaston's point which is very important is if I need to buy more capacity more or compute power to my fabric tenant where do I go well I can go to two places the ad Administration portal and buy powerbi premium capacity or I can go here to Azure and buy fabric capacity that's more specific to fabric and more granular in terms of the options is that correct gon that is great Armando perfect got it right I I hope I pass my exam we'll see you later so so yeah I just chose here a very small capacity here it's just for the sake of the example so I'm going to leave it creating that one in there let's go back in here cancel this and let's try that again let's see if it pops up now new workor space uh accumulator and let's go here into the advanced oh there we go see fabric now it's available and If I say here this going to be back up by fabric uh it's asking me which capacity will uh back that up the one that just created still being uh deployed into the Azure environment so I see only one of the capacity that I have there but if I when the other one is ready I can choose which workspace will run uh based on what compute power and that will Define the cost of fabric for a department of my company or for um a particular project right they could have a workpace for a pro project so that brings another very important point there was on that slide G on which is the workspace right we have the tenant we have uh we have yeah we have the tenant we have the domain and we have the workspace the workspace we're going to see more details about the workspace there we go 10 capacity rions domain and the workspace like powerbi the workspace is the uh the like the the the scent box the fence around every project you're going to create inside inside uh inside fabric so the concept of workspace is still kind of the same that we have for Microsoft for powerbi the main difference is in powerbi you usually have dashboards data sets and reports right uh or paginated reports in fabric we're going to have way more things inside the work space right G yeah that is that is correct actually the old kind of the management of the workspace kind of one of the meaningful ways here is uh and we are going to be covering a little bit of that but is all around governance what is going to be the governance around the framework that you're bringing for your organization as you can see here there's kind of two different companies with two different different Frameworks in terms of governance one of them is managing the capacity by business units you can see Marketing sales Finance in the other side of things in the right side of things here you have another company managing their tenants and their capacities in a different way because they have a workspace by business units but then they have capacity by regions for example Texas has one capacity New York another capacity shman has another capacity so that depends on how you goodle up to manage all the specifics Sur governance around your framework and your framework is everything how you're going to be managing tenants capacities domains workspace items you have all the flexibility so it's and that's why the importance of bringing this unified solution called fabric because it's a SAS solution it's softw as a service that's why you don't need to be managing asando mentioned before multiple data l or spinning up new resources in the actual portal is everything in the back end managed for you so it's a little bit of more decisions from the business in terms of how you are going to be organizing that that layer or fabric exactly well said Gaston and again this as a consultant this is a question that I hear the mo one of the questions I hear the most which is you know how I'm going to pay for this capacity is how you pay for this as many capacity you have better management of the cost of the capacity you're gonna have and arando bring a really great point for for the audience here is that why we are talking about capacities in the same tenant and that that depends on what you are going to be doing with all the artifacts that you're going to spin up in in fabric so are youl maybe you are spinning up dat work or lake houses or you know notebooks or that depends on how you're are going to be running think so think about how much storage do you want how much compute power do you want and that Define how much capacity you need and the flexibility here is that any time and that's why Armando was spinning up going to the actual portal back and forth because he was passing the fac capacity so you can pass the capacity to not spend on that capacity you can scale up scale Down based on your needs yeah perfect if I can go back to the uh demo screen again to my browser just quick just wrap this up so you can move along um as I mentioned before right I had I was creating the two the other capaci so now I have two capacities in there and if I come in here to to the workspace creation process like we discussed before I can go here to the new workspace as I was before and if I go here to the advanced uh once it pops up up in here I will be able to choose which capacity I want to associate to this particular workspace so therefore the people that I I will be bringing in to use these workspaces the people that'll be paying for it right so that's one of the way one of the ways you have to manage this and the other thing that if you're coming from powerbi background that you already know is the admin portal right that you can get from the gear button over here so if you go there into the admin portal uh this is your your management for the entire tenant right you're managing the entire tenant from here and there is a think here when we manage the the entire tenants that you don't