How to swim (complete guide)

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good day everyone my name is coach passive i am with my student janine and today we will show you the step-by-step process and learning how to swim of course we will start with breathing but before that if you are new to my channel please subscribe my youtube channel like the video and feel free to have a comments or questions and please press the notification bell so you will be updated the next videos stay tuned [Music] the first process is breathing in swimming it's different from what we normally do because we tend to breathe through through our nose and that exhale through our mouth and assuming it's different you have to break through your mouth and then exhale through your nose now very important in swimming is the one of the difference is that you only have a little time in breathing because you will have to submerge your face all throughout or all the time in the water that's why that breathing is very crucial in the water now briefing is that you have to inherit your mouth as i said and then you have to exhale clear nose so canine will show us inhale exhale inhale [Music] exhale inhale exhale okay now very important when you inhale you have to make sure that the oxygen you're inhaling goes through your diaphragm or your stomach and that this is what that is where you store your oxygen remember you are not allowed to put the oxygen in your chick it's a no-no so at this time we will have we will have to do it under water now the very important thing when you're doing this underwater is that you need to be very relaxed remember the oxygen consumption is a lesser than when you are relaxed so whenever you are under water you can just think of anything that you can make it can make you relax anything that could make your mind not panic underwater you need to be very comfortable okay let's do it [Music] the next thing that i will teach you is the bubbling bubbling is a process of balancing your oxygen and carbon dioxide to your lungs because as we do a lot of exercises we tend to get tired easily so the only way to recover is that you have to do this technique watch and observe now remember when you're doing bubbling you have to make sure that the head should be submerged and as soon as your nose touches the water you have to make start making bubbles and you have to continually do that until your head is submerged then you have to go up until you felt comfortable now and recovered from that very strenuous filling now the next technique that i will teach you is the safety bubbling this is very easy it's almost it's the same with what she did a while ago adding the jumping technique you will have to jump for it to be able to travel from one place to another and it will add up the safety of a coach or even build up the confidence of a student in the water so please watch this [Music] there you have it you know now how to breathe properly in the water congratulations for learning the first technique and swimming and that's one of the most important that's breathing so for you to be able to know more of the techniques and to learn how to breathe properly which is the very important or very important foundation in swimming please watch the next video so once again this is coach bassett and thank you for watching our video [Music] hello everyone my name is coach bassett of double swimming lesson and today i'm going to teach you how to float but before that if you are new to my channel please subscribe my youtube channel like the videos and feel free to have a comment don't forget to click that notification bell so for you to be able to learn more about swimming please watch this video [Music] okay let's start the floating but remember don't think that you cannot float because naturally we've already been floating inside our mother's womb for nine months so the only thing that hinders us from floating is we felt the tension and we are not comfortable in the water so there are two techniques for you to be able to float properly number one is you have to breathe properly and you have to fill your body with oxygen and then that will make you float number two is you need to be very relaxed because if you don't feel the tension whenever you are in the water naturally your body will just float now there are few types of floating that you must be able to do for you to add up more confidence in the water number one is the turtle float number two is the jellyfish float number three is the crown float and the back float watch the whole videos for you to learn all of these techniques [Music] relax [Music] now the next technique is what we call the jellyfish load they they also call this the dead man's float and this technique all you need to do is to put your head down pointing your hands to the floor and your legs also pointing both to the floor now make sure that you're not making your body stiff when you're doing this try to be more relaxed remember and try to become as much as possible up very good now the next floating is the back floating this is also very important for survival technique if you felt very tired in the water or you just had cramps you can easily do this technique for you to survive now there are a few things to remember when doing the back floating number one you can move your feet a little okay so how do you move your feet you just imagine yourself like you're paddling a bicycle or you can just gradually move a little just enough that you can lift your body number two you can move your hands so i imagine my hands like beating a national anthem or whatever you do movement you want to do so just enough just enough that you can lift your body also and number three to remember third to remember is you have to put your chest up the surface you have to make sure that it's above the surface or just within the surface so that you can just be more comfortable whenever you are floating number four and