Learn to swim for Adults (Easy Steps)

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[Music] hello everyone my name is coach vasil and today i'm with my student micah we will show you how to learn how to swim for adults so please watch the whole video for you to have an idea let's swim [Music] first things first when doing the swimming lesson or enrolling in the swimming class you must start with a stretching now there are two types of stretching first is the dynamic stretching [Music] which is the jumping jacks and the squats and to be followed by the static stretching [Music] this thing is very essential for you to be able to learn how to swim easily [Music] when doing stretching it is advisable that an athlete or student must have the first period before they commence to the water and this set of exercises you must start from the head going to your upper lower body [Music] at this time we were going to show you how to breathe in swimming proper breathing okay so you have to inhale to your mouth and then exhale through your nose it's actually the same as the normal thing that we're doing but at this time we will be giving emphasis on the deep breathing because on the swimming per se there will be part that you will have to do some deep breathing okay so micah will show us how inhale exhale so you inhale through your mouth and then exhale fearing off do it again exhale inhale exhale [Music] okay at this time we will show we will show you how to do the breath holding so you have to inhale through your mouth and then directly put the oxygen to your diaphragm or your stomach the only thing that you shouldn't be putting your oxygen or your air in your cheek it's a big no-no so okay let's do it micah inhale one two three four five exhale for your nose very good let's do it again inhale one two three four five exhale now when doing this try to be as relaxed as possible try to make it as neutral as possible you don't need to exaggerate how to inhale your mouth keep your jaw very relaxed so that it will be as natural as possible [Music] after doing that you can actually increase the number of countings from 5 seconds to 10 seconds to 15 to 20 seconds it's up to you so long that your students doing it right then you can just adjust at this point we will show you how to do the breathe holding basically have to inhale through your mouth and then hold for a couple of seconds underwater and then after the counting you have to exhale through your nose and pop out the water let's do it down one two [Music] [Music] okay at this point we will be doing the floating so when you float there are two things that you have to remember number one is you should be able to breathe properly breathing before floating is very crucial you have to do it you have to do the deep breathing and then you have to make sure that you're taking a lot of oxygen as much as possible and second thing is you should be able to be very relaxed when doing the floating because in that state you can easily float or you can easily get the the best buoyancy for your body okay at this point we will show you how to do the front float mica let's go ready one okay relax you can just stretch your arms [Music] very good try to assess which part of your body is not relaxed and try to be as relaxed as possible and down three four five up okay okay at this point we will show you how to do the back floating this floating is very helpful especially when you're in an open water because it can help you stay longer in the water now in by doing this in doing this you can actually move your head feet a little your hands and you can just put your chest above the surface or within the surface of the water and try to breathe as normal as possible okay let's do it ready set go [Music] you have to breathe three [Music] one thousand two 5 6 7 8 9 10 up [Music] at this point we will show you how to do the front gliding so in front gliding all you need to do is stretch your arms stretch your arms and kick against the wall okay inhale and down and then kick against the wall now at this point we'll be going to or we're going to perform or show you the major parts of swimming these are kicking pulling and breathing so we will start with the kicking micah let's go okay at this point we will show you how to do the flutter kicking in flatter kicking all you need to do is to point your feet or toes like this and just make sure that you are not bending your knees and try to hit the water during this part of your feet okay okay let's go kick up down up down you should be doing the up down up down motion try to make sure that there's a sound when you're doing okay this and then stop okay try to make sure that this should be that the the motion should be done in a small and fast manner do it again take [Music] one two three four five six seven faster eight nine ten stop okay after doing that if your student is already familiar with the right uh movements then you can invert them doing the right way or position of doing the flutter kicking now when you are doing this make sure that this shoulder of your student is submerged in the water in the surface because if you try to lift it it'll be hard for them to execute this properly kick faster mica okay so very good at this point we will show you with the front glide and kicking it's integrating now the front glide and the flutter kicking let's go micah [Music] we will now proceed with the arm pulling so with the arm pulling there are a few steps that you have to apply number one is the palm should be facing the floor and then the thumb should be brushing your thigh it's to make sure that you will be swimming in a straight direction when you're when you are already moving your hands and third is try to engage your shoulder point to the sky and then tap the other arm make sure that the other arm is not moving while the other one is still rotating okay so i'll show you it again move face the floor and then rotate then top the same road goes to the other one okay michael let's go ready set go and to engage one shoulder two one engage your shoulders very good two very good one two one [Music] now let's proceed with the breathing this is actually the most crucial part because if you don't know how to execute this properly you might be able to drink the water in the pool so in doing the breathing there are three steps that you have to be familiar with or memorize with number one is keep left what is keep left it's it's when you are left-handed then you have to breathe in your left side but if you're right right-handed it's keep right so remember the first rule is skip left or keep right the second rule is hip side keep side it means that you should only be breathing at the side you cannot you cannot breathe in front it's always at the side third is open your mouth so remember these three parts keep right keep side and open your mouth okay the crucial part in breathing is the proper timing if you will not be able to get the proper timing breathing as what i said you might be able to face the water in the pool okay so when doing the timing you have to analyze you have to think that your arm is an arm clap this is in the nine o'clock this is the six o'clock and this is the three o'clock and this is twelve o'clock okay so imagine your arm is always in the nine o'clock so from nine o'clock to three o'clock it's when you breathe okay so from here you have to breathe until here at the three o'clock so when the when your arm is already in the three o'clock you should be able to start or already breathing there are times that you might not be able to get the right timing that your hands will be late this is just fine this is fine but if it's already reaching here then it's ready too late you don't need to breathe during this time because the weight of your hand goes to your head and it'll be you'll you'll be able to drink water so you can't breathe at this moment so as i said you have to get the timing you have to wait for your arm to be at the three o'clock then you have to breathe very good okay so let's do it head down [Music] one nine two three breathe very good and then head down very good micah okay let's do it again but don't forget before you breathe you make you should always make bubbles okay ready set go head down my balls very good inhale and down pull inhale exhale very good head down make bubbles [Music] now remember when you're trying to incorporate all the movements it's very easy if you follow a certain pattern if you try to do the kicking pulling and breathing you should be able to follow a certain pattern that will be easier for you to synchronize or coordinate now try to remember kick pull kick break so kick pull kick again then breathe remember that when doing the breathing if there are times it's it's a trial and error if that if there is a time that you aren't able to breathe properly you can just don't stop you just have to continue and try to breathe properly in the next time [Music] remember it's never too late to learn a new skill learn how to swim and have fun in the water so this is coach vasit and my students [Music] you
Channel: Coach Vasit
Views: 503,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rob_ukzU8Rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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