have inbi you do have in fabric but they don't have inbi called uh domains uh Gaston can you MH up what this domains is all about yeah good good love to again I am I'm I'm love to bring that kind of governance framework in place because how you're going to be uh you know organizing your tenant and your capacities and your artifacts that is up to you in this case as you can see you can create a domain and that domain allow you to create a logical layer across all the workspace in your tenant meaning that for example in this case let's say that I am working with human resources and I have multiple workspace that lands data from Human Resources but at the end of the day I would love to see all my artifacts with human resources data all over the place if I have 1,000 workspace with many artifacts let's say many power V reports many notebooks many different lak houses or many projects around uh Human Resources you can organize that layer in a logical way the logical way is domains you can create a domain and then you can pull workspace and say hey this workspace contains Human Resources data so you can start bringing all the workspace that contain that kind of data that allow you in the future to organize all your layer across domains yep perfect well said and also is a is a way he me later it's also a way to to delegate right if you want in parbi if you're coming from parbi background you have the tenants and you have the workspaces so if I want to give like five workspaces for someone to manage I couldn't but now I can with domains I can create a domain and Associate the uh uh the workspaces the elements that I want for that domain and the person will be able to manage the elements those options we had in there uh those options we have for the tenant settings in here the ones that are specific for the domain they will show up on the domain and that person to whom I delegated the domain Administration will be able to manage that portion of fabric so that is super cool well said cast back to the slides let's move on all right talk to me about that Gaston what is that what is that ad administrator role what what is this all about so what are the things that I would love to recall on this one is uh did you hear before Armando the question around okay I I've been a powerbi admin for a while what now if I become a fabric ad me so that is a question that comes to me all over the place in terms of the understanding of the whole framework as arando mentioned before one of the big topics here is we are not in powerbi anymore powerbi is one of the pieces one of the kind of childs from all the fabric tenants so we we need to start as a fabric admin we need to start understanding all the workloads all the personas all the roles coming to this fabric architecture because you're going to start hearing about okay I need to spin up a new data warehouse I need to spin up a new custo database I need to spin up a new Lakehouse hey I need a notebook because I need to call a forecasting model in my Mach learning I need to create a new semantic model for powerbi users so we need to be prepared to start hearing all those workflows coming to our place so right now the role of the admin of fabric is start thinking about how we are going to be better organizing those workflows and understanding how I can back up my tenant that means that you need to understand all the workflow because in in some moment it's going to happen that your you're going to get few projects coming from dat Engineers they're going to start telling hey I need notebooks I need to spark I need to scale up I need to define a new capacity and you need to understand what is going to be the process for you and you need to understand all the tools coming available for you to make the shop you know and to understand hey do I have any tools to understand what is going on in the back end of my capacity you have a bunch of tools so we are going to be covering a little bit on that and this is a little bit of the piece of you know the chob description for an admin in in this in this kind of roles so you're going to see a lot about how I can better secure the access to my platform and that means that you're are going to be having access to the capacity you can create security groups to add more admins to your tenant you can as well keep adding you know uh uh IDs or you know uh roles to your workspace so you can create multiple workspace and start adding uh that security layer across workspace Armando a little bit before shared how to create domains but you can share that practice of okay I'm gonna give domain admins because I need to start giving the responsibility for all those domains Human Resources one domain admin then Finance another domain admin marketing another domain admin so you can start sharing that responsibility because in the future they're going to be the ones that are is gonna be acting as Gatekeepers for that data I love how the platform is flexible right gone exactly that is that is that is really great in terms of how much flexible you can be in terms of defining your framework here there's a lot of you know content for the shop descriptions of out of the ad I mean you know you have data governance and we are going to be looking at some of the tools around data governance for example check the data lineage Armando just skip a little bit on that demo when we saw all the lean lines coming from your Source up to the powerbi report so the big difference with powerbi here is that we have all the artifacts in the landscape so we can better understand all the data lineage be between you are getting the data from The Source Landing the data let's say in one Lake creating your Lakehouse creating a semantic model on top of that