LEARN to swim CONFIDENT, FLOAT & BE WATER SAFE in 3 Steps - Tutorial for BEGINNERS (Breathe relax)

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hi this is Christian from soon to five come today we're going to learn how to swim confident and independent in the water to become water safe so the first things to remember when you swim is to be comfortable and relaxed swimming is actually very simple but it should not be something stressful and everything so your objectives now to become water step means be able to swim in any directions every situation comfortable controlling your actions contrary your breathing not being in trouble crossing the pool if it's deep or not deep in the water in the sea in the swimming pool as a parent or as a swimmer your first objective is to safety so there is only three step to learn how to swim is actually simple so we're going to explain today what are the three steps and what you can do to master fish of them so the step number one to be able to become water safe is to be able to go bubbles five second consecutively and taking one breathing sometimes this to them they get scared in the water so what you can do if they scared to go down is to stay where it's shallow here it's shadow it's safe I can touch the bottom I'm fine the pool is great so don't need to go as deep or what reduce on stress just take it easy learn how to blow your bubbles with your mouth 5/7 you can use a mask for example or glass of water and you can practice here we could go 5 6 after my first alone I just need to take one read to feel at my legs again reverse again and I xl5 second [Music] breathing great thing so to help yourself some time you can scare to grow bubbles in the water you can play your music with your mouth it's very simple just blow this little sound in the water the music with bubbles will help you a lot so every time you feel stressed just remember the music one two three four five I know my bubbles okay so does the step number one first portion you need to be able to do the same skill if your nose in the water and then later with your eyes in the water even where it's shallow you need to swim yet you just need to learn how to go down in the water and be relaxed and comfortable by blowing your bubbles five second with in one time the big red and blue bubbles again five second and repeat is non-stop with no stress note here where it's share on the problem so I can do it we need my goggle for it so I can put my Google on no it's time to do it in the swimming there are still a two step one learn how to blow your bubbles looking in the water so I'm here and I blow my bubbles will balloon this is fine so I can go deeper with my nose in the water never breathing me from the nose okay whatever is in the sinus so never forget your bubbles - don't let the water be in your sinus you blow bubbles in the water your nose in the water I'm good Oh okay this is almost perfect now you get your bump your mouth in the water your nose in the water so you need to do the same scale with your eyes inside the water that could be a tricky portion for some students so just remember never forget your bubbles and everything will be alright 1 2 3 4 5 with your eyes your goggle routine in the water and with that as you can see I'm over controlling everything I'm fine my goggle helped me to see inside the water I take one big breath when I go out and I blow my bubbles if you forgot your bubbles you hold your breath to stress out never hold your breath just blow bubbles slowly and easy five seconds Oh this is great so now if you are comfortable you can go deeper and deeper into all your head is inside the water to finish the step number one which is blowing bubbles within inside the water and relax we can go completely down with your head down even with service but we do it now I'm over control ah easy ah ah okay you should feel comfortable if you think that still is easy fast going going bar bars exiting in the water going out one big breath out and do it again then it's great you just achieve the step number one to learn how to swim what to say now let's go for the step number two once you're able to do your bubbles and relax here it's shallow you need to learn how to float the step number two is learn how to float or learn how to fly in the water like a bird in the water you are floating a lot of people believe they're gonna drop down touch the ground and they scared to feel then if they don't touch anything they just gonna drown which is not the case if you relax you just float on the surface your body gonna float so to feel that you need to relax this is the key point to learn how to float you need to relax and start where it's very easy for you here no stress I can touch the bottom so I'm going to start here learn how to practice out I'm on the stairs and I can look into water blowing my bubbles the only little different is you're gonna push if your feet to ply on the surface and to reach the point where I can just feel comfortable because I can grab it so I'm here I blew my bubble five signal I play my music with my mouth and then I will push with my legs to try to fly down the surface once I'm in the water Wow I can fly like a bird I can fly like Superman like your bird like an airplane whatever you want to believe but you will do not fly put your feet on the street based on the world here get ready blow your bubbles and just let yourself fly away and catch something just nearby just to feel then when you don't touch anything you're not going down just feel it's simple if you are too afraid to do it here learn how to do it by a super shallow here is super shallow my hand can touch the ground see so I will practice just feel it where you feel great okay one more time it's simple here just touch the drum all the time look down push slowly and glide on the surface Wow no need to go fast to practice the skill try to move slowly and try to go easy I'm going to do it here which easier I mean this way okay and gums and I go there very good one more time easy you can fly with your hand on the phone or you can glide with your hand open like a girl if I open my hand I just feel my body gonna flow through my hand I open my legs are relaxed I just float that I don't go down slowly if you stress if you move fast you need to practice until you can move slowly you can even do it don't move at all okay I'm not going down I'm floating and flying because I feel it I can go as the BG girl now this skill I can practice here I'm going to practice the same skill where who is deeper because I know I can control I know I can my bubble spice it on and I know that everything is all right because actually I'm easy I'm going to fly from here to here about two meters okay you need to move your hand you need to kick you need to do stress movement just now okay if you can do it for five seconds you can fly very far away from here to here I push a little bit I will fly three four meters or product red robots push and glide okay no fast movement slowly in is that's the key point so when you can do that you learn how to float you learn how to fly five segoe by pushing or by staying on the water okay that simple this is the step number to learn how to