very important is that you have to breathe regularly and try to lift your chin a little higher so that the water won't go inside your nose easily so are you ready shanine ready set go very good bree breathe regularly relax remember that this is a survival technique when you say survival technique you can modify it before according to your comfortability so long that you are maintaining this position in the water you don't need to follow my my exact direction or exact instruction you can just modify it according to your comfortability again [Music] the next floating technique that i will teach you is the front float in this technique all you need to do is just keep your body straight in the water and just like imagine yourself like flying in a galaxy are you ready okay let's do it arms forward ready set go breathe relax there you go don't forget to make bubbles before you go up very good now the next technique that i will teach you is the front gliding so front gliding is almost the same with floating the only thing that's different is that you have to keep from the wall going to the other direction it's floating with the momentum so there are things that you have to remember number one is that you have to breathe properly before you put your head down and before that you have to make sure that the other foot is attached to the wall and then after you breathe you put your head down after you put your head down the other foot that steps on the floor you will have to put it in the wall and then keep going to the other side start gliding okay ready set go inhale head down the wall [Music] and that ends our floating techniques remember that you when you are into swimming lesson or basic swimming level you do not go directly swim freestyle this basic things is very important to have a very good foundation in swimming so you have to be more familiar with this very important techniques so that it'll be easier for you to swim efficiently when you're about to perform the proper freestyle and to know the major parts of the strokes or parts of freestyle please watch the next video so once again this is coach vasile my student [Music] and thank you for watching our video good day everyone my name is coach vasil today i am going to teach you how to do pooling in the freestyle this technique is very important for you to learn how to swim [Music] bye [Music] again the first rule is the palm should be like this second one is the thumb should brush your thigh third rule is yep you have to engage your shoulder move and then lift your arm just make sure that you're in attaching the water and then the last girl is half okay so let's do it now remember if your dominant arm is right the first arm to move is the left okay so this this will prepare you for breathing one two one don't forget to engage your shoulder and when you are moving your arms it will be easier for you to recover your arms if you are engaging your shoulders and also to prevent yourself from injuries [Music] now remember when you are kicking or coordinating your kicking and you're pulling you have to follow a pattern the pattern is kick pull kick pull it means that even if you are moving your arms don't stop you're moving your legs it's more it's normal that it goes slow but you just have to keep moving it so that you won't sink whenever you are swimming are you ready sean hello everyone my name is coach massey and with me is we were going to show you the basic techniques in swimming the very important technique that we will teach you now is the kicking but before that if you are new to my channel please subscribe my youtube channel please like the video feel free to have a comment questions or any recommendations or any topic that you want me to discuss pertaining to swimming you can add it on the comment section and please don't forget to click yes don't forget to hit the notification bell so you will be updated in the next video [Music] so we will proceed now with the major part of swimming and that is the kicking there are three major parts of swimming freestyle the first is the kicking okay when you talking about speed it's the key thing number two is cooling and the third one is the breathing so at this video we will focus more on how to improve or how to learn how to do flutter kicking watch the whole video [Music] now when doing flower kicking it's very easy just make sure that when you're kicking you're using your your lower part of your body or your feet and your thigh not your knees okay this is the very common mistake when doing flutter kicking because a lot of people are engaging their knees it's wrong so it's basically doing an up down up down position or heating the water with this part of your feet remember that when you're doing flutter kicking it should be small but fast okay are you ready chan yeah okay ready go kick down down very good now when you're doing this make sure that there is a sound very good now if you notice that your student can now do the proper kicking then you will have to put them in this position then ask them to do the kicking we're doing the same techniques that they applied a while ago are you ready man yeah let's go okay now during the swimming lesson you can actually do a lot of a lot of reviews or you can do this a lot of times now if you already know how to kick properly let us now try doing it with the movement now okay so we will incorporate the front gliding with kicking if you're not yet familiar with the front like technique you can go back to my previous video i've already shown you the way or the proper way of doing the front like front gliding so at this time we'll just have to incorporate the flutter kicking let's go name [Music] very good [Music] one of the toys that you can use for you to improve your kicking is the kickboard this toy is also very important to to build up your stamina in the water so if you want to try more drills about kicking you this cake board is very effective