Learn To SHRED With Just 6 Patterns! (Guitar Lesson + Tabs)

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Let's shred! Today I'd like to show you six essential  patterns that you absolutely need in your   repertoire - these are the perfect building  blocks for fast and really exciting licks   after working on these individual patterns I  also want to show you a really cool guitar solo   exercise that I put together for this lesson  this really special alternate picking shred   workout puts together all those building blocks  and that's the perfect workout for you in case you   want to learn how to shred as fast as possible! So  let's not waste any more time and start right away   So before we check out the really cool  alternate picking guitar solo exercise   that I put together for you that is based on all  those individual building blocks we should check   out each important pattern in detail - let's  start out with a basic but quite popular one! Quick disclaimer: you can use all of today's  patterns in any kind of scale you want but   let's focus on the really popular  scale of A minor today also in its   most popular position on the fretboard  starting from A on the 5th fret on the   low E string since most of you guys and  girls will be familiar with that fingering So just to show you the basic idea with today's  patterns, we're alternating between the low   E and the A string - once you've familiarized  yourself with the picking pattern and once   your hands are synchronized, you can extend them of  course, to all the rest of the strings - so with this   first pattern the idea is relatively simple: you're  working with triplets, since you're playing a three   note per string scale that comes in very handy,  and you're just playing the scale position up   on two strings or just like I demonstrated on all  strings or four strings or as many strings as you   want and this one will get much more interesting  as soon as we combine it with different patterns   Remember that all of those patterns are just  building blocks and the exciting part with all   this starts when we start to mix and match all of  those patterns together - I think you will start to   see the great potential with all of this when we  keep moving, let's check out the second pattern now! This one already sounds and looks quite  different, we're still ascending in the scale   but then we're just playing one note on the  A string before we return to the low E string with that one I want you to especially  pay attention to the familiar topic of the   flying pinky finger once again - it's actually  very common to see it played like this... and that really stands in the way of speeding  up this pattern because it's very hard to get a   fast and controlled motion when your left hand is  working like that - so focus on keeping your hands   as close to the fretboard as possible with that  one - and as a quick demonstration to spice things   up the magic already starts to happen when we  combine pattern one with pattern number two! We will check out really cool and more  practical licks like that one a bit later   with the guitar solo part that I prepared  for today but all I did to spontaneously   get that lick was combining pattern one  with pattern number two - so working with   building blocks like that is a great way  for coming up with fast and really intense   shred licks on the fly - let's move to 16th notes  and check out pattern number three right now! So for this one we're essentially cycling  between two strings between the low   E and the A string moving back and forth and the  really cool detail for this one is that we end   up with an odd number of notes on each string  we started with three notes on the low E string   then we have five notes on the A string, five  notes once again on the low E string and then   three notes on the A string before the  pattern would repeat in the next measure So this one has a really cool progressive sound  to it in case that's what you're looking for   As always you can download the tabs, guitar pro files, backing tracks and video play-alongs   for this lesson on patreon.com/bernth - you're more  than welcome to practice all of this together   with me in your next practice routine with the  special video play-alongs that I recorded   for the guitar solo exercise and obviously  it's also much more fun to work on all those   individual patterns with the backing tracks I  made especially for you - this is also the place   where you can send me personal messages in case  you have any questions about your technique or   any kind of theory topics or equipment anything  like that so I'm really looking forward to getting   in touch with you as soon as you join us over  there! Let's move on to pattern number four now   This one is a bit challenging but really  cool and I'd love to hear it more often   out there - for this one we're essentially  highlighting one note, D on the fifth fret   on the A string by circling it with  lower notes on the low E string some players actually prefer to play this  pattern starting with an upstroke on the A string   that also makes sense of course, it's the same as  if we would start picking pattern number two on   the fourth note instead of the first note but  I recommend practicing both approaches because   it's also really cool to have that downstroke on  the first note to really accent that one - before   we move to the final two really cool patterns and  the awesome guitar solo exercise that I prepared   for you today I have to show you the shocking  graph once again - sadly nothing has changed so   far, still around 70% of you guys and girls watching  these videos are not subscribed to the channel yet   That means you sadly keep missing tons of really  helpful videos like that one and you're not a   real part of our awesome guitar community here on  youtube yet - so make sure to change that right now   by subscribing, that's the best way of staying  updated - let's work on pattern number five right now This one is really cool because we don't  always want to start out with the lowest   note in the scale or with the root note even  so to change things up we're starting with   the highest note on each string for  the three note per string positions   and to make it even more interesting we're working  with odd note groupings once again in 16th notes Leave a like to let me know if you  recognize this one from one of the   most popular alternate picking  workouts we looked at so far... So that one is directly inspired  by this really cool picking workout! Let's finish things off with one of my  absolute favorites picking, pattern number six So this one is unique because we have two  different ideas for each string so I think   we're quite familiar with the first one by now but  for the A string we're doing something different   and essentially combining two  ideas in one pattern results   in a really cool building block that you can use! Now that we successfully discussed  all six patterns in great detail   let's talk about how to practice them in  an effective and musical way - as I mentioned   in the beginning the real magic starts to  happen of course when we start to combine   mix and match all of those different building  blocks so to provide something extra special   for today's video I came up with a really  cool alternate picking guitar solo exercise   This one is really fun to play and it combines  all sorts of really cool ideas and patterns   Let's check it out together in the  original tempo of 120 beats per minute! So this special workout is really  cool and effective since it features   mid-tempo picking, the 16th notes at 120 beats per minute... and you're also working on the really  fast motion with the 16th note triplets... I really recommend learning this one  since it's a lot of fun to play and   a great workout for your picking technique  and also for your left hand - you can download   video play-along files in much slower  tempos I recorded for you on patreon.com/bernth with these files you can practice it  slowly together with me until you're able   to play it at the original tempo - I really hope  you enjoyed today's video on shred patterns and   building blocks, leave a like in case you want  more videos like that, that really helps me out   a lot and also don't forget to subscribe to  finally join this awesome guitar community we   have right here on youtube! And in case you have  any further questions about these exercises or   about technique or theory or anything else  you can also leave a comment - I hope I will   see you again in the next video all the best  and have a lot of fun shredding until then!
Channel: BERNTH
Views: 710,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: guitar lesson, shred guitar, guitar, guitar lessons, how to shred, shred lesson, shred guitar lesson, easy shred licks, picking, tabs, bernth, lick, shred, electric guitar, how to play guitar, guitar tutorial, alternate picking, guitar exercises, metal guitar, guitar solo, beginner guitar lessons, shredding, shred guitar licks, guitar lessons for beginners, guitarist, guitar licks, guitar shredding, beginner guitar, alternate picking exercises, guitar tabs, guitar practice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 23 2021
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