and then pushing that to power VA reports and then to dashboard so we can get that up on running and understand all the data lineage from scratch there's a bunch about customization and configuration you can have multiple configurations across the tenant and we can check that there's a lot of monitoring optimization that you can be doing because one of the great things is that Microsoft is exposing what we call the rest API in the back end of fabric so if you're up to doing some masic with Powershell and you like to do some kind of automation behind the scenes let's say that you want to connect reconnect with gateways with vets you want to refresh data sets and semantic models up the fly and automate the whole process you can create your own pipelines and start scripting in Powers shell with sdets and you can create your power shars and then automate the whole process behind the scenes that is pretty much the magic that you can do as an admin in the back end of fabric see that's a super administrator right when the guy can get into the power sh command LS or even tap into the apis that's next level I could hear the last part arando oh I'm sorry uh no I was saying you know we start as an administrator you start using the portal and now you can uh do that through power power shell so when you move when you graduate from the portal into Power shell and the apis is when you are the next level administrator exactly it's like what I call you know when of when you start doing kind of baby step in in some of the Frameworks and you'll start you know going to the next stage and then to the next one and you know when I see uh some of the admins around this kind of platform you can check on all the tools that they've been laboration so far and it's amazing how much you can you can check on you know these kind of things that you know uh are part of this toolbox for the fabric admin and that start right away away with the admin portal but then switching to Powershell and how much you can do from that framework you can start going and go deeper a little bit on you know for example going to the Azure portal spin up what we call the service principle give access to that service principal that service principal can access the API and that's just to give you a little bit of reference you can start doing in the backend things that you can automate in terms of the process like for example running a notebook daily basis or refreshing a semantic model daily basis and that is something that you can start doing behind the scenes in your fabric uh uh portal uh the last thing that is for me is really important is as arando mentioned before the capacity is the compute for your tenant so you need to understand not only the cost of that compute you need to understand how your organization is being leveraging that compute power because you need to understand okay maybe I have two process running at the same time I need those two process running at the same time maybe one is a notebook for a workspace for one project another is a semantic model trying to refresh in another workspace for another project you need to start understanding what is happening and that is something that you can do in the admin monitoring workspace because at that point if you understand the process you can go with m process and say hey let's say if you want to split a little bit the load of your capacity and there's a lot of back and forth in terms of bursting smoothing there's a whole techniques from the admin of your tenant to understand okay what's going on in the capacity and how I can get the advantage of getting different workflows and start deciding okay should I be doing this in parallel should I be skipping this and making an agenda of schedule of refresh of semantic models and then another agenda for when people is running their own notebooks so that's a little bit of discussion that we can have uh moving ahead this is what Armando shared before the fabric admin portal there's a lot of things that you can do here let's bring here the uh the fabric administrator right on yeah let's take a look here live there we go uh well where is my fabric fabric was here a minute ago let me open it again fabric address fabric. microsoft.com for it to bring it up here again it was a minute ago it got shy went away so I'm gonna bring it back and as we have seen we just choose here any form of uh visualization there for whatever role and here we go into the administration portal and as gastone was showing there in the slide deck right we have all of these options in here about which elements of fabric we want to have in place uh specific for the capacities I went to Azure right to start that capacity that uh I did a a few minutes ago if I go back in here see this is where can buy the powerbi premium capacity uh if I want to do powerbi embedded you know for spe is there I can also do that here but now I also have the fabric which is right here and here in the fabric I can see the two ones that I have in there and if I want to have those uh uh more more capacities in here like it says in here I can go into uh the Azure portal as a demonst Tred before um we have more elements here to show up and gasto anything in particular want me to point out in here uh one of the main question for my end is if you go up anten on settings the first one as new I would love for you to open the option the second options users can create fabric items because that is one of the things that everybody is asking me in terms of you know I would love to use leverage Fabric in my organization but I am not in the mood of opening fabric for everyone in my organization so one of the disclaimer on this topic and this is happens for fabric this is happening