watch how we use this [Music] so [Music] and you just learned one of the very important part of swimming and not escaping if you have any concerns or questions about kicking feel free to comment or put questions in the comment and i will be very glad to answer your questions [Music] good day everyone my name is coach vasil and today i'm going to teach you the most important part of swimming and that is great thing if you're able to perform this then congratulations you know how to swim but before that if you're new to my youtube channel please subscribe like the video and if you have any questions feel free to put it in the comment section i would be very glad to answer your questions [Music] time today i'm going to discuss to you about breathing now at this level of learning you may encounter some problems because if you aren't able to perform it well then you may be experienced or may be able to drink some water in the pool there are very important things that you need to remember when you're learning in the breathing process number one is keep right it means that you should always breathe on the right side but if you are left-handed you may also do it like keep left so remember the first rule is keep right or keep left the second rule is keep side keep side it means that you should only be breathing at this side you are not allowed to breathe in front because it will make you sink even more number three is open your mouth of course if you are able to breathe or if you are able to lift your face above the water then you have to open your mouth of course for you to be able to breathe okay very important that all swimmers must be breathing through your mouth because it will only take a little time for you to breathe and you will have to breathe through your mouth the very crucial part in breathing process is the timing so how do you do the proper time in swimming this will vary upon your different techniques now in the breathing process you imagine your arm as an arm clock okay you normally put your arms in the nine o'clock so this one is six o'clock this is a three o'clock twelve o'clock back to nine o'clock okay so remember that we normally put our face under water on the nine o'clock from nine o'clock going here to the three o'clock you must be able to breathe okay so there are times that you'll be able to forget sometimes it will reach up to two o'clock or one o'clock this is just fine but it will only it will shorten your breathing time if you will be able to if you breathe and the one o'clock but if your hand is already in the 12 o'clock and you weren't able to breathe don't breathe you have to wait until your arm goes moves again from three o'clock then you can breathe as i said timing is very important in breathing so from here the nine o'clock going to the three o'clock you should be able to breathe this is the perfect time to breathe when your arm points at the back if you aren't able to catch this proper timing you can just wait for the next breathing arm to move and wait catch the perfect timing of breathing there you go [Applause] doing have to be easily confused with all of those techniques you will have to follow the pattern the pattern is kick pull take breathe it means that you have to kick first and then move the arm and then kick again and then move the breathing arm now if you have a question of should i stop moving my legs if my arms are moving no as i said it's normal that it goes slow but don't stop kicking okay remember this is a trial and error process if you're able to breathe properly in the first try you just have to keep doing it again and again are you ready ready set go [Music] and that ends our freestyle videos if you were able to follow all those videos congratulations you now you know now how to swim freestyle if you have any concerns questions regarding freestyle please feel free to put it in the comment sections and we will be very glad to answer your questions and we are looking forward for you to watch our next video for the other spokes please watch our next videos we will be showing you how to swim breaststroke backstroke and butterfly it's easy to learn how to swim freestyle if you were able to follow those very simple steps all you need to do is to follow the first video after the last video once again this is coach vasit and please don't forget to subscribe our youtube channel this has been coach vasit and thank you for watching our video [Music] so [Music] hello everyone my name is coach vasil and today i'm with my student micah we will show you how to learn how to swim for adults so please watch the whole video for you to have an idea let's swim [Music] first things first when doing the swimming lesson or enrolling in the swimming class you must start with a stretching now there are two types of stretching first is the dynamic stretching [Music] which is the jumping jacks and the squats and to be followed by the static stretching [Music] this thing is very essential for you to be able to learn how to swim easily [Music] when doing stretching it is advisable that an athlete or student must have a first variation before they commence to the water and this set of exercises you must start from the head going to your upper lower body [Music] at this time we were going to show you how to breathe in swimming proper breathing okay so you have to inhale your mouth and then exhale through your nose it's actually the same as the normal thing that we're doing but at this time we will be giving emphasis on the deep breathing because on the swimming per se there will be part that you will have to do some deep breathing okay so micah will show us how inhale exhale so you're inhaling your mouth and then exhale fearing off do it again exhale inhale exhale right okay at this time we will show we will show you how to do the breath holding so you have to inhale through your mouth and then directly put the oxygen to your diaphragm or your stomach the