Learn to SMURF: Exploit LOW ELO Mistakes to Hard Carry! | Skill Capped

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hey everyone and welcome today we're going to be giving you a masterclass of how a challenger player is able to completely dismantle a platinum HRT's in the first three minutes of the lane as irelia there's a common misconception in the league community that they cannot learn from smurf games often dismissing super valuable information and saying things like yeah of course a challenger will crush this platinum player but what you need to ask yourself is how did they do that and how can you do it tier well in this guide we're going to be teaching you exactly that setting up trades you can't lose into early kills and snowballing out of control we quickly want to mention that you can get way more of these guides on our website skill capcom we only release a few of these guides on YouTube each month but released 12 guys per week on our website check it out if you want to start rapidly improving and start carrying your games like we're about to see heck to do right now let's break down the matchup our challenger player hector is playing irelia his first mission is going to be get a minion lead for waveclear both champions are about even but it's up to whoever lands a better trade early to decide who has wave control which we'll talk more about sin mission tear look for extended trades irelia wins extended trades because of her passive increasing her attack damage and attack speed drastically once fully stacked aatrox when short burst rates however because his ability is still more damaged a trucks has more range on his abilities but irelia can gap players larger distances irelia will look to gap close the low health minions to win extended trades against a troggs and look for all ends which brings us to her mission 3 look for all ends this matchup is inherently volatile because both champions are Meli so they have to get up close to land any last adds meaning that any mistake can get heavily punished immediately for this reason irelia will want to look for all ends onto the Atrix if he missed plays alright let's get into the gameplay as the game starts both ways touch but we're about to see that irelia is not interested in altering the minions at all just yet but her mission 1 is getting a minion lead try to identify why he isn't hitting the minions [Music] so irelia wasn't hittin the minions because aatrox was not hitting the wave because he wants to use his passive for trading so already I can just wait until the minions are low enough where she can last hit with her key to stack her own passive if a trucks had been hit in the wave his passive would be down and irelia can walk up and match him on minion damage this seems more champion specific thing it is since Aurelia is just playing around aatrox passive as if it was an ability that he wanted to avoid a fundamental trading concept similar to how you would want to wait for a yes or a Q to be used before walking up to the wave anyway irelia picks up the first Mele with her key and orders a chokes ones and then keys the second melee but sadly misses key on the third to most players using her q and order like this may not seem like a big deal however he actually just completed mission one get a minion lead by queuing the minions and really begins to stack up her passive allowing her to deal more damage and can test wave control by winning trades but by also Auto attacking the a trogs irelia actually drew minion aggro onto herself and then pulled back in doing this the blue wave attacks irelia or the red wave attacks the blue wave gaining Orillia a minion health lead that she can now maintain anyway irelia continues to order the minions and finishes them off with her Q to keep stacking her passive maintaining what is now a two minion lead formation one irelia now has four stacks of her passive and one more key will have a deadly five stacks which unlocks irelia to rupee status as we can see here aatrox is standing next to the minion that irelia can queue to to get her her fifth bag in Challenger Hector would take this opportunity to queue to the minion and get a short trade on to the a drugs which irelia actually wins with her passive up and then back off the because this is pattern he would do something different let's see what happens [Music] [Music] all right so Aurelia was able to kill each oaks at level two playing teleport against H axes ignite which is something that should just almost never happen so why did this look so easy and how did he do it well he took the queue to keep his passive up and then order aatrox once to refresh it and then proc conqueror but walks away why do you think he walks away so Hector knows that he will get level two off the first male on the second wave he pulls back because instinctively most players feel like they're winning when they had their opponent on the run this is especially common in platinum and below he pulled back here to keep a chokes interested while he buys time to get this Meli low enough for a key into a fifth stack passive level up all-in on th arcs thanks to completed mission one earlier and now executing a missions two and three now you may be thinking that this is super rarely specific or that irelia is just broken and it kind of is but you can definitely do this stuff only wide range of champions by applying the exact same concepts let us explain the key moments are led to this massive advantage at irelia was able to secure was done so by simply gaining an experience advantage and then looking to trade upon a level lead something pretty much every champion can do and the results were amplified due to the volatile melee versus meli matchup and of course irelia being really strong in all