right now with co-pilot for almost everything you can enable fabric for your entire organization or you can go and say hey I have an aactive directory or should I say entra ID I create a security group in the entra ra uh side of things and then when you create a security group in entra you can go here and be a specific and say Hey I want to enable fabric but only for this specific killer me security group so that could be our security group that we spin up in our uh directory and then we can uh go ahead and enable fabric only for that security group so you can spin up and start you know uh be able to test a little bit of fabric only for one Security Group in your company and you can add members or remove members anytime is a it's a product that was just released last November but comes out of the the the oven so mature right it has learned a lot of lessons from everything that came behind from synaps from Barbi comes up with all of these options that's really cool back to the slides so uh a little bit on this slide we mentioned that before but uh check this out because if you are starting with Automation and running power shell and start understanding how much you can do with powers shell there's so much that you can do from the administration of things and you can automate whole process with this one so catch up on this uh we have have those links available so check it out if you are an admin you can start doing a lot of automation leverage Powershell of course we close one to the other why you can do a lot of things from the admin perspective because Microsoft fabric is open the API and SDK tools so you can interact from the automation set of things you can go and interact with your back end of fabric and you can analyze bunch of things so it's pretty much how you can automate lot of process from the admin perspective and this is a little bit of you know how you can start checking on what's going on with your fabric capacity so you can go to your workspace and you can start doing the administration and understanding okay who is running notebooks who is running uh you know loads into the data warehouse who is running a load to Lakehouse how much compute I've been leveraging so far how much I've been leveraging for data set or semantic Motors in powerbi how much is taking from the computer to refresh a semantic motor so you can understand everything that's going on in the back end of your capacity so uh you can ask an admin go spin up the administration monitoring workspace to understand what is happening in your back end that's great love that feature all right let's talk a little bit about security right there we are yeah so we have kind of set up the the stage for for security already right G which is uh you you we just presented on the admin portal that you can select who is going to be able to or be allowed to connect into fabric so we can Define by by security groups and Define those elements but that uh the portal we just mentioned just showed to you was what the entire tenant like gastone said we enable the fabric for the entire tenant but we allow groups of people from the tenants to be you to be to be able to use uh fabric so it's very selective and if you think about the tenant by breaking down into domains where you can create those ideas of data mesh for instance with you know departments be responsible for the niche of data you can do that the same way with the secured groups uh through through the domains so you have those three levels of security we have the tenants the entire thing the domains for a particular uh you know cluster of unit cluster of your company and the workspace so you have those three guys uh here we can see them right um in there on this particular slide what you can see in there is you have all those infrastructure elements of the uh of I'm sorry all the INF infrastructure elements implementing security so you have the network you have the workspace you get the data security which is an an an elting fabric called uh the one security so we have the one Lake and we have the one security which is pretty cool something for you to uh look into the material that we shared the link earlier and then you get into uh into fabric let me jump into the portal there again gone and let's take a look a little bit of those things where's my mouse my mouse is here let's go back to a workspace there yep discard the whole thing okay back in here so here in the workspace this if you're coming from powerbi you are familiar with this right you have you know that it can get into uh into the workspace and here in the workspace you can manage access of the workspace so that is something that we have seen where if if you are a powerbi user you know that uh you can define those uh uh members in here and Define which level of access that member will have now what is interesting about this uh this one here let me go here to the homepage of this down here is some quick access some elements I haven't seen the workspace before and down here here what I really want to see here oh down here there we go this guy so this is my list of elements in here what you see in the workspace is more that you would see inpbi and for each one of these elements you can also Define permissions for them like when you get into a lake house like this one here is a lake house right my lake house armo what is a lake house well that's one of the sessions we had earlier right in this series so go back there take a look to dive into what the lake house is and the DAT ware house is and the difference of them but when you go into a lake house and you see what is in there you will find uh um elements pointing to the one Lake to data into the one Lake and you can come in here and also Define