only thing that you shouldn't be putting your oxygen or your air in your cheek it's a big no-no so okay let's do it micah inhale one two three four five exhale for your nose very good let's do it again inhale one two three four five exhale now when doing this try to be as relaxed as possible try to make it as neutral as possible you don't need to exaggerate how to inhale your mouth keep your jaw very relaxed so that it will be as natural as possible [Music] after doing that you can actually increase the number of countings from 5 seconds to 10 seconds to 15 to 20 seconds it's up to you so long that your students doing it right then you can just adjust at this point we will show you how to do the brief holding basically have to inhale through your mouth and then hold for a couple of seconds underwater and then after the counting you have to exhale for your nose and pop out the water let's do it micah down one two three four [Music] okay at this point we will be doing the floating so when you float there are two things that you have to remember number one is you should be able to breathe properly breathing before floating is very crucial you have to do it you have to do the deep breathing and then you have to make sure that you're taking a lot of oxygen as much as possible and second thing is you should be able to be very relaxed when doing the floating because in that state you can easily float or you can easily get the the best buoyancy for your body okay at this point we will show you how to do the front float okay let's go ready one remember okay relax you can just stretch your arms [Music] very good try to assess which part of your body is not relaxed and free try to be as relaxed as possible and down three four five up okay okay at this point we will show you how to do the back floating this floating is very helpful especially when you're in an open water because it can help you stay longer in the water now by doing this in doing this you can actually move your head feet a little your hands and you can just put your chest above the surface or within the surface of the water and try to breathe as normal as possible okay let's do it ready set go [Music] you have to breathe three [Music] one thousand two four five six seven eight nine ten up [Music] at this point we will show you how to do the front gliding so in front gliding all you need to do is stretch your arms stretch your arms and kick against the wall okay inhale and down and then kick against the wall [Music] now at this point we'll be going to or we're going to perform or show you the major parts of swimming these are kicking and breathing so we will start with the kicking micah let's go okay at this point we will show you how to do the flutter kicking in flatter kicking all you need to do is to point your feet or toes like this and just make sure that you are not bending your knees and try to hit the water during this part of your feet okay okay let's go kick up down up down you should be doing the up down up down motion try to make sure that there is a sound when you're doing this correct okay faster and then stop okay try to make sure that this should be that the the motion should be done in a small and fast manner do it again take one two three four five six seven faster eight nine ten stop it okay after doing that if your student is already familiar with the right uh movements then you can invert them doing the right way or position of doing the platter kicking now when you are doing this make sure that this shoulder of your student is submerged in the water in the surface because if you try to lift it it will be hard for them to execute this properly kick faster mica okay so very good at this point we will show you with the front glide and kicking it's integrating now the front glide and the flutter kicking let's go micah [Music] okay we will now proceed with the arm pulling so with the arm pulling there are a few steps that you have to apply number one is the palm should be facing the floor and then the thumb should be brushing your thigh it's to make sure that you will be swimming in a straight direction when you're when you are already moving your hands and third is try to engage your shoulder point to the sky and then tap the other arm make sure that the other arm is not moving while the other one is still rotating okay so i'll show you it again move face the floor and then rotate then top the same road goes to the other one okay michael let's go ready set go one you need to engage your shoulder two one engage your shoulders very good two very good one two one two [Music] now let's proceed with the first thing this is actually the most crucial part because if you don't know how to execute this properly you might be able to drink the water in the pool so in doing the breathing there are three steps that you have to be familiar with or memorize with number one is keep left what is keep left it's when you are left-handed then you have to breathe on your left side but if you're right right handed it's keep right so remember the first rule is keep left or keep right the second rule is keep side keep sight it means that you should only be breathing at the side you cannot you cannot breathe in front it's always a bit side third is open your mouth so remember these three parts keep right keep the side and open your mouth okay the crucial part in breathing is the proper timing if you will not be able to get the proper timing breathing that's what i said you might be able to face the the water in the pool okay so when doing the timing you have to anal you have to think that your arm is an arm clock this is in the nine o'clock this is the six o'clock and this is the three o'clock and this is twelve o'clock okay so imagine your arm is always in the nine o'clock so from nine o'clock to three o'clock it's when you breathe okay so from here you have to breathe until here at the three o'clock so when the when your arm is already