I Found The Holy Grail of Learning Music Theory

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you know ever since the authorities caught me coming through Rick biato's trash I've been able to convince people that I've been on a quest for the Holy Grail of Music Theory and now I think I've actually found it it is this decoder circle of fifths wheel all right I've always said that the circle of fifths is probably like the most important thing to really fully comprehend but it's a very confusing thing to actually teach because there's a lot of different moving Parts at the same time so we're going to talk about this noisy Clan uh decoder that this hand over and how the circle of fifths can help you just become a better musician and some cool things you can do with it alright so right now we're on G the key of the people The People's Key is Gia right so let's just talk about this information how you can use it so we start off with just the the parent key of everything right up top okay and we can just rotate everything just by flipping it like this right let's go back to the People's Key so basically what it does is it shows you all the notes in this key okay so you'll see that it's numbered one four five seven six two three all right and this is why it's kind of hard to really explain the circle of fifths in a very cohesive way because you almost kind of have to explain the numbers of a scale out of order to really grasp it right uh if you know anything about the key of G you know it's just g a b c d e f sharp G right those are the notes one two three four five six seven and one and one thing that I've done a lot of videos on are just like turning the the notes of a key in the chords of a key because that makes things musical so the one no in G the one chord is G major [Music] chord is a a minor three is B minor for C major five is D Major D major six is E minor seven IS F sharp diminished and then back to home Okay so the way that this helps us out is it puts the parent key right on top and then it has the major chords right next to it okay so C and D so g c and d are the one four five in the key of G right one four and five now the minor chords are going to be at the bottom here right you see three six and two B minor E minor a minor B minor E minor a minor and you'll also notice that the six right there is in the middle it has a little extra importance because that's the relative minor that's where like the minor pentatonic scale would be right it's kind of like the uh the Buddy cap system G major goes with E minor and then right in the middle it has F sharp which is the seventh note and that's where the diminished chord is right so you get a really quick easy visual about all the main chords in a key but it actually does more than that it'll tell you the notes to go into it so the cool thing here is like you see here right under the parent key it shows you which notes are sharp or which notes are flat which we'll see in another key but after the number the design it'll tell you the numbers that make up the chord tones in the actual chord so like if you go to C you see it's the four and then it also has a four and a six and a one that means it has a C major is the fourth note in this key the sixth note and the first note so it would be in the key of G the fourth note gab c c is the first note obviously and then g a b c d e there's e c e and G one right so it kind of spells out the chord for you also one three five relative to its own key which we could go to right see we just flip that and now we're in the key of C and then it'll say that like look there's no there's no sharps or flats in the key of C and then now it gives you one three five and this key but all the notes have rotated into the right spot and that is such an important concept to grasp and the next thing that I want to talk about is if you go back to the key of G right you'll notice that there are these two kind of out of focus things this is my favorite thing about this wheel you'll see that F and a are right there you can still see them but you can't see them as clearly and that's because these are chords and notes that kind of work right so in the key of G F is not in the key but we can kind of make it in the key right there's a lot of songs that have a flat seven major chord in them because you know that's a chord that kind of works right I'll play a chord progression in the key of G let's take uh let's take a one six three chord progression so G major E minor B minor G major major B minor G okay well let's just try to like shoehorn an F major chord in there [Music] this is how I'm bad right it's technically not in the key but that's the coolest thing about this because those are such underrated slept on chords for things that you might want to use the same thing with the a now again a is in this key but usually it's a minor chord as we can kind of see it right there right A minor but you can use it as an a major chord thus being a secondary dominant so it's a very clever way of kind of showing you where the other potential major chords or like you know secondary dominance are in a key and then just kind of like having those be options so you're never stuck you can always venture out into other keys because as we kind of make a move you see that those become a little closer to what you want to do so let's actually spend some time in the key of D here right and let's just read the the chart here so the one chord is D major the IV chord is G major and the V chord is a major so D Major G major a major D okay and then three six and two would be F sharp minor B minor you might only let me line this up a little better after minor B minor E minor Titan F sharp minor B minor E minor [Music] so let's use what we what we have here to try to make an interesting chord progression I can pick any of these chords and I want to throw I want to throw