who can see you know which users are usually do by groups right by security groups which secured groups will be allowed uh to work with the tables if I had any oh it's empty I did not populate that bummer but if I had tables in here I could Define the elements for the tables I mean the security elements for the tables and if all the workspaces need my data I can allow them if they are into my security groups to map my data that's in my workspace into their workspace making a link and uh that shortcut and if I do that I'm preventing data duplication and at the same time supporting security so in a very short period of time because our time is running out in a very period short period of time I need you to to grasp this to handle security you always work with enter IDs and you want to have your security elements in there security groups in there and when you come here into into fabric you're going to assign permissions to those principles coming from ENT ID your secur groups or your users or even applications if they're doing API calls uh you're going to assign them uh usually through the workspace it could be to The Domain level and when you get to the workspace because you have more elements than just reports or data sets you have the lake the the lake house or the derway house you can also Define permissions and assign permissions um to the objects like the tables that are in this uh uh in these repositories so that's how you define Security in there the whole infrastructure has the network security um in parbi if you want to do something and collect data from a premise to the cloud you would do a Gateway right gestone yeah that's that's correct and you know uh from the security standpoint we also uh have all the release and the road map so be sure to check that out because it's really important to start working and checking with your organization what is is coming and when it's coming you know there's a bunch of questions around okay when this security kind of feature is coming to the road map so you can go to release road map out of Microsoft fabric that is part of the documentation you can start checking on all the features that are coming and something that is great around that release plans is that you can check by workload so if you are hoping for something around coming for governance something coming for power ba developers something coming for they years you can go to your workload and start checking on when is coming and what uh are the plans for the product team or on this topic yes exactly no noticing here on my on my screen that I just clicked here into uh the semantic layer right the semantic layer of my lake house and in here I have permission for that one to so it's very very granular and this thing is getting better and better right is already good but they're preparing even more stuff more management elements for us in here back to the slides all right next one yeah so this kind of a summary of what we have already discussed right um license control the level of access and license management for fabric is located in the admin Center kind of showed you there with the with the capacity and here are the elements of the secured elements in there so this is one done we we're good U one thing about the licensing though is the user when it comes to uh to fabric it it's kind of the same idea we had before with powerbi right fabric is your capacity uh to process your data everything that's inside fabric but when it comes to consume the reports that are in Fabric in powerbi that consume the reports through powerbi that are in fabric the licensing elements they still the same right uh Gaston you still have the to license the users as Pro license so they're going to be able to create the reports into the into fabric uh they don't need Pro to do the other stuff like you know capacity is also is the one that runs the pipelines and everything else but when it comes to the reports you still need a pro license for your uh parbi developers right or report developers their report authors exactly exactly the way I see that and you know coming back I saw one of the comments coming from someone from the audience uh was a little bit of the check of you know you need to understand that there's three layers here one is the Microsoft 365 you need a developer license first to create your environment then you go to the spin up your fabric uh your your powerbi means you know tenant and then based on your power VA tenant you go and spin up your fabric trial one of the question from the audience was going to use a personal account to make it happen I recommend to go and create your own microsoft.com account totally free you create your account first and then spin up the dev uh Microsoft 365 your powerbi and then your trial version of fabric that should be the step by step process on that one exactly you are very polite right to the question can I use my Hotmail account to do to try out fabric no you cannot all right what's the I think it's the last slide on this topic right managing items and sharing them yeah we kind of demonstrate that so we good with that one I think the next top is yours right let's go up and run to talking about governance in fabric so there's a lot of buil-in features to manage and control the data here so couple of things that uh uh actually we can go back and forth because I love that that arando is doing kind of live demos around every single topic this is a good one you know this topic is how you want to control the Trust on your organization about your data and you know trust is really meaningful for data so you can essentially endorse any of your data you can go and say hey this semantic model is endorsed by me I am promoting I am certifying this