in the three o'clock you should be able to start or already breathing there are times that you might not be able to get the right timing that your hands will be late this is just fine this is fine but if it's already reaching here then it's ready too late you don't need to breathe during this time because the weight of your hand goes through your head and it'll be you'll you'll be able to drink water so you can't breathe at this moment so as i said you have to get the timing you have to wait for your arm to be at the three o'clock then you have to breathe very good okay so let's do it head down [Music] one nine two three breathe very good and then head down very good micah okay let's do it again but don't forget before you breathe you make you should always make bubbles okay ready set go head down my balls very good okay and down pull inhale exhale very good head down make bubbles [Music] now remember when you're trying to incorporate all the movements it's very easy if you follow a certain pattern if you try to do the kicking pulling and breathing you should be able to follow a certain pattern that will be easier for you to synchronize or coordinate now try to remember kick pull kick braid so kick pull kick again then breathe remember that when doing the breathing if there are times it's it's a trial and error if that if there is a time that you aren't able to breathe properly you can just don't stop you just have to continue and try to breathe properly and the next time [Music] remember it's never too late to learn a new skill learn how to swim and have fun in the water so this is coach vasit and my students [Music] hello everyone my name is coach vasil and today i am with my student [Music] hello i'm sophia i'm seven years old hello i'm aj i'm 12 years old and today i am going to show you how to teach kids learn how to swim the easy way watch the whole video right now i am going to tell you the most important stuff that you have to prepare when doing a swimming lesson number one is you must have a goggles swimming up for the girls and most especially the kickboard this equipment or toys will meet you or help you learn how to swim easily factors that you have to consider when choosing a swimming group or swimming school is that they must be a very good or conducive venue for swimming class one of the criteria is pool would must be very clean and the student must be able to step on the bottom of the pool in this way it could build their confidence and learn they will be able to learn swimming easily one of the things that you need to consider as i said in choosing a swimming pool for a swimming class is the student must be able to step on the floor in this way they can build their confidence easily in the water and eventually they would learn how to swim quickly the first lesson that i will teach you is the bubbles at this point you will have to teach your students how to submerge their face in the water and make bubbles from their mouth they will have to breathe through their mouth and then exhale through their nose under water watch how they do this ready go this time is doing their bubbles now there are so many ways there are also students that they're afraid to submerge their face in the water as a swimming coach you can have a lot of strategies on how to do it so as long as they will be able to submerge their their face in the water now the next thing is breath holding now at this time you can you can tell your students to stay longer underwater but the very important thing is that you should always tell them to be very relaxed breathe properly and try to become underwater in this way they can stay longer underwater and build their confidence are you ready okay let's do it one two three stay underwater for five seconds okay one two three four five in doing this you have to make sure that they are submerging their head full head underwater now the next thing that we will do is the floating at this point you will have to teach your students two things number one they have to breathe properly they should not be in a hurry when breathing number two is they should be very relaxed because their body should be in a state of relaxed so they can float watch how they do it at this point my students will show you how to do front float are you ready okay let's do it for ten seconds one two three go keep your arms straight at this point you have to make sure that they're very relaxed you can also protect their body in five four three two one up the next thing is the front gliding in front gliding you will teach your students and how to be relaxed while there is already a movement so there's two things you have to stretch your arms like this you have to make sure that your ears are clipped and your chin is down while doing it you just have to keep looking at the floor are you ready okay [Music] next [Music] now when doing this you have to remind your students to be very relaxed along the way because there are some points that they will wobble their body on through all the way so the only thing that you have to do or to teach them is to be very relaxed and make sure they're having fun all throughout now we will teach our students the very important parts of swimming which are the three number one is kicking number two is pulling and number three is breathing now upon doing this you can also apply some land drills for them to be able to do it properly one of the things that you need to do or you need to use when you're doing the land drills and kicking is the yoga mat this will help your students to learn how to kick properly so i will show you now how to do or to use it these are also the things that you can teach your students when they're not in the swimming pool you can always tell them to do this workout while they are at home at school or any in any place where they can perform this which is very helpful when they're already in the water okay at this point aj is showing us how to do