fly like a bird so to learn how to swim what to say you need to learn the third step which is the last one learn our children back by yourself to breathe and blow bubbles again because after your bubbles you need to take a breath so then you will need to learn how to use your hand to paddle in the water to make sure that you head can do out so you can breathe in to grow Baba's game when you swim you need to learn how to move down relax and enjoy inside the water and I don't fight to stay outside where it's always tricky when you stay outside because your body want to fly and if you stay outside you start to believe you cannot run which is not what you want to do you want to feel comfortable you want to learn how to fly you want to learn how to enjoy underwater so you need to accept to look down and grow your bubbles as lush that you can so you go up you need to take one breath and then after you put down so to learn how to do the paddling with the hand breathe and go down what you need to do is at the end of the fly fax ago on one five you will not stop you will start to use your feet to keep the water and you will start to further with your hand to add okay so basically the scale will be like this blow my bubbles five circle pattern with my hand at the end take one big grid and then kick again Oh [Music] okay so to practice this skill to master this skill is pretty simple always go slowly if you go fast it shows a lot of strategy so take it easy you don't need to serve fast when you want to learn how to swim you need to learn how to relax okay so you go slowly you blow your bubbles 5-second you look underwater you enjoy and you can fly you can keep with your legs on the surface of the water slowly and easy and with your hand imagine you are working inside the water a bit like a tiger okay no need to focus on technique stuff like freestyle whatever it's not yet the time right now you just need to learn how to swim comfortable feel confident comfortable take it easy so every time you move your hand you pull the water behind when you pull the water behind it gives you some power in your hand to up easily so you do your bubbles you can fly fly fly and heat when it's time for you to breathe then pull with your hand and breathe you pull slowly you decide okay just slowly three and look down again immediately put your bubbles because in the water you just fly it which is simple to do so we're going back on the same scheme do my bubbles and I pull and then I'm here I don't rush myself I don't stress I can swim 5 meters 10 meters and hundred meters to kilometers is the same my speed is under control my stress is under control I go slowly I go easy I know that when I need to grid I'm going to move my hands slowly and easy and everything will be fine I can take bread anytime I want but underwater are always play my music in a Android okay my feet going to kick kick kick kick kick all the time because by kicking I'm going to move forward if you forgot to take what happened is your legs gonna drop in the water and then you're going to feel you cannot move forward so you get be like doing up and down and up and down but not going anywhere then you're going to start to freak out a little bit and panic especially when it's deep so your legs to be active behind you kicking on the surface of the water not under try to put your feet on the surface if you can in my legs Here I am on the shoe if my legs are down here then it's more complicated it's my leg completely done I'm just going to swim well I'm going to stay in the same location so I will be like this and after bird of time I'm like hey I'm going nowhere I'm start to be tan and start to freak out it's dangerous then of course it would be more complicated okay so never forget you go slowly you go easy you keep your legs on the surface you blew it by about 5 cm when you can do it many times in any directions or always over control in a deep pool the long distance after a jab when you feel completely comfortable and safe then you are what you say it's time for you to learn how to practice the freestyle which is the most easy stroke to learn after clean waters for the people who are still struggling a little bit we can use the paddle in your hands to give you some power example some students they have some difficulty to feel the paddling in the warm so you can use like this kind of resistance paddle and gives you a bit more power for your hands can put your hands inside one fingers then that helps you can use that with child can use that with beginners adult is not like to swim very long distance but gives you the strength than you need at the beginning you can even use papers at some point for the people who cannot go up by themselves to practice the Falcon power box so remember the step number three is like your bubbles 5c go and be relaxed fly like a bird and then paddle at the end 3 don't forget to keep it on you too okay so let's say I'm a bit beginner I don't have enough power I do small illness instead of big movement okay I'm bit stressed you can give them some small adult cuz fix it helps never forget each movement to be big okay don't do it like this don't cover the belt I never stress take it easy you can fly this is what you need to think so I am ipalo than I do again my skill five second bubbles first and I father ah ah you see I can take a certain hour behind so when I'm able to do it whenever you go to do it slow and relaxed and put it in control then of course of course you can go faster of course you can put some power so now I know I'm comfortable I want to go faster to just excite okay I will make more strains in my cake I'll move my hand faster and then you can swim there's a high water say but with no speed as demonstration okay so that we are seeing is the last one you can Irish try to don't do it at the beginning at the beginning learner to be relaxed and comfortable first okay a lot of people when they learn the stress because they they believe they're gonna drown there's a lot of things that don't realize at the beginning but it's pretty easy the more sure you go the more relaxed you go in swimming should be something easy simple so practice with always someone to look at you but don't put pressure on yourself okay so this is Christian from certified calm I hope this video helps you you can go on swim to fly the computer now the full meter tie cage and you can learn how to swim freestyle for the next step now with us thank you
Channel: SwimtoFly - Swim in 3 steps
Views: 1,762,907
Rating: 4.8439469 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Anseaume, Swim, to, Fly, Swimming, Results, tutorial, water, safe, life, skill, relax, glide, breathe, lessons, classes, no, stress, fly, bubbles, blow, easy, fast, simple, method, program, tutorials, students, student, learn, swimming, pool, child, kid, kids, children, childrens, teach, explain, show, babies, school, education, results, performance, underwater, safety, Champion, incredible, amazing, wonderful, Kids, SAFE, FAST, EF…, lesson, diving, coaching, industry, training, class, teacher, teachers
Id: j2OW9TiemVA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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