semantic model and that is something that you can be doing with every single artifact you can do that with dashboards with Lakehouse so if you are confident and you did a quality control of your data you can go to your fabric items and if you trust and approve that across organization you can just with a quick check you can go to your workspace and first of all you want to promote that one and then after pass the uid framework then you certified so so what means to be certified if I see that something is promoted is because the uat process start I cannot be really confident on that data if I see that you know a semantic model is certified I can easily and be confident to create a report in top of that semantic model that's because you go to the go to the demo arando let's show the screen yeah and that's because someone in a company right has look into the data look into the model said yeah that's a good one so they would come in here let's say that I have this sematic model here for instance and this one here is like oh I have seen the semantic model I already checked how the data that's exposed there and the the the model itself the relations in there they all look great so I want to come here into the settings of this model and I can come into this one here right endorsement and and discovery and I can set it up as G gon just mentioned right I just want to promote hey good let's people let's take a look at this one here this is a good one just came out of the oven or like just mentioned say no this this is really this is the one you're supposed to use when you when it comes to this particular kind of data if you see something else out there it's your risk right this is the good one back to you G back to the slides gotcha yeah go ahead and you know in this the slide what also you can do is have a whole scanning to facilitate the governance of you know your uh framework so you can scan all the metadata there's a link over there to to do the scanning of your data there's a bunch of things going on right now in terms of you know uh embedding perview capabilities there's a pro you have embedding in the um you know um fabric ad layer so you can check all the scanning of your uh sensitive data and as well Armando was a little bit you know taser on this one but you can see in the fabric AD mean all the data lineage that means that you can go and say hey this report in the right section here is coming from this semantic model but this semantic model is coming from this data Mar and the data Mart was built on top of a Lakehouse but the that Lakehouse itself is coming from data from a blob storage so you can do that right away and check all the data lineage for any single reporting that you have in your tenant you can do that all the reverse engineer to understand okay what was the process to create all the artifacts that at the end of the day create that report layer yep G just uh I see here in the chat that a question came from the YouTube channel it's an interesting one the question goes like this is it possible to sync all fabric items in Azure in in in a Azure Dev repository Azure Dev Ops repository or G repository right in aure that's a really great question that's a really interesting question and that's a question that is coming all over the place remember that right now we are in that process where not all the artifacts from fabric are supported by assure The Bobs and GitHub integration so we have a bunch of them almost all of them they are coming you can go and check again the release plans so you can see hey how much I can sync up in my aure devop REO and the aure dev gonna say Hey you can see up on uh lake house you can syn up on semantic motor you can syn up on reports but for now you cannot sync up on notebooks so you're going to be checking all the artifact and items in fabric that are uh you're able to sync up with an aure devops integration yep and uh for those who are preparing for the exam there is this new think in powerbi called powerbi uh project right different from a parbi report that you do so it's it's take a look on that one it's part of your exam right they're gonna ask you questions about that when you break apart the elements that uh that make up aart RBI uh RBI solution and that goes to get right that one you can get to get exactly this is one of my favorite things around you know communities go for it is is is this one that you know sharing you know the licensing because sometimes could be tricky so this is a great Community you know uh document that we have in the what we call the public notes in this case we are elb the fabric licensing and you know because could be tricky you can understand right away okay how much I need to understand in terms of how is capacity in terms of storage how much I need to pay for a storage within my capacity what is going to be the network caveat that they need to understand around spinning up a new fabric uh capacity and from the licensing for the end user you can understand okay how much I can do with a free license how much I can do with a pro license how much I can do with a premium per user license so as Armando shared before if we start talking about powerbi Pro license remember that you only need powerbi Pro license or premium prod users if you are spinning up the creation or powerbi artifacts what is a powerbi artifacts we know semantic models old school data sets reports dashboards data Mars so keep coming with different names but remember powerbi artifacts are backed up for the creation and only for the creation with a powerbi pro license or powerbi premium per user license if you are spinning up a new Lakehouse or a new data workhouse you don't need that G it's important to emphasize here that powerbi