the slaughter kicking in the dry land this is very important especially in the basic lesson because you will have to make sure that they're using this part of their feet they're using this part of their feet when they're kicking because normally the kids are using their knees and that'll be a big problem when they're in the water so plj show them how to do it so what they normally do is i'm incorporating the slant drills after the switch before the swim during the swivel and after their kicking grills so in that way i can teach them easily how to keep properly in the water are you okay [Music] now one of the most important thing when teaching kids is that you should always make sure that they are having fun in the process because burnout is the number one enemy of every coach to their athletes so when having a swimming lesson with the kids you should always incorporate the play so in our lessons i always gave them the playtime session [Music] now we're teaching the kids how to kick properly the phrase is that you have to tell them to point their legs or point their toes and then have that up down out the up down motion and then yeah they teach them that they have to hit the water using this part of their feet and you have they have to keep on making or creating sound and they have to keep repeating it from one count to 20 counts and then give them and four five cents [Music] one of the mistake that the student commit in this workout is that they they tend to move their knees and in that case you have to make sure that you're holding their toes and then guide them when kicking [Music] faster now when kicking you have to teach your kids or your students to do it small but fast kicking come on kids move it [Music] and you also need to teach your kids to listen to their kick when they're doing this if there's no sound from their feet then they're probably doing it wrong [Music] at this point we are going to incorporate front gliding and flutter kicking so because we call this a front leg with kick so you have to make sure that this the students are focusing on relaxation also and doing it the right way so you can start with a short distance then eventually move farther but you have to encourage them to keep doing it right even if you're doing it longer this time [Music] now in the beginning it'll be hard for the students to do it the right way because they might be afraid of the distance so you just have to adjust and keep them tell them to repeat it from time to time so they can establish their confidence in the water ready [Music] now if you notice that the kids can already do it the right way or improving while doing the front line with kicking then you can start using the kickboard for a longer distance and you can also teach them how to breathe properly while they are already doing it so watch them how as they perform it right now [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] after kicking we will teach now the kids and how to move their arms in the water so we call this the arm pulling so when doing the arm pulling you have to tell your students to move their hands or creating a big circle like this one big circle follow two big circles you have to keep your head steady while you're moving your hands and move only your shoulder very good move move very good so that's what we call arm pulling three four five six [Music] one two one two one now two of the key factors in the learn learning how to swim is to establish a good muscle memory now for them to be able to establish a good possible memory you just have to keep them do it doing it again and again this is the crucial part of the sleep lesson the breathing part so when teaching the kids and how to breathe properly first is that you have to teach them the right timing of breathing so from from inhaling through their mouth they will have to exhale with the right timing so you just have to pitch or expel your students to hold their the wall and then put their head down and then you have to guide them first move their hands and then breathe at the side always teach your kids to breathe at the side and then head down remember to teach them how to exhale or when to exhale the right time okay move [Music] [Music] very good [Music] we will now integrate kicking pulling and breathing so they would now start swimming freeze time now at this point kickboard is very important when doing kicking pulling and breathing in this way they can be guided through all throughout the stroke [Music] so [Music] and don't forget to give them the right or enough rest for them to be able to do if your student knows how to swim freestyle without kickboard then you must encourage them to do it so because you will have to establish the right environment for them so that they will always remember the lessons that you've taught them are you ready [Music] thank you [Music] important things yeah from the technical swimming that you're teaching the kids is that you shouldn't be able to teach them survival stroke and one of the techniques that i will be teaching my students this time is the back floating back closing is lie down in the water and just start flipping their hands so that they can be able to profile or to catch a move from one place to another and be safe in the deep part of the water are you ready alva and sophia are you ready [Music] all you need to do is just encourage them to do it in a longer time [Music] this is coach vasit thank you for watching our video we hope to see you in the next videos for more ideas about swimming free diving spear fishing and open water swimming learn how to swim enjoy the water thank you for watching our video [Music] you
Channel: Coach Vasit
Views: 619,011
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Id: 81RVobtGeK0
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Length: 61min 25sec (3685 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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