this C major in also all right so I'll start with D one B minor a major C major and that's like it's such a interesting thing but it doesn't sound so familiar and that's what's really important about this is it kind of gets you used to the idea of having that flat seven major chord or using the other one e specifically maybe as an E7 secondary dominant that you know leads us somewhere else so let's do the same thing but let's use e as a seven chord and do this too right so we got D major D minor a E7 a [Music] and that's a great example of e having just that extra note in there secondary dominance lead us to a and then to D okay and that's kind of like a great example of what maybe like a two five one would be and again 251 is probably a term that you've heard of maybe you don't never really you know took time to understand it this is a great way to kind of just see exactly what that is well what's the two the two is going to be e the 5 is going to be a and then the one is going to be D so without having to really know all the music theory having this decoded for you is super super helpful I feel like all right two five one e uh e a d and again you can play E minor major or you can do it as a secondary dominant e seven a seven d but then it's like what if we want to turn D into the V chord to kind of continue on well let's just make D go to the V chord so I can just push this over here and then by turning D into a seven chord now we open up all the notes and chords in the key of G so anytime you want to turn any chord into a dominant seven chord even if it's just like something totally wild like let's say uh let's say I'm in the People's Key and I want to do something really weird let's say I want to add like an E flat seven chord to take me somewhere else right maybe I kind of like the sound of that or it's like g c d I got a one four five thing I'm working on all right now I go to the six chord and then maybe just by you know experimenting I got to that E flat which is the sixth fret on the a string and put that on a it's like ah you know my my ear was leading me this way I thought that was cool you know one four five six it's like all right well now I'm out of the key now I'm kind of all out of source all I have to do is keep going until I get that E flat in that five spot now it might take me a minute because it's like ah where is it still going still oh look at that d flat up nope a flat E flat okay so now if that's the five chord I don't know anything else about what I'm doing but maybe that's gonna lead me into a flat [Music] I was like oh this is a great idea and now I can do this and I can do F minor it's like all right so let's use that in practice I started with this G [Music] then e minor back it up and that led me to here and it's like I may have never played in the key of a flat before in my life or G sharp or whatever in fact there is a it's let's talk about the one sharp that comes in here the uh the dreaded keep it going keep it going we're gonna get there eventually the dreaded g flat slash F sharp however you perceive the key to be it even gives you two options for how many sharps are in it or how many flats are in it and again just like a really really cool well thought out device so I actually saw this at NAMM uh last time around and I was just very impressed by uh the whole noisy Clan Booth they had like the coolest uh products they had like really creative ways of just using paper in a not wasteful way and I think that's why this really caught my eye and I started talking to the guy super cool guy and uh yeah he sent one over and sponsored a video and if you guys are interested in this you can use my code in the description to get 20 off of it it's an affiliate link so yeah I think it's just an awesome thing to have around an awesome gift to give another musician and uh if you look at it it's cool it's got these little snaps on the back so it kind of comes with like a little stand again super super creative way to do it I was just kind of pushing it on the back here and then just to stand it up just like that so it's not laying flat down but uh yeah anyways I think this is like just like a really cool kind of device there's a couple different iterations you can get with it one of them has like a more robust just kind of music theory helper booklet and stuff too but again I think something like this is just really cool and handy because it makes you kind of see everything and how it how music changes and essentially ensures that you'll never run out of like just cool ideas to do things with so thank you again to noisy clan for sponsoring sponsoring this video sending this over and uh like I said there is a 20 off discount if you use my affiliate code so yeah feel free to uh you know just use the circle of fifths in like a in a fun creative way because once you start using this or just kind of thinking in in these terms you'll be able to do this in your head right and you know I feel like I have a pretty a pretty good working understanding of Music Theory but even for me it's like just seeing it and seeing everything laid out especially with like the secondary dominance and stuff it's like oh this could really this is like a really helpful thing that is better than relying on going into my mind's eye and stuff so again really cool gift and thanks for watching have any comments or questions hit me up in the comment section Instagram or the website I'll talk to you all soon thanks a lot
Channel: Sean Daniel
Views: 62,390
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Keywords: guitar, sean daniel, guitar lesson, sean daniel guitar lesson, intermediate guitar lesson, beginner guitar lesson, easy guitar lesson
Id: 0Syoo1PdCxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 49sec (829 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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