ends with her passive and her mobility but for example a Renekton could have easily gotten an insane extended trade or even a kill with a level 2 lead while being in position to trade as soon as he gets level tier or an Akali who would hit level 2 you move forward key into shroud order and Q or a Jax who would II with orders and then q to cap players etc all of these scenarios are reaping the rewards of securing a level advantage and being in position to capitalize on it as soon as I level up as skill capped we've seen countless examples of players not taking advantage of the level lead and throwing away these deadly windows of opportunity due to either not being aware of when they level up or understanding the advantage of a level lead this early in the game or birth so take note first Mele on the second wave gives level tier and third Mele on the third wave gives level three these are super important level spikes because not only would you be a level up on the enemy but you literally have an extra ability to work with lettle learn the base stat increases anyway aurelion now shoves the wave recoils and gets back into lane she didn't have to teleport because she shoved the wave before recalling meaning that it will push back towards her as she walks d'Alene she places a control ward and a charge tries to all end with his minion lead here and he still has ignitable however irelia was able to stack up her passive really fast and went out this 1v1 pretty easily despite getting unlucky with just about missing the smelly minion with her kia denying its reset but what do you think that irelia should do next now that she's killed aatrox again so you may be thinking that she should either push the lane or recall the correct answer here is to actually stay in lane and let the wave push towards her here's why if irelia was to try and crash the wave into the tower then a chokes would come back and pick up some minions because towers take a really long time to kill cannon waves making this a mediator choice for snowballing her lead Aurelia doesn't want to Rico right now because she simply doesn't have to she has a ton of mana and health sustain with corrupting patients to heal up with so she can stay in lane with the help of her key healing dorans blade and bloodline by staying in lane and letting the larger blue wave push into the red wave towards her tower it would deny a charge the current red wave and a couple of minions from the next wave denying experience is super valuable in the lower levels not only because experience leads can give you these massively powerful leads to level two three and six with the ability advantage but also because experience is flat-out way more valuable in the early game minion experience does not scale over time it always stays the same what doesn't stay the same is the amount of experience needed to level up aatrox is currently level four and to reach level five he needs to minion waves total NT 580 experience in comparison if he was level ten he would need eleven hundred and eighty experience to hit level eleven which is for minion waves as we can see denying a wave of experience at level four caused a trogs half an entire level let's speed this up as we see a charged laser cannon wave and for additional minions once a charts finally crashes this huge wave into Elias Tower he thinks is safe to look for her ass but irelia actually uses many ways to trade with so she's more than happy to go all in once again for mission three and score yet another kill putting her 3-0 at five minutes so this was pretty brutal for a chokes and you're probably wondering how it all went wrong for him and what he could have done differently it all goes back to level one where a chokes did not contest Aurelia's keel on the first wave as a Troggs he can actually cancel the rally his key mid - which puts it on cooldown denying her ability to stack passive neutralizing her thread and allowing HRT's to take control over the wave denying Aurelia's mission one Malachi's key and gragas II would also canceled a rally a key with the same interaction however if you are playing Pantheon you would pressure rally off with just Q harass if you're playing reneged on you would look to W if she goes in Jayce would pressure off the wave with arranged lead or Jax please just walk at her with E the takeaway is don't let irelia stack passive uncontested at the start if your champion can do anything about it if you play the champion like narrow cannon you actually wouldn't do enough immediate damage to pressure earlier off the wave so just be aware that irelia can stack this up and instead look to contesta if she extends four keys on the range minions instead the second thing that a chokes messed up big time was not recognizing that he was at an experienced disadvantage and chasing irelia as she baited him in for that ol n he should have just backed off and waited until he was level to you before approach in the wave again after that a trucks had pretty much no chance because he died at level 1 with ignite versus teleport in a snowball volatile melee matchup where irelia could just keep scoring kills over and over all right so that brings us to the end of this one thanks for watching and we will catch you next time you
Channel: Skill Capped Challenger LoL Guides
Views: 290,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: smurf game, how to carry, carry low elo, low elo bad habits, low elo mistakes, low elo, irelia guide, counter aatrox, top guide, how to top, skill capped, skillcapped, league of legends guide, lol guide, league of legends tips, lol tips, how to get better at league of legends, challenger guide
Id: NmvnYIizWSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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