embedded that exists for powerbi does not apply to fabric right that one is a think that is inbi is parbi and forbi only fabric does not live in there exactly exactly that's a that's a really interesting point remember that powerbi EMB better is another service yeah it's for something for powerbi when fabric is not in the picture if the fabric is in the picture this slide is your guidance you need a a capacity infrastructure either the F capacity through aop portal or the P capacity through the ad admin portal plus the individual licenses for your users exactly so we did kind of bunch of demos lives up and running so you can check up on them remember to come back to the to this video you can check all the details that we exposed today and now we are going to be running a little bit of a trivia game so we are doing another trivia like trivia let's go let's do some knowledge check so here here the rules for the knowledge check for you guys uh you are not to answer on YouTube chat right if you're there on YouTube and you're uh you know chatting asking questions there this answers here don't don't type the letter there right get your cell phone scan that QR code go online to aka.ms pools and there you will find a page where you can uh check your your answers there so first one what's the first question there yeah first question is which of the following statements best describe the concept of capacity in fabric a is capacity refers to a dedicated space for organizations to create store and manage fabric items B capacity defines the ability to of a resource to perform an activity or to produce output C capacity is a collection of items that are logical grouped together well that's a tricky one this definitions are kind of [Music] close stay tuned and uh do your bet all right rock paper Caesar which one is it okay let's uh move ahead so this one is the right answer B capacity defines the ability of a resource to perform an activity or to produce output remember what uh Armando shared before capacity is all around compute yep so remember that's it kind of goes into what the workspace would be right having the fabric items in a in a in a place in a storage place so that sounds more like a workspace logically group together kind of goes in the same way good that's I hope you have gotten right is there another one yep let's go for the second questions let me see which which of the following statements is true about the difference between promotion and certification in public a a is promotion and certification both allow any workspace member to endorse content B promotion requires a higher level of permissions than certification C certification must be enabled in the tenant by the Admin while promotion can be done by a workspace member that's a bit easier you just explain that of course we know let's give some time to our folks there to let's keep going let's keep going uh remember to use your camera get your polls and then vote for your answer all right let's review which one is it let's go there ah answer is C so the answer see because certification must be enabled in the tenant by the Admin that is s something that our Mando share with us in the live demo while promotion can be done by a workspace member so you can promote being a member of any artifact but you need to certify only if you are a tenant admin perfect that was great thank you so much for guiding us through this topics here was a pleasure to be here with you let's wrap this up let's see this last slides so this is pretty much what we cover today description overall fabric admin task with great demos live demos from Armando we navigate all the admin Center we check a bunch of uh new features manage user access how you can get into a Microsoft fabric from an admin perspective so that's a little bit of summary of our session today uh keep going keep going learning it's really important to keep learning on different models those models are coming up to uh the Microsoft learn and you can get ahead of the game doing the Cloud skills getting that 50% discount into your dp600 exam this is pretty much uh all the learning objectives of the administration out of Microsoft Fabric and keep going in terms of learning the exercise watching video just Rec up this this YouTube video and practice because it's all around be handson all about the handson yes you know get your domain get your tenants uh get the the free one for development that's just for testing and get your fabric uh going on there for free Microsoft offers all of you all of that for free but you have to have a tenant this is the last previous sessions right G you can find all of these previous sessions there recorded in the in the powerbi YouTube channel all the sessions are there there there's another way come in the future but if you really want to dive into you can go online and rewatch all the recordings from the previous sessions G was a pleasure to be with you my friend I hope we can do that again soon this was great Armando and keep going uh I really enjoy this session was pretty much fun doing all the demos going back and forth with the slides lot of things that we share today lot of experience in our back end and thank you everyone to Shin this uh Lear live Series today so uh keep in touch and keep going with the community yeah keep in touch connect when L hope to see you around there see you later see you there
Channel: Microsoft Power BI
Views: 3,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft learn live, fabric, administrator, database-administrator, beginner
Id: imE8pdw55Eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 1sec (4441 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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